Gods of the Universe
You Will Become God-Man
Consider the following six points:
The following journey unites the above points by returning you to Neothink Man or God-Man whose kingdom is the Civilization of the Universe.
You are Invulnerable You are God-Man |
God-Man is a citizen of all universes. How would a citizen of Earth recognize God-Man? How would God-Man appear? How would God-Man think? What would God-Man do?
God-Man is the controller of existence. God-Man is the past and future creator of all universes. God-Man is identical to you, except he or she acts entirely through a new mentality -- the Neothink mentality of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Thus, you can experience God-Man. Indeed, you can become God-Man to rule existence and gain eternal prosperity. ...As God-Man, nothing in an anticivilization has power over you.
You were born God-Man. Every conscious being who has ever existed was born God-Man. But, on planet Earth, every conscious being has been dragged from childhood into the dishonest illusions that perpetuate this anticivilization. Thus, everyone today behaves as someone else -- as someone other than an honest, fully conscious human being. ...Until today, every adult on Earth has lived as a phantom, never realizing that he or she is eternal God-Man.
You are God-Man living in an illusion-shrouded anticivilization. In this illusionary civilization, all human beings live as phantoms deluded into believing they are mortals who live and die with no eternal power, purpose, or prosperity. When, in reality, conscious beings are immortal with limitless power and purpose. We are the Gods of the Universe.
On vanishing the illusions of this anticivilization, you reconnect with God-Man, the ruler of existence. Although you still walk among the phantoms in this anticivilization, you have no connection with their illusions. You are as divorced from their illusions as you would be divorced from the illusions of schizophrenics in an insane asylum.
Yet, you see everyone as your kin. You see the profound value and power in every conscious being. Beyond all else in existence, you treasure the soul of each human being, regardless of what civilization or age in which each lives.
As God-Man, how would you appear physically, mentally, and behaviorally among the phantoms of this anticivilization? How would you gain ever increasing prosperity, love, and happiness when you are disconnected from all the illusions comprising this anticivilization? How would you function among the hypnotized human beings and destructive humanoids of this anticivilization?
As God-Man, you do not feel superior to, aloof from, or even particularly different than others. Nor are you a Bartleby. You simply know you are in a different civilization -- a 180º different civilization. That difference does not make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy. In fact, your ability to function with others is enhanced. That disconnection also enhances your ability to benefit all human beings and humanoids on this planet. Moreover, your disconnection enhances your own happiness and enjoyment of life on Earth.
Most profoundly, as God-Man you know that you are invulnerable to the irrationalities of this anticivilization. Like the anticivilization itself, the irrational actions of both its human-being and humanoid citizens are unreal -- not connected to reality. Thus, such nonreality has no meaning for you...no real influence on you.
Still, you are among fellow conscious beings -- the greatest value in existence. Moreover, the objective requirement for eternal life, prosperity, and happiness remains the same wherever conscious beings exist. That requirement is to deliver ever increasing values to others and society. Through the division of essence and labor combined with voluntary transactions, you create increasingly more values for others than you consume. You become increasingly valuable to yourself, others, and society.
You live to be, not to have. You live to create, not to consume. You need nothing beyond the requirements to produce life-enhancing values at maximum efficiencies for yourself, others, and society. You need or want nothing from this moribund anticivilization. You neither need nor want anything from its inherently destructive rulers and their dishonest media, organizations, academe, politicians, intellectuals, or celebrities.
Why the zero value of this anticivilization? Consider its irrational effects: The more life-enhancing values that heroic value producers deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids foment public envy against those value producers. Why? To increasingly usurp unearned livelihoods from the productive class. Likewise, the more life-supporting jobs that honest businesses deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids use government force to drain those businesses through irrational taxes, political-agenda laws, and destructive regulations. Such insanity is not the fault of human beings. Rather, that insanity is inherent in any irrational civilization functioning through subjective laws fashioned by parasitical rulers backed by armed agents of force.
In reality, you and all human beings belong not among this unreal anticivilization but among the Civilization of the Universe. All the insanities of which an anticivilization is constructed are merely illusions that never exist in reality -- bizarre illusions that ultimately yield only diminishment and death to human beings -- dishonest illusions that serve only the parasitical livelihoods of humanoids.
Yet, you as God-Man are eternally protected by honesty and reality. You are always advancing in real spacetime to ever greater accomplishments, continually decreasing the entropy[ 39 ] of existence -- continually making order out of disorder. Thus, nothing in the anticivilization can really harm or adversely affect your progress in moving through spacetime toward eternal life and prosperity.
At this moment, you can experience the first glimpse at how you as God-Man function among your fellow human beings in this anticivilization. You first note the honest innocence of young children. You realize that essentially all children under six years of age are God-Man -- innocent, uncorrupted, honest. You notice how all such children struggle to obtain objective knowledge, not illusions. Those children strive for value-producing powers, not socially destructive pragmatisms. Then you realize how all parents and adults in this anticivilization are deluded by their humanoid rulers -- humanoids who eventually corrupt and then bury the innocence, honesty, and power inherent within every young child.
Only through that ultimate crime inflicted on all children has this bizarre anticivilization been perpetuated since its creator, Plato, twenty-three centuries ago.
You start your journey into the Civilization of the Universe by transporting yourself into a mind and body that functions through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accountability. With the power of fully integrated honesty, you discover the universal laws that deliver valid solutions to all problems.
Objective Laws are Universal Laws
In the final analysis, all problems tie together to yield valid, effective solutions according to objective, universal laws that can never be contradicted. Only objective laws are valid and apply to everyone, at all places, at all times. By definition, objective laws do not spring from the minds of men and women. Such laws have always and will always exist universally -- independent of the human mind and its emotions. Thus, no objective law is new; each is eternal. Moreover, no law -- physical, legal, or moral -- is valid unless that law is naturally applicable, universally and eternally.
The Universal Law
Living by the universal principles of objective law, one neither needs nor wants approval, acceptance, or recognition from anyone interacting with this unreal anticivilization. The entire history of the anticivilization and its humanoid rulers is one of fraud leading to human diminishment. The anticivilization has no real existence or power. Its humanoid perpetrators have only illusionary existences and imaginary powers in an anticivilization first conjured up by Plato and then perpetuated by parasitical elites. Such parasites are epitomized by the dishonest hierarchies of the church, state, and academe who have fatally corrupted the minds and bodies of human beings for the past two millennia.
Now consider the meaning of vanishing the illusions that support this anticivilization and its humanoid rulers -- the meaning of you becoming God-Man:
Becoming God-Man
On becoming God-Man, you increasingly disconnect from the actions, people, and humanoids interacting with this unreal anticivilization. Your disconnection is not one of misanthropy, but one of grace. Your disconnection involves (1) physical actions reflected by a pleasant demeanor, (2) mental processes reflected by creative, nonlinear, far-from-equilibrium thinking that brings order out of chaos to create new knowledge, and (3) behaviors reflected by benevolent disconnections from the irrationalities of this anticivilization. Those irrationalities include health-diminishing, life-consuming distractions ranging from drug-like obsessions with eating to life-escaping obsessions with sports, entertainment, and celebrities.
You need not correct anything in an uncorrectable anticivilization. You only need to disconnect. ...Now consider these areas of disconnection:
-- Physical --
Expanding health and vitality are earned, not given. Expanding health and vitality come no other way except through DTC -- Discipline, Thought, then Control. DTC self-perpetuates, builds on itself, and then brings rewards to every aspect of conscious life. ...DTC is the most powerful determinant of human health, longevity, and happiness.
You are trim, fit, and happy. With your spouse, values such as growth, communication, love, and sexual enjoyment grow each year. In handling life, your effectiveness increases each year, never diminishing with age.
Your joy with your work, your loved ones, and your life expand eternally. You realize DTC and physical fitness are natural for all conscious beings throughout all universes, in all ages.
You disconnect from the irrationalities of overeating and under exercising throughout this anticivilization.
-- Mental --
Your power to acquire expanding knowledge for controlling existence derives through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope thinking. Fully integrated honesty is the underlying source of value creation and competitive businesses on Earth and throughout existence. In an anticivilization, its humanoid creators and perpetrators can survive only by disintegrating the most powerful essence of conscious beings -- fully integrated honesty.
You disconnect from the dishonesties throughout this anticivilization.
-- Behavior --
Conscious beings are social animals mediated through value exchange and business. The limitless benevolence, prosperity, excitement, and happiness possible among conscious beings are derived from the natural dynamics among the Civilization of the Universe. They are derived from conscious beings freely producing and volitionally trading mutually beneficial values. ...Poverty, crime, and war are inconceivable concepts in the Civilization of the Universe.
You disconnect from the socially and economically destructive behaviors throughout this anticivilization.
As God-Man, you feel a profound care and valuation for the source of all human values, in all universes, in all ages. That source of values is your fellow conscious beings. You also care for the humanoid parasites who created and propagate this destructive anticivilization. Indeed, you work for their redemption as human beings. Why? Most humanoids can be guided back to their childhoods when they were innocent God-Man. From that point, they can learn to grow up -- to mature into value-producing human beings. On becoming honest conscious beings, they also can reenter the Civilization of the Universe to become limitless values to others and society.
* * * *
Wallace attempts to describe life in the Civilization of the Universe in his above Journal entries. Of course, held down in the darkness of our anticivilization, we have not yet seen that super prosperous civilization on Earth. To get an early glimpse at that new world, we will briefly revisit the Six Visions in the Conclusion, next, splashing six searchlights onto the approaching Neo-Tech World, arriving sometime after 2001. Our arriving Neo-Tech World is the Civilization of the Universe here on planet Earth. You can rest assured that we will enjoy the Six Ultimate Gifts, forever and to the fullest.
[ 39 ] Gravity Units are the theoretic fundamental units of existence, elaborated on in Neo-Tech physics.
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