Fourth Ultimate Gift: We Excel In The Careers Of Our Dreams
The Immune System
Like a living body, the 21st-century living company had an intricate immune system. My Vision clearly showed me the immune system, which came from powerful tools called tracking reports. Just as your body's immune system detects something wrong in any nook of your anatomy, the tracking reports directly or indirectly reached each and every detail in the business.
Each mini-company employee filled out his tracking reports. To fill out the reports, the responsibilities all had to be done and done right or they jumped out as "ill" on the catch-everything "immune system". The mini-company employee himself caught if something was wrong and corrected it immediately before any further time passed and before it went beyond him.
With a skillfully developed "immune system", proper tracking reports, everything throughout the living business stayed healthy, even if the business grew into a multi-million-dollar business or larger, which many did after 2001.
I used these techniques that I saw in my Vision to build my own living company. I started in the business I knew well, in the same line of work as my prior mini-company. Upon replicating my first mini-company, I designed tracking reports. Remember, the living job or mini-company has a living "cell of responsibilities", as shown attached to my company's mini-companies on page 171.
The first mini-company I built and then replicated was the direct-mail mini-company. I developed the tracking reports to assure every one of its responsibilities was done and done right. For example, see Diagram Nine over the next 11 pages. It illustrates my direct-mail mini-company's "cell of responsibilities" followed by the tracking reports. In only a few minutes, I could glance over those reports and know that everything was healthy.
| |||||
1 | Rent Mailing Lists | (page 208) | |||
2 | Set Up Mailings | (page 209) | |||
3 | Keep Data/Statistics | (page 210) | |||
4 | Keep Books | (page 211) | |||
5 | Do Accounting | (page 212) | |||
6 | Control Order Processing | (page 213) | |||
7 | Control Customer Service | (page 214) | |||
8 | Control Shipping Products | (page 215) | |||
9 | Control Printing Mailers and Product | (page 216)
| Control Computer Needs
| (page 217)
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Note: The above 10 pages(links) illustrate the tracking reports for the Direct-Mail Mini-Company. The tracking reports directly answer each responsibility in the "Cell of Responsibilities" above. The reader may study, skim, or even skip over the tracking reports if he fully understands the concept that tracking reports directly answer each responsibility in the mini-company's "Cell of Responsibilities". |
As I developed a set of tracking reports for each new mini-company, those reports kept me in touch with every responsibility in my company. In a few minutes, I snapped all responsibilities together in my mind, like pieces to my success puzzle. As I sat back and snapped together the big puzzle picture in my mind, I knew the missing pieces and then turned around and gracefully, omnipotently conducted my business. I was beginning to use Neothink to build my business. Thus, I was able to bring out the power of the mind, just as I saw happen during my Vision:
Mental Growth
The 21st-century living companies in my Fourth Vision unleashed the power of our minds. Throughout each month, the founder or president outlined the forward movement he expected done by each mini-company the following month. Then, once a month, he met with the mini-company employees.
Nothing but forward-movement issues got discussed in this monthly Essence Meeting. The founder clearly outlined for each mini-company specifically what forward movement must be accomplished next month. Then, everyone in the company drove forward for the full month following the Essence Meeting.
Everyone drove hard to meet the deadlines set by the founder. No one ever drifted into aimlessness. No one ever drifted into filling his or her day with tasks that did nothing to drive the business forward. For, the founder had determined for each mini-company the projects that specifically drove the business forward. The founder laid out what he expected done, and he set deadlines.
Thus, every month the 21st-century founder sent his 21st-century business into double-time, forward-march action. The next two pages show the outline of actions I prepared for the direct-mail mini-company before the January Essence Meeting at my company. Of course, I used the same technique I witnessed from future companies in my Fourth Vision.
The greatest payoffs in those future companies during my Vision, however, came by developing the mini-company employees to, on their own, initiate and carry through forward power-think money-making projects and become creative like the founder. Upon doing that, the living company had successfully become a 21st-century division-of-essence business.
As the in-house entrepreneurs got used to driving forward projects laid out by the founder, they began to, on their own, develop their own projects. Gradually, they provided the founder with their list of forward movement for the following month. They then became self-perpetuating essence movers.
Heaven On Earth
The Fourth Vision showed me that after the job revolution all ordinary people eventually became self-perpetuating essence movers. Not only did the productive and creative energy of a hundred million essence movers lift society's wealth into a whole new dimension, but the ordinary person became a deeply happy person. Ordinary people achieved dreams monthly, under the new code, that surpassed most dreams imagined in a lifetime under the old code; ordinary people lived in heaven on Earth. ...This exciting metamorphosis is happening in my company since I switched to the new business paradigm.
In using these future techniques now to build my own living company, I tried the following technique to push along my company's division of essence: I had each mini-company employee submit a weekly forward-movement Essence Report. The weekly report was turned in every Monday, without exception. The report was brief. It told me what each mini-company employee did on forward movement the past week and what he or she would do on forward movement the new week. No detail work. No excuses. Simply what was done on forward movement, nothing else.
Every Monday, without exception, I reviewed the weekly forward-movement reports. The weekly reports, in a sense, "cornered" people into doing forward movement.
The weekly Essence Report broke into two brief parts: 1) the forward movement accomplished the past week, and 2) the forward movement to be accomplished that week. When I received the next Essence Report, I would see if the person was successful with his week's projection.
The weekly Essence Report set a forward-movement goal for the week. The goal set in the weekly report forced focused concentration on forward movement each new week. When the previous company I worked for was under the old code of bicameral mentalities, employees handled only routine responsibilities without ever a thought beyond their routine -- without ever a thought of investing in their own growth and futures. Under the new code of Neothink mentalities with the weekly forward-movement Essence Report, however, each new week employees thought about how to further advance themselves. They integrated more and more widely and became increasingly creative and excited. I helped them grow into the creative people they always dreamed of and were meant to be.
I learned that the most effective format for the weekly Essence Report was to integrate that report with the monthly Essence Meeting. For example, in the monthly Essence Meeting, I would, in conjunction with each mini-company, establish the forward-movement actions to be accomplished the following month. Each mini-company employee then listed those actions 1...2...3...4... on a sheet of paper with space to the right of each action to write the past week's forward-movement progress and the new week's projected progress. See the sample on the next page, and compare its actions to the Essence Meeting on pages 219 and 220. The mini-company employee then photocopied four or five copies of that list of forward-movement actions for one full month of weekly Essence Reports. Each weekend the mini-company employee wrote either his progress (or exactly when he planned to make progress) in the first column next to each essence action. And he wrote what he planned to do the coming week in the second column next to each essence action.
This format kept the mini-company employee focused every week on pushing through the forward movement covered in the monthly Essence Meeting. By bringing this wealth-building essence to every employee, I helped unleash his or her buried creativity. My company experienced extraordinary creativity, which is the greatest power in business. I conducted a life-lifting business, and thoroughly enjoyed my work, loved ones, and friends. There was something sensational about becoming this new, 21st-century entrepreneur. I could see the whole puzzle picture by snapping together the tracking reports. Then I easily doled out omnipotent life-enhancing advice as I guided others to ultimately making themselves rich and making their best dreams come true.
So, there you have what was shown to me -- the 21st-century living company with the three main components that constituted a living organism: the physical growth, the physical immune system, and the mental growth. The 21st-century living company physically grew through replicating "living cells", had an immune system through tracking reports, and grew mentally through monthly Essence Meetings with weekly Essence Reports. And that last component -- mental growth -- brought an unbeatable advantage to the 21st-century living company. For, through the division of essence, tomorrow's companies unlocked the greatest power in business -- the creativity (and eventually the Neothink mentality) now locked inside every employee's mind. In fact, tomorrow when ordinary people everywhere enjoyed these jobs of the mind, they eventually evolved into Neothink. The Fourth Vision showed me that these essence-driven jobs were our transmission belts to the Neothink mentality.
The Secret Code
While using these techniques to acquire my own living job and then living company, right now before the coming job revolution, I kept this in mind: When I acquired a 21st-century living job at my place of work, and when I later started my own 21st-century living company, what I needed more than anything else was more and more creativity. In my Fourth Vision, I also discovered the window to a whole new creative world. That window to a creative new world was not easy to find at first because it was "written in code". The code first had to be broken. In time, I began breaking that code written in numbers.
What irony, "all that logical stuff" was the window to creativity! Whereas I once ignored "boring" numbers, I found myself chasing after the numbers. You see, the numbers began telling me a story every day -- an exciting story about my new wealth-building job and then about my new living company. I began looking for that story, every day enthusiastically wanting the latest story. For, that story told me ways to advance my business and profits. When I had my mini-company, and again later when I had my full-blown company, I established a numbers mini-day. It took awhile to "crack the code" and make use of that mini-day. But once I did, the numbers threw open the window to a whole new creative world.
Tomorrow's Living Jobs and Companies --
Routine-rut jobs everywhere were left behind and then forgotten. Work became exciting as ordinary people achieved 21st-century dreams that surpassed their most ambitious 20th-century daydreams. Let us summarize the 21st-century techniques of living jobs and living companies, which you experienced after 2001 with the changing of the old code to the new code:
DNA-Exercise -- You Captured The Elusive Life Substance:
Ribosome-Exercise -- You Started Your Money-Generating Factory:
RNA-Exercise -- You Created Wealth Yourself:
Physical-Growth Exercise -- Self-Perpetuating Success:
Immune-System Exercise -- Fail-Proof Success:
Mental-Growth Exercise -- Corralling The Greatest Money-Making Power In Business:
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