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Gaining Riches by Curing Death

The Civilization of the Universe

A naturally created civilization advances through honesty. Its citizens cannot be defeated. They bring prosperity and immortality to conscious beings. An artificially created anticivilization is ruled through dishonesty. Its rulers cannot be defeated. They bring harm and death to conscious beings.

Despite tremendous human progress, planet Earth has been ruled for 2300 years through dishonesty -- starting with Pericles and Plato in the fourth-century BC. ...Pericles was the genesis of the neocheating politician. He taught professional killers how to seize power through popular support of a democracy. Plato was the genesis of the dishonesty disease. He taught the parasitical elites how to rationalize deception in order to rule the value producers through dishonesties and mysticisms.

What about those who put forth heroic efforts to override Platonic deceptions -- deceptions that harm and ultimately kill everyone on Earth? What about those few heoric freedom fighters such as William Wallace (1272-1305) and entrepreneurs such as Jay Gould (1836-1892)? What about they who work to eliminate dishonesties and injustices woven throughout Earth's anticivilization? Such people are relentlessly, dishonestly, mortally attacked by the dependents of Earth's anticivilization. ...Through such attacks on the good and heroic, the anticivilization is perpetuated and never defeated.

From that base of anticivilization dishonesty, everyone eventually accepts his or her icons of fraud and criminality. Indeed, parasitical elites promote universally harmful icons into popular acceptance, be they a Hitler, a Mao, a Pope, a Princess Diana, a Pat Buchanan, a Jerry Falwell, a Hillary Clinton. Likewise, such parasitical elites besmirch universally beneficent wealth-and-job producers ranging from J. P. Morgan of yesteryear to Michael Milken of today.

By contrast, the Civilization of the Universe protects and honors competitive value producers for their universally beneficial actions. For, only through their productive efforts can a civilization deliver increasing riches and eternal life to its citizens.

Attacks Enhance Neo-Tech

Citizens of Earth live in an anticivilization. Any high-effort, publicly visible action taken to counter the harmful effects of their anticivilization is taken out of context, dishonestly attacked, and often destroyed. For, the anticivilization must preserve itself.

An anticivilization is based on dishonesty. Nothing within an anticivilization is going to end its deadly harms inflicted upon its citizens. Yet, a quantum shift to the honest-based Civilization of the Universe will vanish Earth's anticivilization. ...That shift has begun in cyberspace.

Neo-Tech -- fully integrated honesty -- is unique: Attacks from the anticivilization enhance the profits of Neo-Tech businesses.

Flame-War Justice: Rule #1

Before the Internet, no reliable dynamic existed to profitably counter anticivilization dishonesties and injustices. Indeed, in the non-cyberspace world, dishonesty and injustice have held sway for centuries. ...What then delivers honesty and justice in cyberspace?

Consider the first rule in the forthcoming Flame-War Justice book to be published by Neo-Tech Publishing: Never admit or deny assertions by dishonest attackers. Once their foundation of falsities is laid, let them expand their dishonesties. Let their dishonesties build upon those falsities. Let the dishonesties from value attackers build into mountains of falsities displayed through search engines and on profit-generating Neo-Tech web sites. Let their errors build layer upon layer without the attackers realizing the consequences. The greater their errors and dishonesties, the greater the payoff to Neo-Tech. When reality appears for others to see throughout cyberspace, the trap closes and profits mount. Those dishonesties and their perpetrators then vanish.


Dishonesty Disease

For many years, Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) has studied the dishonesty disease as the underlying essence of Earth's anticivilization. NTP seeks to cure that disease. Such a cure would eradicate the anticivilization and replace it with the Civilization of the Universe.

Integrated honesty, justice, and profits ultimately rule cyberspace. Thus, the future belongs to Neo-Tech in the spirit of Schiller/Beethoven's Ode to Joy. Someday, men and women will not live bound in a brotherhood, but will live free as individual brothers and sisters conducting profitable businesses throughout the Civilization of the Universe. In the poem The Sleepers found within his Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman recognized that real brotherhood exists on Earth only when people sleep. Whitman also recognized that conscious beings on Earth exist chained in an unnatural anticivilization. Whereas the innocent -- children and animals -- live free in the natural Civilization of the Universe. They live free in honesty. ...No one can live free in dishonesty.

Objectivism: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Among the outspoken Objectivists, outstanding success stories seem limited to the originators -- Rand, Branden, Peikoff -- and in lesser degrees to a few other widely published authors of Objectivist philosophy such as David Kelley, Michael Berliner, Harry Binswanger, Peter Schwartz. On the other hand, outstanding success stories abound today and throughout history ranging from Aristotle, Archimedes, Adam Smith, Andrew Carnegie, and Jay Gould to Ray Kroc, Harold Geneen, and Soichiro Honda. Those people knew little or nothing about Objectivism. Yet, they rose through integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting to deliver tremendous, long-range values and wealth to mankind.

Why cannot Objectivist cultists rise to admirable success? What follows are three revelations that evolve from that question:

1. The Last Stand of Objectivist Cultists

Today, a civilization that has been manipulated for 2300 years by criminal rulers and parasitical elites is about to quantum jump into a cyberspace civilization driven by competitive entrepreneurs. Thus, today brings a last-stand resistance against that rising new civilization -- a new civilization in which no one can profit from parasitism, fraud, dishonesty, or physical force. Rushing to the forefront of that resistance are today's Objectivist cultists. They are making their last stand based on dishonesty and hypocrisy. ...Eventually, however, cyberspace honesty will redeem them.

In this new cyberspace civilization, honest laborers will rise above Clinton/Buchanan politicians -- above criminal leaders/rulers, academic socialists/fascists, dishonest lawyers/deceptive preachers. The John D. Rockefellers, Jay Goulds, and J.P. Morgans will rise as historic heroes while muckraking pips and demagogic hypocrites will vanish. Entrepreneurial value-and-job producers, not Objectivist "philosopher" pips shall lead Earth's civilization into a future of eternal wealth.

2. Honesty, not Objectivism, is Fundamental

Conscious beings need not understand Objectivism to discover the Civilization of the Universe. Conscious beings need only wide-scope accounting, fully integrated honesty, and consistent effort to gain limitless prosperity. Honesty ultimately corrects errors and evolves valid knowledge. ...Honesty, by nature, leads to a cyberspace-business civilization -- an Objectivist civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe.

Conscious beings need no explicit knowledge of philosophy or economics to thrive. Integrated honesty is the underlying fundamental that leads to Objectivism. Civilizations advance not through the static scholastic modes of philosophy, economics, or education per se, but through the dynamic action modes of integrated honesty, wide-scope accounting, consistent effort, and competitive value production. In fact, in an advanced Objectivist civilization, except perhaps for a few scholars, no one will know of an academic discipline called philosophy -- or classroom economics for that matter. ...In the future, education and knowledge will come from cyberspace. Knowledge of philosophy and Objectivism will disappear. But fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting -- Neo-Tech -- will remain.

Today, however, heavy doses of philosophy and economics are used worldwide to rationalize the injustices, dishonesties, and irrationalities woven throughout Earth's anticivilization. By contrast, competitive production of values in cyberspace guided by integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting will jump conscious beings from their anticivilization into the Civilization of the Universe.

3. Honesty and Effort Deliver Values

Manipulated facts are wrong and destructive. Manipulated truths are wrong and destructive. Manipulated Objectivisms are wrong and destructive. Indeed, dishonest academics, journalists, politicians, lawyers, and cultist Objectivists must function through rationalizations -- through manipulated packages of dishonesties comprising truths, facts, and philosophies taken out of context.

No one can be evil by being honest. No one can be a criminal by being honest. Honesty is the universal basis of morals, justice, and ethics.

Integrated honesty is always constructive. Integrated honesty -- not philosophy, economics, or education per se -- leads to valid knowledge and eternal prosperity. For, integrated honesty is the fundamental dynamic of reality identification and value production. Moreover, philosophy, economics, and science are validated through competitive value-producing actions that evolve from integrated, wide-scope honesty. ...As Leonard Peikoff pointed out, Ayn Rand needed both the concrete history of America's founding fathers and the dramatic, value-gushing Industrial Revolution to formulate Objectivism with its principled, moral, defense of laissez-faire Capitalism.

In the journey toward an Objectivist civilization, academic disciplines are subsumed into the dynamics of Neo-Tech business. Beneath the competitive production of values exist integrated honesty, wide-scope accounting and consistent effort. ...Neo-Tech is the prime mover of the Civilization of the Universe.

Neo-Tech in Cyberspace

Consider the following estimates of data reflecting daily activity on Usenet (cyberspace newsgroups) in early 1997:

Most Usenet audiences are relatively small, static, and of little commercial value. On Usenet, most posters do little more than preach to the choir, attack critics, or criticize one another. The average daily Libertarian Usenet audience on two Usenet groups is estimated at 3000, the Objectivist audience on two Usenet groups at 600, the Neo-Tech audience on one Usenet group at 200. How many viewers each day might provide commercial profits for Libertarianism, Objectivism, or Neo-Tech? Perhaps 1% or less of those viewers. That means up to 30 daily for Libertarians, up to 6 for Objectivists, up to 2 for Neo-Tech per day. Perhaps 20% of those potential customers will convert to cash profits. And, those estimates are probably generous. Thus, from a marketing standpoint, such figures indicate that Usenet is an insignificant "marketing" medium, especially for Neo-Tech. But, when integrated with web-site dynamics, even Usenet plays an increasingly profitable role in three unexpected areas as explained on the next page.

Now, consider the more accurate statistics for web sites: The Neo-Tech home page began in May 1996 -- 18 months before writing this document. Without paid advertising or outside publicity, web-site visits have climbed to over 12,000 per day with several hundred new potential "converts" or customers daily -- compared to less than 2 per day from Usenet.

The spontaneous climb on the Neo-Tech Web Site is occurring with only a minuscule number of visits coming from Usenet. Moreover, that open-ended climb in visits to Neo-Tech is occurring in the face of proliferating web sites, which are causing declines in hits to most established sites. In studying the statistics from those hits, about 80% of the Neo-Tech visitors are new, coming from all sources and locations.

While lacking specific data for other sites, the figures for Neo-Tech are probably higher than the Libertarian and Objectivist web sites combined. Moreover the majority of visits to those web sites are from the choir checking on news, updates, and notices. ...The Neo-Tech Web site does not offer news or notices for customers, readers, or "followers". For, the Neo-Tech site is designed to reach all classes of new people who are unfamiliar with Neo-Tech, Libertarianism, and Objectivism.

The bottom line is that Libertarian, Objectivist, and most other such web sites evolve around services and news to their established groups. By contrast, Neo-Tech has no established group or organization and offers no such service to its "followers". Thus, its dynamic is different. Neo-Tech is not structured around serving any intellectual group or doctrine. Neo-Tech reaches the broadest, most diverse markets far beyond Libertarian and Objectivist audiences. In fact, void of doctrines, leaders, or gurus, Neo-Tech reaches essentially all demographic/education/economic groups.

Today, Neo-Tech rises as the strongest dynamic introducing previously unreachable people to Libertarian and Objectivist ideas. The explicit non-authority, non-follower, anti-cult nature of Neo-Tech is the source of its long-range growth. ...Even Usenet is profitable to Neo-Tech in three ways:

  1. Usenet provides a quick-response, learn-and-test medium for commercially adjusting to the rising cyberspace civilization. The first rule is never to do anything on the Internet without a direct plan to convert one's effort into profits.

  2. Usenet provides a new, unexpected editing tool for honing literature into higher commercial values for both cyberspace and printed books.

  3. Usenet flamers and critics provide important free material to develop into commercial products for both back-end and front-end customers.

Most establishment Libertarians and Objectivists never considered Neo-Tech in context. But the day is approaching in which everyone must use Neo-Tech -- fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting -- to become competitive in a rising cyberspace civilization.

Finally, addressing the concern of various newsgroup posters about Neo-Tech's adamant distinction between the truth fallacy and the honesty reality: If a person examines in full context just one Neo-Tech concept, that person should examine the honesty-versus-truth concept. That concept underlies long-term competitive advantages. Implementing that concept means discarding the concept of "truth" as bogus, arbitrary, and universally harmful to conscious beings. For, "truth" is a manipulative, anticivilization artifact of negative value.

"Honesty" exists in reality. But "truth" per se does not. Reality moves through time and space. "Honesty" is a moving process, while "truth" is a static assertion, always fading in time. Only the honesty of contextual facts and ideas moves through time and space of a naturally evolving, objective civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe.

Putting facts and ideas into an ever moving context requires the dynamic process of fully integrated honesty. That process is the key to generating new knowledge, creating new wealth, and curing the diseases of aging and death.

* * *

Two 1997 Addendums

Addendum #1

President Clinton: A Charming King Richard III
Bill Clinton is no brooding, slow-moving Macbeth who will kill anyone or everyone for political power. Instead, Clinton is a charming version of Shakespeare's sharp-witted, fast-moving King Richard III who will kill anyone or everyone for political power. Bill Clinton certainly is the epistemological model of Richard III awaiting the King's fate. Like Richard III, Bill Clinton has a psychological deformity that gives him a monstrous freedom -- a cunning freedom to murderously drive for power and sex. Clinton and Richard III are both chameleon manipulators who energetically strove from the dark backwaters of treachery, seduction, and corruption into the blazing light of powerful rulers. As awaited Richard III, disaster awaits Clinton as his crimes and victims accumulate.

Deserving no honorable Cassius or Brutus to eliminate him, he will lose his life to nothing more than salacious muck. ...Or, could he be redeemed? Unlike Richard III, Bill Clinton has one all-encompassing redeeming feature. Through that feature, he not only could have escaped his crimes, but he could have become the greatest world leader in the history of Earth's anticivilization as identified in a paragraph on page 5 of the Golden-Helmet Appendix in Profound Honesty. That paragraph reads as follows:

"Redeem? Bill Clinton, for example, had a redeemable core of innocence. Ironically, President Clinton's high intelligence combined with a total lack of principles left him uniquely qualified to understand and then implement the Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet dynamic. Thus, in the following way, Clinton could have become the greatest world leader in history: Before Neo-Tech and the Golden Helmet, no consistently rational principles were available in which anyone could invest. Bill Clinton, maybe out of a special integrity, never invested in bogus principles from the irrational philosophies that swirled about him and everyone else. Such a fact left him uniquely free for redemption -- free to extricate himself from his problems, crimes, and harms of the past. How? Through the Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet dynamic, Clinton could have swept away armed bureaucracies, political-agenda laws, and ego "justice" to boom America and then the world into limitless prosperity. Seizing that opportunity, he could have freed himself from his hidden crimes to become a hero for all time. Instead, he chose to be Iago to an Othello-like America. With brilliant language seduction, Clinton became the Macbeth poison in the ear of America to ferment a political culture of rot. ...He could have unleashed America toward a rational civilization through Neo-Tech and the Golden Helmet. He could have brought this world into the Civilization of the Universe several years ahead of schedule. Thus, he could have saved countless millions of lives while booming everyone into worldwide prosperity."
One specific example embodied in Clinton's potential for redemption is identified in Addendum #2:

Addendum #2

Prison: Devastating the Good
The following quoted article was written by former
Federal Political Prisoner #26061-048

"Get tough on prisoners! is a demagogic pitch for many politicians. Look at the agenda behind that pitch. A picture emerges of the public being duped. The let's-get-tough movement is done in lieu of reducing real, objective crimes.

"Yes, more criminals of violence and theft need to be imprisoned...and for longer terms. Yet, according to an October, 1996 article in the Wall Street Journal, that need is prevented by prisons filling up at seven times the rate of European countries. ...So, who are filling up American prisons? Not violent-and-theft criminals, but victimless-crime "offenders" are filling those prisons.

"If every politician, judge, and prosecutor could spend time in prison, each would discover deeply hidden, opinion-changing facts invisible to everyone except the prisoners. As in Kafka's novel, In the Penal Colony, one must become the prisoner to understand justice -- to become inscribed with justice. ...In prison, one discovers three distinct classes of prisoners: (1) objective-crime prisoners who committed universal, objective crimes of theft and violence, (2) subjective-crime prisoners who violated bogus, victimless-crime laws or political-agenda regulations, and (3) wrongly convicted prisoners innocent of any offense.

"The most startling discovery? The effects of incarcerating theft-and-violent-crime prisoners are profoundly kinder than the effects of incarcerating victimless-crime prisoners. In America, people are legally and constitutionally sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment. That loss of freedom makes minimal difference for theft-and-violent criminals. Most such objective-crime prisoners accept with equanimity the maxim "do the crime, do the time". Moreover, most such criminals have little or no real responsibilities or values to lose on being incarcerated. Few people, if any, suffer unjustly when an objectively real criminal is incarcerated.

"By contrast, most wrongly convicted and subjective/political-crime prisoners had responsible, productive lives in which they sustained jobs, businesses, and families. The loss of freedom is financially, psychologically, and socially devastating not just for them but for many innocent people such as employees, employers, and especially families and dependent children. For them, prison is agonizing torture -- cruel-and-unusual punishment. ...Society is damaged whenever an innocent person or a subjective-crime offender loses his or her freedom.

"In brief, incarcerating theft-and-violent criminals is (a) just and constructive, (b) causes minimal suffering, (c) harms few if any innocent people, and (d) protects society. By contrast, incarcerating wrongly convicted or subjective-law offenders is (a) unjust and destructive, (b) causes great suffering, (c) damages many innocent people, and (d) harms society.

"Today, political-agenda prisoners make up an ever growing majority of federal prisoners and a significant minority of state prisoners. The movement to subject such prisoners to increasing brutalities, chain gangs, and tent prisons evolves from political demagoguery that increases the harms inflicted on society by government with mounting costs to taxpayers.

"With the percentage of victimless-crime prisoners steadily increasing over real-crime prisoners, the latest 'get-tough' ploys are emasculating centuries-old habeas-corpus rights, including cutting off the most basic of First-Amendment rights -- the right for prisoners to communicate with the outside world. Indeed, cutting off those rights allows government to increasingly conceal political prisoners where they cannot be heard. (Reference CV-S-93-889-LDG, CA#97-15506) ...Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Castro clearly understood the importance of emasculating habeas corpus and preventing prisoners from communicating beyond their prison walls."

Blame not the Bureaucrats, It's the Politicians' Fault

"A new direction must evolve in which the public increasingly holds politicians accountable for destructive political-agenda laws. Such bogus laws serve only to increase the power of career politicians and their created bureaucracies. The public must demand elimination of politician-created laws, which range from victimless-crime drug laws, to irrational income-tax laws, to destructive federal regulations, to newly proposed antiabortion laws.

"Without reversing that 'get-tough' on prisoners trend, combined with mounting political-agenda laws and regulations, everyone becomes a victim. Eventually, every child, parent, sibling, friend, employer, employee will become a potential 'criminal', subject to the destructions imposed by 'get-tough' politicians of today and their expanding political-agenda laws.

"An important improvement in protecting society will come through rejecting dishonest cant about crime. A start comes from applauding those few politicians and officials who are not exploiting the dangerous "get-tough-on-prisoners" rhetoric. ...Bill Clinton and Joycelyn Elders deserve applause on that prison issue so important to everyone's future.

"Elimination of victimless-crime laws and political-agenda regulations would change our prison-and-justice systems into increasingly efficient instruments for protecting society from objective crimes -- violent-and-theft crimes. ...A new society would then rise in which the intentional value destroyers are the jailed criminals and the competitive value-and-job producers are the freed heroes."

  Federal Political Prisoner #26061-048


Clinton: Pity, Praise, and Condemnation

For what President Clinton is condemned, he should be pitied and, in some cases, praised as reflected in the footnote below. By contrast, for what President Clinton is praised, he should be condemned, perhaps even jailed:

The most shocking sex aspect of The Starr Report released on September 11, 1998 is the lack of shocking sex -- the mundane paucity of President Clinton's sexual experiences. What a boring, shrunken sex life that wing-clipped man experiences. What a lousy lover. Those who understand Neo-Tech and have experienced romantic love with psychuous sex will feel sorry for the truncated, sexual limpness of that lonely man. Pity, pity.

In this upside-down anticivilization, Clinton is praised for pragmatic prosperity in America and short-term peace in the world. Yet, on net, he contributed nothing to American prosperity or world peace. Instead, he, as did Keynes, undermined long-range prosperity and peace for everyone. He parasitically extracted values created by others -- created by entrepreneurs, businesses, and the technology boom. He drained society for his own power agenda. ...Bill Clinton never produced long-range net values for society. Instead, he inflicted immeasurable long-range net losses and sufferings upon everyone by expanding (1) government criminalities, (2) bureaucratic damages, (3) short-range, foreign policies of appeasement with deadly long-range consequences,(4) political corruptions throughout America and the world.

Should Clinton be convicted based on the Starr Report? No. Instead, he and/or some of his associates should be charged with objective crimes ranging from (1) buying his 1996 election via treasonous acts with China to (2) murder for power via Reno/Waco child killings that led to the ATF/OKC child killings.

Bill Clinton is no Marcus Aurelius. Yet, the history of Earth's anticivilization will reveal President Clinton as Neo-Tech's most valuable agent and loudest shill for vanishing lawyer-like dishonesties and parasitical-criminal politicians.


In his October 1998 article Private Lives, Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr., president of the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, states the following about President Clinton's August 17, 1998 speech:

"It might be possible to be more sympathetic to Bill's predicament. Let him repeal the sexual harassment laws in which he is now entangled. Let him strip the CIA, the IRS, the FBI, the ATF, and the NSA of their power to spy on our private lives.

"Let Bill light a bonfire on the White House lawn made of the federal code and a hundred years of the Federal Register. Let him grant to every American the broad rights to private life that he demands for himself. Until then, we are entitled to regard his speech as the plea of a tyrant caught in his own web."

President Clinton would do what Mr. Rockwell suggested if Clinton flipped his own mind from the mortal anticivilization mode to the immortal C-of-U mode.
  October 12, 1998

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