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A Digital Journey to Reverse Aging

The transportation system for transmuting people from anticivilization perspectives into Civilization-of-the-Universe perspectives lies in ever-deeper understandings of the conscious mind/body. The following Notes on the Digital Journey utilize the fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech to achieve those understandings. ... The Digital Journey is a nonfiction counterpart to The Story in Book Two. In the Digital Journey, mortal adults reverse aging in returning to their natural, immortal Zon-child past. In The Story, natural Zon children evolve into immortal adults.

Genius Children

In both Earth's anticivilization and in the Civilization of the Universe (C of U), young children are similar: Up to the age of six to eight years, they both have similar mentalities -- they have genius mentalities -- they are Zons. In an anticivilization, however, adults inoculate or comprachicos those children with the mind diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism -- stupidity diseases. Consider, for example, a child as young as five months generally ignores a box on a table. But, on moving the box to half off the edge of the table, that same child suddenly looks with attention at the box. Now, on suspending the box to give the illusion of floating off the end of the table, that young child looks agape with disbelief at that box for seemingly violating the laws of physics. By contrast, in the movie Ghost Busters, for example, an adult watches a person change into a dog. That adult expresses no surprise or disbelief about such an event. He merely shrugs and says, "So she turned into a dog". Analogously, the majority of Earthlings today accept with a shrug the unrealities and stupidities of astrology, angels, ghosts, gods, devils, and psychic phenomenon -- all of which violate the laws of nature, logic, and physics. ... Young children are mental geniuses; anticivilization adults are mental cripples.

Mortals versus Immortals

As young children are comprachicosed into becoming mentally crippled adults, they devolve from states of maturity in early childhood to states of immaturity in adulthood -- not the other way around! Moreover, most mortal adults must constantly resist, often unsuccessfully, yielding to self-destructive temptations. By contrast, both naturally mature young children and fully mature immortals (Zons) have no self-destructive temptations. ... Immortal Zons are conscious people who long ago reached full states of maturity and responsibility toward self, others, and society. How? Through Fully Integrated Honesty (FIH) and Wide-Scope Accounting (WSA) combined with Discipline, Thought, and then Control (DTC).

For mortals in an anticivilization, all good things must come to an end -- meaning all good conscious lives must end in death. Thus, life for individual mortals is ultimately pointless and purposeless. Indeed, good lives ending in death is the height of irrationality. But, for immortals in a universal business civilization (i.e., C of U), all conscious lives grow constantly more valuable and precious without end. Life for immortals forever advances with eternally magnificent purpose.

The Unbridgeable Gap

Mortal man cannot empathize with immortal man. Mortal man lives in a world of clintonian criminalities, automatic dishonesties, and mystical irrationalities. Mortal man cannot relate to immortal man who lives in a world of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Thus, transitions from mortal to immortal man cannot occur by crossing an analog bridge. Instead, transitions must build -- must accumulate by digital jumps. How? By reprogramming the brain with many small quantum-gap jumps of honesty bytes replacing dishonesty bytes -- of rationality bytes replacing irrationality bytes -- of reality bytes replacing mystical bytes.

How does a person effect transitions from mortally closed anticivilization perspectives to immortally open business perspectives? Effecting such transitions requires understanding heuristic brain programming versus algorithmic brain programming. Heuristic programming is learning a solution to a problem and then using that apparent solution to solve an array of future problems. Heuristic learning is crucial for efficient human functioning in solving countless repetitive or daily problems without having to rediscover or relearn a new solution to each repetitive, old problem encountered. In comparison, algorithmic programming yields precise, accurate solutions to each unique, new problem encountered.

Heuristic learning yields generalized problem solving. Algorithmic learning yields precise problem solving. While heuristic learning is an important tool in both the anticivilization and the C of U, the abuse or misapplication of heuristic learning is what leads children's minds into the diseased states of an anticivilization. For example, did dishonesty, irrationality, or mysticism seem to alleviate or solve a particular problem? If so, a heuristic/habituated mind will fixate on that solution and continue to use dishonesty, irrationality, or mysticism to solve those and other problems indefinitely into the future.

Children are constantly subjected to abusively destructive heuristic learning. For example, physically and mentally healthy children are repeatedly fed physically-and-mentally-destructive drugs such as addictive sugar and caffeine that are laced in ice cream, candy, chocolate, and cola. Children are fed those drugs as rewards for doing what adults command. In that way, children are marched by adults from honest, rational, immortal minds into dishonest, irrational, mortal minds. ... Turning children, adults, and businesses away from guaranteed failure within the mortal anticivilization and toward guaranteed success within an immortal business civilization requires reality-precise algorithmic problem solving.

Reprogramming the Conscious Mind

In correcting René Descartes' philosophical error dating back to the seventeenth century, one must discard the mind/body-dichotomy concept. In reality, the mind and body are an inseparable, integrated unit: From evidences of the senses followed by perceptions of reality, the mind/body brain volitionally focuses on objective reality and converts paradigms from specific problem solving into conceptual-and-abstract thinking. But, most adult minds in an anticivilization are crippled with varieties of unfocused irrationalities, dishonesties, and mysticisms. Still, today, man on Earth can induce/deduce his prime responsibility. That responsibility is to live in his natural state as an immortal throughout a universally competitive, value-creating business civilization free of criminal force and fraud.

The human brain enters a natural state of consciousness via inductive/deductive thinking, reason, logic, rationality, fully integrated honesty, and wide-scope accounting. Subsequently, an abundant circumstantial case builds from ancillary evidences for reprogramming conscious minds. For example, mortals end in pointless death within an anticivilization. But, with Neo-Tech, today people can digitally reprogram their brains to yield rational immortal brains that eternally produce new and ever-greater values for self, family, others, and society within a universal business civilization.

Prosperity and Sex Forever

Understanding the conscious mind functioning from either a mortal anticivilization perspective or an immortal C-of-U perspective requires seeking both nomothetic explanations (based on general scientific laws) and ideographic explanations (based on specific events peculiar to that individual). Integrating both explanations derives the nature, function, and need of physical prosperity and sexual love for immortal conscious people advancing into the future. ...That prosperity/pleasure nature for conscious existence is as basic and eternal as a newborn automatically sucking for substance and pleasure.

The Eternal Business Quest

Successful businesses require never-ending, algorithmic solving of specific problems that lead to increasing value creations and competitive profits. If constantly increasing levels of successes are not achieved, businesses become self-cannibalized and eventually fail. When and where will the Neo-Tech business quest end? Regardless of the future for Neo-Tech Worldwide/Neo-Tech Publishing Company, the business quest is open-ended -- it never ends -- no matter who or what succeeds or fails. Indeed, that quest is the essence of immortal conscious life. For, that quest qua quest means eternal progress without stagnation, decline, or final destination. Neither endpoint destinations nor never-changing godly perfections exist. ... Mortal man is trapped in anticivilization experiences of stagnation, decline, and a bogus final destination of conscious death. But, immortal man lives forever via endlessly new, prosperously exciting ventures of conscious life.

Ending External Authority

As substantiated in a variety of clinical studies, individual views and decisions generally yield dramatically better results than peer-pressure-collective or force-backed-authoritarian views and decisions. Why? Because collective or authoritarian views becloud and override the accurate perceptions of reality by each individual. In an anticivilization, most people collectively live through the authoritarian views of others and obey the force-backed commands of criminal politics to everyone's eventual detriment. By contrast, in a universal business civilization, people individually live through their own self-responsibilities -- through their own individual views and decisions to everyone's eventual benefit. ... The key to immortality is taking full responsibility for one's own independent views and actions.

The horrid results of substituting collective/authoritative views and decisions for independent/individual views and decisions range from Nazi holocaust participants to the famous Milgram's electric-shock experiments and Zimbardo's prisoner-and-guard experiments reviewed elsewhere in the Neo-Tech literature. In interpreting and extrapolating those experiments, a large majority of the anticivilization population would ultimately torture and kill limitless numbers of innocent persons based on following collective or authoritative instructions. Thus, it follows that acting on collective polls and obeying authoritarian orders yields the deadly criminal politics epitomized throughout Earth's anticivilization.

In an anticivilization, views and decisions are collective and authoritarian. In a universal business civilization, views and decisions are individual and independent. To believe and obey bogus political authority means commanding nothing. And, to command nothing means eternal death. By contrast, to learn and obey the laws of nature and business means commanding nature and business, which means commanding everything. And, to command everything means eternal life.

Discarding Philosophy

Einstein discarded the aether theory as superfluous to the laws of physics. Those laws, being the same under all conditions throughout space and time, comprise the universal physical constants expressed through mathematics. Neo-Tech discarded philosophical theories with their adjuncts of religion and the state as superfluous to the laws of consciousness. Those laws, being the same under all conditions throughout space and time, comprise the universal mental constants expressed through rationality, fully integrated honesty, and wide-scope accounting. The natural course of physical existence yields a predictable universe. The natural course of conscious existence yields ever-advancing prosperity, ever-more creative power, and ever-exciting non-aging health. ... Philosophy, religion, and the state becloud, reverse, and ultimately destroy the natural course of individual consciousness. Neo-Tech, neothinking, and businessdynamics clarify, advance, and ultimately immortalize the natural course of individual consciousness.

Now, to recast the understandings embodied in the above paragraph: Galileo discarded the thousand-year, navigationally useful Ptolemaic geocentric theory for the universally useful Copernican heliocentric theory. Likewise, Einstein discarded the two-hundred-year, transitionally useful aether theory for the universally useful relativity theory. And, most recently, although grounded in Objectivist philosophy, Neo-Tech discarded the three-thousand-year epistemologically useful philosophical theories and their notions of static truth for the universally useful open-ended dynamics of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting.

Philosophy is invaluable for understanding an anticivilization. But as the dynamics of Neo-Tech become understood, philosophies become closed systems from which one cannot advance into ever-changing futures of prosperity and happiness. Evidence the validity and value of Ayn Rand's brilliant Objectivist philosophy for progressing within Earth's anticivilization. Now, witness today the inevitable anticivilization degradation of Objectivist philosophy into an unpleasantly irrational cult. Witness the hatefully destructive flame wars among various Objectivists on their Usenet site humanities.philosophy.objectivism (hpo). In any case, Objectivism or any closed-system philosophy becomes unnecessary and superfluous for succeeding in a universal business civilization that functions through entirely different dynamics -- through the open-ended dynamics of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting.

In summary, the geocentric, aether, and philosophical theories once helpful for describing aspects of physical-and-mental activity in an anticivilization now becloud and block consciousness from evolving into never-ending creations of physical-and-mental activity in a universal business civilization. ... The Neo-Tech dynamics of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting provide the mechanisms and transportation systems for endlessly creative futures of conscious people creating competitive values throughout a universal business civilization.

The Final Goal

The final goal of Neo-Tech Worldwide/Neo-Tech Publishing is to cure the self-destructive diseases of dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. Curing those diseases lets mankind move toward technological singularity -- toward a universal business civilization populated with immortals. Once within such universal dynamics, conscious Earthlings travel toward becoming non-aging immortals -- toward becoming ever-advancing Zons enjoying limitless prosperity, power, and romantic love.

Accomplishing that goal by Neo-Tech Worldwide involves a two-prong mind/body approach: The mind approach involves understanding the digital heuristic/algorithm programming of the conscious brain from irrational mortal perspectives to rational immortal perspectives. The body approach involves the physical biotech research of Neo-Tech Worldwide in partnership with a biotech venture now underway to re-cell aged bodies back to eighteen-year-old bodies. How? By in situ, undifferentiated, immortal stem-like cells replacing the entropy-ravished cells of the aged body. ... Neo-Tech mind/body dynamics deliver anticivilization minds and bodies into Civilization-of-the-Universe minds and bodies

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