Sixth Ultimate Gift: We Join The Geniuses
As my mind's eye was still admiring the slim and sexy people in my Fifth Vision, I started noticing something else about them, something startling: those people with beautiful bodies also had brilliant minds! My Sixth and final Vision was coming to me: ordinary people tomorrow were very fact, they were geniuses. They had both awesome bodies...and minds! A shiver of excitement went through me as I witnessed perhaps our greatest childhood wish come true tomorrow: we were extremely bright!
Even if you think you are dull today, tomorrow you were a genius. In my Sixth Vision, I was there: after the new code, the stagnation-trap around your mind finally came off. We know, from the first chapter, the stagnation-trap was mysticism...a disease of the mind. That trap had devastated your potential in life under the old code.
But tomorrow, you left behind your bicameral tendencies; through Neo-Tech you cured your mind of mysticism and naturally made the evolutionary jump into Neothink. Using Neothink to make startling wide-scope integrations of knowledge and major advancements of new knowledge, you were a genius by today's standards.
As motivated geniuses after 2001, we looked back at ourselves before 2001 like we were partly retarded. In a sense, we were. You see, the human mind can naturally grow forever, yet our minds had stopped growing. In the end, we were pinned down in stagnant ruts, so natural growth of our minds had been retarded or stopped by the old code.
Looking back, we often wondered why our minds had stopped growing, for wide-scope integrations of knowledge and powerful mental growth seemed so natural and rewarding under the new code. We loved being smart! And it really bothered us that we were so dull before. After a lot of searching, we finally realized our minds had stopped growing in the 20th century because people had lost their human potential. We were determined to figure out why.
First we defined human potential: potential was the full degree of success a person with no aberrations could achieve, which we now knew was enormous. We wondered, what exactly determined our human potential, and how did it die before? We realized, one's deeply rooted motivational drive actually determined his or her potential. When motivation got replaced by resignation under the old code, our human potential died. Of course, one's human potential depended on one's deep, lifelong motivational drive...not surface, temporary motivations inspired by motivational tapes or seminars. One's very deep motivational drive in life dictated his or her eventual success.
This deep motivation came and went very young in our lives in the 20th century. So, to understand why, we had to go yet a level deeper to answer the question, "What constituted motivation?" We had to get down to the root cause of our seeming "inborn" motivational drives or seeming "inborn" lack of motivational drive. That brought us back to our infancy. There, we observed the natural thrill felt in human babies while developing human consciousness. We started out like all other animals, but we went further and further into greater and greater levels of awareness. We kept going and going far beyond all other animals...into human consciousness. Infants and toddlers felt a natural thrill as they experienced more and more control when entering human consciousness. That exhilarating thrill and power was a natural reaction to human consciousness.
Unfortunately, as we grew up in the 20th century, the power of our human consciousness became diseased and weakened to wimpish impotence relative to our Neothink minds tomorrow, and we could not even remember our childhood exhilaration. In the 20th-century world of mutant bicameral mentalities, unbeknownst to us, unnatural mysticism dominated our lives and destroyed the natural thrill of life. But the thrill existed in very young children. It once existed in everyone.
That thrill for expanding awareness and control over life constituted your deep motivational drive in life. To whatever degree you still had a small bit of that thrill determined your motivational drive and dictated your success in life.
By the way, the emotional experience of that thrill was intense happiness, which we witnessed frequently in young children, but seldom in adults.
If that thrill for life were not crippled before your seventh birthday, then your motivational drive would have remained the same throughout the 20th century as it was during your first few years of life. While enthusiastically and easily integrating knowledge to the next level and the next, you would have accrued enormous power over life and succeeded beyond many of today's most successful people. Indeed, you would have become a creative genius among the world's most valuable and richest people before 2001.
Toddlers Routinely Neothink
As toddlers, we learned to talk and become conscious, enthusiastically and easily integrating knowledge to the next level, routinely pulling together major Neothink integrations. Remember, the Neothink mentality is the disease-free, pure state of consciousness. We were naturally able to Neothink because we were still free of unnatural mysticism. As we absorbed unnatural mysticism from the mysticism-plagued world around us, we lost our natural ability to Neothink.
We lost our ability to Neothink and our geometrical learning curves early in life as we absorbed resignation from the world around us. We lost our deeply rooted motivational drives and our thrill for life. And, as a result, we lost the intense happiness that was still present in very young children. The trap of stagnation sadly started closing around our minds and hearts early in life.
After 2001, under the new code, young children were not diseased with mysticism; they never lost their thrill for life, and they continued soaring with deep-rooted motivational drives into greater and greater power and success. They grew up keeping their unyielding learning curves, for all adults around them were racing forward on geometrical learning curves, too. Natural competitive pressures swept everyone along and onto exciting journeys through life, just like those first few toddler years.
Tomorrow looking back at us today, the motivational drive was gone in nearly all adults -- replaced by resignation. Children learned from adults; indeed, children learned mysticism and resignation. And that was how our huge potential disappeared. Tomorrow, we finally came to terms with having been mentally handicapped under the old code for an irreplaceable period of our lives.
In 20th-century civilization, once one's motivational drive collapsed at six or seven years old, it never came back. But in tomorrow's Neo-Tech World, once adults started integrated thinking again, which released a gusher of creativity, their motivational drives returned. So now, let us look at the entirely new way of using the mind that made us very creative and motivated after 2001:
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