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Raising Geniuses

This discussion board helps parents raise geniuses in just a few minutes a day. It also marks the embryo stage of Neo-Tech Schools that will create geniuses through a leap of power called Neothink.

Consider some of the world's most brilliant people of the distant past such as Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great in Golden Greece and, later, great Renaissance men such as da Vinci and Michelangelo.  Those people had personal tutors who often lived with their pupils.  For example, Plato was tutored by Socrates; Aristotle was tutored by Plato; Alexander the Great was tutored by Aristotle who lived with his pupil.  Those men became great not because of their academic training per se, although their education was important and a necessary requisite.  But, the reason those men became great was: their minds worked differently, beyond the boundaries of other men. As children, they were exposed to the powerful minds of their tutors. Whereas other children took everything at face value, the children with powerful tutors constantly saw deeper to the essence of things. That essence tied together with other essences through common denominators about life. 

Those special children started linking together those common denominators at the root of things. They started snapping them together as mental puzzles began to form in their minds. That allowed them to see not only deeply into things, but broadly across expanding fields of knowledge. Moreover, those growing mental puzzles, in time, began revealing never-before-seen puzzle pictures, enabling them to create new knowledge.

In other words, those great minds advanced into Neothink. That more powerful way of using the mind did not come from their academic training per se, although it was crucially important. Their new way of using the mind came from their tutors shaking up the normal way of looking at things, which forced them as children to look deeper to the essence. At the essence of things lie the common denominators in life. And that's when Neothink puzzle building begins.

I know this from my own experience. By no means do I compare myself to the great minds in history. That said, I received a terrible Dewey-system public education, which left me handicapped in the working world. However, my father is Dr. Frank R. Wallace, a former scientist for Du Pont and author of The Neo-Tech Discovery.  It was clearly his talks with me that broke through normal boundaries of thoughts for a young person's mind and shook up my normal way of looking at things, which caused me to look deeper at things and led to my Neothink puzzle building and expanding success.

Below I outline basic ideas for Neo-Tech Schools, which includes the academic training. I am completing a nonfiction-novel about a third-grade teacher and the amazing results of just one year teaching 8-year-olds and shaking up their minds to go from mere perceptual thinking like everyone else to conceptual thinking and onto puzzle-building Neothink. The upcoming book is tentatively titled Miss Annabelle which will be on the Subscription Site soon.

Start Your Tutelage

Understanding what makes minds great, you can raise a genius in less than 5 minutes a day. Tell your children bedtime stories about things that break through the normal perceptual way of seeing things. Many, many great topics are found in The Book. You need The Book, which cuts through to the essence of everything, and then tell a particular topic to your child in your own words so that your child can understand. This technique really works. I do this with my young children. My six-year-old daughter, who knows most of the concepts in The Book, even suggested I name The Book: The Forever Growing, Forever Learning Book. She suggested that title when she emotionally grasped the nature of Neothink.

Acquire The Book and tutor your young this way.  Those of you who are homeschoolers or teachers, read below to understand and apply a Neo-Tech education. Also read Miss Annabelle, when it becomes available, for a further understanding of Neo-Tech teaching.

Growing Grassroots Efforts

Post your efforts, experiences and successes. We want to keep this discussion board for learning and communicating results.  Moms, dads, teachers communicate your experiences to each other.  Let each other know what works and why.

Eventually, enough success and momentum will rise to where an enterprising Neo-Tech educator will start a private Neo-Tech School. We encourage that, and we will lend our widely recognized name and worldwide PR if the principles are consistent with the educational ideas below.

Finally, as the interest builds here, we will be keeping a watchful eye for someone with whom we would start a virtual Neo-Tech School.  We would start the virtual Neo-Tech School in its simplest form, using the 5-minute-a-day lesson that breaks through normal boundaries of thought in young minds. We will be looking for someone who can most effectively communicate, to children from 6 to 16, the ideas of The Book.

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