Get-Involved Program #1
The Neo-Tech Party
Making The People Wealthy
The Neo-Tech Party stands for new (Neo) technology (Tech). The platform is built on two premises: 1) the Neo-Tech Party would free the existing geniuses and many more potential geniuses of society by ending government regulations; 2) in turn, new technology would soar in all industries as already happened in the relatively nonregulated computer industry, sending consumer costs to fractions...making the consumers -- the people -- wealthy.
Six Visions of Wealthy Living
The Neo-Tech Party promotes Six Visions that benefit the man in the street:
The First Vision: The people are taken care of by the geniuses of society, rising by the many millions, as the Neo-Tech President and Neo-Tech lawmakers end nearly all government regulations. The rising geniuses rapidly drive technologies into new dimensions that bring undreamt of values to the people.
The Second Vision: The costs for those soaring new technologies keep plunging toward zero, like computers during the original computer revolution. The great Technological Revolution happening in all industries makes ordinary people more and more wealthy, like millionaires, as costs in all industries keep plunging.
The Third Vision: The new technologies, racing ahead in all industries, rise and flourish in the medical industry without the destructive FDA regulations holding the geniuses back. The geniuses eradicate disease after disease and drive down medical costs to mere pittance until people live with perfect health and vitality long into their hundreds.
The Fourth Vision: Businesses strive to keep up in the rapid progress of the great Technological Revolution; everything changes as businesses, to stay competitive, concentrate on bringing out their greatest asset -- the unique creativity of their employees. Soon ordinary people experience extraordinary entrepreneurial-like jobs, and they love going to work. Ordinary people also share in the profits they create.
The Fifth Vision: The spectacular, falling-in-love feeling in the early weeks of romantic relationships never fades. Why? People are no longer sinking in stagnation. Instead, they are successful and soaring in the livelihoods of their dreams. With that ongoing source of happiness both inside and overflowing into their romantic relationships, they forever feel the power of love.
The Sixth Vision: Ordinary people become smarter than today's richest people. Heretofore, ordinary people awaited their instructions in life from work, by the media, by the government and church, by the Establishment. In the new, progressive world, however, instead of being told how to live, ordinary people begin integrating knowledge to lead themselves. They begin snapping together knowledge into growing success puzzles at work and life in general. They see through illusions and no longer need or want to be led by "authorities". The need for a ruling class and its regulations becomes repulsive to the super smart multitudes. ...The old structure of government could not exist with that new mentality. The dawn of a new code of living -- wealthy living -- had arrived.
Nothing To Do With Political Ideas
(Everything To Do With An "Evolutionary Jump")
The Neo-Tech Party's platform has nothing to do with political ideas. The platform represents the next evolution of man, which has already begun. Political structures, ironically, are not based on political ideas; they are fundamentally based on man's mentality. Heretofore, our political structure along with the other basic structures of civilization are based on mankind's mentality from the past known as the bicameral mentality. The bicameral mentality goes back to over 3000 years ago when people's minds regularly hallucinated the voices of the gods emanating from statues, tombs, pyramids or other awe-inspiring objects of worship, telling man what to do and how to live his life (explained in Chapter One of God-Man).
Today's mentality still functions in that bicameral fashion. Instead of voices of the gods, however, people let the voices of politicians and regulatory bureaucrats tell them what to do and how to live their lives. In short, the current and past mentalities seek to be told how to live by some outside authority.
But the next evolution of man has begun. The dawn of a completely new mentality has arrived. The new mentality seeks no further than one's own mind on how to live. Man's new mentality no longer looks toward external "authorities". He needs no authorization from outside. The mentality of the future looks inside to one's own honest, integrating mind for authorization.
Thus, government programs for the so-called "public good" with politicians telling us how to spend our money and regulatory programs with bureaucrats telling us how to run our businesses could not survive the new mentality. ...Perhaps now you can understand that the Neo-Tech platform of 1) removing government programs that are on the offense telling people how to live their lives, and 2) reducing government to programs of defense only, protecting individuals from physical aggression, is not based on Mark Hamilton's political ideas per se. The platform is simply a new political structure based on the new God-Man mentality of no external "authorities" telling us how to live our lives. Therefore, as mankind makes its final evolution, the Neo-Tech Party will be the only political survivor.
No external "authorities" telling us how to live our lives is the secret to forthcoming campaigns once our final evolution into the new mentality that obsoletes external "authorities" gains momentum. Now you can understand where the issues of the Neo-Tech Party are coming from: The Solar-Eclipse Budget that eclipses over a trillion dollars from the budget to eliminate the solar spending programs to the "public good" and to eliminate the regulatory bureaucracies, leaving only a half-trillion dollars for national defense and interest on the debt...well, now you can see that such issues are much more than mere political ideas; they represent a new political structure for the new mentality of no external "authorities" telling us how to live (Chapter Four in God-Man).
Surviving the New Mentality
Businessmen and women who have no interest in political careers will join the Neo-Tech Party across the country, a phenomenon called the Great Replacement Program as we say good-bye forever to the career politician. There will be no such thing as career politicians telling us how to live our lives in the new mentality of no external "authorities".
Government programs for the "public good", including the regulatory bureaucracies, will now go to the private sector. Now, instead of politicians serving themselves and their political agendas, millions of geniuses will be serving you -- the consumer. This phenomenon is called the Great Displacement Program as we say good-bye forever to so-called political "public good". There will be no such thing as bureaucrats telling us how to spend our monies or run our businesses in the new mentality of no external "authorities".
As we displace those programs and services to the private sector, the Federal government will have a huge sale -- selling off everything that has nothing to do with defense. The trillions of dollars generated from the sale of big government will repay every American's past contributions toward Social Security with interest. Then, when everyone is repaid with interest, the Social Security program for the so-called "public good" will be terminated. Social Security telling us how to save our monies could never survive in the new mentality of no external "authorities".
The only government that could survive the rapidly approaching new mentality is a protection service, a government of defense protecting individual and property rights from aggression. A half-trillion dollar budget is all that is needed to do that. The other trillion plus dollars that goes to government on the offense, telling individuals how to live, will not survive the new mentality of no external "authorities".
The new government structure of defense will serve one Universal Law of Individual Rights. In fact, it's so short, clear, and indivisible, anyone can memorize it as his or her anchor to freedom and recite it in about two minutes anytime, anywhere to uphold it and forever protect it:
The Universal Law Preamble The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to guarantee those conditions that allow all individuals to fulfill their purpose. Those conditions can be guaranteed through a constitution that forbids the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person or group against any individual: The Constitution
The only possible structure of government that could survive under the new mentality would be one of defense. As all aspects of government on the offense end including programs for the "public good" dictating how we spend our money, the remaining valid government of protection from physical aggression would have to abide by the Universal Law.
Now, Forget About Political Ideas
You must realize that the political shift will not come from political ideas -- no matter how excellent. Political ideas are not the cause of our political structure. Man's mentality is the cause of civilization's political structure and always has been, dating back to the Bicameral Age over 3000 years ago when civilization's political structure was a theocracy -- a divine hierarchy of authorities...the hierarchy of the imagined gods based on the bicameral mentality as explained in God-Man.
Today's bicameral-plagued mentality is the cause of our political structure, which also consists of a hierarchy of "authorities" telling us how to live both our business and personal lives. ...We still look toward external "authority" for our answers and not inward at the authority of our own minds. Great political ideas (such as Libertarianism) cannot change the political structure because political ideas do not change man's mentality.
Fortunately, at the dawn of the new millennium, we are entering a new mentality based on the authority of man's own honest, integrating mind that obsoletes the need for external "authorities" telling us how to live, as demonstrated in God-Man. Our evolution into that new mentality -- the God-Man mentality -- is the cause that will bring civilization into a new political structure based on no external "authorities".
Understanding that man's mentality is the underlying cause of civilization's political structure, you can speed up our evolution into the new God-Man mentality in which man becomes his own guide and god, his own voice and authority. And when man's mentality shifts to God-Man, the political structure will shift to a government of self-defense only, never ruling over the people, always protecting them from physical aggression, as explained in God-Man.
The new political structure will end all aspects of government on the offense...that is, anything that rules over us including programs for the "public good" that control our money and including regulatory bureaucracies that control our businesses as explained in God-Man. The people's new God-Man mentality would not and could not accept external "authority" any longer. Politicians and bureaucrats telling us how to live tomorrow would be like silly religious zealots telling us how to live today.
The freed geniuses of society will rise by the millions along with their rapidly progressing new technologies. Prices for those soaring new technologies, as with any soaring new technology, will soon plunge toward zero. Ordinary people will gain the buying power and standards of living of millionaires without lifting a finger or changing a thing, as explained in God-Man.
How You Can Get Involved
We can start forming the skeletal networking at the foundation of the Neo-Tech Party and do some fundamental legwork. Work you do at this early stage must facilitate the switch to the God-Man mentality as man's bicameral mentalities come to an end.
Can your efforts accelerate the end of man's bicameral mentalities? Yes, to some degree, particularly as people get exposed to the Six Ultimate Gifts described in God-Man. For example, people discovering that the new political paradigm described in God-Man would raise their standards of living equivalent to that of millionaires helps remove survival anxieties and helps push them past their bicameral dependencies on their leaders. They, themselves, do not have to become integrated thinkers; in fact, they don't have to lift a finger to become wealthy just as people did not have to know a thing about computers to enjoy the thousandfold increase in buying power. The geniuses of society will take care of everything.
Indeed, a major reason the bicameral mentality or following mode could still linger on for years to come would be ordinary people's inherent survival fears of putting full authority in their own minds. For many reasons explained in God-Man including one's upbringing, learned reactions, education, culture, illusions, neocheaters and mysticism, the ordinary person is not able to efficiently see and integrate reality to rely on the authority of his or her own mind, so he or she turns to the "experts" and leaders for their guiding authority. Thus, the people turn their power over to external "authorities" out of survival fears.
Your best course of action is to first eliminate those survival fears. Then more and more people will make the "big jump" to the new God-Man mentality, out of which will sprout the Neo-Tech Party and its wealthy Neo-Tech World. The way to eliminate those survival fears is to promote the Six Visions and their Six Ultimate Gifts that will flow to everyone in the Neo-Tech World, even to those who do not change.
Remember, the results of eliminating government of offense and all its burdensome regulations will be spectacular wealth for the people as the freed geniuses of society and their new technologies soar. In this day and age of high technology, the geniuses will drive forth new technologies to create spectacular new values for us, and the cost of those technology-intensive values will plunge to mere dollars as we have seen with the computers. Ordinary people will soon live like millionaires -- healthy millionaires who will soon no longer get sick as the geniuses eradicate disease through their soaring new technologies.
Another eye-opener that could help facilitate man's evolutionary jump to the God-Man mentality would be data today separating government laws (i.e., laws based on individual self-defense) versus government assaults (i.e., laws based on political offense). It would be interesting separating the budget, the law books, case law, verdicts, and regulations that carry legislative powers...separating them into laws (i.e., based on individual self-defense) versus assaults (i.e., based on political offense). That clear delineation of government laws (which will be the fraction) versus government assaults (which will be the bulk) might also help remove mankind's survival fears to make the "jump" to the new God-Man mentality, at which time a fundamental political change to a government of defense will occur.
That project and the one other project to show people the Six Ultimate Gifts, particularly the wealth scenario where they will live like millionaires without lifting a finger, will help remove the subconscious survival fears and anxieties of jumping ahead into the new God-Man mentality. Removing those survival fears, more than anything else, will help advance people into the new mentality that will end all external "authorities" telling us how to live, such as politicians and regulatory bureaucrats.
E-mail to us ( your experiences and/or thoughts, and we will post them below. Also, if you want to get on the networking of ideas, let us know, and we will permanently post your e-mail address (no mailing addresses, however). Your efforts to getting a Neo-Tech Party in place will enable civilization to flow into the new political paradigm as the mentality changes.
The Neo-Tech Party: Networking & Grassroots Organizing
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