Outcompete God and Government is the opening shot from the approaching Civilization of the Universe. That shot marks the beginning of the end to Earth's anticivilization. For, this work introduces the process for outcompeting God and Government (G & G). How? By integrating facts, history, and logic with business and cybercash into naturally forming Internet matrixes. Those matrixes will:
Moving toward the above four points will generate "Golden-Helmet" revenue/wealth systems. After the turn of the century, Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet principles should begin delivering prosperity to the populations of this world through cyberspace by (1) ending the rule of parasitical elites and (2) bringing forth peace and prosperity to populations via cybercash free enterprise (reference: Forbes, 9/8/97).
A Universal Brief
This universal brief intertwines history with facts to reveal the lawyer-like dishonesties gripping Western Civilization for over two millennia -- a grip that eventually strangles everyone on Earth. Until now, the closer one came to revealing those dishonesties, the closer that person came to personal obliteration. Thus, throughout history, no one has fully revealed lawyer-like dishonesties. Today, however, wide-scope accountability is spreading throughout non-intimidated cyberspace to reveal those dishonesties...and will continue to do so until such dishonesties disappear.
What are lawyer-like dishonesties? They are hidden frauds, automatic lies, and camouflaged crimes that over the centuries evolved irrational governments. Such governments let parasitical rulers and professional liars gain unearned livelihoods, power, and fame by draining individuals, businesses, and society of life and property. Today's examples of those wielding such harmful dishonesties include deep-pocket-seeking tort lawyers, thug-like union leaders, criminal-behaving bureaucrats, white-collar-hoax business quislings, power-seeking politicians, mind-destroying professors, mystic-promoting religious leaders -- and corrupt professional liars led by the President of the United States.
Lawyer-like dishonesties are the oldest, smoothest forms of mass deception and fraud. They quietly gut the lives of innocent people while surreptitiously draining values from society. ...Well-hidden, lawyer-like dishonesties comprise the archetype form of neocheating, which is the foundation of Earth's anticivilization observed upon leaving Plato's cave:
by sweeping the Searchlight of Honesty from King David to Pericles to Neo-Tech in discovering how
and its Life-Destroying IRS which is a Criminal Force that Cripples Wealth Creation.
and their Life-Draining Institutions.
Neo-Tech frees Market-Driven Entrepreneurs |
Leaving Plato's Cave
Consider what happened to those few individuals in history who discovered that human life on Earth exists in an incurable anticivilization that ultimately brings failure and death to everyone:
A Brahman Hindu (1000BC) on discovering the darkness of dishonesty in his world found "enlightenment" by abandoning everyone and "living alone in the forest";
Young Buddha (563-483BC) on discovering the incomprehensibility of dishonesty, poverty, aging, and death became a life-escaping icon who is replicated to this day;
Philosopher Socrates (470-399BC) on criticizing anticivilization dishonesties was executed;
Secular Jesus (6BC-30AD) on revealing anticivilization hypocrisies to the populace was crucified;
Shakespeare (1564-1616) through Hamlet handled anticivilization evils by reducing them to "quintessence dust". Shakespeare through King Lear handled anticivilization rulers by reducing them to nothingness. ...Shakespeare was the first to understand the dynamics behind Outcompete God and Government published four centuries later. Shakespeare, as does Outcompete, lets the anticivilization churn in space -- alone, isolated, all blending into insignificance. Except for his "let's kill all the lawyers" statement in King Henry VI, Shakespeare had no need to pass public judgments. He just lets anticivilization irrationalities churn until self-extinguished. Like St. Augustine (354-430), in his City of God, Shakespeare recognized the anticivilization and evil as something nonexistent in the Civilization of the Universe;
Premier mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) escaped the contradictory anticivilization by converting to a religious fanatic;
Sublime composer Robert Schumann (1810-1856) on discovering the anticivilization sank into madness. The great opera-buffa composer Rossini (1792-1868) became mentally debilitated on discovering the futility of his freedom-seeking William Tell. ...Poet Lord Byron (1788-1824) along with the painters Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) and Paul Gauguin (1848-1906) suffered similar tragedies on identifying the incurable anticivilization;
Henry Thoreau (1817-1862) escaped the anticivilization by living alone at Walden Pond;
Non-force Tibetan monks escaped the force-backed anticivilization by cloistering their lives in monasteries;
Novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), after barely escaping death by a government firing squad, discovered the criminal-based authorities of an anticivilization: His fictional Grand Inquisitor revealed the pinnacle of lawyer-like dishonesties and hidden criminalities;
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) consumed by the dark, no-escape heaviness of the anticivilization went insane.
The great physicist Ludwig Boltzman[ 1 ] (1844-1906), on trying to isolate himself from dishonest criticisms and lawyer-like attacks, committed suicide;
Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) in his first four symphonies sought but never found the reward of overcoming the anticivilization;
Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), on recognizing the evil nature of government officials in an anticivilization, composed Tosca with its famous torture and murder scenes;
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) saw the ugly picture of the anticivilization stored in the subconscious that the conscious mind spends a lifetime rationalizing, denying, and repressing.
Wallace Hume Carothers (1896-1937), the brilliant DuPont chemist and inventor of nylon, committed suicide when he could no longer advance in Earth's anticivilization;
Emma Goldman (1869-1940), rejecting the anticivilization without the knowledge of Neo-Tech, became a misguided anarchist writer and charismatic orator who stood heroically against war, religion, discrimination, lawyer-like dishonesties, and force-backed governments. She was censored, jailed, deported, and died alone in Toronto seeking Ibsen's Solveig and Wallace's Neo-Tech;
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) artistically expressed and then vividly lived the ultimate smashup and inevitable death from seeking fulfillment of passion within the anticivilization.[ 2 ]
Heaven's-Gate cult (1997) tried escaping the anticivilization via mass suicide through the sound-good, lawyer-like deceptions of its neocheating leader, "Do".
While factually blind to the anticivilization, various poets, philosophers, and writers from Robert Frost to Martin Heidegger to Charlotte Perkins Gilman to T. S. Eliot[ 3 ] emotionally expressed the artificially-constructed anticivilization into which everyone is driven as a child. Gilman in The Yellow Wallpaper expressed how either "escape from" or "freedom in" the anticivilization meant madness.
Unresolvable contradictions within Earth's civilization arose from lawyer-like dishonesties 2400 years ago, starting on a grand scale with Pericles (495-429 B.C.). He discovered and exploited a powerful weapon of mass manipulation. That weapon was the newly instituted popular vote within a majority-ruled (tyranny of the majority) democracy:
Kings and tyrants ruled by force. But, force-ruled subjects usually despised such tyrants and did not support their parasitical actions. Thus, the tyrant's power and reach were restricted. Pericles discovered that a politician in a democracy also ruled by force. But, the majority cheered him onward into ever greater corruptions to expand his force-backed power and criminal reach. ...The politician ruled through the tyranny of the majority. He cared not what kind of criminal tyranny was demanded by the majority. He would do whatever that majority wanted, no matter how criminal or destructive, in order to accomplish his only end by any means. ...That only end is always to expand his force-backed power and criminal reach.
Upon manipulating majority support, Pericles became a tax-ravaging, monument builder for his own glory. To expand his power and "greatness", he built, for example, the budget-breaking, war-inspiring Acropolis. Aided by his vainglorious, jingoistic funeral oration in 431 B.C., Pericles deceptively argued before the voting jury of 40,000 citizens to "fall in love" with government. Why? So they would sacrifice their property and lives via force-backed taxation and aggressive wars for the glory of the state -- for the glory of Pericles.
Pericles incited the citizens through dishonestly induced sophisms and jury-swaying emotionalisms. He evoked a majority vote to agitate the unnecessary Peloponnesian war (431-404 B.C.) -- a bully war against the smaller, backward oligarchy, Sparta. Inflamed by Pericles' power-seeking bombast to spread the glory of Athens, the war became increasingly savage, violent, corrupting with wild killing of anyone for any reason, including fathers butchering their sons.
Thucydides' history of that war revealed the full impact of its corrupting brutality that sank the great Athenian civilization. Thucydides identified Pericles' profound destructiveness that harmfully affects mankind to this day. He concluded of Pericles: "Love of power, operating through greed and personal ambition caused those evils". Yet, today, who from ancient Greece do lawyers and politicians most quote and praise? That person is Pericles. He is second only to Plato as the hero among the parasitical-elite class.
From those Periclean dishonesties arose the parable-spinning, philosopher/politician Plato (428-348 B.C.). Lawyer-like Plato openly advocated lying for political expediency.[ 4 ] Then, through an elaborate web of closed-circle deductions, he evolved an anticivilization designed to perpetuate the parasitical-elite class. Plato perfected the rationalizations needed to force the competitive value producer into supporting the parasitical elites who ply their deceptions for unearned power and glory. ...To this day, parasitical elites dishonestly survive by draining the value producers via Plato's force-backed "ideals".[ 5 ] Those mind-spun "ideals" led men and governments into subsequent wars, human impoverishments, and purposeful destructions.
Now, sweep the Pericles/Plato lawyer-like dishonesties across history. Start with the basically honest, "God-is-Dead" philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). He saved his greatest invective against Christianity with his "Look what Christianity did to Pascal" accusation. But, what happened to Pascal was caused not by Christianity, but by the Pericles/Plato-formed anticivilization.
In 1653, Pascal discovered that an incurably dishonest anticivilization dominated Earth. That great mathematician and conceiver of the computer (inventor of the first digital calculator and for whom the 20th-century computer programming language "Pascal" was named) then experienced his "Night of Fire". He immediately converted his life to that of "Jesus on the Cross".
Nietzsche did not possess Pascal's knowledge that everyone on Earth was trapped in an anticivilization controlled by lawyer-like dishonesties originating from criminal/war-like heroes of ancient Greece.[ 6 ]
Pascal saw across history the admiration bestowed upon civilization-destroying Pericles. Pascal saw the unjust dishonesties of a smooth-talking, civilization killer being honored with the "Golden Age of Pericles" signature. Pascal saw many of the most destructive people in history held in high esteem throughout the generations. He saw in everyone massive, non-resolvable contradictions -- contradictions between man's magnificent intelligence and value production versus man's crushing stupidities and murderous destructions. His masterwork, Pensées (translated as "Thoughts"), vividly described the seemingly incurable contradictions of good and evil within everyone on Earth.
The most-read author of 18th-century Europe was Pierre Bayle (1647-1706). He underscored Pascal's conclusion by identifying the extreme contradictions in the scriptures. Pointing to the lying-deceiver, murderous-criminal King David as being one of "God's chosen few", Bayle asserted that one must not try to understand the scriptures or this world by reason or logic. Instead, he believed that one must proceed on faith alone to find resolution and peace in a criminally irrational anticivilization.
Pascal saw how those skilled with lawyer-like dishonesties parasitically drain the magnificent accomplishments of value producers who got little or no mention, honors, or credit throughout anticivilization history. Pascal recognized that most in Earth's anticivilization history dubbed as a Great, a Sun King[ 7 ], or a Golden-Age icon were criminal mass killers -- destroyers of what others had striven to produce for the benefit of others and society. ...Discovering that such injustices and contradictions were the essence of Earth's civilization was more than Pascal could bear. Trapped in an anticivilization, he had no choice but to exit by leaping into an unreal world of faith.
Pascal abandoned rational, worldly pursuits, including his brilliant pursuits of mathematics, engineering, and physics. He turned to the Christian faith with "Jesus on the Cross" as his exemplar. ...Lacking the knowledge of Neo-Tech and the Civilization of the Universe, Pascal's decision to dump the anticivilization for an imaginary world of Christ becomes comprehendible.
If Pericles had not implemented lawyer-like dishonesties, the corruptions of the Peloponnesian Wars would not have occurred, Socrates would not have been executed, Plato would not have spun the foundation for an anticivilization -- and that soaring Athenian civilization boosted by Aristotle may have thrived to this day in becoming part of the eternal Civilization of the Universe.
Ending Lawyer-Like Dishonesties
will end today's irrational
and bring forth the rational
Civilization of the Universe
Today, Pascal and Bayle would have had another choice to exit the anticivilization. They would have had the wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech to discover the eternally consistent, rational Civilization of the Universe (C of U). In the C of U, contradictions among men and societies are resolved as the anticivilization vanishes through wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty -- through Neo-Tech -- through freely benevolent business dynamics. ...In seeking proof for the Civilization of the Universe, odds-maker Pascal might have reformulated his famous incitement to proof of God as follows:
Accept the Civilization of the Universe: If the C of U is real, you gain everything for eternity. If it is not real, you lose nothing and still gain a better life.Reject the Civilization of the Universe: If the C of U is not real, you gain nothing. If it is real, you lose everything for eternity.
The Parasitical Elites Top: Brahman -- the philosopher/priest caste filled with sattva: wisdom and goodness.
(gold souls)
The Force-Backed Implementers of Parasitism Middle: Kshatriya -- the political/military caste filled with rajas: courage and energy.
(silver souls)
Their Sacrificial Servants -- The Value Producers Low: Vaishya -- the commercial/agriculture caste filled with tamas: desire and appetite.
(bronze and iron souls)
In Sophocles' (495-406 B.C.) play Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus Rex makes history's first principled stand (which led to her execution) on obeying eternally natural, objective laws over arbitrarily unnatural, political-agenda "law". ...Valid, objective laws consistent throughout the Universe negate force-backed, political-agenda "laws" arbitrarily conjured up on Earth through lawyer-like dishonesties.
On leaving Plato's cave, one cannot return to its darkness, lest that person be consumed by its demons as were Socrates, Pascal, Schumann, van Gogh, Boltzman, and Carothers. Instead, one must remain in the light of honesty to sublimate his or her life into performing naturally -- into performing with wide-scope accountability and fully integrated honesty. ...Such performance advances the conscious mind into a neothink mind for harvesting limitless riches and eternal happiness from the Fifth Dimension -- from the Civilization of the Universe.
Today, no one needs to escape the anticivilization or even be harmed by it. With wide-scope accounting and fully integrated honesty -- Neo-Tech -- one can vanish lawyer-like dishonesties. Indeed, nothing except global destruction can stop Neo-Tech from sublimating the criminal-ruled anticivilization into cyberspace -- into the self-ruled Civilization of the Universe. ...Fully integrated honesty will sublimate the world into a prosperous future of self-responsibility. Populations will flourish from Neo-Tech in cyberspace without requiring a single tax dollar or a single political vote.
"In America, news journalists stood up to cheer when hard-driving, business-geniuses Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley were unjustly imprisoned. Those same journalists dressed in black to shed maudlin tears when a parasitical elite supported by gun-enforced taxes -- a sleep-till-noon, cafe-society playgirl who manipulated compassion with low-effort photo ops -- died in a drunken-drive, 100mph crash while endangering the lives of disposable commoners. ...'Let `em eat Establishment news coverage', says the lethal stealth of Di elites.
"Reject their manipulated emotionalisms. Long live paparazzis, tabloids, and free enterprise. Long live free speech, freedom of the press, and objective law. ...Let objective criminal-and-civil law resolve legitimate violations of individual rights. "
The negative reactions to that article demonstrated why nothing within the anticivilization can cure its dishonesties, its irrationalities, and its mysticisms. That article also demonstrated why only free enterprise in cyberspace will undermine parasitical cults...and then vanish their anticivilization. How? By outcompeting God and Government via competitive business to render irrelevant the malignant emotionalisms that today diminish everyone on Earth.
Who has done the most widespread, long-range harm among the peoples of this world -- Princess Diana or Mother Teresa? No contest. Mother Teresa has and will continue to inflict the most harms among the populace of Earth's anticivilization. Neither, however, was directly destructive as were power-driven politicians from Hitler to Stalin, from Lincoln to FDR. Yet, the Diana/Teresa hoax of altruism and human sacrifice to higher causes means sacrifice to the state -- sacrifice to the parasitical elites -- sacrifice to those tyrants and politicians of mass destruction. And, finally, from the productive side, none of the above ever legitimately created or sustained a net-value job or met a payroll for anyone.
The above paragraph is not a personal attack on Mother Teresa, who perhaps acted with some genuine compassion and provided some direct values to certain individuals. Her widespread, net harms arise from the destructive ethics of altruism and sacrifice that she fostered. Those are the ethics upon which dishonest politicians depend upon to survive. But, now, the coming Neo-Tech cyberspace/cybercash businesses are going to (1) outcompete God and Government, (2) end the Princess-Di/Mother-Teresa hoaxes, and (3) replace praises to destructive neocheaters with appreciation of productive benefactors -- the real heroes -- the value-and-job producers such as Jay Gould, Michael Milken, and Leona Helmsley.
Newton Unified Heaven and Earth -- They are the Same Neo-Tech Unified God and Man -- They are the Same |
Neo-Tech via Zon
Neo-Tech means new technology and techniques based on fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Zon is any competitive person wielding the business power of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Those concepts are new to this world. The initial, unnamed concepts began forming in 1965 as Frank R. Wallace contemplated writing his first book -- The Advanced Concepts of Poker -- while he was a Senior Research Chemist at E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Published in hardbound by Crown and in paperback by Time Warner, that ruthlessly honest book became the all-time, best-selling poker manual: www.neo-tech.com/poker/
From Dr. Wallace's 1976 foundation work, Psychuous Sex, the word "Neo-Tech" evolved in 1979. From 1980, starting with the book titled Neocheating, Neo-Tech literature began expanding, slowly at first, but then at an ever increasing pace while broadening its scope through cycles -- cycles of ever wider Neo-Tech concepts followed by ever more practical applications.
Since 1981, new discoveries about Neo-Tech steadily expanded through the writings and publications of Dr. Wallace. By 1985, three other authors began writing and publishing major Neo-Tech works -- Mark Hamilton in the business/political areas; Eric Savage in the business/international areas; Ray Kotobuki in the philosophical/historical areas. ...Their works expanded both the theoretical and practical reach of Neo-Tech.
In 1992, the concept that "anyone can outcompete God and Government" began unfolding. In mid 1995, as Neo-Tech entered cyberspace, other authors further extended the reach of Neo-Tech into new, practical areas. By 1997, the body of published Neo-Tech literature exceeded 2,000,000 words, not counting the Neo-Tech literature published in 13 languages.
In 1997, culminating thirty years of uncovering Neo-Tech, Wallace finished his work in the anticivilization. In 1998-1999, the last three major Neo-Tech works from the anticivilization perspective will be published: God-Man: The Final Evolution by Mark Hamilton, The Bells Toll for Mysticism by Eric Savage and Tracey Alexander, and Flame-War Justice edited by Drew Ellis et.al. Those final works will tee-up the anticivilization so its dishonesties and mysticisms vanish as nature's Quintessential Secret actuates the Civilization of the Universe here on Earth.
After thirty-two years developing Neo-Tech/Zon combined with the quiet worldwide distribution of its literature, Frank R. Wallace pinpointed the highest-leveraged mechanism to bring the Civilization of the Universe to planet Earth. That mechanism involves emotionally abandoning anticivilization dependencies and deceptions through cyberspace businesses -- businesses that function beyond Earth's anticivilization. ...A free cyberspace/cybercash market will provide prosperity to everyone as each individual emotionally unlocks nature's Quintessential Secret:
Dr. Wallace deals with open-ended reality, not with closed-circle abstractions.
He is a research chemist, a high-stake poker player, and an
in-the-trenches entrepreneur/businessman. Only from that unique combination of
competitive experience and real-world perspective could Neo-Tech develop.
Neo-Tech is not about philosophy or politics. It is about
wide-scope business integrations combined with fully integrated honesty.
Neo-Tech blends the competitive values of
(1) science and history with logic,
(2) the metaphor with the analogue,
(3) the abstract with the concrete,
(4) the perceptual with the conceptual,
(5) the hypothesis with the fact,
(6) the serious with the parody,
(7) the intellectual with the emotional,
(8) the hard-nosed with the compassionate,
(9) the general with the specific,
(10) the "is" with the "ought"[ 10 ].
Be neither an Empiricist nor a Rationalist Be neither an Intrinsicist nor a Subjectivist Be a Wide-Scope Integrator of Objective Facts |
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Unification of
Flower in the crannied wall
I pluck you out of the
I hold you here root and all in my hand
Little flower but if I
could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all
I should
know that God and man are Zon.
Neo-Tech forms an expanding spiral of knowledge-integrating deductions drawn from knowledge-building inductions. Those inductions, in turn, are drawn from objective reality through fully integrated honesty. Such a spiral yields ever greater clarity and profitability when facts are orchestrated into a unity called Zonpower.
Quintessential Secret (QS) communicates via symphonic prose. It orchestrates together the universal communication of (1) integrated musical composition, (2) operatic oratorio, (3) epic poetry, and (4) the arts into blends of fiction/ nonfiction prose. In that blend of symphonic prose, the total is greater than the sum of its parts -- music, prose, poetry, art. That combination bypasses emotional and intellectual blocks in revealing one reality: The rational Civilization of the Universe replaces Earth's irrational anticivilization through nature's Quintessential Secret.
That symphonic prose comprises movements that bring fully integrated honesty -- Neo-Tech -- into one's emotional life. The final movement is open-ended and will be profitably exploited by authors, composers, artists, business people, working people, and other net-value producers. ...That final movement will build until the anticivilization vanishes. Citizens of Earth will then live with eternal prosperity in the Civilization of the Universe.
Those who grasp QS will embrace its opening movement titled Child Zon. They will integrate with the mind of Zon to capture limitless prosperity through the seven steps shown on page 136. Through chain reactions, newly forming Zons will sweep the globe clean of self-deception, dishonesty, and mysticism in becoming competitive exemplars of prosperity, power, and romantic love. ...Populations will prosper through the increasing liberation of individuals as competitive sovereigns.
Entrepreneurs who grasp the Neo-Tech/Zon concepts will ultimately outcompete Frank R. Wallace and Neo-Tech Publishing Company in enveloping the globe with the Civilization of the Universe. Leapfrogging their anticivilization investments, such entrepreneurs will be driven by richly profitable dynamics that capture ever greater areas of cyberspace business. For those entrepreneurs, anticivilization phenomena of boredom, dishonesty, mysticism, criminality, disease, aging, and death will disappear as emotional excitement and material prosperity rises to undreamed heights.
Replacing Dreams with Reality
In the anticivilzation, socialized people in a quasi-capitalistic system live through dreams. They live as Willy Lomans. As says playwright Arthur Miller: They live through a shoeshine and a smile. When others stop smiling back, it is an earthquake. When their hats get a couple of spots, prosperity and life shrink toward nothing. Happiness and life disappear. By contrast, in the Civilization of the Universe, sovereign entrepreneurs live through ageless objective reality. As their competitive value production grows, their prosperity and happiness expand toward eternity.
[ 1 ] Boltzman discovered one of the four physical constants of the Universe -- Newton, Planck, and Einstein discovered the other three. Equally important, Boltzman was the first to unify the difference between the time-symmetric laws of physics (deterministic) with the asymmetric laws of thermodynamics (arrow-of-time probabilistic). Boltzman's radical unification step was crucial for the ongoing process of validating Neo-Tech physics. By obeying the laws of physics, neothink minds control the Universe through probabilistic thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. (See the document Neo-Tech Physics on www.neo-tech.com) ...Isolated beyond the anticivilization by his discoveries, the heavily criticized Ludwig Boltzman tragically committed suicide.
[ 2 ] F. Scott Fitzgerald, the 1920s jazz "poet" of money and romance, showed both in his novel The Great Gatsby and in his personal life with the dazzling Zelda Sayre how romantic desire can shape and drive lives. Perhaps every man with a lost love has some J. Gatsby within him. Other writers who captured the smashup when people drive to fulfill passionate aspirations in the anticivilization include Charles Dickens (1812-1870) in his Great Expectations and Gustave Flaubert (1821-1870) in his Madame Bovary.
[ 3 ] T. S. Eliot recognized that the anticivilization is composed of disintegrated fragments. He tried to gather those fragments in a futile attempt to assemble them into a unified, lasting value. He tried and largely failed at that attempt in his magnum opus, The Waste Land.
[ 4 ] As quoted from Plato's Republic, 390 B.C.: "The rulers of the state are the only ones who should have the privilege of lying, either at home or abroad; they may be allowed to lie for the good of the state."
[ 5 ] Examine Niccolò Machiavelli's (1469-1527) history-created masterwork, The Prince. It is about pragmatic political power. Machiavelli's work has the merit of being honest realpolitik in an anticivilization. Then examine Plato's theory-created masterwork, The Republic. It is about elitist politics and forced government "education". Plato's work delivers a-priori deceptions brilliantly woven throughout a system of mind-spun "ideals". Machiavelli was honestly up front. Plato was deceptively sub rosa. ...Tragically, those dishonest "ideals" of Plato were only partially countered -- with little success -- by the honest, reality-bound works of Aristotle.
Through a Plato-created anticivilization, the irrational, anti-property philosophies of a mawkish Rousseau or an envy-ridden Marx rise to wreak slaughter and destruction upon entire populations. Indeed, mass-murderers Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot can flourish only within Plato's anticivilization. For, in an anticivilization, any well-spun rationalization combined with well-hidden, lawyer-like dishonesties can succeed until its victims are devoured. Even Freud's scientific-sounding pessimism -- his mind-spun system of the id, ego, and superego -- flows prestigiously and usefully throughout the anticivilization.
In an anticivilization, envy-driven socialism/fascism and its criminal/parasitical rulers reign through violation of individual rights and force-backed usurpations of private property. In today's anticivilization, intolerance-driven religion and political-correct statism dominate. In an anticivilization, a Hitler intentionally promoting fasist violence and a Gandhi unintentionally promoting socialist poverty can succeed simultaneously. ...Irrational schemes comprising lawyer-like dishonesties and mind-spun "realities" can succeed, no matter how evil or destructive, in an anticivilization. By contrast, only rational, honest business practices linked to objective reality can succeed in the Civilization of the Universe.
[ 6 ] Nietzsche greatly admired both the real and fictional criminal/war-like heroes of ancient Greece, such as Achilles, Odysseus, Pericles, Alcibiades, Alexander the Great...and throughout history from Genghis Khan to Napoleon. Moreover, Nietzsche argued quite validly for his heroes from the anticivilization perspective. He argued Hegel's dialectical view that wars build character and strength among victorious survivors who then carry on with greater achievements for society. Note, in this century, for example, the character building within the millions of soldiers who returned as victors from action in World War II. Yet, consider what those same individuals and societies, along with those who were killed or destroyed by that war, might have accomplished within a high-pitched, exciting, freely competitive civilization (e.g., within a Silicon-Valley/high-tech-type competitiveness). And, finally consider what everyone might have accomplished within the business-driven, criminal-free/war-free Civilization of the Universe. ...Those happy, free individuals would have performed with incalculably greater character and accomplishment than anyone in the anticivilization under any circumstances.
Hitler was a Pericles-like orator whose theme was altruistic sacrifice both to the state and to mankind. Drawing from Hegel and Nietzsche, the will-to-power Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, "Mankind has grown great in eternal struggle. Only in eternal peace that it perishes." Was Hitler factual? Yes. For, in the anticivilization, that struggle for greatness does indeed succeed through collectivist power via force and violence. In the Civilization of the Universe, however, that struggle for greatness succeeds only through individual benevolence via competitive value production for others and society.
[ 7 ] The famous Sun King, Louis XIV of France, was in power slightly after Pascals time.
[ 8 ] Human knowledge is in terms of unified, all-inclusive contexts and single principles (e.g.: justice) built from interconnected concretes such as Scrooge, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. ...Perhaps the single greatest document in the anticivilization reflecting the unified context of justice and individual rights is Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. Novelist/philosopher Ayn Rand once said, "If it is ever proper for man to kneel, it would be when reading the Declaration of Independence".
[ 9 ] The individualistic/pc Internet combined with wide-open, entrepreneurial enterprises free from government interference will extricate mankind from the anticivilization.
[ 10 ] The general definition or the "is" of Neo-Tech is new technology and new techniques. The specific definition or the "ought" of Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty. (Ref: Peikoff, Leonard, "Philosophic Integration: Unity in Epistemology and Ethics", 1996) ...In the unreal anticivilization, most things "seem" or "appear" so. In the real C of U, most things "are" so.
[ 11 ] Francis Bacon (1561-1626) broke the closed-circle logic of stagnant scholasticism by (1) separating theology from knowledge and (2) recognizing that useful new knowledge is acquired through inductive reasoning (dynamic observations) not deductive logic from dead authority (dogmatic arguments). ...Bacon is the father of the Scientific Method and the author of the aphorism, "Nature to be commanded must be obeyed". He rejected the status quo of the Establishment and the bogus "test-of-time" criterion while blazing the way for Descartes, Locke, and Newton. ...Bacon pointed the way toward the 18th-century Age of Enlightenment.
[ 12 ] Plato was a brilliant deductive rationalizer who, with Pericles, opened the world to an anticivilization of subjective law and criminal rule. Aristotle, by contrast, was an honest inductive scientist who laid the groundwork for objective law and free-market enterprise.
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