Gods of the Universe
Charles Darwin was so deeply affected by the attacks and cries of blasphemy against his Theory of Evolution that he repeatedly fell ill. Fearing the outlash his work on Natural Selection would cause, he continually delayed releasing his findings until close friends coaxed him, finally after 25 years, into giving his knowledge to the world. At the end of his book, The Origin of Species, Darwin wrote a sort of homage to God, hoping to reduce negative religious reactions, pleading that there was a place for God and a place for evolution.
Of course, as he feared, his powerful scientific theory created havoc everywhere, not just within religion, but throughout philosophy, mythology, in the academe, schools, politics, and social order in general. The heated controversy and ripping attacks on Darwin and his work caused him severe anguish and ill health.
Still, the extensive inductive reasoning and conclusive deductive reasoning behind his work could not be scorned away. Nevertheless, people tried. Realize, though, the uproar his Theory of Evolution would have caused: In the mid-1800's, the creation of intelligent man, beautiful animals, and perfect ecosystems could have no possible explanation other than a Majestic Creation. The perfection and beauty could have occurred no other way but through the love of a Supreme Being. And that being the obvious observation that it was, we further believed that the world followed His divine plan, which fulfilled our bicameral longings to follow our external "authority".
Suddenly, however, with Natural Selection, no longer did the world follow some divine order by a Supreme Being. Instead, now everything happened by chance. A deep-rooted, cherished feeling of security within the people was stripped away; their bicameral longings to follow a higher "authority" was suddenly stripped away by Natural Selection. Furthermore, comprehensive factual research, particularly upon Darwin's subsequent release of The Descent of Man, overwhelmingly suggested intelligent man himself was not special; he came not from a higher being, but from a lower life form, perhaps an ape!
Both the people's God, their beloved leader, and their honor seemed to be ripped out from under them. Their most precious and needed feeling of hope seemed to die. ...But, over time, mankind began to see the beauty and benevolence of evolution. Moreover, Darwin's scientific reasoning versus the mystical Adam and Eve explanation had to be acknowledged. The scientific reasoning was just too powerful to deny for long. The power of logic will always rise and prevail over inferior traditional beliefs steeped in mysticism, even if people do not at first want to let go.
Letting Go of Mysticism
Similarly, this final chapter contains scientific knowledge that will undoubtedly undergo ripping attacks with cries of blasphemy. Like Darwin, Frank R. Wallace is putting forth a scientific theory based on 30 years of extensive inductive reasoning and conclusive deductive reasoning.[ 14 ] Like Darwin, Wallace has no intentions of attacking God per se. But he does intend to advance knowledge.
Still, realize the uproar his "God-Man is God" will cause: Just as man could only explain the advanced beauty and perfection of the world around him as coming from a Majestic Creation before Darwin, man today can only explain the immensity and eternity of the Universe as coming from a Majestic Creation. Few people today question the existence of a Supreme Being.
Now, it not only is questioned, but scientific reason suggests that our universe came not from a Supreme Being, but from man -- God-Man. Our beloved God and our belief in faith seems to be under attack. Of course, a cherished feeling of security and hope within our souls, our bicameral longings to follow our God, is suddenly stripped away by God-Man.
But, over time, mankind will see the beauty and benevolence of God-Man being the highest being in the Universe -- the pure, highest consciousness in the Universe for all eternity. Moreover, Wallace's scientific reasoning versus the mystical God-sitting-in-Heaven explanation has to be acknowledged. The scientific reasoning is just too powerful to deny for long. Once again, the power of logic will always rise and prevail over inferior traditional beliefs steeped in mysticism, even if people do not at first want to let go.
Grasping Our God of the Future
With the preceding eight chapters behind us, the reader can more readily comprehend that until now, the God concept was viewed from the bicameral mentality seeking automatic answers from a higher "authority" telling us what to do and how to live -- our God of the past. Now, we will for the first time see the God concept from the Neothink mentality to really discover God -- our God of the future:
Frank R. Wallace recently provided me with his latest Research Journal that housed his project on the Civilization of the Universe, the civilization of God-Man, as explained later. Dr. Wallace's Research Journal was several hundred pages long, building a Neothink view of the Universe and a map to the Civilization of the Universe. As I went through all those pages, I sat in stunned silence. In those pages, he had unlocked the mysteries of God. After many millennia, here Wallace had done it!
Furthermore, unlocking the mysteries of God unleashed the untapped power of man, which the money/power giants today have not yet exploited -- not even a fraction of their human potential. As I read through his Journal, at times I began twitching, and my writing hand began gyrating. You see, as Wallace's Journal unlocked the mysteries of God and the power of man, new nerves never tweaked in my nervous system were being plucked like a banjo. Time and time again I had to stop reading and put the pages aside just to calm down and get my body back in sync.
Discovering the Universe's Deepest Secret
In some way, I apologize to you. You see, here you are merely reading a book; yet here the answers to the multi-millennia mysteries of God and man are coming straight at you. As author and narrator, I know I have not done my job to prepare you. Thus, the importance of what you are about to read will either go right by you, misevaluated as very interesting, fresh ideas. Or it will hit you square between the eyes and stagger you as it turns your life upside down, forever.
Either way, I wish I could better prepare you. I have done my best, however. Chapters One through Eight were developed to prepare you for what is to come in Chapter Nine. I have selected approximately fifty pages from Dr. Wallace's Journal to walk you through the essential portions that unlock the mysteries of God and unleash the power of man. ...In short, Dr. Wallace discovered the Universe's deepest secret: God-Man is God...Gods of the Universe. And we will soon join the Gods of the Universe in the Civilization of the Universe.
The Ultimate Thrill: Becoming God
As Wallace wrote his Journal, he found himself more and more exerting Neo-Tech -- the eyes, thoughts, and voice of fully integrated honesty. Eventually, he broke through into Neothink. He was now able to build never-before-seen puzzle pictures of new knowledge, one of which will follow.
Years ago, Wallace retired from a highly successful career as a Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont so he could aggressively research Neo-Tech and Neothink to their outer limits. As Neo-Tech exorcised his mysticisms, he was able to more and more widely integrate reality around him. In the process, he was learning more about Neothink Man, the Universe, and himself.
Wallace was simply, honestly and widely integrating reality. When an individual purges his mysticism, Wallace learned, he can honestly and rapidly integrate reality. In time, he "jumps" into Neothink. And then, through unblocked integrated thinking, powerful far-reaching Neothink extrapolates every subject to its ultimate conclusion and benefit, which Wallace did with the Universe, God, and man in his Journal to bring us the ultimate thrill: becoming God.
Dr. Wallace's Revelation
As he worked on his Journal, at times Wallace felt as if he were possessed by something unexplainably invigorating. During those times, he was able to think and write with unusually far-reaching, fully integrated honesty, so long as the experience lasted. The longer and more intense those inspirational moments became, the more wide-reaching integrations of reality he made, and the more power he reaped.
Curiously, those moments caused him a sense of déjà vu, as if he had felt that way before, sometime long ago...far back in his past, long before his earliest memories, perhaps when he was just a toddler. What do I feel? he would ask himself. Indeed, Wallace was feeling the thrill of life again as he had once before, back when he was a toddler regularly using Neothink to expand his knowledge and control over the world around him.
As he used his background as an accomplished Du Pont scientist to integrate the world around him and the cosmos above him, he had a revelation:
He more and more felt that during his longer and longer inspirational moments, he became one with God-Man. His unity with God-Man happened for as long as his inspirational moment lasted. Then, the moment was gone, and he was himself again. Indeed, his mind was trying to make the evolutionary jump!
Feeling the Thrill of Life Again
Wallace began to look forward with a passion to those inspirational moments when he encountered his own God-Man. He felt so stimulated and alive! Oh, how he would love to live that way all the time. It would mean living with power, control, and euphoria 24 hours a day!
As he closed the gaps between his moments of unity with God-Man and his exhilarating Neothink mentality, he wondered if those exciting episodes would someday link together and go on forever.
How would that ever be so, he wondered. The answer, though, became obvious: When he enjoyed those stimulating experiences, he was mystic-free. In other words, his mind was void of the integration-blocking mind disease of mysticism. He could see right through illusions. There was no dishonesty, defensiveness, protectionism...no mind-created "realities"...of any idea or position -- just reality out there before him to freely and rapidly integrate.
Free of mysticism, he became very powerful and, like a young child, enjoyed figuring out and controlling life, love, and success. As a trained scientist, he became especially effective at physics and figuring out the Universe. ...He recognized that throughout those stimulating experiences, he was feeling again the thrill for life he once did long ago.
The Common Denominator Reveals the Path to God-Man
He detected a common denominator in each euphoric episode experiencing God-Man Unity: "While it lasted, I was mystic-free," he confessed to me. Of course, that got him wondering, what if he could permanently purge his mysticism?
He concluded that, if he became mystic-free 24 hours a day, then he would, in essence, become God-Man. He would have successfully made the evolutionary jump. And, of course, not just himself, but every person could become God-Man, for mystic-free man is God-Man.
Now, wait until what comes next -- the Universe's deepest secret: God-Man is God...Gods of the Universe. And we, ourselves, will soon feel the ultimate thrill: becoming God! I personally overloaded with excitement while going through Wallace's Journal. I could see so, so far. In fact, in many deep talks with Wallace since reading his Journal, we both realized that my Six Visions, Chapters Three through Eight, came from my own encounters with God-Man. ...Now, let us look ahead at the ultimate encounter.
[ 14 ] After 2001, under the new code, after the nationwide division of essence in business where everyone raced forward on his or her exciting essence, Neo-Tech Eating described here naturally turned into our 21st-century eating pattern. But in the late 20th century's suppressed world in which food broke the boredom, Neo-Tech Eating was still...a diet.
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