God - Man: Our Final Evolution
Our Amazing Neothink Future
Julian Jaynes showed us that 3000 years ago, human nature was split in two, an executive part called a god, and a follower part called a man. All along, the gods were really all in man's own mind. When bicameral man made the jump into consciousness, he unknowingly and with undoubtedly much trepidation and uncertainty, became one with God (which may have been the teachings of Jesus, who was perhaps showing the still bicameral peasants how to become conscious).
Now, the imagined gods were replaced with man's own authority and decision making. As demonstrated by the extraordinary Greek philosophers and scientists just a few hundred years after the cataclysmic collapse of the bicameral civilizations, man was by now aggressively evolving toward his destiny of God-Man. Man was discovering the immense power of his own mind as its own authority, thinker, decision maker; he was evolving toward the powerful Neothink mentality, which is consciousness in its pure state...not diseased with mutations of the bicameral mentality, explained throughout the remaining chapter.
But, before humanity could secure the pure state of consciousness (the Neothink mentality) and complete its final evolution into God-Man, master neocheaters (as explained soon) used the ultimate divide-and-rule ploy that took away man's immense power of his own mind as its own authority and reversed humanity. Breaking away man's executive part or his own authority started with Plato's Republic and culminated in Christianity during the Dark Ages. The Church divided God-Man into God (the executive) in Heaven and man (the follower) on Earth. Then, the master neocheaters proceeded to rule man "in the name of God" for a self-serving millennium. Of course, the power of man was lost for a thousand years to the Dark Ages, and actually for 2300 years when we include from the Greek philosopher Plato until now. In short, the neocheaters caused the fading bicameral mentality to mutate and infect the new conscious mentality. That debilitating infection of the conscious mind stopped our natural evolution into God-Man 2300 years ago. Moreover, that infection of the conscious mind or that "glitch" of human consciousness has blocked our evolution into the much more competitive God-Man ever since.
Today's political structures are also mutations of the bicameral mentality and a continuation of neocheaters ruling over man. But that will soon change. Twenty-three hundred years after the Greeks nearly evolved into God-Man, we will finally resume and complete our final evolution. God and Man will unite as one with our coming evolution into God-Man. The immense power of man's mind as its own authority and ruler will be launched; the real gods will emerge -- as you and I. God-Man will appear like gods with higher consciousness to those not yet evolved. Our god-like power will be acquired through consciousness in its pure state, called the Neothink mentality.
Neothink is a new way of using the mind. It is the mind of tomorrow. Neothink comes from Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech removes mutated, bicameral mentalities infecting today's conscious mind through exerting hard-thought honesty to understand reality. The presence of the obsolete bicameral mind makes the conscious mind impotent as it waits in a passive stupor for external guidance to tell it what to do and how to act.
As Neo-Tech removes more and more bicameral tendencies, the conscious mind becomes very potent as it no longer waits to be guided and instead, on its own, integrates knowledge more and more widely, bringing it escalating power not known to the ordinary mind today. As the mind becomes free of bicameral tendencies -- free of mysticism, which is the only disease of the mind caused by bicameral mutations in today's conscious mind -- the mind goes into a whole new potential of unlimited wide integrations or unlimited power. That brand-new way of using the mind, activating its limitless capacity, is called Neothink. Through that process of using Neo-Tech to release Neothink, the limitless capacity of the human mind comes to ordinary people. Ordinary people can then make explosive advancements of human knowledge, regularly. As a modern-day result, ordinary people will transform into wealthy geniuses.
When the ordinary person's mind switches over totally to Neothink, then as you will see, he goes into a new mentality -- the Neothink mentality -- and becomes God-Man.
What exactly is God-Man? To get an idea, let us look at a few early pioneers using Neothink:
Four and a half centuries ago, when scientists looked into the night sky, they would say they saw the stars moving across the sky, circling our Earth, which they said was at the center of the Universe. One person, however, broke from that church-approved, literal above/below Heaven-and-Hell traditional view and said he saw everything in orbital motion, including Earth. He said the Sun was at the center of the Universe, not Earth. That person made a revolutionary advancement of scientific knowledge that restarted the engines of new scientific knowledge after a 1400-year silence. His discovery pulled the world out of the ruinous remains of the Dark Ages, fueled the Renaissance, and led to Newton and the Age of Reason. That scientist had broken through to the next level with Neothink. His name was Nicolaus Copernicus.
Ninety years ago, top car companies manufactured and sold a few thousand cars, at most, per year. Suddenly, one car company manufactured and sold 32 thousand cars in a single year, 69 thousand cars the year after, and 170 thousand cars the year after that! Ten years later, that car company was manufacturing and selling over a million cars per year. That one car company took manufacturing and marketing of cars from a few thousand a year to over a million. The owner, who never completed high school, made a revolutionary advancement of industrial knowledge that started the engines of mass production and made America the economic giant of the world for generations thereafter. He had broken through to the next level with Neothink. His name was Henry Ford.
Today, Bill Gates, Andy Grove, and several people throughout the computer industry are making revolutionary advancements of knowledge that have brought us the information/communication revolution and brought us to the edge of a great Technological Revolution. Those geniuses have broken through to the next level with Neothink, which is why computer buying power has multiplied 1000 times in a few years. Today, Neothink not only makes its beholder rich, but radically increases the buying power of his beneficiaries -- the consumers.
The person who jumps wholly into the Neothink mentality becomes God-Man. Through Neothink, God-Man has the ability to see to the next level, beyond what exists today. The human mind today works in a sort of following mode -- following leaders, idols, politicians, clergymen, automatic feelings, upper management, a routine. Deeply embedded in our psyches is the mental structure of following, a remnant of our bicameral minds. Tomorrow our psyches will be structured to prolifically integrate knowledge, not stagnantly follow like today. Our stagnant, following mentality today is precisely why beneficial changes that break from tradition notoriously take many generations to occur.
God-Man naturally does not follow. He or she looks around for more and more information to snap together (i.e., to integrate) into growing puzzles that reveal never-before-seen puzzle pictures like Copernicus's heliocentric cosmos, Ford's assembly line, and the computer's super rapid progress (no waiting for generations for change there). Using an advanced Neothink mentality, God-Man routinely makes major discoveries.
Whereas consciousness is achieved through generating metaphors and analog models, Neothink is achieved through building mental puzzles that take human knowledge to the next level. Without Neothink, major discoveries never occur. With Neothink, major discoveries routinely occur.
After 10,000 years of a severely deep-rooted following mode, man's mind is changing. We can see the signs of change all around us today, from the continuous quantum leaps in the computer/cyberspace industry to people's growing damnation of the politician in particular. People are getting close to making the switch -- from today's following mind to tomorrow's integrating mind. God-Man is his own authority no longer looking toward external "authorities" to follow. God-Man cannot be dominated, for he dominates life. He is a higher life form. He is the higher consciousness people have always searched for.
When our final evolution into God-Man happens, major advancements of knowledge will come to us in all fields of life, as has been the case recently in the computer world. Soon you personally could change the world. ...Perhaps you once, years ago, thought you could someday change the world. Now, today, with Neothink, you can change the world. Tomorrow, everyone can. And what a world that will be! As you know, certain people have been able to break through to something never seen or done before. When they did, they forever changed the world for the better as did Copernicus, Ford, and Gates...forerunners to God-Man. Of course, nowadays, the part-time Neothink users like Gates make millions or billions. And, this phenomenon is happening more and more frequently in this generation, with the computer and electronic industries, than any generation before.
Those increasing persons rising with lucrative, creative breakthroughs that change the world are the forerunners to an evolutionary change soon to happen throughout the human race called God-Man. The resulting world, once the evolution into God-Man begins when everyone can change the world for the better, is called the Neo-Tech World. The creativity pouring into tomorrow's Neo-Tech World will rapidly raise the average standard of living toward that of millionaires. In fact, we have seen a microcosm of that millionaire buying power happening already in the computer world where more and more forerunners to God-Man are pouring their creativity as buying power multiplies 1000 fold. Indeed, God-Man makes himself rich and the world around him rich with breathtaking assets.
Soon you will enter that new world. Consumers will have the buying power of millionaires. This switch into God-Man is going to bring enormous advantages to mankind. But you can still "sneak in" ahead of the others by learning about this transition that has possibly already begun and by capturing the advantages now. In fact, over the next seven chapters, you will learn about six advantages in particular, which you can tap into now. They are (not in this order): 1) spectacular love and sex, 2) superior intelligence, 3) millionaire wealth, 4) perfect health, 5) dream career, 6) profound security and safety. ...What more is there?
Of course, the idea that we are on the threshold of a new evolutionary change at first seems incredible. But the idea becomes more acceptable when realizing that man is the only animal capable of progressing infinitely faster than nature's system. Therefore, the next evolutionary "jump" can happen very quickly just as the missing-link "jump" from bicameral man to conscious man 3000 years ago, as documented by Professor Jaynes.
How exactly do we get to the next -- our final -- evolution...to this perfect specimen called God-Man or sometimes called Neothink Man? First, let us learn about what limits the mind today. Jaynes determined that stress is the denominator that triggers the voices today in schizophrenics and before in bicameral man. Jaynes also determined through biological studies that decision making most causes stress. Therefore, important decision making in bicameral man (e.g., to fight or flee) triggered the voices for answers. Similarly today, people look toward external "authorities" for automatic answers to avoid making their own important decisions. That avoiding decision making today by seeking external guidance or "authority" weakens one's competence and is called mysticism. That path of least resistance to avoid decision making will easily creep into the human psyche if one gets a little lazy and does not actively integrate reality.
Mysticism is defined as the bicameral mentality in today's conscious mind...or, more precisely, mutations of the bicameral mentality infecting today's conscious mentality like a stubborn, resistant disease. The course of this disease called mysticism is one of increasing attempts to avoid decision making, avoid integrating reality, instead seeking external or automatic guidance. The symptom of mysticism is jumbled or nonintegrated thinking -- acting on automatic feelings or on the external guidance of eager neocheaters rather than the logic of reality in front of you...leading to mind-created "realities". The mind is a reality integrating organ, not a reality creating device. Using the mind to create "reality" (to serve a feeling or external "authority") rather than to identify and integrate reality (the job of the conscious mind) is a disease -- an epistemological disease that progressively undermines one's capacity to think, to identify reality, to live competently. Mysticism is also a collective disease that affects everyone who looks toward others, or the group, or the leaders for solutions to his or her own problems and responsibilities.
Mysticism easily infects our conscious minds because of our severely deep-rooted bicameral urges. Since the breakdown of the bicameral mind 3000 years ago, the bicameral mentality has mutated in a myriad of ways to infect our conscious mentality...no longer following imagined gods but following a number of other authorities including political and religious leaders, morality or activist leaders, media and entertainment personalities, cults and clubs, lawyers and pips, the Establishment and the status quo, a routine, and even automatic feelings.
Mysticism is a disease of the mind that blocks integrated thinking and brings stupidities through mind-created "realities". Instead of integrating reality, the mysticism-plagued mind waits for external guidance from external "authorities". Thus, mysticism is also the door through which neocheaters enter our lives.
Then, they further manipulate our mysticism to increasingly assume external "authority" over us and to justify or rationalize the use of force, fraud, or dishonesty to usurp values from us, the producers. In the end, they control our lives and rule over us. For example, politicians and the media generate mind-created "realities" used to create false standards and guilt designed to beguile us into surrendering our earned values, power, and happiness to increased taxes and regulations.
Again, mysticism easily infects our conscious minds because of our severely deep-rooted bicameral urges to follow authority. The conscious mind can and should lead itself. But as with drugs and alcohol, mysticism is seductively comfortable, like a warm, old friend -- until the destructive consequences and hangovers manifest themselves.
Mysticism is based on a false and destructive idea: the primacy of emotions over reality, for our deep-rooted bicameral urges make us feel like following others and their doctrines instead of integrating reality ourselves, which we are perfectly capable of doing. Mysticism is the opposite of Neo-Tech. To rationalize the mind-created "realities" of mysticism, a person increasingly grows dishonest with himself and eventually with the world around him. ...You must resist, must fight your bicameral tendencies both from within and from without. Those who surrender -- quit resisting, quit fighting -- allow mysticism to take over their lives. When that happens, they become a part of the unhappy, dishonest world.
Neocheating is any intentional use of mysticism designed to create mind "realities" or false illusions -- in other words, activate the following-mode bicameral mentality in others -- in order to extract values from others. Neocheating is the technique for expropriating unearned money or power by manipulating bicameral tendencies or mysticism in others. Neocheating is the means by which nearly all politicians, clergymen, union leaders, many journalists, many academe, and many lawyers usurp power and values from the innocent producer. They are professional neocheaters, and they control your life. Today, people are easily controlled and exploited because their deep-rooted bicameral urges seek automatic answers or guidance from external "authorities" telling them what to do and how to live their lives.
Neo-Tech is a noun or adjective meaning fully integrated thinking (the opposite of a following mode), which requires fully integrated honesty. For, one must be fully honest with himself to take the challenging road of integrating reality, not seeking automatic or external guidance that creates "reality". Neo-Tech dissolves and removes illusionary, mind-created "realities" caused by the bicameral mentality. Neo-Tech puts an end to one's bicameral tendencies and clears the path to expanding power, money, and romantic love.
Neo-Tech, fully integrated honesty, lets you know exactly what is happening and what to do for gaining honest advantages in all situations.[ 1 ] That knowledge is needed to be competent -- to guiltlessly and honestly obtain the wealth and happiness available to everyone but achieved by so few. Neo-Tech provides the power to profit in every situation by nullifying neocheating and mysticism not only in others but within one's own self. Indeed, exerting fully integrated honesty or Neo-Tech removes mysticism in your psyche, which closes the door on all mystics, false authorities, neocheaters, and their infinite array of deceptions. Neo-Tech lets a person gather all power unto his or her own self while rendering neocheaters impotent.
Neo-Tech provides the practical tools to eliminate neocheating throughout the world while enhancing prosperity and happiness for everyone. Most of all, the process of personally exerting Neo-Tech to remove one's own bicameral tendencies leads to Neothink and major breakthroughs of knowledge on par with Copernicus, Ford, and the computers.
Neothink is the unlimited wide integrations made possible by having Neo-Tech eradicate mysticism. Neothink is the harnessing of that Neo-Tech power here on Earth. Neothink outcompetes today's mind. We all know about the enormous capacity of the human mind. But our minds are so limited today. The mystery of what so limits our minds is finally solved: mysticism. Neothink is tomorrow's limitless mind and replaces the meaning of intelligence:
Intelligence in tomorrow's Neo-Tech World is redefined as the range of integrated thinking. The range, width, or scope of valid integrations of knowledge is more a function of honesty than of IQ. No matter how high is one's raw IQ, that person can ultimately be outflanked and outperformed by a lower IQ mind that is more honest, less mystical, allowing wider-scope integrations. In tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, wide-scope integrations of knowledge are what give conscious minds unlimited power. Neothink supersedes the role of IQ.
Today man has a highly intellectual mind, but it easily slips back into the automatically functioning bicameral modality from thousands of years past. Strange, isn't it? We are doing advanced business and running advanced computer technologies as great intellectuals, but we easily slip into those bicameral mentalities with zero intellection. Here is why: Decision making is the source of stress. Thus, it is not automatic to exert your own mind, exclusively making all your own decisions; it is not easy to be conscious and responsible every step of the way. So, if you are not careful and get a little lazy, then your mind will automatically on its own slip back into its bicameral-like mode of following or reacting to higher "authorities". To avoid stress, your mind seeks the path of least resistance. That regression into a bicameral mentality is automatic and physiological, actually: get a little lazy, and surprise, without warning, your bicameral tendencies take over. In fact, Jaynes demonstrates this point by describing when people are not exerting the conscious mode, say while automatically driving a car, then they are in an unconscious state that simulates the bicameral mind.
Therefore, mental laziness becomes man's greatest cause of slipping back into harmful bicameral mentalities, making you most vulnerable to neocheaters. To overcome the pervasive mind disease, you must actively exert your conscious mode. Moreover, it takes being brutally honest with yourself to recognize your laziness and bicameral tendencies to overcome them and to integrate reality for making your own decisions. It is so easy to be a little dishonest with yourself and rationalize your own laziness and your mind-created "realities" growing from lack of self-thought. So, laziness and dishonesty are the major causes of bicameral mentalities in the multitudes of good and innocent people. Neo-Tech is the cure.
Whereas laziness and dishonesty are the root causes of mysticism in good, ordinary people, the neocheaters are the Typhoid-Mary spreaders of mysticism who keep the disease of the mind dominating every human being so that they can control us for their own unearned power and wealth. Let us examine how:
Higher "Authorities" and "Higher" Causes
The deep-rooted bicameral tendencies in the multitudes makes them easy to control -- followers looking for leaders. And those leaders, our career politicians, for example, are neocheaters. In short, neocheaters hurt their followers, the multitudes, through enforcing subservience to the higher "authorities" and sacrifice to their self-serving "higher" causes.
Our deep-rooted bicameral tendencies, however, make higher "authorities" and their "higher" causes very inviting, almost natural aberrations for conscious man. To finally break from higher "authorities" and their self-serving "higher" causes is not easy. Bicameral man was owned by his god -- by what he called his ili or ka. To hear was to obey. That same obedience resides in us today. In our bicameral past, a command from our god was our higher cause and was not questioned, even if it meant death. Today, commands from higher "authorities" often become our "higher" causes and are so often not questioned, sometimes even if they mean death, as in the case of war.
Altruism is today's dominant philosophy, and it is based on sacrifice to "higher" causes. Of course, the higher "authorities" determine the "higher" causes and who will be sacrificed to whom. The "higher" causes of altruism make altruism the ideal tool to push lots of easy-target people into their bicameral mentalities that cling to higher "authorities" and "higher" causes.
Our vulnerability to accepting "higher" causes and seeking higher "authorities" telling us what to do and how to live is why the leaders, the rulers of society, the neocheaters use altruism as their "reasoning" behind every destructive program that demands sacrifice of the honest working man. Of course, that sacrifice ultimately provides the leaders their own power and wealth. So, those neocheaters manipulate the bicameral tendencies in the multitudes, using the "higher" causes of altruism as their sound-good "reasoning". People are very, very vulnerable to following "higher" causes and higher "authorities" through destructive altruism.
But why don't the multitudes recognize the harm done to them -- the financial harm especially -- by altruism and its sacrifice to "higher" causes via the higher "authorities"? The neocheaters use reality-altering mysticism to create illusions of "noble" programs "for the public good", for instance, that camouflage the life-diminishing destruction caused by altruism and sacrifice. We cannot see, for instance, the Golden Neo-Tech World and the millionaire-like standard of living we would enjoy (explained over the next three chapters) if not for our sacrifice to the neocheaters' "higher" causes. In our civilization, plagued with bicameral mentalities, mysticism is pervasive, illusions are immense.
What can change all this? We are fighting severely deep-rooted bicameral tendencies that go back thousands of years in the human psyche. How can we break free from altruism and the neocheaters' stranglehold on mankind? That change will come through using Neo-Tech to end our bicameral vestiges and to fulfill our destiny with a whole new mentality -- the Neothink mentality.
A Long Time In Coming
The Neothink mentality has been a long time in coming. Twenty-three hundred years of sacrifice to neocheaters has prevented man from his destiny of becoming God-Man. In bicameral man, human nature was split in two, as Jaynes points out, an executive part called a god (the right brain), and a follower part called a man (the left brain). Jaynes demonstrates that portions of the Old Testament were written by bicameral man, some during the transitional period of the bicameral mentality to the conscious mentality. In the New Testament, references are made to man becoming one with God. Such references would perhaps suggest some early attempts to describe the new mentality, consciousness, where man was no longer the follower, but his own god as well. A hypothesis is currently under study at the Neo-Tech Research Center that the teachings of Jesus were attempts to bring the bicameral peasants into the new conscious mentality...into God-Man.
Unfortunately, a few hundred years after Jesus, the developing master neocheaters of the Western World perfected their tool of guilt, sophisticated their illusory altruism, copped the teachings of Jesus and mixed them into their brew of guilt and sacrifice, took control of and reactivated the masses' residual but otherwise fading bicameral mentalities for a self-serving millennium, known as the Dark Ages. Using Plato's philosophical foundation, the master neocheaters orchestrated a mutation of the bicameral mentality that, in turn, ravished the new, conscious mentality. Consciousness and new knowledge had been conquered as mysticism and neocheaters ruled the world.
The passing centuries since the Dark Ages have been a continual retreat from mysticism (which always allows neocheaters to rule over us); of course, we suffered severe relapses along the way. And now, with nuclear weapons in the arsenal of neocheaters, a relapse could destroy civilization. We will discuss that possibility soon.
Altruism, the philosophy of the neocheaters, is based on the mystical premise that man lives for the sake of others...that man's life and property are available for sacrifice to "higher" causes, e.g., the common good, society, the needy, the environment, the dictator, God, country, politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers. Implementing altruism always requires widespread bicameral mentalities accepting or seeking higher "authorities".
Altruism yields by nature a malevolent society in which individuals deal with one another on terms of who will be sacrificed to whom, who will support whom. Force wielded by the higher "authorities" becomes the deciding factor. Altruism is the neocheaters' tool that exploits our bicameral urges for higher "authorities" and their "higher" causes. From altruism, never will Neothink rise...never will our final evolution occur.
After 2001, however, with the spread of Neo-Tech and collapse of mysticism, the next evolutionary jump of man will occur. Wars will end. Man will mentally "jump" from today's consciousness, diseased with bicameral mentalities or mysticism, to Neothink consciousness, free of bicameral mentalities, free of mysticism. Indeed, mysticism is the disease; Neo-Tech is the antidote; Neothink is the cured mind. Within the Neothink mind, bicameral mentalities cannot exist, thus external "authorities" or neocheaters can no longer exist. In that Neo-Tech World free of neocheaters, a new code of living will emerge; everything will change. Ordinary people will be rich, safe, and secure, as described in the next chapter. After 3000 years, the new code of living will lift mankind into his full glory as God-Man.
The Turning Point
Our civilization is at the pivotal point today. The Nuclear-Decision Threshold is the point at which energy, knowledge, and technology have advanced to where sufficient, man-made energy -- nuclear energy -- can be generated to physically destroy all life on the planet. From that point, all civilizations must follow one of two courses:
(1) Proceed in an altruistic philosophical system in which mysticism-plagued conscious minds support mystical "higher" causes that feed political power to the neocheaters. Such systems dominated by bicameral mentalities will eventually lead to all-out nuclear warfare in which most knowledge and technology are lost. Most of the world's population would die and civilization would perish because of meaningless mysticism being manipulated to give false power and bogus livelihoods to the higher "authorities"...the value destroyers.
(2) Proceed in a Neo-Tech philosophical system in which mysticism-free Neothink minds support no "higher" causes or higher "authorities". Such a system dominated by Neothink mentalities allows civilization to safely advance beyond the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. The world's population would flourish beyond any conception from today's world (as described over the next seven chapters). That threshold is the point that every advanced civilization must successfully pass through to survive.
Thus, any civilization advancing significantly beyond that threshold would have by nature evolved into God-Man and his Neo-Tech World of indescribable prosperity. That in turn would mean a free society from which external "authorities" are eradicated as destructive and immoral. In any such advanced society, all forms of mysticism would by nature have been discredited and discarded as stupid and destructive. Such a society would be free of politicians, theologians, neocheaters, coercive governments, and other higher "authorities". Actions would be based on mysticism-free logic exercised by free individuals.
Today, man's survival still depends on his choice of beneficially following his own consciousness or destructively following the voices of external "authorities". Indeed, for our own civilization to advance significantly beyond our current Nuclear-Decision Threshold would require a shift from the current altruistic philosophical base and its mysticism-plagued conscious minds supporting dangerous neocheaters to a Neo-Tech philosophical base and its Neothink minds supporting no neocheaters...as first demonstrated in the computer/cyberspace industry. (Chapters Two through Eight describe that Neo-Tech World and its Technological Revolution that will make the ordinary person live like a millionaire.)
What Would Have Been
Civilization would have advanced super rapidly if the Neothink mentality rather than the bicameral mentality had dominated for the past 2300 years. Free-enterprise capitalism (like in today's rapidly advancing computer/cyberspace industry) would have raced ahead. Neo-Tech would have eliminated altruisms and force-backed governments with the subsequent elimination of neocheating, wars, crime, disease, poverty, and death itself. In this super rapidly advancing Neo-Tech Society, the steam engine and trains would have been in operation at the birth of Christ; mass produced cars would have been available in 50 A.D.; commercial airlines would have been in operation by 60 A.D.; crime and fraud would have been eliminated, not by government police but by individual self-defense and private protection services, private courts, and computerized ostracism by 65 A.D.; nuclear power would have existed by 70 A.D.; man would have landed on the moon by 80 A.D.; cancer would have been cured by 90 A.D.; youth-perpetuating biological immortality would have occurred by 120 A.D.; immortal conscious individuals, master of all known nature, would have happened by 2000 A.D.
What are we saying? A Neo-Tech Society is a super rapidly advancing society, as everyone will discover after 2001, under a new code of living for a new mentality. If a Neo-Tech philosophy rather than a mystical philosophy had dominated the Western World since the Golden Age of Greece, mankind would have experienced that super rapidly advancing Neo-Tech World. This is what would have happened:
350 B.C. | Aristotle 384 B.C.-322 B.C. Plato's philosophy identified as mystical and forever dismissed as dishonest, destructive. |
200 B.C. | America discovered. |
100 B.C. | Free-enterprise capitalism established around the world. Free markets flourishing. All forms of mysticism and neocheating identified, discredited, and rejected. All government taxation and nonprofit spending programs abolished. All forms of initiatory force are morally condemned. Wars become obsolete and vanish. Arts, sciences, technology boom in totally free markets. Dynamic competition and value production rule. Romantic love flourishes. |
0 B.C. | All traces of mysticism, altruism, and collectivism are gone. Poverty essentially eliminated. The individual is the supreme value. Jesus builds the highest skyscraper in Asia Minor. Trains and steamships are major forms of transportation. |
20 A.D. | Electrical power developed, camera developed. |
40 A.D. | Internal-combustion engine developed. |
50 A.D. | Cars in mass production. Airplane developed. |
60 A.D. | Commercial airlines flourishing. Computer developed. |
65 A.D. | Crime and fraud become unprofitable, obsolete, and essentially eliminated by computerized ostracism. |
70 A.D. | Nuclear power developed. Nuclear weapons never conceived. |
80 A.D. | Man on the moon. Internet developed. |
90 A.D. | Cancer and most other diseases eliminated. |
100 A.D. | Man on Mars and heading for other planets. |
110 A.D. | Need for sleep eliminated. |
120 A.D. | Youth-perpetuating biological immortality developed. |
140 A.D. | Prosperity and happiness of conscious beings are universal. |
200 A.D. | Worldwide, commercial, biological immortality achieved. All diseases and aging eliminated. Man colonizing, mining, and commercializing the moon, asteroids, and Mars. Commercial shuttle flights, passenger and freight, to space-station colonies. ...Achieve access to the gravity-coded, interstellar universal computer. |
1200 A.D. | Energy and technology advanced to where sufficient energy can be generated for traveling to other earth-like planets in outer space. Science, knowledge, and fulfillment advanced to the point at which no economic or scientific incentive exists for directly communicating with or travelling to the billions of other, outer-space civilizations. |
2000 A.D. | Immortal conscious beings in a Neo-Tech, free-enterprise society are master of all known nature. People and goods are transported at the speed of light via electronic transfer. Most goods manufactured via nanotechnology with the electronic control of atoms and molecules. New knowledge is expanding at near the speed of light. |
All of that could have happened by shedding our bicameral mentality. Instead, the Greek Philosopher Plato preserved our bicameral mentality -- or perhaps more accurately, caused its mutation -- in order to establish his Plato's Republic and an elite ruling class for the smart neocheaters.
With Plato's philosophy the root of altruism, the destructive authorities and neocheaters say that human beings are by nature evil, irrational, and destructive. They are subordinate to "higher" causes. Human beings must be controlled by some higher "authority" or government and forced to serve others or society...controlled by Plato's Republic -- the neocheaters.
Of course, the neocheating external "authorities" say that sacrifice, humility, and service to duty are needed for prosperity, love, and happiness. In reality, though, human beings survive by using their minds rationally to deal with reality. They must know reality to competitively produce the values needed to prosper. Only by being left free to satisfy their nature can human beings serve themselves and others best. As shown over the next seven chapters, people who live free and according to their natures can easily build a future of enormous prosperity and happiness. Finally, with Neo-Tech, such people can easily rid themselves of all mystics and neocheaters.
Uprooting Laziness
Laziness always involves mysticism undercutting the conscious mind. Indeed, if you do not watch out and your conscious mind becomes a little lazy, then the outmoded bicameral mentality automatically creeps back in. Again, that bicameral mentality and its graduating mind-created "realities" in today's conscious mind is mysticism -- the only disease of the mind. And because of our bicameral roots, we are very vulnerable to that physiological, almost natural process of laziness giving way to bicameral mentalities -- laziness begetting mysticism. One must exert his or her consciousness...a constant, honest, life-long effort to maintain a prosperous, happy, healthy life. Mental and physical laziness means defaulting on those key attributes of honesty and effort required for advancing beyond our long outdated bicameral tendencies.
The logical use of the mind combined with consistent rational efforts is required for human survival and prosperity. But, mental default is seductively tempting. Succumbing to his bicameral tendencies, a person simply adopts someone else's thinking, thus avoiding the responsibility of exerting one's own integrated thinking and honesty for independent survival and prosperity. Such "pleasantly easy" defaults against using one's own mind are traps that corrode self-sufficiency and lead to intellectual, psychological, and eventual physical dependence on others, especially "authorities". Remember, conscious man can and should be his own executive, his own authority, his own god.
Integrated, logical thinking does not preclude errors or wrong judgments. But only through habitual, integrated, logical thinking does one become efficient in identifying and correcting errors. If a person defaults on that thinking effort, he or she must live increasingly through other people's thinking. That person then gradually loses the ability to recognize the errors in other people's thinking as well as to correct his or her own errors. Such a person eventually becomes incompetent to live independently. That person then becomes dependent on destructive, neocheating "authorities" to survive.
Usually the "authorities", the neocheaters, dupe the defaulter into accepting their dishonest, destructive ploys designed for usurping power. Such neocheating "authorities" survive by promoting their mystical hoaxes and specious doctrines of altruistic self-sacrifice in order to control the defaulters and neocheat the producers.
Essentially all willful destruction, all purposeful violence, all initiation of force against individuals and their property can be reduced to a single, originating cause -- mysticism originating from laziness and dishonesty. That laziness and dishonesty evolve from choosing not to exert the constant, rational efforts required to understand reality in order to make one's own independent decisions.
[ 1 ] The Neo-Tech Discovery is an 582-page collection of "new techniques" or "new technology", 114 powerful, life-enhancing advantages derived from fully integrated honesty, attached.
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