Fourth Ultimate Gift: We Excel In The Careers Of Our Dreams
Going Beyond the Capacity of Your Mind
Consider that the average person's mind can focus on only one project at a time, with its five or six thoughts. His mind certainly could not cope with 22 projects, 150 tasks, for he would be paralyzed. I, on the other hand, easily coped with 22 projects at a time, with its 150 tasks. I easily did that through power-thinking: First, I determined the steps needed to complete a project by focusing in my mind the completed project. I focused on one project at a time. I uncovered and listed the steps needed to complete the project. Then I put that project out of my mind altogether to make room for the next project. At this point, I had formed a maximum-integration puzzle piece to a success puzzle.
I then concentrated on the next project. I imagined the completed project and wrote down the steps to reach that image. Now I had formed another maximum-integration puzzle piece to the success puzzle. Then I cleared my mind and went on to the next project, and so on, each project forming another puzzle piece to the success puzzle. Those puzzle pieces snapped together into the mini-day schedule, and my growing puzzle pictures led me into Neothink.
I did my power-thinking on Sunday and injected my entire power-thinking list into my next week's mini-day schedule. The human mind can focus intensely on just one project -- no more. But with the use of special tools, ordinary people tomorrow operated beyond their mental processing capacity. The mini-day/power-thinking team was their 21st-century tool that let them go beyond the capacity of their minds -- their 21st-century tool to building major Neothink success puzzles.
Power-thinking tomorrow captured vague ambitions, goals, projects into tangible steps. The steps further broke down into specific tasks when injected into the mini-days. Ambitions, goals, projects broke down, down, down to earth...down to tasks that got done. By plugging those tasks into the intense mini-days, average people tomorrow yanked in faraway dreams right away, right down to quick-action reality.
Everything You Want...In the Palm of Your Hand
Of course, only the living jobs of the future accommodated such wealth-building mini-day/power-thinking dynamics. Ordinary people tomorrow in living jobs reached forward, grabbed hold of their most ambitious goals and projects with power-thinking, and brought them back to themselves right away with the mini-days. Ordinary people experienced those accomplish-ments not only sometime within their lifetimes, but right away and then moved on to even bigger and better accomplishments. Ordinary people like you and me discovered the exciting energy of moving through goals. Think now about your ambitions, your goals. With a living job and its mini-day/power-thinking team, you can bring everything you want into the palm of your hand, right now.
So, there you have it -- the three main components that constitute life: the DNA, the ribosome protein-generating factory, and the RNA. Our big-money jobs under tomorrow's new code came to life with money-making purpose ("DNA"), a money-generating mini-day schedule (a "ribosome"), and power-thinking ("RNA").
After 2001, under the new code of Neothink mentalities, you and all your peers enjoyed a living job. Once you took over the responsibilities of a living job -- that money-making purpose -- then you built wealth with your mini-day/power-thinking team, always listening to your mini-company, talking to you in numbers. You became the 21st-century profit-making entrepreneur of your 20th-century dreams. You realized your Fourth Ultimate Gift of the Neo-Tech World: excelling in the career of your dreams.
The Living Company
Now, let me tell you how businesses looked dramatically different in my Fourth Vision, after the job revolution that shed bicameral mentalities at work. Like our 21st-century jobs, our 21st-century companies came to life. Business and its many geniuses, taking care of every need we could possibly imagine and even needs we never imagined, became very exciting talk among ordinary people...the beneficiaries of businesses' productivity and creativity. Instead of politics, tomorrow's news media was plastered every day with the latest technological breakthroughs. People checked their computers for news sometimes two, three, or more times a day to get the latest updates on breakthroughs. People of all ages tomorrow would check the news with far greater enthusiasm than people in the 20th century. Checking the latest breakthroughs was immeasurably more stimulating than checking the latest football scores or the latest movie releases, for the technological breakthroughs directly boosted the viewer's standard of living. Sports stars and movie stars, by the way, took a distant second in popularity and fame to business stars, for business stars brought wealth, health, and excitement directly to the people. Let me take a moment to show you the anatomy of tomorrow's exciting living businesses making it all possible:
Physical Growth
In my Vision, I witnessed the most amazing thing: businesses were divided not like most businesses today into lifeless jobs, but into living ones. Instead of employees draining the cash flow, they actually built cash flow! After all, the entrepreneurial employees ran mini-companies within the company. They faced their jobs with entrepreneurial intensity. In fact, tomorrow's 21st-century companies figured out some form of performance pay and eventually equity to drive their employees' motivation to new heights.
Twenty-first century businesses divided their companies into these wealth-building living jobs. They did this by transferring to employees complete wealth-building nuggets and not routine tasks. Each employee got a money-making purpose with its complete chunk of attached responsibilities versus a stagnant bunch of routine responsibilities delegated without regard to their money-making purpose, their "DNA", the essence of life. The process that effectively transferred those wealth-building living jobs was called: replicating.
Imagine being able to reproduce a company's original entrepreneur. Say he could clone himself to fill every job in his company. Well, his company would boom. In my Vision, replicating himself came close to filling his company with himself. The companies that grew through replicating were filled with people with the same life-code as the original entrepreneurs.
Companies under the 20th-century old code, on the other hand, grew through delegating and were filled with people with no life-code in non-living jobs. Those companies did not last long in the next millennium and soon changed or became extinct.
Every original entrepreneur, who built his start-up company from the ground up, intimately knew the "DNA" of his business -- how to make money! In my Vision, I witnessed that the "DNA" was preserved through replicating himself. The 21st-century entrepreneur did not turn over selected responsibilities, in other words, delegate. Instead, he took the time to transfer an entire living job with its "DNA", its money-making purpose, and all its attached responsibilities that made up the "living cell". He demonstrated to his employee, first hand, how to do each responsibility and, most importantly, all the intricacies of how to go about making money -- the essence of his job.
In my Fourth Vision, 21st-century businesses taught every employee how to make money in their living jobs. Nearly everyone for the first time went about making money while producing exciting values and breakthroughs...sending the wealth of society beyond any description ever attempted in economic theory from the old code. A hundred million creative entrepreneurs together with 21st-century super technologies in a depoliticized society created wealth faster and bigger than anything previously considered. In Adam Smith's time, for example, Neo-Tech did not even exist.
An Unbelievably Wealthy World
The new living companies in the Neo-Tech Era were driven forward by those in-house super entrepreneurs. They poured so much productive energy and creativity into society, further catalyzed by the super technologies called Neo-Tech, that a whole new economic code had to be written. The old code just did not apply. Indeed, when every working adult was a motivated entrepreneur pouring enormous productive energy and creativity into society, and society was free to race forward with no big-government regulations, and super technologies catalyzed all efforts...our society metamorphosed into something never even academically conceived, not even as an economic thought. Everyone lived like a millionaire; the enormous productive energy put into society left no other possibility.
Traditional economic ideas and worries about inflation, deflation, money supply and wealth distribution became obsolete. Productive energy of a hundred million entrepreneurs relentlessly flooding into society and lifting everyone's standard of living overwhelmed all other market dynamics and became the dominating and unstoppable factor of individual prosperity.
People's prosperity simply was buoyed by unprecedented productive energy and creativity pouring into society. You see, all that productive energy, overloading society, could go nowhere else but to elevating everyone's standard of living. Never-before-known approaches from the private sector quickly matched that productive energy with effective representation of properly backed money supplies. The old economic models of inflation, deflation, money supply, wealth distribution applied to the old socioeconomic era and not to the Neo-Tech Era of win, win, win wealth for everyone. Everyone was rich.
Taking Your Piece of the Action
When someone decided to go into business for himself tomorrow under the new code, here is what he would do to start and then build his own 21st-century business: He would start with something he knew well, perhaps in a similar line of work as his prior mini-company. He would select something he was comfortable with, something he knew he could do. He would begin his new company as a lone, one-man business. Although things seemed a bit hectic, he did not hire others to delegate responsibilities to. Often he would not even hire a secretary, for if he did, he would have someone to delegate to. His first solo money-making job in his new company was in itself a mini-company. He sacredly upheld and held together the living cell of responsibilities. He kept its responsibilities together around their money-making purpose. He knew that delegating would obliterate that living cell. Instead, he did all the work himself. To stay in good control, he used the mini-day/power-thinking team.[ 9 ]
When his company began to grow, he brought in a successor and replicated his entire wealth-building nugget, as follows: He did all the work in his successor's presence. He let his successor take from him when ready and able, not he give to his successor, the nitty-gritty details, one by one. This way, his successor would pick up the fine art of making money. The founder's genetic code would pass to his successor.
Once that original entrepreneur successfully transferred the DNA and its entire cell of responsibilities to his successor, then the original entrepreneur could put his mind to work again and concentrate his entrepreneurial drive on building a new wealth-building mini-company. Indeed, his business never stagnated as he and his successors all concentrated on making money.
Some businesses tomorrow worked better if the founder kept the original wealth-building mini-company and grew through replicating new wealth-building mini-companies (i.e., new marketing projects) that grew from within his original mini-company. In any case, once physical growth came through replicating "DNA" (i.e., the money-making purposes) and their attached responsibilities, then the founder lived on the leading edge of a 21st-century living business. All routine ruts, all bicameral mentalities, vanished forever.
In my Vision, we were among the first to experience the next great curve of prosperity coming to business and its workers as everything shifted with our generation from brain-dead jobs of labor to brain-stimulated jobs of the mind. And those jobs of the mind served as transmission belts that helped hundreds of millions of ordinary people around the world make the evolutionary jump into Neothink.
Full of living jobs with "DNA", tomorrow's living companies grew, on their own, as their living jobs reproduced and formed profitable new ones. In the end, original entrepreneurs of tomorrow's living companies became wonderful pillars of society as they helped make their entrepreneurial employees rich. All people in those living companies became major players in life. The founder's crucially important role was to ultimately integrate and coordinate all the pieces to the big success best snap together the pieces into the overall puzzle picture and be sure everything stayed healthy:
[ 9 ] For an in-depth treatment of the division of essence and its 21st-century entrepreneurial jobs of the mind, see Neo-Tech Business Control, Mark Hamilton, 740 pages.
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