Government-made laws and justice execute the condemned with lethal injections of drugs. The execution hides behind a facade of merciful sleep that conceals a fast turbulence of crushing pain and agonizing death. The lethal injection contains a drug which acts first to paralyze outward movements of the body so no sign of the ultimate physical torture can be detected by observers. Outside observers can see only the closing of a man's eyes as his outer body passes into a motionless state. Once the doomed man is incapable of outer movement or expression, the other drugs kick-in. Then he starts feeling the most horrible of pains: His internal body and its organs begin ripping apart and then collapsing as organ after organ crushes life into death. ...Everyone else sees only a peaceful, "painless" death of a condemned man.
Government-made criminals and parasites called neocheaters execute entire populations with lethal injections of dishonesties and mysticisms. Those mass executions hide behind facades of "natural" life that conceal the turbulence of personal loss and death. The lethal injections contain soothing mysticisms that cause their victims to slowly lose the values of life. Thus, everyone walks toward eternal death in their unnatural anticivilization. ...No one experiences the open-ended life and prosperity available in the natural Civilization of the Universe.
Government-made neocheaters are only partially responsible for creating Earth's unreal anticivilization. Their victim populations are responsible for accepting the real deadliness of an anticivilization. [ 13 ] ...In prison, dead men are walking. In the anticivilization, dead populations are walking.
Is there a way for people on Earth to avoid the slow execution and eternal death that currently await everyone on Earth? Is there a way for people on Earth to live naturally -- to live with eternal prosperity and non-aging happiness?
Neo-Tech's long lonely journey will ultimately make the C of U visible on Earth
through nature's Quintessential Secret (NQS). Revealing NQS is the
dynamic for terminating aging and death on planet Earth -- a dynamic that
reveals everyone on Earth as a Truman living in an artificially created
civilization. From that unnatural world, each Truman and every Willy Loman can
step through nature's door and into the Civilization of the Universe.
Such tattooed minds will eventually cure the seminal negative
of this
anticivilization: the symbiotic diseases of dishonesty and mysticism.
Those deeply hidden, always fatal diseases are manifested in various
automatic/reflex forms of self-deception. Curing those diseases will free every adult, allowing each to function through power-laden, wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty. ...Eradication of those diseases will vanish
irrational anticivilization and bring forth the rational Civilization of the
The Problem: Everyone on Earth is invested in a death-oriented
anticivilization in which "improvements" mean shifting bad habits to different,
more-hidden bad habits while "reforms" mean shifting obvious harms to deeper,
less-obvious harms. Indeed, no one wants to lose his or her investments in that
anticivilization. But, the cost of such investments is eventual failure and
certain death.
The Solution: Revealing nature's Quintessential Secret will ultimately
(1) vanish professional parasites, (2) cure the fatal
dishonesty/mysticism disease, (3) allow everyone to think and
act rationally in abandoning the anticivilization for the C of U.
Everyone -- parasite, business hero; poor, rich; left wing, right wing;
totalitarian, libertarian; mystic, realist; subjectivist, objectivist; theist, atheist; even every
Neo-Tech supporter, including its founder -- has deeply invested in the
anticivilization. Thus, nearly everyone today, including nearly every Neo-Tech
supporter, rejects the Neo-Tech/Zon combination.
For, from Neo-Tech/Zon evolves the most radical change to human life on Earth
since the evolution of the conscious mind. That previous evolution 3000
years ago threw out in one
swoop the ancient bicameral civilization.
(See Neo-Tech III)
The approaching Neo-Tech/Zon evolution throws out
in one swoop the dishonesties and irrationalities of the anticivilization to
bring forth the rational Civilization of the
Universe. ...When will that swoop happen?
It will happen when cyberspace
reveals nature's Quintessential Secret (NQS) throughout the world.
...NQS will free mystical-restricted conscious minds by the millions,
flipping them into wide-scope
neothink minds -- wide-scope, fully honest business minds.
Parasitical elites and neocheaters in the anticivilization continually "improve"
their techniques of criminally living off the value producer. Those professional
value destroyers keep refining and camouflaging their techniques: They have gone
from the violent looting of value producers by the fictional Odysseus then by
the real Genghis Kahns, Napoleons, and other tyrants wielding clubs and guns --
to the quiet looting of value producers by politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers
wielding gun-backed political-agenda laws and destructive bureaucracy-building
Yet, certain entities that appear in Earth's irrational anticivilization have
always belonged to the rational Civilization of the Universe. Those entities
include the laws of nature, equations of physics and chemistry, theorems of
mathematics, widely integrated music and fine arts, the productive and
competitive aspects of business, the creative aspects of art and science...and
the emotions of love and happiness. Also, plants, animals[ 14 ], and
children under the age of four belong to the C of U.
Today, however, essentially no normally functioning adult on Earth is a
part of the Civilization of the Universe. Each was dragged from the C of U as a
child and injected into the death-oriented anticivilization constructed by
parasitical rulers functioning through networks of criminal politics. How does
such grand-scale criminality exist? Why do those rulers commit such crimes?
Because, through force, dishonesties, thefts, frauds, Ponzi schemes, and
mysticisms, they can coerce or trick the competitive value producer -- the
fountainhead of human values -- into supporting their hoaxes of unearned
livelihoods and illusions of self-worth.
Earth's moribund anticivilization is based on illusions conjured up for the past
2300 years via professional parasites and their bureaucratic agents of force. By
contrast, the Civilization of the Universe is based on competitive value
production via sovereign entrepreneurs and their unfettered businesses.
...Today, the illumination of Neo-Tech through cyberspace business vanishes
darkness -- vanishes the dishonesties and mysticisms that
comprise Earth's irrational anticivilization.
What is Neo-Tech? It is new technologies and new techniques. It is wide-scope
accounting based on fully integrated honesty. It is the new Illuminati. Who
understands the power of Neo-Tech? Few on Earth today will let themselves
understand. Why? Because nearly everyone has deeply invested in today's
irrational anticivilization. On fully understanding Neo-Tech, each would lose
his or her vested interests in Earth's anticivilization. Indeed, who in the
anticivilization would give up his or her illusionary benefits of government --
the pyrrhic gifts that lead to failure and death? ...With world-wide knowledge
of nature's Quintessential Secret, essentially everyone would abandon the
anticivilization and dump its deadly gifts.
[ 13 ]
The Neo-Tech/Zon literature occasionally refers to the
anticivilization and its ingredients -- dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism
-- as unreal or nothing. In a philosophical sense, the
anticivilization and its ingredients do, of course, have entities with
identities, causes, effects, and properties. Thus, they are real and something.
Thoughts, dreams, imaginations, illusions, lies, even hallucinations are
likewise real in that philosophical sense. Yet, ultimately, contradictions do
not exist in reality, because contradictions vanish at wider-scope integrations
of knowledge. In that way, the anticivilization along with its irrational,
dishonest, and mystical ingredients vanish as unreal or nothing as one enters
the Civilization of the Universe. For, those ingredients are non-existent within
the widest-scope laws of nature and fully integrated honesty. Thus, from the
non-philosophical context within the Civilization of the Universe, the
anticivilization and its dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms are
unreal, nothing.
[ 14 ]
As nonconscious animals, cats are uncorrupted by the
anticivilization. Notice how cats often respond with relaxing pleasure to the
harmonic "mathematics" of classical music. Yet, those same cats may react with
restless annoyance to the irrational atonality of certain "modern" music. Cat
rejections, however, are not indictments of "modern" music, which can be both
valuable and entertaining in Earth's anticivilization. But, those cat critics
indicate that non-melodic, atonal "modern" music would have no commercial value
in the Civilization of the Universe. Also, in 1998 the Journal of
Neurological Research reported that Mozart piano sonatas played to rats for
weeks before and after birth significantly improved their maze-solving
abilities. By contrast, those rats similarly exposed to the minimalist music of
Philip Glass's Einstein on the Beach did significantly poorer.
...Pythagoras's universal musical harmonies via the plucked strings of Orpheus's
lyre to Kepler's universal mathematical harmonies of planetary motions belong
not to Earth's anticivilization but to the Civilization of the Universe.
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