Synthesizing the Future
The next era after cyberspace goes beyond human cloning
even beyond non-aging biological immortality. |
While no one would believe her, Cassandra of Greek mythology predicted the future. But, could she or anyone really predict the future then or now? Yes, the future is accurately predicted by determining cause and effect with Neo-Tech/Neothink. How? By integrating wide-scope knowledge into an objective unity that synthesizes cause-and-effect futures.
Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting, blends new technologies with new techniques. Those blends of technologies and techniques are achieved through wide-scope business integrations. Through metaphors, inductive Neo-Tech combined with deductive Neothink yields a unity that reveals the future. What is Neothink? It is a thinking process that uncovers never-before-identified Laws of the Universe -- laws of nature and physics that link causes to effects with contextual certainty. Those natural laws, hidden until now, never contradict reality in yielding a predictable future. Neothinking integrates current causes with Universal laws of physics and nature to determine future effects.
Neothinking was discovered in the early 1980s. It anchors the future to reality by homogenizing fully integrated honesty with wide-scope accounting. Applying Neothink to Neo-Tech knowledge uncovers the cause-and-effect certainties of nature. From those certainties arise the predictive power of Neo-Tech/Neothink.
Inductive Neo-Tech and deductive Neothink synthesize future knowledge -- limitless new knowledge generated from the laws of nature. Those laws are discoverable within the YES/NO philosophies of Ayn Rand and Immanuel Kant. YES, "certainty is possible", is the philosophy of Rand. NO, "certainty is impossible", is the philosophy of Kant. Do those two philosophies create a useful dialectic? Yes, when wide-scope accounting is applied. Do those two philosophies create a contradiction? No, not when "context" is considered: (1) certainty arises from identifying and adhering to context, (2) uncertainty arises from either expanding beyond or ignoring context. Predictability arises from blending that context with wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty through Neothinking. That formula synthesizes certain future effects from known controllable causes. ...Within the widest integrations throughout Earth's anticivilization, the philosophies of Rand and Kant interconnect as do all philosophies, knowledge, and entities -- no matter how seemingly contradictory.
Consider the following example: Without homogenizing their philosophical systems with Neo-Tech/Neothink, neither Rand nor Kant could achieve contextual certainty. For, both ranged beyond their scope of knowledge in making erroneous proclamations outside contextual boundaries: Implying false certainty beyond her contextual knowledge, Rand publicly denigrated, out of ignorance, the supreme values created, for example, by Beethoven and Shakespeare. Analogously, implying false uncertainty from an opinionated range of ignorance, Kant promoted the bogus morality of collectivist duty and self-sacrifice, which are deadly to individuals and societies alike.
Through dogma, followers of Rand and Kant lock themselves into a deadly dance of ignorances and dishonesties. The self-inflicted harms of dishonesty lead to aging and death -- the essences of an anticivilization. Before Cyberspace (BC), Rand, Kant, and essentially everyone else invested in a death-delivering anticivilization. After Cyberspace (AC), everyone will invest in the life-delivering Civilization of the Universe.
In cyberspace, Neo-Tech uses wide-scope accounting to collapse the walls of dishonesty and irrationality to reveal the paths of certainty. Those paths lead to ever widening avenues of knowledge. Yet, with Neo-Tech, one always remains within an expanding contextual realm. Such a process marches conscious beings toward Neothink -- toward self-made futures of eternal prosperity. During that march, a person's contextual knowledge combined with the Neo-Tech/Neothink dynamic predicts and then synthesizes that person's future. ...Neo-Tech is the AC future -- a future of quantum crossings (jumps without transitions) into the Civilization of the Universe.
Since the early 1980s, Neo-Tech/Neothink has accurately predicted the future on personal, business, and global levels. Those predictions occurred when Neo-Tech and Neothinking controlled absolute causes that lead to absolute ends according to the laws of nature. In that way, ends ranging from personal to global are predicted, controlled, and then fulfilled. Listed below are some such predictions covering the past, present, and future:
PERSONAL (early 1980s): Predicted and then brought forth the end of harmful, personal relationships with the rise of beneficial business, friendship, and romantic-love relationships for those implementing Neo-Tech through competitive value production. By contrast, those who fled that Neo-Tech dynamic sank in their anticivilization problems. They were left behind as complaining, disgruntled losers.BUSINESS (early 1980s): Predicted and brought forth (1) the government attack on research-oriented I & O Publishing Company and (2) the subsequent phoenix-like rise of Neo-Tech bantam companies involved in global commerce and the coming demise of a criminally destructive IRS along with its irrational income taxes.
GLOBAL (mid 1980s): Predicted and brought forth the dynamics that collapsed communism in Eastern Europe (most specifically, Neo-Tech working throughout Romania to bring the sudden, legal, firing-squad executions of murderers Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu in 1989, vanishing their totalitarian regime)...and, through faxes, almost succeeded in toppling the Communist regime in China twelve years ahead of predictions -- almost succeeded until the Bush/Baker/Deng/Peng Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. ...The fall of tyranny in China, however, will come not through publications, faxes, or the media, but through Neo-Tech business dynamics in cyberspace as predicted a decade ago.
PERSONAL: With cyberspace vanishing the parasitical-elite class and their pips, competitive value producers will rise toward eternal health, romance, and prosperity.BUSINESS: With cyberspace collapsing irrational political-agenda laws (ranging from anti-drug, anti-immigration, and anti-business laws to irrational income-tax, environmental, and health laws), the well-being and longevity for everyone will rise worldwide. ...Business will end poverty and disease.
GLOBAL: With cyberspace driving politicians and lawyers from parasitical value destructions into competitive value production, their force-backed political agendas will vanish. The health and wealth of conscious beings will then expand, without limits, toward the Civilization of the Universe. Then, no one will want to live in the loser anticivilization. ...Let the C of U begin.
PERSONAL: Through cyberspace/cybercash businesses, the value of individual human life will expand eternally.BUSINESS: From political/economic breakdowns, global-bantam cyberspace companies run by sovereign individuals will rise. Such companies will dominate education, commerce, and science through push-pull cyberspace technology. Those companies will envelop Earth with the Civilization of the Universe.
GLOBAL: Fulfilling its role in vanishing the anticivilization, cyberspace itself will eventually become obsolete. As the world populations quantum-cross into the Civilization of the Universe, individuals become a part of the conscious-controlled, "Gravity-Unit/Thinkon" computers that synthesize the future.
The certainties of Neo-Tech/Neothink are today being demonstrated, established, and utilized. For example, two Neo-Tech hypothetical "certainties" identified in the early 1980s are now being physically demonstrated as reflected in points 1 and 2 below:
Point 1. Throughout space-time, an essentially limitless abundance of conscious life at every level of knowledge flourishes throughout the Civilization of the Universe:
Hard, physical evidence supporting the certainty of Universal conscious life is emerging. Such evidence suggests that wide varieties of life evolve independently and easily, not only in different locations under widely diverse conditions on Earth, but throughout this solar system and beyond. Life rises as microbes called extremophiles from non-solar/non-oxygen/methane conditions in boiling-hot blackness miles deep in oceans. Conscious-life evolves independently at several different locations on planet Earth. Beyond Earth, a hidden lake of life-giving water (estimated at 250-2500 billion gallons) has been found on Earth's own moon. Life-generating conditions are detected on Mars and even on Jupiter's moons Io and Europa.
Also, ocular evidence of other planetary/moon systems is now appearing among Earth's nearest stars. Those mounting evidences imply an open-ended abundance of conscious life throughout the Universe as detailed in the Neo-Tech 1985 "Long-Wave" document. ...Mounting hard evidence is revealing how easy, common, and natural is the evolvement of abundant life, including conscious life, throughout the Universe.
Point 2. With Neo-Tech vanishing the anticivilization, government-free entrepreneurs will deliver commercial genetic engineering and human cloning during the lifetime of most people living today. Those accomplishments will bring low-cost, non-aging, biological immortality to conscious beings on planet Earth:
The clandestine, 1980s human cloning project and the Research Institute for Biological Immortality (RIBI) was destroyed by armed federal agents in 1986. The viability of that project is now demonstrated in Scotland with the genetic cloning of a mammal -- Dolly, a female sheep. And more recently comes news of successfully cloned anthropoids -- monkeys. ...Neo-Tech in cyberspace vanishes the "ethical questions" of cloning -- false questions that professional value destroyers use to block genetic engineering and human cloning.
Such dishonest "ethical" questions and political-agenda restrictions are introduced by a parasitical-elite class that survives through the gun-backed control of competitive value producers. But, the parasite class cannot survive in a cyberspace/cybercash economy driven by Neo-Tech accounting and integrated honesty. ...Contrary to the demagoguery of the parasite class, entrepreneurial genetic engineering and human cloning will spearhead history's most moral, beneficent advance for conscious beings.
Neo-Tech/Neothink businesses in cyberspace will make available to the populace cheap genetic health/youth treatments and commercial human cloning. Conscious beings on planet Earth will then abandon today's anticivilization to join their cousins throughout the Universe, greeting them with the freedom cry:
Cheap, Commercial Human Cloning "In the mid 1980s, I & O Publishing Company, operating through the Golden Helmet, was accumulating cash assets to initiate aggressive, lone-wolf research on human cloning. That research would have been conducted offshore -- beyond the reach of government political-agenda laws and FDA-type regulations -- directed by a Swiss scientist. On November 3, 1986, sixteen armed federal agents with guns, fists, and kicking feet destroyed I & O Publishing Company and its Research Institute of Biological Immortality (RIBI). Those guns-and-fists agents beat, kicked, and hospitalized the editor of RIBI, destroyed I & O's manuscripts, and seized its records along with its hard-earned assets needed to initiate it's clandestine human-cloning project. ...The founder of I & O Publishing and RIBI was sent incommunicado in chains to an isolated Federal prison camp atop a mountain in the California desert.
"Today, phoenix-like interests once again seek to initiate such offshore research. Commercial goals include genetic repair and physical rejuvenation as well as body transplants from rapidly matured, mechanically exercised, nonconscious clones cheaply grown in electrochemical/electromagnetic 'cultures'.
"The Zon Association will consider scientifically sound proposals for reversing aging and curing the disease of death. Political-agenda laws and bureaucratic regulations will be bypassed to reach the moral apex for human beings on Earth -- eternal life, happiness, and prosperity. (Objective laws, however, will not be broken. Ends do not justify the means)
"For information on biological immortality, review web site www.neo-tech.com and enter "biological immortality", "cloning", "physics", and "I-ness" into its search engine.
"Interested scientists should email proposals to John Flint at: think999@ix.netcom.com"
Defense Techniques
that protect
Competitive Value Producers
Jean-Claude Rueille as told by Justin Parkes
How to Handle Dishonest Journalists
hustling for the gun-backed
Parasitical-Elite Class
"JCR really made his point to me on this subject with repetition. Over and over he explained how he would handle an attacking journalist or a group of journalists. He initially made his point by asking me if we were to leave the restaurant at this moment, and were confronted by a horde of journalists with lights and TV cameras outside the restaurant asking pointed questions about Neo-Tech, what would I say? The point of that exercise is that when confronted with such a situation you tend to freeze up and are unable to think effectively on your feet. The moment you stumble in the slightest, appear uncertain, or unsure of your position, the vultures will close in. Point #1 therefore on handling the media, was not to wait until the media come to you, but be prepared whether or not you ever expect to be confronted by the media.
"An essential point JCR kept emphasizing is the irrelevance of the questions journalists might be asking. While using different terminology, he was emphasizing that while journalists are jumping around from A-point to A-point, you should only be focusing on THE-point. You must know what your THE-point is and have it thoroughly automated in your mind before you are ever confronted by a horde of journalists.
"Let's say for example your main THE-points are: 1) Responsibility to customers, 2) Responsibility to employees, 3) Responsibility to suppliers, and so on. Organize on paper these points and whatever sub-points there are within the main THE-points. And, if there are any sub-points within any further sub-point divisions also write those out. Then like memorizing for a test have those points absolutely committed in your mind so that they become reflex actions that can be recalled without thinking under the stress of an unexpected camera, a flood of lights, and a horde of journalists.
"The concept therefore is, if you are on Larry King for example, and Larry King was not to ask any questions, what would you say? Know this down pat, know how to communicate it convincingly, and in such a commanding manner that there is no inkling of hesitation or questioning of yourself. Now introduce the attacking journalist into the picture. He asks his question, whatever it may be. In your mind, you go down the list of say five major THE-points and immediately hook on to the one that is most closely relevant to the question. Then go into the mode of convincingly articulating this point. You continue for as long as the journalist doesn't stop you. If he doesn't stop you, you go onto the next point on your list, and then the next point, and so on until you are interrupted.
"Regardless of what the journalist says, regardless -- when he finishes talking you just hook right back onto one of your major THE-points. You convincingly articulate the point and move onto the next point and the next point until you are again interrupted. Regardless of any question or any attack or angle a journalist might take with you, you essentially ignore anything that comes out of the journalist's mouth and always jump right back to one of your THE-points and continue articulating it for as long as you have to be heard. You answer your questions to the audience, not to the journalist. The approach has the effect of subverting any journalist's A-point attack. You cannot answer any A-point attack. This is JCR's point. But what you can do is leave the audience with a deeper impression of the good intentions and honesty of your company. As long as you look totally solid and unshakable in the face of TV cameras with lights and attacking journalists, the audience is subconsciously always going to know there is more to this story than what the journalist may be focusing on."
Tools for Prosperity
in a
Rational Cyberspace Civilization
A Message to Professional Value Destroyers
from a
Neo-Tech Businessman
(quoted below)
"You come to attack, drain, and suppress Neo-Tech. Yet, Neo-Tech is the good, the innocent, the protector of competitive value producers and human life itself. Neo-Tech is the giver of eternal life and happiness to individuals, societies, and civilizations. Neo-Tech Publishing Company literally saves thousands of human lives each year in Earth's anticivilization, while benefiting the lives of everyone it touches -- millions of lives. Who are you? What net benefits have you delivered to humanity? You are the gun-backed, the guilty, the dishonest, the destroyer of values. You live by draining values created by others -- you directly and indirectly kill innocent people for your livelihoods. Now, finally today, against the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech, your criminal world of 2300 years is ending. Your parasitical world is vanishing forever.
"Neo-Tech is the universal source of prosperity and happiness throughout the Universe. Integrated honesty needs no defenses, counterattacks, or reconciliations. Instead, it exposes your parasitisms and criminalities, no matter how deeply concealed. ...Through its business dynamics, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech delivers priceless values to society and to every individual it touches.
"Want proof of the statements above? Look at yourself in the mirror of honesty. Then look around. Ocular proof abounds: You are professional value destroyers responsible for the continual harm to conscious beings. You feed off their contributions to civilization. Your antithesis is Neo-Tech. Businesspeople using Neo-Tech in cyberspace will vanish your anticivilization. ...Through cyberspace, Neo-Tech victoriously brings the Civilization of the Universe to human beings on planet Earth, including you."
Eric Flame November 3, 1997 |
A forthcoming publication, Flame-War Justice, will present in print the Ostracism/Praise Matrix already building among Usenet posts and Web sites. That book will reveal how anyone can profitably tap an ostracism matrix for professional value destroyers as well as a praise matrix for previously unrecognized, honest value producers.
Finally, and most important, nature's Quintessential Secret will spread throughout cyberspace. The anticivilization will vanish as the Civilization of the Universe envelops planet Earth to bring eternal life, prosperity, and happiness to conscious beings.
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