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Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #1-10

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #1

Nausea on Discovering their Criminalities

In the non-cyberspace world, lawyer-like dishonesties dominate politics, the legal profession, the media, and many universities. Most people vaguely sense those dishonesties used to support well-hidden, professional parasites. But, on understanding Neo-Tech with its wide-scope accountability, one vividly identifies professional parasites. The stomach then turns in nausea on discovering how their criminalities are executed so smoothly, so self-righteously, so harmfully -- seemingly with impunity.

In the cyberspace world, however, that nausea dissipates as those professional parasites are rendered impotent through Drudge-like exposés. Through cyberspace, every perpetrator of lawyer-like dishonesties will eventually be held accountable for his or her now-hidden criminal behaviors. Moreover, in cyberspace, no dishonest "leader" or external "authority" can usurp values created by others.In a cyberspace/cybercash world, everyone functions as a sovereign. Even today, anyone can increasingly find the full-context facts on Internet search engines to discover the honesty level of others. ...In cyberspace, lawyer-like frauds lose their power to fool or control anyone.

Notice how big-name, destructive lawyers, politicians, professors, and journalists have virtually no power on the Internet. What disaster, for example, would await a Hillary Clinton, a Ralph Nader, a Pat Buchanan, a Dan Rather, or a "Book-of-Virtues" Bill Bennett, if they interacted with the world through Usenet. ...After 2300 years, the parasitical-elite class is finally shrinking with no way to compete or survive in the rising cyberspace civilization.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #2

They Laugh, Giggle, and Snort at their Victims

Across the Internet, certain lawyers, bureaucrats, tax accountants, and other government agents were caught laughing, giggling, and snorting publicly at their suffering, dying victims. That sadistic mirth occurred when criminal IRS atrocities inflicted on those victims were posted to Usenet newsgroups. Examples of such "laughable" victims are illustrated in the following IRS Abuse Reports selected from those Reports being emailed daily by Neo-Tech Publishing to 300 U.S. Congressmen. In addition to publicly exposing professional value destroyers who laugh at their victims, those Abuse Reports combined with two Neo-Tech tax cases currently in the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals along with potential class-action lawsuits have another purpose: Replace the irrational income tax with a stopgap consumption "tax" as the first step toward a non-force Golden-Helmet revenue system described in the Neo-Tech literature.

What follows are examples of innocent families criminally abused and then destroyed by the IRS tax laws passed by Congress. Those are the victims about whom IRS lawyers and agents, gun-backed bureaucrats, and IRS-dependent accountants were caught laughing, giggling, and snorting:

IRS Abuse Reports:

IRS Abuse Report #163

Date: Tue, Apr 8, 1997 1:32 PM
From: BG

"In 1993 my husband and I were notified, due to an audit, that there was a problem with one of our previous tax returns. My husband, Bill, contacted the IRS many, many, many times over a two year period in an attempt to remedy the situation. He was laid-off from his job in 1992, and after 3 months found another job at 1/4 of the salary he had been making. Needless to say, things were very hard on us. He tried very hard to make the IRS understand this and tried to work out this situation with them. The IRS was VERY difficult to work with.

"In March, 1995, my husband committed suicide (shot himself in the head), leaving our son, Justin (12 years old) and I in unbelievable GRIEF (not to mention the terrible financial situation). Since Bill's death I had to put my son in a "special" school and he has been seeing a psychologist every single week since then. He is still devastated.

"Bill left me a suicide note mentioning that he just couldn't handle dealing with the IRS any longer, and hopes that some day I'll be able to forgive him.

"If only they (IRS) had worked with him, none of this would have happened."

* * *

Below is another victim's reply to the above IRS Abuse Report:

Date: Thur, April 10, 1997
From: AP

"This is almost routine (at least the part about the IRS failing to respond or being hard to work with). One of my best friends committed suicide after the IRS ruined his thriving business (destroying 25 good jobs in the process) and essentially caused his wife's premature death from cancer. After he contacted them in good faith (BEFORE his liability was due) and asked them for more time or some kind of payment plan to handle his tax bill, to which they said 'no problem'. They then seized his bank account and padlocked his business doors. His cancer ridden wife was then told to 'go home' by the hospital in which the medical bills could no longer be paid by a man whose entire fortune had been seized by IRS thugs.

"Then, of course, there is the famous Alex Council story from Winston-Salem, NC. This was another man who committed suicide so his life insurance could be used to pay off what later (in court) turned out to be an erroneous lien on his family's home. This one was covered on 20/20. It is the one where an IRS regional director arrogantly told the 20/20 interviewer: 'Just because a judge says we're wrong, doesn't mean we are.' "

And, finally, is a Usenet response reporting on another victim:

In article <>, RC <> wrote:
IRS Abuse Reports #142 - #144 wrote:

All this heartache from our government - not a foreign power, but our own UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

Our dreams are shattered, our lives destroyed.

My heart goes out to all the people who shared their stories on this service, I cried for you, I cried for myself.

I wonder how the IRS apologists will explain this one?


Neo-Tech Publishing Company (NTP) is effectively undermining political-agenda "laws" while working to replace the irrational income tax with a transitional consumption tax. NTP knows through feedback from specific Congressmen and Senators, especially Congressman Archer along with Senators Lugar and Roth, that its IRS-Abuse-Report program is having a material impact on Capital Hill and in the media. In mid 1997, Time Magazine and CBS Nightly News requested and used information from NTP's Abuse Reports. And, in June 1997, 60 Minutes came to Las Vegas to interview NTP's attorney about those Abuse Reports for an August 1997 program. In July 1997, Newsday gathered details from various IRS Abuse Reports for a feature article. Further, CNN's web site provided a direct link to the web site showing the IRS Abuse Reports. Newspapers from the Kansas City Star to the Christian Science Monitor also provided direct links to the IRS Abuse Reports. In October, 1997, NBC News, CNBC, and Cox Broadcasting contacted NTP for further information about the IRS Abuse Reports.

By publishing those Abuse Reports, Neo-Tech Worldwide is changing public perceptions and political attitudes about the IRS and its irrational income-tax laws. The 1997 congressional attitudes and their public hearings about the IRS abuses were a direct result of the IRS Abuse Reports emailed daily to 300 congressmen and published daily throughout cyberspace since 1995.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #3

Lawyer Leg of the Dishonesty Tripod

Competitive value producers continuously deliver benefits to others and society. Yet, they and their achievements are attacked in the non-cyberspace world by dishonest lawyers, corrupt politicians, mind-crushing professors and envious pips -- none of whom deliver net benefits to others and society. Instead, such parasitical entities live off the achievements of others through lawyer-like dishonesties.

One must dig deep to discover the essence of those dishonesties. That essence seems simple: take facts out of context to drain values from others. But, one must dig deeper by understanding that lawyers, politicians, university professors and media pips operate in the context of a destructive civilization -- an anticivilization. By plumbing ever deeper with wide-scope accounting, one finally understands how for 2300 years -- since lawyer-like Pericles and Plato -- parasitical elites backed by pips have survived by living off the values produced by others.

The anticivilization is supported on three wobbly legs: (1) the ruling leg upheld by political-agenda "laws", (2) the philosophical leg upheld by following-mode cultists, and (3) the lemming leg upheld by envious/sycophantic pips. All three legs require parasitisms that today are being undercut by the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech and the wide-scope accountability of cyberspace.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #4

Let's Call Neo-Tech a Cult

Perhaps the most-obvious, lawyer-like dishonesty archived throughout Internet search engines is the assertion that Neo-Tech is a cult. Neo-Tech is not only the antithesis of cults, but is the tool that vanishes them. ...Neo-Tech is based on wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty, while cults are based on narrow-scope restrictions and manipulated deceptions. Consider the following dozen contrasts between Neo-Tech and cults:
  1. Neo-Tech has no members or leaders. Cults exist through members and leaders.

  2. Neo-Tech requires crossing boundaries to generate ever expanding knowledge. Cults prohibit crossing boundaries to protect ever stagnant dogmas.

  3. Neo-Tech generates open-ended wealth for individuals and society. Cults dissipate wealth earned by others and society.

  4. Neo-Tech is anchored in factual reality. Cults float in imagined mysticisms.

  5. Neo-Tech holds the individual self and natural law -- one's own self and objective law -- as the only authorities to guide man's life. Neo-Tech (1) posits self-responsibility as a primary of conscious life and (2) rejects the concepts of political-agenda "laws", collectivist "leaders", and external "authorities". With Neo-Tech, conscious beings become self-leaders, allowing no outside "authority" to rule their lives. By contrast, cult members demand that their leader and his group-agenda "laws" rule their lives.

  6. Neo-Tech seeks out its errors in order to correct them. Cults evade their errors in order to propagate them.

  7. Neo-Tech yields productive interactions with others and life. Cults demand harmful withdrawals from nonmembers and life.

  8. Many people avoid or attack Neo-Tech because its integrated honesty exposes their own irrationalities and destructiveness. Cultists avoid or attack society because the real world exposes their cult's irrationalities and destructiveness.

  9. Neo-Tech brings growth, prosperity, and life to individuals. Cults bring restrictions, stagnation, and death to individuals.

  10. Neo-Tech spreads social benefits through integrated honesty and competitive business. Cults spread social harms by manipulating their victims through dishonesty and frauds.

  11. Neo-Tech propagates individual freedom. Cults propagate group oppression.

  12. Neo-Tech will prevail in the 21st century. Cults will vanish in the 21st century.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #5

Harming Everyone for 2300 Years

The following six Neo-Tech dynamics will end over two millennia of lawyer-like dishonesties:

  1. Neo-Tech reveals how nearly everyone on Earth today invests in an anticivilization. In that irrational civilization, professional value destroyers live by bilking harmful livelihoods from the populace and society. Such parasites have harmed everyone for over two millennia. Yet, their destructiveness has been skillfully hidden from the public since lawyer-like Plato taught Statist politics at his Academy in Greece 2300 years ago. ...Today, however, Earth's parasitically ruled anticivilization is losing its grip on this planet as wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty spread throughout cyberspace.

  2. Neo-Tech explicitly identifies professional value destroyers. Such shrouded criminals dominate politics, law, religion, universities, and much of the media in the non-cyberspace civilization. As integrated honesty spreads throughout cyberspace, search engines and ostracism matrixes will expose, shrivel, and then vanish those parasitical livelihoods requiring force or fraud to exist.

  3. Neo-Tech identifies the invisible parasitisms called Neocheating. Professional value destroyers and parasitical elites have neocheated others and society for over two millennia to collect unearned livelihoods, power, and fame. They operate through political-agenda "laws" by "legally" initiating force and fraud to usurp their livelihoods from others. But, their days will end in a cyberspace/cybercash civilization.

  4. Neo-Tech exposes the scam of "toll-booth" compassion used by neocheaters -- by politicians, tort lawyers, political business quislings, dishonest journalists, cause-seeking celebrities, and religious leaders. President Clinton honed the teary-eyed "I feel your pain" scam to new heights. He and other such compassion hoaxers care little about helping the needy. They care about forcing others to "help" the needy while they themselves collect their gun-backed tolls of unearned fame and power. ...Those compassion thieves survive by continuously extracting near-term tolls from the value producers while harming everyone over the long term, especially the needy.

  5. As one Usenet poster identified: Politicians, lawyers, and other compassion hoaxers care enough about the "needy" -- government-made victims -- to use political-agenda laws and gun-backed taxes in forcing the value producers into keeping those victims dependent on the government for continued exploitation. By contrast, only competitive value producers care enough about society to permanently help the needy in providing value-producing jobs that enrich the populace. ...Competitive value producers alone possess the long-range ability and compassion to genuinely, permanently benefit the needy and society.

  6. The integrated honesty of Neo-Tech spreading through the Internet will bring forth a cyberspace civilization. That cyberspace/cybercash civilization is the precursor to the business-driven Civilization of the Universe, which is based on objective law, wide-scope accountability, and fully integrated honesty. ...The Civilization of the Universe is simply cyberspace in which unfettered value producers rise to become unexploitable, free-wheeling entrepreneurs who build their own business universes. How? By delivering ever increasing wealth to others and society through production of competitive values.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #6

Lawyer Genes versus Business Genes

How can so many people on Earth -- the majority -- behave as lemmings in sacrificing their one-and-only lives to bogus "leaders" and professional value destroyers? How can so many people surrender to the lawyer-like manipulators who have reigned since Pericles and Plato? Such manipulators exist with impunity as camouflaged criminals in the highest offices. Today, they operate through subjective, political-agenda "laws" using cleverly disguised dishonesties[ 20 ] backed by armies of gun-backed bureaucrats. ...Does a slavery gene create their lemming-like followers and supporters?

By contrast, why do a few brave people pursue freedom and justice at any cost? They seek freedom in escaping force-backed political-agenda "laws" and professional parasites. ...Does a freedom gene drive such freedom seekers?

From that question arises another question: Do value-destroying lawyer genes versus value-producing business genes exist?

Slavery/Lawyer Genes versus Freedom/Entrepreneur Genes

Does Neo-Tech literature support the slavery/freedom and lawyer/business gene theories? Absolutely not. Neo-Tech literature recognizes that each individual sculpts his or her own life and character through free-will choices and efforts, not through genes and culture. Neo-Tech identifies the natural drive for honesty, freedom, and justice wired into conscious minds -- wiring that had been damaged or short-circuited in essentially everyone for the past 2300 years. ...Today, by identifying lawyer-like dishonesties, Neo-Tech rips out that damaged wiring to rewire the natural pursuit of freedom through competitive value production.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #7

Lawyer/Politician Demagoguery and Looting

Tobacco companies manufacture and market a deadly product that is profoundly irrational to use -- tobacco. The nicotine in tobacco is a drug more addicting than heroin[ 21 ]. Cigarettes are products more lethal than alcohol or pot. Cigarettes kill more human beings than any other product except sugar. How could anyone rationally defend such an outrageously destructive product? Neo-Tech certainly does not defend cigarettes, any more than it defends the use of the deadliest, most-destructive product of all -- a concoction of two drugs that is ingested daily not just by adults but is destructively poured into tens-of-millions of defenseless children in this anticivilization. That drug concoction is the diabetes/obesity-drug: sugar mixed with the tension/unhappiness-drug caffeine[ 22 ].

Yet, using wide-scope accounting and integrated honesty, Neo-Tech will staunchly defend the businesses and executives who manufacture and market tobacco and cola products. Technically, Neo-Tech is not defending tobacco and cola companies or their executives per se, but is defending principle -- the principle of non-force, laissez-faire business embraced by the following realities versus non-realities:

The Principled Defense of Reality



business people vs. parasitical elites
heroes vs. neocheaters
honesty vs. dishonesty
rationality vs. irrationality
property rights vs. property theft
justice vs. injustice and ego-"justice"
free choice vs. dictated behavior
freedom vs. tyranny
facts vs. myths and faith
Zon vs. God
Jesus the Jew vs. Jesus the Christian
Bach's B minor Mass vs. Pope's Catholic Mass
tenor vs. castrato
Beethoven -- "Eroica" vs. Napoléon -- dictator
Nobel Physics Prizes vs. Nobel Peace Prizes
health vs. sickness
value hierarchy vs. egalitarian leveling
individualism vs. collectivism
producers vs. parasites
Gould and Milken vs. Lincoln and FDR
giants vs. pip-squeaks
objective law vs. subjective "law"
the-point law vs. a-point "law"
natural law vs. political-agenda "law"
value producers vs. value destroyers
contextual vs. noncontextual
sequiturs vs. non sequiturs
accuracies vs. inaccuracies
problem solving vs. problem making
youth vs. aged
life vs. death

Defending Political Undefendables

In the long run, only the principled defense of reality delivers net benefits to everyone and society. Consider the following 1997 letter to the CEO of a major tobacco-company:

Mr. James E. , CEO
Phillip Morris, Inc.
120 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017-5523

Dear Mr. :

If this letter were published and widely circulated with the title --

"Tobacco Wars: the Guilty, the Innocent, the Heroes"

most would assume from that title that the guilty would be you, your company, and other tobacco executives and their companies. Many would assume the heroes to be those state attorney generals, judges, lawyers, professors, "scientists", FDA/FTC bureaucrats, and journalists who are exposing the "evil" of companies and executives who produce tobacco products.

Yet, one discovers the opposite on sweeping away lawyer-like dishonesties, non sequiturs, emotions, out-of-context facts, political-agenda laws, and politically correct regulations: The major U.S. tobacco companies are superbly efficient, well-run businesses whose executives are, for the most part, the good, the innocent, and often the quietly heroic. Contrastingly, consider those who use force-backed political-agenda "laws", tort fraud, and dishonest lawyerese to drain the earned assets of tobacco companies and persecute their executives. Those lawyer-like value destroyers are the bad, the guilty, and often the criminally guilty.

Increasing government control of tobacco will bring even greater disasters than occurred with the government control of drugs. Criminal-gang distributions will push cigarette use among school children in magnitudes far beyond Joe Camel. Cigarettes will be aggressively black-marketed. Teen smoking will be ever more glamorized as defiantly cool. Armed-youth gangs will increasingly push cigarettes as beginner-kit drugs along with ever more potent drugs onto ever younger kids. That phenomenon that is not only occurring today, but is accelerating as government and lawyers increase their parasitical drainings of tobacco companies. ...It is the politicians and lawyers who are criminal killers of kids, not tobacco companies or any other honest business.

Clinton/Waxman-type compassion/health hoaxers and their tort/trial-lawyer backers do not give a damn about the well-being of children or the health of anyone. They care about advancing their illicit livelihoods and usurped power. Neo-Tech, which means wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty, blocks such lawyer/politician-like dishonesties and brings justice to business people.

Neo-Tech also brings justice to other political "undefendables" made unpopular and targeted for rip-offs by political/social/lawyer/media demagogues. Those political "undefendables" include great value-producing companies like Exxon, Texaco, Value Jet...and genuine business heroes like Jay Gould, Michael Milken, Leona Helmsley, and Bill Gates who have been and continue to be unjustly smeared, giulianied, and looted by the parasite class using lawyer-like dishonesties.

Honest tobacco-company executives can formulate impenetrable defenses based on Neo-Tech:

lets the innocent go on the offense
Wide-Scope Accounting and Fully Integrated Honesty

A person or company must uproot government dishonesties at their root... and then persist in those uprootings. Such persistence publicly juxtaposes productive innocence against destructive guilt. The guilty are those who use political-agenda "laws" and force-backed institutions to steal unearned livelihoods from competitive value producers. Such theft steals from everyone and society. ...Go after those criminal parasites with confidence -- with the invincible justice of wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty.

Consult web site --

To see counterattacks in action, key the words "Protection Kit" into the Neo-Tech search engine.

Those counterattacks are already rising in the new cyberspace civilization. That new civilization is the precursor to the rational Civilization of the Universe. Ironically, however, through the competitive, free-market dynamics in the Civilization of the Universe, smoking cigarettes would end without any force of law or political correctness. In fact, purposely harmful activities would end voluntarily, including theft, murder, other criminal acts, initiatory force, fraud, wars, drunkenness, gambling, sexual harassment, prostitution, drug use, and overeating. For, in an advanced cyberspace civilization -- in the Civilization of the Universe -- irrationality disappears in the natural competition for prosperous value creation.

Examine Neo-Tech. It is your survival tool. It is the tool of justice. Sooner or later you must use it to protect yourself and your company.


John Flint,
Neo-Tech Worldwide Publishing

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #8

Ending 2300 Years of Lawyer-Like Dishonesties

The following post of April 26, 1997, concluded NTP's lawyer-dishonesty campaign on Usenet (Internet Newsgroups):

"Kudos to each who through Usenet elicited arrays of dishonesties from unskilled or wannabe lawyers. In the uncontrollable Usenet world, those amateurs provided bountiful displays of lawyer-like dishonesties. They lacked the experience and shrewdness of professional lawyers and politicians who prosper by keeping their dishonesties well camouflaged. Through their naïveté, those Usenet/edu[ 23 ] 'lawyers' publicly revealed the automatic-lying mechanism of lawyers and politicians.

"Each such dishonesty becomes embedded in the ostracism/praise matrix building throughout cyberspace. Equally important, the lawyer/politician dishonesties and contextual responses serve as raw material for web sites and book publications that will undercut the third and final tripod leg supporting today's anticivilization. ...Those three legs comprise (1) media-pip dishonesties, (2) intellectual-educational dishonesties, and (3) lawyer-politician dishonesties.

"Employing Usenet to uncover the first leg of that tripod began in 1995 with the creation of a cyberspace dishonesty machine called KOAH. That machine used arrays of noncontexutal attack-mode Usenet posts in a technique called 'pipping'. That technique arose from Mike-Wallace wannabes on Usenet who enviously attack great value producers such as Bill Gates and their businesses. ...Like the amateur lawyers on Usenet, those amateur journalists blatantly revealed the secrets of media dishonesty. Thus, those previously guarded secrets are now publicly exposed and archived on Internet search engines.

"Uncovering the second leg of the tripod consisted of identifying intellectual-educational frauds. For over a year, those same KOAH dynamics elicited intellectual dishonesties from ersatz philosophers. That Usenet campaign developed a new body of literature that subverts pseudo-intellectuals and mind-crippling educators who underpin today's anticivilization.

"The third leg of the tripod supporting this anticivilization was forged from lawyer-like dishonesties. Those dishonesties were the deepest buried and most difficult to expose. Usenet was the breakthrough tool needed to extract archetype examples of those previously hidden lawyer-like dishonesties. Through Usenet and the web along with hard-copy literature[ 24 ], the lawyer/politician frauds that harmed everyone on Earth for 2300 years are now used to undermine and eventually vanish the anticivilization."

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #9

Blindside Justice

In the non-cyberspace world, the parasitical elites with their force-backed agents and armies of pips live through automatic lies, fake compassion, and smooth-sailing frauds. But, in the cyberspace world, search engines archive such dishonesties and frauds. Those search engines can then publicly juxtapose dishonesties against contextual facts. Thus, in cyberspace, no one can live through dishonesty, fraud, or bluff. ...A rising cyberspace/cybercash world will blindside the futures of professional value destroyers living today through lawyer-like dishonesties.

Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #10

Law as a Valid Profession

Law is an important, valid profession. Honest, value-producing lawyers do exist. Such lawyers will play crucial roles in the coming cyberspace/cybercash civilization. But, today, far too many lawyers live through destructive dishonesties empowered by force-backed, political-agenda "laws". Such bogus, self-serving "laws" are made by lawyers, for lawyers, and backed by the rabidly destructive Association of Trial Lawyers of America.[ 25 ] Those "laws" yield hidden parasitisms that give lawyers the generally deserved reputation of being festering sewage needing to be flushed away. ...Fully integrated honesty in cyberspace flushes away that sewage to give lawyers a new chance for a clean, honest life in the coming Civilization of the Universe.

Admirable Lawyers

In the upside-down anticivilization, the most admirable, value-delivering lawyers are often criticized and scorned. One such person is the notorious "mob" lawyer, Oscar Goodman. Yet, lawyers like Mr. Goodman are among the few front-line heroes protecting everyone from expanding prosecutorial abuses and eroding constitutional rights. Such abuses and erosions lead to increasing government damages and criminal tyranny. Oscar Goodman -- like O.J. Simpson's legal team -- helps keep the government legal machines honest by holding their feet to the fire in making them objectively prove their cases beyond a reasonable doubt. Moreover, unlike most lawyers, especially tort lawyers, Oscar Goodman is honest, forthright, and delivers net values to society in protecting everyone's liberty.

Lawyers Wanted

Business, tax, and personal attorneys interested in working with Neo-Tech Publishing Company and its personnel should contact John Flint at


[ 20 ] Cleverly disguised dishonesties? Consider President Clinton's White-House lawyer Charles Ruff who was hired at the same time the White House and the media were smearing Whitewater prosecutor Kenneth Starr with the non sequitur about having been an attorney for the tobacco industry. Yet, nothing was mentioned about Charles Ruff being the stellar attorney for giant cigarette companies like Phillip Morris, R. J. Reynolds, and Liggett. As identified by others, Mr. Ruff is an expert in using non-substance, jury-swaying lawyerese like, "You've tried the front door, you've tried the back door, you've tried the side door, and now you're trying the trap door, and it isn't gonna work." Ruff, a successful ex-Watergate prosecutor, has a history of getting Democrats (Charles Robb, John Glenn, Ira Magaziner) out of legal trouble. Ruff so deftly manipulates the legal system that he has saved public officials from seemingly certain criminal indictments. And, now, in 1997, he steps into his biggest challenge -- looking for his biggest victory. He will use all his political manipulations, high Justice-Department contacts, and lawyer-like dishonesties in trying to save President Clinton from impeachment and/or criminal indictments.

[ 21 ] Neo-Tech may be in error about the addictiveness of nicotine. A 1998 book titled Alan Carr's: Easy Way to Stop Smoking presents a compelling case that nicotine, as long claimed by cigarette companies, is not addicting. In any case, Carr's book is recommended for those who wish to break their tobacco habit. For further information and an excellent anecdotal example, see

[ 22 ] Colas are laced with the deadliest of drug concoctions -- caffeine and sugar. That long-term, metabolism-destroying poison is pumped daily into millions of children, even infants. The Cola poisoning of children is especially dominant in fat-farm America -- the sugar/carbo/obesity capital of the world. Thus, using the same lawyer-like dishonesties used to attack the politically incorrect tobacco companies, the currently politically correct companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, would be sued dry and their executives jailed for life as the ultimate drug pushers, and maybe even executed under the current, unconstitutional, drug-kingpin laws. ...So long as force or fraud is not used, Neo-Tech supports the moral and legal rights for any business to market any free-choice, non-fraud product - including drugs - without interferences or regulations from lawyers or governments.

[ 23 ] edu is the Internet code for communications or webs sites originating from educational institutions.

[ 24 ] Flame-War Justice will be published on the web in 2000 covering the three legs of NTP's Usenet campaign.

[ 25 ] Examples of industry destructions via lawyer-like dishonesties include apples (Alar), asbestos, breast implants, the Corvair, nuclear power, tobacco, Microsoft.

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