Fourth Ultimate Gift: We Excel In The Careers Of Our Dreams
Now, pull the basic responsibilities together by their money-making purposes as follows:
Buy Television Spots | Buy Space |
Set Up TV Commercials | Set Up Space-Media Ads |
Keep Data/Statistics | Keep Data/Statistics |
Keep Books | Keep Books |
Do Accounting | Do Accounting |
Control Order Processing | Control Order Processing |
Control Shipping Products | Control Shipping Products |
Control Product Manufacturing | Control Product Manufacturing |
Control Customer Service | Control Customer Service |
Control Computer Needs
Control Computer Needs
Rent Mailing Lists | Manage Database |
Set Up Mailings (purchasing, printing lettershop) |
Set Up Mailings (purchasing, printing lettershop) |
Keep Data/Statistics | Keep Data/Statistics |
Keep Books | Keep Books |
Do Accounting | Do Accounting |
Control Order Processing | Control Order Processing |
Control Shipping Products | Control Shipping Products |
Control Product Manufacturing | Control Product Manufacturing |
Control Customer Service | Control Customer Service |
Control Computer Needs | Control Computer Needs |
As you can see, the company divides into specific marketing programs -- wealth-building jobs. And as the company grows, those marketing programs divide further into specific marketing projects, every job always remaining a wealth-building job. In fact, every job becomes a little company in itself -- a mini-company...a true job of the mind. |
I witnessed that when the new code set in, a job revolution changed your place of work into these entrepreneurial jobs, whether you worked for a large or small company, regardless if you are now the janitor or the president. The Vision was clear; the essence of business was to Build Wealth. The division of essence divided business into entrepreneurial-like wealth-building jobs.
The Fourth Vision showed me that tomorrow all employees were like their own in-house entrepreneurs, motivated to build profits and success. As a result, employees eventually shared in the profits, oftentimes in the equity. Like all entrepreneurs, their minds turned on like light bulbs and started shinning. They left behind their bicameral mentality of automatically reacting to set routines and eventually entered the new Neothink mentality of creating new knowledge. They enjoyed enormous excitement and success. The transformation worked for any job, from the bricklayer to the Wall Street executive. Eventually, every ordinary employee became an in-house entrepreneur.[ 8 ]
In short, every responsibility in every business simply attached to its money-making purpose. All responsibilities came together into integrated chunks of essence -- into wealth-building jobs. Responsibilities no longer remained detached from their money-making purposes forming routine-rut jobs like today's jobs. Responsibilities no longer were such ends in themselves -- dead ends. Instead, they became exciting means to an end -- BUILD WEALTH!
Realize that each wealth-building job was a job for one person. The integrated responsibilities were never broken from their money-making purpose, not even with growth of the business. For, once a responsibility got split from its money-making purpose, then that created a specialized, routine-rut job that was not integrated with making money -- a dead-end job with no essence...the way most 20th-century jobs are today.
Then, the question arose, "As the businesses grew, how could a person single-handedly handle a wealth-building job without delegating some of the responsibilities to others?" Realize that as the businesses grew, the number of responsibilities in a wealth-building job did not grow. The number of projects and volume of business grew. More marketing projects formed within each marketing program. Each new marketing project could potentially break off into its own wealth-building job with a very similar and complete set of responsibilities attached to its money-making purpose. Those new wealth-building projects got transferred (i.e., got replicated, as learned later) to other persons along with the similar or same group of responsibilities. That way, as each 21st-century company grew, every person's job remained an exciting wealth-building job -- a chunk of the company's essence. As the businesses grew, the wealth-building jobs continued to divide again and again into more and more wealth-building jobs, every job always remaining an exciting, wealth-building job of the mind with a marketing format to build profits as an in-house mini-company by an in-house entrepreneur.
Looking back from the Fourth Vision at the 20th century, most jobs merely MAINTAINED the business. Very few jobs gave one the chance to BUILD WEALTH. Under the old code, were your job responsibilities integrated means with which to build wealth? Or were they specialized ends in themselves, dead-end routine chores? Chances are you were stuck in a boring routine rut!
But that changed with the new code. Jobs changed. Now you could build wealth. Building wealth became the ends into which your job responsibilities converged. Responsibilities then became potent integrated MEANS to build wealth, not impotent specialized ENDS in themselves to routinely turn in.
For example, you saw in Diagram One my company's basic responsibilities, a total of 15 basic responsibilities. Traditional publishing/direct-mail companies in the 20th century made each of those basic responsibilities a separate job or department. Therefore, those dead-end departments and their jobs could not build wealth and grow.
But I used my Vision of the new code's division of essence to break out of the old code's routine-rut jobs. You saw, in Diagram Four, Integrated Management's wealth-building jobs, pulling together the basic responsibilities into their money-making purposes. Those dynamic jobs of the mind built wealth and grew without limits and represented the 21st-century work force.
Under the old code, most people never experienced building wealth. Twentieth-century businesses scattered their job responsibilities into specialized routine ruts; twenty-first century businesses attached those same job responsibilities to their money-making purposes. Twentieth-century job responsibilities became ends in themselves instead of integrated means to making money. Therefore, nearly all jobs in the 20th century were non-growth, dead-end routine ruts in which people could not build wealth, could not grow, thus stagnated. They were trapped all their lives in the bicameral mentality at work -- automatically reacting to their routine tasks day after day. The ordinary person quietly became unhappy as he or she sank into miserable stagnation under the 20th-century business structure. His routine rut became a prison, his creativity the prisoner.
Becoming the Person We Once Dreamed of Being
Whatever happened to the person we once dreamed about being? Most of us got trapped in a routine-rut job year after year. The creative person we were meant to be got hopelessly imprisoned within our routine ruts. Our unique creativity never stood a chance. We never blossomed.
So, under the old code, we suffered in silent frustration, forever forgetting about the creative and wealthy person we once dreamed about. In the fascinating Fourth Vision, however, under the new code, ordinary people single-handedly created wealth. Everyone went about making money, perhaps the most exciting stimulant in human life. Whole families, even the children, got involved in what their parents were building. Families grew emotionally closer as building values became a family event. Creativity abounded among adults and children alike. You see, children grew up in that exciting entrepreneurial environment. Dinner talk was often filled with Dad's or Mom's latest venture. The idea of producing values and achieving goals excited children, which made them look forward to their futures. The culture changed; children were motivated about growing up to become entrepreneurs. You see, all jobs were entrepreneurial. But the workplace back in the 20th century simply was not set up that way. Most parents dreaded going to work and seldom talked about that miserable place they went to every weekday.
This wonderful change in our jobs was destined to happen as part of the next evolution of man. You see, as we lost our bicameral longings for higher "authorities" telling us how to live our lives, and we consequently depoliticized America, the freed geniuses and technologies advanced so quickly the job revolution had to occur for businesses to keep up and remain competitive.
The competitive advantage was so clear in my Vision: The essence of business -- building wealth -- demanded creativity, and the essence of man was his mind, his creativity. Therefore, so obviously sitting right below our noses, the most powerful business structure imaginable divided its jobs in such a way that every employee used his or her mind creatively to push the business forward. That business structure was the division of essence and was the business structure of the 21st century.
In my Vision, excitement buzzed about these 21st-century jobs because ordinary people for the first time built profits. Therefore, they inevitably shared in those profits and ultimately in the equity. I cannot do justice to the personal excitement and motivation I witnessed. It was beyond anything we have seen. For the first time, ordinary people everywhere built profits, equity, and power for themselves. The whole family got involved and excited. Their success became stimulating, which motivated children toward success. As ordinary people everywhere became dynamic in-house entrepreneurs, they discovered the thrill of power in business and togetherness in family.
The Fourth Vision showed me the uniquely creative genius buried inside a deep, dark corner of every ordinary person's mind. That lost person today achieved amazing accomplishments in the 21st-century. Companies evolved with the times beyond their stagnant jobs for automatically reacting, bicameral mentalities. Companies evolved into dynamic jobs for creatively thinking, Neothink mentalities. In fact, people's jobs became transmission belts to Neothink. (Neothink is explored in the Sixth Vision.) With Neothink, ordinary people naturally generated enormous creative energy and contributed huge values to society.
The Miracle of a New Millennium
Now, consider that every value in society exists because someone, somewhere exerted creative energy. Moreover, society's prosperity and rising standards of living come from, originally, productive energy and creativity put into society. In other words, the more productive energy and creativity put into society, then the more values, prosperity, and higher standards of living result. With a hundred million Neothink entrepreneurs pouring enormous creative energy into society as I witnessed in my Fourth Vision, our prosperity and standards of living broke all the records in the history books and all the economic formulas in the text books. The results were like a 21st-century miracle...the miracle of the dawning of a new millennium with the new code of living.
As in-house entrepreneurs in wealth-building jobs, our minds were stimulated, every day...from morning to night. Creative talk about each new accomplishment flowed at the dinner table. Eventually, we surprised ourselves as we grew into geniuses in our areas of expertise. But not just any genius: no, we became unburdened geniuses with no risky regulations or litigation holding us back. We eventually rose beyond our most ambitious 20th-century dreams.
A hundred million of us -- unrestricted super entrepreneurs -- poured energy and creativity into this country and zoomed ahead with 21st-century super technologies. The Neo-Tech World of super geniuses and super technologies taking care of us and all our needs, large and small as described in the First and Second Visions, brought everyone millionaire wealth, perfect health, and a super-happy self...the only possible results of so much productive energy and creativity pouring into society.
After 2001, under the new code, we no longer did the same boring routines every day while a select few others got powerful and rich. Instead, we built our own businesses within the companies we worked for. We built our own personal power and riches. Our minds shed their bicameral tendencies. As we discovered power and creativity, we got very enthusiastic about working and living. And our excitement happily overflowed into our romantic-love and family relationships.
Tomorrow's jobs awakened the unknown self in ordinary people everywhere as we gradually became geniuses of society. We experienced honest power for the first time in our lives. We became dream builders, achieving dreams in the 21st-century beyond our favorite daydreams in the 20th century. We also felt the new sensation of becoming admired and beloved VIPs for our accomplishments.
We traded in our boring 20th-century routine-rut jobs for exciting 21st-century wealth-building jobs. Those wealth-building jobs resembled little companies -- mini-companies run by our minds. Ordinary people everywhere felt alive again and excited by their goals as the age of labor gave way to the age of the mind.
[ 8 ] God-given in the sense that man should have had the Six Ultimate Gifts 2300 years ago as God and Man were close to uniting, two dozen generations after the end of the hallucinated gods and the bicameral mentality.
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