Fourth Ultimate Gift: We Excel In The Careers Of Our Dreams
Jobs With Life
The dynamic power behind those jobs in the future was: life. Your non-living job today actually transformed into a living one tomorrow. What exactly made your job alive, dynamic, and growing versus not alive, static, and stagnant? First had to come the discovery of the "DNA of a job". (DNA is the substance that defines life, found in living cells, causing them to grow and reproduce.) The "DNA of a job" -- the substance that made it a living job...growing and reproducing -- was the money-making purpose. Indeed, with money-making purpose, tomorrow's jobs came to life. Their responsibilities came to life and formed around the money-making purpose like a living cell around DNA.
This life-force transformed every job as 21st-century businesses figured out the "DNA" -- the wealth-building purpose. Even the most routine jobs...even specialized construction jobs came to life as workers got involved with the numbers and profits like entrepreneurs.
In the old code, the bricklayer, for instance, knew very little about numbers and profits and was helplessly trapped in his routine rut. Like him, most 20th-century jobs gave us wealth-building control of nothing, trapped in our routine ruts. But as my Fourth Vision showed me, all that changed with the job revolution soon after we depoliticized America. As your 21st-century job came to life, it began to "talk". That's right, it actually began to tell you exciting things to do to improve it, wooing your creativity...through the numbers. When the time came that you took over a wealth-building job, you paid close attention to what your living job was telling you. In other words, like every successful entrepreneur, you paid attention to the numbers involving your living job, for improving numbers translated into profits. You made yourself aware of all the numbers, from measuring the smallest details by numbers, by their cost/efficiency...up to the marketing numbers of your living job. Remember, you now had a mini-company to run. Getting close to all those numbers told you an ongoing story. That story led you to ways of improvement, along the path to prosperity. Ironically, the logical numbers opened the window of creativity in your mind as they showed you the way to improvements and advancements. As the numbers helped you discover your creativity, your 21st-century job of the mind tomorrow left your 20th-century job of labor today in the dust.
Money-making purpose always existed throughout 20th-century companies. After the job revolution, companies restructured into those living jobs. Those 21st-century businesses were like growing, living organisms as their living jobs reproduced like living cells. Just as living cells generate new living cells, those living jobs generated new living jobs. Most jobs prior to the new code, by contrast, were not living jobs. They were, in a sense, non-living substances of the business anatomy. They helped hold the business together, but they did not cause the growth of the business. They had no "DNA", no money-making purpose, thus had no life, no growth. Their job responsibilities came from delegating specialized dead-end responsibilities and not from replicating integrated living jobs with DNA-like nucleuses. They had no life substance.
Your Money-Generating Factory
Only living cells build protein; only living jobs build wealth. Looking back from my Fourth Vision, today's non-living jobs could not build anything. They just maintained the structure...static and stagnant. In short, they were not alive.
In a living cell exists the ribosome -- a protein-generating factory. This protein-generating factory pours out protein to build our bodies with muscle, hair, organs, and so on. Similarly, in tomorrow's living jobs I witnessed something called the mini-day schedule -- a money-generating factory. That money- generating factory poured out money-making projects to build our wealth-building jobs with wealth and success. Ordinary people raced forward into big money-making projects. They built their profits, equity, and power. Realize to do that, they first needed a 21st-century living job with wealth-building essence. They set up their days like a manufacturing factory...say like Ford Motor Company's assembly line. But instead of manufacturing cars, they manufactured success and money.
As did Henry Ford, they applied the division of labor to their "manufacturing factories". Later came the vital ingredient of creativity. But at first, they divided their work into the smooth physical movements of labor. Then, like Henry Ford's record-smashing assembly-line, they broke all conceivable records in their manufacturing of success, money, and power.
Let us compare their superior productivity to the 20th-century job. Say we listed the tasks done in a day by a 20th-century manager. His list would look something like this:
Now if we were to also list the tasks he planned to do but did not have time to do, it might look like this:
Now if we were to list the tasks he scheduled for the following day, his list could look something like this:
The example above reflected a common problem with 20th-century managers: They were out of control while getting little done. Even worse, physical labor in the 20th century trapped most of the working class in inescapable ruts. Most were at the mercy of their bicameral tendencies needing to be told what to do instead of using their own minds to generate direction and build competitive creations.
Gathering Control
In my Vision of tomorrow's 21st-century living jobs, on the other hand, existed a money-making "factory" that enabled ordinary people to double then triple then quadruple their productivity by dividing work into smooth physical movements. Diagram Five on the next two pages provides an example of just three days of tasks I personally did using the money-making "factory" witnessed in my Vision.
How did I easily handle that seemingly overwhelming list in just three days? Consider the task of delivering the overwhelming number of pieces of U.S. mail each day. If that mail were dumped into large piles for the mailmen to fill their bags and start delivering -- the first letter to an address perhaps on the west side, the next letter perhaps to the south side, the next letter back to the west side -- the physically disjointed mail-delivery system would get hopelessly behind. Similarly, the physically disjointed, traditional work schedule of the 20th century got hopelessly behind.
As the overwhelming U.S. mail must be divided into smooth physical movements -- the easy-to-handle carrier-route sorts -- my overwhelming job that previously never got finished was divided into smooth physical movements, into a few easy-to-handle physical movements that now always got done.
To divide my 21st-century job, my mini-company at Integrated Management, into smooth physical movements, I wrote down and studied three days of tasks. From those tasks, I identified only six physical movements. I identified: (1) Phone Calls, (2) Letter Writing, (3) Copy Writing, (4) Accounting, (5) Meetings, (6) Operations.
Like a manufacturing factory, each movement was a raw physical act. Making phone calls, for example, like driving in rivets on the assembly line, required a smooth physical movement -- picking up the phone and dialing no matter what the call was about. Look over my three days of tasks, and notice that I made a number of phone calls. To make a phone call, I made a physical movement. The movement remained the same no matter who I called or what I called about. Go through the list and put a #1 next to all phone calls.
Next you can see that I wrote a number of letters. To write a letter required a physical movement regardless who I wrote or what I wrote about. Put a #2 next to the letter-writing tasks.
I developed ads and product copy. Copy writing too was an independent movement. That was #3. Mark all copy writing tasks #3.
I spent substantial time doing finances, bookkeeping, accounting, creative accounting, and invoice review. Mark all financial matters #4.
Although many approaches and techniques existed for meetings, holding meetings still was a specific physical act. Mark all meetings with a #5.
To determine the final movement, I looked over the tasks; all but a few were marked off. The remaining unmarked tasks did not seem to link together into a related movement. Those disjointed, leftover tasks were the culprits of nitpicking work that shot my day to shreds. Now I could finally corner them. In my Vision, all 21st-century jobs had disjointed tasks left over. Those seemingly disjointed tasks actually all fell under one physical movement -- the physical movement of operating the mini-company. Now I could capture those problem makers into one movement to blast through in one shot. In my living job, I moved forward all day long in other important movements, momentum not destroyed by nitpicking work. Number those now-harmless tasks with a #6.
Now notice the same unwieldy three days of tasks when streamlined into their physical movements on the next page. Diagram Six shows my 21st-century mini-company divided into the smooth physical movements. Notice the assembly-line efficiency as everything moved toward simplicity.
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