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NT/Z Customer Testimonials

Lloyd M., 590260-11

In April I purchased manuscript #346UO from your company through the mail. I read and studied it all. It stays in my office in a secure location for my regular study. I believe strongly in what you have opened my eyes to, and I have adopted many of the principles into my day to day life. I have been employed here for nearly three years as a research assistant. Knowing what I do now, I am able to help students focus their careers on producing values for themselves and others instead of usurping values from others as I often see many faculty try to do. I could go on and on. My point is, I am at the grass-roots level of the problems you speak of in the manuscript. I have also researched one of your footnote references The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Dr. Julian Jaynes. I have visited with Dr. Jaynes over the phone and encouraged him to write the follow-up document he spoke of in his writings. I found this text to be extremely helpful in understanding the Neo-Tech principles as well as reinforcing the entire Neo-Tech manuscript.

I have adopted a new way of living since I began the journey of understanding and applying what you teach. I know you would not have sold me the volume had I been a member of the clergy or academe. I am involved with both and see the obvious fallacy in their ways. I attend a Southern Baptist church and work at a major university. I see how so many are manipulated into giving up their time and money and taken away from true value production, joy and happiness. I see those who boast of being altruistic as someone who produces little value and perpetuates a nearly useless way of life.

I want to know more. Will you help? I hope you have email. Their are forums that support many of your principles. I include my email address at the bottom.

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