Gods of the Universe
Bases of Proof
Any future proof of immortality for conscious beings must be derived from theories that are in full correspondence with the laws of physics. Theories derived both deductively and inductively must provide wide-range predictiveness, reproducible experimental evidence, consistent mathematical definitions, and limitless ways to test for contradictions and falsifications. This journal provides the elements needed to develop such proofs, predictions, and facts. ...Those theories must withstand challenges of direct and indirect experimental tests, observations, and calculations.
Listed below are the elements found in this journal. When assembled, those elements posit the hypotheses that (1) the Civilization of the Universe exists, (2) every fully developed, honest conscious being who lived on this planet for the past 3000 years continues to live with growing prosperity, love, and happiness in the Civilization of the Universe, and (3) technology commonly exists throughout the Civilization of the Universe that provides eternal life and prosperity to all honest, conscious beings on this planet. Those hypotheses also posit that every humanoid criminal who has died during the past 3000 years has vanished from existence. Moreover, all such parasitical humanoids who currently live by harming others will also vanish from existence. Humanoids living on Earth today, however, can be "saved" by restructuring their behaviors in order to mature into healthy, conscious human beings who competitively produce values for others and society.
Potential Elements of Proof Found in My Journal
Assembling the Proof of Immortality
Consider the effect of delivering irrefutable proof showing how all honest human beings live forever with increasing prosperity and happiness. Such proof might include measuring Gravity-Unit[ 37 ] field changes of human beings versus humanoids and animals as they die.[ 37 ]
Of course, the primary responsibility of conscious beings on Earth today is to protect and preserve their existence -- to create their own immortality in which transceiving would be unnecessary.
Schindler's List, the factual story of German businessman Oskar Schindler in the 1940s, illustrates how even at the evilest depths of this anticivilization, the value-and-job producer is the only person with genuine power and love...even midst humanoids who live by guns and mass murder. Only businessman Schindler, for example, could walk through the bloody mud of the Holocaust without soiling his soul, his compassion, his respect for human life. Only job-producing Schindler had the power, moral character, and strength to reach into the depths of this anticivilization to save conscious beings from the destruction and death wrought by its humanoid propagators.
Extrapolate the metaphor of businessman Schindler into the advanced technologies among the Civilization of the Universe. One will then recognize that honest businesspeople with their limitless valuation of conscious beings are the real saviors of everyone in existence. Only such value-and-job producers have the power, responsibility, and love to never let perish the supreme value throughout the universe -- conscious life, including conscious human beings on planet Earth. ...The competitive, value-and-job producing businessperson eternally preserves and advances all conscious life.
When You Go to "Heaven"
What will actually happen when you travel into the Civilization of the Universe? What will you experience? Will you ever return to this anticivilization? What about those left behind? What will limitless prosperity and eternal happiness really mean to you -- emotionally, practically?
Once in the Civilization of the Universe, you will quickly forget the anticivilization. For, the anticivilization vanishes as the unreal nothingness it really is -- it simply vanishes to be forever forgotten. And, those left behind? They too will vanish and be forgotten. But, no one will be left behind except criminal humanoids who have destroyed their human nature and refused to reconstruct their humanity. Thus, every conscious being, once in the rational Civilization of the Universe, has no reason or desire to connect their lives or memories with the destructive irrationalities of an anticivilization.
What will a nonpolitical civilization based entirely on integrated honesty and objective law be like? That civilization will be free of subjective political-policy laws, irrational ego "justice", and dishonest parasitical elites. Gone will be force-backed governments with their above-the-law rulers. Gone will be the politicians, lawyers, and judges identified as criminal-minded "superior people" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in his classic Crime and Punishment. Gone will be armed bureaucracies, mystical religions, wars, crime, fraud, poverty, disease, and death itself.
But, what is the Civilization of the Universe really like -- emotionally, intellectually, and experience wise? What will living free of disease, mysticism, dishonesty, criminality, and irrationality be like? One's entire pattern of thoughts, emotions, and experiences will be different -- so radically different from anything experienced in this anticivilization that no one today could fully know or describe that eternal difference...at least not until the Civilization of the Universe is created on planet Earth.[ 38 ] The conscious-created Civilization of the Universe will be available on Earth sometime after 2001. Five years later, many conscious beings in the business-developed countries will have already left behind this unreal anticivilization to reside in the exciting Civilization of the Universe.
How can one get some idea of what conscious life in the Civilization of the Universe might be like -- some idea before actually taking that one-way journey from this grotesquely contradictory anticivilization into the beautifully harmonious Civilization of the Universe?
Perhaps one can begin imagining an eternally prosperous, happy life by trying to view this closed-system anticivilization from the outside. From that external view, one can sense how mysticism constantly blocks or cuts off experiencing life as ecstasy, cuts off achieving limitless prosperity, cuts off experiencing a fully joyful, productive, rational life. From the Civilization of the Universe, every perspective will look different from anything one could experience within this anticivilization. Each new perspective will be like encountering a new color for the first time -- a new-color symphony -- a stunningly unexpected experience unrecognizable from any previous experience.
The increasing government-imposed difficulties in achieving competitive values and genuine happiness throughout this anticivilization will wondrously transform into the easy way -- the path of self-responsible freedom -- a consistently joyful path filled with endless victories. Indeed, that easy way is endless growth through discipline, rational thought, and productive action. Perhaps the closest, but still distant sense to that experience, can be observed in children under six years old still not diseased by the anticivilization. In every such child, one can observe his or her learning as not only remarkably rapid but compellingly joyful and exciting. Until poisoned by the dishonesties and mysticisms of the anticivilization, each young child experiences increasing joy in progressing toward knowledge and control of existence.
Indeed, an ecstatic life of endless growth is experienced by all conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe. Even destructive politicians and other parasitical humanoids can reenter that nonpolitical Civilization of the Universe after reconstructing their humanity -- after becoming honest, competitive human beings who are genuinely valuable to others and society.
[ 36 ] Profit-driven immortality as presented in this chapter is a speculative hypothesis arising from a-priori logic. Yet, logically, no contradictions exist in that hypothesis. Today, the chief value of that hypothesis is metaphorical -- an illustration of justice that reality ultimately asserts. Tomorrow? Facts and knowledge will unfold to reveal the hypothesis as fact or fiction.
[ 37 ] Transceived not in the mystical Plato sense of a detached soul. For, the soul and physical body are one in the same and function as a unit. But, transceived (within a profit-mode, business dynamic) in the Gravity-Unit form that captures conscious "I"ness immortality, all in accord with the laws of physics.
[ 38 ] Such multidimensional examples are derivable from superstring and wormhole theories. Traversable wormholes, rotating black holes, and above-and-below Gravity Units offer theoretical but questionable time-travel possibilities at superluminal speeds. Such possibilities, nevertheless, can be codified through mathematics.
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