God - Man: Our Final Evolution
Heroes Turned Into Villians...and Other Illusions
Attacks on free enterprise, producers, and objective values by envious altruists, politicians, environmentalists, social "intellectuals", theologians, lawyers, judges, academes, and other neocheaters are on the rise around the world. Indeed, motivated by envy, they can make mind-created "realities" that make heroes appear as villains by presenting facts out of context. Here is an example:
Facts Out of Context
I saw John O'Grady premeditate and then purposely kill a man. Conclusion: John O'Grady is a murderer. He should be jailed for life.
True facts. Incomplete. Out of context. Unjust conclusion.
Facts In Context
I saw John O'Grady save a platoon of men in 1944 during the Battle of the Bulge at Bastogne, Belgium. Trapped beneath a snow-covered ledge by a Nazi machine gunner, O'Grady premeditated a plan. He then scaled an icy cliff. Wounded twice, O'Grady shot and killed the machine gunner. He saved the twenty men in his platoon. Conclusion: John O'Grady is a hero. He should be honored.
True facts. Complete. In context. Just conclusion.
Heroic value producers have been routinely vilified and destroyed by neocheaters manipulating mysticism and using facts out of context. As you will see in the following chapters, that ongoing neocheating process has prevented a millionaire-like life with perfect health for us.
But today, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech puts everything in context. Before Neo-Tech, envious altruism was increasingly undermining the value producers. But now, Neo-Tech reveals how neocheaters use mystical altruism to attack and undermine the producers in order to usurp unearned power and values. Thus, just in time, at the crucial Nuclear-Decision Threshold, Neo-Tech is becoming available to the world to identify, counteract, and reverse the destructive trend of mysticism. Moreover, timely Neo-Tech will also demonstrate how extraordinary wealth, love and happiness arise from rejecting all mystical dishonesties (following chapters).
Finally, Neo-Tech renders powerless the intentional value destroyers -- the professional altruists, politicians, enviers, and other neocheaters. Indeed, Neo-Tech means the eventual demise of the politician and every other neocheating altruist who usurps values and power from the value producers. Without Neo-Tech, the legions of altruists would have eventually buried the producers and their values, causing a new dark age. But Neo-Tech has just begun spreading around the world. That expanding Neo-Tech matrix will render impotent all professional neocheaters caught in its web.
A New Society...the Neo-Tech Society
A society that functions exclusively for the rational benefit of the individual has never existed. A society has no moral or logical reason to exist except to benefit the individual and protect his and her property rights. But a fully moral, logical society has never existed. For the producers have always been tricked into accepting and supporting free-loading, professional neocheaters acting as "authorities". Such "authorities" use altruism to control value producers through false guilt. Thus, those value producers work to support those very neocheaters who harm, pillage, and eventually destroy them, their loved ones, and everyone's happiness.
A totally free, just, and rational society would by definition be a Neo-Tech society -- a society based on fully integrated honesty. Such a society would be free-enterprise, with a nonforce government...a government and society that has yet to exist on planet Earth. The ethical essence of a Neo-Tech society is the holding of individual rights as supreme. Therefore, any form of initiatory force, coercion, or fraud against any individual by any individual, group, society, or government is immoral and thus is ostracizable.
Any suggestion of force-free societies strikes fear into neocheating politicians. Knowing they could not survive in a nonforce, noncoerced, free-enterprise, fully competitive society, they desperately vilify and subvert any movement toward such a society and its values. They sabotage and undercut those values with out-of-context attacks. Indeed, to survive, professional neocheaters must prevent a value-oriented, Neo-Tech society. For such a society would quickly identify and forever banish them as destructive criminals. On the other hand, as demonstrated in the following chapters, such a society would quickly make all value producers our heroes and all ordinary people wealthy.
On rejecting neocheaters, the value producers become free to increase our buying power dramatically as in the computer/cyberspace world. In short, the neocheaters will no longer control society through the vestiges of our deep-rooted, bicameral minds. As a result, ordinary people will experience Six Ultimate Gifts, from enormous wealth to perfect health, in tomorrow's Neo-Tech World (following chapters).
Keep in mind, the main tool used to control or rule over mankind is "higher" causes via altruism. Higher "authorities" control us through their manufactured "higher" causes; they control us quite easily, almost naturally because of our deep-rooted bicameral tendencies. Indeed, if bicameral man were instructed by a "god" or by an oracle to go fight in the battle, then the fight for his god became the higher cause deemed necessary by the higher authority. ...The residual bicameral mentality in man today makes us still so vulnerable to the neocheaters -- the higher "authorities" who instruct us to support their "higher" causes.
The way those higher "authorities" or neocheaters convince us to support their "higher" causes while camouflaging their harm and destruction is through reality-altering mysticism: mystical illusions with noble-sounding "good intentions" for the "public good", for instance. The neocheaters propagate that "public good" illusion (a mind-created "reality" stimulated by using facts out of context) to confuse us and rule over us. They manipulate our bicameral tendencies and promulgate an altruistic subservience to them -- the leaders, the rulers...the neocheaters. We are caught in their trap.
Six searchlights shone onto tomorrow's Neo-Tech World over the next seven chapters reveal that our bicameral tendencies come tumbling down after 2001. Our mysticisms implode and the ossified hierarchy of authorities crumbles into a heap of dust and then gets puffed away by the Neothink mentality. Higher "authorities", "higher" causes, altruism, mysticism, and neocheaters no longer exist. The losses we heretofore endured are permanently reversed by the Six Ultimate Gifts...from our pasts of financial struggle to tomorrow's millionaire wealth, from our pasts of emotional estrangement to tomorrow's passionate romantic love.
Before moving on to that metamorphosis, let us probe a little deeper into the key ideas behind our final evolution, add just a little more to the treatment in this Chapter One, and get more insight into the difficult problem of switching over to the Neothink mentality:
The Problem Of Switching Over
Let us take one last close look at mysticism and neocheaters, for they are your foremost nemeses and what you are leaving behind:
Mysticism is a little-known but omnipresent disease of the human mind. Everyone automatically acquires this disease during childhood, a remnant from our obsolete bicameral mind. That disease finally explains why our minds' natural capacity is hundreds of times greater than we ever approach.
The disease previously had never been diagnosed, largely because it is invisible (i.e., not originating from a bacterium, virus, or defective gene) and, since everyone is affected, there appears to be no symptoms. In discovering that never-before-detected disease of the mind, Dr. Wallace discovered that the apparently normal mind was actually a diseased mind -- a very difficult discovery to pull off. Having discovered the disease, thereafter he was able to discover its cure -- Neo-Tech.
Neo-Tech removes the disease. The results move the ordinary person toward the expansive capacity of his mind and, therefore, into more and more money, power and love. As the ordinary person uses Neo-Tech in the business world, for example, and removes the disease of the mind, he soon discovers something new and wide open called integrated thinking in contrast to today's predominant specialized thinking that pigeonholes people in lifetime, routine ruts.
As the ordinary person uses Neo-Tech to remove the invisible, debilitating disease that limits the mind, he quickly experiences first hand that his expanding mind can break beyond its stagnant boundaries and integrate or snap together more and more ideas to build, piece by piece, a growing success puzzle. Integrated thinking is his precursor to a much greater power that is looming called Neothink, and he discovers that integrated thinking alone is extremely profitable in business.
Neo-Tech clears the path to Neothink. Neothink is an entirely new mentality that we will switch to after 2001. People who switch to the new mentality will appear to the still mysticism-plagued person to have risen to a higher consciousness, just as the people who switched to consciousness 3000 years ago appeared to the still bicameral person to be gods. The approaching Neothink mentality takes man to a whole new level where we will acquire literally god-like power (see Chapter Nine) to become God-Man.
Going Beyond Nature's System
The problem of switching over to God-Man reduces to just how deeply embedded mysticism is in our minds. Going back to our ancestors, the bicameral man's survival mechanism of hallucinating voices of the gods was a neurological process. As an analogy, if a cat faced a hostile situation, whether it fought or fled came from a neurological process, a neurological instruction or command. As Jaynes demonstrates, if a bicameral man faced a hostile situation, like the cat, whether he fought or fled came from a neurological process, a neurological instruction or command. But because man had developed a sophisticated language, the neurological process or neurological instruction or command came in the sophisticated form of a powerful voice and was the consummate guiding mechanism evolved by nature.
No greater authority exists than the spoken voice, particularly when that voice comes from within one's own brain, as in bicameral man. As Jaynes identifies, using descriptive analogies to schizophrenics today, that voice in his own head was all-enveloping from which there was no retreat. He could not hold his ears to muffle the voice or draw back or run away to weaken the voice. There was no escape; wherever he might flee, the voice would not weaken. The voice consumed every part of his body, as if his fingers and toes all had ears. The authority was unquestioned, complete, and clear. In fact, the neurological process or neurological instruction or command was much more effective through the commanding authority of the voices than any other process in nature's evolution, so much more effective than, say, the cat's guidance system. Bicameral man and the authority of sound was the ultimate evolution through nature's system.
The fact that our brains today are physically identical to those of our bicameral ancestors, which means we have the exact same neurological circuitry that once heard and obeyed the voices regularly, makes the bicameral mentality very hard to overcome. We almost "instinctively", automatically react to the strong voices of our leaders. Even today, the authority of sound -- as in a powerful political or campaign speech -- can overwhelm an individual and move a nation.
Fully Evolving Into Man's System
Conscious man marks the break from nature's system to man's system, when man took over. Neothink Man or God-Man is the ultimate evolution through man's system. Now, conscious man must evolve -- psychologically -- from mysticism-plagued consciousness into mysticism-free or Neothink consciousness.
Two mentalities exist under consciousness: 1) The flawed mysticism-plagued consciousness accepts, even seeks external "authorities" instructing people how to live. The feature denomination or proof of that flawed mentality is the existence of a ruling class. 2) The nonflawed mysticism-free consciousness or Neothink mentality accepts full self-responsibility on how to live -- the pure state of consciousness in which man's mind is its own authority. The feature denomination or proof of that flawless conscious mentality is the presence of the Six Ultimate Gifts in everyone's life (Chapters Three through Eight).
For 3000 years, people have searched for a higher consciousness -- a mystical higher consciousness. The Neothink mentality or God-Man ends that search and brings us what appears to be that higher consciousness -- but a nonmystical higher consciousness, more accurately articulated as "the pure state of consciousness".
Knowing the Intricacies of Mysticism
In order to evolve into that higher consciousness known as God-Man, we must fully understand the problem of mysticism, that pervasive disease of the conscious mind. Mysticism today has relatively little to do with religion, the occult, or weird happenings. Rather, mysticism mostly involves emotions and imaginations misused in forming mind-created "realities". Those misused emotions and imaginations are stimulated by facts manipulated out of context. That misuse of the mind occurs by making decisions and taking actions based on emotions, imaginations, rationalizations...or illusions crafted by neocheaters.
Automatically following feelings or external "authorities" is the easy way, a remnant impulse of the automatic guidance system in our bicameral past. With such misuse of the mind, a person's thinking and actions become more and more impulsive and less and less thought out and effective. His thinking and actions become increasingly arbitrary, impotent -- actually stupid in that area.
Such substitution of emotions or illusions for reality also results in rationalizing destructive actions. A destructive dishonesty grows. Indeed, such mysticism is a predatory disease of the conscious mind. And that disease has become an epidemic as neocheaters aggressively dupe the public with facts manipulated out of context for their own power and control.
Contrary to popular belief, mysticism today seldom involves religions or the occult. Organized religions and the occult are dying forms of mysticism with fading powers to hurt the productive class. More generally, mysticism is the default to the bicameral mentality in today's conscious mind, which means not integrating reality, rather lazily following neocheaters or feelings for automatic, easy answers.
That deep-rooted desire to be led instead of integrating reality results in evasions, alterations, or recreations of reality -- and growing rationalizations in attempts to use the mind to create reality rather than to identify and integrate reality. Our bicameral-like evasions of integrating reality for important decision making lead us to impotent or destructive actions and growing dishonesties that evolve from using feelings and rationalizations while taking the automatic, easy path of following mind-created "realities".
In turn, those "realities" create unnecessary problems and unnatural destructions because the human brain cannot create reality. Instead, the brain perceives and then integrates facts of reality. Thus, "reality"-creating mysticism is a perversion or disease of human consciousness. Mysticism is the destruction disease. For mysticism stops brain integrations to erode all values and create problems where none exist. For one thing, mysticism allows neocheaters to control and destroy the rich life conscious beings were meant to have.
Indeed, mysticism breeds dishonesty, malevolence, and death. Hence, mysticism is suicide on all levels -- on personal, family, social, and business levels; on local, national, and world levels.
Neocheaters' Secret Weapon Against Our Final Evolution
The symptoms of mysticism are dishonest communication, out-of-context assertions or attacks, use of non sequiturs, rationalizations, jumbled or nonintegrated thinking -- all leading to mind-created "realities". Those symptoms are most commonly exhibited by neocheating politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, lawyers, media commentators, environmentalists. Such public neocheaters are the spreaders of mysticism. In fact, through the ages, the most virulent spreaders of mysticism have been those neocheaters who wangle respect and values from the value producers of this world. Mysticism is the neocheater's secret weapon for plundering the value producers and preventing our final evolution into God-Man.
Neocheaters constantly try to expand their usurpations of values by manipulating reality-altering mystical illusions. Moreover, neocheaters design their illusions to present themselves as the benefactors of society. At the same time, they enviously present the real producers (e.g., aggressively competitive entrepreneurs, innovators, business people, industrialists) as the malefactors of society.
But the opposite is true: The neocheaters are the mean, the guilty, the malefactors of society. And the value producers are the compassionate, the innocent, the benefactors of society. Yet, as long as most people allow themselves to accept mystical illusions and inversions of facts, the neocheaters will keep usurping values and escalating their destructions.
Some neocheaters usurp credibility by exploiting popular causes that sound good -- causes that in proper context may be noble if handled honestly. Examples include the environment, health, human rights, social welfare, regulatory programs...all those political programs so-called "for the public good". But neocheaters exploit such noble causes to usurp credibility and power in order to attack competent producers, their honest businesses, and their valuable products.
Neocheaters (politicians, regulatory bureaucrats, many journalists, activists, lawyers, and academe) prosper by attacking values, businesses, producers, and earned profits...as the enemies. They attack by making those who create genuine values for others appear as guilty and wrong and in need of supervision and regulation...by the neocheaters, of course. A television trade publication reported, for example, that the villains or bad guys portrayed on TV shows are far more often businessmen than other real criminals -- relegating the businessman below murderers and rapists.
With the help of the dishonest media, the neocheaters create "reality" by using facts out of context to make villains out of heroes. Simultaneously, they survive by promoting themselves -- the real villains -- as the rescuers and heroes.
Mysticism is central to the neocheater's ability to thrive by attacking values. For only through mysticism and its convincing illusions would anyone accept the neocheater's upside-down world of undermining, attacking, and destroying values.
In short, neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood -- the unsuspicious swindling of money, power, or values through clever manipulations of facts, dishonest rationalizations, and illusions of mysticism. Mysticism yields actions based on what one feels or imagines rather than on what actually exists right in front of that person. That is why professional neocheaters can easily manipulate people: through their mysticisms. Neocheaters manipulate infinite arrays of mysticisms to usurp values earned by others.
Neocheating means new cheating for usurping values earned by others. Actually, parasitical elites have used neocheating for over 2000 years in hidden, unnoticeable ways. But the techniques of neocheating were not specifically identified until now. Thus, neocheating is a new identification rather than a new technique. Before that identification, no one could define or even notice a neocheater. Now, anyone with Neo-Tech can easily spot neocheaters and render them impotent. For, against Neo-Tech, the illusions of mysticism vanish and neocheaters become powerless.
The Problem, The Promise
Three thousand years ago, when the bicameral mind broke down and the voices of the gods fell silent, man went through enormous efforts to still communicate and receive answers and authorization from their silent gods who had left the earth and now lived in the sky. During this period, prayer was invented to ask for guidance; angels were invented as the winged messengers of the gods who now lived with Anu, the greatest god in the sky; and heaven was invented as the place in the sky where the gods now lived.
Today, people still pray for guidance from God, believe in messages from angles, and look toward the sky as heaven where God lives. The bicameral mentality is still very much in us. Jaynes demonstrates we are still in the breakdown process of the bicameral mind. Of course, this presents an enormous problem: how do we possibly make the switch into Neothink, still so steeped in the bicameral mentality?
I believe we are close to overcoming the problem and close to making the switch into the Neothink mentality. I base this belief on observing today the mirror image of what immediately preceded bicameral man's switch into consciousness, which indicates to me that we are leaving today's mysticism-plagued conscious mentality for a new mentality:
During the breakdown of the bicameral mind, man went through approaching stages toward subjective thought and consciousness. Those stages particularly involved divination, which were attempts to divine the speech of the now silent gods and discover the will of the silent gods -- man's urgent quest for authorization. Even today, people in deep decision making often plea, "God, give me a sign!" Examples of those past divinations were omens, sortilege, augury, and spontaneous divination (described in Jaynes' book). Those four main types of divination brought man closer and closer toward the subjective structure of consciousness. They brought man to the edge of consciousness.
Today, for the first time in history, I see the reverse image of that quest for authorization that led man into divination and on to the edge of consciousness. That reverse image today is the growing damnation of politicians, in particular. To damn the politician is a direct, conscious attack on authorization, a definite sign of a break from our bicameral past.
Of course, for centuries, people have rebelled against rulers and governments, but always against a particular party or system, looking for another party or system to come in and provide "better" external "authority" and guidance. For the first time, people today are turning against the idea of the politician, period. For the first time, large percentages of people are not just grumbling their dissatisfaction at their existing external guidance, seeking what they perceive is an improved external guidance to take over authority. Instead, for the first time, people are turning against authority -- against the fundamental concept of government ruling over their lives. That damnation of authority at its core is a landmark for humanity and, I believe, puts us on the edge of Neothink.
To make the difficult switch into the new mentality and its new world would be greatly aided if we could see ahead to what the switch will be like specifically and what things would change and how. If we could have some idea of what to expect and how to change, to somehow see the changes and how they would effect us, then we would have some sort of orientation and expectation to get our bearings and secure our footing to advance confidently, with a clear plan. The next few chapters build that orientation with a look into the fascinating new mentality and its new world. The next few chapters create a civilization on paper that is actively Neothink; in a sense, the next few chapters provide an analog model, say a map of the new civilization needed to visualize the new world and then switch to the new mentality.
Before we go to that demonstration of the Neo-Tech World, however, let us foreshadow some exciting personal events we can look forward to when we evolve into God-Man:
Our Encounter With God-Man
When you become God-Man, you become the perfect specimen. Just how much power comes from evolving into God-Man, anyway?
Gods of Life
When ordinary people break through to the next level -- if ordinary people think like Copernicus, Ford, Gates -- what will that mean? Aside from the rich world we will enjoy, we must wonder: would we not become the controllers of the universe? Would we not become the controllers of the world around us? Would we not eliminate aging with youth rejuvenating biological immortality to live forever? In reality, those consequences are the results of going to the next level called God-Man.
Live Forever
In the Neo-Tech World, the Bill-Gates-like geniuses will break through to the next level in all industries including the medical industry. They will rapidly eradicate disease after disease, bringing us perfect health while doubling our lives. Eventually, they will eradicate the most devastating physical disease -- aging itself.
Outperform the Porn Stars
When we become God-Man, we become the perfect specimen -- the highest life form on Earth...even in the Universe. We become both physically and psychologically beyond any life form, including all people in today's mentality. Our superior physical and mental state will be beyond any human being today. Our sexual competence will outperform anything seen today -- even on adult videos!
Become a Millionaire
All people who broke through into Neothink this century became rich. This generation, in particular, sees more billionaires than ever before. This year, Forbes' Richest 400 People in America edition identified 170 billionaires versus only 13 billionaires 15 years ago. That increase is an indicator of the increasing number of forerunners to our evolution into God-Man and his Neothink mentality.
Become a Genius
As unbelievable as that may sound, a change will happen to you: You will easily and effortlessly make breakthroughs that will make you powerful, respected, and wealthy. Your mind will no longer follow its routine or follow leaders and doctrines. Instead, your mind will integrate or snap together knowledge like it is building a puzzle. As that puzzle grows, it will begin forming a picture never seen before by anyone. That puzzle picture will be breakthrough knowledge for the world, just as Copernicus, Ford, and Gates built their breakthrough pictures.
Become Omnipotent
As your breakthrough picture grows, like any puzzle picture, you will be able to see in your mind what the whole picture will look like before it is finished. Thus, you will know what the missing pieces look like and, therefore, know with omnipotence exactly what to do for explosive success. ...If you have ever known or read about someone who seemed to do everything spectacularly right with unnerving confidence for explosive success -- he did so because of this Neothink process of building breakthrough puzzle pictures and building them with increasing confidence and omnipotence. Knowing what the missing pieces to the puzzle picture looked like and making all the right choices, he could seem psychic. Actually, God-Man is the only legitimate "psychic", for through this process he is the only human in existence who can see the future. Moreover, he not only can see the future, but he can control the future.
Say you were a musician in the 1950s and could see the future of rock and roll. You would have easily captured the fame and glory before the Beatles and Elvis. People with this legitimate "psychic" ability have the easiest lives of stunning success. They seem to others like the luckiest people alive, always making the right choices. Indeed, imagine Bill Gates "speculating" large stakes and always winning with unbeatable omnipotence. ...They always seem, to others, to be wildly lucky...and unbeatable. Luck has nothing to do with it...but they certainly are unbeatable.
Attract Friends and Lovers
One person who switched into Neothink told this story, "The woman I'd been trying to date for six months, to no avail, called and asked me out! On our second date she said she was overwhelmed and in love with me! I'm dumbfounded at how powerful Neothink is!" ...Superior people attract more mates and more competitive mates. People who evolve into God-Man not only transfer all money, power, and prestige from the following man to themselves, but easily win any lover in any situation or quickly regain their ex-lovers: "Within hours after making the switch, my beautiful ex-wife was back in my arms! Neothink is unbelievable but works! We'll never be the same again!"
Another person who switched into Neothink told this story, "While in prison, I discovered Neo-Tech. I left prison broke, without a penny or a woman or a friend to my name. Through Neothink, six months later I was a multi-millionaire and my live-in girlfriend was a Penthouse Magazine Pet-of-the-Month. Six months after that, I was a famous celebrity, wooed by beautiful women and surrounded by geniuses and the rich and famous all over the country."
Not only does the person who evolves into God-Man easily control anyone, man or woman, and easily beat any opponent in any situation, but everyone he meets wants to be his friend. In fact, every relationship -- spouse, lover, children, friends, co-workers -- becomes better and more fulfilling. ...They, too, when exposed to his Neothink mentality, eventually switch to Neothink and evolve into God-Man, and they too absorb the enormous rewards.
Moreover, God-Man quickly acquires a new circle of friends -- beautiful women, geniuses in the medical, science, and business fields, and famous celebrities, creating a mini Neo-Tech World around him, especially as they too evolve into God-Man.
Become the Perfect Physical Specimen
Your mind and body are inextricably linked. When you evolve into the entirely new way of using your mind -- God-Man's integrating, not following, Neothink mentality -- your body metamorphoses, too. Physical changes occur quickly that are not easy to communicate to people before their final evolution (somewhat explained in the third segment of the Fifth Ultimate Gift, Chapter Seven). The symptoms, however, include losing interest or appetite for food, slimming down automatically, without even trying, to the perfect weight for one's frame, all while radiating with a new, beautiful or handsome confidence. God-Man -- man and woman -- is physically beautiful. God-Man is physically perfect. He or she has an awesome body and mind.
Discover Fearlessness
At the next level, God-Man is innocent and pure. The very process into God-Man requires complete honesty. Once you reach that highest life form called God-Man, even the most vicious lower life forms cannot really hurt you just as, say, the most vicious lower life forms such as tigers, crocodiles, wolves do not bother us today. God-Man tomorrow never needs to worry about being cheated or hurt by anyone, by any competitor, foe, liar, or con man, for they are harmless lower life forms. God-Man does not even fear the powerful neocheater (i.e., the most subtle but vicious breed of cheater), including politicians and bureaucrats or any other slick destroyers of wealth and prosperity. God-Man is invincible.
Let us summarize Chapter One and, at the same time, reveal humanity's charted course into God-Man:
About 10,000 years ago, man developed a coherent oral language. Speech was then incorporated into nature's most advanced neurological guidance system, known as the bicameral mind. The culmination of nature's evolution, bicameral man, continued to develop more and more sophisticated written language, which eventually, around 3000 years ago, led to the development of metaphors and analog models. Man needed metaphors and analog models to separate from the objective world before him and, in his mind, enter a subjective world for his reflective thoughts...known as consciousness. Now, he could think about the world around him, instead of just reacting to it. Thus, he could now make the decisions on how to interact with the world around him. He now had control. He had leapt beyond nature's neurological guidance system into man's own, invented guidance system.
But, conscious minds still carried deep-rooted bicameral triggers, urges, longings. Conscious minds were plagued by outmoded bicameral tendencies or, in other words, conscious minds were infected with mysticism -- a disease of all conscious minds. Neocheaters enabled the fading bicameral mentality to mutate and then ravage the new conscious mentality. If not for Neo-Tech, that virulent disease of the conscious mind would eventually destroy man during the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. The discovery of Neo-Tech enabled conscious minds, for the first time, to systematically remove mysticism and eventually cure themselves.
Similar to how language was needed in order for man to become conscious, Neo-Tech is needed in order for man to evolve into Neothink. As man uses Neo-Tech to remove the debilitating disease of mysticism and frees his mind, he is able to acquire more and more power and success as he integrates more and more knowledge. He breaks out of his trap, his bicameral-like routine-rut, just automatically reacting to the world around him. Instead, he starts controlling and building his dreams in the world around him. Through integrated thinking, he snaps together more and more knowledge and starts building a success puzzle. Like any puzzle, as he snaps together more pieces, a puzzle picture begins to form...a never-before-seen puzzle picture. And it is at this point -- when he begins building a never-before-seen puzzle picture, a major advancement of human knowledge -- that he leaps into Neothink.
Similar to how metaphors and analog models were needed to create the mind space for consciousness, integrated thinking and mental puzzles are needed to go beyond the normal processing capacity of the human mind into Neothink. You see, the human mind can only process a single thought cluster with four or five thoughts at one time. Integrated thinking and mental puzzles enable man to go beyond the mind's processing capacity to build multiple thought clusters with limitless thoughts, which is Neothink. Each puzzle piece is, in itself, a maximum integration unit -- a thought cluster of four or five thoughts. Through mental puzzles, one goes beyond his maximum integration capacity to hold endless integrations in his mind.
As one evolves into limitless Neothink, he breaks through to the next level and brings a major advancement of human knowledge into the world. Moreover, with Neothink, he often functions with omnipotence as he sees the future. Indeed, as with any developing puzzle picture, he reaches a point where he knows what the completed picture will look like. Therefore, he knows with omnipotence, well before the puzzle is completed, what the missing puzzle pieces look like. Now functioning through Neothink, he knows both exactly what the future looks like and how to create it. Indeed, God-Man not only sees, but creates the future and his destiny.
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