Gods of the Universe
Part 16: Einstein's Second Oversight: Failure to Integrate
Consciousness Beyond Earth With the Grand Cycle
Consider the billions of Earth-like planets existing within our own universe that are billions of years older than Earth. Through immutable evolutionary processes among those billions of Earth-like planets, conscious beings have evolved with millions or billions of years more advanced knowledge than we have on Earth today. ...Just imagine the technology and capacity of those conscious beings who have enjoyed geometrically accumulated knowledge for a million years, a billion years.
Human-like consciousness is the only entity in existence that can alter the inexorable course of nature. Human consciousness quickly advances from building cities to utilizing nuclear power, to developing computers, to making astronautical flights, to corralling astro matter, to understanding the universe, to controlling existence -- and beyond forever.
Integrating nature's Grand Cycle with conscious beings reveals an elegantly simple understanding of existence. That integration reveals how individual consciousness is not only an integral component of existence, but is the dominating and controlling component. For example, at either end of the Grand Cycle, all life would perish. But individual consciousness -- the supreme value of the universe -- must forever protect itself. Thus, conscious beings a thousand or a million years more advanced in knowledge than we on Earth have long ago met that responsibility to preserve the supreme value of existence: individual consciousness.
Without immortal consciousness, the Grand Cycle would inexorably and infinitely repeat itself as dictated by the natural dynamics of mass and energy. But, with consciousness, the integrating and controlling component of existence missed by Einstein, the Grand Cycle is always interdicted and truncated. Thus, the destruction of the universe and consciousness has never occurred and will never occur. In other words, by integrating conscious beings into the dynamics of existence, nature's Grand Cycle becomes hypothetical and never occurs.
Consciousness and Existence Integrated
Part 17: Knowledge at the Speed of Light
Everything in existence seems limited by a universal constant -- the speed of light. For, as shown by Einstein, nothing can exceed the speed of light. Consciousness, therefore, being an integral part of existence, must also be limited by the speed of light. But how can the speed of light limit knowledge, especially since consciousness has no limits on understanding anything in existence? To answer that, one must first understand the dual faculty of consciousness:
By nature, each new unit of knowledge begets multiple units of still newer knowledge. Thus, consciousness creates knowledge geometrically. So, then, what can limit increases in knowledge? Nothing can stop knowledge from increasing forever. But, the rate of knowledge accumulation is ultimately limited by the speed of light in our closed universe.
To understand the faculty of consciousness that stores and processes knowledge, one must first understand the history of that faculty starting with the origins of man-discovered consciousness on Earth 3000 years ago: For the first 2000 years after the discovery of consciousness, knowledge accumulated very slowly. That accumulation gradually increased as the base of knowledge increased through memory and oral communication. Knowledge then accelerated through written communication.
For man to produce great sailing ships, for example, he needed that initial 1800 years of accumulated knowledge and technology stored and passed by memory, hand-scribed documents, and oral communication. Then he needed another 1000 years of faster accumulated knowledge and technology stored and passed through written works to produce steamships and trains in further improving transportation. He needed another 100 years of more rapidly accumulating knowledge and technology stored and passed through printed works to produce automobiles that greatly improved transportation. Next, he needed only 60 more years of accelerating knowledge and technology stored and passed through books, journals, and communication equipment to produce practical airplanes that provided transportation inconceivable a century before. Finally, he needed only 40 more years of soaring knowledge and technology stored and passed through computers and electronic communications to develop space ships for landing men on the moon and building space stations.
Now, today, new knowledge is accelerating so rapidly that our productive focus is shifting toward storing, processing, integrating, and transmitting information through million-dollar super computers moving toward thousand-dollar personal computers. Thus, today, computers are undergoing explosive increases in capacities, power, practicality, and economies. And from now into the future, the demands of accumulating, storing, processing, and transmitting knowledge will shift into high gear from man's limited storage-capacity brain to external extensions of the brain with electron/photon-circuited quantum computers and beyond.
Today, storing and processing our geometrically increasing knowledge depends on our developing and building increasingly efficient, man-made computers. Advancing economies and prosperity depend on developing ever more advanced devices until the capacity of every spacetime point in the universe is utilized for storing, processing, and transmitting knowledge.
Knowledge will increase geometrically for a few millennia or perhaps only a few centuries -- until the building of external-knowledge devices approaches the speed-of-light limitation. From that point, the expansion of knowledge shifts from geometric to linear. Knowledge will then expand linearly, near the speed of light, and limited by the speed of light.
When our own expanding knowledge reaches that limitation, we can join the millions of other civilizations in our universe that have reached that point. We can then communicate through the universal computer (perhaps gravity-coded) and control existence as our fellow conscious beings do. For, then, the entire universe of universes expanding at near the speed of light becomes our computer and storage facility for all acquired knowledge.[ 31 ]
The relationship of conscious knowledge to existence reduces to a single equation. To understand that equation, the following two points must be understood:
Thus, knowledge ultimately obeys the same laws that all existence obeys...such as Einstein's law that integrates energy and mass with the speed of light as expressed by his famous equation:
E = mc 2
E = energy; m = mass; c 2 = the speed of light squared
Likewise, knowledge integrates with time and the speed of light as expressed by the following equation:
K = tc 2
K = knowledge; t = time; c 2 = the speed of light squared
Today, in our young Earthbound civilization, the always fatal disease of mysticism darkens the future for all human beings. Growing mysticism reduces and eventually stops the accumulation of new knowledge needed to survive and prosper. Growing mysticism eventually destroys the conscious mechanism for processing and accumulating knowledge. But, with the Neo-Tech discovery, mysticism can be cured worldwide to let all conscious beings forge ahead, geometrically accumulating knowledge at rates eventually limited only by the speed of light.
Part 18: The Universe is but a Dot Next to Individual Consciousness
Every individual consciousness has the capacity to generate, process, and use new knowledge at rates approaching the speed of light. By fully understanding the effects of such knowledge production and use, one quickly rectifies the false view of life held by most people who have lived on Earth. That false view expressed in Monty Python's "Meaning of Life" and promoted by mystics throughout history is: "Individual human beings are but insignificant dots among the vast universe."
Facts and logic demonstrate the exact opposite: Without mysticism, each individual consciousness has unlimited capacity to generate and utilize new knowledge at near the speed of light. Francis Bacon identified, "Knowledge is power." Thus, after a few millennia of such knowledge accumulation, any conscious individual gains the power to so totally dominate existence that the entire universe and all its evolutionary processes seem by comparison to shrink into static insignificance. For, in both power and significance, individual consciousness quickly soars beyond the dynamics of nature and the entire universe.
Today, on Earth, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech finally reverses that mystical view bewailing mankind's insignificance. Neo-Tech demonstrates that the power of the universe shrinks to almost nothing when compared to the unlimited power of individual consciousness.
Part 19: Who is the Creator?
Does a creator of galaxies and universes exist? Indeed, such a creator could not defy the laws of physics. Yet, today, as for the past three millennia, most people believe a creator must be some mystical higher "authority" or power as promulgated by someone's scriptures or edicts. ...For two millennia, such mystical gods of creation were conjured-up by neocheaters wanting nothing more grand than to live off the efforts of others.
As demonstrated in the balance of this chapter, everyday conscious beings like you and me work within the laws of physics to create and control all heavens and earths.
Part 20: The Goal of Conscious Beings
Throughout the universe, conscious beings pursue their natural goals and responsibilities by achieving biological immortality, limitless prosperity, and eternal happiness. Thus, they forever preserve the supreme value of the universe: individual consciousness. For without conscious beings, no value or meaning would exist throughout the universe. ...Conscious beings free of mysticism never allow their precious lives -- lives of limitless value -- to end.
Part 21: Galaxies Created Beyond The Dynamics of Nature
Eons ago, a conscious being, as you and I, worked at the edge of a distant galaxy with an integrating computer of a spatial-geometry driven, mass/energy assembler. By assembling units of gravitational geometries, that person corralled enough strings of wound-up gravity to equal the mass of another galaxy. As the moment of critical gravity approached, the final collapse into an entropy-reversing, rotating "black hole" began. He then arose smiling. With arm held high, he cried, "Let there be light!"[ 32 ] ...At that moment, in a far corner of the universe, the light of a million times a million suns flashed and began its photonic journey across the universe. A galaxy was born...a man-made galaxy.
[ 31 ] Planet Earth is currently at that Nuclear-Decision Threshold. For our civilization to survive, the disease of mysticism must be cured.
[ 32 ] Science-fiction stories and movies of evil or hostile aliens are illogical. For, no civilization with the nuclear-energy technology required for interstellar travel could survive as irrational, evil, violent, corrupt, or criminal in any way.
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