Curing Objectivist Cultists #1-7
Profits from Honesty
Then, use that search engine to find "My Termination" -- a 1989 metaphorical account dramatizing the vanishing of professional value destroyers be they parasitical politicians, destructive lawyers, dishonest journalists, or mind-ravaging professors. ...Honesty/dishonesty ratings of each person's words and actions will eventually become publicly available to everyone for job hiring, business dealings, criminal indictments, and social relationships.
Notice how automatic self-accountability is the opposite of Orwell's "big brother is watching you" concept. Rapidly accelerating technology crumbles tyranny.
And, finally realize that no one can gain an understanding of Neo-Tech or Objectivism through Usenet alone. Objectivist cultists will eventually learn that the most advanced understanding of Neo-Tech and Objectivism, not only for today but into the future, resides on the continually growing, increasingly profitable, 2.1-million-word web site at
To sample the coming computer-matching accountability, one can enter the words "Objectivism", "pips", "Rand", "Peikoff", and other related words or names into the Neo-Tech search engine. By doing that, one discovers how the dishonest behaviors of a pip, a lawyer, or an Objectivist cultist are juxtaposed, against contextual facts.
Usenet is a domain in which many of its habitués waste irreplaceable chunks of life on (1) ego-pumping attacks directed at competitive values and their heroic producers and on (2) arguing accomplish-nothing ideas to insignificant, static audiences. Moreover, to date (1997), the web for most businesses has been remarkably impotent in delivering benefits and profits. But, Neo-Tech Bantam Companies through split-run testing and statistical analyses have learned how to exploit Usenet and Web activities into unique PR dynamics that (1) increase profitability in non-cyberspace markets, (2) expand sales of existing products, and (3) generate new products indefinitely into the future.
Most important, the cyberspace dynamics of Neo-Tech continually advance the commercial use of Objectivism while revealing new venues for applying Neo-Tech/Objectivism worldwide.
Execute Immanual Kant and Adam Smith?
Objectivist cultists[ 27 ] rabidly condemn the 19th century philosopher Immanuel Kant. For, their guru, Ayn Rand, publicly stated that Kant was "the evilest man who ever lived". In that condemnation, Objectivist cultists contradict the essence of Objectivist philosophy: Evil among men occurs not through thoughts, but through willful action involving the initiation of force or fraud. Yet, those same cultists properly criticize Christianity for condemning to Hell or praising to Heaven people, not for their actions, but, for their thoughts. ...According to Christianity, one is evil for having lust or murder in his heart. By contrast, according to Objectivism, one is evil for raping or murdering others, not for thoughts of rape or murder. One is evil for committing objective crimes, not for expressing subjective thoughts or ideas and not for unacted upon emotions .
Immanuel Kant did not live by initiating force or fraud against others. He did not commit objective crimes. He expressed his subjective thoughts as piles of irrational, circular logic. Nevertheless, Objectivist cultists, hypnotized by Ayn Rand, assert that Kant was more evil than mass killers such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, even FDA's mass-murderer Robert Kessler or DOJ's child-killer Janet Reno. ...Objectivist cultists blindly chant that Kant was responsible for acts of murder by others.
Those cultists arbitrarily transferred responsibility from actual killers to someone who expressed subjective ideas -- to someone whose ideas differed from the dogmas of Objectivist cultists. Thus, if Kant were alive today, those cultists would extend their pipping[ 28 ] "logic" by advocating his execution as the evilest man who ever lived. They would advocate an "Objectivist" police-state execution of Kant for his thoughts, ideas, and writings.
Objectivist philosophy was nearly flawlessly developed by intellectual-giant Ayn Rand. Her philosophy is crucial for living honestly, productively, happily. Her philosophy is correct in its contextual premises and axioms. But, Objectivism is dishonestly used for ego boosting by its dogmatic cultists. Still, regardless of the cultists' dishonesties, mankind on Earth owes a profound debt to Ayn Rand along with her associates Leonard Peikoff and Nathaniel Branden for discovering, developing, and marketing Objectivism to the public through intellectual and business dynamics. For, Objectivism is the underlying philosophy throughout the Civilization of the Universe -- the philosophy that will envelop Earth through cyberspace/cybercash business dynamics.
Yet, mankind would be thrown into the dark ages if Objectivist cultists succeeded in destroying the credibility of Objectivism and killing its advance into the working-class populace. Similarly, in history, mankind was thrown into the dark ages when Aristotelian cultists and the Catholic hierarchy dishonestly dogmatized and destroyed the credibility of Aristotle's philosophical works. ...Aristotle's uncorrupted works, however, rose again through Aquinas and served as the precursor to Objectivism, Neo-Tech, and the coming Civilization of the Universe.
The ego-boosting tool of Objectivist cultists is "pipping". To illustrate that tool, consider how they pip greatness: Adam Smith was the father of the Industrial Revolution and the essential pillar for limitless wealth production through free-enterprise capitalism. Yet, the Objectivist cultists giddily "discovered" that from Adam Smith's philosophical work, Theory of Moral Sentiments, Kant got his most "evil" ideas. (Kant also gleaned many of his ideas from David Hume and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.)
Those cultists then spout Rand's words that mass murderers as Hitler and Stalin could not have succeeded without Kant. Thus, by extending that same "reasoning", Kant could not have succeeded without Smith. "Logically", therefore, Adam Smith should have been executed by the State to prevent the subsequent generations of mass murder and terrible evil for which "the creator of ideas, not the doer" is held responsible. ...So go the Objectivist cultists who behave more as irrational Kantians than as rational Objectivists.
What is the problem with those cultists? Mainly, they try to dishonestly boost their egos by tearing down great people and their historic achievements -- enviously tearing down by pipping. Those cultists try to justify their own life-wasting philosophizings and productivity failures by showing their "superiority" over successful people. ...Pipping occurs when petty people (pip-squeaks) try to make themselves appear important by taking facts out of context and using non sequiturs to enviously denigrate outstanding value producers, usually in a dishonest, ad-hominem manner.
Another method for pipping historic greatness is to pluck ideas and achievements from earlier eras. Then, juxtapose those ideas and achievements against today's advanced knowledge. From that dishonest position, pips can easily point to all kinds of "evils" -- all kinds of, in their own words, "Inherently Dishonest Ideas" (IDIs).
The pipper largely ignores, for example, that Adam Smith (1723-1790) came out of a primative base of knowledge to build a crucially valuable, comprehensive foundation for the industrial revolution, for laissez-faire capitalism, and for Ayn Rand's own philosophy of Objectivism. Indeed, Smith died a century before the deductive knowledge of Nietzsche and the inductive experience of the Industrial Revolution.
Incidentally, Nietzsche was also condemned and denigrated by Objectivist cultists, even though Rand obtained many of her early ideas from Nietzsche without acknowledging him. ...Objectivist cultists pipping the achievements of other historical fighters for not following Ayn Rand's Objectivism is somewhat like pipping Newton for not following Einstein's theory of relativity.
Objectivist cultists live through aggressive dogmatisms. They thrive on emotionally subjective ad-hominem attacks. Following their leader Rand, they call Kant the evilest man who ever lived. Yet, Kant was, in fact, invaluable in the production of Objectivism. His philosophical power was surpassed only by Plato, Aristotle, and Rand. ...Powerful, comprehensive ideas, good or bad, are ultimately valuable. To repeat: In the anticivilization, powerful yet false idea systems such as Kant's were needed to develop the singularly valid idea system of Objectivism.
Like welcoming losing poker players into the game, Neo-Tech welcomes losing philosophers into the competition. A Plato, a Rousseau, a Kant, a Hegel, a Marx are welcomed to construct anticivilization philosophies or ideas, no matter how irrational, no matter how bogus, no matter how others might use or misuse those philosophies. Any shifting of moral or criminal blame from the club/gun-wielding criminals/rulers onto peaceful thinkers/philosophers is wrongly shifting responsibility from the objectively guilty to the objectively innocent. Such false blame is not only unjust, but chills the free-market of ideas.
Like exploiting losing poker players, Neo-Tech exploits losing philosophers to the eventual benefit of everyone. By identifying the errors within the philosophies of Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Marx[ 29 ], Ayn Rand put the anticivilization philosophies into the crosshairs of the Neo-Tech business dynamic to profitably blast those philosophies into oblivion.
"Stop-Servitude" Campaign Objectivist cultists are appreciated for their participation in the on-going "Stop Servitude" campaign sponsored by the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI). But, standing on the seminal, no-force/no-coercion principle against fascist servitude is not enough. Even ARI-president Michael Berliner's valuable, articulate editorials about the destructive degeneracy of the altruistic principle underpinning "Service" are not enough. To be effective, the focus must delve deeper -- down to a different root. If not, the servitude-hoaxers' saintly sounding oratory about duty to the national good will steamroll those Objectivists. They will be steamrolled not only by the Mussolini-type statists such as President Clinton and General Powell, but by the social-type conservatives such as Arianna Huffington and cyberspace-censor Senator Dan Coats spouting their moral imperatives.
Service-to-others hoaxers easily overwhelm anti-slavery principles with piles of good-sounding non sequiturs about serving the "greater good". Moreover, the benevolent word "volunteerism" will be dishonestly thrown into the faces of those campaigning against the "Service" servitude juggernaut.
One must undercut the "Service" propaganda by demonstrating that the entire campaign is a ploy having nothing to do with volunteerism, good will, or benefiting anyone except its shrewd promoters. That fascist-servitude ploy is driven by cunning neocheaters gaining unearned praise, power, and livelihoods through good-sounding, compassionate words. That "Service" ploy gets each victim not only to sanction the servitude-fraud promoters but to praise their "compassion".
What masterful neocheating! Give them credit: The promoters of "Service" servitude are neocheaters supreme. ...That "Service" servitude ploy must be undercut at a deeper level -- at the Jay-Gould level of understanding:
Jay Gould admired other great businessmen of his day. But, from wider integrations, he also criticized them, especially John D. Rockefeller, for yielding to the calls for altruism by the social predators throughout the government, media, churches, and universities.[ 30 ] Gould identified the irrationality of efficacious businessmen sacrificing any part of their lives to "service" -- sacrificing their invaluable time and capital that deliver maximum benefits to others and society. ...Jay Gould was too rational and benevolent to sacrifice any part of his supreme value. He would not diminish the efficacious use of his time and capital just to lessen the criticisms from professional compassion hoaxers.
Today, the compassion hoaxers are drumbeating a debilitating message into the formative minds of youth. Those hoaxers are pounding into children an ugly message that idealizes unambitious service, coerced servitude, and wimpish sacrifice as the highest standard to which one could aspire. ...If everyone aspired to that "highest" standard -- that Hitlerian standard -- most would die of starvation or be killed in looting wars.
Ignored in today's anti-life, be-slaves-to-society messages is the source of human values and benevolence. That source of genuine service to mankind is competitive job-and-value production through business. The real heroes and servers of society are those entrepreneurs so busy, so hard driving in creating competitive jobs and producing values for others and society that they have no time for image building, volunteer work, or sacrificial service. ...Today's idealization of coerced sacrificial service is the same malignant irrationality that Jay Gould identified and rejected over a century ago...and the same sacrificial service that Hitler, the ultimate altruist, used to conduct history's greatest holocaust. ...Do not scorn the servitude program; scorn its promoters.
Philosophy through a Wide-Scope Lens
Aside from profitable web-pointing "Pip" templates,
Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) personnel never respond to dishonest or ad-hominem
attacks. NTP will, however, publish ad-hoc material that advances its purpose and
For example, in ferreting out the deep-hidden dishonesties woven throughout the
Objectivist culture, writers from Neo-Tech will publish from time to time
"outlandish" material on Usenet and the Web. That material will carry Neo-Tech
Objectivism into new markets under titles such as:
Existentialism applies to an imagined universe arbitrarly constructed from subjective consciousness. Whereas, Objectivism applies to the factual universe logically constructed from objective reality. Are not the two philosophies opposites? Well, usually they are, depending on context. Yet, certain Objectivists such as cult followers of Ayn Rand can at times be irrational, unproductive Sartrian Existentialists. And, certain Existentialists such as Nietzsche, Camus, even Sartre can at times be rational, productive Randian Objectivists. How can that be? With (1) Existentialism in the context of an irrational civilization and (2) Objectivism in the context of a rational civilization, both philosophies seem to meld.
Also consider that Nietzsche through Existentialism held virulent contempt for Christianity as a mind/life-destroying dynamic that shrinks conscious beings toward nothingness. Yet, one of Nietzsche's most admired individuals was Jesus, a Jew, whom Nietzsche called the only real Christian. For, Jesus, as a metaphorical individual, innovated his life and passionately created his own character to impact an entire civilization for two millennia. ...Jesus aside, Nietzsche viewed Christians as life-wasting followers of church-spun hoaxes and Pope-like tyrannies.
Next consider that Neo-Tech/Objectivism largely agrees with Nietzsche's view of religion, but would regard many passionately creative Christians as heroes in an irrational civilization, such as Apostle Paul, Thomas Aquinas, and perhaps Martin Luther along with outstanding artists, scientists, explorers and business people who were Christians. Additionally, Christianity was the first individualistic philosophy and served as a 2000-year, semi-effective foil against government tyrants and other criminals.
Finally, by Nietzsche's standard, Neo-Tech/Objectivism holds passionate innovators and developers of Objectivism such as Ayn Rand (Jesus-Christ like), Nathaniel Branden (Apostle-Paul like), and Leonard Peikoff (Thomas-Aquinas like) as genuine, individualistic heroes in this anticivilization. By the same Nietzschean standard, Neo-Tech/Objectivism dismisses as time wasters the Randian cultists who use Objectivism as an anti-individualistic, life-wasting dynamic that harms both them and the advance of Objectivism.
Similarly, by Existentialist standards, one finds passionate innovators in Søren Kierkegaard (Jesus-Christ like), Albert Camus(Apostle-Paul like), and Jean-Paul Sarte (Thomas-Aquinas like). Moreover, those holding the most useful views were people with the widest-scope understandings. Thus, Nathaniel Branden held the widest-scope understandings of Objectivism while Albert Camus held the widest-scope understandings of Existentialism. ...Nevertheless, hard-core Objectivist, Leonard Peikoff, produced the most accurate, valuable Objectivist products. Similarly, hard-core Existentialist, Jean-Paul Sartre, produced the most accurate, valuable Existentialist products.
Philosophies such as Existentialism, even Kantism, are valid and useful in the context of an unreal (conscious-created) anticivilization. Objectivism, however, is the single philosophy that underpins the real (reality-based) Civilization of the Universe. Most important, however, "unreal" and "real" have no middle ground or compromise position -- no connections, mixes, or transitions. Likewise, the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe have no middle ground or compromise position -- no connections, mixes, or transitions.
Similarly, no middle ground or compromise position exists between dishonesty and honesty. Yet, as outrageous as the thought seems, capitalist Rand and communist Sartre seem to be soul mates. They are nearly identical in their ontological view of life passion, self-responsibility, and individual freedom when the context for Rand is kept in the rational Civilization of the Universe and the context for Sartre is kept in the irrational anticivilization.
Except for Objectivism, however, philosophies in this irrational anticivilization become head-spinning, chaotic messes of words when compared and contrasted. For, philosophies conflict in an arbitrary, irrational civilization. Thus, philosophers constantly argue. One philosopher never convinces the other of anything. Both think the other is wrong, neither realizing that the other is right from his or her own contextual perspective. Their endless arguments, therefore, are generally a waste of time and life.
Such right/wrong passions rage at all levels to all extremes, including bloody wars and genocides. Indeed, in this anticivilization, furious emotions reign through endless accomplish-nothing battles. The crafty fury of each side is captured by a Lewis Carroll doublet in his The Tale of the Mouse:
In the Civilization of the Universe, philosophies vanish as meaningless. Only Objectivism remains, which by definition is based on the objective reality underlying the Civilization of the Universe. Words such as war, crime, fraud, evil, and dishonesty vanish from nonuse in an eternally rational Universe. With time, even the word Objectivism itself will be forgotten from nonuse in the eternally prosperous Civilization of the Universe.
While Objectivism and Existentialism can never meet or mix, they can be reconciled through the wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech. Thus, through Neo-Tech, Objectivist philosophers Ayn Rand/Leonard Peikoff mediated through David Kelley/Nathaniel Branden are reconciled with Existentialist philosophers Kierkegaard/Sartre mediated through Nietzsche/Camus.
Friedrich Nietzsche champions ancient-Greek/Homeric morals of living life passionately within any realm or illusion. By contrast, Ayn Rand champions living life intransigently within objective reality. Combining Nietzsche's relentless passion with Rand's uncompromised Objectivism would accomplish the following two feats:
What is the difference between (1) Randian Objectivists trying to fix the anticivilization while protecting their investments in that irrational civilization and (2) Neo-Tech Objectivists "seemingly" trying to fix the anticivilization while liquidating their investments in that same irrational civilization? Randian Objectivists try with various degrees of temporary success to improve the anticivilization while still protecting their investments in that irrational civilization. Neo-Tech Objectivists, by contrast, work with increasing degrees of permanent success to vanish the anticivilization while building new investments in a new civilization -- an Objectivist civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe. ...Objectivism seeks to add positives and improve the anticivilization through philosophy. Neo-Tech seeks to remove negatives and vanish the anticivilization through business competition.
Compatible Detachment
On understanding the dynamics of Neo-Tech in cyberspace, one loses interest in Earth's dying anticivilization. For, Neo-Tech/Objectivism presented as theory glazes the eyes of status-quo people protecting their anticivilization investments. Neo-Tech presented as action -- as fully integrated honesty -- makes those people either run and hide or attack with criminal force.
A person detached from objective reality is schizophrenic. Such a person is incompatible with his or her environment and, thus, functions poorly in society. What happens, however, when a person is detached from the anticivilization, but (1) functions competently within that irrational civilization, (2) remains rooted in objective reality, and (3) produces competitive values for others and society? That person can profitably operate with Neo-Tech/Objectivism from outside the anticivilization rather than being plucked to pieces inside that irrational civilization. With the tools of Neo-Tech, such a person can outwit, profit from, and then undermine professional value destroyers along with their armed agents of force roaming this anticivilization. ...Such is the power of Neo-Tech/Objectivism through which one can fulfill his or her life.
Neo-Tech vs. Objectivism The more one understands Neo-Tech, the more one discovers the wider integrations of Objectivism -- wider than made by Rand or Peikoff in every area. Neo-Tech is a business/wealth-generation vision that requires metaphors combined with multiple layers of integrations with wide-scope accountings. Neo-Tech draws both mental and physical entities into accountability. Most important, Neo-Tech works by exposing, subverting, and then removing harmful negatives, especially mysticisms and dishonesties. ...By removing those negatives, the positives take care of themselves.
To date, Neo-Tech has been most effective among the non-elitist working class. But, now, through the Neo-Tech web site, other classes are discovering Neo-Tech. ...A Neo-Tech firestorm is in everyone's future -- a fire storm that burns away mysticisms and dishonesties to bring limitless prosperity.
Objectivists and most intellectuals cannot understand or evaluate Neo-Tech without first understanding its unique "removing-negatives" essence. They must re-examine Neo-Tech from an out-of-this-anticivilization perspective. ...Intellectuals, writers, artists, and publishers who break from their closed-circle anticivilization thinking will discover commercial, scientific, and intellectual bonanzas in Neo-Tech.
Ignorance of and hostility toward Neo-Tech is displayed by most orthodox Objectivists. Yet, Neo-Tech is the most comprehensive, anti-mystical, pro-freedom dynamic conceivable. On understanding the essence of Neo-Tech, one grasps its power in subverting mysticisms and exposing the dishonesties of physical-and-intellectual oppressions. Not only does Neo-Tech overtly castigate every form of mysticism and the paranormal, but specifically debunks telepathy, telekinesis, UFOs, supernaturalism, mind-over-matter, primacy-of-consciousness, and the pseudo-sciences. Yet, the gross ignorance about Neo-Tech by Objectivist cultists is illustrated by the poster below in his comment, "The Neo-Tech folks believe in telepathy, telekinesis".
In article <>, wrote:
Hi, Roger:)
It isn't just an issue of immortality. The Neo-Tech folks believe in telepathy, telekinesis, being able to remove the chance factor from life so you are *guaranteed* success...and blending it all with bits and pieces taken from Objectivist writings and lectures and workshops. I'm kinder to it than you, though. If one makes a conscientious effort to delete all the references in Neotech that are just plain crazy (this is *very* easy to do) it's actually possible to learn alot about Objectivism that is not elsewhere. And, at least in my brief browsing, the references easily available in any one book upon the subject about Objectivism seemed fairly accurate!This may seem like rank heresy...but the insights in the Neotech manuals about objectivism, though mixed with everything from science fiction to mysiticism, actually feel, to me, more integrated than the studied words of Dr. Peikoff!
Neo-Tech Uber Alles Forget Hitler's bogus usurpation of Franz Haydn's Emperor Quartet, "Deutschland Uber Alles". The fact for everyone is "Neo-Tech Uber Alles" -- Accountability and Honesty Above All.
[ 26 ] That story was also printed on the back cover of the 1989 Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 27 ] To directly observe Objectivist cultists in merry-go-round action, visit the Usenet newsgroup humanities.philosophy.objectivism (hpo). In its charter, that newsgroup explicitly bans any discussion of "evil" wide-scope Neo-Tech. Even mentioning the word Neo-Tech is banned and automatically censored through its killbot. The hpo newsgroup is, however, an efficient newsgroup for gaining knowledge about Objectivism and observing the healthy shredding of Objectivist cultists by Libertarians, Anarcho-Capitalists, and Objectivist noncultists. ...Also, Neo-Tech recognizes and respects the right of association in forming hpo to ban Neo-Tech, no matter how unwise. Today, hpo includes the spectacle of dishonest Objectivist cultists personally obliterating one another with ad-hominem attacks. Such a spectacle demonstrates the justice throughout cyberspace in which honesty ultimately prevails.
[ 28 ] For specific examples of pipping, see and enter the words "pip", "pips", and "pipping" into its search engine.
[ 29 ] Blame mass murders on the bogus philosophies of Plato, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Marx? Upon whom then does one blame the mass murders by Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible, Jack the Ripper, Idi Amin, and Jeffrey Dahmer? They either never heard of or never absorbed the ideas of those philosophers. ...Yes, go all out with intellectual action to attack, subvert, and eliminate ideas that are bogus, as were the ideas of Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Marx. But, do not condemn those philosophers as evil. Moreover, they are the valuable articulators of the harmful idea systems upon which the anticivilization depends. Such articulations of bogus ideas are necessary for unleashing the power of Objectivism and Neo-Tech.
[ 30 ] A distinction is drawn between (1) Rockefeller's altruism motivated by social approval for sacrificing his values to the degenerative altruist agenda and (2) Carnegie's value-generating philanthropy motivated by self-chosen acts for delivering maximum values to others and society. Acts of self-motivated philanthropy as displayed by Andrew Carnegie in building America's public library system can be highly valuable and admirable, but still, not as valuable and admirable as his acts of generating competitive industries, commercial values, and lifetime jobs for others and society.
The hoax of altruism is heavily worked in movies. A common theme is depicting a harried husband and father struggling to exhaustion in maintaining his good-paying job that provides his family with life's amenities, comforts, and security. But, with the demands for properly performing his high-paying job, he misses his son's Little-League game. Thus, he loses the love of his wife and gains the enmity of his son, neither of whom show an understanding of that man's value-producing work. Neither show an appreciation of the long, exhausting hours he had to labor for his family's comfort and well being. The wife and son never identify from where come their luxurious lifestyles. They never realize that their over-extended yuppie lifestyles must be hard earned by the husband. To regain his family's love, the husband sacrifices his career so he will not miss any more Little-League games. The story ends without explaining how that family will maintain the standard of living that his wife and son demand. ...That scenario serves the altruist agenda of sacrificing greater values to lesser values in a sea of cloying sentimentalities.
[ 31 ] "Seems to be" because no one can define Existentialism or an Existentialist. Those two words roam as ghosts within an arbitrary, mystical-created anticivilization. ...Existentialism is more an attitude involving humanistic self-responsibility rather than a unified set of ideas.
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