Gods of the Universe
Part 12: Achieving Biological Immortality Now
From a perspective of the infinite time available throughout existence, all newly formed life evolves almost immediately into a highly intelligent brain that can invent consciousness from nature's bicameral mind. The resulting conscious beings then, nearly instantly:
But from a perspective of the brief, finite time available for contemporary life on Earth, exactly how and when will biological immortality occur? First consider that, today, newly discovered Neo-Tech will eradicate the disease of mysticism and its parasitical neocheaters. Without the constant destructiveness of professional parasites, conscious beings will quickly, naturally develop commercial biological immortality as described below.
As Neo-Tech cures the disease of mysticism and vanishes those professional parasites, biological immortality will become a certainty for most human beings living today, regardless of age. In fact, today, freedom from mysticism will almost guarantee biological immortality for most people. And that could happen without massive efforts or spectacular medical discoveries. What is necessary, however, is the curing of mysticism. For mysticism, directly or indirectly, eventually kills all human beings while preventing biological immortality for all conscious beings.
Mysticism is the only disease of human consciousness. The symptoms of mysticism are harmful dishonesties. Those symptoms undermine the ability to integrate together the values of rationality and emotions. What is the value of emotions? The all-important value of emotions is to experience happiness -- the bottom-line moral purpose of conscious life. But, mysticisms mixed with emotionalisms dishonestly assume a primacy over reason and reality. That dishonesty, in turn, casts mortal harm over every individual human being on planet Earth.
Neo-Tech, which is fully integrated honesty, eradicates the disease of mysticism. Thus, the immediate evolvement of biological immortality need not require quick technological breakthroughs, major research projects, or even explicit, direct efforts. But rather, with Neo-Tech, the process of biological immortality can begin immediately within one's own self. And that process will culminate with definitive biological immortality as the 3000-year disease of mysticism is cured by Neo-Tech worldwide.
Without life-corroding mysticism and its virus-like neocheaters draining everyone, business would explode into an endless productivity spiral. That value-driven explosion would launch human life into upward-spiraling prosperity with continuously expanding life spans.
Consider, for example, how the dynamics of computer technology have so far operated relatively free of parasitical elites, professional value destroyers, and government interference. Being relatively free of irrational regulations, force, coercion, and destructiveness, the computer industry has burgeoned. Computer technology is now delivering soaring capacities for processing and utilizing new knowledge at rates faster than new knowledge can be integrated and used by human beings. Such explosive advances in computer technology, or any technology, requires being free of government mysticism and its professional parasites.
The rational, conscious mind is synonymous with the productive, business mind. The value-creating business mind is the antithesis of the value-destroying political mind. The destructiveness of socialist, fascist, and religious societies prevents their citizens from developing efficient business-driven technologies. Indeed, all such societies are controlled by parasitical elites using force and deception to usurp harmful livelihoods. Such people live by attacking, draining, harming, or destroying value-and-job producing businesses...and their heroic creators and competitive expanders.
By contrast, explosive computer-like advances in human health and longevity directed toward commercial biological immortality will naturally occur in any mystic-free, business-driven society. But exactly how could biological immortality quickly occur today in a mystic-free society? Consider, a 60-year-old person today having a life expectancy of 20 more years. In a rational, business-minded society, uninhibited market forces will rapidly develop the most valuable products and technologies. ...The most valuable of all technologies -- the quality preservation of conscious life -- will advance so rapidly that when that person reaches 70, high-quality life spans will have expanded to 100 or 120 years, or more.
In a rational, mystic-free society, knowledge and technology accelerate geometrically. Thus, when that person reaches 100, high-quality life expectancy will have expanded to 140 or 180 years, or more. Those accelerating extensions of life expectancy would provide the time needed to develop definitive biological immortality for almost every value producer living today. Indeed, in the coming years, Neo-Tech will cure the disease of mysticism to eradicate physical diseases and death among all conscious beings on planet Earth.
In a competitive business-driven atmosphere free of mysticism, the life spans of conscious beings will advance faster than the passing of years. Thus, the result of Neo-Tech eliminating mysticism is immediate, de facto biological immortality. Then, rapidly accelerating health technology -- including antiaging genetics -- will yield that definitive biological immortality.[ 27 ]
Therefore, by replacing all forms of mysticism and neocheating with the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech, nearly everyone today can live forever.[ 28 ] Most important, with Neo-Tech, one can live forever with increasing prosperity, happiness, and love.
Almost anyone living today can survive to biological immortality by (1) replacing the death disease of mysticism with the life elixir of Neo-Tech and by (2) stopping mystical behaviors and destructive actions, such as making problems where none exist, smoking, and becoming mentally and physically unfit. Almost everyone today can and will achieve biological immortality by rejecting mysticism and neocheating both in one's self and in others. The key for everyone is to first recognize and then reject the disease of mysticism from within one's own self. Then one can effectively reject mysticism in others.
Life is everything. Death is nothing. Mysticism trades everything for nothing. Mysticism is a terminal disease that breeds professional value destroyers who eventually harm or kill everyone. ...Today, the disease of mysticism is totally unnecessary since it can be cured with Neo-Tech. Thus, through Neo-Tech, essentially everyone can live forever with ever increasing prosperity and happiness.
Also, conscious civilizations much advanced beyond ours would by necessity be free of mysticism and neocheating. For, by holding mystical premises, no civilization can advance much past the Nuclear-Decision Threshold[ 29 ] without destroying itself. ...In rational mystic-free societies, the idea of dishonesty is unknown.[ 30 ] Thus, unknown ideas also include war, murder, deception, fraud, forced taxation, conscription, racism, theft, assault, envy, anxiety, guilt.
Part 13: Infinite Knowledge
To quote from the first Neo-Tech World Summit (March, 1986) keynote address titled, "Three Steps to Achieving Commercial Biological Immortality in Our Lifetime":
"Living forever would be boring. False. Exactly the opposite is the fact. For creating and increasing values is the essence of a happy, exciting life, which, in turn, gives increasing motivation to live forever. Indeed, all new values come from expanding knowledge. And each new unit of knowledge generates several newer units of knowledge. Therefore, the ability to generate new knowledge is limitless. The notion of finite knowledge is only an illusion from our present, limited-knowledge perspective. Indeed, knowledge is not simply uncovered; it is generated from past knowledge. Thus, each day, the discovery of new knowledge generates ever greater bodies of ever newer knowledge and values.
"No one in the last century could have, for example, imagined any aspect of quantum mechanics, the computer age, genetic engineering, superconductivity, or fusion energy. For, everyone was many layers of knowledge away from even imagining those twentieth-century achievements. Yes, knowledge upon knowledge and achievement upon achievement will be generated anew -- forever -- by human consciousness.
"Human consciousness is the only force in the universe not predetermined by nature. Indeed, only consciousness can alter or go beyond the fixed patterns of nature. Consciousness obsoletes nature's blind, life-and-death survival cycles when applied to human beings. ...In a society free of mysticism, every conscious being produces open-ended achievements for society without bounds or limits. Thus, by producing an eternal stream of benefits for society, each conscious life continues happily, forever."
Part 14: Immortality -- the Natural State of Consciousness
Thousands of years ago, before anyone on Earth grasped the concept of geometrical shapes, a man looked toward the heavens at the moon, then at the sun, then at the eyes of his woman. Suddenly he grasped the concept of "round"...a strange, new concept that no one had grasped or understood before. From that geometric concept came the circle, the wheel, the principles of mathematics and science, the automobile, the computer, and the latest theories of gravity. Yet, essentially no one today realizes that a concept so naturally integrated with life and taken for granted as the shape "round" was at one time unknown, strange, and spectacular to discover.
Likewise, a few thousand years from today, the natural physical state of conscious man -- biological immortality -- will be so natural, so integrated with life, so taken for granted that only historians would realize how during a brief time in faded history conscious beings were mystical and thus mortal. Indeed, mortality is not only the most unnatural, bizarre state for conscious beings, but is an essentially unknown state among mystic-free, conscious beings throughout the universe.
In addition to biological immortality as revealed in the Neo-Tech Discovery, conscious man's most natural, psychological state is happiness. Essentially all human unhappiness arises directly or indirectly from the disease of mysticism. With mysticism cured, happiness will become so natural and commonplace that in future millennia few if any will know that unhappiness and death ever existed.
Part 15: Einstein's First Oversight: Failure to Integrate
Human Consciousness On Earth With the Grand Cycle
Consider us Earth beings with our technology of less than 3000 years. Consider our advances projected by the year 2000, only a few years away. Then project that rate of growth into a geometrically increasing curve of knowledge soaring toward a thousand years hence, a million years hence. One can easily see that conscious beings are altering the dynamics of nature at ever increasing rates. And through a relatively minuscule time span within the incomprehensibly long, googol-year cycle, conscious beings on Earth can quickly learn to dominate nature.
After only the first few centuries of consciousness, around 500 BC, human beings begin controlling nature faster than nature's evolutionary processes. Witness, for example, the development of consciousness from only 3000 years ago, an invisibly short time span in the Grand Cycle as shown in Table 4 below. Earthbound consciousness has already obsoleted nature's evolutionary processes: Today, man-made shelter, food, medicine, and technology advance human survival and well-being much faster and better then do the slow evolutionary, adaptive processes of nature. In less than 3000 years, consciousness is already taking over the dynamics of nature on Earth. With that takeover, consciousness obsoletes nature's protective/survival mechanism of death. Thus, through time, consciousness mandates biological immortality for all conscious beings.
Becoming free of mysticism, Earth beings will not just increasingly control nature, but will dominate nature just a few hundred years hence as explained below.
Time Within the Googol-Year Cycle ![]() |
During the next million years, planet Earth will geologically remain relatively static with basically the same oxygen, land, and water conditions. But, with geometrically accelerating knowledge, we on planet Earth will soon dominate and control nature. Consider, for example, the world's largest man-made lake accomplished by building Hoover Dam with only 3000 years of accumulated, conscious knowledge. That man-made feat controlled and then dominated nature's mighty Colorado River.
From the discovery of consciousness to the first automobile took 2900 years of accumulated knowledge. Then, within 100 years, man went from the auto to the airplane, to the moon, and now toward super computers for everyone. ...Knowledge accumulates geometrically, quickly leaving nature's forces far behind as if frozen compared to the incredibly fast, always accelerating generation of new knowledge.
Perhaps only a few-hundred years hence, we Earth beings will be accumulating new knowledge at lightening speeds. With that rapidly increasing knowledge, we will easily, for example, corral heavenly asteroids into man-made orbital matter to fill our needs, just as today we corral river water into man-made lakes to fill our needs. ...What needs will we Earth beings have a thousand years from now, a million years from now? And how will we use our super-advanced knowledge and tools to control nature in filling those needs?
A thousand, even a million or a billion years, is an incredibly short time, a mere instant, within the Grand Cycle as shown in Table 4. But, well within that brief time span, we Earth beings can also accumulate the knowledge to dominate and drive the universe -- to interdict nature's mass/energy dynamics in preventing the Grand Cycle from ever completing itself.
[ 27 ] Currently, Earth beings have no way to observe other universes. Thus, no way is currently known to establish if gravity operates among the universes -- throughout the meta-universe.
[ 28 ] Infinity, as explained in Neo-Tech Physics, is a useful mind-created concept that does not exist in reality.
[ 29 ] Curing death is described in other Neo-Tech works. ...Mortality is natural in life, except for conscious beings whose nature is immortality -- the same immortality God possesses!
[ 30 ] The longer a productive individual lives, the more valuable that person becomes through his or her increased knowledge, experience, competence, productivity, and capacity for business and happiness. Thus, in any rational, mystic-free society, the motivation for and value of biological immortality increases as the age of the individual increases.
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