Gods of the Universe
Who or What Is God?
Mystic-free man is God-Man. Now, let us travel out into our Universe. Do we dare ask, now with man's newly discovered, far greater reasoning power called Neothink, who or what is God? ...Using Neothink, we just might have enough power now to unlock millennia's biggest mystery.
We must begin with an agreeable definition of God before we set out to discover God for all readers. With so many different beliefs and various philosophies from Eastern to Western philosophies, we need a generic definition to work from. Let us start our journey by defining God as the Controller of the Universe. It seems all Eastern and Western philosophies agree on that.
During the sparkling 18th-century Age of Reason, the predominant belief was that man could further understand God as man further understood nature, through reason. In other words, we could better understand the Controller of the Universe by better understanding the Universe.
The Age of Reason rose in the 18th century from the 17th-century works of the English philosopher John Locke and his friend and genius, the famous scientist Isaac Newton. For the first time, science was being used by philosophers and theologians to understand metaphysics, religion, and politics. The more the workings of the Universe could be explained through scientific reason, the closer we got to understanding God and his relationship to man.
The authority of government over man versus God or Natural Law was questioned and became a popular issue of debate.
The Age of Neo-Tech in the 21st century will see both a continuation and completion of the 18th-century Age of Reason. For, we have gone light years beyond Newtonian physics that drove the 18th-century Age of Reason. We have advanced to Einsteinian physics and now Neo-Tech physics to offer a major new set of directions for a 21st-century Age of Reason, which will finally complete the great journey on understanding God.[ 15 ]
Now, let us further understand the Universe, thus get to know more about its Controller -- God. So now, with our advanced scientific knowledge and our newly acquired tool of Neothink, let us go to Dr. Wallace's Journal where he put together a Neothink puzzle to make an amazing discovery: God-Man is God, soon to be joined by earthlings.
Dr. Wallace's Journal...
A 25-Part Neothink Puzzle
Tony, a lad of thirteen, was singing the theme song of Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life". The song went something like this:
"Just remember that you are standing on a planet that's revolving at 900 miles per hour, that's orbiting at 90 miles per second. So it's reckoned that the source of all our power, the sun, and you and I and all the stars that we can see are moving at a million miles a day. That's figured out as moving at 42,000 miles an hour, in our galaxy called the Milky Way. Our Galaxy itself contains 100 billion stars. It's 100,000 light years from side to side and 16,000 light years thick. We are 30,000 light years from our galactic center and go around that center every 200 million years. Our galaxy is one of millions of billions in this amazing, expanding universe. The universe itself keeps on expanding in all directions at the speed of light. It's whizzing as fast as it can go, you know, at 12 million miles a minute. So remember when we are feeling very small and insecure, how amazing and unlikely is our birth. And pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'cause we are down here on Earth."
What makes those lyrics fascinating is that every statement is essentially factual and verifiable. But the song left out the most important part: Probability statistics overwhelmingly reveal that our universe contains at least a hundred million, and probably billions of Earth-like planets populated with conscious beings like you and me. Millions of conscious civilizations exist that are millions of years more advanced than our newly born, immature, still mystically oriented civilization.
Moreover, that song was praying for what Neo-Tech already discovered. In fact, Albert Einstein spent his professional life searching in vain for what Neo-Tech discovered -- the unifying, controlling element of the universe: human-like consciousness.
Part 2: Einstein and the Unifying Link
Throughout history, conscious beings on Earth have struggled with mystical notions of a "superior" consciousness, an imagined god, or some other "higher" power reigning over the universe. But today, by integrating the dynamics of mass and energy, Neo-Tech reveals a relationship between our own Earth-bound consciousness and all existence. The unifying power that orchestrates existence is not some mystical god or "superior" being. But, as demonstrated in this puzzle, that unifying power is conscious beings -- conceptual/introspective beings as you and I.
Einstein never accomplished his ultimate goal of unifying all forces. He never derived a Unified-Field Theory. But extrapolating Einstein's work into Neo-Tech reveals the unifying entity of existence -- the only integrating force of the universe: human-like consciousness.
Why did Einstein not realize that fact? One reason perhaps stems from his abhorrence for unpredictable actions among the dynamics of nature. For that reason, he disliked quantum mechanics or anything that suggested arbitrary or "god-like" interventions. Always searching for order, Einstein focused on only two components of existence: mass and energy integrated with the geometries of time and space. He believed those components could always be explained, exactly and predictably. Thus, he never considered the third and controlling component of existence: volitional consciousness -- free-will, conceptual/introspective/integrating conscious minds.
Perhaps his passionate dislike for the unpredictable and disorder caused him to overlook consciousness as the third spacetime component of existence. For consciousness can and does unpredictably alter the dynamics of nature, every moment, throughout the universe. Yet, from the widest perspective, consciousness brings the most elegant order and predictability to the universe as demonstrated in this puzzle.
All past attempts to link consciousness with existence were based on mystical, "higher forms of consciousness". Such irrational, ethereal linkages always originated as dishonest, unfounded assertions by mystics or neocheaters conjuring up religious and political power. But the Neo-Tech discovery of human-like consciousness as the unifying element of existence can be scientifically established not only with theory but with direct observation and experimental proof.
Understanding the conscious mind as the controlling, unifying element of existence first requires understanding the unchanging nature of consciousness and existence versus the changing nature of matter and energy:
Part 3: The Unchanging, Eternal Nature of Consciousness
As first identified by Professor Julian Jaynes of Princeton University, the conscious mind was discovered within nature's bicameral mind[ 16 ] about 3000 years ago. Given sufficient information, that first conscious mind had the same capacity as conscious minds today to understand anything in the universe from Einstein's theories to computer technologies and beyond. Consider the astonishing conscious minds of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes that were flourishing only a few centuries after the discovery of consciousness. They would, for example, have no problems whatsoever in understanding Einstein's theories or computer technology. Given the information, they certainly had the capacity we have today to understand anything in the universe.
In other words, while much is unknown, nothing is unknowable to the conscious mind. By nature, the conscious mind requires no change or evolvement to understand anything in existence.[ 17 ] On acquiring the correct knowledge, conscious beings today are capable of doing anything within the immutable laws of physics throughout the universe.
Consciousness is man's discovery that sprang from his nature-evolved bicameral mind. Consciousness is not part of nature's evolutionary processes, but is a natural phenomenon of existence.[ 18 ] Thus, the first conscious minds on this planet 3000 years ago are the same as the conscious minds on this planet today...and the same as conscious minds in any galaxy ten million years from now. All conscious minds have the same ability to understand anything in existence.
Consciousness, therefore, does not evolve. It exists eternally, unchangingly.[ 19 ] And its capacity to understand anything in the universe transposes into forever fulfilling the supreme responsibility of conscious beings. That responsibility is to preserve forever the supreme value of the universe -- individual consciousness. To meet that responsibility means achieving non-aging biological immortality as described in Parts 12 and 16 of this puzzle.
Part 4: The Unchanging, Eternal Nature of Existence
Who Created Existence? And who or what created the creator of existence? And then who or what created the creator of the creator, and so on regressing forever. Such questions are, of course, unanswerable. But, such infinite-regression questions need never be answered. For existence is primary and axiomatic -- meaning irreducible, self-evident, and requiring no further explanation. While new realms of existence such as galaxies and universes are constantly being created, nothing creates existence itself. It simply exists. Existence always has and always will exist. And that primacy of existence existing forever is independent of consciousness or anything else. ...The most profound of all concepts as underscored by Einstein is simply: Existence exists. What is the alternative? No alternative is possible unless one accepts the contradiction that existence does not exist.
Throughout eternal time, existence constantly generates new realms of life out of which conscious minds spring from the evolvement of bicameral minds -- minds of evolved intelligence capable of discovering consciousness. Once consciousness is discovered and harnessed, it can, with accumulating knowledge and productive efforts, learn to forever muster new realms of existence. From those new realms evolve new life. And from new life evolve bicameral minds from which conscious minds spring.
Throughout eternal time and space, the following creation cycle always has existed and always will exist:
Realms of existence created --> life evolved --> bicameral mind evolved --> consciousness discovered --> mysticism developed to replace lost, bicameral gods --> mysticism and neocheaters take control of conscious beings --> partial freedom and capitalism developed --> Neo-Tech discovered --> guiltless prosperity, power, romantic love revealed to value producers --> mysticism and neocheating are uncompetitive and, thus, eliminated --> Neothink Man rises --> biological immortality achieved --> control of the universe learned --> new realms of existence created by new conscious beings, God-Man --> and so on, forever expanding and repeating the cycle.
Stated another way: Space, time, consciousness, and existence are eternal; they have no beginning or end. Throughout time eternal, stars, solar systems, and Earth-like planets constantly form anew. Thus, living organisms and conscious beings constantly form anew. Throughout never ending time and universes, limitless planets forever generate life. That life, in turn, forever generates nature's evolutionary processes that always end with conscious beings. ...Conscious civilizations free of mysticism always survive, prosper, take control of nature and then existence.
Given the endless number of water/oxygen abundant, Earth-like planets forever spinning in endlessly evolving existence, one realizes life and consciousness have forever co-existed in limitless abundance. Human-like consciousness, therefore, is as much a part of eternal existence as are mass and energy. When consciousness is integrated with endless existence and time, the stunning conclusion unfolds that human-like consciousness is also unchanging and has always existed.
Consciousness, mass, and energy are the three macro components of existence. Those three components are inextricably linked and must be integrated into all physical understandings and mathematical accounts of our universe. If only the mass and energy components existed, then all existence would be predictable and predestined through the dynamics of nature and physics. But further research and refinement of data will show that seemingly predictable actions of the universe are actually unpredictable from a mass and energy accounting alone. That unpredictability arises from not accounting for the influence of volitional conscious beings throughout existence.
The balance of this chapter develops a nonmathematical, nontechnical understanding of how conscious beings dominate the universe and muster new realms of existence and life through increasing control of mass and energy.
[ 15 ] Most of the studies and examples, in short the inductive process, is found in the 582-page Neo-Tech Discovery by Dr. Wallace.
[ 16 ] For an in-depth treatment of Neo-Tech Physics, see Profound Honesty, Frank R. Wallace, 640 pages.
[ 17 ] The bicameral mind was man's intelligent, nature-evolved mind before he discovered consciousness as a conceptual/introspective mind. The conscious mind is not a part of nature's evolutionary process. But, rather, consciousness is a discovery by man that lies beyond the dynamics of nature. This discovery process is explained in Chapter One. ...When referring to consciousness, the word discovered is used when perhaps the word should be invented.
[ 18 ] Individual minds are endowed with various capacities. Individuals then develop or retard their capacities through either conscious efforts or mystical defaults. But consciousness itself is either there to be used or abused...or it is not there.
[ 19 ] As demonstrated later in this journal, consciousness has always existed throughout the universe as an integral part of existence.
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