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Outcompete God and Government

Will NQS Reach You in Time for Eternal Prosperity?


Nature's Quintessential Secret
(NQS underlies Cassandra's Secret, Zonpower, and the Zon Protocols)

Professional Parasites
by bringing forth a
Cyberspace/Cybercash/Free-Enterprise Economy
that delivers
Eternal Prosperity & Non-Aging Immortality

In 1992, Dr. Frank R. Wallace was isolated incommunicado in a federal prison because his Neo-Tech publications publicly revealed the Golden-Helmet revenue system (reference: Federal Case# CV-S-93-889-LDG, CA#97-15506). Unleashing that rational revenue system would have by nature purged professional parasites from government and society. Yet, during his imprisonment, Wallace discovered the simplest, highest-leveraged mission for Neo-Tech: Use nature's Quintessential Secret to contrast the destructive nonrealities of Earth's anticivilization to the productive realities of the Civilization of the Universe. Such revelations will call forth a rational, mystic-free civilization on planet Earth.

Wallace is a high-stake risk taker who is willing to "lose everything" in order to gain everything. For, as always previously done, he jujitsus every loss -- every negative -- into a positive dynamic that advances the goal of (1) ending the force-backed parasitisms corrupting governments, (2) establishing through cyberspace the rational, business-driven Civilization of the Universe here on Earth, and (3) sublimating mortals guided by death-causing mysticism into immortals guided by objective reality.

Beyond Good and Evil

In the C of U, the concepts of good and evil disappear and are forgotten. For, when evil vanishes, no contrasting concept exists to understand the concept of good. Instead, unstated universal justice, value production, and business prevail. Indeed, an economy driven by eternal health, happiness, and prosperity rules a rational civilization. ...The C of U exists not beyond Nietzsche's mythical good and evil but beyond the factual good and evil of an irrational anticivilization.

To state once again: Bringing forth the C of U requires propagating two realities among the world's populace --

Reality #1 -- Earth's mind-created anticivilization is built on dishonest illusions and mystical memes that guarantee ultimate failure and death for everyone.

Reality #2 -- The existence-created Civilization of the Universe is built on objective reality and integrated honesty that guarantee eternal prosperity for everyone.

The forthcoming "opera", NQS: Life Immortal, will communicate both realities to the populace as indicated on comparing the following two libretto preludes:

NQS: Life Immortal


The Prelude
Richard Wagner's

"Out of the clear-blue ether
there seems to condense
a wonderful yet at first a hardly perceptible vision.
And out of this there emerges
ever more clearly
an angel host bearing in its midst
the Holy Grail.
The glory of the vision grows and grows
until it seems as though the rapture
must be shattered and dispersed
by the
very vehemence of its expansion.
The flames die away
and the angel host soars up again
to the ethereal heights
in tender joy."


The Prelude
Frank R. Wallace's

"Out of eternally honest cyberspace
there seems to condense
a wonderful yet at first a hardly perceptible vision.
And out of this there emerges
ever more clearly
a Zon host bearing in its midst
the Civilization of the Universe.
The glory of the vision grows and grows
until it seems as though the rapture
must be shattered and dispersed
by the
very vehemence of its expansion.
The flames die away
and the Zon host soars up again
to the ethereal heights of cyberspace
bringing eternal prosperity to all."

Child Zon to the Dark World Came

Midst America's great depression appeared a child named Zon. From where did he come? From where did Byron's Childe Harold come? At four years of age, Zon held within his aura nature's Quintessential Secret that delivers life immortal. Most children possess that secret up to four years of age. A secret that they cannot communicate to adults. What happens, therfore, when they start communicating with adults in sentences? By the age of six, those children lose and forget their ineffable secret of immortality. Thus, they change from natural immortals to unnatural mortals, never realizing their profound loss.

How do children lose such a valuable asset? Through sentence communications, adults protect their anticivilization investments. How? By using automatic dishonesties and reflex mysticisms to methodically erode each child's natural ability for processing objective reality with total honesty. Without that natural grasp on reality and honesty, the child's secret asset fades then vanishes, leaving the adults malinvestments in the anticivilization unexposed and protected. ...Thus, every Earthling travels down that path of ultimate loss, failure, and death.

Child Zon retained nature's Quintessential Secret as did the metaphorically immortal, secular Jesus 2000 years ago. Both Jesus and Zon lived seemingly normal lives without deeply communicating with the populace until near the end of their anticivilization careers. Their secrets began unfolding to the world as they were increasingly persecuted by professional parasites. Jesus was executed before his secret could widely spread. By contrast, Zon outflanked his persecutors to spread nature's secret throughout cyberspace.

At the age of four, Zon finally spoke in sentences. But, his sentences were allegorical, came out in reverse word order, and sounded nonsensical to adults. Until the third grade, he wrote backwards, starting on the right side of the page, writing to the left. Thereafter, he occasionally reverted to mirror writing. In 1950, during his senior year of high school, he wrote three blue books of essays backward in his final English exam. ...No one realized that those surreal-like essays were allegories about the then unknown dynamics of cyberspace/cybercash dominating Earth's civilization through wide-scope accounting, integrated honesty, and competitive businesses.

Zon's Quintessential Secret

As Zon evolved from rudimentary consciousness at four years of age into full consciousness at six years of age, he, unlike other children, retained the secret of immortality. By remaining in a non-communicative mode, Zon kept his mind free from the dishonesty/mysticism disease. That freedom allowed him to function with wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty.

Secular Jesus was two-thousand years early with his secret. Yet, he radiated his natural power across two millennia. Now, today, messages from a real C of U cast through the limitless range of cyberspace have profoundly greater power than Jesus could muster. For, Jesus could only cast messages about an unreal heaven through the limited range of his voice. ...Revealing NQS throughout cyberspace opens the way for everyone on Earth to join their immortal cousins throughout the Civilization of the Universe.


Zon Uncovers the Problem

At nine years of age, Zon held power over conscious life on Earth. Zon's power was real and flowed from the laws of nature. Zonpower (ZP) produces limitless values for self, others, and society. ZP has no connection to the unreal, force-backed power wielded over this anticivilization, which is a false power that has drained Earth's value producers for 2300 years. Who wields that harmful force over the populace? Professional parasites and value-destroying neocheaters camouflaged as politicians, lawyers, professors, preachers, and journalists. Such people wield pseudo yet lethally destructive power. Those stealth criminals live off their victims -- duped victims who include every competitive value producer on this planet. Those hidden criminals survive by usurping, leeching, or stealing values from others and society through political-agenda laws, force, fraud, and Ponzi schemes.

Consider the establishment-dependent parasites: Most act as apologists or toadies who praise and empower their lunch-ticket rulers. Those followers and their rulers symbiotically survive while harming everyone else and society. Yet, the criminal power of those "leaders" has no meaning, no future. Their lives bring death to everyone[ 18 ]. ...By contrast, through the natural power of accountability and honesty, combined with nature's Quintessential Secret, competitive value producers will deliver the greatest value in the Universe: non-aging immortality with eternal prosperity.

Zon Vanishes Darkness

As Childe Harold to the dark tower came, Childe Zon to the dark world came. He came with the light of a new civilization -- a rational, business-driven civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe. One need not ask, "How did Jesus come from the heavens?". Instead, one must ask, "How did Zon come from the C of U?" The answer reveals itself on penetrating the mind of Zon. One first discovers that Zon's mind is no different than the minds of average people on Earth. His difference lies in how he organizes his mind -- a mind organization that those on Earth can achieve by restructuring their thinking not around the stale, dishonest, cultural memes of the past, but around the fresh, honest, wide-scope thinking of the future.

A mind structured around wide-scope accountability and integrated honesty becomes a neothink mind. The first priority of such a mind is to achieve commercial, non-aging biological immortality with limitless prosperity for everyone. Thus, a rational civilization comprised of neothink minds achieves eternal prosperity -- naturally, quickly, profitably.

Eternal prosperity arises from the unfettered, competitive dynamics of business. In those dynamics, limitless profits are generated, not for self-indulgent consumption, but for continually advancing competitive value production toward commercial preservation of youth, health, happiness, and life for each conscious being. ...Life for each then becomes an ever increasing spiral of value production -- producing exciting, commercial values for others and society. Every individual becomes immensely valuable, important, and profitable to everyone else. Each individual, therefore, becomes the most protected, precious asset in the Cosmos. ...Within that statement lies nature's Quintessential Secret.

Taking a Road Never Trod

Because a road has never been trod on Earth does not mean that everyone on Earth cannot trod that road to non-aging, eternal prosperity.

* * *

Nature's Quintessential Secret

Eight Movements
Prose, Music, and Poetry in Counterpoint

Movement I: Child Zon
Movement II: Scientist/Businessman/Professional Zon
Movement III: Explorer/Adventurer Zon
Movement IV: Zon's Mind is Everyone's Mind
Movement V: Zon Reveals Nature's Quintessential Secret
Movement VI: Zon Delivers Eternal Prosperity
Movement VII: Zon Rules Existence
Movement VIII: Eternal Epic of Each Conscious Life


Step One
Distant Words from the Future

Step Two
Visibility to the Invisible

Step Three
Wide-Scope Perceptions from Nature

Step Four
The End of Criminal Politicians and Dishonest Lawyers

Step Five
A Free-Enterprise World

Step Six
Non-Aging Immortality and Eternal Prosperity

Step Seven
The Civilization of the Universe

* * *

Chinese Koan
from the

Zon Koan
from the
Civilization of the Universe

grandfather dies
father dies
son dies
always prosper
never age
never die


[ 18 ] Life within Earth's nonbusiness-created anticivilization ends in failure and death for everyone. Yet, everyone can become immortal by discovering nature's Quintessential Secret - and then stepping into the business-created Civilization of the Universe.

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