Sixth Ultimate Gift: We Join The Geniuses
Your mind tomorrow in the prolific information age worked an entirely different way. Without bicameral tendencies, your mind was not in the following mode waiting for automatic, external guidance. Void of mysticism, your mind led itself and snapped together rapidly accessible information into little puzzles. In other words, your mind conceptualized or thought in concepts, not percepts as it did before 2001.
Percepts were simple events or thoughts all around you perceived through your five senses: I smelled the stench of garbage in the streets; I saw the run-down store fronts; I tasted the greasy food at the neighborhood taco stand; I felt the jolt of potholes in the deteriorating roads; I heard police sirens over and over again every night. Your senses registered those percepts just as the dog or any other animal registered those percepts. Concepts jumped to a whole new level of using the mind, capable only by humans. Concepts (multiple thought clusters) organized several percepts (single thoughts) into a broader level of awareness: run-down, low-income neighborhoods were not safe at night. ...A dog could never reach that level of awareness.
That concept was developed by pulling together percepts through a common denominator: all such low-income neighborhoods with run-down storefronts, deteriorating roads, low-end food had something in common: frequent crime at night. Conceptualizing lifted humans to a much greater level of power.
Of course, that was a well-known 20th-century concept. Beyond the most well-known concepts, however, most people in the 20th century did not think in concepts. They reacted to percepts only...a bicameral-like mode responding to external events in an automatic manner...a consequence of resignation and the collapse of internal motivation under the old code.
If the motivational drive and its learning curve continued beyond six or seven years of age, conceptual thinking and then Neothink would have taken over. But you could listen to any casual conversation in the 20th century and, in most cases, a story was being told, percept by percept. Very few conversations occurred at the conceptual level and virtually none at the Neothink level. The bicameral-like mode of just reacting to external variables instead of controlling the world around us dominated human thinking.
Without conceptualizing, ordinary people were powerless in life and helpless in their careers, forever stuck in percepts -- in routine tasks at work, for instance. Under the old code, people could only react to those tasks, forever trapped in routine ruts, unable to structure those simple tasks into more powerful units to control their destinies.
Of course, after 2001 under the new code, the simple tasks were pulled together by the common denominator -- physical movements -- into the powerful mini-days. And all the simple responsibilities at work were pulled together by the common denominator -- money-making purpose -- into the powerful mini-companies (the Fourth Vision). Thus, ordinary people's careers were structured conceptually, ready for them to advance rapidly with integrated thinking and then Neothink using power-thinking and numbers (the Fourth Vision) as their guiding tools, no longer stuck in routine ruts reacting to specialized tasks, drowning in stagnation.
Discover a Whole New World
Like a child who learns to read then suddenly sees a whole new world of words all around him, ordinary people tomorrow learned to conceptualize, then suddenly saw a whole new world of common denominators all around them. Once conceptual thinking kicked in and we spotted common denominators everywhere, we structured our lives and careers for success. We advanced into the more powerful realm of integrated thinking and then, as Neo-Tech weeded out mysticism and motivation replaced resignation, we jumped into Neothink.
Seeing common denominators was the first step toward a creative mind. The common denominators, the first phase, was a structuring phase -- structuring concepts, structuring your job. Indeed, common denominators put random percepts into structured concepts, random tasks into structured mini-days, random responsibilities into structured mini-companies, random chaos into structured order. Then, forward-movement integrated thinking kicked in; you were moving forward and not standing still. You became an essence mover -- a profit builder. That next phase to a creative mind built upon structure...built knowledge steadily upon itself like building a house, beam by beam, or like building a puzzle, piece by piece.
In your living job tomorrow, for example, the mini-day schedule enabled you to power-think the puzzles pieces, and the mini-company job enabled you to pursue the numbers to build your success puzzles. The mini-day and mini-company provided the structure upon which you built success with power-thinking and the story of the numbers.
To build success through that integrated thinking required persistent, hard thinking. All geniuses of society did this hard, integrated thinking. But, for those geniuses tomorrow, the word "hard" soon changed to "exhilarating" as it made them prestigious and rich. The same was true for ordinary people, including you, after 2001. Instead of your mind following set routines or external guidance, tomorrow your mind integrated knowledge to the next level and built success puzzles. Natural exhilaration returned and dominated your psyche while unnatural mysticism and stagnation left your psyche. You integrated knowledge to wider and wider scopes and eventually evolved into Neothink. That is when you joined the geniuses.
One Forming Concepts (By Integrating Percepts) Conceptualizing Is First Job ![]() Two Building Success Puzzles (By Integrating Concepts) Snapping Together A Puzzle Picture Is Second Job ![]() Results Making Creative Breakthroughs (By Completing Never-Before-Seen Puzzle Pictures) Creating New Knowledge Is Creative Results
Specific Corollary Steps For Your Career
Under The New Code, The Above Steps |
The Vigorous Mind
Have you ever heard of the Hemingway Code? It came from the famous American writer, Ernest Hemingway, and his legendary youthful vigor. Using an analogy to Hemingway's legendary vigor, here is my attempt to describe my Sixth Vision and how your mind was different in the 21st century: your mental state was always in that Hemingway Code. Every day your mind would vigorously think hard to create values that never existed before. Your mind vigorously pressed forward, building breakthrough puzzle pictures, piece by piece. When you drove down the highway, when you took a shower, when you got ready for bed, when you ate lunch, your mind was not dormant like today. It was intensely churning in the Hemingway Code, putting together an exciting success puzzle, making lucrative breakthroughs, feeling exhilarated. Your mind was always on the move!
After awhile, this exhilaration became addicting and your mind performed no other way. And with your new power, integrated thinking, you never had a shortage of puzzle pieces to build. Assembling larger and larger success puzzles as your mysticisms vanished, your enthusiasm and energy kept expanding as your success puzzle reached the next level and the next, and your mind evolved into Neothink. You continually made major advancements of human knowledge and lived in ecstasy. Your exciting job provided a transmission belt for your evolution into Neothink.
I wanted to try this stimulating, new way of thinking that I so clearly saw in my Sixth Vision. So, I took one small step toward the new code of Neothink mentalities by waking up my mind to a higher level. Here is what happened:
Once a week I had to drive about 300 miles in Southern California. During one trip, I decided I was going to keep the radio off and make my mind work the whole time while driving instead of being in a blank, bicameral-like state. During the long drive, I was expanding my awareness and control over the development of my accounting tracking reports in my company. I forced my mind to think about how to develop foolproof accounting tracking reports. I noticed my mind would "activate" for several minutes. Then, several minutes later, I would "catch" my mind dormant again in a bicameral-like state. So, I would start the process over and force myself to think hard. My mind would go a few minutes, then "short circuit" again. I soon discovered a useful technique: When my mind went blank, I would silently say the word "accounting" in my head over and over until my mind "activated" again. By doing that, I became aware of my "downtime" instead of being in an oblivious daze. Soon, I was able to shorten my mind's "downtime". By the end of the trip, I had discovered an entirely new, foolproof accounting system, now permanently used by my company (see Tracking Report #5, page 212). But most important, my mind would not stop thinking! Instead of being the exception, thinking had become the norm. Needless to say, that was a wildly successful trip.
Ever since that trip, my mind naturally functioned at that next level. Elevating my mind to that next level lifted me to a whole new level of success. In fact, all my success today is because my mind rose to that next level.
But to many, this would seem too hard to do within today's suppressed civilization. But in tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, after the political and job revolutions, this exhilarating thinking and resulting big-shot success came naturally. That stimulating world reawakened our thrill for life, and making lots of money generated enormous enthusiasm.
The "Average Joe" Becomes "Psychic"
As the "average Joe" built success piece by piece, he was in for a surprise: some of his growing success puzzles formed puzzle pictures not seen before. In other words, he was creating values that never existed before and was discovering Neothink. He was becoming a creative genius. You see, as our success puzzles in life formed, we began to know what our developing puzzle pictures ultimately would look like, and therefore, well before those puzzle pictures were complete, we knew what the missing pieces would have to look like that would complete the puzzle picture. In other words, our minds became seemingly psychic to our peers at knowing exactly what to do to take success to the next creative level.
We increasingly knew the future before it ever happened, similar to these Six Visions that know the future through a major Neothink puzzle. Merely ordinary people in the 20th century, we became creative geniuses in the 21st century. Our minds became free of mysticisms and no longer sat dormant waiting to be led. Instead, our minds churned in the Hemingway code and integrated knowledge widely and pulled together major success puzzles as we used Neothink to create the future. God-Man not only sees, but creates the future.
The "Average Joe" Becomes a Legend
You may not think you have a creative thought in your head, today. But creativity was never some special aura radiating from a destined few people. After extensive research, I learned that most creative people today started out the same way -- without creativity and directionless. But, often by mere coincidence, those lucky few people got a little involved with a particular interest that gradually generated more and more enthusiasm...until eventually a powerful motivational drive emerged. Then and only then did those people -- those otherwise "average Joes" -- build a creative puzzle, piece by piece. By the time their lives were over, they may have become legends, but their legacies were built piece by piece. Tomorrow with integrated thinking, all of today's directionless "average Joes" found their way, became deeply motivated, creative, and left important legacies.
I could find no appropriate words that described tomorrow's joy from becoming creative and evolving into Neothink. A deeply satisfying sense of self-importance filled us as we brought permanent values into the world that never existed before. Our deep motivational drives returned as we lived by succeeding at the very essence of man -- at advancing society with our competitive creations. Our deep motivational drives restored both our limitless potential and our intense happiness not known since we were toddlers. Of course, ordinary people became rich and revered VIPs.
The World of Our Minds
After the world went Neo-Tech, we loved our living jobs with their mini-day/mini-company structures described in the Fourth Vision. There, the driving force in life had become our minds. We looked at everything differently. We looked beneath the surface perceptions at work, at home, on the news, about politics, in social life. We always searched for common denominators; formed concepts.
We frequently came up with awesome marketing ideas, for great marketing ideas were simply an exercise of the mind: of finding common denominators that served a lot of people's needs. We then built success upon those structured concepts, say those great marketing ideas, through forward-movement integrated thinking.
Our creativity and energy went toward identifying then servicing society's needs. Indeed, we joined those geniuses solving people's needs. As a result, enormous creativity and energy rushed into society. Prosperity reigned throughout America and Asia, then across our planet.
You Can Start Now
When I pursued the 21st-century next level of thinking, I searched beneath surface perceptions for common denominators in whatever I did. That entry level into integrated thinking introduced me to a new power in life: as I strengthened my ability to form concepts, I developed the ability to conceptualize powerful marketing ideas. I then put many of those ideas into action, using integrated thinking to steadily build those ideas into success puzzles. Those marketing projects, of course, serviced a lot of people's needs.
For instance, my Six Visions showed me that society's major problems in the 20th century nearly all had a common denominator: most if not all were caused by politicians and bureaucrats regulating business, medicine, and science (which occurred because of our mysticisms or deep-rooted remnants of the bicameral mentality that seek external guidance on what to do and how to live, from higher "authorities"). So, with that common denominator in hand, I set about building this book, piece by piece, to do my part to help solve people's needs.
The ideas in this book leading to the inevitable Neo-Tech Party could become perhaps the most leveraged marketing concept of all time, for my Visions showed me that the Neo-Tech Party eventually set free the geniuses of society to service the people's needs, remove their many problems, and make their lives wealthy and healthy as described in the First, Second, and Third Visions.
Moreover, the Neo-Tech Party caused a political revolution that peacefully eliminated the ruling class. Eliminating the ruling class set free the Technological Revolution that made us rich, caused a medical revolution that eradicated all diseases and quickly doubled the years to our lives, caused the job revolution that brought us exciting jobs of the mind, sparked a love revolution that resulted in intensely happy and romantic people, and ultimately catalyzed the worldwide evolution into Neothink.
Of course, it all started with pulling together the common denominator to nearly all our problems -- the ruling class -- and then building the puzzle picture -- this book. I witnessed in my Visions that, after 2001, this common denominator to nearly all our problems -- this ruling class -- came into clear focus in most people's minds after fifty million people were exposed to the ideas of Neo-Tech, which sparked the inextinguishable fire beneath the Neo-Tech Party.
But I started small; when I first tried the 21st-century creative thinking, I did the following exercise to accompany my living job: I pushed myself to think in concepts. At work while studying the details, I always looked for common denominators to recurring problems. I surprised myself as I discovered solutions I never would have thought of before. With time, my mind became used to this new way of thinking. By using conceptualization in my wealth-building job, I gradually discovered creativity growing in me. I advanced from stagnant specialized thinking into forward-movement integrated thinking and built success in contrast to my previous 20th-century routine rut. And when I came closer to thinking like the 21st-century dynamos in my Sixth Vision, I rediscovered my deep motivational drive left behind at seven years old.
Under the old code of bicameral mentalities, we were doomed early on to somewhat dull lives and minds, even before our first day of school. And then, our education devastated whatever potential we still had left. We left school with dull minds, doomed to dull lives. Fortunately, when the world went Neo-Tech, we recaptured our potentials lost as young children and made up the advantages lost as schoolchildren. We joined the geniuses.
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