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(Revised 5/18/00)

Digitizing People beyond God...and into Zons

The founder of English literature Geoffrey Chaucer (1342-1400) wrote, "kiss the steps of Homer, Virgil, and Ovid". Those poets led Earthlings on a journey into death via mysticisms. Today, Neo-Tech writes, "kiss the steps of Aristotle, Locke, and Rand". Those writers began Earthlings on a journey into life via businesses. From that point, Frank R. Wallace and Neo-Tech respond to and advance beyond not only Ayn Rand and Objectivism in Atlas Shrugged but John Milton and Satan in Paradise Lost to reveal businessdynamics that transmute mortals into immortals here on Earth.

Milton creates, Neo-Tech translates, the greatest hero in literature: Eve of the Garden -- Eve, against all odds, the original achiever of sovereignty, division of labor, freedom, and knowledge. Moreover, the Satan of Milton yields the rhetoric of conscious life as opposed to the God of Milton yielding the rhetoric of conscious death. Satan sees the savior as commercial man on Earth. God asserts the savior as an illusion from above. Satan is the individualistic advancer of conscious life. The Christian Jesus (not the man Jesus) is the collectivist retarder of conscious life. Satan strives for liberty over bondage. Christian Jesus promotes surrender to external authority. Indeed, the great poet Shelley recognized the moral superiority of Milton's Promethean Satan over God. ...Neo-Tech breaks the yoke of mystical dishonesties -- the yoke of God illusions -- the yoke of fraud-backed religion and force-backed government.

Chaucer also was the first to distinguish between artistically beautiful, honest fiction such as The Story and artistically beautiful, manipulative lies such as The Holy Bible. And, in his Wife of Bath tale, Chaucer expresses the nature of consciousness to be heard as the champion poet of the universe as opposed to his Pardoner tale to be the champion liar of a moribund anticivilization. ... Thus begins an odyssey that changes conscious perspectives from mortality to immortality:

Starting with Homer's Odysseus, nearly every protagonist of great Western literature travels on a journey from life to death. Metaphorically, each such journey is a Nekuia -- a murky journey by living souls into an underworld civilization of dead souls. Such journeys yield "knowledge' from the past -- bogus knowledge that eventually kills every living Earthling. Today, however, Neo-Tech embarks on a new, reverse-type Nekuia during which one travels from death to life -- a divine journey by mortal souls into a universal civilization of business immortals. Such journeys yield knowledge of the future -- valid knowledge that metamorphoses people into gods.

Nothing to Everything

Everything comprises (1) physical existence and (2) conscious existence. Three-spatial-dimension physical existence quantum jumps, leaps, or fluxes from a zero-dimension point -- from a "nothing' gravity-unit point -- into a full-fledged physical universe. The resulting big-bang inflation pops "nothing' out the other side into everything of physical existence. By gaining the deepest, black-hole understanding at that origin point, the past and future of physical existence becomes known.

Similarly, by gaining the deepest, black-hole understanding at the origin point of conscious existence, one learns how consciousness pops the nothingness of future death out the other side into the everythingness of future life. In other words, consciousness can leap from a nothing future that guarantees death into an everything future that guarantees life. ... The resulting big-bang conscious inflation from nothing to everything completes the metamorphoses from mortals to immortals -- people to gods.

The average life span for conscious people is three-score years or so. Consider the tragedy of consciousness Earthlings living only during that blinking-brief time span. Especially, consider the tragedy of human death when, by nature, human consciousness can remain youthful and grow increasingly valuable forever. How? By creating ever-new values and excitements not only for one's own self but for one's romantic-love partner, family, friends, society, and civilization. Finally, consider the unspeakable tragedy in the death of consciousness that can generate ever-expanding values for the Universe -- not for a hundred years, not for a thousand years, but forever.

From Homer's Iliad in the ninth century BC to Wallace's Neo-Tech Discovery in the twentieth century AD, a never-bridgeable gap exists between mortal consciousness and immortal consciousness -- between men and gods. Today, strikingly, in the twenty-first century, Dr. Frank R. Wallace discovers that mortals and immortals -- men and gods -- are the same. They are the same conscious people with identical physical brains. The only difference is that mortals have self-imprisoned souls addressed to death-dealing religious/political parasitism while immortals have self-expanding souls addressed to life-giving business/technological creations.

Mortals suffer from the lethal diseases of irrationality and dishonesty. By contrast, immortals thrive free of physical and mental diseases that cause aging and death. Also, mortals exist in a closed anticivilization ruled by bogus authorities and lethal parasites. Homer's River Styx isolates Earth's anticivilization. That surrounding river of death jails mortals in their anticivilization. Those, however, who leap the River Styx to escape death guaranteed by criminal parasites gain life guaranteed by business gods.

By definition, gods are immortal. Yet, both the fraudulent-mystical Judeo/Christian/Muslim gods of today and the manipulative-mythical Greek/Roman gods of yesteryear are the antithesis of the real-people business gods of tomorrow. ... Mystical/mythical gods are value-destroying illusions that deliver death. Universal business gods are value-creating people who deliver life.

Politics to Business

Frank R. Wallace (FRW) seeks the conscious grail. He seeks the deepest understandings of immortals existing in a universal business civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe (C of U). That knowledge quantum jumps -- gestalt jumps -- mortal minds dwelling in an anticivilization into immortal minds dwelling in a business civilization. To find that grail, FRW embarks on a previously unconceived Nekuia -- a journey into the current-day consciousness of the most notable people in Earth's history. During that Nekuia, he interacts with conscious minds ranging from the 8-9th century BC Homer to the 20th century AD Sam Walton. Through Neo-Tech dynamics, FRW learns how to bring those people into future history -- how to secure their Earthly descendants with immortality as dramatically illustrated by Mark Hamilton's The Story ( Through that reverse Nekuia into future history, FRW learns how Earthlings can jump over their River Styx -- how they can jump from anticivilization religious/political perspectives into C-of-U technological/business perspectives as follows:

  1. For his guide into the future past, FRW enlists one of the greatest minds of Earth's history, the philosopher/artist Ayn Rand -- fictionalized and renamed Ann Brand. She has discarded philosophy as worthless for her future -- as worthless for resurrecting herself as a business/artist entrepreneur in the Civilization of the Universe. Through her, FRW locates all but three of the one-hundred historical Earthlings he seeks to develop the black-hole understanding needed to quantum jump consciousness from mortal to immortal perspectives. On discovering why Ms. Brand cannot locate the Greek-politician Pericles, the first of three missing historical figures, FRW gains a core insight into the nature of consciousness in either the mortal state or the immortal state. From that insight, he discovers that those two opposing states are volitionally interchangeable as determined by free-will chosen perspectives!
  1. FRW further discovers that each person whom Ann Brand locates is a sovereign CEO of a competitive, universally profitable business as predicted in Mark Hamilton's 1989 book, Cosmic Business Control and partly illustrated in Eric Savage's 1993 book, Global Wealth Power. Another deep-core insight arises on discovering the powerful nature of Ms. Brand's business enterprise -- a universal-economic forecasting service. FRW then realizes that each person he visits, as Ann Brand, has little or no memory of Earth-generated politics or philosophies. Each replaced his or her non-applicable anticivilization thinking with universal business thinking that utilizes the wide-scope integrations and fully integrated honesty needed to prosper throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
  1. Each person FRW encounters during his Nekuia exists in an honest, business-thinking mode. As if having drunk from Virgil's River of Forgetfulness, they each seem to lose their memories of anticivilization concepts upon seeing their eternal future as a pageant of business heroes free of irrationalities, dishonesties, mysticisms, laziness, boredom, envy, and hate. Thus, they are free of destructions, crimes, and wars caused by religions and politics justified by twisted philosophies. ...Mortals embrace and then perpetuate their dishonest-religious/political habitat of death. Immortals embrace and then advance their honest-technological/business habitat of life.
  1. Each Earthling encountered via Ms. Brand reflects a benevolent character of exciting romance, exuberant creativity, and moral felicity that projects boundless happiness. From those qualities rise another unexpected discovery: Exhilarating conflicts of ideas abound among citizens advancing the C-of-U time zone in which Ann Brand markets her economic forecasts. One such conflict comprises two alternate free-will routes for maximizing the well-being and happiness of future conscious existence: Route #1 favored by the more-experienced entrepreneurs is to self-develop new knowledge and create advancing values without any outside help. Route #2 favored by the less-experienced entrepreneurs is to tap into more advanced time-zone civilizations to acquire progressively more-advanced technological knowledge and values through such outside help. ... To settle the dispute in favor of the former as forecasted by Ms. Brand, each side engages in profitable business competitions that yield astonishing benefits for everyone.
  1. Mortal anticivilization minds must drift upon the seas of collectively accepted religious/political correctness buffeted by frauds, irrationalities, spins, and dishonesties. FRW years ago recognized that trying to correct (1) religious frauds, (2) political crimes, and (3) academe/media corruptions only destroys one's own irreplaceable time. Note the myriad of failures over the centuries by those wasting their mortal lives trying to reform one anticivilization version with another anticivilization version. Instead, FRW seizes the gift of a 2500-year anticivilization nadir of dishonesty and parasitism delivered to him by the clintonian era. That timely gift provides the needed leverage not for reforming a death-dealing anticivilization but for replacing it with a life-giving business civilization.
  1. Periclean minds of the ancient world signaled the opening of Earth's anticivilization. Clintonian minds of the modern world signal the closing of Earth's anticivilization. The clintonian era batters conscious minds into moral becloudments via repeated exposures to "acceptable' rationalizations and spins for politically correct lies, criminalities, and destructions. The finale occurs as mortals lose their souls through repeated exposures to rationalized child killings. Those camouflaged killings result from religious-socialistic-fed education/propaganda combined with media-entertainment-fed brainwashings. ... Such bizarre mind twistings are necessary for public acceptance of human sacrifices -- child killings -- collectivist, altruistic sacrifices required to advance the parasitisms of fraud-backed religious leaders and gun-backed political rulers.
  1. The purpose of Wallace's Nekuia is not to criticize and change Earth's anticivilization, but to understand and replace it. For example, public-accepted child-killings* arise from religious-socialist dynamics. Those dynamics comprise propaganda via dishonest governments, churches, schools, universities, media, entertainment, and art that lead to the originally ignored Auschwitz child killings then to the increasingly subtle Fijinje, Waco, OKC, It Takes a Village child killings. And, finally, at the new millennium, comes Elian Gonzalez over whom most Americans including many libertarians, objectivists, and even certain Neo-Tech supporters lost their souls in the racist milieu of child-killing sophistries. Most watched the killing with acceptance or approval -- or perhaps worse, watched with dead-soul indifference. They watched a defenseless, six-year-old Zon (i.e., honest/innocent) child lawlessly sacrificed at gunpoint upon the clintonian alter of criminal power. They watched Elian fed into Castro's child-killing brain grinder to advance the political power of mass murderers who eventually kill everyone on Earth.

    * Do not confuse the above child killings with abortions: Honesty and rationality reveal the religious/political hoax -- a power-ploy hoax -- of morally condemning and criminalizing abortions. For, fetuses are neither conscious nor children; they are bodily protoplasms that are both morally and legally subject to guiltless excising via abortions for any reason at any time solely by choice of their conscious owners.

  1. Auschwitz to Elian bombardments of evil inure the malleable souls of mortals into increasing acceptance of religious frauds, fascist/socialist criminalities, and parasitical destructions that guarantee death for everyone. ... In an anticivilization, mortal minds lose their natural ability to think consistently, rationally, independently. They lose their ability to integrate objectively, reason widely, and retain integrity. On losing the concepts of honesty, justice, and business-created values, they lose their ability to become immortal business gods.
  2. By contrast, universal business minds are anchored in objective reality. Such minds think and act via wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty. By nature, they strive for immortal consciousness that is incapable of parasitism, envy, and evil. Yet, the brains housing both mortal anticivilization minds and immortal universal-business minds are identical. Upon grasping the conscious grail -- the deepest-core understanding of consciousness -- mortals become immortals after identifying, abandoning, and then forgetting the anticivilization with its periclean/clintonian criminal dishonesties.
  3. An anticivilization is rooted in dishonesty; a universal business civilization is rooted in honesty.
    Citizens of Earth's anticivilization are lost in a religious-government maze of closed-tight mysticisms and death-dealing manipulations. Through the power of metaphors, similes, parallels, analogies, and allegories that yield wide-open views and life-giving perspectives, people can reach the root understandings for exiting the anticivilization to become immortals in the Civilization of the Universe.

Dr. Wallace's overlay charts will demonstrate the existence of a conscious-controlled business universe. His Nekuia takes consciousness on a new and untraveled journey away from the confused labyrinth of the past 2500 years. Wallace's Nekuia leads toward the goal of conscious existence -- toward the precipice for making the quantum leap from people to gods -- from mortals to immortals. ... Watch for (1) Wallace's Overlay Charts and (2) his Nekuia under the titles:

Proving the Business Conscious Control of the Universe
Creating Earth's Parallel Business Civilization
Leaving Death, Entering Life

Copyright © 2000
Neo-Tech Worldwide

This series continues in:

Curing Aging and Death [journey3 to 8]

Business & Prosperity Party of America [journey9 to 15]

A Digital Journey to Reverse Aging

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