After 2001
Our Neo-Tech World
(How To Get Involved)
A Virtual Neo-Tech World
We have introduced on-line the approaching Neo-Tech World based on the coming God-Man mentality -- the next and final evolution of man, which will occur sometime after 2001. This model of the approaching Neo-Tech World is not so much based on anyone's ideas per se as it is based on what will logically survive the changes under man's new God-Man mentality.
This virtual Neo-Tech World is free and lets you get involved and start networking with others. Currently, it consists of three get-involved programs:
The Neo-Tech Party
The Way to Vast Wealth for Everyone
The Church of God-Man
The Way to Life's Best Social Advantages
The Association for Curing Aging and Death
The Way to Biological Immortality
Also See
Summary, Time Line, & Things To Come
We will add more get-involved programs to the virtual Neo-Tech World in the near future such as Neo-Tech Employment Assistance (see Chapter Six of God-Man and its extraordinary jobs for ordinary people, bringing forth the greatest asset in man -- his mind), Neo-Tech Dating Service (see Chapter Seven of God-Man, the way to get a superman or superwoman and a spectacular love-life), Neo-Tech Schools (as seen in Chapter Eight of God-Man, teaching children and adults how to integrate and snap together growing success puzzles), Neo-Tech Academy of Science (as started in Chapter Nine of God-Man, analyzing existing and new data on our Universe while asking different questions based on the existence of God-Man throughout the Universe), Neo-Tech Medical Research (as seen in Chapter Five of God-Man, based on nonrestricted, aggressive research to serve man' s highest moral duty to save human life), Neo-Tech Arts (with breathtaking new marketing approaches that put the power in the hands of the consumers and artists), Neo-Tech Media (based on dramatic coverage of developing new technologies that will greatly benefit individuals), and eventually the full, public engagement of the Association for Curing Aging and Death (with its currently confidential Project Life to end human death.) ...Let us know which of those future get-involved programs particularly interest you (send e-mail to, for their relative popularity will determine the order in which we get them started.
We present here a virtual Neo-Tech the future will be when humanity switches over to the new God-Man mentality and the authority of man's own mind. The get-involved programs here that rise up and on their own become self-perpetuating will then be further cultivated by Neo-Tech Publishing Company; our role will be integrating and coordinating the growth of those sprouting programs.
Our time at Neo-Tech Publishing is in short supply; the future of communications is the Internet. Therefore, the get-involved programs on the web page will function somewhat like a farm league. Those that rise up on their own will be picked up and placed into the major-league marketing of Neo-Tech Publishing Company. ...Now, let us briefly look at the three get-involved programs already happening in the virtual Neo-Tech World:
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