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Entertainment Power

Many overlooked, talented artists mistakenly believe it is the commercial aspect that blocks their talent from getting a promotion deal. Admittedly, to some degree, that is the case, but that can be worked around. The much bigger problem is that the decision of who makes it and who does not rests in the hands of a few powerful elite. If that decision were shifted to the marketplace, many, many talented artists who believed the commercial marketplace blocked their development would suddenly find themselves in great demand!

Neo-Tech Live Arts wants to shift the power from an elite few power brokers to the marketplace, thus to the artist. Indeed, if those talented, overlooked artists had direct access to the marketplace, they would have the power to develop their skill, even blossom beyond their wildest imagination, as they make their art more and more desirable to the public.

A direct example are the books of Neo-Tech Publishing. No major publisher would dare touch our books, rendering us powerless if we stopped there. But, we went directly to the marketplace with our unlikely books. That gave us the power to increase their value and, subsequently, reach millions of people without compromising the concepts of Neo-Tech.

Tell the World About You

This is where Neo-Tech Live Arts begins, right here with you. If you are a talented artist, tell others about it here. Connections, contacts can happen this way. If enough action comes to this discussion board, we will create a Neo-Tech Live Arts web site to market alternative art to the public.  Shifting the decision of choice to the general public (thus shifting the power to the artist), could take off. Below is an anecdote from a not-yet-released nonfiction novel titled Miss Annabelle

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