The following are specific Neo-Tech approaches to work, careers, and business that deliver power, prosperity, and happiness.
Business (wealth creation) is the act of solving problems. By consistently applying the 18-point Job Success Checklist to business and career situations, a person will develop the knowledge and experience to identify real problems and to successfully solve them.
Success is not achieved by formulating good ideas. Success is achieved by taking an idea and solving all of the formidable problems that stand between that initial idea and developing that idea into a commercial money-generator. Stomp out the myth that you should avoid problems. That is the path of least resistance. Instead, aggressively seek out real problems, and then work to solve them.
No one lacks problems to solve. That is what point 17 in the Job Success Checklist implies by stating that there are nearly infinite opportunities inherent within any company or business activity. Every problem represents opportunity for the effort-exerting individual. Even an employee on the lowest company rung can open up immediate opportunity by identifying and then successfully solving problems inherent in all business. This may involve cleaning out and organizing a supply room, devising a new way to market your company's services, or developing a new product. Nothing makes management happier and more excited than seeing real problems solved.
Blame mediocrity on the lack of opportunity? That is a myth. The solving of problems is the essence of opportunity. Every business has problems. Solving those problems represents opportunity.
By consistently applying the 18-point Job Success Checklist, a person's ability to identify and solve real problems will surge ahead.
[ 5 ] This Job Success Checklist is reprinted from Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech Discovery
[ 6 ] Mysticism, as defined by Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery, is the escape from one's responsibility to identify and act on objective reality. Mysticism offers that escape by ignoring or "recreating" reality through feelings and rationalizations. Any attempt to ignore or "recreate" reality is mysticism, which being arbitrary, irrational, and counterproductive eventually harms everyone. ...Mysticism creates problems where none exist. Business creates profits by solving problems that do exist. Mysticism underlines nearly every harmful action. Protect the company from assaults by mystics, neocheaters, and envious nonproducers who spread mystical cancer seeds that can destroy a business.
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