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Attack Neo-Tech!

Do not, however, libel or slander us, or we will and we have gone after and sued for some serious damages.  To remove confusion and concern about this, thus freeing you to go full force against Neo-Tech, you can attack the ideas all you want with your differing views. But you should steer clear of negative attacks on the company or its people, especially claims that are untrue or half truths or taken out of context. Again, we will go after anyone who defames, slanders or libels us. For example, we are going against Harvard Law School itself because of systematic defamation of one of our people by one of their people under their name.

As long as you have that clear, we encourage negative attacks against Neo-Tech. Those here at Neo-Tech do not have time to get in and debate you, but plenty of Neo-Tech customers will. We watch and encourage these "wars" because they really flush out a lot of arguing points, misconceptions, mysticisms, and yes, points we learn and grow from here at Neo-Tech.

So, with our blessing: go to it!.

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