Neo-Tech Law
This discussion board offers opportunity for sparkling uses of Neo-Tech in the legal arena to be preserved, no longer simply flickering out. Here, those approaches can continue to shine and be increasingly combined and used to build the light of honesty, which will eventually blind ego justice and burn off political policy law, as explained below.
We here at Neo-Tech went directly into the legal arena against the most powerful evil in America, during its peak of power in the 1980s and 1990s, and used startling new approaches never seen before in the court of law. It was our relentless, publicized "in the Congressmen's faces" war of two worlds that directly led the way to the Congressional IRS Abuse Hearings and the subsequent IRS-Horror-Stories Senate Hearings.
Through this discussion board, we will be watching the flickers of growth of Neo-Tech Law. When enough power grows, we plan to orchestrate a worldwide practice of Neo-Tech Lawyers much like Salinsky, the world's first Neo-Tech Lawyer, and his worldwide practice in the upcoming nonfiction novel Miss Annabelle. That worldwide law firm will protect innocent businesses and entrepreneurs from existing political policy law, dishonest a-point courtroom techniques, and ego-justice judges. In other words, we will protect the value producers from the value destroyers.
So, study the issues below, whether you are a lawyer or merely an individual who needs protection. After all, our entire legal battle below was handled pro se from the start by Dr. Frank R. Wallace. Post your thoughts and experiences using fully integrated honesty. We will be watching. ... Like Salinsky in Miss Anabelle, explosive opportunity exists for the first breakthrough wave of professional Neo-Tech Lawyers.
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