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Neo-Tech Publishing Company

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Below are the NTNs (i.e., Neo-Tech Networkings). They are your way to get involved. Go to the NTNs that interest you, see what others have to say and then post your own personal Neo-Tech experiences and goals, and start networking with other Neo-Tech people now. Isn't it about time? This web site is your tool to fill your life with meaning and meaningful people - they're here and arriving here by the thousands every day. Get involved now.

The Rules
Do not violate any of the rules. If you do, the first time your post will be removed. The second time your name will enter the Blocked File and your privilege to post here will be terminated.
  1. There is to be no direct or indirect advertising products of any kind, including no "contact me for more information".
  2. There will be no direct or indirect referencing marketing "opportunities" of any kind, including no "contact me for more information". If we see that, you're permanently blocked from the NTNs.
  3. There will be absolutely no negativity on any NTN. I've learned in business that one negative person can bring down a whole room full of positive minded people. That occasional negative person will not be tolerated here.
  4. There is to be no customer service questions or complaints on the NTNs. We added a 24-hour customer service hotline for our Internet customers and visitors. Any customer service questions or complaints must go there and nowhere else.
Those are the four simple rules for posting to the NTNs. Obey them and enjoy (on us) the values being offered here. Violate any rule twice, however, and your privilege to post here will be terminated permanently.

NTN #1
Superior Religious Advantages

(Churchgoers Take Note)
(For Background + Explanation)

NTN #2
Political Bonanza

(Everyone Take Note)
(For Background + Explanation)

NTN #3
Curing Disease, Aging & Death

(Doctors and Philanthropists Take Note)
(For Background + Explanation)

NTN #4
Entertainment Power

(Ignored Artists Take Note)

NTN #5
Neo-Tech Employment

(Stagnant Workers Take Note)

NTN #6
Dream Spouse

(Love-Starved Adults Take Note)

NTN #7
Raising Geniuses

(Educators Take Note)

NTN #8
God-Man Theory

(Physicists Take Note)

NTN #9
Neo-Tech Law

(Lawyers Take Note)

NTN #10
Neo-Tech News

(Journalists Take Note)

NTN #11

(Abused Citizens Take Note)

NTN #12
Attack Neo-Tech!

(Abused Citizens Take Note)

The most serious visitors to this official Neo-Tech Publishing web site have purchased The Book from Neo-Tech Publishing Company. If you bought The Book (1728 pages) and are here at this web site, then you are serious about Neo-Tech. You need spend nothing to have unlimited access to over 25,000 pages of packed Neo-Tech values. So, what are you waiting for? If you are serious about Neo-Tech, then get into the site now.

(Others may access the site too, to get to 25,000 pages of Neo-Tech values, including the famous techniques and advantages of the 1728-page, $120 turnkey Neo-Tech publication called The Book that is catapulting hundreds of thousands of people's quality of life throughout 163 countries in 13 languages.)


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