Fourth Ultimate Gift: We Excel In The Careers Of Our Dreams
Chapter Six
As I watched super rapidly advancing new technologies light up more and more industries like a new dawn, I was amazed at how rapidly businesses raced forward. I then noticed how our jobs were swept up into the fervor. While watching that progressive world, I saw our jobs leap to the next level so alive and exciting that today they seemed dead by comparison.
Imagine a world in which every working adult were, in essence, an energized entrepreneur building his or her own fortune. That was exactly what I saw in my Fourth Vision into the next millennium...a hundred million super entrepreneurs pouring endless energy and creativity into America alone, teaming up with super technologies and sending civilization into new wealth not measurable by today's standards.
The American enterprise system underwent a definitive job revolution. In fact, jobs at all levels became entrepreneurial. Of course, entrepreneurs used their minds every day, day after day. With such growing, stimulated minds, 21st-century working adults left behind their bicameral tendencies of automatically reacting to a set routine and surprised themselves as they grew more and more creative...until, lo and behold, they themselves became super entrepreneurs and eventually geniuses of society overjoyed with enthusiasm and pride...and success. In time, they all made the evolutionary jump into Neothink.
As you witness my Fourth Vision and begin to believe that essentially every worker will become an entrepreneur in the 21st century, you will begin to ponder the might of a hundred million entrepreneurs pouring their energy and creativity into society, uninhibited and catalyzed by super technologies. You will begin to believe my First Vision in which many millions of geniuses took care of our every need. You will begin to grasp that the way to take care of us is not through big government but through freed geniuses of society. You will begin to realize that the unprecedented escalation of standards of living to millionaire status just may be believable after all, despite the traditional academic arguments. After all, the power of a hundred million entrepreneurs free to race ahead will dwarf anything ever seen on our planet including the computer/cyberspace revolution.
A Hundred Million Entrepreneurs
Here is what I saw during the Fourth Vision: Under the new code, depoliticizing America in the next millennium set free a rapidly advancing Neo-Tech World in which businesses had no choice but to evolve beyond their outmoded jobs of labor, our routine ruts. To remain competitive, as in the computer business, all businesses had to tap their greatest asset -- the creativity of each and every employee -- causing a job revolution that metamorphosed our boring routine ruts into exciting jobs of the mind. Depoliticizing America not only set free the country's existing entrepreneurs, but set off a 21st-century revolution of business that made all jobs entrepreneurial and created a hundred million in-house entrepreneurs.
American enterprise moved beyond the old division of labor and its jobs of labor into the new division of essence and its jobs of the mind. You see, the essence of business was to build wealth through the creation of new or improved product or marketing. The division of essence broke down businesses into jobs of the mind where each and every employee himself -- not just the founder and top executives -- actually built wealth. Like an entrepreneur, each and every employee -- including today's janitors -- CREATED AND GOT RICH in tomorrow's jobs of the mind. I saw it in the Fourth Vision: with stimulated minds, day after day, ordinary people eventually grew into irreplaceable geniuses of society.
Let's take a look at the 21st-century division of essence and its jobs of the mind...the whole new business paradigm that I witnessed in my Vision. I took what I saw in my Fourth Vision and used it to structure my own company. Using my company as the example, Diagrams One through Four over the next five pages illustrate the obvious division of essence sitting right before our eyes. After 2001 under the new code, all jobs came to life, became unbearably exciting, and led us for the first time into the world of profits and Neothink.
(Note: Diagrams One through Four over the next five pages are specific examples of dividing Integrated Management Associates by essence into wealth-building jobs of the mind -- that is, 21st-century jobs with the purpose to BUILD WEALTH.)
Diagram One
Process To Divide Business By Essence
Into Wealth-Building Jobs of the Mind
(Example from Integrated Management Associates)
Integrated Management's
Basic Responsibilities:
Buy Television Spots
Set Up TV Commercials
Buy Space (newspapers, magazines)
Set Up Space-Media Ads
Rent Mailing Lists
Set Up Mailings
Manage Computer Database
Keep Data/Statistics
Keep Books
Do Accounting
Control Order Processing
Control Shipping Products
Control Product Manufacturing
Control Customer Service
Control Computer Needs
Diagram Two
Process To Divide Business By Essence
Into Wealth-Building Jobs of the Mind
(Example From Integrated Management Associates)
The basic responsibilities all need a purpose. For, a responsibility cannot exist by itself. For example, look at the first responsibility on the list (next page): buy television spots. Could buying TV spots exist on its own if not for the television marketing program? Of course not. That responsibility is dependent on the television marketing program. The television marketing program is the purpose of the first responsibility on the next page, the purpose of buying television spots. The television marketing program is a job with purpose -- a wealth-building job in Integrated Management Associates that thrives on creativity. Buying television spots along with nine other responsibilities integrate into the television marketing program as will become clear over Diagrams Two, Three, and Four. As we will learn, one person will handle that fully integrated job with purpose, that money-making job of the mind, the television marketing program.
Randomly running down the list: could buying ad space in newspapers exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. Could renting mailing lists (known as list brokering) exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. Could accounting exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. Could order processing exist on its own? No. It needs a purpose. And so on.
Today, however, all the responsibilities on the next page are established as departments in the traditional publishing companies, existing on their own as ends in themselves instead of integrating into their purposes. That is why jobs today are dead-end streets. For, no way exists to build a mere responsibility that is split from its integrated purpose. Again, how can one build renting mailing lists without that responsibility being integrated to its purpose: the direct mail marketing program? Yet, list brokering is treated as an independent department in nearly every direct mail company today.
To determine the purpose of each basic responsibility, simply finish the sentence: "This responsibility exists due to_________________________." For example, "Buying television spots exists due to the television marketing program." Integrated Management's example of this process is done on the next page. Several of the responsibilities exist in more than one purpose. For example, accounting could not exist on its own. That responsibility is dependent on, for example, the television marketing program. The television marketing program is its purpose. Also, other accounting records exist due to other marketing programs. Therefore, that responsibility will exist in more than one purpose as seen on the next page.
Do not get tied up on technicalities if you have trouble grasping the process. By the time you get through Diagram Four, the process will become clear.
Diagram Two(continued)
Process To Divide Business By Essence
Into Wealth-Building Jobs of the Mind
(Example From Integrated Management Associates)
Buy Television Spots:
Responsibility exists due to:Television Marketing Program
Set up Television Commercials:
Responsibility exists due to: Television Marketing Program
Buy Space (newspapers, magazines):
Responsibility exists due to: Space Media Marketing Program
Set Up Space-Media Ads:
Responsibility exists due to: Space Media Marketing Program
Rent Mailing Lists:
Responsibility exists due to: Direct Mail Marketing Program
Set Up Mailings:
Responsibility exists due to: Direct Mail Marketing Program and Neo-Tech
Database Marketing Program
Manage Neo-Tech Database:
Responsibility exists due to: Neo-Tech Database Marketing Program
Keep Data/Statistics:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Keep Books:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Do Accounting:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Order Processing:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Shipping Products:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Product Manufacturing:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Customer Service:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Control Computer Needs:
Responsibility exists due to: Each of the marketing programs
Process To Divide Business By Essence
Into Wealth-Building Jobs of the Mind
(Example From Integrated Management Associates)
Basic Responsibilities: | Money-Making Purposes: |
Buy Television Spots | Television Marketing |
Set Up Commercials | |
Buy Space (newspapers, magazines) | Space Media Marketing |
Set Up Space-Media Ads | |
Rent Mailing Lists | Direct Mail Marketing |
Set Up Mailings | |
Manage Database | Database Marketing |
Keep Data/Statistics | |
Keep Books | |
Do Accounting | |
Control Order Processing | |
Control Shipping Products | |
Control Product Manufacturing | |
Control Customer Service | |
Control Computer Need |
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