Get-Involved Program #3
Association for Curing Aging and Death
Do we take on man's greatest moral responsibility or not? The answer lies in man's two different mentalities: 1) We will never take on man's greatest moral responsibility under the current mentality from our bicameral past, for progress is impossibly retarded by political external "authorities" like the FDA and motivation is nearly eliminated by religious delusions of the "higher" authority God and His Heaven waiting for us in the sky. 2) We will very rapidly achieve man's greatest moral responsibility under the coming God-Man mentality, for unrestricted medical and anti-aging technologies will soar toward permanent cures as God-Man no longer accepts external "authorities" like the FDA or "higher" authorities like the God of the past. The freed geniuses of society, acting on the full power and authority of their own integrating minds, will no longer carry debilitating delusions about death or blank out man's highest moral responsibility to cure aging and eradicate death. Once again, the success of this program comes down to mankind leaving behind the bicameral mentality from the past and making the jump to the God-Man mentality of the future.
What follows is a letter from Mark Hamilton currently being sent to a number of self-made money/power giants around the world. Whereas the Association for Curing Aging and Death is not yet open to the general population, we included this letter for you to see the initial step. Moreover, following the letter below are actions you can take to still get involved.
Letter from Mark Hamilton to Self-Made People
"I understand that Michael Milken has made considerable progress in his research/medical fight against prostate cancer. Given enough time and energy, that one man with his team of medical help just might orchestrate a cure. He is someone who loves life, knows how to succeed, and has powerful resources -- the "special three" attributes that it takes to fight a complex disease.
"You, too, have the special three attributes.
"I have often wondered: What if the people who love life, know how to succeed, and have powerful resources came together to stop a complex disease? Say Michael Milken, Bill Gates, Andy Grove, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump and a dozen others with the special three attributes combined their energies and resources to stop a fatal disease and save their own lives. Say, for example, they all had prostate cancer. It'd be like the Manhattan Project, but even more rewarding.
"Of course, a disease like prostate cancer, although widespread, still strikes a relatively small percentage of the people who have the special three attributes. So that dream-team consisting of people like you -- the lovers of life, very successful, powerful -- will never materialize.
"Unless we consider this: We all do have a fatal disease -- aging and then death. What if the people who love life, know how to succeed, and had powerful resources came together to stop a complex disease known as cellular degeneration, better known as aging? Say Michael Milken, Bill Gates, Andy Grove, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump and dozens of others with the three special attributes passionately wanted to live with vitality much longer. Imagine that they combined their energies and resources to stop this fatal disease and save their own lives. It'd be like the Manhattan Project or the Moon Project with an ultimate deadline -- their own lives.
"Medically and morally speaking, slowing down and eventually curing aging can and should be done. Those with the special three attributes can make it our lifetimes.
"How valuable is your life to you? How about your children's lives? You can save your life and theirs. We need to come together -- the people throughout the world with the special three attributes. I am inviting you to be part of this exclusive group.
"I want to assemble a team of people with the special three attributes who are passionate about not dying. If you have ever stood over a loved one in a casket, you realize the body is just a tool that carries the infinitely priceless spirit. The spirit should not vanish because the tool gives out.
The Four-Part Puzzle
"Although the intention of this letter is to introduce you to the idea of curing the disease of aging to save your own life and your children' s lives, I will take a moment to mention four specific puzzle pieces forming out there that are waiting to be snapped together:
"The first puzzle piece is the work of Dr. Robert White to attach human heads to healthy human bodies, which has already been done with monkeys (see
"The second puzzle piece is the rapid progress on spinal cord research.
"The third puzzle piece is the rapid progress on skin rejuvenation.
"The fourth puzzle piece is the achievement of cloning animals, especially with Dr. Richard Seed's proposed work on human cloning.
"Now, snapping together those puzzle pieces, the resulting puzzle picture is a much longer life free of debilitating diseases. For example, imagine having cloned Michael Milken's body, then replacing his head onto his own, healthy teen body and removing many years of aging from his face through new skin technology.
"Or, imagine an 80-year-old Bill Gates physically restricted by age. Imagine replacing his 80-year-old body with his own healthy, youthful 20-year-old cloned body. Moreover, rapidly advancing skin technology would cosmetically reverse the symptoms of facial aging.
"The technology to reacquire a young, healthy body (i.e., a replaceable new tool to carry the irreplaceable spirit) is approaching quickly. There are also other, more definitive approaches to curing the disease of aging such as controlling the reproduction of cells (i.e., rapidly developing breakthroughs coming by way of cancer research).
"But, to make the seemingly impossible happen requires people like you -- people who have made the seemingly impossible happen in their livelihoods.
"The Manhattan Project and the Moon Project were two amazing feats accomplished by brilliant, motivated people coming together with a bigger-than-life goal and intense deadlines. Let's do one of those amazing feats again. Let's do it for humanity and for ourselves. Let's come together with our pool of talents and resources; let's challenge Mother Nature. Rather, let's do battle with her and defeat her this time. Earthquakes, hurricanes, disease, aging, and death. We can do without nature's destructive elements. We love life; we love our children, and we love mankind. Let's proceed with Project Life!
"For the productive, happy person, the only real problem with death. Think about it: all other catastrophes in life can eventually be fixed, from romantic calamities like divorce to business calamities, even failure. If you are an honest, competent person, you can eventually overcome anything life throws at you...except death.
"If we didn't age, we wouldn't die, save for accidents. If you look at TV or movie stars from the '60s and then see them today, you suddenly realize that aging is a disease. And diseases can and should be cured. In fact, it is man's moral duty to cure disease. You have the opportunity to accomplish man's greatest moral victory. Of course, that is how history will see you.
"Specifically, what is the direction we should take? First, those with the special three attributes must come together and talk, and then we go from there. I have sent this letter to a number of self-made people such as yourself. I do not know how many of you will be interested, but I will proceed if just one recognized the noble project that needs to be started now.
"Neither I nor my company stand to gain anything monetarily from this. In fact, once I get the Association for Curing Aging and Death going, I will dedicate a major portion of my time and my company's profits to funding Project Life.
"My father, a former Senior Research Chemist for E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, told me when I was a boy that death was designed by Mother Nature for propagation of the species through evolution. 'But', he added, 'human beings obsoleted the need for death because man advances so much faster than Mother Nature.' He then explained that our lives were the highest value in existence: 'Life is everything; death is nothing' .[ 1 ]
"Those talks with my dad affected me deeply. I have repeatedly thought about, since I was a young boy, someday eliminating death for my loved ones, myself, and mankind. Now I know, having lost a close loved one, the time has come to start Project Life.
"If you would like to know more about me, call my office and ask for your copy of my latest book called God-Man: Our Final Evolution. Everything I have ever done or written since becoming a writer and businessman, was to bring about the conditions that can lead to biological immortality. I think I am the ideal person to bring together people with the three special attributes (i.e., lovers of life who know how to succeed and have powerful resources.)
"The Association for Curing Aging and Death will orchestrate Project Life and its research scientists and doctors. Eventually, we can introduce the Association for Curing Aging and Death to the public for expanding power and resources.
"But first, we must come together and develop an aggressive plan.
Are you willing to:
"Certainly, at first our Association for Curing Aging and Death will be controversial. Controversy has plagued advancements in human thinking throughout history. If you would like, we could make the Association for Curing Aging and Death closed and secret. That might give us advantages at first. A time may come, however, when we want the whole human race to get involved with our idea. ...We can make those decisions when we meet.
"Please let me know in the next couple of weeks if you might be interested. I have not scheduled anything yet until I hear from some of you. If you would prefer, for the first contact I could come to see you. But soon thereafter, we would want to all come together to develop a vision and a course of action that we will drive to completion.
"You and your loved ones can live with increasing health and happiness far longer...perhaps forever. We can accomplish that goal if the people reading this letter decide to. To get an initial idea of who might be on board, I enclosed a card for you to check off and return, letting me know if you are interested or not. If you are interested, I will soon send another letter with more information on our next step. Thank you."
Sincerely, Mark Hamilton |
How You Can Get Involved
The above letter is being sent to the self-made, super successful. Those people are very well-known. In fact, in many cases, they are nationally and internationally known. Yet, perhaps the greatest leverage in the long run (or at least a vital driving force behind Project Life) will come from self-made people who are not so widely known...those at the local level.
If you personally know a self-made successful person, you should introduce him or her to the Association for Curing Aging and Death and its program called Project Life. Just direct him or her to the web page (
Realize that most people, even admirable self-made people, will not respond to Project Life and will have no interest in the Association for Curing Aging and Death. The reason for their apathy is clear: most people are still steeped in the mentality from the past. Only those who have either made the jump to the God-Man mentality or those who are ready to make the jump will be interested.
The other contribution you can make is to show and, perhaps, stir up a lot of interest and support for Project Life. Continually post to and recruit others to the web page ( You can bet that the self-made people I have contacted who might be interested will be watching the web page to monitor the general interest in biological immortality. Even the most successful self-made people have a lot invested in the pre-Neo-Tech World under the old mentality. They have a lot to lose; they are wealthy and happy the way things are now. Therefore, for both survival and self-esteem reasons, they will be more willing to switch to the new God-Man mentality if the numbers are there. We will post your thoughts and wishes in the open forum called Project Life: Biological Immortality Now, below. Send your thoughts via e-mail (
Project Life: Biological Immortality Now
[ 1 ] My father is Dr. Frank R. Wallace, discoverer and author of The Neo-Tech Discovery. In that 800-page manuscript first published in 1979, he identifies man's ultimate goal and responsibility to obsolete death. He also scientifically demonstrates that the results would boom the prosperity of mankind, and he scientifically demonstrates that commonly perceived problems such as overpopulation and boredom would be quickly eliminated by new solutions and never actually become problems.
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