Final Messages
[Neo-Tech = wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty]
"My time is brief. I must deliver the highest leveraged information in the most effective way. My message must assure that not only my loved ones but everyone living on Earth can safely exit the non-cyberspace world. Everyone can enter a new, cyberspace\cybercash civilization of unleashed, totally free, division-of-labor entrepreneurs. Government control and regulation of entrepreneurs and business must vanish. To make that exit/entrance possible for everyone, my final message must deliver the tool that lets the populace harness the power of business through Neo-Tech. ...To harness that power, I must unfold nature's Quintessential Secret throughout cyberspace.
"Through that secret, the populace will learn to use Neo-Tech for generating open-ended prosperity through the emasculation of professional value destroyers[ 19 ]. For 2300 years, force-backed rulers have usurped power from honest individuals by turning them into herds of duped losers with guaranteed death for all. Such rulers are professional value destroyers. They live by creating problems where none exist. By contrast, competitive value producers live by solving problems where they do exist.
"Yet, those professional value destroyers cannot survive in the newly rising cyberspace/cybercash civilization. For, in cyberspace, integrated honesty ends their parasitisms. Moreover, in cyberspace, each value producer holds the power to surpass any value destroyer. Indeed, with Neo-Tech in the hands of the populace using fast-developing, cheap, easy cyberspace/cybercash technologies, the parasite class will fade and then vanish. ...Consider the following two charts:"
Cults epitomized by the Fabian Society, Maoism, Randism, The Ayran Brotherhood, Skinheads, Heaven's Gate, Soldiers of God, Soldiers of Allah, Terrorists Mysticisms such as UFOs, astrology, fat-free sugar-loaded diets, angels Occultisms such as witchcraft, voodooism, Satanism, Godism Religions including Christianity, Fundamentalism, Scientology, New-Age vogues Propaganda devices such as the Bible, the Koran, goose-stepping nationalism Force-backed destructions by governments, including democracies Nationalism, communism, fascism, the INS, DEA, IRS, and other forms of racism and criminality Political/pseudo-sciences supporting human-killing schemes such as the FDA and DDT/CFC/Cyclamate-type bannings Political-agenda dishonesties such as global cooling/warming, ozone holes, acid rain, rain forests, second-hand smoke Value-destroying pips, politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, preachers, professors, lawyers, business quislings Force-backed irrationalities such as income-tax systems and arbitrary regulatory "laws" Politicized scams such as Ponzi-scheme Social Security/Medicare, overpopulation, antiabortion, nutrition, war on drugs and tobacco Political hijackings of environmental, educational, health, and welfare issues Philosophical suicides ranging from Platonism to Kantism, from hippie Existentialism to cult-captured Objectivism Parasitical elites criminally feeding off competitive value producers A-Point "law" hiding The-Point law Subjective "law" concealing Objective law Man-made "law" overruling Natural law Rule by ever changing "laws" of men rather than by never changing Laws of Nature Force-backed "laws" that violate individual-and-property rights Conservative causes, liberal causes Egalitarianism, collectivism, socialism, fascism Intentional parasitisms Memorials, holidays, and honors for parasitical elites and professional value destroyers Dishonest journalism, dishonest education, conspiracy theories Ego justice Criminal minds and acts Wars Aging and Death The Anticivilization
Open-ended entrepreneurial power derived through cyberspace/cybercash businesses Protection of individual-and-property rights Limitless prosperity derived from wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty competitively operating in cyberspace Unfettered, mystic-free, business activities Competitive value producers as CEOs of their own business universes (See Mark Hamilton's Cosmic Business Control.) Non-aging youth and eternal life through laissez-faire enterprise. The rational cyberspace civilization -- an Objectivist civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe
"Someone once said, 'Nothing focuses the mind like facing the hangman's noose.' Facing death, I must focus on delivering the greatest possible value to my loved ones and society in the shortest time. I hope to reveal a secret that will flip conscious minds into neothink minds. Such a flip will bring via unfettered businesses a rational civilization of death-free prosperity. For, neothink business minds eradicate the seminal diseases of irrationality, mysticism, dishonesty, and death -- the diseases that cause limitations, unhappiness, criminalities, aging, and mortality in human beings.
"The hangman and execution metaphors are accurate for everyone's death. Those metaphors imply unnatural, man-inflicted death. So, how can those metaphors be applied to seemingly natural medical and accidental causes of death? To answer that question, one must demonstrate how natural neothink minds freed in cyberspace will eradicate every cause of death. ...That eradication lies in changing the direction that arrows of time travel through a person's mind.
"About 3000 years ago, man reprogrammed his mind from an ancient bicameral paradigm without direction of time -- to a modern conscious paradigm with a past-to-present-to-future direction of time as described in the 1980 Neo-Tech literature and in 1976 by Professor Julian Jaynes of Princeton University. That ancient, bicameral mind had no introspective sense of time or self. Instead, the bicameral mind functioned automatically -- similar to other perceptively aware animals. Since about 1000 B.C., however, the reorganized conscious mind processed self-aware thoughts flowing along arrows of time within closed boundries of past to present . ...In fact, conscious people today are self-aware from perspectives only within the past-to-present boundaries of Earth's anticivilization.
"What happens, however, if the human mind views reality from the perspectives of no limitations -- of no time boundaries? On capturing all-direction viewpoints, the mind becomes imbued with wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty. Such a mind becomes a neothink mind of limitless perspectives with time flowing in every direction. Such a mind vanishes the disease of death.
"In the late 1970s, Neo-Tech literature began developing the concepts of wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty along with notions of a more powerful thinking paradigm. Those notions solidified in the 1980s with the evolvement of a new thinking process called neothink. During the 1990s until 1997, the Neo-Tech literature recognized the neothink mind as a post-modern cyberspace mind. That literature began describing the results of such a mind replacing the conscious mind. ...Those descriptions compared the cyberspace-mind evolvement to the conscious-mind evolvement 3000 years ago.
"As previously described in the Neo-Tech literature, consider what happened 3000 years ago when the first isolated modern minds began emerging from a collapsing ancient-mind civilization. Each isolated conscious mind held enormous powers and advantages over the severely restricted ancient minds. Those ancient bicameral minds did not know what consciousness meant, much less what consciousness would mean to them, their descendents, and civilization itself. Confronted with do-or-die survival situations, those impotent bicameral minds flipped one-by-one into powerful, life-saving, conscious minds.
"Today, a similar experience of mortal conscious minds flipping into immortal neothink minds is weakly analogous to those novelty 3-D laser pictures in which a person at first sees only a flat pattern. Then, after intense concentration and mind stretching for 'survival', that person's mind-set suddenly flips from that flat, two-dimensional pattern into a startling, three-dimensional picture of clarity and beauty.
"Another weak analogy is the flatlander two-dimensional mind never being able to perceive the bicameral three-dimensional mind which, in turn, is unable to perceive the conscious four-dimensional mind -- each mind is unable to perceive that wider dimension until it flips into wider-scope perspectives. Now comes the five-dimensional cyberspace mind that obsoletes death. ...About 3000 years ago, the transformation to the conscious mind was marked by the 'Hey, I'm me' realization. Today's transformation to the cyberspace mind is marked by the 'Hey, I'm an immortal controller of existence' realization.
"On researching the nature of five-dimensional cyberspace minds, new concepts arose that required developing several unique words, concepts, and metaphors such as Zon, Zonpower, Gravity Units, Thinkons, the anticivilization, the cyberspace civilization, and the Civilization of the Universe. Those words sounded strange, science-fiction-like, mystical -- even though the ideas behind them represented the antithesis of science fiction and mysticism. Indeed, the ideas behind those words contained the very concepts needed to cure mysticism, irrationality, and dishonesty. Thus, despite the barrage of public criticism and ridicule, including disapproval from Neo-Tech supporters, those words will stand. ...Those words belong to the lexicon of the future.
"Today, similar to three-thousand years ago, people who switch to five-dimensional minds will survive and prosper; people who do not will sink and perish. That transition could occur en masse when the survival pressures combined with government-caused destructions rock the fading non-cyberspace civilization.
"The way out of that problem? Corrupt, death-oriented conscious minds trapped in the anticivilization will switch into clean, life-saving neothink minds freed in cyberspace. Those flipped minds, by nature, will profitably vanish the anticivilization. How will that happen? Revealing nature's Quintessential Secret will trigger those flips into five-dimensional, neothink minds -- minds that solve human problems to yield eternal life and prosperity.
June, 1997 |
The following three documents, combined with the previous documents in this volume will help flip conscious minds into neothink minds.
A. Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties #1-10
B. Curing Objectivist Cultists #1-7
C. Defense Techniques
[ 19 ] Today, professional value destroyers comprise mainly politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, news journalists, educators, religious leaders, union leaders, and business quislings.
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