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Neo-Tech/Zonpower Customer Testimonials, All 435 Letters

Achous K. C-5001, France

Reading Neo-Tech has enlightened me on the subjects of politics, religion, love and economic problems. Neo-Tech opens the way to another form of culture and thinking. It is essential philosophy for the road to freedom. The way is opened, one must go forward as fast as possible.

Albert C. R-6082

My mother is very active in an Assemblies of God church. Neo-Tech was most successful in warding off her continuous attacks on me for not conforming to her willed realities. The realization of how mystics separate context from fact has given me incredible insight into the way they operate.

Furthermore, concept #28 alone has given me an incredible power for living along with an awesome release of guilt. For I now know that it is I who is in control of my life and that I am the highest value in the universe.

It gives me great pleasure to know that I now have the tools to achieve financial prosperity, romantic love, and abiding happiness. Neo-Tech is a magnificent value.

Alice F., R-9178

I am a "young" widow, aged 63, who is raising a grand daughter whom I have had since 5 days old, now eleven. We are studying Cosmic Power together, and I am teaching her to "route out" all mystic thinking and childhood "stories". She was a "picked-on" child in school, to an epidemic degree, and until Neo-Tech, I couldn't find the answers as to why this was so. She and I now understand that it was not her that was bad.

Jennifer now understands and feels sad for them, but no longer guilty and they are no longer able to abuse and diminish her. Isn't it tragic that the dishonest, mystic disease starts in such young minds!

We are now on "home-schooling" (hard won thru Juvenile court) and free. I am going back into real-estate (investments) and hope to become wealthy which is what I've always wanted to be! Keep the Neo-Tech info coming.

Allen M., 699201-21

Neo-Tech has changed How I view many things in life and more importantly has taught me how to identify neocheaters, destructive people, productive people, integrated honesty, how to eliminate neocheaters, how to be more productive and be paid for it, How to use and understand integrated thinking and much more.

The long and the short of it is the Neo-Tech Publishing Company delivers far more information and value than any other package I have ever read. The fair market value in my mind for the types of products you and your company produce should be 100 times or more their current values. At the same time I understand why you market your products the way that you do; to get Neo-Tech information out to as many people as you can as quickly as you can. I know that if I had to pay the price I just suggested there is no way I would know Neo-Tech today.

I am currently a collage student in a business administration program, as such I am surrounded by professional value destroyers all day long. It is fun to change their destructive "teaching" messages into productive ones by being very active in class discussions using Neo-Tech advantages.

I would like to thank you Mark Hamilton, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, Eric Savage and all the other people involved with the production of Neo-Tech product development and distribution. Keep up the good work!!! Together we can reclaim our world.

Alvin C. C-88

Neo-Tech II blew clean my 46 year old muck filled mind -- I feel reborn -- at last -- the pure, clean truth. When I started to read, I couldn't stop -- my mind had been crying out for the truth all my life -- my days of being a victim are over -- saying thanks is not enough -- how can I help?

Anargyros V., 595102-15

I received the Neo-Tech package on Oct. 6, 1986. After trying to read it twice, I finally applied myself and devoured it from the very first page to the very last. This took place between Feb.-May 1990. You may wonder what took me so long to read it. I don't know myself. Perhaps I was afraid of what I'd read in those pages. But there's nothing to be afraid of. I felt like everything that came out of those pages seemed so clear. I wonder how I could have been so blind. But a bigger surprise was waiting for me. I thought I understood it, but I realized I didn't one day.

Angela C. C-31

I am enjoying my Neo-Tech materials immensely. I haven't gotten through the whole thing yet, but my life is taking on more meaning and momentum than ever before. This is the SANEST stuff I've ever seen. I've thrown away all the Bibles, philosophy books, "self-help" manuals and never felt better in my life. Thank you for being there. I'm only 29 1/2 and am really glad I found this before too much more time had passed.


I have had the Neo-Tech I-V information package now for about five months. It had been a very interesting and exciting time as I have based my attitude and thinking around Aristotelian values and Neo-Tech guidance. The advantages accumulate very quickly! The self confidence, the clarity of thought, the ability to make value decisions based on what is good for the business or what is good for me. The most amazing thing is how easy and obvious it all is now and how ridiculous have some of the decisions I have made in the past been, due to a totally bemused and confused thinking process based on mysticism, religion and what other people think.

I have just received three further copies of the Neo-Tech I-V information package that I am going to give to new business partners who I think will benefit most from the amazing discoveries within. Having recently acquired a 30% share holding in their Computer and Software company, I feel that it is of the highest priority that any decisions they have to make whilst I am not around are based on the right kind of objective, value producing thinking as promoted by Neo-Tech.

I am fortunate indeed, that I had the opportunity to read and understand the Neo-Tech concepts. My ignorance has been lifted and I feel the power of the concepts growing within me every day. I also note with some satisfaction that my business, my finances, and my self esteem is growing commensurate with the application of my new knowledge. Finally the happiness within my own family unit, my wife and 13 year old son, is now as intense and wonderful as it has ever been. All this good fortune, and I don't feel the slightest bit guilty! Producers of the world Unite!

Victor O. C-1025, Chile

Victor O. C-1025, Chile

I have read Neo-Tech and for me, it is the most extraordinary and wonderful discovery, incomparable with anything else. To me, it is the best event of my life. Neo-Tech gave me back my freedom and independence. I have back my self-confidence and self-esteem.

Neo-Tech made me more strong to confront the reality of life. Now, I am free of the disgusting mysticism which made me lose 30 years of my precious life, and perhaps my entire life had I not found Neo-Tech in time to wake up.

Arben M., 795140-9, Yugoslavia

I am with you. I want to be immortal. I want to destroy mystics, neocheaters, religions, governments. I am working very hard, I work over 16-hours every day. Before I received Neo-Tech, I did not know anything. Now I know myself, I know my self-value. My job is to make values for myself and then for society. Now I am a Neo-Tech man: I love, I admire, I produce. Now my work is to destroy, to eliminate, to smash the mystics and neocheaters of this world. I will help value producers, because without workers, everything will die. Workers are everything. I am a worker, workers are me.

Armette D. 795140-11

Dear Dr. Flint, Neo-Tech is the most amazing body of knowledge I've ever discovered. I look to the future with excitement and exhilaration having found Neo-Tech.

Arnie S. NT-16

I think that Neo-Tech is one of the best books that I have ever read. The information in the book is well researched, integrated, and organized. It is easy for the average person to read.

Now, I realize that mysticism could have a harmful effect on a person because it blocks a person's awareness for using the brain to think.

Every person in the world should have Neo-Tech so the world would be a better place to live. This is the best information that I have ever studied in my life. I can't wait for Biological Immortality to be a reality in about a few decades when mysticism collapses!!!!!

Arvo J. R-1833

Definitely the most valuable and interesting reading that I have ever experienced. Biological Immortality should be of interest to any and all life loving people on this planet. Dismissal of 'mysticism' would provide enhancement of progress for all of humanity.

Austin B. NT-17

I would like to compliment Dr. Wallace and I & O Publishing on the valuable information bound in the Neo-Tech discovery. Never has there been any information with a more positive impact on the lives of individuals. After reading Neo-Tech II, my life has made a tremendous change for the better. I am only 18 years old and I feel very fortunate to be young during the dawn of Neo-Tech. I am much happier and I have an increasing zeal for life. Thank you for showing me what life is really about.

Barbara H. R-7114

Dear Dr. Flint,

I have started several letters to you but threw them away because they sounded so inadequate to express what I feel about Neo-Tech. It is the most enlightening and powerful material I have ever read. It's the philosophy my father raised me by but I got side tracked into the mystical world in high school

I have a marketable value that I have been trying to get patented for 2 years, but am being strangled with government red tape. Since reading Neo-Tech things are starting to move and I see some hope.

With only one reading of Neo-Tech I-V my mind and perception have taken on a new depth that I don't understand yet but am looking forward to a second reading with the Neo-Tech Encyclopedia as an added guide.

I was sorry to have the material end as it's such powerful reading that makes one hungry for more. My mind felt like a thirsty sponge soaking up knowledge for the first time in years. If there is a society growing from Neo-Tech beliefs I want to be a member. If possible I would like to be a part of your organization.

Barry C. C-1017

Neo-Tech is the best thing to happen in my life. After reading the Neo-Tech I-V it has really opened my eyes. I no longer feel the guilt that the mystics and Neo-cheats have thrust on me over the years. The bonds of slavery to these people have been broken.

After reading Neo-Tech and having time to reflect on all the principles in the volumes it is the only logical way people can live and survive by being prosperous and happy.

I have read many self help books some of which were by some religious mystics who use faith and positive thinking as their principles which never washed for me and now I realize how they were draining me of values and made me feel guilty about being productive and selfish, but no longer.

I am now looking forward to a long and prosperous life with the help of Neo-Tech. I read from the Neo-Tech volumes everyday and figure ways to use the advantages daily.

Barry S., 499080-12

This is just to say thanks. And congratulations. Neo-Tech has done the seemingly impossible: it has actually saved my marriage. Neo-Tech information forced me to see that I was essentially neocheating my way through my relationship with my love/life partner. What a shock to my psyche to discover that I was trading on predominately abstract values and "big ideas" in exchange for tangible, objective, day to day services and support.

With that bulwark of mysticism dissolved, I was able to move from the brink of divorce to a passionate re-commitment to honest work and caring for the needs of my wife and family, and we are all reaping the rewards. By taking Neo-Tech control of my role in my family, everyone is benefiting. My energy level is higher than ever, yet not manic in nature. By exposing my own personal mysticism and its' resultant dishonesties and laziness, I have lifted a 2000 lb. weight off my being which was dragging everyone down around me, and am instead delivering honest values to myself and my family, and am beginning to experience the meaning of psychuous love.

Ironically enough, I believe it was my wife's' own mysticism and its' resultant co-dependency which allowed us to stay together this long. Having been raised a Baptist, she until now has refused to read any of your material because it attacks the God concept. And she voiced that my determination to integrate Neo-Tech into my thinking. -- thereby turning my back to God -- was the reason why she couldn't stay married to me. The truth was, of course that I was not delivering my fair share of objective values to the relationship, and it was only after enough of my repeated vocalizations of rational, Neo-Tech Concepts sunk in that she was able to make the only rational decision, which was to leave me. Now with the obvious changes in me as the mystical clots in my mind dissolve, she has recommitted to the marriage and is, as I write this, laying on the bed quietly reading Zonpower 2000.

So you were right. Neo-Tech is inevitable and unstoppable, because it is totally beneficent. Don't ever doubt that your efforts are having tangible and dynamic effects on your customer. They are. I shutter to think what my future would have been without your eye-opening materials. The effects are tangible and measurable. Keep up the good work.

I am now awaiting arrival of Neo-Tech Control and Cassandra's Secret, and look forward to continued release of energy and happiness as I root out the disease of mysticism in myself and work toward its' world-wide collapse.

Barry S. 795140-12

Application of Neo-Tech principles has revolutionized my productivity, brought praise from clients, generated unprecedented rewards, and has generally enhanced virtually every area of my life.

Becky W. 795140-5

When I first read Neo-Tech I knew I should have felt joy. Instead, I felt a lot of fear and depression. Instead of being honest with myself about how I felt, I tried to ignore and even deny it. That was very stupid of me. I caused a lot of unnecessary misery to myself.

Just a few weeks ago I finally faced myself. I cried so much, afraid of what I might see. Now I am amused as I look back, not because I was unhappy, but because there was not much to be afraid a comic routine with the person hanging-on for dear life to a branch, when he is only a few feet from the ground.

I am not sure why it did not sink into my head that Neo-Tech/Zon is not about condemning me as a person for who I used to be. Your work is about Curing A Disease called irrationality. When that finally sunk in, after just a few days of conscious, focused examination, I relaxed and let go, suddenly everything snapped into place.

The second coming has occurred all right. The great physician is back as a chemist named Dr. Wallace.

B.F. C., 595102-5

I think that Neo-Techers socializing on a local basis is an excellent way to strengthen them emotionally and intellectually. And it can be a powerful tool in helping create a denser, thicker Neo-Tech / Neothink web.

I think what Dr.. Wallace has done, i.e., the gathering of specific information on integrated honesty, integrated thinking, value production, self-responsibility, reality, happiness, biological immortality, etc., and getting that info. into the hands and minds of many of people throughout the world is the greatest heroic act ever performed in the history of this planet.

The human potential using Neo-Tech / Neothink concepts is staggering. Yet, it is available right now. Biological immortality can be an earthly reality, and soon. I am beginning to learn that this is what real consciousness is like. It feels good to think with an uncluttered mind.

Thanks again,

Bill A. NT-11

To think producers have been kicked around like old oily rags. From my integration its simple to see which ones benefit society.

Yes indeed...What price-tag does one put on such knowledge to view this planet earth and find the opposite is honesty at its best.

Billie J., 493250-9

After reading (skimming Zon 2000) this fellow came and said your philosophy (SOB-GD.) Zonism does not have the answers.

Then I saw that he is really irked over the fact that ZON is him -- and he does not have the answers to his problems -- so its easier to blame me and my philosophy because I'm enjoying Neo-Tech and Zon 2000.

B.K. R-14

I found the information packages to be excellent, especially Neo-Tech III and V. They made clear why people can be controlled through their bicameral minds and that the ultimate goal is biological immortality. Neo-Tech, taken as a whole, has helped me understand how I have been cheated and deceived in all areas of my life. Neo-Tech has been a new awakening for me, a new birth and a new life. Dr. Wallace has put together the information necessary for mankind to shape its future and ultimate destiny; conquering the cosmos. Neo-Tech is not just an information package but the blueprint for man's destiny.

Bob D. R-519

Your writings are very educational and most powerful in all aspects of life. They are worth many times over what they cost. I am very much satisfied

Bob M. R-4069

This month, I attend my high school class reunion, the 50th. If your publications had been available to me during high school age, my life would have been so much more rewarding.

Had Neo-Tech been available to me early-on for constant reference, my approach to life and the world have been far different. Though the class reunion this month is my 50th, I am far from through with life. I intend to live without mysticism, with dead aim on reality; to provide and obtain value for value in all relationships; to be impervious to neocheating, to develop my abilities and intellect as much as possible; to be the best that I can be.

My best shots are yet to come! And Neo-Tech is providing power and powder for those shots.

Bob P., 493250-8

My Dear Heroes,

I received my "Protection Kit" this afternoon. I devoured Volume I immediately. I have dissected, analyzed, and re-integrated the volume in its entirety. The point is well taken. Not only are the parasitical elite sucking the life-blood of productive businesses (i.e. liquid capital), but they are sucking the life from the individuals as well. Is this not psychic (or psychological) vampirism? It is time to point the finger at those Soul Assassins who wear the skulls of the innocent producers about their bloated bellies. It is time we stand up against militant ignorance and insatiable arrogance.

Bob R. R-1494

Keep up the good work! The Information package is of great value to me. Made a 180 degree turn in my thinking and I'm very happy for it.

B. P. R-1868, South Africa

Neo-Tech is incredibly clear and coherent and I love every word of it. How can you bear living in a world with neocheaters?

I have kept a diary since 1977, trying to solve the riddle of God, and people's behavior. With Neo-Tech knowledge it hit me between the eyes: the God concept.

Thanks again for Neo-Tech. It's worth a lot more than you ask for it. And thanks for Neo-Tech III-V. I have much to learn.

I wish I & O Publishing Co. were in South Africa. I would like to discuss Neo-Tech with someone.

Bret M. R-7114

I have only read the Neo-Tech information package once thus far. I intend on using it as well as any future manuals I order as my personal life, guidance library. The information is in my opinion, the most valuable commodity to the human race today. They say that time is our most important commodity. However, with the spread of Neo-Tech and the future acquisition of Biological Immortality, time will most certainly be a resource we won't have a shortage of.

I commend everyone who is involved with Neo-Tech and I & O Publishing. And I must extend my deepest gratitude to Dr. Frank R. Wallace. You all have brought perhaps the most important discovery ever into a world that is in great need of information and positive education. I shall one day raise a family on Neo-Tech.

I am only 20 years old. I consider myself so very fortunate to have acquired this information so early in life. Neo-Tech has made me realize that I myself can control my own life and destiny. I can be a leader rather than a follower. I can truly lead a happy life as a progressive individual and I don't have to become a suppressed conformist.

Brian B. 2921-8

Neo-Tech NOTES

The "Tech" in "Neo-Tech":

1. Accept what you know in your heart: that human beings are by nature good, rational, productive, competent to fill their needs and achieve happiness, able and willing to serve themselves and society without force or coercion from any authority outside of themselves, capable of knowing reality.

2. Let go of habits engendered by outside authorities: obeying outside authority without question; relying on outside authority as a source of expertise or truth; ingesting caffeine, alcohol, sugar, or other addictive substances that dull one's rational abilities; accepting the necessary "reality" of death and disease, sacrificing oneself to a "higher cause".

3. Consciously strive for self-honesty in all situations regardless of the views and opinions of others or one's own feelings.

4. Accept emotions as real, valuable assets. Enjoy positive emotions as experiences of fulfilling life's purpose. Use negative emotions as indicators of actions contrary to one's nature. Recognize that emotions never have to be acted upon, and so eliminate fear of irrational emotions. Since irrational fears cause inaction, take a rational action that is feared and so dissipate the fear.

5. Act only on independent judgment, based on self-honesty and creation of value for oneself and others.

6. Build long-term relationships based on exchange of value, fostering honest communication and growth, and avoiding compromise and sacrifice.

The Cosmology of "Neo-Tech"

* the universe is dynamic, unfolding, eternally present both forward and backward in time as it explodes and implodes.

* matter and energy are eternals, in dynamic balance, constantly evolving into life forms.

* consciousness is the constant and necessary product of all evolving systems.

* consciousness is universal and cosmic, the source of new matter/energy relationships.

* the highest cause in the universe is the well-being and development of conscious individuals.

Brian F., P1-02

Dear Dr. Flint:

My entire life and beliefs have changed. For years I studied and taught various self-help methods to salesmen -- from self-hypnosis to subliminals with all the 1000's of methods of Positive Thinking. Of course none of it really effectively brought meaningful change to anyone I taught -- least of all me. I was even getting ready to write a book, with everything I've learned from Astrology up to subliminals, I found the common link and was going to put it on paper for everyone. I've thrown it all away and destroyed 18 years of research after reading and studying Neo-Tech -- it's all anyone needs. As a "former" sales manager for a TV station I was becoming a "neocheater". I save little -- earned much. I lived on others efforts plus some of my own. Until Neo-Tech I would have continued in this "blind" fashion for years. I am now self-employed. Not rich yet, in fact this change has cost me everything, but I know I'll get it all back and much more with Neo-Tech. I have left my former neocheating friends and that alcohol enriched environment to start fresh and free. I am happy now. I can see mysticism and neocheaters easily. And finally they have zero effect on me. I can see for the first time the true achievers and am now associating only with them. My new Neo-Tech life and Neo-Tech business will bring me the rewards.

Brian H. R-7000

I was shocked as I began to read the Neo-Tech Discovery. In fact, some of the advantages seemed frightening, but as I continued to read and reflect, many things became clear. I realize that many of the Neo-Tech advantages reveal lost feelings and ideas I have experienced, but ignored because they seemed selfish. This discovery called Neo-Tech seems to have a staggering potential. I feel a new excitement for life and anticipate the inevitable worldwide spread of Neo-Tech so everyone, including myself, may experience the true earned prosperity, happiness and romantic-love we so richly deserve. Thank you Dr. Wallace, Dr. Flint and I & O Publishing for sharing this timeless work.

Brian L., 493250-4

About two months ago I received Neo-Tech I-V and upon initial inspection I must admit that I was disappointed. This was to change because the more I read the more intrigued I became and when I finished, I knew without question that this was the best investment I've ever made. Dr. Wallace is a great benefactor of mankind by providing a product of incomparable value and tremendous potential. Neo-Tech appeals to that common rational sense found in each person and because it's based on being honest with the facts it can't be effectively argued against. Since reading the manuscript, the clarity of my thinking has improved beyond description. Procrastination has always been a problem for me but it is no longer since it was an effect of personal mysticism. I'm now making excellent progress towards goals I'd almost abandoned.

It's good just to know that Neo-Tech exists. Before reading Neo-Tech no matter how many books I read, there always seemed to be something missing (the ability to understand that dishonesty and laziness were the root causes of distorting reality in any given situation). Instead of something missing in reality the problem was that I had something hindering me that was of no value whatsoever -- mysticism. Most people tend to `believe true that which they love,' while refusing to accept the facts displayed by reality. Those who refuse to abandon mysticism will do so by relying on second hand information and assumptions (laziness), or by being selective with the facts they choose to disregard (dishonesty). I look forward to the collapse of mysticism and the rapid increase in the quality of life afterward.

Brian M. R., 595210-11

Neo-Tech places a microscope on different aspects of life. This powerful knowledge works like a "Laser Gun", stripping your mind of layers & layers of veils & deceptions. Neo-Tech knowledge penetrates the mind to provide a new fresh brilliant perspective on life, love, money & power. As Neo-Tech penetrates your mind, all bonds & chains lose their grip on you. You then literally feel & experience how Neo-Tech integrates your mind, nerves, emotions, body, etc. One gains Neo-Tech strength & control! Neo-Tech amplifies the power of one's mind & body! Only Neo-Tech has the "magical combination" to unlock your true potential & create burning desires to become great & do great things.

The Neo-Tech system is a "Super Advanced Machine" that can be utilized to propel oneself, your business, finances, & life.

Brian R., 595210-11

Neo-Tech places a microscope on different aspects of life. This powerful knowledge works like a "Laser Gun", stripping your mind of layers & layers of veils & deceptions. Neo-Tech knowledge penetrates the mind to provide a new fresh brilliant perspective on life, love, money & power. As Neo-Tech penetrates your mind, all bonds & chains lose their grip on you. You then literally feel & experience how Neo-Tech integrates your mind, nerves, emotions, body, etc. One gains Neo-Tech strength & control! Neo-Tech amplifies the power of one's mind & body! Only Neo-Tech has the "magical combination" to unlock your true potential & create burning desires to become great & do great things.

The Neo-Tech system is a "Super Advanced Machine" that can be utilized to propel oneself, your business, finances, & life.

Bruce B. R-3067, AUSTRALIA

It gives one a feeling of complete invulnerability. To know that religious poison is not going to infect you. I can only feel sorrow when I see that foolish old man, all in white, kissing stone shrines and the ground. How bloody ridiculous. I also despair when I see the wasted adulation that is heaped on the Royal Family.

Bruce G., 590260-10

As an amazed, de-mystified Neo-Tech Discovery (Zonpower) owner, I would like to purchase a copy of the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.

I must say that the Neo-Tech publications are some of the most effectively lucid works in the business literature that I have yet encountered. Death to mysticism!

Bruce N. CB-101

It's hard to believe that a single publication could have such a major impact on how one looks at life and oneself. The affect on me has been remarkable. The highlight of my summer vacation was reading the Neo-Tech package. It's as if I had a total house cleaning of my mind, ridding myself of all the unnecessary garbage accumulated over my 45 years.

Neo-Tech was able to change my thinking processes. Now, I'm more attentive to detail, with a greater interest in reading, listening and reducing commentary to its "real" meaning. It's like having a dull blade sharpened; or a mind that was dulled by mysticism and neocheating to one sharpened with objective reality. The mist has been lifted from mysticism!

I have much to thank you for, and appreciate Dr. Wallace's exceptional works and your business concepts. Thanks to Neo-Tech, there is optimism and strength from within. It's nice to know that one can obtain this strength (power, prosperity, happiness, and romantic love) from honesty and anti-mysticism.

Bruce W., 595102-21

I wish to thank you for providing the information in my ZONPOWER manuscript. I have lived a life of confusion and repeated failure until now. I have understood and espoused many of the principles you have so clearly described, for most of my life. I had diagnosed mysticism as a major problem, but I did not have all of the pieces of this complex problem or a way to integrate what little I did have. Thank you for providing the rest of the pieces, the mechanisms and linkages necessary for me to begin becoming whole for the first time in 51 years.

Although I am only a beginning student and my integration processes have only just begun, I have already experienced success in entrapping and shutting down a couple of mystic neocheaters who had been draining us for years. One of these was a Minister/Psychologist who had been "treating" my pre-adolescent son for a number of years, and bleeding us to death financially and emotionally, in the process. What a thrill if was to calmly confront this individual with Neo-Tech principles and watch him literally squirm in his seat, loose his ability to speak fluently, and absolutely turn pale when I explained my new understanding of mysticism, consciousness, the Long-Wave, and the absolute dis-proof of the God Concept and exactly how he was an agent of mystical manipulation to his own benefit (to the benefit of no one else), that he produced no real values, what his exact methodology was in doing this, and that I was withdrawing myself, my wife and my son from his influence.

While all of this gave me a sense of control and self empowerment that I had not experienced before, the true reward was when, on the way home, my 9 year old told me that he didn't believe in "God" either, because, "I can't see god, Daddy, and I don't think he's real." He then asked me to explain again, why I don't believe in any god. At that moment it really struck me that my son is, was, and always has been, OK. His parents have needed major decontamination!! All he ever needed was Neo-Tech parents!!! He's got them now!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

B. T. NT-10

As incredible as it may seem, I have always believed in certain concepts of Neo-Tech but in a confused and intangible way. What a joy and happiness to have discovered this unique knowledge and unbeatable advantages that constitute the ingenious work of Dr. Wallace.

I am impatiently and enthusiastically waiting for the day when Neo-Tech will be spread across the earth like a new wave of liberty and will sweep away all the parasites and neocheaters. That day Dr. Wallace will receive the Nobel prize of all Nobel prizes as well as Dr. Jaynes.

As for the realization of biological immortality: what a marvelous and fantastic adventure this will be. I am a doctor and the future of my profession in a Neo-Tech world excites me very much. I am ready to work with you towards the development and the promotion of Neo-Tech and RIBI. I hope to meet other Neo-Tech people in France.

Bud M. R-7269

Since completing me first reading of Neo-Tech I-V in January 1989, of all the words that are possible to respond with I wish to choose two directed at yourself, Dr. Wallace and I & O Publishing. Thank You!

My present financial condition, thanks to my Neo-cheating, (and I was excellent at it) past is on the brink of Chapter 11. However due to having the opportunity to re-evaluate myself through Neo-Tech, I know why Neo-cheating caught up with me. I know the satisfaction that all Neo-Tech thinkers enjoy when the realization of being a Neo-cheater can be reversed. My financial position is being reversed by recognizing that providing honest value is easier and financially more rewarding than trying to steal value from others, and as my present circumstances show, at a higher long term cost.

I will continue to support Neo-Tech, RIBI, and offer what value I am able, to I & O Publishing. I am a independent computer systems consultant, bent on destroying the mysticism in me and supplanting Neo-cheating with Neo-Tech!

Carl H. C-85

About a year ago, I purchased Neo-Tech. I have been thoroughly delighted with them. Since reading them, not only have I been able to see the deceptions used by Neo-cheaters in the government, clergy, and media; I have found power and control in my own life, as well as sky-rocketing self-confidence. Thank you for bringing these books into my life!

Carl N

I impatiently await the world-wide collapse of mysticism. The iron curtain is rapidly dissolving. Neo-Tech is quickly and quietly infusing individuals with unstoppable, untouchable power. When I & O goes public the whole world will know the nature of this power. I & O will herald the transition from the outmoded conscious mind to the Neo-think cosmic mind as more and more people become essence moving individuals. The November 3rd organization, after sucking dry the last of its current victims, will find that there is nothing left. There will be no producer gullible enough to drain. White-collar businesses will fail as competitive Neo-think businesses rake in all of their customers. A happy world will soon evolve.

Carl N. P1-002

I impatiently await the world-wide collapse of mysticism. The iron curtain is rapidly dissolving. Neo-Tech is quickly and quietly infusing individuals with unstoppable, untouchable power. When I & O goes public, the whole world will know the nature of this power. I & O will herald the transition from the outmoded conscious mind to the Neo-think cosmic mind as more and more people become essence moving individuals. The November 3rd organization, after sucking dry the last of its current victims, will find that there is nothing left. There will be no producer gullible enough to drain. White collar businesses will fail as competitive Neo-think businesses rake in all of their customers. A happy world will soon evolve.

Carl N. R6961

I acquired Neo-Tech in Feb., mostly because the ideas of controlling others and sexual immortality intrigued me. When I read the information what intrigued me more was a philosophy so unlike anything and everything I have ever known. I am nearly a year removed from that February in which I stayed up nights reading the Neo-Tech body of knowledge; it seems like much longer. It's been very hard and also very fulfilling to implement Neo-Tech into my life. For me, it has been a struggle. Ever since my earliest childhood memory I have been plagued by a mysticism very internal and very profound. It drove me often to depression as somehow my thought pattern became eased implicitly on the idea that I simply existed for the sake of other people. I was not aware of my true self because I thought that it was not I that counted so I imitated and even thought as others would. I was extremely unhappy as I let others guide almost every aspect of my life. Healthy relationships could not exist between myself and other people, and I stuck to myself for the most part. I knew that I was different, and I thought I had to change. I couldn't change. My subconscious gave me signals often of nervousness, anxiousness, depression, no self confidence, and little self esteem. I could not contradict it, though I tried. I now know that I was headed for some form of disaster or another. If Neo-Tech had not arrived, I can only guess as to where I would have ended up and of what kind of person I would have been.

I now have the tools to identify all external authority and dismiss it for what it's worth. I know when I'm being lazy and I know the cause of my problem now that I have Mark Hamilton's "Iron Grip Control..." and "The Grand Event" tapes. I also know how to achieve honest power to become a success in every aspect of my life.

As my horizons broaden and I acquire more and more experience with Neo-Tech and Neothink, my once deep-rooted disease shrinks faster and faster as it disperses into pockets of thought that I can identify and eradicate by destroying their fundamental cause.

My life is really looking up. My self-esteem, confidence, and net happiness has improved immensely. I now know what guiltless enjoyment is about.

In closing, I would like to express my excitement for Neo-Tech and for life itself. Consider me a part of RIBI as I myself will also strive in my rational best interests to create the conditions to make biological immortality possible. Two months ago I turned 18. I will soon be off on my own and I can't thank enough all the happy people who have made Neo-Tech possible for me at this crucial point in my life. I am looking forward to a life of unlimited growth, happiness, and potential and I appreciate all the values that have and will make all this possible. They are a supreme Human Achievement!

Carlos B., 499080-7

TO: Kevin Trudeau

Congratulations for this amazing discovery Kevin. Truly a great work. Thank you for giving me something that works. For years I have been looking for something like this, it really works. Also, I will tell you thank you very much for introducing the greatest discovery of all time, Neo-Tech.

Carl R. C-5000

Through this monumental creation of Neo-Tech, you have produced untold values.

Carson M. C-97, IRELAND

I have studied all of the Neo-Tech II Manuscript, and I can accept it all. Neo-Tech is probably the greatest thing in the history of human evolution short of the development of consciousness.

I look forward to receiving all relevant information please, and cooperating fully with you. Let me help you in Northern Ireland, in Ireland, and in the United Kingdom. Neo-Tech could solve our otherwise intractable problems. We need the Salvation of Neo-Tech in Northern Ireland.

Cary A., 595102-4

But Neo-Tech has profoundly influenced me in a way nothing else ever will. Perhaps it is the fact that I am ready to accept reality as it exists, and Neo-Tech is literally synonymous with reality. It is like a giant aspirin for the irrationality of contemporary life.

It surely takes time to harness and integrate the power of Neo-Tech and Zon. But everytime I find myself going back to your publications new integration units are formed and sometimes I get so excited I cannot sleep. I have attempted to turn many people on to Zon. It is not knowledge one easily keeps to oneself.


I will never find enough words to thank you for releasing me from mysticism. Although there are yet loose ends to be shaken free, every day rids me of another and puts me closer to previously unimagined freedom. Have been searching all my life for something like this. I just can't believe it. Will read again. Eagerly anticipate receiving complete library and Neo-Think information.

Chalres M., 595102-17

Dear Neo-Tech:

I am writing to let you know the effect your work has had on me. l ordered "The Neo-Tech Discovery " seven or eight years ago and l am sorry to say I had so much mysticism in myself l did not gain much value from the books. I then ordered "The Grand Event" and had pretty much the same reaction to the material. I looked it over, listened to some of it, didn't find anything too exciting, and concluded ya'll were mainly into name calling and repeating yourselves a lot. I saw nothing of earth shaking significance, nothing that would change me, much less the world. I was unimpressed.

I started to realize your ideas had some grounding in fact when I listened to "The Grand Event" again some time in mid 1994. After ordering and reading "Cassandra's Secret" the impact of power thinking and the mini-day scheduling ideas on business began to make sense. Then I started connecting the events around the world like the fall of the Soviet Union, company down sizing, the fall of the Berlin Wall etc. with the Neo-Tech ideas I was reading. I also began to realize one reason why I didn't grasp the importance of the Neo-Tech ideas in the first place. Much to my dismay, I found I had mysticism at work in myself. I think the reality of the concept of Zon reached deep into my consciousness and woke me up to the importance of your work and the forward movement you had going toward the actual accomplishment collapsing mysticism.

For the ten days since reading it, I have felt peace in areas of my being I haven't felt for years and years. I am focused on my job. I have accomplished in that time what it would have taken a month before and I have enjoyed it. Thank you and keep up the good work. I am glad I kept coming back to your works and you kept repeating yourself.

When I first read "The Neo-Tech Discovery" I thought mysticism was out there some where, but now I realize it is in my. I am infected with it. Now I can begin exorcising the demons with the goal of becoming a Neo-Tech / Neo-Think man. I am learning more and more about the depth of thought and relevance of your work. l am excited by the possibilities for a mysticism / neocheating free world. It would be wonderful.

Zon is a powerful tool for pulling people out of mysticism. Consciousness, mass, energy as existence explains everything. I'm with you, but I want to know more as soon as I possibly can. I want the reality of the sunlit world you have described. I want the killing and pain to end now.

Words cannot express my gratitude.

Charles B., 595102-2

I am happier than I have been in 35 years knowing our future is bright beyond belief. Still, the transition from mysticism to honesty can be traumatic. Neo-Tech is just a book unless it is studied and applied. I now crave rational, honest, human experience. The responsibility of solving one's own problems resides solely, and without exception, within one's own self.

My happiness today stems from a gradual dissolution of outside authorities and my late "dawning" of the position I hold in this world.

Charles B. R-6775

Now with the arrival of Neo-Tech/Neo-Think, which I have just finished reviewing, I realize that the same dramatic revolution which occurred 3,000 years ago to bicameral man is happening to ordinary men and women. This time the jump in consciousness is no less dramatic. We with the knowledge wield the power. Those without flounder and fail for they have failed to grasp the advantages offered by this dramatic and profound discovery.

Charles C. CB-1008

I must admit that your company's personal attention policy impresses me, something not easily done. Imagine my very pleasant surprise upon opening the envelope, most ongoing correspondence with mail order companies consists of "form" letters who's only purpose is to solicit more purchase, to see a personal letter written specifically with me in mind. Not only did you want to ensure that I had received the entire package, you sincerely requested my thoughts on a marketing strategy. What's more is the fact that you physically signed the letter instead of using a rubber stamp. It's simply AMAZING to get such individual treatment from an "impersonal" company.

Charles D, 499080-11

This is only a letter of thanks to the people of Neo-Tech for freeing me of my bicameral tendencies (mind). I used to be a slave to any authority figure who promised answers to the problems encountered in life. Religion and all forms of mysticism is for the non-thinking individual. I totally and completely use reason as my means of survival now.

Charles S. R-7510

Neo-Tech I-V has changed my life so much I do not know where to begin. I am 46 years young, now that I have read Neo-Tech. For the last 26 years I have tried to scratch out a living from the oil fields, for my wife and now three grown children. Somehow I managed, even though at times I had my doubts.

I tried several times to be self-employed, but due to my mystic past and lack of self-confidence I failed drastically. I have used the crutch of not having a formal education (8th Grade) for my down falls.

After receiving Neo-Tech in December, which I have read twice; I have embarked on a journey; never to return. I am now self-employed, with a future beyond my wildest thoughts. I am patiently awaiting the Neothink tapes.

Thank you ever so much for providing me with the information to open my eyes to the real world.

Charles T. R-6234, U.K.

I have never been so sure of myself, so effective in my business and so secure in the knowledge that there is no reason for my success to end. Business is booming, my wife is blooming, and my son (14) is reading the Discovery!

I have given copies of the Discovery to three of my senior employees and I find it amusing and exciting to observe the changes in their attitude and the new commitment that has effected them and their work, producing positive results both for them and for the company.

My personal life has never been better! My 18 year romance with my wife has been rejuvenated and strengthened and my son will become a producer because after reading Discovery he will understand why it is so important that he create values. We will teach him right from wrong with such a clarity that has not been possible prior to Neo-Tech.

Chris D., 499080-5

Without the hoaxes upon me since birth, I am truly on the path to fully integrated honesty and happiness. I now choose what is right for myself, while also accepting the decisions of my wife to do what is right for her.

I had previously researched a myriad of religions for "the answer", all the while coming up empty and more discouraged. Neo-Tech has shown me that the "truths" the religions had preached were fouled with mysticism, lies, and guilt trips.

The promise of an eternal life as a beautiful garden environment is true. We as inhabitants just need to grow up, become honest with ourselves and all others, and build our own heaven and our own immortal bodies. One day we will build a galaxy and worlds will be born. Happiness, freedom, fully integrated honesty and adventure in all areas of my life is now available. Thank you Mr. Wallace and Mr. Flint for all of your work.

Christopher L 795140-13

Because of Neo-Tech, I have experienced amazing and startling changes. It's like waking up from a could I have not known this all along? I will forever be grateful for buying Neo-Tech, as it has changed every aspect of my life, and I continue to grow every single day! I actually wake up every morning and jump out of bed to face another exciting day. What I once thought was impossible is now common place! I had a year-long marijuana habit. The drug itself caused me no ill effects, as I believe it to be more benign than not. But the fact that I was turning to a substance instead of to face truth became obvious to me. Life is wonderful now that I have read Neo-Tech. Dr. Wallace is a genius, not for believing what he believes, but for presenting it in such a way that the reader must either acknowledge the truth and grow or choose the lazy way out, to ignore it. Surely, if this were a book written on any other subject, Dr. Wallace would be a strong contender for the Pulitzer. But they can keep their fame and their 'rewards'; we have the true reward...Life!

Plus, my business is growing now. I wish I did not have to sleep, because I want to keep on going...I want to continue to produce values. Since integrating Neo-Tech, I get a much greater deal of attention from people. Anywhere I go, even on the street, many people's eyes are drawn to me. They are not focussing on my looks...I can tell that they are curiously wondering what I've got. I've got Neo-Tech, the ultimate secret of secrets.

I will forever be grateful to the Neo-Tech Publishing Company, to Dr. Wallace and to the entire NTP staff. You are the ones who labor to produce such monumental values, and, as such, I will hold you all in such a great degree of esteem.

Thank you and be well.

Christopher C., R-9183

I cannot express strongly enough my satisfaction with your Neo-Tech Cosmic Power, Now! book. Without a doubt if every person were to read and integrate your prodigious concepts, we would easily be able to break the vise-like grip the Neo-cheaters have procured for themselves at this time.

The only hope for this sick and dying nation as a whole lies solely with I & O Publishing Co. and your advancement of these mind-boggling concepts. Carry on your virtuous fight against the November 3rd guns and fists empire of Neocheating!

Christy G, 795140-17

Neo-Tech has already changed my life dramatically. I have made more money this month than I did last year, and my marriage is solid as a rock. My husband already implicitly know many of the NT principles, but my new knowledge is helping him succeed exponentially. Thank you, all of you, at Neo-Tech.

Chuah G., 3901-C5, Malaysia

Ever since I received your N-T Discovery, I have never had a sad moment. I am able to perform my job very well. I am very happy, confident and most important of all guilt-free. After N-T, I discovered that my boss was the one who makes me feel guilty. Now, I know how to handle him. I no longer feel guilty. I am free. I did this by purging mysticism out of my mind. I no longer fear my boss or anybody in this world. I can feel the power building up inside me. I no longer feel tired for now I know that I am working for myself and not for my boss.

Since reading Cosmic Business Control, I have overcome the White Collar Hoax. I carry out my job better by working on the nitty gritty detail task of my operations. I practice mini-day/power thinking. Now I can see so clearly all the White Collar Hoax existing in my working environment. I am working hard to expose the White Collar Hoax. There will be no more limitations for me. I could go on and on.

Thank you for making me a more productive person. Thank you Dr. Wallace, Mr. Mark Hamilton and all the members of Neo-Tech Publishing company for doing such a superlative job. No company in this world can match your work.

Clifford S., 499080-1

Dear Neo-Tech Friends:

Bless you very much and all our friends working there with you. I hope what I say may strengthen your spirit and mine. My feelings at this moment and for the past few weeks have been overflowing with joy and strength. Due to my education and age, I could not see a way to have an excellent and happy future Now, I live that life every moment I exist. I must build myself a great Neo-Tech library. With Neo-Tech I will get the education that surpasses all others.

Without Neo-Tech I cannot save my life. There are too many twisted a-point truths while the honesty has been cut out. I have never been able to feel truly happy. But now that I have Zonpower, I feel what real happiness is, what greatness is, what control is, what peace is, and what power is.

C. L. W. C-106

I am now on my third reading of Vol. II and feel I must write. The first reading was quite chilling and exciting, now on my third its awesome. Where before I saw normality I now see cheating, its amazing they are everywhere, what is really awful is to realize you have been a cheater.

I have spent 15 years in search of something and thought I had found life's answers on several occasions, but having read Dr. Wallace I realize I have not only been cheated but have been completely mugged. Oh how sad it is, millions are kept down poor and starving, guilt is foisted on everyone at all levels, it is pitiful.

We have seen religious leaders fall down from grace. Usually called lust, we see the Pope foisting guilt on millions. Now when I look at the so called leaders of religion, I see great actors living and praying for miracles that never happen -- everyday is the same: wishing, praying. I've done it myself -- its easier than taking full responsibility.

I am 34 years of age, married with one daughter who thank goodness (I nearly said thank God) we have not pushed into any religious belief -- she's free, thank you.

Colman F. R-829

Thanks to the Neo-Tech Discovery my life is truly free from limitations -- many of which I was previously unaware of. I need never look back with guilt, and, more importantly, regret -- ever again in the future. You have my sincere gratitude and support.

Cornelius B. R-4958, SOUTH AFRICA

Since receiving and studying Neo-Tech some months ago, I discovered a subconscious awareness of the Neo-cheating in everyday life, in religious institutions, government and just about every walk of life. That in itself is invaluable because I can make more accurate decisions concerning my life and react more swiftly in rectifying a negative situation without being afraid or hesitate, in doing so.

Craig C. 2921-6

To say thank you for what Neo-Tech has meant to me would not even skim the surface of my gratitude. I instead acknowledge your work as one of the highest forms of accomplishment that man has ever achieved.

I am 28 years old and am a product of the confused and confusing educational system that our country is mired in. I attended a Catholic high school and was considered a renegade in any religious class and religious discussion. Like most young people I had an insatiable hunger for pure, factual, objective knowledge. The Catholic Church and the school believed in "gray areas", not black and white. Therefore, my hunger was served unleavened obscurities and I as left frustrated and, a lot of times, without hope.

I firmly believe that all men strive and are committed to do what is morally "right" at the beginning of their foundation forming. They are met with so much outright brainwashing that many are duped from the start. Neo-Tech, for the first time in my life, fed my hunger with the ambrosia it was meant to ingest. I can honestly say that I was in agony for the first two years after reading Neo-Tech Discovery. I could not get enough of Ayn Rand, logic and any business related literature. I finally feel clean with my every thought and action. I have now embarked upon a business venture that I know will be very successful and earn me great wealth. I can add thanks to Neo-Think for that. My knowledge is ever increasing and at a rate that even I am impressed with.

I regard your work as inestimably important and valuable. I would be honored if ever I could be of service to you as an employee in any regard.

Cris P., 590260-7

Now, I have finished reading the Neo-Tech Protection Kit vol. I & II which is the most powerful book ever written. Again, I've found myself crying for producers of values who were victimized for thousands of years. I cried for Kenneth Clark and the Jailing of Dr. Frank Wallace. He was jailed, punished, for his innocence, he was jailed for the benevolent task of trying to cure the worlds most deadly disease. Only in the upside down world of evils can this happen. But at last, I've found myself cheering for your victories over the evils who have attempted to destroy I & O. I imagine those evil destroyers are running away from your power, the power of Neo-Tech. I marvel every time I read about your victories over such evils.

I don't have any doubt that you Dr. Flint, Dr. Wallace, Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage, and your associates with your most heroic, courageous battles against the evil destroyers of values will ultimately be victorious and will collapse the old evil world of mysticism. I can see it falling apart piece by piece -- like a domino effect. Your victory is also a victory of the innocent.

Culbreath W. C-84

I am understanding more about the Neo-Tech concepts all the time and have advantageously used them in several instances to thwart and prevent cheaters from harming and taking advantage of me.

Long live Neo-Tech!

Curtis B. 2921-7

The information that was contained inside the manuscript absolutely blew my mind. It was the most incredible information that I have ever acquired anywhere. It is hard to believe that mankind can be duped for such a long time, myself included. Now, thanks to Neo-Tech, people can rid themselves of the stupidness disease of mysticism. I myself will never again have to worry about being brainwashed by the politicians, religious quacks, environmental and ecological frauds, lying news media, and anyone else who neocheats their way through life. I owe all of this to Neo-Tech. I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you enough. You, Frank R. Wallace, and your associates have given me a whole new meaning in life. I look forward to living "in the real world" and not in death's mystical one.

I remember back to around three years ago. My brother Kevin called me on the telephone . He was a bit excited at some new information he was reading. Kevin told me he was in the process of cleaning out his mind. I was quite confused at first so I asked him what in the world he was talking about. He proceeded to tell me about Neo-Tech. I have to admit I was pretty curious about it and he told me that I should get it for myself. Well, at that time, I didn't exactly have 200 dollars to toss away on something I thought would be just some sort of self help book. Then, this last winter, my uncle, Eldred, who lived on the coast where I lived, received his Neo-Tech manuscript. When he started to tell me about it I decided to pay heed and order for myself. Now here I am today, more happy than I have ever been. Thanks to Neo-Tech and a few relatives that really cared about me. These people, by the way, wanted me to join in business with them. I heartily agreed, and it will be a total Neo-Tech atmosphere. Look out world is all I can say, except for thank you Neo-Tech, without you, none of this would have been possible.

C. W. R-7364

After reading Neo-Tech I realize that the main reason my business failed is because too many of my decisions were based on emotion and what was good for everyone but me. As a matter of fact the very purchase of the business in the first place was not based on what would be best for me.

Thank you for opening my eyes to so many things.

Cyril T. R-6312

I own both the Neo-Tech Discovery and The Grand Event Neo-Tech/Neo-Think system. I have lost count of the number of business aids and self help books that I have purchased and read. But, one day, out of the blue came a leaflet about Neo-Tech and I thought I may as well try this one as well. At first I thought I had purchased another load of rubbish but I persevered and I read it and I re-read it and I listened to the tapes and I re-listened to the tapes and I gradually realized that I had a formula at last that will lead to success where all other efforts have failed. It's no good wishing I had it before when it would have made all the difference because the important thing is that I have got it now. What a difference it has made and is making to my whole attitude to business and life. It is in front of me now on the shelf and it's keeping me in front of all the Neo-cheaters. Thanks, old chap, and greetings to all you Neo-Tech people.

C. Z. R-3866, NIGERIA

Very attractive, stimulating and useful...and not only from the linguistic point of view. Its purpose is much broader; it helps to create a real human being, a highly civilized person.

It has injected me with confidence, and courage, and instructed me to develop the art of self-control, and freed me from Neo-cheaters, mysticism, and external authorities. Throughout the months which it has occupied, not one minute do I regret. In fact, I would be surprised if anyone could receive so much profit for so little.

I for one, have joined my inner forces with I & O Publishing Company towards the achievement of her goals. This I have started by spreading the good news of Neo-Tech discovery through verbal advertisements to friends.

I should like to send my congratulations to Dr. Wallace for the Neo-Tech Discovery and his entire staff working for the mending activities of I & O Publishing Company.

Remember to include me in your mailing list.

Dale M. NT-9

I received the Neo-Tech manuscripts three months ago. My new marriage has taken off beautifully, as a result, largely, of the Neo-Tech concepts. Every word I read or hear is now filtered through my neocheater screen. Every activity in which I partake is now evaluated in terms of how much time, money, and energy it will cost me and weighted against the amount of prosperity and psychuous pleasure it will bring or deny.

Dallas W. R-1054

A revelation to human happiness. Never have I felt so free and powerful as I have become from reading Neo-Tech.

Dan G. RP-100

Amazing! This is the only word to describe Dr. Wallace's discovery. What is it that makes all human beings so gullible when it comes to living their short and tedious lives? Years ago, it would never have even occurred to me that there was even a purpose to living. Life was incredulous, a big joke, a pastime between birth and death. Religion soon came along and bang...I had found, or so I thought, the missing ingredient to life, a higher being to serve. Wow! It was great. Nobody could touch me because I was doing God's work!? Then however, slowly but surely, I was doing more of his work, then more, and then more. Hey...Stop! This wasn't fun! What about me? The only person that got satisfaction from what I was doing was the person telling me to do it. Life really was a joke! Who needed God anyway?

Then suddenly..."Neo-Tech" Entered the scene. Who was this Dr. Wallace? Was he a religious leader promoting a new God?...No! Was he a politician with a quick tongue? ...No! He was a mere man with a startling revelation for the entire world! Oops...Did I say a mere man? With no higher beings to compare to, how could mankind be described as mere humans? For what he revealed to me, he was now a great man! A great businessman! Thank You Dr. Wallace and thank you I & O for publishing his work. Now look at what has evolved...the Neo-Tech/Neothink System. Does Mark Hamilton and I & O have any limitations? Of course not! I am in awe at what I have just listened to. Boy...What a system!!! My life has just changed! Limitations have gone. Nobody can tell me what I can or cannot do anymore.

A small business that I wanted to create, now seems quite credible and no longer out of reach. But for now, biological immortality is my main concern as I do not wish to die, even if it is as a rich man. Nothing means more to me now than life. This however can only be done one way, by breaking down the worlds belief in gods and governments. How? Well you already know the answer...with "Neo-Tech!!!"

Danial C-1905

I have been studying Neo-Tech for the past year. Neo-Tech came to me as a gift from my mother to help me understand gambling, but as I have read through the entire Neo-Tech Discovery Manuscript (now on my third time) I found a more profound application for the material. The manuscript provided me with real life answers, based upon truth and reality to questions I have had for years.

Neo-Tech has offered many concepts that feel right to me. Neo-Tech has given me the opportunity to un-program myself so I can lead a happy and prosperous life.

Daniel L. R-6832

I guess most of us have been taken by cheaters. One generally knows cheating is going on, but to be able to stop it without Neo-Tech is an impossible undertaking. Life's problems are easier to control with Neo-Tech knowledge.

This writing supports one's past thought that something is wrong in Denmark, but now we have proof and a solution.

I am amazed at the amount of organization that has gone into the Neo-Tech material. I appreciate all your efforts.

Daniel P, P-108

In the beginning there was my life, a dull, dreary, painful, mystical, life...and the worst thing about it all, I thought that I was very happy. I realize it all now. It was Neo-Tech which changed my whole thinking pattern, driving me to be integrated within myself by the purging of all the mysticism's I had so firmly rooted in my mind!

I didn't realize it until that book filled with honesty, not just words, changed me for the better. With each day I strive to find the evil mysticism's which have been laid upon me by this so called benefactor of us all, society. These guilt's, a hideous vengeance again the individual and his happiness. And the worst thing of it all, I do not believe that these leaders of this illusionary society even realize the evils of their ways. Not only do they destroy everyone else's lives, but they are destroying their own. Why would they do this? It's unbelievable, but they do, and you have given us the answer to destroy their bogus livelihoods, Neo-Tech!

As I read the newspaper, or talk to people, or watch the news or people, or see any part of "society" I see more and more the evil attitudes which control everyone's lives who do not have the knowledge and power of Neo-Tech. This power must be in everybody's hands and transferred to their minds. The hoax must end! Everything possible must be done to end this hoax! I will use my mind in any way possible to end this hoax in society, and I know that it is with Neo-Tech that it must be done, in one way or another!

Daniel S. R-1972

Two things: (1) I can't believe how naive I've been all my life , and (2) I, now can't imagine going through life any other way than this; with my eyes opened.

An absolutely incredible discovery, that is right under anybody's nose! Anybody that cares to think about it!

Dan S., 595102-8

I have been on a journey, wandering in darkness, all my life. Frank Wallace has shown us the light, we must act upon it, dwell in it, for that light is the essence of life. In that light, we can all be citizens in the Civilization of the Universe.

How can we help with the Mark Hamilton for President campaign? We are ready. We are tired of the parasitical-elite class. And we are tired of mystics who keep spinning us around in darkness. We are ready. How can we help?

May the dignity of man be glorified in fully integrated honesty, objective law, and rationality.

Darryl L., 4903-C3

I have received and read your Zonpower Manual. Having been an objectivist for many years, I appreciate your building on that foundation and carrying us farther into the unlimited future with complete integration of thought and action. While Ayn Rand identified the malignancy, you have identified the modalities and cure of the mystic diseased mind.

I wish to order Twelve (12) copies of Zonpower to spread amongst my associates who can appreciate it. No Neocheaters invited, thank you very much. I also would like to order Two (2) copies of the Reference Encyclopedia.

I would like to thank Dr. Wallace for his courage in presenting his ideas to the world and hope he gets his ultimate reward, biological immortality (and me too!).

David C. R-4030, CANADA

Shortly after starting to read the Neo-Tech books I started to take better control of my life in a much more dominant fashion. Instead of accepting the Neo-cheaters way of controlling my life I turned the tables and realized who they are and what they represent, and now I use their own idiosyncrasies against them. I recommend this book and other works of this nature to anyone who wishes to get a better focus on what life can be like when you wish to be in control of your time and life management.

Keep up the good work Neo-Tech.

David C. R-5440

I have always sought the truth throughout my life and I thought I knew the truth. You see I was a self proclaimed theologian and well studied on the subject. I thought nothing could ever shake my faith. I truly believed in my way as truth. But many undeniable truths I found in the pages of Neo-Tech. At first my whole world fell around me. I had never before felt such fear, anger, and confusion. Many times I had to put the books down, I could not handle any more. For days I walked around dazed. But I couldn't keep away from them long, they seemed to hold a strange alluring power I couldn't resist. And the more I read the brighter the light became. A ray of hope and desire I had never felt in my 33 years began to well up inside me. Hope for a future that most of mankind dared not even dream about. A desire to pursue all my ambitions and to reach out beyond my wildest imaginations. I feel in me a strength and power I had never felt.

For the first time in my life I have begun to stand up for my own rights and with much success I might add.

David D. 4903-C2

I just had to write to tell you how much your information has changed my life:

1) Stopped drinking within one week -- Increased self-esteem.

2) Answered my desire to know about the Catholics and Christ due to 22 of Catholic education -- I am a happy Atheist!

3) Trashed over $1500 worth of self help (mostly Tony Robins & Metaphysics and Subliminal types.

4) Understand the "you owe me" evil of manipulation.

5) WAS A VEGETARIAN and I was lifting weights and LOSING MUSCLE -- NOW with Atkins, I am slim and breaking record in my lifting.

6) Choose a career path in the information industry through direct mail.

I can HONESTLY SAY "I have never loved anything or anyone (accept myself) more than Neo-Tech.

David D., 595210-12

This is the most sensible, logical, believable info. that I have ever been exposed to. This is what all people need in their lives -- INTEGRATED HONESTY. I'm very glad that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Before I was exposed to the NT material, I knew that something was wrong with our world. The NT material is so integrated with reality, that it made sense out of everything that I sensed in my right brain, but couldn't recognize consciously. Now, I can see, especially at work, how the con game is virtually over for all mystics and neocheaters, and I am very happy about that. I hate to see people with so much potential being squashed and suppressed. Everybody has infinite potential for contribution to society, and all benefit from it. I still cannot understand how others would want to suppress others for temporary "gains." In any event, all of that crap will soon be over, and everyone will be free to soar.

David H. C-66

I am very happy about the Neo-Tech package and consider the honesty and integrity of both Frank Wallace and his team, and the I/O company reflected in the really give-away price.

David H. R-3582

The Neo-Tech Discovery is probably the most fantastic book I have read to this date in my life. And at the age of 36 I have read quite a few of the self-help, positive thinking books with very little results. I have learned so much and can't wait to get the Neo-Tech Encyclopedia, and other works from I & O. Upon each reading I gain more and more knowledge, Neo-Tech will definitely have a very positive, honest, and financial change in my life.

David H. R-4015, New Zealand

In my first 30 years of life, I created just enough values and applied just enough effort to convince family and work mates that I was competent, however, in relation to a very incompetent society.

In the depressing moments of more objective self examination I was painfully aware that life was daily becoming unattractive and the future rather hopeless. Alcohol protected me from looking too deeply at the possible outcome to the way I was living, until Neo-Tech.

Neo-Tech united many concepts that I had a vague awareness of, into a logical concise and surprisingly obvious text. No longer was there a need to avoid reality. No longer did I require alcohol -- and haven't since.

I gained, as I read, an exciting realization that anything I would contemplate for the future was possible if I continued to develop and integrate the realizations of the reality around me. A reality, the objective reality, of what actually is. A reality that sadly few are aware of.

Neo-Tech has opened my perception of what is required for a creative, innovative, challenging life.

David M.

I have been at a loss since I have not received any mailings from you for quite some time but am glad to see you are alive and well in cyberspace! I have subscribed to your list and looking forward to "talking" to you, perhaps a little more directly than by just ordering and reading your publications or listening to your tapes. I am also pleased to see that you are distributing Zonpower via the internet, the more who can come to understand the potential for our future the better!!!

David R., P1-07

Please extend my gratitude to Dr. Wallace and the entire staff of I & O for their outstanding contribution and effort to significantly improve the lives of everyone Neo-Tech touches.

D. B. C-210

Dear Sir,

Your work is an outstanding achievement in logical scrutiny and is to be highly commended. I have just completed reading I-V. Probably the most important thing I've read since (and here it comes again) the works of Ayn Rand.

D.B. D., 595102-9

I've been purchasing and studying the materials for about 3 years. At first exposure, I was a government employee on mission in France -- earning about $50,000/yr. Three years later I am self-employed, work at home, and am doing about $200,000/yr. But for Neo-Tech, I'd still be where I was three years ago.

Not to brag. Just to say that Neo-Tech returns many times the value paid to those willing to work and apply.

Dennis J. R-7050

Seldom during one's lifetime does a revelation of this sort come about. In fact, you might as well say several lifetimes. Truly a great work worthy of much praise. It's amazing how the Neo-cheaters have controlled us for over 3,000 years. They say every "dog had its day", well they have had theirs now it's our turn. I think it goes without saying that we should be able to do more in 50 years than they did in 3,000.

Dennis M, 9351-3

You have set my cobwebbed and mystified mind reeling and I thank you for it -- it needed a good shake-up. I've always been a rebel/non-conformist type and never did buy in to the sheepish and pathetic worship of religious fanatics and slithering politicians of the ruling leech class that infest our society. Now I have a direction and plan of action and am encouraged to see the layers of deception peeled away so effectively for anyone bold enough to accept rigorous honesty into their life and reject the mystic concepts force fed to them since the first light of self-awareness sparked in their being.

I love the idea of consciousness as the driving force and creator of all universes.. past, present and future. I am integrating that useful fact into my ongoing recovery from alcoholism and chemical dependency. The higher-power/god concept can be replaced with the mystic-free acceptance of a universal consciousness.

Dennis V. R-5282

I am seventeen years old and have just completed my first reading of Neo-Tech I-V. When I first received the Neo-Tech advertisement sheet, I was so thrilled at what I thought it had to offer. I saw it as a book that would teach easy techniques in which to make money and get girls. I figured I would be rich by the time I left high school, and would soon become the biggest stud on Long Island. Of course, it turned out that I was mistaken in many ways. Neo-Tech does not give step-by-step techniques but it does give something more important -- objective reality based on facts and statistics. It taught me that there is no real long-range pleasure in being a "big stud", and that if I want to be rich, its going to come about through hard work. I found out what life is actually about, and how the government, neocheaters, and all mystics exist on lies that distort, and totally avoid reality. And I finally learned the truth about the God concept.

I used to be a DIE-HARD Christian in which I would curse anyone for not totally devoting their lives to Christ. I hated Catholics because of their hypocrisy towards what they themselves preached (humility, pray in a private place, etc.). I had accepted the Bible, as what Frank Wallace would call " a package of truth". I believed it as true reality, that would remain unchanged. So you could imagine my shock on reading Neo-Tech. It put down everything I believed in. I felt I had thrown away $100, for nothing. But being the open minded person I am, I read Neo-Tech's side of the story. It was so logical and comprehensive, that I began questioning the religion in which I have grown up with all of my life! I actually prayed for sign that would tell me if I was doing the right thing. I asked "God" to prove his existence by giving me a massive miracle, or I would abort him from my life completely. (As you probably guessed, I am now 100% Atheist.) I now know "heaven" was created from the fear of death. And when an error-free method for biological immortality is developed, the idea of "heaven" will become useless and will eventually fade. I now look at the Bible as a fun book to read for sparking up the imagination as does Ulysses, novels by Stephen King, or anything to do with fantasy. No mystic can ever control me through "God" again.

But not only has Neo-Tech helped take away mystical views from my life, it has also brought up my high school grade average nearly 20 points from what it used to be before Neo-Tech. In my first three years of high school, I had an approximate average of 67%. I had fallen into a deep depression as a result of all the mystics and neocheaters that surrounded me. But because of Neo-Tech, I have become a happier, more self-confident, productive individual. My average is now 87% and rising. Neo-Tech was the incentive and the morale booster that I needed to study harder and improve my life.

Finally, I would like to thank those who introduced me to Neo-Tech, and entered me into their world. I'm happy to have received such information at such an early age, I have lots of time to build my own empire and hopefully have Biological Immortality in my lifetime. (If the world isn't blown up by that time). Neo-Tech has changed my views on life and the people that surround me. The first reading has knocked down the walls of mysticism, the second reading shall put me on my way to life!

Denny L. R-6998

I always knew the things I had been taught to believe (and so professed) were not really my beliefs at all -- god, respect for authority, self-sacrifice: I never really believed any of it, but I was too weak to admit it. I'm not weak anymore. It feels so good to believe and know what I've always known deep in my mind -- the Neo-Tech truth.

Dexter O. R-615

It was very refreshing to read something based on rationality instead of sentimentality. Neo-Tech's greatest value, to me, is in providing a stable, sensible philosophical base, that is rational, and which can be used to guide me through my day-to-day decisions, and used as a stable datum to which other information can be compared and evaluated.

D. G. 2921-22

It's been two years since I first received the Neo-Tech I-V information packages. It's taken me that long to get over the initial shock and amazement. Having spent the previous 15 years wallowing in mysticism and other Plato based epistemologies. Neo-Tech was the silver bullet of emancipation. I now know what Shubshi-Meshre-Shakkan, a feudal lord under Tukulti (circa 13230 B.C.) must have felt like when he spoke:

"My God has forsaken me and disappeared. My goddess has failed me and keeps at a distance.

The good angel who walked beside me has departed."

I however, am not lamenting the loss of my Gods. I am learning instead how to exorcise personal mysticism by utilizing Neo-Tech techniques, thereby effectively short circuiting Neo-cheating external authorities.

Although I am still plagued by many tenacious bicameral tendencies, I am confident that by utilizing the Neo-Tech principles of integrating discipline, thought, and control over my life, I will soon rise from the ashes of altruism and self sacrifice to take my rightful place amongst the Titans of mankind. Those whose visions of a rational and productive world, free of mysticism and associated guilt, must be realized if we are to survive the next millennium without destroying ourselves through guilt ridden collectivist ideologies.

D.H.J. C-50

Thank you, Dr. Wallace, for this work, which is enormous in scope and value -- a great contribution to the advancement of mankind. It will help man's understanding of himself and his fellows.

Neo-Tech will, undoubtedly, change the world for the better by advancing man's thinking. It is about time that our politicians were exposed for the manipulators and neo-cheaters that they are!

You have been successful in cutting a swathe through the altruism, mysticism and nonsense to expose the bare truth and to get rid of the confusion. Now the fog is lifted, I can see and think more clearly.

John K. RP-106

Firstly, I would like to start off by saying how much I have enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy Neo-Tech. When I read my first copy at the "tender" age of twenty, I instantly appreciated, but completely misunderstood the basic message of Neo-Tech and attempted to convince others of the rightness of my new-found philosophy by "preaching" to them about it instead of demonstrating by becoming successful. Now a scant two years later (two years of pervading poverty and unhappiness) I have reread the material and it is as if I had read it upside-down the first time! Now I understand the message and have begun to rearrange my life. I will be attending a recording school in the fall.

D. Keven G. C-108

I feel that when it is truly perfected and accepted, that Neo-Tech will be the ultimate system for living an organized, powerful, full life. I also feel that everyone will be following the overall Neo-Tech system someday, it simply offers too much to refuse.

Dolores K. 2922-7, Croatia

I am writing this letter because I believe that I avoided a catastrophe at the last moment. I was saved by Neo-Tech, and I still don't understand how I was plunging down in life, and thought that I was all right.

Mysticism ate my soul and my "I", and it appeared in the form of my girlfriends. It started with coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, need for company, futile stories about luck and misfortune, and it finished with my procrastination, my jealousy and hatred towards anyone that achieved anything in life.

All this resulted in not being able to fall in love any more. If someone from our group started dating, the rest could hardly wait for that relationship to end, and then we would show up supposedly as saviors. Then everything started falling apart. I started doing meaningless things, while the problems were accumulating, and I was psychologically tortured by this.

And then the Neo-Tech offer appeared. I was curious so I ordered it. I read it, but without any success. I couldn't find anything wrong with my life, and if there was something that wasn't quite right, I always tried to justify it to myself.

It's been 2 years since I got Neo-Tech. I just couldn't get enough courage to read it again. A few days ago, I just took it without thinking, and read it. That was when I realized my delusion which could have cost me my life. Now, I am starting from the beginning and I have a lot of energy, but I am still afraid of stopping it. I think I will become something.

Dominic P. C-107

Six weeks ago I received Neo-Tech I-V. You can probably imagine my shock and consternation on discovering that I have been a mystic these past 35 years. Not only been a mystic myself but also surrounded by them -- together, with a few neocheats too!

The last six weeks haven't been easy. Bloody hard in fact. Disentangling myself from family and "friends". I have absented myself from a number of odious "duties", and of course the flack has really come in my direction.

Avoiding other people's mysticism has been (relatively) straight forward, though. It's countering my own mysticism that's taking up most of my energies, it really goes deep.

Donald R. R-4444

"Every day acquaintances, authoritarian bureaucrats, manipulated by parents, drained by bosses gypped by merchants, intimidated by pushy or moneyed people, misled by professional people, stunted by dishonest and incompetent educators, used by friends, abused by strangers, fouled up by bureaucrats, fooled by mystics, and hurt by government--"

Yup--I have been "sandbagged" by all of these neocheaters from day one until recently.

Just to know that I was not alone, and that others were in the same situations is a horrible comment on our Western culture, a culture based on a subtle, and pervasive use of the bicameral mind of man.

Frank R. Wallace, the firms he has organized, the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center, and allied companies, have supplied the mental tools (detection and solutions) by which the "regular guy", producers and employees from corporate president to garbage man can foil and turn aside the neocheaters: identify them, watch their operations (and best of all) render their "put-ons" harmless. Platonistic philosophy has been secretly used by neocheaters for years; Aristotelian philosophy has been suppressed by neocheaters for centuries.

Thanks to Neo-Tech R. and W Center for its complete "history" of how Dr. Wallace came to realize and understand the "game world of poker" and evil parallels in the world in which we live. The producers, no matter where they are or what they do, are no longer defenseless with the knowledge of Neo-Tech. "Go, go, Neo-Tech!!!"

Don F. C-1905

I wish to start by thanking you and your team, especially Wallace for opening my eyes to reality. It was a hard task, but you have succeeded in changing my thinking on a lot of issues.

Let me begin by saying that I have been a student of the Bible for 11 years. Claiming to the Protestant and Christian faith. I have taught and spoke at many Christian locations in my local area. I have taught Sunday school classes, preached, wrote lesson on biblical studies, led and directed musicals. As you can plainly see I have been actively involved in my faith. I am also self taught in Greek and biblical syntax.

Having a mind of curiosity and my Neo-Tech book has probably saved my life. I must confess though, at first I found your books very disturbing. It was challenging the very existence of the God I worshipped. So I didn't take your word for it, I had to do some research for myself. My reading itinerary for the past few months and for the next few as well has been a huge load. The information I discovered is what helped me understand the fate of religion and other cults of this world. The hopes I had were falling to the wayside. Julian Jaynes book is the book that has really "opened" my eyes. His book alone did not do it though. It was a combination of many books.

Don P., 590260-3

Born out of a lie, Neo-Tech and Zonpower have given me the tools I need to live. Mysticism is the cloak that enshrouds its victims and fear is the dagger that pierces the heart of the value producer.

Douglas M., 3901-C17

I have just completed reading the Zonpower Discovery manuscript. Truly, this masterpiece is the most important discovery on Earth since the discovery of consciousness itself. I am about to embark on a second reading, as I do not intend to miss a single word of Dr. Wallace's profound work.

Doug V. R-1481

Each reading brings more. Very, very, valuable!

Drew L. R-2999

The Neo-Tech I-V Package appears to be meticulous, accurate, and well researched construction of effective material, which devastates the ploys of the Neo-cheaters. I am grateful for having this material, and to Dr. Wallace for sharing his revelations through his development of the Neo-Tech science.

Dr. Francisco G. C-1905 ARGENTINA


I am dizzy and trembling with what I am reading and re-reading. I believe it is a sensational and most interesting find. For me it is as the coming of Copernicus's science of knowledge.

The coherence of your ideas and the unlimited action guidelines that you suggest has been necessary to renew my 50 life years. It gives a sense according with the natural destiny of prosperity and happiness.

As lawyer I have enormous interest to give my Legal Protection Services to Neo-Tech.

When Neo-Tech clarified and illustrated my ideas about truth, happiness and prosperity, you can understand that I have very much interest in Neo-Tech.

It is enormous the enthusiasm I received to read Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech is of profound contents.

I am ecstatic, appreciative, and enthusiastic.

D. R. R-402

Have read Neo-Tech I and II, most enlightening and awakening. Sad indeed this info. was not available 100 yrs. ago. Wouldn't it be a beautiful world.

Duane W., 499080-17

Dear Mark;

I admire your courage and determination to expose the parasitical elites and their usurious hoaxes. We must get the message across to the people about these "papa-boys" faking manhood through the envy attack mode. The implementation of "The Great Replacement Program" is of the utmost importance and is paramount to the prosperity and abundance of all human civilizations inhabiting this great planet Earth.

Durdica B. 2921-15, Croatia

Thank you for the Neo-Tech Discovery book that you sent me. Reading your book, I've awakened from the darkness that was encircling me.

Maybe I should send your book to our enemy to read. Perhaps they would then understand that it is stupid to have war, kill innocent people and children and destroy everything my people have been building (making) for centuries.

This is a plea for help to bring peace to my Croatia, and the whole Earth. So, please send your books everywhere to all kinds of people, and to every part of this plant. Maybe, after reading it, the people will do something, and allow us to live like humans, and without war.

Eddie C., 3901-C2

I have Zonpower and that was the most intelligent mind opening thing I have read. As soon as I opened the book and it said a cure for all diseases, biological immortality, no more wars, etc. etc., I though: "YEAH, RIGHT. WHAT KIND OF FANTASY WORLD ARE YOU ALL LIVING IN." But, as I read, everything fell together and I could see it was not a "fantasy world", it can be reality.

Ed R. R-1545

It helped me understand my wife `s looking for another man after 7 years of marriage.

Edward R. R-7059

Is Neo-Tech true? Is it for real? All one has to do is to read the entire information package, then read any newspaper, listen to any sermon or political speech. That should provide proof enough for anyone.

E. L. B. R-6057

Wow, Neo-Tech is guilt free. It's taught me to say no without feeling guilty. I no longer feel I must go hundreds of extra miles to satisfy someone else. My only duties are to be morally good to myself and others and propagate virtue. Besides if you can't help yourself you can't help your loved ones.

It's good realizing that I'm a genuinely kind person without feeling I must prove it.

Ellis S. C-1002

Dear Dr. Wallace,

Sir, I want to congratulate you and your associates on a fine piece of work. The entire Neo-Tech package is a precise tool for prosperity and power, now and in the future.

When I first purchased your package, I was shocked at what I read. At the same time, I was pretty much into church. Your package has described different people, that I knew, with amazing accuracy. It even described a lot about myself and the way I felt about things. But still I had put your information aside because it shook my beliefs.

Some time later, I picked up your package again. I began reading more with an open mind. I began to understand how and why things happen. I also began to see the truth and honesty in your work.

During the last several months, I have begun studying your work again (Neo-Tech I-V). I guess, a little older, and a little wiser, I now understand the power behind your work. You have truly created a masterpiece.

Eric B., 493250-5

Neo-Tech itself is brilliant. It is the first clear and straight forward manuscript in the history of mankind that I am aware of to define a fundamental human purpose, that of happiness, and presents it in such a comprehensive manner that utilizes the inherent human functioning of pure objective reasoning.

Eric J. 29221-19

The Big Picture:

Two types of individuals

1. Value Producer

2. Value User (Destroyer)

Two types of Mysticism's:

1. Inner. Self Created, can cause problems in relationships with others (loved ones)

2. Outer. Created by Neo-Cheaters, causes stagnation in one's economic situation.

Either types causes problems where none need exist.

Erik F 795140-15

Hello there fellow Neothinkers! My name is Erik and I thought it would be nice to welcome new Neo-Tech men and women. To begin with, I happen to be a 16 year old teenager living in the big old city of New York. I am currently a junior in high school and I can tell you now, Neo-Tech really works!

Your friends will most assuredly be against Neo-Tech, but, let the knowledge held in the manuscript show you an alternate path. At such a young age, people are always telling me that I'm too young for this stuff. Am I? Well then, I guess they are just too old and stubborn to live such a great life as Neo-Techers are destined to live!

Also, if you have access to email, join the Neo-Tech Mailing List. Consult the Neo-Tech Worldwide Web Site at I'll be there soon! (By the way, my name will probably be Neothinker16.)

Have a great life and see you there!

Ernie S., 690706-1

Dear Mr. Wallace

First of all, I would like to say that finally "Cassandra's Secret" is making a lot of sense to me. I've found a whole new understanding about society and life itself. Through my own foolishness (mystical behavior & beliefs), I actually thought that much of Neo-Tech was evil. I therefore returned the manuscript back to Neo-Tech. That was three years ago. And back about 7-8 years ago I did the same thing. I really wanted lo help myself but as soon as I read about reality, my mind did all sorts of loops to reject REALITY! I really never got anywhere with the Zon & Neo-Tech Manuscripts because I wouldn't allow myself to believe in reality.

I kept the Cassandra Secret Manuscript, and have read it over and over. What brought me to realization was a couple of things. First, through mysticism I have denied reality for a long, long time. I had an especially closed mind if I heard anything adverse to my own beliefs about Religion. Second, if my beliefs were so strong, why did life continue to deal me one bad blow after another?? Where did I benefit by choosing not to read Zon and Neo-Tech?? I didn't benefit! You see, Mr. Wallace, the way I was taught has had much - too-much influence on my decisions.

In addition to the above, I have been making identifications with the propaganda (lies) and the stretching of truth coming from the media. The media can actually make-or-break an individual or business by blowing the truth out of context.

And, in regards to the Mush-Mouth movie stars, you are "right on target", Mr. Wallace. I really feel that most of these people survive on the "spotlight" and publicity. Many of them, like the parasite politicians, will do anything for money or a free ride.

In closing this letter, Mr. Wallace, you can feel free to use any or all of it as a testimonial for your brilliant works. I really believe that you are not only brilliant, but honest. Thanks again for the insight that I received in "Cassandra's Secret". I really wish I had kept the Zon and Neo-Tech Manuscripts, for they could have opened my eyes even wider. When I get the funds I will order them again, but this time I will read them with an open and clearer mind. "All the best to you, Mr. Wallace".

E.S. 795140-16

I am taking this time to express my sincere gratitude for what I consider a major breakthrough for all who are fortunate enough to get hold of your materials.

After reading Neo-Tech (more than once), I've discovered that I have been on a 'wild goose chase' (so to speak) ever since childhood. I was given the traditional 'invalid' education, beneficial only to the liars and cheats of society.

When I think about where I was, I get an overwhelmed feeling of anger and resentment. I have actually lost business and acquaintances through the weakness caused by former beliefs, thoughts, guilt, fear, and ultimately, 'ignorance'! I now realize that much valuable time has been wasted through former subhuman physiological beliefs.

Comparing the Neo-Tech information with former knowledge, one can easily detect the destroyer from the producer.

To sum this letter up, I now FEAR NO ONE! Thus, I will let nobody get in my way ever again. I believe that I've learned more from Neo-Tech than I have from over 40 years of life, schooling, business. I'm going back out in the business world, only this time I will be armed with the Neo-Tech information, thus, I already feel that I'm ahead of the competition.

In closing, I'd like to say thank you again for the brilliant research you've done and for making it available to those who are searching for a better life. Please keep me on your mailing list.

Eve G. J-822, England

Since I was old enough to think (around the age of twelve or thirteen) I have been searching for the truth, the "riddle of the Universe", the key that would unlock the secrets of life and enable me to be happy and free. I searched in many places, never finding the answers I was seeking, even though occasionally I experienced temporary relief from the pain of living.

I am beginning to experience some of the benefits of the life-enhancing, guilt-destroying, freedom-bringing, love-, laughter-, and clarity-inducing, personal power-, honesty- and strength-engendering concepts of Neo-Tech. When the Neo-Tech package arrived I was deeply immersed in a set of highly mystical ideas which had me very confused and guilty about wanting to do anything so selfish and egotistical as be a successful and wealthy writer of fiction and plays!

Neo-Tech changed all that. It has enabled me to return at last to my original and true goal of thirty five years ago. I was able to sit at my desk and complete a project on which I had been unsuccessfully engaged for years -- a stage play.

Felicia C. J-189

Three weeks after I opened the first page I finished Neo-Tech. Since then, I have felt much stronger in all aspects of my life. Right in front of my eyes, I have become more assured of myself because I know that I can achieve anything that I want -- Neo-Tech has become my "Bible"!

I know I will be referring back to Neo-Tech many times in the future.

Floyd F., 4903-C7

I have decided to write to express my gratitude and to document my experience with your organization. I am an American Indian and a recent recipient of the Zonpower/Neo-Tech Manuscript.

In the short time I had the opportunity to become a part of this inevitable change by Neo-Tech, my meager salary has jumped from 25 thousand a year to 50 thousand and is increasing. My lowly position as an office manager has been left behind for a new position as Director for Operations, a high level position within our organization. My wife returned to me after filing for divorce and all but a few of my debts I wrote to you about in my initial letter have been paid in full. And I have managed all this with complete honesty as required by Zonpower/Neo-Tech.

I cannot begin to explain the mental clarity Zonpower/Neo-Tech has brought me. The mystical notions of my religious upbringing since childhood had held me prisoner for so long. With Zonpower/Neo-Tech the prison has been destroyed and I am now free of God concepts. I have always held honesty as a supreme value in my life, but now, thanks to the Neo-Tech Publishing Company and the Zonpower/Neo-Tech Manuscript, honesty has become the most important value I uphold in my everyday life.

Francine H. C-1905

Your anti-mystical revelations have brought me the first true inspiration of my life. I always knew everything was wrong with the idea systems promoted by the popular philosopher/psychology "experts". At an early age I began to explore the less popular so-called "esoteric" mystical systems of thought (i.e.: astrology, positive thinking, etc.). These too, of course, proved to be totally unfulfilling in spite of many years of my devoted compliance. The main tenet of these philosophies is that if you persist with unwavering faith for long enough in believing these "higher truths" that finally you will overcome all limitations and the "Truth" and "Power" of the universe will be revealed to you. They tell you that all failures can be attributed to your "lack of faith". So I would repeatedly encounter failure, feel unworthy, and resolve to try more steadfastly to practice my faith. Obviously, I could only fool myself again for a short time, and ultimately end up in a state of hopelessness, despair and ever greater frustration.

I can never express my overwhelming gratitude to Dr. Wallace for breaking this vicious cycle and giving me a view into the real world of conscious living. Dr. Wallace's fully integrated Neo-Tech advantages are truly the supreme contribution in the universe to the actualization of meaningful human existence. He has saved us from a dismal life doomed to extinction and allowed us to begin to experience the exhilaration of living a life of purposeful and successful value production. He has defined and clarified with absolute precision "right" from "wrong" so we can proceed with our eyes fully opened upon a life of happiness, prosperity and ever increasing radiation of realized values.

I extend forever my gratitude to Dr. Wallace for facing me in the right direction with my feet planted on solid ground so that I may move forward with powerful steps toward destroying the deadly disease of mysticism and bringing about the positive potential of human conscious life. This is the greatest opportunity of all eternity.

Fran H. CTE-5007

"The hunting season for mysticism and Neo-cheaters has been officially declared open." That message conveys the dynamic feeling of, "Full speed ahead! Expose those creeps every chance you get!! Show no mercy!" I made a sign of that message and have it hanging in my office.

Frank E.-2000

I received the NT material a few years ago and bought it because I thought that Frank Wallace was insane. I remember reading the flyer and thinking, "Either this guy is right on or he is so out of it that he will give me years of material to write about." He was right on.

I devoured the Zonpower manual in just a few days and kept thinking, "Now what do I do with this stuff?"

I immediately started applying this thinking to my job and found something that few ever get in the business world, I got security. By following the bottom line, I was able to essentially cement myself into a position that even the worst downsizing event could not pry me from. When the company looked like it was going to go under, I was able to spot this trend and get out before panic set in. Within a year of my departure, the company folded up.

At my new job, I dealt with Neo-Cheaters from hell. To make a long story short: They don't mess with me. I sent many an experienced Neo-Cheater back to his or her corner with a busted face. I can outmaneuver these losers without even thinking.

I took on a second job recently just for the hell of it. Neo-Tech enabled me to again spot trends and take over. I had numerous dealings with frustrated customers and was able to resolve nearly every one of their problems. I often went outside my realm of authority without interference and took care of situations simply because I insisted on maintaining the company's bottom line. I made all raises on time and blew out all standards of perfomance, nobody could touch me. They hated to see me go.

I think that the only problem with NT is that people often expect instant riches. This does not happen. The closest you get to instant anything is instant insight. While insight is a good, it can be a poor provider if you don't have the leg to go the distance. The leg is the thing that separates the winners from the losers. I got the leg and I got it from NT.

Frankie T., 590260-5

We received the Neo-Tech manuscript in January. It has been the most incredible journey we have ever experienced. It is so simple yet so unrecognized. Throughout time people have been living by all sorts of false, misleading philosophies. They might as well believed that 2 + 2 = 3.8. Living by these specious philosophies ones life grows curved or slanted until life makes a full circle back towards death.

We are achieving incredible amounts of psychuous pleasures (one of the most incredible concepts) now with Neo-Tech. We thought our relationship was going good until Neo-Tech made us realize the reality of where we were heading. Now our love life is growing with every second of time. We are establishing beautiful relationships with very valuable people.

Our income has grown substantially since our first reading. Life is now nothing but psychuous pleasures and beauty. We used to feel like a slinky toy with large pins and paper clips stuck on us preventing us from moving. Now with Neo-Tech almost all those pins and paper clips have been removed so that we can naturally and quickly spring into the future. We look forward to receiving any additional information regarding your business. The age of responsibility is here! Tears roll down from my eyes as we write. My girlfriend and I (both 22 years old) thank you immensely!!!!!

Frank W. R-532

Neo-Tech was a rude but welcomed awakening. Neo-Tech puts everything into proper perspective and erases the guilt feelings of the things I have been striving for, and the neocheaters who are trying to take them away.

I am a producer, an achiever and doer. I am resetting my goals along Neo-Tech lines.

Frederic D. C-112 FRANCE

I read with great interest the Fantastic Dr. WALLACE's book. Mr. Frank R. Wallace wrote the most genial and useful book that had ever been written. Thanks to this book I have now an ambition: create my own enterprise. This book completely destroys the power of such card-sharpers as politicians, religious, mystics or some close relatives.

It ends with tyranny, lies and oppression and takes everyone on a new lease of life, to the life we should have had if we hadn't been handled by what we can call "anti-human persons". That is to say, those whose only dreams are dreams of mastery and depravity of the human race.

Dr. Wallace's book is the best cure we may bring to someone who is seeking for understanding "his" life.

No matter the criticism you may face, I'm sure you will begin because you are the great luck of Humanity.

Fred W. H. JFE 381

Have just reviewed my library and threw out about 60 to 70 self help and sundry books which I have been pouring over for the last 30 years or so. Neo-Tech is right, those self-help, positive thinking books just didn't do it for me. But since reading Neo-Tech I'm really excited about life. All I can say is WOW!

From Cyberspace

Does anyone out there own the "Neo-Tech Job Power!" tape series? I am curious to read some reviews. I am thinking about purchasing them. Is there any material that is not already covered by The Neo-Tech Discovery, Cosmic Business Control, or Zonpower?

Dear Luke,

Yes, the tapes are of excellent value. As with any Neo-Tech product, it returns ten if not hundreds of times what you pay for it. I listened to them several years ago, making sure I understood the information... simply being exposed to the information creates a "remnant effect" in your mind and actions that creates advantages for you.

They are very useful specifically business, but if you have the money, I recommend you buy EVERYTHING I&O has and soak all the material up.


Before reading Neo-Tech I felt moderately happy, moderately successful and moderately optimistic for the future. Now I know that success involves more than good luck and knowing the "right" people. I feel like I've opened a door into a whole new world of success and happiness. There's so much involved in this -- I feel like I've only skimmed the surface and already my life is much more satisfying. Congratulations and thank you to all involved!

Garrett T. L. CB-1004

I have realized some major things about myself since I started this manuscript. When I was 16 years old I hit and killed a pedestrian with my Dad's automobile. That was 21 years ago. It happened in a very small town in northern Vermont where everyone knew everyone else's business. In essence, I lied about the events that took place that night. Little did I realize that it would take me 21 years and the reading of Neo-Tech to sort it all out. I lived a lie for a long time. My deceit led me into the land of mysticism in an attempt to hide from the repressed feelings I had and to try and find an answer to the pain of confusion in my soul. So for so many, many years I have pursued the path of the mystic. I was always conscious of myself as someone who had an intellect many would marvel at, but I was always busy trying to find myself. My judgments and decision-making were blurred at best as I have been through three marriages and many careers.

Alternately, I knew that there was something dramatically wrong about modern society. I became a philosopher, of sorts, of the persuasion that one must "rise above" the inequities of modern, physical plane living. In fact, for the past 4 years, I have been "hiding" in semi-retirement fashion, meditating, getting in touch with myself and finding my inner source of all-knowingness. And becoming more and more unhappy all the time.

I knew that I would find the source of my discontent eventually. Every night I'd go to bed hoping that by this time the next night I'd have the answers to my confusion. Frequently during the years I'd fool myself into believing that I'd finally stumbled upon "the truth", usually from some sort of deep inner meditation, or a hallucination as I now recognize. My goal has been realized at long last, like I knew it would be when I found Neo-Tech. I simply lacked an appropriate philosophy from which to gauge my life.

I cannot thank you enough for this technology. I will do what I can to spread the word and get this material into the hands of others.

Gary J. C. R-7076

To say Neo-Tech is a Fantastic Benefit to Mankind, is an understatement! Eight months ago, not having grasped the concepts of Neo-Tech, I entered into a partnership with an Neo-cheater. This partnership almost wiped me out! If not for Neo-Tech I-V, the loss that I would have suffered, (career and financial), would have been unbearable. As a result of applying the Neo-Tech concepts, I have "turned the tables" on the clown. Now he faces his just reward; ruin!

For the first time, in a long time, I look forward to tomorrow. Life is beautiful, and full of opportunity. Biological Immortality will be the greatest of human achievements. For me, it will be a dream come true!

Gary W. J-224

I wish to thank your firm and Dr. Frank Wallace for the profound knowledge bestowed upon me by the Neo-Tech Information Packages.

I have quickly devoured most all of the information packages and I am eager to see what's next. N-T has cleanly sliced through the illusion of reality to expose the rich inner heart of all life. I see the Neo-World forming with clarity in my mind.

I am filled with a strong sense of gratitude for being able to finally see clearly what is happening in my daily experience. I wish the best to all of you who are increasing the N-T exposure.

Gaye B. R-65

For over 30 years I was genuinely involved in religious study with a goal of being a teacher-lecturer.

I truly believe that the psychological effects you mention happened to me.

Now, I sincerely believe that Neo-Tech is absolutely essential for awakening us from mesmeric-manipulating methods of the Neocheaters.

Gene H. CB-1002

When the Neo-Tech technology entered into my life a slow transformation started taking place. As when a dormant spring flower begins to spread its pedals slowly embracing the sun and air. I was gradually released from my self-imposed chains of mediocrity. My strength increased as a new power of self-control flowed through my veins. At first I was like a scared child facing the new world. But as each moment passed I was taken on a journey of insight, imagination, and to the understanding of myself. I then came to the beginning step of my life when I realized that the power I possessed was the simple truth that I was in total and absolute control of my mind, body and soul. I could make happen what I wanted when I wanted by just doing my "will". It is sad that most people have not come to this conclusion in their lives. But as the blinding Neo-Light slices through the darkness of despair, the chains of bondage will crumble to the earth and mankind will be set free forever.

So, Cheryl those were my feelings after reading and letting Neo-Tech sink in after a month. You know how things wear off with time, well, the power and exciting feeling is still within me and growing stronger and opening new avenues for accomplishment. I have ordered Neothink and I am sure it will only augment the power of Neo-Tech, probably far beyond my expectations. Your company is a monument of achievement.

Gene H. CB-1010

Through the course of my life, I've searched through a lot of philosophies and religious sects. In each one of these confusion and frustration would always surface to the top.

Because I am an achiever, I've read many books on accomplishments of various individuals who have succeeded in life and have built on their successes. Each of their plans for success were inspiring to me. However, after the initial feeling of inspiration left, I was still more confused about what I should do.

When the Neo-Tech technology entered into my life a slow transformation started taking place, within myself. As when a dormant spring flower begins to spread its petals slowly embracing the sun and air. I was gradually released from my self-imposed chains of mediocrity. My strength increased as a new power of self-control flowed through my veins. At first I was like a scared child facing the new world. But as each moment passed I was taken on journey of insight, imagination and glory to the understandings of myself. I then came to the beginning step of my life when I realized that the power I possessed was the simple truth that I was in total and absolute control of my mind, body and soul. I could make happen what I wanted when I wanted by just doing my "will". It is sad that most people have not come to this conclusion in their lives. But as the blinding Neo-Light slices through the darkness of despair, the chains of bondage will crumble to the earth and mankind will be set free forever.

So John, those were my feelings after reading and letting Neo-Tech sink in after a month. You know how things wear off with time, well, the power and exciting feeling is still within me and growing stronger and opening new avenues for accomplishment. I have ordered Neothink and I am sure is will only augment the power of Neo-Tech, probably far beyond my expectations. Your company is a monument of achievement.

Geoffrey H., 595210-5

In the past two years since the initial purchase of I & O Publishing Co's ground breaking literature, I have experienced enormous leaps and bounds in every area of my personal life. Each and every major value currently in my life can be directly attributed to the influence, orientation and accoutrements of I & O. Mere words do little justice to the Herculean growth I've achieved in everything from mental health, psyche resurrection, physical fitness and love to family relations, education, creative works, and job power. I am now twenty-one years of age and in the short time which has passed I have stopped smoking permanently, cast off the throes of substance abuse forever, abluted mystical neurosis, begun a self-study regime, begun a lifelong physical fitness plan-of-action, enrolled in a community college to study business, developed a long-term romantic relationship with a beautiful woman (we will be married next July! ), and I am writing and copywriting original musical scores and arrangements. All this has been integrated into my own mini-day / powerthinking schedule. The metamorphosis has not been easy nor pleasant at times. But always, the results of implementing D.T.C. have yielded unlimited, lasting rewards.

Without the mystical blindfold I can no longer "turn the other cheek " with my hands tied. I & O has made me into a man of action, therefore I simply can not sit back and watch from the sidelines as the heroic Neo-Tech men and women push forward to annihilate mysticism. I refuse to allow my children to be raised in an up-side down, twisted society where individual life has no value and reality can not be discerned from falsehood. That platonistic philosophy destroyed my own childhood. It destroyed the honest, benevolent, compassionate, creative child within me long ago. My life has been ravaged by mysticism to the point of near-psyche-death. And now, empowered with the tools of Neo-Tech / D.T.C., I wish to join the growing ranks of mystic-busting bantam companies. I have absorbed the concepts within Pincers 1, 2, & 3 and am fully prepared to begin building upon those concepts to create my own empire of wealth. I wish to begin immediately, without hesitation, learning the business of collapsing mysticism.

George C. R-6254

Though I wasn't 100% conscious of it all the time, Neo-Tech is what I have been waiting for my entire life. I have lived for 39+ years on this planet using many Neo-Tech concepts to guide me, having read several Ayn Rand books at an early age and taken them to heart. For Dr. Wallace to do what he has done with the research/books is very much appreciated, to say the least.

I owned my own business and businesses for most of my adult life and was successful in them. But, as has happened to others and as Neo-Tech explains, I allowed myself to get chewed up and spit out by the mystical, altruistic Neo-cheating attitudes and people who, unfortunately, comprise the majority of society (at least right now). I bear no grudges because I had choices to make all along the way and, as time passed, I increasingly made those choices that were not good for me. At one point I even bought into the Neo-cheating syndrome because I felt like a lone soldier fighting a much larger army and I got tired of the battle.

George D. R-3005, CANADA

Absolutely Excellent!!!

It straightened out my mind and increased my income by allowing me to rationally think things out. I can now focus on the matters that count instead of wasting my time trying to figure out things that are immaterial.

George H. C-111

Dear Dr. Wallace:

Neo-Tech has provided me with the missing pieces to the puzzle of why peoples, governments, societies and religions act the way they do.

Frankly, without using Neo-Tech as a guidebook, mankind will continue to wander in the fog of unconscious confusion and death.

In the course of my continuing search I found Neo-Tech and with it my findings were confirmed and the "Big Picture" emerged.

It is extremely valuable to have so much concentrated truth contained within these few publications and (as you well know I'm sure) to have access to even a portion of this information without Neo-Tech would require shelves of books (some of which might only have a few pages of useful information)!! But, with Neo-Tech, all your readers have the concentrated truth readily at hand for review and reference.

I can go forward and look towards a productive, fulfilled life. Thank you for a product of great and perpetual value.

George M., MS, C-1030

54 years of my life gone down the drain, or has it? Being a pay and pray Catholic all my life; council President, Finance Chairman, School Board President, and you name it, I've been there (not to mention the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised in development programs and my own contributions) and now I find Dr. Wallace grabbing me by the ear, just when I thought I had earned the right to get into you know where. It's mind boggling just to think where my family and I would be if all this time and energy was invested in our happiness instead of so much sacrificing.

After venting my anger at Dr. Flint and Dr. Wallace for putting a knife in me, I settled down and re-read my manuscripts. While doing so, I asked myself, "Is it not reasonable and logical to evaluate all the material before making any decisions as to what's right or who's wrong"? Yes, it's the logical thing for any reasonable person to do. Still studying Vol. 1 thru 5, my Neo-Think tapes, and Reference Encyclopedia I can summarize it all into one sentence: Pure and simple "common sense" backed with facts and evidence!

For the past four months, since getting into all this knowledge -- let me tell you, it is delivering a quality of life that has already made up for the past 54 years! And it gets better each day. It is really great to wake each morning excited about life and living and going through each day with a different perspective and much greater insight. I do not think anyone should take my word for it. They should "check it out" for themselves.

My business has skyrocketed. Running three businesses and now am caught up by noon each day. My Neo-Think mind is just an infant and at this stage it sometimes scares me how rapidly it moves me through mazes and centers my thoughts at my objectives like a rifle bullet penetrates a target. After twenty five years of marriage, I have finally fallen in love with my wife and we both are suddenly free. How sweet it is, to live each day completely "guilt free". In all my years involved in church and projects, this never came to me.

I have always felt that we all are going to die someday. But as Vol. #2 of Neo-Tech proves, that is not the sad part -- it clearly shows that the sad part, is what dies in us while we are still living, because of mysticism. Sorry for getting off on a tangent, but it has never made sense to me, to spend my whole life from birth, preparing to die!!

George M. R-2015, AUSTRALIA

Very interesting.

Caused me to stop and really think.

changed my outlook completely. I will always refer to it.

George P., 590260-2

Because of Neo-Tech, my job is not a job, it is a pleasure. Why? Because of my insight of the origins of all values. My personality is as lively as ever. My competence has soared to heights never imagined. And I know this is only the beginning. Because of Neo-Tech I am getting stronger and stronger. It is like I am in a forward march position.

I will do whatever is necessary in my own way to help in the total collapse of mysticism. Neo-Tech keeps me anchored in reality -- I see things now that others never see and it is all because of Dr. Frank R. Wallace's discovery. Please keep up the Good Work. I hope one day to meet with all of you as we claim victory not only here in the U.S., but worldwide.

George P. 795140-3

I want to thank you for bringing the light of life into my life. Neo-Tech has made and continues to make a profound difference in my life. By next Oct. I'll be making 50-60 thousand a year thanks to the new job I got. When I talk to people, they are very impressed with my knowledge. Little do they know I am a Neo-Tech scholar. One professor told me I should go back to school and become a teacher. Another lady told me I shouldn't be driving a bus with the knowledge I have. And, it's all because of you and your company. I have the omnipotent eye of Zon. My consciousness continues to rise to new heights. Because of Neo-Tech my mind is quick to grasp things, I spot the criminal mind daily. Plus, I have Neo-Tech 'Protection' to help me with the loss of loved ones and failed romantic relationships. I am constantly developing my mind for integrated thinking. I still have a long way to go -- but boy have I really, really come a long way. Thank you so very, very much.

George V. C-303

I have recently received Neo-Tech. I am very glad to find that someone has figured out what "life should be all about".

Gerald W. C-86

I hate dealing with "mail order" companies. Not only did your company acknowledge, confirm, and provide me with a shipping schedule, my order was here today, the date it was to be mailed. Thank-you! It is a pleasure dealing with a company who does what they say they will do.

G. H. L C-4998

I now realize the reason I am up to my eyes in debt at the bank, and am having to sell as a means of clearing that debt. Before reading Neo-Tech, I was ready to quit any further attempt at living a life of producing values for myself and others, which has broken me financially and mentally and the next step would probably have been divorce and the end of my family. I spent many years working on oil installations to earn and save enough money to start up in business for the benefit of self and family, only to see it ALL slowly being drained by people I regarded as friends and honest people, leaving me with a massive overdraft and nothing else! Years of truly hard work literally down the proverbial plug-hole. Still I could not understand why it was happening, and tried everything I knew to reverse the situation, all to no avail. I now realize, due to Neo-Tech, where the problem lies. In MYSELF! Reading your manuscripts, to me, has been the equivalent of having a size 12 Red-Wing steel toe boot up the pine end. Just what was needed to wake me up with one big system shock. How anybody in their right mind can deny the beneficial concepts of this discovery beats me. The denial can only come from dedicated life-long NEOCHEATERS. May they soon realize the way of future happiness and prosperity lies with Neo-Tech.

Girard C. R-1730

Thank you. It is something to be re-read at different times in one's continued life. I look forward to many years now of productive life in the guiltless spirit which has been awakened. Success in your endeavors at the Institute.

Gisela M. R-3992

Like so many other Neo-Tech owners, I was completely overwhelmed, realized however, that I had found the answer to life. After 55 years of living, there was always that sense, something is missing. Love, honesty and hard work seemed not enough for a happy life. Getting free of mysticism and guilt is the missing link. To be able to identify Neo-cheaters so easily and clearly is great. Every time I read the Neo-Tech manuscript again, I learn more. Neo-Tech's new technology is the best news, I can give to my family. Thank you gentlemen.

Glenn M. C-316

Congratulations on your excellent work.

Most impressive.!

Gordana M. 2921-20, Croatia

I carefully studied both of the Neo-Tech books, and I am happy and at the same time sad! My life turned upside down. I have lived for 35 years with my eyes closed, especially for the last 5 years. I live (but only for a little bit longer) with a man that I don't love or respect, and he doesn't respect me as a person either. I have two children and they were the reason for this stupid agreement. I don't work, and it is hard now to find work anywhere, since the war destroyed our country and millions of people are without work. I haven't even finished high school yet, but with the Neo-Tech knowledge I decided to change my life. I will finish school, and then I will start my own business, but first I have to get start-up capital. I've always been a rebel, but I often left it to others to make decisions for me. I was a parasite. Neo-Tech opened my eyes and showed me the way I should go. I am slowly leaving my old life behind, and looking forward. I really wanted power, respect, and advancement, and now I know how to achieve these. I am aware that the road isn't going to be easy, but that is the only way and I will try my best to become a happy productive being.

Thank you for allowing me to become a Neo-Tech owner, so that now I can recognize those cheaters and fakes. I am now aware of my existence and the responsibility I have because life is the best thing we have. I am proud to be a human being. I wasn't aware of it because I believed that life was a line of difficulties and tortures, and now it is like I've been born again. I thank you for this beautiful present that you gave me. When my financial situation allows me, I will order the rest of your publications because everything else compared to your books seems to be worthless. Best wishes, and you'll hear from me in the future.

Gordon C. R-21908

After over 70 years on this planet, it's amazing how one changes their thinking after studying Neo-Tech. How could the world be so stupid for so long?

Gordon W. NT-7

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your monumental achievements. I am not a person to write testimonial letters, in fact I cannot recall ever having written one, however the information I have thus far received from you deserves a loud and lengthy applause far beyond any words I could print here.

Again my congratulations and a sincere thank you, your work shows unsurpassed bravery, intelligence and knowledge. Keep it up and count me in.

Greg B., 595210-3

(Editors note: the following letter was written directly to the value destroyers and a copy was sent to us.)

To The Value destroyers Integrated with the Neo-Tech Matrix:

I do not work for I & O Publishing Company, although I am a satisfied customer integrating with the Neo-Tech/Neothink system.

I have finished listening to the Ultimate Battle tapes. I now possess the power to identify value destroyers everywhere. Now, I am withdrawing my support of your unearned livelihoods. If there is any attempt to usurp my individual rights or property, I will be prepared to strip you of your unearned power and undermine your fake self-esteems and source of "happiness".

But I am writing to you because I feel sorrow for you, the soulmates of the November 3rd Empire. I imagined what it would be like to be in your shoes, confronted by Neo-Tech individuals. Fear, even terror emerged. From that perspective, I could not look into the eyes of the Neo-Tech individual. I turned to alcohol and loud music to soothe my mind. My hair turned gray and fell out. I was too lazy or dishonest with myself to think clearly, until I considered the suicide option.

It was a rather sickening and uncomfortable experience. However, please don't let my emotions fool you into thinking that I will help you continue your value destructions. I do not let emotions guide my actions.

Please consider that the only hope you have in the Ultimate Battle is to become a value producer and return all usurped values. The alternative is suicide (or an accelerated "natural" death). Also, consider that millions of value producers anxiously await the collapse of your mystical superstructure, so that mankind can rapidly move towards biological immortality. No longer can you just fear I & O Publishing Company, your fears now originate from the public.

Greg B. P1-005

To: Value Destroyers integrated with the Neo-Tech matrix:

Having finished listening to the Ultimate Battle tapes, I now possess the power to identify value destroyers everywhere. Now, I'm withdrawing my support of their unearned livelihoods. If there is any attempt to usurp my individual rights or property, I will be prepared to strip them of their unearned power, undermine their fake self-esteems and source of "happiness."

But I am writing to you because I feel sorrow for the soul mates of the November 3rd Empire. I imagined what it would be like to be in your shoes, confronted by Neo-Tech individuals; I felt confused because I held contradictory values. Fear, even terror, emerged. I could not look into the eyes of the Neo-Tech individual. I turned to alcohol and loud music to soothe the mind. My hair turned gray and fell out. I was too lazy or dishonest with myself to think clearly, until I considered the suicide option.

It was a rather sickening and uncomfortable experience. However, please don't let my emotions fool you into thinking that I will help you continue your value destruction's. I do not let emotions guide my actions.

Please consider that the only hope you have in the Ultimate Battle is to become a value producer and return all usurped values belonging to all value producers. The alternative is suicide (or an accelerated "natural" death). Also, consider that millions of value producers anxiously await the collapse of the mystical superstructure, so that man can move rapidly towards biological immortality. You can no longer just fear I & O Publishing Company, your fears will now originate from the public.

Gregg D., 595102-11

How do I begin! I can't say my life has changed since discovering Neo-Tech, transformed might be a better word. Life will never, can never be the same again.

Having been raised catholic, I was steeped in mysticism. For-the past 25 years I felt I was a "searcher of truth". Now, I know for fact that I was only lazy and dishonest with myself. I went through many changes studying a variety of religions and philosophies, including my longtime embracement of Eastern religion.

When first ordering Neo-Tech, I was fearful of its "atheistic" approach. But the onion-skins of delusion fall away daily. I quit a 20+ year marijuana habit and quickly stopped drinking after that. All other methods had failed up to that point. I find no problem being around these things and have no second thoughts about my decisions. I have stopped looking back. I look only forward. Cigarettes and coffee are next on the agenda.

Upon receiving Cassandra's Secret, I first thought it would be some magic mantra to bring riches and power to me. Now, I believe I understand. It is a magic mantra to bring riches and power to me. No, not immediately, or magically, but through hard work and effort.

Gregory R. 2921-23

I am writing to express my gratitude for your Neo-Tech manuscripts. These works that although at first I found disturbing, held me spell-bound and thirsty for more. I can understand how your writings could frighten some, but at the same time have a profound impact on others.

Truth is precious and seldom understood. Keep up the good work.

Greg S. R-7315

When I sent for Neo-Tech I was not quite sure what I ordered. I have been a devout student of the Bible for the past eight years. (I am thirty-five now.) I have had no ties with denominational religion but became involved with a small group of believers in America who "rightly divide the word of truth", and believe the King James Bible is, without any questions, the perfect words of God.

When I received the Neo-Tech package I was excited. I had started into the financial services business part time one-and-one-half years ago and was always looking for motivational material and things that might help me make money, even though "the love of money is the root of all evil".

I was shocked when I received and read Neo-Tech. I wanted to send it back, but I just kept reading the concepts and couldn't stop. The rational presentation of the concepts slowly began to penetrate the mystical layers of deception which had piled up in eight years.

The Bible speaks of "freedom from sin", but Neo-Tech is the ultimate freedom.

The road from here on will be one of great responsibility on my part as I begin to become conscious and "the child within" discovers reality. I thank you at I & O for my own sake and that of my two children. Neo-Tech is of great value.


I have recently received and read Neo-Tech I-V. As a long time member and recruiter for the Church of Scientology who resigned from the church over policy five years back. Neo-Tech was a vital slap of reality which I have found most rewarding. Of course it's difficult to dismiss a deep held belief in one's spiritual nature instantly. However, the practical benefits of being a Scientology "Clear" is minimal, when compared with the real benefits I've achieved just from reading through the Neo-Tech discoveries. I know this Neo-Tech viewpoint should stand me in good stead. The few dollars paid are nothing, considering the many thousands I'd spent in the church over many years. Neo-Tech was undoubtedly the best investment I've ever made, and I mean ever!

Does this mean that I'm standing on my head? Well I want every Scientologist to find out about Neocheaters, Neo-Tech, and Biological Immortality, these radical ideas, with the logical approach must be the way ahead.

To me and I don't want to seem funny, it's like meeting Mr. Spock from Star Trek. Asking him how Vulcan's changed from savages to a logical and highly respected race. I'm sure he'd say Dr. Wallace's Neo-Tech!

I wish you every success. And as a freelance writer in the U.K. I'm at your service.

Harley G. R-6835

Dear Dr. Wallace and Associated Staff:

Received your Neo-Tech package I-V (#63PN) this summer and was pleasantly surprised (to say the least) about the content -- so much so that I am ordering three more N/T packages (at my expense) to give to cherished and respected friends.

I consider all money spent on your material as an investment in myself and friend -- not an expense. Your driving truth of honesty in all things is undeniable. Your material is loaded with values for all its readers.

Many pages of praise could be written about Neo-Tech without overstating its worth. Please keep up the good work and keep me informed of all that's available, for future purchases.

Harold P., 493250-1

Since receiving the Cassandra's Secret manuscript, I have spent every spare moment reading. I'm on my 4th reading and all of a sudden I see life totally different. I can see why I have been a loser all of my life and why life has seemed to pass me by. ...No matter what I have done or been involved with, I just couldn't get ahead, (school, scientology, he Christian religion, etc.).

I realize that this whole planet is upside down or backwards or something like that. Everything on planet earth is set up so the average person loses, no matter what! I don't know anyone who is really happy, or if they seem happy, it's just temporary. If they seem rich, they lack in other areas of life. The whole world is upside down! I can now sit back and see how everyone accepts this situation and thinks there is nothing wrong or nothing they can do about it.

Somebody stole my money and happiness and it really angers me. I have seen the source of my lack of life. Everything from MTV to getting a traffic ticket is designed to drain the life of everyone, and the people who are in charge know what they are doing, and I'm angry that they have wasted my life.

Hona B., 699201-3

I am a 17 year old girl and live in England. I was born in another part of Europe but grew up in England and am a British Citizen.

Having learned about the powers of Neo-Tech (through a wonderful book), I am very grateful that I have been given the opportunity to view life in a non-mystical way (the way it really is). My book has (and still is) been a guidance to understanding human/conscious beings. It has also showed me what I can achieve in my life taking the right attitude and understanding.

H. S. C-1905

My husband ordered the Neo-Tech I-V. As soon as he began to read volume II, he could not stop! Now and then he read me a few phrases aloud and suddenly a Ton of guilt fell off my back and I cried of relief!

I have always lived totally selfless in order to be liked, to be accepted. That was my mistake! Result: at 30 years of age I collapsed. From then on I lived like a vegetable, had barely enough strength to go through each day. No doctor could ever find anything. Since I read NT I dare to be alive again, to laugh, to feel happy!

I am 48 years now and thought I would not make it much longer. Now I feel alive again and will improve all the time. My husband says, it's a miracle.

Irl C. J-9

These concepts have the greatest potential for meeting the needs of our society of anything I have ever seen.

Keep up the good work and may you reach your highest goals.

Isaul V.

I bought the NT Discovery book expecting easy techniques to get whatever I wanted. However, the book gave the philosophical tools to get whatever I wanted.

Before NT, I was stagnating and depressed and an obnoxious socialist. After NT, I am definitely improving myself, taking control of my life and think like a competitive capitalist.

With Neo-Tech I can think a lot clearer and now recognize when people are simply following their mystical urges. Neo-Tech will definitely save the world from the out-right neocheating that goes on constantly.

Jack G. R-1762

After reading Neo-Tech my world blew up in my face. Everything that I believed in was not there anymore. I had the power to change anything I wanted to. I no longer fear anything or anybody. Thanks for giving me the freedom in this world to live happy.

James C. R-1783

I think your book is the best there is. You have opened my eyes to the things I never knew existed. I now understand things that were always a mystery to me. I know now I can control my own future and nothing can stop me from achieving my goals. I was shocked when I first read your book. I could not believe such things were true.

Then I read your book a second time. I began looking at things differently. I then realized you are right. It is hard to understand how I could have been so blind. I know now who my enemies are and to defeat them. Neo-Tech has already saved me a lot of pain and money. It has paid for itself many times. Please let me know if there is any way I can help you achieve your goal of biological immortality or help you with your research. I know you don't accept donations.

James D., 499080-4

Neo-Tech leaves all parasitical elites with their propagation of false context and mystical hoaxes completely naked. Furthermore, because of your lucid, integrated honesty, the vermin (parasitical elites) will be exposed, scorned, laughed at and finally garroted for their atrocious, malevolent crimes which have maligned, pillaged, and emasculated the heroic "hell bent for leather", come "hell or high water" value producers. Time and time again the parasitical elites have desecrated and obliterated the "focused like a laser beam" value producer. Now it is time to put their body and souls out of commission. Now is the time for the "be all" and "end all" of existence -- Neo-Tech

James K. 795140-14, Kenya

Dear Dr. Flint, Neo-Tech is such an amazing driving force through which the truth about reality dawns. It is the most enriching and enlightening experience of my life. It has fully opened my eyes to reality and given me a clear-thinking mind. It explores all the spheres of life, from ways to good health to economic success, and eventually to biological immortality. Neo-Tech is the answer to all of life's Big Questions.

James S. R-2630, Singapore

The publication of your Neo-Tech Information Package by Dr. Frank R. Wallace at a time when people all over the world are confused and unable to discern between reality and myth, fact and fiction, truth and falsehood -- is a real gem and a beacon. It offers us the opportunity to view human personalities from angles few people ever attempt to do. It is like traveling to the untrodden corners of the earth to understand how man evolves and looking at human nature with all its imperfections, flaws, and uniqueness.

James S. R-5865

It is so simple that a child can understand and so intellectually advanced that no scholar from any field could successfully argue against it. As for as I am personally concerned it is just fabulous psychology. Yes psychology. To make it short my wife was very ill. Her doctors said her next step was a mental institution. I started her reading Neo-Tech. Today, just a few months later she is greatly improved and now looking forward and making plans to go into her own business.

James W. R-7062

Revelation is an understatement. If I could I would memorize every word.

Jan G. R-3856, NEW ZEALAND

I always dreamt of success, to have the things I wanted out of life. I read many self help, positive thinking type books. And when they didn't work, I thought there must be something wrong with me! I was also a very emotional person, and spent a great deal of time feeling sorry for myself. But I was able to pump up my false ego by reading the tarot cards, it gave me this invisible power that made me feel special.

Then I sent away for my Neo-Tech package. I didn't know what to expect, but I thought it would involve a `selling of the soul' experience, along with other preconceived notions.

When I received my Neo-Tech package, I was confused to say the least. I was expecting to be told what to do -- from getting out of bed on the right side, to manipulating people for my own profit. I searched the pages for the `magic words' or instructions -- but there was nothing. Instead I was shown how to THINK for myself. WOW! As I read, it was like looking in a mirror and I didn't like what I saw. I saw my life for what it was -- I was doing `nothing" and going "nowhere".

But with the knowledge and the understanding of Neo-Tech, I truly have direction, and a certain self-satisfaction in everything I do. I used to think financial security was what I wanted but now I'm looking forward to financial abundance and the time to enjoy it!

I always used to say that the world is my oyster. All I have to do I find out how to open it! And Neo-Tech has proven itself to be my opener!

Janine R., Australia


That was how I felt before Zonpower.

Now I challenge and terminate the parasitical elite every day of my life.

Thus flows the power of Zon!

Jan M. R-6058

I have always been a non-conformist -- a kind of black sheep in my strict Catholic family. As I got older, I got guilty and I tried desperately to conform my behavior to those that were around me. The more I conformed, the less happy I became. I wasted thousands of dollars and even more hours on book and programs trying to improve myself. I kept searching for something to help me feel better about my life. I was really desperate when I sent off the check for the Neo-Tech volumes. In fact, I actually thought I might have been duped by your company -- a kind of mail order scam. You can not imagine my relief when I received your confirmation letter. I sure was not prepared for the powerful information that is packed in those rather unimpressive-looking manuals. I experienced the entire range of emotions -- from sheer terror to near-climactic euphoria. The letters from readers on their reactions to Neo-Tech were most valuable to me. Since it took several readings before Neo-Tech clicked, I would often find myself going over those letters and finding little pieces of myself in them. I would be motivated onward until finally it all made sense to me. I sure would be interested in even more of those letters since that is what is really helpful to me -- seeing how others have applied and used this information in their lives.

After 37 years of living my life to suit others, I was very unhappy and frustrated. Neo-Tech has changed that for me. I now feel like I am capable of assuming effective control of my life. I have lots of work ahead but with this knowledge I know I will do it.

Jason P. P1-003

Dear Mr. Flint:

Neo-Tech knowledge was known to me about one year ago. My eldest brother (Jeremias P) purchased Neo-Tech not knowing what to expect. At my first reading of Neo-Tech in June, I turned to the negative testimonials. Now being brought up Christian for most of my life, it made me nervous to see how mystics were reacting to Neo-Tech. I felt frightened and that it was offending God, I thought it was evil. But totally the opposite was true! Neo-Tech has given me new direction to the way I will handle my future.

Ever since the age of 13, I realized that I didn't want to live a mediocre life. I wanted to excel far beyond average, but I was lacking the proper tools. I looked to external sources such as God, astrology, and other mystics. I always felt guilty and obligated to sacrifice myself to these sources and at the same time began to realize that none of this was working to my expectation. But Neo-Tech was much different. It's like the more I read the more I began to see everything as it should, in accordance to reality. I never knew how much psychological trash and mysticism was inside my mind until fully reading through Neo-Tech. I've read through Neo-Tech II about five times already and use it consistently for reference.

The last 10 months of my life was spent in the country of the Philippines. Without Neo-Tech knowledge, it would of been like walking into a mystic death-trap! The power mysticism has over these people is tremendous. If only they knew that their mystic beliefs allow master Neo-cheaters to usurp literally all good values created. The country is in serious turmoil and only Neo-Tech can put a stop to it. It's very sickening and sad to see how people's lives are being drained allowing themselves to become brain-dead.

Now at the age of 18, it feels good to have control over all my surroundings and future. Neo-Tech puts you in a one way elevator to prosperity and happiness. At the present, I am now taking the actions which will soon allow me to be permanently self-employed. To produce values and create my life is all I look forward to now. And to become Biologically Immortal is one event I look forward to with great excitement. Frank Wallace is a true genius!!!!!!

I also have a brother who is just beginning to grasp the Neo-Tech concepts. As a team, we intend to build a very strong company using Neo-Tech as our foundation. There's no stopping us now! I would like to express my most sincere thanks for paving the way.

JB 2921-16

I began reading the thick black book, my eyes were very skeptical. I wouldn't blindly accept anything you had to say. But a funny thing happened as I continued to read. My arguments grew less and less, as a stunningly simply logic emanated from the book. About halfway through the manuscript, I found myself agreeing with everything being said. I almost completed the book, when the matrix fell into place. I slammed the book shut and danced around my apartment. I had found what I had been searching for. I had found the answers to life. I had found meaning of it all. Immediately, I began removing the mysticism from my life.

Jean Paul G. F-110, FRANCE

Astonishing realistic synthesis of a "Tablet for success" for the present and the future. Neo-Tech is an ensemble of prestigious rigorous, coherent and indisputable methods.

Real stimulating feat that liberates the preconceived ideas, illusions and neurotic ideologies.

The Neo-Tech concepts really have a universal impact that is revitalizing and synergetic.

The best demonstrations at work of the possibilities of the human mind to achieve happiness, integrated advantages and creative independence.

Finally, Neo-Tech is the spectacular success of "pro-life principles" over all obstacles and obscurantism's past and present.

Thank you for the lesson in humanism and the benefits I obtain from it every day.

Jeff B. 2921-13

I have been a Neo-Tech owner for almost a year and a half now. I have found Neo-Tech to be the single most powerful force in my life. So this year I have decided to present Neo-Tech to my family members for the holidays.

Jeff B., 3901-C4

I have noticed that Neo-Tech has instilled a more rational calm to my outlook and attitude to life. Gone are the hot-headed, headless chicken responses to problems. Everything seems to be more calculated and thought out. Subsequently, I am more profitable in my business. Neo-Tech has taught me to view life with a greater perspective. By taking a step or two back from a given situation and thinking rationally about it, remembering "the point", facts become a whole lot clearer. It's this above all else I have to thank Zonpower/Neo-Tech for. Whilst I've yet to spot every neocheater that comes my way, I've certainly had pleasure (and I mean PLEASURE, hold that feeling) in disposing of the ones that I have encountered.

Jeff C. C-1011

I am writing to thank you for writing the "Advanced Concepts" and making the "Concepts" available to me.

Before reading the "Concepts" I was the adolescent mystic man like most men living now and for the past 2000 years. After incorporating Neo-Tech into my life my power is growing everyday, my income is constantly increasing, I am invincible in all my undertakings.

Neo-Tech has made my life great, colorful and exciting.

I agree with you -- great days are coming -- Renaissance, Achievement, giant Leaps in Progress for MAN!

Jeffery A., 590260-6

I am forever grateful for my discovery of Neo-Tech. It has given me the power to leave my alcohol dependency in the dust. I have been picked up for driving under the influence six times, and have also had two ambulance rides to the hospital due to my drunkenness (not driving related).

Of course I am not drinking, and of course I am not going to a rehab facility like my driving safety plan is calling for. I am, in my counselors opinion, just another person wandering around lost out there because I will not abide to his recommendations. We know this is not true. Do you have any suggestions that I could use to write to him for being in non-compliance?

Also, I am very serious about exorcising my personal mysticism.

Jeffery M. R-5008

This is my first letter to the Neo-Tech folks and it is a pleasure to write. I received my Neo-Tech Discovery package late last year. It was quite refreshing and freeing to have many of my life's views so well described. I have always held very strong views on individuality and of capitalism.

Though I had been a mystic, for a number of years, Neo-Tech helped me to reorganize my life's priorities. My view of the universe had been that of a part-time astrologer. Neo-Tech has shed a lot of light on questions unanswered by other mystics. Astrology is no longer a part of my life nor any other mystical nonsense. Nonsense is the best description for that sort of stuff. It was amazing how much mind-trash I had going on! I was especially interested in the romantic love concepts contained in Neo-Tech. That, too, was as a breath of fresh, clean air. I am living a much more satisfied and fulfilling life, thanks largely to Neo-Tech's philosophies.

Jeff F., 499080-6

To the Office/Creators of Neo-Tech:

I recently received your Zonpower Discovery book. I must say that I have never read a more clear and profound expression of the truth of our existence in any literary work published. The effects of this writing on my life and consciousness in the two days since it has arrived have been so exceedingly profound that I am truly at a loss for words in describing my gratitude to you and to Dr. Wallace for making it available.

Jeff H., 595210-8

At the time when I had first encountered Neo-Tech, I was a young derelict, lost amongst the dense foliage of my own debauchery; I was a drug addict, a heavy drinker, a chain smoker; an inept and impotent chauvinist; I lived off the efforts of my family; I had dropped out of school; had been fired for drinking on the job; I indulged in replete mystical fantasia; I was violent, sadistic and destructive; I would lie, cheat and steal without remorse; I hated others out of envy, jealousy, and laziness; eventually I joined a local Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step "program" to ward off my longing for self inflicted death.

Then a miracle occurred while talking with my brother; upon explaining my "powerless" submission to their "higher" power, he introduced me to the Neo-Tech Cosmic Power manuscript. Until that moment I feared life. I feared responsibility. But as my trembling hands turned each page I became aware of the growing desire buried deep within me to capture life's bountiful rewards. For six months I forced myself to sit down every day with a dictionary and try to comprehend the massive text before me. And with each passing day I witnessed my own psyche resurrection. I felt genuine power flowing throughout my entire being as the burdensome weight of guilt was lifted, layer by layer, from my weary shoulders. Soon after, I left that guilt laden 12-Step program and its neocheating "sponsors" in the dust!. No longer was I seeking rescue from the sea of mystical surrealism in which I had drifted aimlessly like a storm swept castaway, rolling and dipping with the tidal currents of the world around me, for I had become the captain of my own destiny!. Slowly my life began to change forever.

Now, every major value in my life can be directly attributed to the publications an accoutrements of Neo-Tech Publishing Company. After two years of collapsing my personal mysticism's and integrating other Neo-Tech literature, I can honestly say that Neo-Tech saved my life from a stunted, self destruct downward spiral into oblivion. With Neo-Tech, I was able to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks in a short amount of time: (i.e. ....I have guit smoking... permanently!, I've shaken off the throes of substance abuse ...forever!, stopped drinking alcohol... completely!, implemented the S.A.C. / carbohydrate free, happiness diet with a simple exercise regime to capture a physically fit and virqorous body!, I've conquered my mentally crippling bicameral tendencies and now enjoy an enlightened, healthy, mystic-free rational mind!, at my place of work I've seized invaluable job power!, I've celebrated the one year anniversary of an intensely satisfying romantic love relationship with a beautiful and sensual woman! ( we will be married within the next year! ), I've transformed my once violent behavior into its natural state of aggressive assertiveness bringing me the real macho-business driven power of an unstoppable Neo-Tech man!, I've abluted all forms of dishonesty in and around myself to wield the iron grip control of fully integrated honesty!, I now respect others for their intrinsic merits as well as feel genuine compassion and empathy for others without experiencing altruistic self-sacrificing guilt!, I've enrolled in a local community college in pursuit of a business degree!. ... With Neo-Tech, I can now stand alone, harboring sincere pride in my accomplishments and in myself without bragging, strutting or leaning upon a martyrs scapegoat-crutch of any sort!.).

Without Neo-Tech, I would only have dim glimpses of the happiness in my life. The future would be bleak, the past a heavy chain of regret, and the present would only serve as a constant reminder of failure and discontent. My life and my youth has truly been rejuvenated with the empowering concepts developed and disseminated by the heroic men and women at the Neo-Tech Research Center and the Zon Association.

Jeff H. R-5433

Neo-Tech is helping me get acquainted with someone I've ignored for a long, long, time -- myself! When I received N-T, I was 21, overweight, smoked, and had a lazy, stagnant mind. As I read N-T, I became aware that it possesses a sense of "rightness". For me, this "rightness" is taking shape in the form of a logical integration of myself with reality. My mind has come alive again, and has begun to show me the power I have in myself. After reading N-T, I stopped smoking cold turkey. My only surprise was the ease with which this was accomplished. I have also instigated an exercise program and dietary changes, and the weight is coming off. I am now much more mentally alert than I have been in years, and I am gaining in physical energy almost daily.

My mental alertness has opened my eyes to the Neo-cheating going on around me. I am now able to turn aside Neo-cheaters, and am learning to use them for my own benefit. One Neo-cheater that has been a thorn in my side for years -- holding back and getting me to do things for him has begun to turn his attention to easier game now that I've made it difficult for him to get what he wants from me -- unless I want it!

Neo-Tech has saved me from a premature death -- both mental and physical. I see a bright future ahead in the Neo-Tech world. Thank you Dr. Wallace!

Jerry H. R-2209

Neo-Tech is without a doubt the most honest and profound concept to which I've ever been exposed. I've just started going over the entire package for a 2nd time and feel as if I'm in a process of "de-brain washing" myself from all the rubbish I've had crammed down my throat for 40 years. What a relief! I was so confused before about life in general that I wasn't able to muster an intelligent argument and win against Neo-cheaters. While going through the material the first time, it dawned on me that all my life I had been taught to doubt my own intelligence and look for external guidance. All the while there was a massive conflict, a rebellion going on subconsciously and I always assumed "something was wrong with me"! So here I am, 42 years old, and for the first time in my life I feel that all my dreams are attainable IF I WORK TOWARD THEM. (No small task).

Someone has spent an incredible amount of time reading and thinking to uncover the foundations of Neo-Tech. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your great efforts. I think Neo-Tech is about as important as the invention of the wheel.

In closing, my life is in a process of change, I feel as if I'm waking up from a long sleep. I feel a little scared and a little nervous, but I know that to be happy I have to cut the ties that bind me to the neo-cheaters, go out into the world and stand on my own two feet.

Jerry L. R-6414

It crystallizes workable ideas with razor like precision. Expands the mind beyond infinity. Will grow in a compounding fashion -- true freedom resides in it. Neo-Tech is TREMENDOUS!!!

I am a Neo-Tech man with much to learn.

J. H. C-1905

Thanks for all you've done and are doing for the entire world! I feel as if we are truly entering the greatest Renaissance yet! May it continue for infinity. You guys and gals are worth your weight in gold! Keep up the earth-shattering work!

Jim R. C-118

Thank you for Neo-Tech! I cannot understand how anyone who has the ability to reason and understand could possibly hold onto mysticism.

Jim T., 9351-2

Received Neo-Tech. Found much of value, but "choked" on demolition of the "God Concept."

Received NEO-THINK and "Iron Grip Control..." Vacillated between my religious beliefs and Neo-Tech.

Finally returned most materials for a refund after reaching a "final decision" -- was rejecting Neo-Tech in favor of Christianity. The basic Neo-Tech II package was returned to me, because it was too late to get a refund.

For years I had been critical of various churches -- I have now finally been able to admit that my problem was not with a particular church, but with the tenants of Christianity itself. It is difficult to see one's emotional attachments to God and "Jesus" demolished (I think the feeling would be akin to shooting one's own mother), but I can only admit that these beliefs have been the main source, for years, of depression and disorganization in my life.

In the last 18 months, I have intensely studied various systems of mysticism - Wicca, Qabala, Ceremonial Magic, surprisingly enough, one value I obtained was the centrality of the individual. Otherwise, my time would have been better spent studying Neo-Tech.

At any rate, I am tonight doing something I NEVER dreamed possible -- I am resigning my pianist job at my church (they pay me for this -- but I have been turning my check back over to them to support their "building program"). I never intend to go back there again. It seems unbelievable, but I am finally forsaking Christianity, before it literally kills me.

However, I face an uphill battle -- all my family and friends are devout Christians. Nevertheless, I just cannot understand how a set of beliefs which stifles initiative, mandates sacrifice, and locks one into unresolvable contradictions can be considered beneficial.

All I want now is to learn more about Neo-Tech and to apply it to my life. I have never been financially successful -- now my burning ambition is to make tons of money so I can pay off my debts, take care of my lovely family, and enjoy financial independence. I realize now how close I was to succumbing forever, irretrievably, into the jaws of a mysticism-induced death. I am more interested than ever in my health and well-being:

J.L.G. R-8294

Neo-Tech has certainly had a profound effect of my life. I am young -- 17 years of age -- and I feel that this knowledge has become increasingly valuable, having owned it 1-1/2 years. There is no doubt my personal development has been radically altered.

For so long now, I have been compromising Neo-Tech principles in order to accommodate "friends" I was afraid of losing. But now I understand why I need not, and will not, compromise any longer. I can see how ultimately pathetic my alcohol dependent, nicotine-sucking "friends" are, despite their undying arrogance, and my confidence grows with time. I won't see many of them again at the end of August 1990, since I will be leaving when my A-level courses finished. Anti-values spread like disease in academic life.

Joan F. NT-2

In the past, I have pondered many times why myself, my husband and daughter just couldn't make the progress we desired. Always there was a stumbling block to hamper our progress. Between all three of us, we have many attributes, and all of us knew that we were honest and true. Yet, we, myself in particular, have always allowed `friends' to make us feel inferior to them. After having read your concept on `envy', I can now quite clearly comprehend their motives.

I could kick myself for being such a naive, ignorant fool for so many years.

Joann A. R-1474

With a background as a newspaper reporter, I found that the first 20 minutes of Neo-Tech II answered the five W's in this specific order: How, Who, What, When and finally Why. My breakthrough was total and awesome! I had already read some of the books you summarized, had the counsel of three wise friends, but found that wisdom is of no value if buried deeply under a layer of religious brainwashing. Neo-Tech (the only right way to say "born again") has made it impossible for me ever to forget reality and truth again. I no longer spend precious time and scarce capital on garbage people. I'm going into a new field and will be starting my own business. Viva la Frank Wallace,

Joan P., C-104

Your Neo-Tech has brought me such life that I feel as if I am immortal. Is it possible? I have experienced such a healing as cannot be described in words. And I have experienced a creative flow, a living stream of truth in my inner life and outer life. What more could a human being ask for?

I had a sense of humor that was dying. I could feel it slipping away. Neo-Tech has brought it back to life in full force. My confidence is spreading to other areas too. For instance, to job confidence and to romantic areas. There is nothing in this world so powerful as the healing force of Neo-Tech. The "mouth responsibility" that I now have is almost void of errors...What an incredible feeling it is to be a winner. I haven't felt this since I was a child.

What a fantastic experience it is to be able to love again. Miraculous is not an exaggeration. No drug in the world could beat Neo-Tech concepts.

Joao B, 795140-1, Brazil

In the past I was strictly educated and dominated by my parents within the Catholic religion. I was never given the right to question any of its teachings. I have followed those dogmas throughout the 52 years of my life.

I was a member of every congregation and convention in the religious arena. I helped with mass, I lived my life totally engaged in the Catholic religion, so I renounced every type of pleasure and wealth as that represented evil and sin. I lived a mediocre life and I always tried to go to confession at even the slightest thought of sin, as I knew I needed to repent.

That was the world I lived in. The Bible was the only book I ever read. I was never happy and I was always poor.

Then I read the Neo-Tech books and I felt the foundation of my life was distinctly shaken. I felt afraid of committing a sin so I took the book to a priest, he told me the book should be destroyed because it was an evil book, he said it would destroy my life. I tried many times to destroy the book, but my curiosity got stronger each time a read some of its chapters. I finally decided to read it all, and the ties were broken. I now feel free of that past 'limited' life.

The knowledge I acquired reconstructed my life and prepared me to live my life as I always wanted to live. I read and read again the 114 concepts of Neo-Tech, and I benefited from it. Especially concept 58. I used to weigh 116 kilos, now I weigh 84 kilos and I continue to improve my appearance. I was totally dysfunctional as a husband and father, but now I have control of my family and my house. I feel free, happy with life, and have more disposition to live life. I am now living the most exciting adventure of my life.

The Neo-Tech knowledge is exactly the passport that I needed for that trip of no-return. The trip to the world of Power, Wealth, and Happiness. The world I never dared to have nor even dream of before. Now I will conquer all things, without that terrible guilt feeling.

Dr. Frank Wallace, to reach what I am right now was not easy. I wish I had known and understood Neo-Tech sooner. I thank you for everything you did to me. My life has changed 100% and I am very happy being a Neo-Tech Man. I am very thankful to you for all the information you gave me through Neo-Tech. I am glad my life was transformed because now I have control of everything and I can plan my tomorrow.

I am now thirsty for success, power, love, riches, and happiness. And I feel excited with this immense power that I discover within me. I am a new man.

Job M. J-811, Nigeria

Good day, my purpose of writing you this few lines of words is to express my sincere feeling about Neo-Tech, which to my own understanding is the greatest human work in print since the world's beginning history. Neo-Tech honestly x-rays the world and what I see is a deteriorating world full of altruistic religionist, mysticism and idle Neo-cheaters trying to devour every human being mostly in this our continent -- Africa.

Joe C. C-73

I believe Neo-Tech has all of the information one needs to springboard his or her career by ending all mysticism! I'm 100% interested in achieving biological immortality.

Joe L., 4903-C5

Through the perusal of Neo-Tech material, I can further understand how my own incursions into "mysticism" in the past have hurt me. I can much more easily perceive how other people's indulgences in mysticism is hurting and stopping them and keeping them from the excellence in life that they could enjoy! I have noticed that in dealing with some people and some agencies in our present society that they are so steeped in mysticism, so far removed from reason, that you cannot even begin to reason with them. A good example is when one is asked whether politicians should be funded for their campaigns by private or "public" money, when the answer is neither...the entire structure could and should be eliminated!

John A. R-289

Gives meaning to the word `life'. Neo-Tech got me to start thinking again, not for just a short time, but as something that is as natural as breathing.

John B. C-115, AUSTRALIA

The applications of Neo-Tech are everywhere!!! You are right. The direction of my career has certainly changed and developed leaps and bounds since acquiring Neo-Tech knowledge. Everything now has high potential.

To all at Neo-Tech, I am grateful for sharing this knowledge.

John B. J148, England

I am glad to express the change its teachings have brought to my life. In fact, words are inadequate to describe how every line has affected my life. I am very grateful to both the writer, Mr. Wallace and the I & O publishing Company.

John E. C-1905 NIGERIA

I have just concluded reading your Neo-Tech I-V and I am exuberantly thrilled and lucky to be one of those that belong to the electronic age of Neo-Tech. After reading the information packages, I have come to the conclusion that what will save mankind from the consequences of third world war and jet age incurable diseases is already around the corner -- Neo-Tech. Very many thanks to Dr. Wallace and his team.

Congratulations and please keep up the good work for posterity's sake. You can count on my support in every way possible.

John F. R-4981

I began to apply the knowledge I obtained from Doctor Wallace. I began to conduct my business in a manner which corresponded with the Neo-Tech philosophy.

And the exciting truth is my sales doubled! My profits doubled! And I worked fewer hours than before to make twice as much money! The Neo-Tech books are magnificent!

John K. RP-106

Firstly, I would like to start off by saying how much I have enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy Neo-Tech I-V. When I read my first copy at the "tender" age of twenty, I instantly appreciated, but completely misunderstood the basic message of Neo-Tech and attempted to convince others of the rightness of my new-found philosophy by "preaching" to them about it instead of demonstrating by becoming successful. Now a scant two years later (two years of pervading poverty and unhappiness) I have reread the material and it is as if I had read it upside-down the first time! Now I understand the message and have begun to rearrange my life. I will be attending a recording school in the fall and this is the basis of my second point.

John L. H. CB-106

Thank you very much for my copy of the Neo-Tech Discovery. It has helped my greatly in starting my business importing oil paintings from Europe and the Far East. Not many people start their own business at eighteen.

John L. RP-204

I will never thirst again now that I have obtained the fountain of knowledge: the Neo-Tech Discovery by Dr. F. Wallace. He has integrated all the modern-day concepts, needed for survival in our society, in one precise manual. No one needs to drown in the sea of Neo-cheaters, with this kit!

Once the concepts have crystallized, one can only take control and move on with life in the best possible direction. A resulting high self-esteem will forever stand firmly on the "Neo-Tech" foundation. My gratitude goes out to Dr. Wallace in helping the literate world in sorting out its goals with much harmony!

John M. C-301

My second reading is with deeper thought and open-mindedness. The first reading triggered many shocking thoughts some which had the initial impact of provoking anger at seeing many of my beliefs being attacked and logically destroyed before my eyes. Throughout life I have been a producer but deeply religious (mystical). The Neo-Tech works are moving me toward a 180 degree change. A very difficult change to implement into my life at age 45. But paradoxically I feel a sense of relief and ease taking place psychologically. I know it will take some time to totally assimilate Neo-Tech logic into my day to day and long range thinking.

John N CB-102, Nigeria

Since I got my Neo-Tech Information Package. I can't stop thanking you for this brilliant work.

A day cannot go by without my grasping * integration of the entire concept of Neo-Tech Discovery.

Despite other better changes I have experienced, I now realize that the cause of my absolute poverty is due to my support for mysticism , this motivated me to resign my job with them for positive changes.

Furthermore I have recognized my consciousness as the only valid authority to guide my life and actions. I must obtain all books and works put out by I & O Publishing Company.

Johnny C. R-258

Pure, distilled logic, powerful reading.

If enough people read and put even small parts of this book to work in their lives -- it will save mankind.

John P. CTE-5002

I just have to write you. Thanks for Neo-Tech which is helping me become a more sane person, a happier person, a more energetic person, a more dynamic person. Your discovery is putting the drive in me and I love it.

John P. J-161

Thank you for showing me how to become a real person at last. Neo-Tech has eliminated whatever doubts or confusion that existed with my own philosophical outlook. I cannot imagine that I shall ever read a more important document and hope soon to introduce my brother to this remarkable discovery.

John S., 3901-C3

When the Zon manuscript arrived it changed my life drastically. Weighing 215 pounds for football, I suddenly weighed 185, losing 30 pounds without even trying. I chewed tobacco starting in 7th grade, after reading Zon, I quit chewing cold turkey. Zonpower gave me hope in achieving my goals and dreams.

I just received the Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control and am very excited to read it.

John S. CB-104

I am interested in achieving biological immortality for myself and my loved ones. After reading Neo-Tech I felt an enormous burden lifted from my life. Never had I thought that misconceptions deriving from our present education system, government etc. would have such a detrimental effect on myself and countless others. Thanks to Dr. Frank Wallace and his constituents my very existence and destiny are crystal clear to me now. Neo-Tech is by every sense of the word a masterpiece and is desperately needed by everyone. Many of us are merely scratching on the surface of our capabilities but Neo-Tech will enable us to unleash every restriction that has been holding many of us back from acquiring all that is necessary for us to be happy. In closing I would like to say that I am glad that I expounded on my inner sense of curiosity and ordered Neo-Tech.

John S. R-7475

Let me say that the way we are bombarded with myths from childhood does not make this task easy, but with the honest concepts of Neo-Tech the task is possible and worth every bit of the effort.

Jon S. R-4776, CANADA

Until I learned of Neo-Tech, I always described life as "the time between the times," i. e. the time one has between the time of one's birth and the time of one's death. Biologically, of course, life does begin at birth but the concepts of Neo-Tech and biological immortality have changed my past definition. Life that is really life, life as it is meant to be -- happy and prosperous -- does not truly begin at birth nor, as the saying goes, does life begin at 40. Real life, I've now discovered, begins when one starts to explore Neo-Tech. It is my hope that your institute will be successful in seeing that there is no end to this journey of discovery and exploration.

Joseph I. R-901


Thank you for educating the innocent productive middle class who have been defrauded throughout history.

Jose V. C-191820

Thank you for your discovery, after reading Neo-Tech I feel that my eyes are wide open. Reading Neo-Tech feels like I am feeding my mind and soul.

J. P. NT-6


Like a startling awakening from a deep slumber Neo-Tech saturates our senses with light. Pillars of light focus upon our consciousness and we are dazed. Slowly at first, and then in rapid currents we become aware and accustomed to reality.

The clearer state fades and the images blur and become vague, as a sharp, clear, objective world impinges upon our consciousness, and we are left wondering what the dream was all about.

A new dream develops, based on reality. Wishful thinking changes into hopeful thinking, irrational thinking changes into rational thinking, irrational determination changes into rational determination.

The true solid light of reality burns bright in our thoughts and emotions, coloring our desires with a new, greater vision. An exciting, thrilling, wonderful vision of a world so different, so astonishing, yet so entrenched with purpose it leaves the mystical world in darkness.

The petty insignificant world of mysticism fades into yesterday's unconscious dreams, whilst the Neo-Tech world becomes the conscious dreams of today and tomorrow. We awake from dead dreams, to living dreams, from thinking in reverse, to thinking in forward gear.

Julian P. 2921-21

I obtained Neo-Tech about 3 1/2 years ago and it changed my life forever. The first page of Neo-Tech II reads "Ignorance once dispelled never returns." How true it is! Some of it was painful and took some time to accept but the truth was at last accepted and ignorance will never reign again.

I owe you my freedom.

Justin D., 595102-10, New Zealand

Dear Dr. Frank Wallace,

I have received the Neo-Tech Manuscript after a long and expectant wait and I have to write to tell you how much you have affected my thinking with your clear and logical ideas. I thank you greatly, for it has released me from a lot of limiting beliefs that most likely would have held me for my lifetime had I not come In contact with Neo-Tech.

Currently I am working my way through the entire volume slowly but surely as I want to make sure I understand the concept fully before moving on. That is the nature of Neo-Tech concepts -- they are so simple yet mind-shattering that It is not easily read. Many of your concepts seem to have a striking common sense effect upon reading. I look forward to reading Neo-Tech III-V to the end.

J.V. and B.H. R-3359

Dear Doctor Flint,

We have been studying the Neo-Tech Discovery and most of your other products for 2 1/2 years and feel that we are overdue in expressing our gratitude and giving you our comments.

We are a couple in our mid-thirties with three young children. We have found the Neo-Tech concepts to be invaluable in our child rearing, romantic relationship and careers. We can now confidently deal with any person or situation knowing that our guidelines are integrity, the pursuit of happiness, and the avoidance of Neocheaters. Tremendous amounts of money and time have been saved by the avoidance of guilt-induced `charitable' donations and so-called `duty' to one's community.

The Neo-Tech writings were particularly gratifying in that neither one of us had previously found religion to be of any value. It is incredibly encouraging to find an oasis of sanity in this mystical world. We are finding evidence of bicameralism at every turn but we are optimistic that I & O Publishing will succeed in its goal of making this world a more rational one.

JVL RP-010 Mexico

I want you and your organization receive my sincere congratulations for the integration's of the valuable knowledge of Neo-Tech Information Package. I consider that knowledge of vital importance for a happy and successful business in the entire universe.

I meet Neo-Tech knowledge throughout a friend who has the books already. I became very interested in those books, but I did not expecting the enormous changes in my personality after I took some of the advantages. I am medical Dr. by profession but I am not graduated yet. I am working out of my profession in some interesting projects.

Kathleen H. R-2236

A couple of months ago, we purchased a copy of Neo-Tech. We could not let such an inspiring, comprehensive achievement go unacknowledged.

In the Age of Confusion, it is the work of people like yourself and many other great minds that lend hope for the future of mankind. Through your efforts, you have now reached a few more minds in the philosophical and intellectual vacuum that has been pervasive in this country (and the world) for far too long.

We look forward to receiving any information concerning your future endeavors, as well as Neo-Think and any other of your writings.

Please regard us as strong supporters in your battle.

Keith P. R-3572

I'm glad that I've got Neo-Tech, and look forward to going on to greater things with what I have learned so far from it, and with what I shall learn in the future. I'm excited at the prospect of getting my hands on Neothink when it becomes available. The journey, and the adventure, continues!

On my first reading, one of the negative testimonials struck me as interesting, but not for the reason which the writer intended it!: `You must walk alone forever without rest'. In a way, that seems to me what biological immortality is about. Any honest producer would want to walk, to work, to produce, forever without resting or retirement. the only thing which doesn't gel is the `alone' part. Honest producers will never be alone and Neo-Tech will bind them together into an unstoppable force; it is doing it now in fact.

Neo-Tech is helping me greatly in my daily life. It is almost as if I have found a switch in my mind which, when turned on, shines a brilliant white spotlight onto Neo-cheaters and their methods, leaving them nowhere to hide. Whereas before I would have let people like that confuse me with their tactics, I can now confound them with pure unanswerable rationality. It gives me a great thrill to experience the feeling of finally starting to learn how to use my gray matter properly. Before Neo-Tech I often felt alone and afraid, more trusting of others than myself; now I feel able to handle my own life and my own problems, using logic and rationality.

Keith T. R 344

The information provided in Neo-Tech II-V has clarified for me the seeming contradiction of steadily increasing numbers of people professing love and concern for society coinciding with the accelerating decrease in our productivity and quality of life. I, like many others, have had a vague sense of wrongness about the way our country is headed, without a clear understanding of the "cause and effect" involved.

Thank you for the values I have received from your work. I salute your efforts to make this information available to those who can still reason for themselves despite the best efforts of the Neo-cheaters.

Ken and Dee C. C-1

A labor of knowledge, love, and values. All encompassing in its' perspective. A true work of art. Aristotle, Rand, Peikoff and Wallace. Their ideals will live forever. Finally, room for the individual, devoid of external influence.

Kenneth S. C-107

On the first reading, I found that I could agree with many of the Neo-Tech concepts, but was not immediately aware of the interrelationships. On the second reading I was more aware of connecting links, then finally was convinced that there was a definite matrix to the Neo-Tech ideas.

Within a month, I have lost ten pounds, have almost completely stopped watching television (electronic news is a thing of the past to me) and have become intensely aware of Neo-cheaters and Neo-cheating in all aspects of life.

By using the Neo-Tech principles, I am studying the machinations of the stock market with new interest and insight.

Kenton C. R-262

The initial reading of the information in Neo-Tech has served as an effective catalyst for peeling away successive layers of previously unquestioned belief systems. It has begun to produce a sensation of deep vitality and energies that were embedded within me, but were diluted through subtle feelings of guilt and inadequacy. A powerful tool for any serious person seeking to fulfill goals of true happiness and worth.

Kent P. 499080-3

Neo-Tech is incredible. But it is much more than that. Of all the amazing things discovered, only Neo-Tech:

*provides the reader with a glowing, benevolent sense-of-life.

*identifies that life and happiness are man's purpose, not simply freak accidents or by-products of a random chain of events.

*enables the value-producers to be invulnerable to the whims of value-destroyers, mystics, neocheaters.

*explains that right now, error-free biological immortality is man's greatest goal, not just some science fiction fantasy.

Neo-Tech has changed my thinking about so many things. I eat much less sugar and no longer feel drugged all of the time. And I refuse to participate in dead-end relationships with mystical, guilt-inducing family members or "friends".

All in all, I now lead a guilt-free, productive life thanks to Neo-Tech. Thank you Dr. Wallace and Mark Hamilton.

Kevin K., 699201-1

To me, without Neo-Tech I cannot see this world surviving. How long can those who produce nothing continue to live off those who do? The time is coming when the producers cannot produce enough. What will happen then?

I have always been searching for answers but until Neo-Tech none were forthcoming. I can now make sense out of life and what man can expect from it. Working to produce values for others is a great standard to live by. This is the reason that I want to be a part of bringing down this corrupt society and all the parasites with it. Only then can we look forward to a bright future.

Kevin T. C-56

Have received the copy of "Neo-Tech Discover" which you recently forwarded to me. And I am most pleased with it.

It has actually clarified many points for me and has completely overcome any confusion which I felt was present after I had read and re-read the original Reference Encyclopedia. I now feel totally confident about the whole work, and can only say that it is brilliant. In retrospect, it would have been preferable for me to have read the "Discovery" BEFORE the Encyclopedia, but of course this was not available at that time. I now find that I have an unquenchable thirst for more and more of the same.

Kimberly W. R-6930

Dear Dr. Wallace and I & O Publishing:

I have just finished my 1st, of many, reading of Neo-Tech I-V, and I must say I am very excited about the present and future.

I am 23 years old and feel that through Neo-Tech I have acquired the knowledge of the ages. For the first time in my life I feel powerful.

Lana P. 795140-10

Neo-Tech was (for lack of a better word) my salvation; the end of my lifelong search for the logical, understandable truth. I am electrified at the prospect of being a part of the Civilization of the Universe. I have experienced tears of happiness from reading certain portions of the manuscript. I am spotting deep-rooted mysticism in myself and others and work on collapsing it daily. For example, a few weeks ago, I removed a set of Xmas lights that were already on the house my family and I moved into. At first, I was carefully loosening the set from the house as I planned on selling them in my next garage sale. I then realized that I would only promote and condone Xmas by doing so -- I started smiling broadly as I tore them down, breaking them apart in several places. That felt so good that I held them over my head and shouted triumphantly 'MYSTICISM COLLAPSE'!!!! I could write on and on about my personal changes and realizations; suffice it to say, I now have a renewed love for myself, my life, and life in general.

I feel as though my state of atrophy as a conscious being is reversing, never to occur again! Finally, my eyes are really open and I have a renewed purpose for living. Thank you is not enough, but please accept it as the only words I have.

Larry L C-5

Since I was nine years old I knew that my lights were on but I was not home. I came home, however, during my first reading of Neo-Tech II some thirty-six years later. I would like to relate to you what happened to me while I was engrossed with Neo-Tech. It was as though I was beaten to a pulp. I was slapped around and finally kicked to the floor all out of breath when I finally acknowledged that it was me that they were talking about. I was the lazy and envious person described throughout the pages of Neo-Tech that cut through me like a sword. I was the one that was not standing on my own two feet. I was the mystic. I was the Neo-cheat. It was me that recognized "outside authorities" instead of the honest "producer of tradable values" type person. I was a prisoner of Tarot, Astrology, Kabbalah, the occult and other forms of debauchery and time wasting. It was me putting greater emphasis on death than on life and the realization of biological immortality. I even scored high on the Psyche Death check list -- Leveraged Advantage #98 -- I got eight out of ten characteristics of a dying or dead psyche checked. Plato would have been happy for me. He never would have been proud. I would have never been proud of me either, but that was before Neo-Tech. Frank Wallace and associates and Neo-Tech revived me.

When I received Neo-Tech I was ready. Whatever I was doing simply was not working. And now I know that it was not productive, rational or reasonable. Neo-Tech is a part of me now and it is as though I have been transplanted from an unrealistic hostile environment to a healthy one where I can grow and blossom indefinitely. I am now of value to me, to my romantic-partner, and to others.

Larry R. R-1608

I loved the work/love stuff. I am using this new knowledge to overcome many old obstacles, while I forge ahead building a genuine solid base of self-esteem. (I am in graduate school now, and I particularly appreciated the Neo-Tech examples of the "hard working producer who shuts himself in a laboratory for two years for the good of mankind and personal economy reasons".)

I admire the integrity of the writer. Everything is crystal clear. And when hazy, stated so. (Concept 114 runs into some touchy ground, and the author readily admits it. Admirable.)

A wonderful book that did indeed change my life. It gave no plan for financial success, instead, it gave a plan for life success. Long term. I like that.

After reading it, I was able to immediately prune unnecessary people, actions, etc., from my life.

Larry V. C-113

Neo-Tech has: 1) given me the courage to start my own business and double my income and 2) made me more relaxed in social settings, which, for some reason, has made me more attractive to the opposite sex. I could write paragraphs on what you've done for me inside and out, but let me sum it up with "THANKS".

Laura S. CB-1001

The information in the Neo-Tech manuscripts is indeed valuable. Every concept holds a raw-factual way of dealing with reality. (What better way? None).

No doubt you people hold high credit to the betterment of mankind. It's a powerful feeling to know you people are out there, not to mention countless other value-producers. Good will always reign over bad -- productivity over laziness, as long as we stay alive, our world will be the most excellent, and desirable in the universe. Count me in as one more value producer who holds the knowledge of the benefits of biological immortality. We, the righteous people deserve it, and its outcome.

Laurent B. F-112, France

Really satisfied with Neo-Tech. I want to let you know of the joy I experience at each reading. Because of Neo-Tech I see life and people with optimism. When a problem arises I refer to Neo-Tech and each time I find the non-mystical, logical solution which I could never have thought of or even hoped to. Neo-Tech is a key that guides man and society. The key to living in symbiosis with his environment and to decipher what one had never dared to face. Simply the key to happiness, with a long range view.

Lawrence K., 499080-9

Dear Dr. Wallace and Associates,

I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful enlightenment you have given me these past few weeks. My eyes and ears are dumbfounded by all the mysticism that is involved in our world today. I have been searching for the treasure of life for a long time. I've attended many seminars, all of it reminded me of pop rallies, read many positive motivational books on riches, happiness, and life fulfillment. None interested me more than your "power book". With all the mysticism going around it is no wonder why only so few humans ever get out of that stagnant way of life. Reading this book is like knowing the truth about how a magic trick works. Once you find out, all the magic is gone and you've realized what a fool you have been to have fallen for such adolescent tricks.

Many immortal happiness for you and your associates,

Lazaro J. C-121

After reading Neo-Tech I-V twice, I knew I had to write to you and tell you that Dr. Wallace and you are geniuses, and that your work will go down in history as the dawn of a new chapter in the emancipation of the individual and the true progress of the human race.

The idea of achieving biological immortality within our lifetimes, captured all my hopes and expectations of a life-long dream of mine.

I do believe that through the efforts of your organization, this will be possible, and I have no words to express my appreciation for all you and Dr. Frank R. Wallace, are doing for all individuals.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Lelia G. R-1350

I have already reversed the aging process at age 72.

Leo B., 590260

Holly, Lyele, Julia!!! What a day! Finished reading Zonpower, the most sensible, uplifting and down to earth ideas to cleanse my brains and found my ground! Neo-Tech lets reality be real; consciously is the way it is. Shuck off that murky jive. I came ALIVE in `95'!! So rejuvenating to be me, for me @ last! The old seductive sleepy sock pile of slippery rubbish lies beckoning me but who wants to go back now that I now what, when, where, and how life is and what death is not!

Biological immortality in my lifetime? I see we step closer everyday. RAS gene researchers are onto tremendous values! My head is pounding with more kicker ideas for my business integrations. My spirit surges with psychuous longings for afternoons on the veranda and feeling complete joy flush with my earnings, self-esteem, and competency. I like adding values to the party, especially before the next phase and all the dishonest, mystical, neocheater's shit hits the fan! What desperados will slump!? I just bought a legal gun for the morality violators of my rights and my family's and I like the property too! It has felt like a very prosperous day for a change, Neo-Techies! Lets cure the always terminal disease of mysticism! Oh, by the way, send me a list of other publications, esp. Frank Wallace's insightful works and I'll need a child protection kit right away please. We really have a welcome place for it now. Thanks a lot Frank and Friends!

Les E., R-1251

The work is fantastic!! New, exciting, invigorating -- am using it every day to make $!!

Leslie C. C-96

Dear Dr. Wallace

The Neo-Tech Discovery really does seem to work, and coming from me that is saying something, me who has read so many books on positive thinking, psychology, philosophy and related subjects.

I have been meaning to write a letter to you for some time but I decided to wait until receiving "RAPID POWER and WEALTH" because some of the things I have to say I am not exactly proud of and I cannot be sure of your response.

The bad news is that I have discovered that I have been cheating myself. My family, my friends, people who I work with, I have been cheating them and not even realizing it. I have been living the life of a mystic and hating almost every moment of it. I used to search for perfection without thinking of or considering other people as separate individuals, as though individual life did not exist, only life in general; and yet I was more concerned for the general people than even for myself so my own identity was like swallowed up and lost all meaning.

The good news is that I have got very positive results, better even than I had dreamt of. It is eight months now since I received the "Neo-Tech I-V Information Package" and at the time I was looking for something magical, some instant solution to my problems, what I did not realize though is that things do actually take time to happen and to develop, and that it is sometimes necessary to be patient while waiting for the better opportunities to present themselves before making a move.

The best thing that has ever happened to me has happened in these past 8 months. I have found a girl-friend someone who seems to have most of the things that I lack, the very person I have been searching for. Our relationship is still young but it seems really promising and I have never met a person quite like this girl who has such extraordinary insight into my personality yet she is more than 6 years younger than me. We are like almost total opposites in so many things, (we do both share a love for water though), I'm sure I have never loved anyone so much!

There are more good things I could speak of but at the moment they seem to pale against what I have just said so I would like to reserve further comments for future letters.

By the way, my wages have increased by an average 35 sterling a week since receiving the Information Package, so that's good too!

Nathen W. R-7058

I'm a financial planner -- 57 years old. A dramatic change has taken place during this past year. Growth in areas of: Economics (income), spiritual, physically and mentally have helped me to grow romantically!!

My income has gone from $50,000-yr to over $200,000-yr and growing. My life is "prospering" gracefully in all areas mentioned above.

I see no conceivable limits and I intend to put together relationships and businesses (plural) that will continue to grow excellently. The next 20 years will be the most productive years of my life. Romantically, I share love as never before. Can't wait to continue my studying.

Lim K. R-2018, SINGAPORE

It is a fantastic piece of work that has been thoroughly researched, analyzed, and presented.

Linda B. NT-5

It' s been 4 days since reading Neo-Tech in two sittings and I would like to share my exciting and revolutionary breakthroughs with you. The answers I found in Neo-Tech I have been searching for all my life and had many similar insights throughout my life. I believe a healthy individual or child will think like that, but the many distortions in the world soon reach out to drown the recipient in a sea of illusion.

The next day after reading Neo-Tech, I disposed of my mystical crutches. At first I felt a little unsure and then I realized I had to give myself a chance. Low and behold I was not any less after this ritual, but more. I, in delving further and further into mysticism, felt I had many problems to overcome. That if I did the right thing, everything would be fine. Without mysticism, I don't feel out-of-control but able to do what I need to build the life I desire.

I recognized the entire system -- one I had seen before. My self-esteem rose dramatically in those few days. Break-throughs began happening as a result of me using my brain, not of altering reality. I began to see I had been altering my reality so much I was losing my ability to function in the world I was trying so hard to change. I was fast beginning to suspect that mysticism wasn't the answer and all the signs were there.

I felt a very fine integration take place. Mysticism seeks to divide to make the victim vulnerable and confused and unable to function as a unit. I feel whole now. When I do try to slip into mysticism, I realize it right away and do something about it. It's my old lazy way of escaping reality and my emotions. so I take a look -- a good look -- at why the pain and what I can do. when I did this today, such a surge of power was released from my mind I felt totally different. I didn't feel like a woman searching for life and mystic thrills and yet having to hide my inadequacies from people, but I felt like a powerful being -- an intelligent one who could live an incredibly exciting and powerful life.

I've been trying to "wake up" from this deep sea and at last I am. Words can't describe how excited I am. The truths I found in Neo-Tech have been my fondest dreams and desires and beliefs all my life. My mind is healing very quickly.

Also, when one uses their own mind, I believe the mind naturally evolves to higher capacities. Much like a skill increases in value with practice and persistence. I'm done being the way I was. I almost want to laugh when I think of the things I believed even though my body was in such pain and my emotions were so pained I had to repress them and create a new reality in my brain.

Anyway, I even look different. I look younger and more beautiful in just a few days. What more can I say. I'm on my way.

Lloyd M., 590260-11

In April I purchased manuscript #346UO from your company through the mail. I read and studied it all. It stays in my office in a secure location for my regular study. I believe strongly in what you have opened my eyes to, and I have adopted many of the principles into my day to day life. I have been employed here for nearly three years as a research assistant. Knowing what I do now, I am able to help students focus their careers on producing values for themselves and others instead of usurping values from others as I often see many faculty try to do. I could go on and on. My point is, I am at the grass-roots level of the problems you speak of in the manuscript. I have also researched one of your footnote references The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Dr. Julian Jaynes. I have visited with Dr. Jaynes over the phone and encouraged him to write the follow-up document he spoke of in his writings. I found this text to be extremely helpful in understanding the Neo-Tech principles as well as reinforcing the entire Neo-Tech manuscript.

I have adopted a new way of living since I began the journey of understanding and applying what you teach. I know you would not have sold me the volume had I been a member of the clergy or academe. I am involved with both and see the obvious fallacy in their ways. I attend a Southern Baptist church and work at a major university. I see how so many are manipulated into giving up their time and money and taken away from true value production, joy and happiness. I see those who boast of being altruistic as someone who produces little value and perpetuates a nearly useless way of life.

I want to know more. Will you help? I hope you have email. Their are forums that support many of your principles. I include my email address at the bottom.

L.M., 595102-7


On October 7th, 1994 I entered the completely rational and loving Civilization of the Universe as first discovered by Frank R. Wallace, an ex-DuPont research scientist and wonderful humanitarian.

Lois M. RP-103

It has been several months now since I first received my NT info. Oh, I remember my anticipation in awaiting the arrival of "some seemingly far-fetched business info" -- being a conservative yet open-minded business person with a propensity for NEW knowledge. Little did I expect what I call "THE ETERNAL AWAKENING" that I was about to experience.

NT allows one to see through the cheaters like lasers through butter with impeccable accuracy. I have found very far reaching implications for ALL humans.

Louis B. R-1899

The Concepts contained in Neo-Tech contain the most liberating knowledge for the human mind I have read anywhere in my 78 years.

Louise G. M. NT-3

I am enjoying Neo-Tech so much it's indescribable! When I encounter neo-cheaters my mind focuses on Neo-Tech. I am so alert now I can actually see what these individuals are doing right before my eyes. I often think of how I've wasted years (I'm 56) being involved with Neo-cheaters and mysticism, and the unhappiness and non-prosperity that came with it.

Although I'm just a beginner in the Neo-Tech Discovery, and I'm not out of the woods yet, I feel as if I'm on the road to prosperity, happiness and power that I never knew existed for me. My self-esteem was low and I felt like something was wrong with me. But this was due to the guilt trip theologians, astrologers and other mystics would project on to me. What a hoax. What a hoax.

Neo-Tech has taught me that I've been doing nothing but slowly throwing my life down the road to death. This is a new awakening for me. I'm breaking out of the cob webbed, doldrums of bureaucracy and starting on the road to life and growth. Right now I'm putting together a business of my own. It's on a small scale, but I know it will grown, and being the value producer that I am, before I know it, I'll be an entrepreneur.

I've never read anything as honest and powerful as Neo-Tech II. It says it all. Nothing is left out.

I've never learned so much about myself and what's going on around me in all these 56 years I've lived. But on the other hand, I wasn't living, I was suffering from "growth death", because I was so caught up into mysticism. Since I stopped praying and "Thanking god for this and that, asking god for this and that," I have never felt better.

Although I'm still in the early stage of Neo-Tech, I now realize who I am. I've always been creative, but somehow, my creativity has always been taken from me. Now I know who was doing such. The value destroyers, Neo-cheaters.

I still work for Neo-cheaters and Mystics (Federal Government) and have done so for years, and for years they have tried to destroy me. Prior to that I taught in public schools and had the same nasty problems. Right now, I am in the process of getting my own business started so that I can get away from these Neo-cheaters and Mystics so as to become the value producer that I really am. In that way, I will be helping myself and others.

Hopefully, in the near future, Neo-Tech will take over this entire world then everyone will be loyal to honesty, and everyone will be prosperous and happy.

Keep up the good work, Dr. Wallace, and I appreciate you for showing me how to live and grow.

L. P. R-1527

Dr. Wallace, I certainly have enjoyed your Neo-Tech teachings and concepts. It is fantastic! Unbelievable! I am still a neophyte, but my confidence and personality have changed dramatically. I can see there are greater things possible in the future.

Luciano A. R-2244 AUSTRALIA

After reading Neo-Tech something amazing happened to me. I suddenly woke up from a 25 year sleep! All is crystal clear and refreshing. Life now becomes LIFE with capital letters. Neo-Tech should be made available to all good productive people. The information within the pages delivers amazing power. I want to get my hands on all of Dr. Wallace's works and all the Neo-Tech library. I want to tell everyone that Neo-Tech is infinitely the most valuable information ever published. It answers all questions with OBJECTIVE TRUTH not mystical blurb. It is clear and concise. Can't find any faults with Neo-Tech.

Neo-Tech is more than priceless -- it is IMMORTAL!

Luis M. 2921-4

Even though I lost the books, the concepts were strongly engraved in me and my successes were and are determined by the effort put forth by me, based on honest rationalization of objective reality and the ridding of mysticism within myself.

While many years of searching for answers, I and my friends have been reading some mystically based books, I would always mention Neo-Tech, telling them how incredible and real the concepts are. But, I was always left with the excitement having once owned such a valuable book. Disappointed, because I didn't have the book with me to give a clear interpretation and explanation in Spanish (I was in Puerto Rico at the time.)

One day I walked into a used book store and on the book shelf was a book titled Neo-Tech COSMIC POWER NOW! (manuscript #60TU 981090). My tears ran down my face because of the great joy I experienced at being able to buy the most valuable work of hard honest integration with reality, again in my hands. As I read through pincer #1, life rushed into me as I integrated my experiences with Neo-Tech advantages, causing the dead like mysticism to lose its illusive power over me

Manuel M., 595102-6, Puerto Rico

Dear Dr. Wallace:

I would like to express my gratitude to you personally and shake your hands with which you wrote such tremendous waves of light that clear the minds of all their impurities and open the doors to the greatest Civilization that anyone of us in this planet up to the present can ever dreamt or imagined. Thanks, many thanks.

Mario M. CB-1006, United Kingdom

I have always been very open minded but I always felt that something was stopping my mind from developing to its full potential. Now I know why, only truth can make one think objectively and rationally, for without a logical foundation on which to base one's thinking the mind cannot utilize its full capacity.

What gets me is that the Bible (the so called `truth') has been trying to convince people for nearly 2000 years but has failed in its attempt to convince everyone, except those mystics who are so obsessed with the `God' concept.

Neo-Tech, on the other hand, has succeeded in convincing people (rational) in just a few days -- rational people know the truth when they see it.

In so few days I feel like a new person, like a child with a fresh mind, full of optimism ; but I know that this is just the beginning, and the more I read Neo-Tech the more I will benefit.

Mark A. C-1015

Neo-Tech in my experience is like the knockout punch a fighter receives, the acceleration of a rocket or shuttle launch, the force of a 1000 car freight train, or the mutual state of ecstasy 1/2 second before orgasm!

Mark B. C-4

I acquired the Neo-Tech information package several years ago when I was a college student, but never sat down to read the information until this past month. Frankly, I am overwhelmed. Everyday I feel as if new and exciting horizons are opening up before me. As someone with a background in chemistry and a keen interest in the medical sciences, the whole concept of biological immortality has taken my imagination by storm and I have become so excited that I am often unable to sleep at night.

Mark B. R-507

These books are the most important I've read in my life. I have been used by Neo-cheaters all my life. The new sense of freedom is beyond anything I could have imagined.

Mark G., New Zealand, 590260-12

Please find below my personal definition and uses of Cassandra's Secret.

Zon is the personal and unique spirit within each of us. Our Zon is our natural self, free from the irrationalities that have been foisted knowingly or unknowingly onto our conscious minds by our parents, government programs, and religion.

Rediscovering Zon for oneself allows the happiness and rationality of childhood to return and offers the prospect of continuing life according to ones true nature.

The revelation of Cassandra's Secret is useful to today's civilization in providing the catalyst of change in individuals and ultimately society. Cassandra's Secret is the tool for a sustainable future on this planet free of violence, irrationality and mysticism.

Instead of stagnation and decline of our current civilization based on mysticism, Cassandra's Secret opens the way for every man and woman to "take stock" and get back in contact with the natural child inside.

The action of "taking stock" is an inescapable look at the natural person inside oneself. This may cause distress to many innocent people as they realize their lives have been spent following a path of ultimate unhappiness and destruction caused by mysticism.

Once an individual comes face to face with his or her wide eyed natural self (their Zon) they can begin to change their attitudes, actions and circumstances -- or parish. Those with bogus jobs will realize they have been wasting precious time that can never be bought back and will leave those jobs. Others who work productively will refocus and will become aware of the endless opportunities available. Those who live by acting dishonestly through force or fraud at any level will feel the walls closing in and will begin to panic. These people pose the greatest danger to our planet but with the majority of society educated they will be laughed at and dismissed without further thought. Change is possible for these people but if they ignore their Zon then ultimately they will be ostracized by the Neo-Tech matrix.

The solution to our current mystical world is quiet revolution through education.

The new generations living in accord with their Zon (true nature) will be equipped to build new tradeable values confident that their world is secure from neocheaters. Children will retain their Zon upon physical maturity and will not feel the need to "search" eternally for the reason for their existence and to control others in the quest for an ego. Life will be free from perfunctory attitudes. Societies will naturally return to individual responsibility -- ultimately through integrated value production

Once the new world emerges values will build upon values exponentially through the dynamics of business. Immortality would be obtainable for those that want it. People will be free to live in happiness in accord to their Zon.

Mark R. 2921-1

I am re-injected with a lust for living again at age 33. Haven't felt this way in 20 yrs., at least. Free now, to live a productive, guiltless, prosperous and limitless life.

Marshall P. R-280

Neo-Tech supports my most fundamental ideas. It will be passed on to my children as required reading.

I feel most, if not all, of the concepts expressed in Wallace's book -- will have to be dealt with by everyone someday. These ideas cannot be avoided much longer.

The book provided interesting, informative, worthwhile, reading. Perhaps this book will encourage some of the "sheeple" to think.

Martin L., 795140-7, Malaysia

Neo-Tech/Zonpower is the most inspirational and fantastic book I have ever read in my entire life. This is a breakthrough for all mankind -- a way to break free from all the useless and cruel bondage we have endured. I am very grateful that someone has broken the barrier for us. Since I live in another part of the world, I consider myself lucky for being selected to have Neo-Tech.

Martin L R-4069, AUSTRALIA

I have been looking for something like Neo-Tech since I was about 14. I found out religion has nothing to offer but guilt, and government is a parasite. Without Neo-Tech life didn't seem much until I read it. It showed me life can be a lot more fulfilling and rewarding without parasites, religion time wasters, etc. hindering me. Before Neo-Tech religion use to scare the shit out of me but now I laugh. Thanks Dr. Wallace, you are a neat mate.

Mary A. D. R-6799

Dear Dr. Wallace and Mr. Flint:

Neo-Tech has really opened my eyes as to the kind of mystic I have been for over 50 years. My life has been controlled by Neo-cheaters and mystics -- but now, thanks to you and NT... my eyes are open and I am forging ahead with my life. I am now standing on my own feet and controlling my future! I feel free of encumbrances that have chained me for years.

I am re-reading may concepts that directly effect my life and am constantly learning. My life has always been "giving" to others, but now I can say NO! And start to gain self esteem and financial prosperity.

Thank you for helping me to grow and develop into the person I know I can be.

Mary M., 690706-2

When I first read Dr. Frank Wallace's treatise, The Neo-Tech Discovery: Zonpower, in June 1995, I was extraordinarily impressed after having run a long course of mystical pursuits for the previous four and a half decades. At age 48, I was facing the painful fact that I was not at all pleased with my life, with my physical, monetary, emotional, educational, resource and social investments. I say the seemingly unattainable gap between what I had once imagined I would do and the little I had achieved.

Even after my first "inoculation" with Neo-Tech, I continued to operate mystically. I say Neo-Tech as a new hope to "get involved" (since there was nothing left to live for in my own life), to do something "meaningful", to solve all the world's problems and suffering before "it was too late," to meet and be inspired by Dr. Wallace and other "heroes" in a Nevada-based "Mecca", to evangelize about Neo-Tech, to have the entire world experience the benefits of the Neo-Tech critical mass breakthroughs, to enjoy worldwide "fellowship" and business relations with other Neo-Tech people. Looking back, these notions were grounded in wishful, lazy thinking, a fantasy that "following" Neo-Tech would be easier than directing myself for the rest of my life through down-to-earth efforts to produce genuinely useful products and services, to market them despite a world full of people diversely affected by numerous strains of mysticism, to survive without getting eaten alive, and to go further than mere survival toward thriving in this world, a competitive business jungle.

Nevertheless, I continued to read more Neo-Tech literature -- The Protection Kit and Iron Grip Control. I learned that I and O stands for "Individualism and Objectivism". ...Individual efforts, self-responsibility, rational, integrated thinking. I gradually realized that I was not signing up to "crew" on the "Neo-Tech Ship" with Dr. Wallace at the helm to guide me through the fog-filled atmosphere and mucky waters ahead. Disappointed, I realized that I would not be joining a marvelous community of Neo-Tech people already in place to create instantaneous wealth, happiness and love in my life and the rest of the world.

Up to the time of reading my first Neo-Tech book, I simply knew that all that I had believed and pursued so far was not producing the results I anticipated and I didn't know why. Accepting my "karma" and delving into "past lives" and "reincarnation" didn't dispel the poor returns on all my "investments" from two masters degrees, three marriages (all ending in divorces), separation from my son, several careers, thousands of hours "meditating", failed financial ventures, money loaned to others in good faith and never paid back, appointments with medical doctors, psychologists, astrologers, palm-readers, channels, "New-Age" healers and therapists.

I cringe to remember that I once wrote to President Clinton and other Washington D.C. politicians asking them to investigate so-called cover-ups about ETs supposedly infiltrating our government and wreaking havoc with the economics and politics of planet Earth! Perhaps those "ETs" are simply neocheaters.

Not practiced in scientific methodology, it never occurred to me, before reading Neo-Tech, that I would have to make constant, consistent, deliberate, integrated ACTIONS based on constant, consistent, deliberate, integrated THINKING to acquire the knowledge and skills to create values, to market them in the world, as it is now, to earn money, to manage and defend resources. In my mystical state, I did not see these as the logical antecedents of the self-esteem and happiness for which I long and sorely yearned. No wonder I could not achieve "greatness". I was not doing the things that yield genuine self-esteem, happiness, and wealth. Reading the Neo-Tech publications, Cosmic Business Control, A Global Business Empire and The Self-Leader further confirmed by flawed thinking and actions while providing practical remedies!

It is difficult to become aware of the hazy habits, dizzy delusions, idiotic illusions and irretrievably wasted time characterizing most of my life. The definitions of "success" which others pinned on me and I adopted did not give me value and joy. Soon to turn 50, I am still wrestling to transform my own thinking, behaviors and laziness (masquerading as "a hard working person" and reinforced by approval from mystical-minded people around me). As I learn to rout out my own mysticism and protect myself from the neocheating and mysticism of others, my outlook, health, earning power, romance and general efficacy are improving. Now I realize that recurrent feelings of hope and happiness are attainable (as natural by-products) for those who operate according to Neo-Tech/Think principles.

Today, I no longer dream about meeting Dr. Wallace, even though his and his associates' contributions are infinitely valuable to the positive evolution of consciousness in humans on planet Earth. I no longer plan to devote time or money to a trip to Nevada which is better spent on learning more about computers, new technologies, science, business and marketing. I can't afford to dream about the joy and comfort of doing business only with wonderful Neo-Tech people as clients and customers; rather I must make the far greater efforts to fight my own mysticism and overcome my laziness-engendered resentments at having to make these constant, uncomfortable survival efforts! I can't spend hours playing and sequencing music if and until I figure out how to sell it and support myself from it. 1 am better off upgrading my administrative, accounting, technology and business oriented writing, computer applications and domestic management skills to EARN the fruits of a solid, workings relationship with my common-law husband by contributing to the efficient running of a home-office computer business.

It is no mystery that biological immortality could and probably will become a scientific reality on this planet one day (assuming that the net effects of value-producers continue to out-compete the behaviors of value-destroyers). Until I become a better net value-producer, there is little reason for me to be preoccupied with immortality right now. However, the more I become competent to create and protect marketable, technological advances, improved life experiences, positive explorations, value reflections of beauty and love, the more I feel eager to live, explore, push forward my individual consciousness and voluntarily exchange products and services with other value producers.

In constantly improving myself and being motivated by healthy self-interest, I will contribute to making this tiny planet Earth, swirling in an infinitely evolving universe, a better place than it was when I arrived.

Matt T. R-352

Neo-Tech II is unusual because it is a product of a ruthless application of reason, and this has a beauty all its own. It is a great work of art.

M.D.F. NT-1

Neo-Tech is a greater discovery than the wheel (I did not read most of the letters, excuse me if I plagiarize). Neo-Tech gives me goose bumps!

Meredith A. R-3002

I am now reading Neo-Tech and can see more clearly each day how I have been influenced by mysticism; also that there have been times when I was a Neo-cheater. For as long as I can remember, I have felt guilty (almost for being born) also there were feelings of low self esteem and resentment.

I have looked and looked for the meaning of life.

Now I am experiencing a release from mysticism and looking at long range goals.

Michael B. CTE-5004

Your Neo-Tech II made for absolutely fascinating reading. You confirmed many of my beliefs and changed others. I do know that now I feel better about myself and see others for what they really are, for this, thank you.

Neo-Tech is the first book on my suggested reading list. Neo-Tech exposes the mind to reality thereby giving the tools to every individual to be happy and productive. I'm looking forward to studying more of your work and growing in happiness and productivity.

Michael B. R-3598, ENGLAND

To me it was an explicit explanation of everything that had hitherto been vague and ambiguous: That self-responsibility for one's own destiny can be the only basis for morality.

Any other ethical theorizing is hocus-pocus and a poisonous confidence-trick played by those who have a vested interest in devitalizing and emasculating others; thus revenging themselves upon life itself.

Altruism is a pitiless instrument, with its aid mystics can play the tyrant.

Thank you Neo-Tech for freeing me from slavery from condoning and subsidizing the despotic irresponsibility of mystics.

Michael B. R-6471

For the first time in my adult life I am beginning to feel purpose and pleasure from everything I do. I've always felt a desire to be fully honest in everything I do, but now with Neo-Tech I realize the worth and need to be so. In the past I always felt alone when I was honest. Now I am better able to realize that there are others of us out there in Neo-Tech.

I can now "read" the mystics and neocheaters and am beginning to keep them from controlling my life and property. I look forward to each day as I become more integrated with Neo-Tech.

Michael C., 499080-16

Messrs. Wallace, Hamilton and Flinn,

When I first ordered Neo-Tech I-V 11 years ago, I began integrating the concepts into my life and behavior, but I never quite took advantage of all of the possibilities that they offered. Two and a half months ago, I received Cassandra's Secret, which I read twice, and The Neo-Tech Zonpower Discovery, which I finished reading two days ago. Unlike my first exposure to Neo-Tech, I became very excited in these two new texts and began to see what an exciting future Neo-Tech has to offer me and others who have read and begun to integrate all the basic concepts. I no longer believe or want anything to do with mysticism or false concepts spread rampantly by neocheaters (politicians and clergymen) and their progeny. I have a feeling of real freedom everywhere I go and my mind is very much at ease knowing that these neocheaters will be vanquished from meddling in our lives in the future. It took two readings, but I loved the Black Hole Analogy. It really opened up my understanding of Zonpower.

Thanks to your efforts and influence, I ordered a home study business course so that I will no longer be ignorant of how business is conducted in the world that is unfolding. I have also been saving money to finance my return to technical school to finally acquire a degree in Electronics Technology, which is what I've wanted to do for years, but always felt was futile until now.

Michael L. C-54

The Neo-Tech Discovery is a whole new discovery of an intellectual journey into the future of mankind. It supports individual rights and individual choice, it also allows individual success and individual failure. Foremost Neo-Tech arms you with the tools to seek out and defeat Neocheaters. Three cheers for biological immortality and capitalism.

Michael M. C-100

I am writing to express my gratitude for the many useful concepts and ideas imparted in Neo-Tech.

I have lost 30 pounds, kicked the sugar and nicotine addictions and am still attempting to integrate most of the concepts into my life.

In darkness my eyes have been opened to a world of manipulating "Neo-cheaters" and a world of willing victims who seek but never find the way to all truth. Great minds and many lives are wasted in the intellectual suicide of mysticism....

Michael S., 595102-1

I am experiencing incredible relief as I near the end of my first reading of Neo-Tech II. It has answered so many of the questions that I have sought answers for for my entire life. I finally realize why I have not succeeded up til now in any of my endeavors. Many parts were shocking to me, especially relating to God concepts. For me, appendix H THE LONG WAVE: SURPASSING EINSTEIN'S ULTIMATE GOAL began to coalesce all the ideas up to that point. My thinking has changed forever not to mention how my life will begin to change as I begin to incorporate these ideas into my daily life. I am thankful for the day that 1 saw one of your marketing ads in a magazine that I read.

Michael S. 795140-4

I have found the answer. The honest truth is intoxicating and sobering. I have looked for a long time for the reason behind the nonsense. Thank you Dr. Wallace.

Michel A. C-5002, France

After searching through books on positive thinking, success, personal fulfillment, reading biographies of people who succeeded, I never found a work as powerful, and disclosure of truth as Neo-Tech.

The reading of this manuscript brings me a preemptory vision as no man in my surrounding has ever felt.

Thank you to the whole team of Dr. Wallace's.

Michel C. F-24, FRANCE

Extremely interesting information that must be read by the maximum of people and will bring to those who are looking for truth and real values an acknowledged guide.

A personal experience that one wants to yell it from the rooftop so that everyone will exploit their potential to the maximum and become aware of the neocheaters all around them. I am anxious to participate and make contact in France of people who have become conscious of the Neo-Tech concepts.

Michel T. F-102, FRANCE

I am happy to be the owner of Neo-Tech. I have found joy in living again. These books are extraordinary. Neo-Tech has opened my eyes.

Mike A. C-1905

I first received my Neo-Tech package in the middle of December. I became immediately engrossed in the reading and finished in about 2 weeks.

Since then, my life has changed considerably. I have doubled my income, my grades have gone from about a 2.5 to a 4.0, my marriage has been rekindled and I have quit drugs completely. All of these changes took place in less than a month!

Before Neo-Tech, I was lazy and irresponsible. I was a classic neocheat, trying every type of mystical means to gain an edge because I lacked the energy and integrity needed to do things the right way.

Now, things are different. I get up early every morning, exercise, eat a full breakfast and attack my day with energy and vitality. I accomplish more in one day then I used to in a week, and I still have more free time to enjoy with my wife.

Mike K. C-106

I am 16 yrs old, and live in a religious-infested region of the Southeast. Ever since I can remember, I was given a free (?) choice about what to believe. (e.g. Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism etc., but not Atheism). Given my "free" choice, I chose a little-know, religious organization in California, by the name of Astara.

Then, one day, something big happened. A large, brown package arrived in my mailbox. It was Neo-Tech.

I must say, Neo-Tech really shook me up. But only recently, after having Neo-Tech for nine months have I discovered my mistake. I was using clever rationalizations to remove the authorities of mysticism (as defined in Neo-Tech), and replacing them with the authority of Neo-Tech. The problem was and still is, to a certain extent, that I'm afraid to go it alone. I need to follow something instead of being independent.

Since I have discovered my mistake, I have run into some Kantian philosophy. The conflict between Kant and Neo-Tech prompted me to re-evaluate my life and surroundings. I now have four absolutes that I live by. (Not authoritatively)

1) I want of Live -- Life enhancing or diminishing?

2) I want to Excel -- Excellence, can I excel?

3) I want only Truth -- True or camouflaged Untruths?

4) I want Happiness -- Happiness, can I achieve it?

Thus, I have the LETH method with which I evaluate everything now.

Mike M. C-1026

This letter is to inform you of my continued satisfaction and amazement with the literature purchased during the Summit meeting. Satisfaction in the precision tool at my disposal and amazement at the powerful integrations revealed. I would also like to comment on the Summit itself.

So much of my personal life had been in turmoil as a result of mystical knots wrapping around me. `Reasoning' my way through the `complexity' of achieving guiltless happiness only entangled me further. Neo-Tech/Neo-Think allows me to cut through the crap with clearly formed facts, as well as, integrated actions. It has become fully evident that I had not the means to pull my life together. Life is truly the ultimate value and happiness is it's truest complement. The world as a whole desperately needs this information. It becomes more painful to watch the mental and physical oppression of millions now that I see how simple happiness can be accomplished. Mystics and their crafty lies are now very easy to identify and bypass. I am also relieved to know my children will not be shackled with flawed thinking processes as they grow and shape their world.

It makes me shudder when the beautifully simple truth is laid out in such a manner that it screams in ones mind. ...How many centuries have intelligent creatures stumbled around? Once the door of ignorance opens however, the rest comes bursting through. As long as one remains strong in mind, Neo-Tech/Neo-Think pulls all the old lies out of the thinking process.

Mike M. R5250

Neo-Tech has changed my life so much that it's hard for me to believe that I've only had it 2 1/2 months.

Before Neo-Tech, I was lazy and irresponsible. I smoked pot, drank alcohol, snorted crack, and lived on coffee and soft drinks. I worked at a minimum wage job and was ready to flunk out of college. Obviously my life was a mess! I was committing slow suicide.

Neo-Tech turned my life around. I quickly quit all drugs, doubled my income, and for the first time in my life, I will finish an entire quarter of college without skipping a single day of class. Also, my grades are now all A's and my boss tells me that I may soon be running his business!

It's hard to believe that anything can have this kind of affect on a person but it's amazing what a difference it makes to see life through eyes that only see what's real. No longer clouded by mystical ideas, I can consistently make decisions in my logical best interest. I've come a long way in a short time and I have a lot further to go. One thing is for sure, the rest of the journey will be exciting and fulfilling!

Arvo J. R-1833

Definitely the most valuable and interesting reading that I have ever experienced. Biological Immortality should be of interest to any and all life loving people on this planet. Dismissal of `mysticism' would provide enhancement of progress for all of humanity.

Mitch W. J-83

Now, I'm on my way to be free and to become the producer that I know that I am. The road ahead is very bright, even though the responsibilities are awesome. We must break the shackles and chains of tradition that for millenniums have crippled the creativity and productivity of man. I only say to you and all those associated with Neo-Tech, and I & O Publishing, "hold on to the torch and never let it go"!

M.M., 595210-15

Dr. Frank R. Wallace is a true doctor both in word and deed. ...He is ridding the malevolent cancer seeds from this cancer infested world by educating the people as to what is happening.

Dr. Frank R. Wallace is heard by only a few but will be felt by the many in years to come. He is the inventor/manufacturer of a series of breakthrough discoveries named Neo-Tech. These discoveries show the reader what is and what is not beneficial to mans nature. These discoveries are so totally integrated that they cannot be ignored or pushed aside. Any opposition to Neo-Tech will be crushed and shown for the value destruction it really is. The reason Neo-Tech will succeed, when all else fails, is because it is totally integrated honesty. Neo-Tech = Happiness, love, and prosperity.

M.M., Australia, 595210-14

Dr. Frank R. Wallace is a true doctor both in word and deed. He is ridding the malevolent cancer seeds from this cancer infested world by educating the people as to what is happening.

Dr. Frank R. Wallace is heard by only a few but will be felt by the many in years to come. He is the inventor/manufacturer of a series of breakthrough discoveries named Neo-Tech. These discoveries show the reader what is and what is not beneficial to mans nature. These discoveries are so totally integrated that they cannot be ignored or pushed aside. Any opposition to Neo-Tech will be crushed and shown for the value destruction it really is. The reason Neo-Tech will succeed, when all else fails, is because it is totally integrated honesty. Neo-Tech = Happiness, love, and prosperity.

M. Q., Australia, 3901-C6

I have always thought of the world, since being quite young as a stagnant place -- full of potential, yet stagnant. We never seemed to be advancing as fast as we should, in all aspects of life, and I never knew why. Thanks to Neo-Tech, I know why!

The Neo-Tech products are remarkable pieces of work and extremely thought-provoking. The only trouble with them is they take me forever to read because after reading a page or two, I spend hours thinking about the various implications and applications of the knowledge I have just gained. At the same time, it is also extremely frustrating to have the `curtain of mysticism', lifted -- to see clearly for the first time -- and see what the neo-cheaters have gotten away with and are getting away with now!

The only consolation I have, is in knowing that the Neo-Tech Research Centre has the power and commitment to spreading its knowledge around the world, and to all corners of the globe!

Nancy B., 493250-2

Dear Dr. Wallace,

I am a 46 year old business woman who has been reading your manuscripts since 1988. Since that beginning manuscript I have had a steady growth in my business and in my happiness. There were times during those growth years that I became stuck, so to speak, but it was because of my own laziness and mysticism. During those periods I have always been able to get comfort and direction from your writings, and then was able to push myself forward again.

Since my first reading of Cassandra's Secret in January of 1994, I have grown by leaps and bounds. I have literally grown by the hour. I have tripled my income honestly and guiltlessly.

I hold Neo-Tech very near and dear to me. I never pass up an opportunity to tell people about our revolution and point out the parasitic political class.

Nathen W. R-7058

I'm a financial planner - 57 years old. A dramatic change has taken place during this past year. Growth in areas of: Economics (income), spiritual, physically and mentally have helped me to grow romantically!!

My income has gone from $50,000-yr to over $200,000-yr and growing. My life is "prospering" gracefully in all areas mentioned above.

I see no conceivable limits and I intend to put together relationships and businesses (plural) that will continue to grow excellently. The next 20 years will be the most productive years of my life. Romantically, I share love as never before. Can't wait to continue my studying.

Neil M. R-6337

Since I bought Neo-Tech I was unemployed now I own two businesses, have just bought a new house and new car. On those personal achievements I owe much of my success to Neo-Tech. However, the things that I now want to achieve would be impossible in a normal life span. For this reason biological immortality is so very important to me.

Nicholas T. R-5660

I have not been as excited with life after reading Neo-Tech II as I have been since falling in love with my wife 14 years ago. After reading the concepts for only a few days, my mind became so active that I could not get to sleep for more than 4 hours a night and I also couldn't eat due to constantly thinking of Neo-Tech II!!!

The power and confidence I feel in myself is unbelievable. I can logically think out problems now without being intimidated by them. I feel that I have matured more in the past month than all the 52 years of my previous life!

I always had a fear of meeting new people but now I actually look forward to it. Regardless of their importance, I feel as though I'm on an equal level with them.

I can honestly say Neo-Tech is the only hope for a truly happy and prosperous future.

Nick R. C-1905

In January 1990, I reported to duty as a US Navy exchange Officer to the French Navy. Due to my fluency in the language, I was to serve as navigator on the French Mediterranean Fleet Flagship. I was an average guy, with no knowledge of philosophy or the realm of objective ideas whatsoever. Perhaps this was due to my sheltered life.

My parents raised me a fundamentalist born-again, right wing conservative Christian. Guilt flowed through my veins. I even attended Bible college after graduating from one of those church-sponsored fundamental Christian high-schools, the type of which you may have seen featured in a news program.

To me, life was an endless cycle of short-term thrills in a search of happiness, followed by guilt and misery. To get "happy" again you needed to "get right with God." Then, more short-term thrills and the cycle continues.

One day, shortly after arriving in France, I received this Neo-Tech brochure in the mail. Being the person I was, I immediately ordered. After all, it promised to show me how to be happy, wealthy, and powerful with little or no effort.

And it delivered on its promise. However, rather than pursue that end, it showed me how to find genuine, lasting happiness through a series of techniques that anyone can practice--regardless of background.

While I did indeed learn how I could become rich and lazy, I also learned that this would be a misuse of that knowledge. For, to achieve true happiness, I would have to exert discipline, though, and control in a never-ending quest to create and produce values desired by others in society. As a bonus, I learned how to out-maneuver the lazy cheat at every turn.

Another aspect is that I acquired, read, re-read, and studied everything Ayn Rand ever published. For example, I personally have over 200 pages of painstakingly detailed notes I took from Peikoff's 1976 tape lecture series on Objectivism. This provided me with the philosophical foundations for the real-world, *dynamic* applications I had already begun to practice from Neo-Tech.

Can you imagine the value of a book like that? Some have complained about its $70 price. I actually paid $100. Complaining about $70 for this book seems to me like complaining about $24 for some useless island the Indians called Manhattan.

Let's see. I paid $100 for this book, which after the first 100 pages or less, irrevocably changed my life and shattered most of the false premises I held. Moreover, it gave me the knowledge to move beyond its study and into happiness and prosperity. At that time, I worked for the government and earned a modest, automatic paycheck. Less than 5 years later, I have a successful company which I started with $300 cash and which I run out of my home. In my first full year, my earnings were in excess of $250,000. As of this writing, I have earned over $95,000.00 and we're only 3 1/2 months into the new year. This is money I earn honestly, by using my knowledge to help financially troubled business avoid parasitic attorneys and bankruptcy--get back on their feet, stay in business, and preserve jobs for innocent and hardworking people.

Yes, $100 is a lot of money for a book--if you have no idea of how to *invest* it.

Currently, I'm 34 years old, *single* but searching, and am building my happiness daily. My high ambitions to continually do more are now far removed from my old life of holding out for that government retirement check.

Nimar H., 595102-12, Netherlands

Dear Dr. F.W.Wallace, Mr. Flint and all the Co-Workers of Neo-Tech.

I ordered Zonpower manuscript some months ago when I was living in Germany. After moving to Holland, I was somehow uncertain about receiving it, but to my surprise, the German Post Office send it and I received it in Holland. After reading this power the following things started happening: The same week I received it, was the same week I automatically got an everlasting lover till now she is still with me and even she is dying for me. She picked me from among thousands of powerful young men. Till now I am still dumbfounded about this manuscript. Apart from this everybody just love me now every where I turn my face. Some times while I am not paying attention, a strange girl just come and kisses me. Even at last I ran away from two other girls. ONE of them ask for a marriage, but I refused. Zonpower discovery is real power.

I never knew that all these things were going on on this earth. Thanks to you for your great assistance. It is the best work I have ever seen. It helps me grow in many ways and in many directions in my life. I never knew that I needed to continue growing. I was dying from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, platonist and mystical religious philosophy. Till now thy never told us the truth. They kept the truth in order to control the innocent and to destroy the human-race for their own self-interest. They constantly encourage people to die or sacrifice their lives instead of encouraging them to grow and to live. I was dying, but now I am growing. It is the first time in my life to uncover that I need to continue growing. Thanks to Neo-Tech.

Norma K. R-2328

I consider Neo-Tech as one of the most profoundly effective books I have ever read. It is not so much the information that is presented, but the way it is presented, that has a tremendously lasting effect. Dr. Wallace's deep conviction permeates through the entire volumes of Neo-Tech. His utterly uncompromising reasoning, through investigative discipline, and courage to speak what is true to him evoked in me the same qualities that had been awaiting to come forth. These qualities have evolved in me ever since, and now, four months later, they have become an integral part of who I am.

There is no need to agree with Dr. Wallace. Neo-Tech still works. It makes one stand on his feet, and on his feet alone. It makes one think on his own, and only on his own. It makes one question all that he thought he knew, and brings clarity so that he can distinguish between mere believing and authentic knowing.

I genuinely thank him for the contribution he "makes" in my life.

Norman L. R-7492

Neo-Tech I-V has sparked a renaissance of personal growth and a renewed enthusiasm for my career. I give my employer more bang for the buck and have become more acutely aware of those who produce genuine value as opposed to the deadbeats who get me through the use of deceit and smoke screens. I have a clearer understanding of world events and the Neocheaters that manipulate them. The idea of a greatly extended life span is tremendously exciting to me. I've always said that I needed at least a millennium to explore all of my interests -- perhaps that would only be the appetizer. I'm in my mid-forties and have had the Neo-Tech literature about three months.

Norman P1-004

Neo-Tech arouses one to action, to reflect upon the meaning of value, and to courageously seek out the solution.

Obie W. R-7468

Upon reading Neo-Tech the first time, I was shocked at what I was reading -- especially the God concept. I was a regular devotee to Bible study with the Jehovah's Witnesses, and 1/2 of my family members are baptized members of the congregation. I have never been sold completely on the God-Satan war as being the cause of all our problems, and I have read every self help book imaginable, but Neo-Tech is different. I didn't understand the concepts at first, and I was also afraid to some degree to try and understand (because of mystical notions about Satan, demons, etc. But I finally persuaded myself to give it a second reading and I have begun to get excited about the possibilities. I have ordered the Neo-Think release and "Taps" and I am now dedicating the next few months of my life to becoming all that I can be -- without guilt.

Now, I feel like I've been set free. Monumental amounts of energy are energizing.

I'm two-thirds of the way through Neo-Tech II (I've completed I-V) and love it! I can hardly wait to get home from work daily and tackle it again. Already I see what's happening in my surroundings from a fresh perspective. ...All my life I've been called a "leader", "organizer", etc. Really a lot of that is nothing more than my searching for love & care taking. It's affected everything from a (now terminated for 6 yrs) 23 year unhappy marriage to non-romantic relationships, professional and community work.

I've run the gamut in my search and discovery process -- Christianity, Scientology, transcendental meditation, est, psychology, countless self-help books, sales books and courses etc. What a waste!

Oliver W. L. R-4170

This information is essential to the world.

O'Neil W., 595210-10

I'm overwhelmed by the knowledge that you have shared with me. If I had this material years ago, I would have a better education than the one I got from today's BRAINWASHING schools. Now, the Neo-Tech books provide my education.

Orion H. P1-006

In my lifetime search for knowledge, I have pursued religion, the occult and many positive-thinking books without finding the key to this understanding. I sent for Neo-Tech with trepidation, assuming that it would be another self help book along with the previous ones that did not work for me. Neo-Tech revealed to me that I was immersed in mysticism!

Most of my life was lived as a Christian Scientist and I finally became the First Reader in the branch church, but finally resigned because of jealousy and back-biting. I then tried the occult with much confusion and consternation. A brief sojourn with a Pentecostal church and their "Born Again" dogma revealed to me that the pastors were getting wealthy by milking the congregation. Finally, I tried Scientology and soon found out that this organization has a most lucrative method of stripping away your resources. All the while I was reading Norman Vincent Peale, John Randolph Price, Dr. Wayne W. Dryer and many more inspirational books that seemed to work for others, but I found no improvement even though I applied the methods diligently.

With my first reading of the Neo-Tech Discovery I was chagrined to be informed that the God I worshipped was a superstition of the Bicameral man and that this hallucination has been perpetuated to this time by mystics!

Dr. Frank Wallace has earned the gratitude of this world with the courage that he fearlessly displayed in exposing the machinations of the money/power empire. I & O Publishing Company is the salvation of mankind by fearlessly following this revelation with their efforts to bring the message to every corner of the globe.

Patie K., 4903-C1


After many years of mysticism, being broke and 3 or 4 months of answering "junk" mail from astrologers saying that they see success in my life, which I fell for, and wasting $20 here, $30 there, I didn't know what to do anymore. But when I received your pamphlet -- I thought this IS different than any other "junk" mail I have been getting -- there must be something to this. So, naturally I sent away for the Zonpower Discovery.

Mr. Wallace.... I have never before read anything so POWERFUL as this manual! I feel like I'm on top of the world right now, knowing that I can improve my life in every way. I am so excited!! I have never before looked so anxiously towards my future as I do right now! Your book has made me "stop and smell the roses". I call your book "the human operating manual" -- a must for every human, just as a new car comes with a manual, or a new fridge....everyone should own the Zonpower Discovery and Neo-Tech manuals! I have noticed some small changes in my life already!

I always thought I was the black sheep in my family or the one with the bad luck. I can honestly say that I have been a mystic all my life and have listened to mystics all my life -- but not anymore. I am so excited right now -- I am going to build myself an "EMPIRE" very soon, with your priceless information.

I am 36 years old, was married for 10 years and have 3 beautiful children. I am also "legally divorced" from my husband, just this year. But we are still living together. It was a real blow to him getting the divorce papers and it seems he has changed somewhat. To make a long story short, for 10 years he has robbed me of my self-esteem, but not anymore. Not since reading the Zonpower Discover -- from now on, its uphill all the way for me and my kids!

I can't thank you enough!!! You are a brilliant man! Today I have ordered the Neothink Information Package and just can't wait for it to arrive! I eventually want to get as much information as I can on Neo-Tech.

For me, the sun is FINALLY starting to peek out from those huge, dark, thunderous clouds that I have been living under all my life and I owe it all to you Mr. Wallace -- you're the BEST!!

Pat R. C-318

Neo-Tech III is staggering. Easily the most important information I've received in over twenty years. Alone worth many times the cost of the entire Neo-Tech package.

Patricia A. R-6843

Firstly, I was able to set aside clouding emotions (especially guilt!) and judge my marriage on it's merits as "good for me/bad for me' and to decide that it is, in fact, worth working at and keeping.

Secondly, I was able to decide, again on a logical `good for me/bad for me' basis, which, of two careers I presently pursue, is the one to permanently keep after.

Other issues were more minor, but I appreciate the power of a simple decision!

Patrick B. R-3689

Neo-Tech I-V is some of the most interesting material I have ever read. It has influenced my thinking and attitudes more than anything I can remember. Like a good science book it says `this is how things are, but don't just believe me, go and see that it is so for yourself!' So you look, listen, and think, and you realize IT MAKES SENSE.

Neo-Tech is very important to me for two reasons: Firstly, it is information which makes clear sense, which is unusual. Secondly, the information in Neo-Tech can be used to measure the logical content of other information and ideas. This latter point, I believe, is the power of Neo-Tech.

Patrick J. W. JFE-315

In my first reading I became so enthralled by the Neo-Tech transcripts that I began skipping the letters.

On the second reading I read all the letters and quotes. In fact, I read some more than once. It's amazing how one can relate to the same experiences and emotion of many other people, male or female, before and especially after reading Neo-Tech I-V.

I thought I lived an exciting happy life but now I am so excited and happy, as never before with undreamed of goals ahead especially human Biological Immortality..

Once again, thank you all very much indeed.

Paul C. R-7467

Neo-Tech/NEO-THINK is the ultimate philosophy of integrated matrix of honesty and encouragement to vanquish all mysticism and neocheater in the whole world.

Paul E. R-6588

I am 40 years old today! I wouldn't have believed the change that have happened to me since receiving the package just one year ago.

I had failed miserably for most of my life, having suffered a failed marriage, several failed relationships and a whole series of miserable, frustrating, poorly paid jobs. I was a great mystic, believing in tarot cards, ouija boards, horoscopes, then becoming involved in Scientology, Re-birthing, technologies for creating (DMA), Dyna-psych and other weird and wonderful things, not forgetting the God concept.

All these things cost me dearly in time, money and self-esteem. I prayed to God, I procrastinated, I cried, felt depressed most of the time, did destructive things, and even felt suicidal at times.

But since being exposed to Neo-Tech and Neothink, I feel like a different person. I am a different person, one who is in control of himself at last, and it feels amazing. My love life has improved 1,000,000%, my financial status is slowly improving, but best of all, I have several business ideas in the pipeline, one of which involves working with I & O itself.

For the first time in my life, I feel an unstoppable power within myself and it grows by the minute. I recognize it as fully integrated honesty combined with Neothink Power and with it I will eradicate the disease of mysticism from this planet and take back the power that belongs to me and people like me.

Long live Neo-Tech!

Paul L., Canada, 3901-C8

Mysticism was the wall I had to overcome. And Neo-Tech was my sledge hammer. My life has changed for the best in so many ways. People are drawn to me because of the life I radiate. Slowly, one by one, they are discovering the power of Neo-Tech. They are beginning to understand the life giving advantages Neo-Tech has to offer. I would love to purchase a manuscript for each one of them, so they could become mystic free individuals also.

Paul N. 499080-18

I would like to tell you of some of the immediate values and changes in my life that your manuscript provided.

I completely quit smoking which was in itself worth far more than the manuscript price. I have rid my home of alcohol, sugar and caffeine. Sugar has become my enemy #1. You have deepened my sense of business knowledge and added in enough clarity for me to really see what's going on. May your lives remain mystic-free and may you obtain many values and rewards in your Immortality. We, the conscious, are the supreme values in the universe.

Wishing you endless power, prosperity, romantic love, and guilt free happiness.

Paul R. R-3840

I first read Neo-Tech II just over four years ago. I was unemployed. I now own two companies. I can't wait to see what the next four years have to offer. The most important thing about Neo-Tech is being able to see everything clearly.

Peggy M. 2922-18

I have been saturated with mysticism for the past three months, but Neo-Tech has jolted me out of my catatonic state.

I've decided to quit allowing my children or anyone else to demand things from me as if I were their property. I've taken my mind back to myself where it belongs in the first place. I can't live for the sake of others and I don't expect others to live for my sake. I've been a colossal con-artist and the victim was myself!

Peter B. R3693

Most amazing -- to think that I have been stupid and blind these seventy two years. I cannot find enough words to describe my deepest appreciation to Dr. Wallace. We cannot lose -- Thanks a million.

Peter H.

Why has it taken the human race so long to come up with all this?!

Peter K. P1-001

Neo-Tech has shown me the way to achieving happiness through becoming a producer of objective values. The result of this has been that 9 months ago, with nothing to my name, I set up a computer systems business. I now employ 12 people who love coming to work, have dozens of satisfied customers who have businesses that have been made more efficient by my products. I have just bought a new office building and will have made a net profit of 100,000 sterling by the end of my first years trading.

In addition to this my level of self esteem has risen and I can honestly say that for the first time in my life -- I like myself! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for providing me with the means to achieve this.

Phillip S. P1-009

Neo-Tech is the literary equivalent of achieving the seemingly impossible alchemists dream, that of turning base metals into gold.

Phillip S. R-2180

In a world of socialism and altruistic ideas it is extremely refreshing to know that their are still people with the foresight and intelligence to fully comprehend and understand the full implications of freedom and free enterprise.

Phil T. R-7829

As an owner of Dr. Wallce's Poker Manual, I was somewhat aware of his background and logic/reality based sense of life. I was then immediately attracted to the ad for the Wallace-penned Neo-Tech Information Package. The best way to relate the personal changes which ensued are as follows:

Before Neo-Tech, I was a person with a tremendous amount of self-inflicted internal mysticism, which I "rationalized" as a "defense mechanism"; a "natural product of a bad environment".

There was much in my life I knew I was capable of, and wanted to achieve, yet was simply terrified...I was quite literally, paralyzing myself, unable to initiate the rational actions and hard work required to be truly successful...independent.

I am still not perfect!...But I am now fully responsible for everything that happens in my life! I do not place the blame on others, or wait to be "discovered" by some fictional "higher power" who will recognize that I am "special" and worthy of great unearned wealth and prosperity...NO,NO,NO!!

Truth is, friend, I am special! So are you! We are all special when we take the responsibility to constantly live in the real world, to seize the opportunity available each day and ultimately realize the unlimited power of our individual consciousness.

Pounce on this Neo-Tech Information Package! Consume it! Purge yourself of internal and external mysticism and prosper forever!

P. M. C. R-6382

Neo-Tech has unearthed a wealth of information which has not reached most of the population.

Now that I have gone through the package, I have discovered how badly we have been deceived by those heartless Neo-cheaters. What a betrayal by those people who claim to look after our interest. Instead they keep us shackled to the endless misery of dead-end jobs while skillfully clawing back huge chunks of our hard earned wages in one form of tax or another.

Undertaking this vast project, and assembling the material, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Flint and their devoted team who sacrificed their time to provide us with these new values in order to detect and destroy this menace of Neo-cheaters.

Raiford D. NT-8

I received the Neo-tech package. It scared me at first, missed a few nights sleep. But I continued to read, couldn't stop. I've often read of people who have read a book and changed overnight. It takes longer than overnight, but it is happening. Everyday I come in contact with an old situation, and I am surprised to find that what I once believed, or thought was correct, has changed. It's like being born when you're 49. You have a lot of experience, some good, some bad, but suddenly everything you do is new and exciting.

Ralph O. C-15

Dear Mr. Flint,

I am interested in achieving biological immortality for myself and loved ones. Neo-Tech has helped make me a man with new ideas for advancing myself to financial and psychological well-being. The Neo-Tech Information package has been long awaited. Since I was seven years old I wanted to know the meaning of life, the purpose of my existence. I searched everywhere knowledge and wisdom was said to be. Whatever group I got involved with the real truth seemed to be missing. That which was being taught I felt was incomplete. Not until I read Neo-Tech did I stop struggling to put it all together. Now none can deceive or cheat me unless I let them. I do recognize the profound importance of Neo-Tech to everyone's future and wish to work toward Man's highest goal.

Randal H. R-4843

Prior to receiving the Neo-Tech discovery in June, I had been unemployed for two years, my wife worked and the rent we paid for a seedy and run-down little house in a lower class neighborhood was making my landlord rich, to make matters worse, my marriage of 17 years was on the rocks and sinking fast; life was without purpose, merit or hope.

In just six short months (it is now December), I have become fully employed, now own my own home in an upper class neighborhood consisting of four bedrooms, two baths, family room with fireplace, formal dining room, den/computer room and other luxury extras. My marriage, while not yet fully repaired is fast recovering. I will be starting my own business at the beginning of the new year and fully expect to be financially independent within the next twelve months. My life now has a well-defined focus and a definite purpose. Although the financial rewards are nice, nothing can compare with my newly-acquired sense of real personal power; a feeling that grows daily.

Randall H. J-124

Dear Mr. Flint: I have been reading and studying Neo-Tech I and Neo-Tech II for a couple of weeks, and I think it is a revolutionary philosophy that could change the ruinous course that countries of the earth are headed toward.

Randal S. C-9

Having anticipated receiving Neo-Tech, I promptly set to task reading (no consuming) the Instructions, Neo-Tech I and subsequently Neo-Tech II. For the first time in my life I was clearly able to label the force of malevolence (neocheaters) that I had known existed in life from childhood. The comprachicos who schooled me in self-doubt, the looters who stole my earned values, the gray figures who immortalized mediocrity and made virtue out of intellectual laziness. To nail them down and then to disarm them is the coupe de grace for all men (women) who could neither fight nor surrender. Heroic indeed!

Upon completing Neo-Tech II I did not immediately read III-V. Instead I began to assimilate the entelechy into a current concern regarding career. Here Neo-Tech proved itself in all regards by allowing me to logically and scientifically evaluate and correct errors. Upon returning to the last three packages, I found the matrix aspect of Neo-Tech which is providing me with the impetus for new challenges and a richer, guilt-free life.

Randal S. M.

To merely pick up the manuscript of The Neo-Tech Discovery is to know that something awesome has been unleashed and that, at last, it is guarded by a single-minded purposeness that can sustain and prosper in the crucible of man's intelligence. I look forward to reading more, experiencing more and contributing to this brave adventure.

Randy S. M. R-3912

Since receiving the Neo-Tech Information Package (I-V) in November I can very honestly state that my life and the lives of my family cannot ever again by the same. Neo-Tech is, indeed, THE discovery which places one squarely into the future. A future undreamed of by me until recently.

To the uninitiated, it must seem incomprehensible that between the black and white covers of "The Neo-Tech Discovery" lies more solid, unvarnished truth than all the aisles of any modern bookstore.

Neo-Tech has touched virtually every aspect of my life; it has freed me from the guilt foisted by Christianity (I had renounced the church years before but only the Entelechy removed the residual guilt), it dispelled the doubts I silently held about my own intellectual capabilities, and it has taken Romantic Love and Sex to new and deeper levels of pleasure and satisfaction.

These benefits and many more personal gains were realized within months of acquiring Neo-Tech information, but indeed, the greatest benefits of Neo-Tech to any man or woman come with constant study and application of the broader-based principles of Neo-Tech. Only by consistently measuring reality against this standard and then integrating Neo-Tech values with one's own standards and situations can a person gain the long-range, all-encompassing, multi-dimensional aspect of Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech has been effective in evaluating employers and prospective employers, in gaining insights in the under-pinnings of the psychology of a competitor or associate, as a rapid sorting mechanism for business opportunities and as a quick-lock guidance systems in dangerous or uncertain situations.

Raymond V., England, 3901-C7

Having read the Neo-Tech DISCOVERY by Dr. Wallace and now having almost completed Neo-Tech COSMIC BUSINESS CONTROL, I feel that I must write to you to express my deep felt joy.

Because my busy work schedule, I found myself getting up very early in the morning and reading your publication for about 1-1/2-2 hours before going to work and it was so important to me and so fascinating to read about mysticism.

Since my introduction to Neo-Tech, I have started my own business (but still remain in my "normal" full time occupation) and I am continuing to build it up.

I have totally changed my views about the "authorities", although I have never thought too much about politicians, but your publications have really opened my eyes to the NEOCHEATERS, and it all makes so much sense now.

I congratulate you all on your fantastic achievements and as I continue to eliminate my personal mysticism (and also help my wife to do so), I look forward to further publications and more information.


I wish to congratulate and thank Dr. Frank Wallace and I & O Publishing Company for putting together an unforgettable and brilliant package of new ideas and knowledge that has helped me to both understand and appreciate the world in which we as humans cohabit. Your attention to detail and strength of presentation are outstanding qualities of this epic work. It has really made a resurgence in my quality of life and attitude to all aspects of living.

REN 2921-10

I lent volume I to V of the NT Discovery to a pensioner at an old-age home. The physical changes in him was truly dramatic. His complexion became radiant and his wrinkles became less pronounced. His posture became less bent, his shoulders seemed broader and he generally appeared more youthful. His paunch shifted from his pelvic area to below his rib-cage and his body seemed firmer.

His voice changed from a squeaky, nervous, apologetic whisper to a deep, resonant, confident boom. His eyes changed being evasive and shifty to becoming piercing and hard.

Does Neo-Tech facilitate glandular changes, especially the liver? If all these changes occurred to his body, imagine how his thought-processes must have changed! Is this what is meant by physical-mental-emotional integration with reality?

If a 70 year old can personify such remarkable changes, then all I can say is: VIVA LA Neo-Tech!

R.F.A. R-3962

The individual has only one decision to make: To practice or not practice the tenets of the Neo-Tech Discovery. I now know precisely where I stand, thanks to you Dr. Wallace.

R. Frank A. C-206

I have personally begun to work on the collapsing of mysticism in Canada. Of course I have started this work on myself.

R.G., 795140-6, South Africa

Reading Neo-Tech/Zonpower was an extremely exciting journey of amazingly simple, yet powerful revelations. I have always known that knowledge is power, but I could never have imagined the force of that power till I read Neo-Tech. The more I read, the more excited and powerful it became, and the more clarity, poise and confidence I gained -- even before attempting to integrate the concepts.

The benefits Neo-Tech offers are immediate and unlimited. Already it has saved me thousands of dollars in subscription fees to an array of mystical, professional, financial, and health-oriented publications that thrive on us, the innocent, honest productive individuals.

Neo-Tech is a truly brilliant powerhouse of priceless new knowledge and unsurpassed values essential for a full, meaningful life of unlimited prosperity and happiness. Many thanks to Dr. Wallace for making paradise a reality for the living here on Earth -- not a mystical paradise for the dead.

Richard B. C-103

Dear Doctor Wallace:

My son, Richard, and I, have read, discussed, and debated Neo-Tech I-V with great interest. As the elder, a Yankee of conventional New England education and prejudices, the study was a long overdue awakening to the facts of life -- so to speak. My son found the revelations stunning and concise -- we have been greatly enlightened -- Your writing is great

Richard G. R-5747

Before Neo-Tech, I thought I was scarred for life from Catholic schools and a Catholic upbringing. Years after I rejected God and the Church, I remained altruistic. I couldn't be content until I'd sacrificed everything -- a real Francis of Assisi. I remained altruistic and I also remained feeling dissatisfied and short-changed in life. The most frustrating part was I didn't know why.

Now, after Neo-Tech, I know why. You've got something big here. Thanks for letting me in on it.

Richard L. R-7827

When I began to read Neo-Tech, I anticipated revelations and newly formed techniques to gain financial independence. You have given to all those who desire to have unlimited wealth, prosperity and happiness, a well-written, detailed publishing of "truth".

Throughout my existence I have held steadfastly to my introspective interpretation of life. There have been numerous attempts by dishonest individuals to extract unearned values. I did not call them Neo-cheaters; but WOW!, what a great delineation. In a sophomoric sense, my inclination and predisposition has always been to reject condemnation of my actions by others.

Guilt and manipulation have been used on a small level in relationships and friendly interactions. It took Neo-Tech to divulge the systematic castigation of individual rights by Neo-cheating politicians, clergymen, and academicians. You have revealed the impersonators of truth for what they truly are: unproductive, impotent, incompetent parasites. Gaining power imperceptibly for countless years, Neo-cheaters have maimed individual rights to the extent that the non-acceptance of specious altruistic principles and non-sequiturs must be our primary goal.

As your pictorial tribute signifies, we must metaphorically open our shirts to reveal the true super hero: Neo-Tech man. woman, and child.

Richard M. R-5300

Your work is the most valuable tool for life preservation ever written. The Neo-Tech philosophy is the only way to live and prosper guiltlessly. My life is now in tune with only truth and reality and nobody will ever change that again. The door is now open for gaining financial independence.

Richard P. R-4536

The clarity of Neo-Tech is as brilliant as any of the finest works that man has ever produced. The genius of Dr. Wallace is unarguable. The difficulty lies in the consumer of the jarring masterpiece. Despite nods of the head and audible agreement while reading, the integration process is slow, as old programmed thoughts and habits die kicking and screaming. However, die they must under the withering power of this great truth.

Neo-Tech is the ultimate freedom, and the cost of such freedom is the initial pain of the psychological purge. However, never before (and I suppose never again) has that process been so worthwhile!

Richard Z. R-7470

The reality of Neo-Tech and the accessibility of Biological Immortality boggles the mind. All of my life I have felt that external `authority structures' drained a person of his or her uniqueness and ability to achieve `honest' greatness.

Even as a child the thought of living forever seemed a possible reality to me. However, it never seemed like anyone else wanted immortality. I always wondered why. Now, through Neo-Tech, I understand. How could anyone want to live with himself knowing how dishonest and irresponsible he is to himself.

I am presently a Junior High School Biology Teacher and even with my elementary knowledge of the growth and aging of the human body I know that Biological Immortality is a possibility. Until now I never thought that it could be achieved in my life time. Whenever I would read medical reports on how the average life-span of the human being is getting longer I would cheer, hoping against hope that I could hang on long enough for the experts to discover what I already know.

However, people die hoping and life is brought about by action. I want to be a part of that action, as well as a product!! I firmly believe that it is my duty to myself and my family that I be an integral part in the actualization of Biological Immortality, NOW!! When you are ready for my help, I am here.

I also think that you could add a sixth route to the list on page 142:

6) Retention of I-consciousness in the original container.

I eagerly await hearing from you soon.

Rick G. CTE-5001

Dear John Flint

It took me 8 years to understand Neo-Tech. I know that sounds stupid but let me explain. First of all the books were bought by me Dad and every Christmas when I went home to visit my family for the past eight years, I would pull out the Neo-Tech books and try to understand them. No matter how I looked at these books, including my Dad, we couldn't figure out the purpose.

Well, as I got older or should I say mature or educated about life's problems, I began to understand the books, so much so, that I couldn't stop reading. I became shocked about all the lies society feeds the public.

Your books are very enlightening.

Rick R., C-1034

This is the first program I literally felt shivers as I listened. It made me aware of how close I have been, in the past, to losing the emotional integration with life, and how virtually everyone today is sliding into this spiral (funnel.) Seeing the bigger picture of life on this planet in the not-too-distant future is real inspirational fuel. Bringing that world to fruition and making myself more able to participate are my goals. I may not feel it as those at I & O do, but I am drawn to it as well as fueled by it month by month.

So few, in all history, have been able to observe and feel, much less, do business with genuine greatness on this planet. I am honored to be a customer of I & O Publishing Company.

Rick T. R-7818

Since reading my Neo-Tech Discovery manual I have doubled my income, rid myself of all who have held me down, and given up all my addictions (sugar, caffeine, alcohol). At first I was so overwhelmed by the difference this knowledge has made in my life that I tried to force Neo-Tech on all my friends and family. Needless to say I was not very successful in getting them to understand. So now I've decided to lead by example. Thank you Wallace, Hamilton, Savage and Flint for your wonderful literature.

Ricu R. C-305

This information has brought me into total consciousness of life around me and has answered many questions, and freed me of all guilt, control, and Neo-cheaters.

I see nothing but prosperity, happiness and a better understanding of what a human being can achieve.

This work is a masterpiece of time and energy. Looking forward to Neo-Think and all future correspondence.

Robert C., R-9248

Let me tell you that I am more than satisfied. I believe it is the wisest investment I have ever made. Some of the concepts/advantages were a little hard to accept at first. But, when I began to integrate them, I realized how wrongly I had been taught.

Neo-Tech answered a major question I have always wrestled. That question is "Why has man upset the `delicate balance' of nature?" At first I believed the Catholic mis-belief that God puts us here, then I turned to the stupid concept of an advanced alien race placing man on earth. It wasn't until I read Neo-Tech III that I became aware of man's surpassing nature/evolution with the creation of consciousness.

This led me to realize that the extinction of animal species on earth is completely natural. Since evolution cannot keep pace with man's consciousness, the slowly evolving animals cannot survive. I also realized that any so-called environmental problems can and will be solved with conscious effort, and not neocheating ploys. In fact, as an engineer, I see the environment being the next big playground for neocheating.

I am relieved to know that the front trench efforts of the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers and I & O Publishing will be there to combat those neocheaters. I am also most grateful to the same Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers for their valiant efforts to spread Neo-Tech and cure the mysticism disease. I now know that I had moments of integrated thinking, but because of my Catholic upbringing I could not fully integrate the information around me.

I am looking forward to vast integration's in the future. I am also eagerly awaiting commercially available biological immortality, and information from RIBI. I am beginning to realize the power Neo-Tech has unleashed in me. A power I always new existed, but couldn't utilize because of my mystical ways. Thank you for the opportunity to share in mankind's greatest achievement.

Robert G. R-4190

I didn't know what to expect when I sent for the Neo-Tech Discovery, some easy way to achieve riches I suppose.

Well I wasn't disappointed, the richness came in a different way, a new way of thinking that will comfort me for the rest of my life.

Robert H. R-5027

Neo-Tech was just the motivation and guiding light I needed! I shook all old ideas and what a difference!

Within 6 mos. I quit my job and started another immediately at a 40% increase in salary as second-in-command. I also ventured into the stock market with five picks -- all five are up at least 20% -- one is up 55%!

I am presently setting groundwork for a comedy club which has no competition for 30 sq. miles.

I have control over my life now and find it mind-boggling how easy it is to win big in all phases of life.

The ability to "see-through" people has given me an unmeasurable advantage in negotiations.

Robert P., 595210-16

Would you please send me a list of your books and their prices? I have really had my eyes opened. I have read the Neo-Tech Discovery three different times and I keep finding more and more that I seemed to have missed previously. Again, please send me the list, because more knowledge is more power.

Robert P. R-1231

Before I received and read the Neo-Tech information I could honestly say that I was walking around in a trance. I was existing but I was not really living life as I wanted. I was doing things because other people thought it was the right thing for me to do. I seemed to be existing for other people and I wasn't very comfortable with that.

However, throughout my life, though brief at 27 years of age, I had always questioned everything. I didn't know the answers to many of these questions but I knew within myself that I would find the answers to these questions somewhere, someday. The Neo-Tech information has answered these questions and many more. Institutions I was taught to believe as right and positive (i.e. religion, government) are negative, very destructive forces which must be eliminated from society so that man may live as he should. It is easy to recognize and control the Neo-cheaters, to my advantage. It is done so easily, naturally! It is easier to think, reason naturally, and make logical, competent decisions now than before.

As I began to read and assimilate the material a transformation began to take place. I had always felt an unnatural tension or pressure flowing through me. As I began to understand the material this tension gradually disappeared. My body and mind felt natural to me for the first time in my life. My whole physical and financial outlook has changed. And I know its going to get better!!

In closing let me express my thanks and appreciation for making available this information to me. The Neo-Tech package, along with the supplemental reading material, are the most important experiences I have ever had. It has changed my life for the better! I can't understand how I survived this long without it. Thanks again.

Robert T. R-1782

You have found the key motivators in life.

Robin P. C-82

I previously considered myself to be a fairly honest person. However, after reading I-V, I came to the realization as to how short I really was of the target. Certainly for my own benefit I've been able to rid myself of ingestion of most alcohol and other socially pressured drug use as well as riding myself of guilt resultant, rationalized deception, and minor crime. I'm currently feeling much better about myself.

Like many others who have written to you and thanked you for your works, so shall I. The insight given, affirmation of my beliefs provided, and overall genuine value to my life has been astounding! Perhaps someday I can have the added benefit to truly understanding how such concepts have evaded "Discovery" for so long.

Rodney S. R-2987

Finally free from most of the guilt-producing nonsense learned during my life. I also feel more self-confident and sleep better realizing my true worth.

I now know how to evaluate relationships with other people in any area of my life, but I would like to learn how to effectively deal with the non-producers.

Rodney V. R-638, CANADA

Neo-Tech is the type of book I'd like to thoroughly memorize. Every word has meaning.

Roger H., 3901-C9

Dear Zon Association

I would like to take a moment to thank you for a wonderful job you are doing in turning this up-side down world, up-right. Zon is the best thing that could ever happen to this anticivilization. I'm all for it. Neo-Tech changed my future and out-look on life. With Neo-Tech life will flourish.

I read the Neo-Tech book I-V from cover to cover and it's the most concise information I've ever seen and I can see Neo-Tech taking hold, Mark Hamilton has my vote in '96.

Rohan N. R-4911, AUSTRALIA

Life is far more pleasurable when viewed from such a clear perspective of honesty and guiltlessness. Everyone should experience Neo-Tech in order to pursue happy, prosperous lives.

Rolly O. C-102

Dear Dr. Flint,

Having Neo-Tech I-V is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Barely weeks after reading Neo-Tech, my life style has been greatly transformed from darkness into a `refined life'. I must confess that each time I read Neo-Tech, I always feel very reluctant to put it down, in fact, Neo-Tech is my `Other-self".

I am extremely excited at the discoveries, the whole concept is without any blemish, it is very interesting and eye opening after my 26 years slumber. I am greatly impressed. Thanks a lot to Dr. F. Wallace and I & O Publishing Company, Inc. for this great achievement.

Neocheaters and mystics will no longer thrive at my expense.

Ronald A. R-4876

I cannot put into words how much I have benefited with Neo-Tech from a personal and financial point of view. After approximately 1 month of reading (only 1 time), a great surge of confidence and achievement had come over me. After going over the Neo-Tech II benefits, I received a top position at a large firm, and I have restored a strong sense of pride in myself and my abilities. I plan to continue moving up the corporate ladder and Neo-Tech will insure my ascendancy, in addition, I would be more than proud to strive for biological immortality for myself and my loved ones.

Thank you for this remarkable work.

Ron D. R-6789

About 2-3 weeks after receiving Neo-Tech I started looking forward to meeting neocheaters. Here was someone who had avoided confrontations all my life now looking forward to meeting neocheaters. To me their power is now so transparent and they know it. They live in constant awareness of their precarious situation. I think that's why it seems so easy to negate their perceived power.

Neo-Tech has opened my eyes like nothing I've encountered before. I am glad I found it at this relatively young age of 36 years. Now I have a rational guideline to help me with all the many decision in my life.

Ron F. B. R-2934, AUSTRALIA

I'm grateful for the many changes in my life already due to the piercing logic and "crap-cutting" effect of the Neo-Tech Information.

Ron G. NTCP-20

I wish to thank Dr. Wallace for confirming my life-long suspicions of the destructive forces that drain power and prosperity from honest men and women. After reading Neo-Tech concepts it has made me realize I have been manipulated by a group of people I thought I was very close to. It is amusing to see the reactions of the people that have been using you when you no longer accept their actions and not feel guilt of it.

Ron S., 595210-9

At 12:52 PM 1/21/96 -0800,

Read Neo-Tech six years ago -- all five hundred plus pages. My life's direction and velocity immediately changed 180 degrees, and from glacier to far in excess of Mach speeds.

The fundamental concepts, with work, quickly convert into a fuel that has and continues to propel my engine at speeds that render the mach unit of measure meaningless -- am no where near the after burn. Powerful, powerful stuff.

Looking back, it is so far away, I remember the difficulty I had understanding each concept -- having to read each one numerous times and ponder its meaning. I remember the emphasis placed by Dr. Wallace on learning how to integrate and the associated difficulty. I continuously fell off the bike and got cut up -- being tenacious I stuck to it. Today I see life through a lens that crystallizes the reality at play, not through a lens that someone else wants me to look through. Through this lens I saw that the first thing that had to change was me. I made and continue to make the necessary changes. The knowledge, understanding and the skills I have acquired defy quantification -- they are truly priceless.

I now and always will thank Neo-Tech.


Rosemary K. R-7558

Neo-Tech `helped' me to clarify many of my values and goals. It also helped me to realize that much of the "New Age" and humanistic movement that I have been active in for over 15 years is full of Neocheaters. I was already beginning to suspect that I had been cheated out of thousands of dollars in seminars, courses, etc. by charlatans.

Roy D. P1-008

A scientific document which could prove to be as significant as Darwin's Origin of Species.

Roy EW. C-122

Dear Dr. Wallace,

I lost my business and my life's savings to neocheaters -- was about ready to throw in the towel. After reading Neo-Tech, I'm starting over at age 62 -- with Neo-Tech knowledge I'm going to make it and enjoy life.

Roy J. J-130

Several weeks ago I received my manuscript of Neo-Tech. Thanks! First off, I am a Southern Baptist preacher and I first ordered Neo-Tech in 1980. I returned it, for I was not ready then. Finally, I ordered again this year because you continued to send me advertisements in the mail. Thanks again!

This time, you included the Neo-Tech instructions. These helped more than you will ever know. Also, this time I was ready for Neo-Tech.

I have resigned my church effective June 3. I have gone to work in sales. I am now at concept 92 and enjoying the new knowledge I am gaining.

I did not realize how effective guilt was until I began reading Neo-Tech II.

I now want as many as possible to get Neo-Tech. This information must get into the hands of all producers that are ready for it.

I want to learn more from Dr. Wallace. I have never met nor heard of a man like him before. Already he has saved me from Christianity and the Church of Scientology.

Roy J. R-1451

Mind boggling -- has helped me with mysticism as I was a Baptist preacher for over 20 yrs. Has freed me from most guilt allowing me to experience greater peace of mind. Keep up the great work.

Roy W. R. C-1905 ENGLAND

My first reading of Neo-Tech has been the most enriching and enlightening experiences of my life. It has fully opened my eyed to reality and given me a clear-thinking mind. I am now an atheist, and will always fight mysticism from within and without.

Health and fitness has always been important to me, mainly to help slow down the aging process. Neo-Tech has certainly helped and corrected me there, especially regarding food and diet. I have slowed down on growing my own food (time wasting!) and stopped sugar and caffeine intake. I now have a copy of Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution and Dr. Cooper's book, Aerobics. Already I feel much fitter, stronger and have much more energy. I feel youthful again! I am of course very interested in achieving biological immortality.

Although I am 67 I have been attending some business training courses with the intention of starting my own business. Reading Neo-Tech has rapidly increased my enthusiasm to start a business, and the Neo-Tech concepts will be my guidance and will greatly affect my future.

I am proud and thrilled to be an owner of Neo-Tech and have just started my second reading.

I am excitedly looking forward to all the years that lay ahead, thanks to you Dr. Wallace. My kindest regards and thanks to all your co-workers at the Neo-Tech Center.


Having recently finished reading Neo-Tech Instructions followed by Neo-Tech II Manuscript for the Neo-Tech Discovery, I have only one request, please send me all available information on Neo-Tech and charge to my Diners club card number. I authorize expenditure up to $1000 U.S. for whatever is available at the present time.

I have for many years been an ardent admirer of Ayn Rand and in fact, have a complete set of all her writings, but until receiving the Neo-Tech Discovery had begun to despair that nothing would ever come of her philosophy. I can only thank Dr. Wallace for his magnificent manuscript. I now feel confident that a better world will develop in the near future and offer my help in whatever way I can.

I am very interested in the achievement of biological immortality and offer you my full hearted support.

Rraci S., 493250-6

Dear Neo-Tech/Zonpower;

I have just finished reading the materials I requested and I must say that I have never had anything shake up my world quite the way your manuscript did. I realized I was blindly following people who would do nothing more than destroy me or worse, never allow me to reach my full potential.

I must admit I am still a little skeptical about it all, but I am glad to know that there are still companies out there producing material that makes you think. I am now getting ready to re-read the entire manuscript.

Sadigue A., 493250-7

To All At Neo-Tech,

I have read the Neo-Tech manuscript twice. The values and the happiness I am gaining is beyond belief. Most of all I have an understanding of myself, in regard to objective reality!

I am now at a stage where I am in the process of eliminating mysticism in self.

There are no words adequate enough in the English language to describe the value of Neo-Tech to mankind and the super civilization that is coming! Thank you all for the magnificent work you are doing; specially to Dr. Wallace.

Salvador E., EL SALVADOR

The Neo-Tech Information Package has been giving to me a tremendous trembling impact, when Neo-Tech let me know what is life. I was ignorant about most people. In one way or another, they are neocheaters. I was very confused as a professional, I was thinking that everybody was like me and Neo-Tech knowledge clarify all that was cloudy in my behavior, and the comportment of others.

Thank you very much for let us know this information of incalculable value.

Samuel O. R-8267

I realized that the cost for the books was the MOST PROFITABLE and OPTIMAL investment I have made in my entire 45 years on this planet.!

Neo-Tech DISCOVERY is earth-shaking and staggering, it is the only INTEGRATED and OBJECTIVE (I & O) book ever to be published. I think it should be on the must reading lists of all serious business schools as well as students.

Dr. Wallace has finally put to rest the punitive doctrines that, the so called scholars, have for centuries pushed down the throats of young minds and stuporous adults as irrefutable facts.

S. B. C-1024

Dear Dr. Wallace,

I have had the Neo-Tech manuscripts for many months now, and I can genuinely say that my whole outlook on life has been changed.

I know now that I can no longer be satisfied with a mediocre salary, or personal possessions and relationships. Neo-Tech helped me to decide many things, I know now that I am heading in the right direction.

S. B., C-108

I purchased the Neo-Tech manuals in early 1984 and to be perfectly honest I had been so stooped in mysticism for 24 years that my main reason for purchasing the Neo-Tech package was to find a get-rich, no work method, and I had very seriously thought about becoming a preacher (Mystic) up to that point. As a matter of fact, when I first received my information package, I glanced through it and was shocked at so much of what I saw that I threw it in a box and didn't even look at it for over two (2) years. Shocked is probably an understatement, and I'm not sure if I'm glad of what I did, but I know I couldn't have handled it at that time (it, being the reality expressed in the Neo-Tech package.) I spent 1 long year in 85-86 growing up and learning to face reality (this was at the age of 25), then when I ran across Neo-Tech; it blew me away because it made things very clear to me, I realized that I had finally learned to consciously think, and the power that I have received for myself in the last few months has been incredible. I have never been happier.

S.B. D., 590260-4, South Africa

It is with great excitement that I received the Zonpower Discovery Package, and I used every opportunity to read through it, finding it most enlightening.

At first I had some trouble accepting the fact that the God concept is a product of imagination, and that absolutely nobody had the right to wield any authority over me.

Surely nobody with a rational mind could fail to appreciate the soundness of the Neo-Tech concepts and embrace them with great enthusiasm. I am slowly and surely disposing all the beliefs in God and gurus, and all the mystical garbage that has accumulated in my mind. As I do so, I find my outlook is changing -- I feel more cheerful and it is as if a burden is lifted off my mind. I have developed a new zest for life.

I now endorse all 114 concepts and advantages, and I find by re-reading and re-studying them, they are starting to integrate into a powerful matrix in my mind. Although a lot of points are still unclear to me, I know these will become transparent with time as I diligently and relentlessly focus myself on the solution.

What I really found of great value so far was the lifting of the feeling of guilt that I had inculcated due to my religious background and training. It was quite a shock to realize that the Bible was not in fact a book of truth, but was instead a tool of destruction and disinformation used by neocheaters to pursue their evil ends.

S. Beebe, C-108

Dear Dr. Flint,

I purchased the Neo-Tech manuals in early 1984 and to be perfectly honest I had been so stooped in mysticism for 24 years that my main reason for purchasing the Neo-Tech package was to find a get rich-no work method and I had very seriously thought about becoming a preacher (Mystic) up to that point. As a matter of fact, when I first received my information package, I glanced through it and was shocked at so much of what I saw that I threw it in a box and didn't even look at it for over 2 years (two). Shocked is probably an understatement, and I'm not sure if I'm glad of what I did, but I know I couldn't have handled it at that time (it, being the reality expressed in the Neo-Tech package.) I spent 1 long year in 85-86 growing up and learning to face reality (this was at the age of 25) then when I ran across Neo-Tech II-V; I had lost #I, it blew me away because it made things very clear to me, I realized that I had finally learned to consciously think, and the power that I have received for myself in the last few months has been incredible. I have never been happier.

Scott B., 3901-C15

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Mysticism collapse! Thank you for the call in the Neo-Tech Report starting your 1996 Presidential campaign. It announces the true rapture, the calling out of the honest businessman from the evil neo-cheaters, that has been happening since November 3, 1985. Now the period of tribulation is being ended...all of the famine, war, crime, genocide, death, unhappiness, all ended. The wicked, the neo-cheating bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, media, and all those who coerce unearned values from others, will be given the opportunity to repent and accept the only means of salvation. Neothink. Or face ostracism and death forever. With Neothink we are changed in mind and body to achieve happiness forever. But your Presidential campaign more specifically announces the "battle of Armageddon" between Neo-Tech and the neo-cheaters. They may not realize it yet, but they will. The religious right will have a heyday calling you the "antichrist". Telling their flocks that you are setting up the one world government and your father, the one world church. I know that's what most of my family will hear.

I would like to have an active part in this battle. This campaign. It would be an honor to have a part starting the change in government for a future of unlimited happiness.

Please let me know what you would like done and I will do what I can for you.

Scott N., 595210-1

To All at Neo-Tech,

As an avid reader of "self-help" books, and "success" books in my teenage years, it wasn't hard to convince me to give Neo-Tech a try. As an early Neo-Tech buyer (1990), and only being 17 and still in High School, mystical urges prevented me from accepting Neo-Tech and fully integrating its raw approach to telling it like it is. As much as I wanted its benefits, I failed to realize my own faults. Instead of investing in time to read it with full attention, I rushed through the huge volume in spare time when I wasn't "Hangin out with friends" and trying to be with the "in" crowd. Typical teenage pressures.

Not until age 20-21 did I really focus on the whole book. After reading it, I was mad at myself for not reading it earlier. I am sure I'd be more successful right now rather than just starting the wonderful world of endless benefits found within Neo-Tech. Five years wasted is now my fuel to feed the fire of wanting more. I am starting to read Neo-Tech for the third time and will start on Zonpower right after. I can now sleep at night knowing my life is getting better every day.

Scott S. R-4026

A strange growth of unstoppable power will lurk through the bones and sinew of anyone who reads this. A person cannot return the same once he takes a trip through these pages of total, integrated honesty.

For this reason, I have decided to quit my job as a teacher and go into business for myself, producing tradable values for others.

Scott W. C-1905

The values I'm generating daily (made possible by Neo-Tech) are forever surprising and always life enhancing. My life is new, like I've just opened my eyes and in front of me are encyclopedias full of objective knowledge never before experienced. I'm able to filter out and reject the negatives and see what is real for prosperity and great happiness. This I place incalculable value upon.

Scott W. R-5285

The Motivation and individual power gained from Neo-Tech has become an integral part of my life. The valuable tools allowed constant positive action for growth. The depression, the personal habits, and lack of esteem have all been replaced by real happiness and optimal health. The advantages Neo-Tech allowed brought fantastic control and freedom which lead to the prosperity I've always sought. This remarkable work holds my acclaim and seems essential for all. Finally individuals have the logical truth to obtain a really great future.

Sean F. R-4348, Australia

Three-quarters way through Neo-Tech II and I had the answer. I was reading revelation after revelation, not from God, but from a man called Wallace. This was too contentious, too profound, too neat, to be a hoax. I was thrilled to be reading this at age 26 rather than 66.

As a trained chemist, I have always been suspicious of the God concept, and NT. not only swept away any lingering sympathy for religion, but also integrated theology with the evils of politicians, mystics and other assorted parasites.

On the whole, I found NT to be a fascinating and elegantly written, arranged and presented piece of work, which is certainly the most valid philosophy for life I have come across.

I would like to thank Dr. Wallace and everybody at I & O, for making Neo-Tech available to me. I have already realized the benefits of possessing NT knowledge, for example by simply dismissing doorstep Jehovah-Witnesses with reasoned argument, but probably more significantly by my increased confidence and optimism, which has helped me in planning my own business venture.

Sheldon I. 2921-11

About your Neo-Tech books, at first I had a hard time understanding and accepting them because of a religious background even though I stopped going to church. Plus this was something completely new and foreign to me. I was still critical of you and your writings.

So I have been reading and listening to tapes from your company for over four years. But I still wasn't quite convinced of you, and where you were coming from (your motives). It seemed like there was a puzzle part missing.

But when I read "Bureaucrats and Politicians on Trial", in the Protection Kit, it was like the whole room became filled with light. I felt I could have been one of the persons in that room being mistreated, fearing for my life. It felt like they were in the Soviet Union or in China. Mr. Wallace, I can really feel your heart beat in this one. I can't imagine the time and effort you put into this book. You have really opened my eyes after all these years. Before this I was just reading and not knowing what you were trying to say to me. I can now see the full picture of what Neo-Tech is trying to do. It's a do or die process to smash mysticism.

Shelley O

Upon finishing Neo-Tech for the first time, it has drastically changed my life. I realize of course that it is something that must be re-read. It has changed my attitude towards religion, government and a healthier life.

Rather than going through life in the passengers seat, I am now in the drivers seat and loving every minute of it.

Simon P. P1-007

When the world recognizes his genius, Frank Wallace should receive a Nobel Prize.

S. T. , 595102-20

Upon reading the last page of my ZON 2000 communigué, it began to dawn on me, and I awoke from a deep coma to realize that I have just gone through a most dramatic and profound PSYCHOSURGERY ever. Blocked psychological garbage, warped beliefs, and mystical orientations began puffing away into a black hole of nothingness. ZON was the long awaited and final cure for my myopic blurred vision of reality. That glaucomic mystical and irrational perception of reality faded fast, while an emerging, bright, happy, and clear sight of reality and existence now dominates my awareness.

The chains of slavery imposed by years of induced fraudulent religious conditioning have been terminally broken, I have gone from a fake "born again" condition to directly experience the honest meaning of my existence. for I forever AM. The "Who AM I", "Where do I come from", "What Am I doing here", and "Where am I going" question has now been answered. That answer is ZON. That precept is Neo-Tech. That spirit is HONESTY.

Never have my spirit and well being been so highly elevated. What can be more uplifting that knowing that I Am the Alpha and Omega, the eternal component of existence, and as such, I am the consciousness of existence, and the creator of its full physical expression throughout the Cosmos. I AM ZON, and ZON is my honest identity that once was clouded and in fact robbed from me by the Neocheaters in control of religion and politics, family, education, society and life.

How can I ever say thanks to Dr. Wallace; The effects of his discoveries can be physically measured in me when most friends and acquaintances frequently ask and admire the changes in me, and strangers struggle to pin down my age beyond 25, and I have heard a number references to me being 22 years of age at the most; when in fact I am 13 years older than that.

Dr Wallace, I am grateful for you helping confirm my long held doubt and suspicion of the "status quo" in this anti-civilization, while confirming my inner though before faint certainty that I was existence encoded in flesh and that I shall forever exist consciously and physically among the civilization of the Universe. Forever is ZON, ZON dwells in flesh, ZON rules existence, ZON creates nature, ZON begates the Universes, from eternity to eternity ZON is, ZON is everlasting, ZON is no beginning and no end, ZON is me.

Once again Dr. Wallace, never a man in the history of this planet brought so much joy, benevolence, life and honesty to mankind as you have done. Your kindness and child like spirit and sincerity shall be acknowledged by all the generations to come in the rising civilization of the Universe.

Those attacking ZON and Neo-Tech are nothing more than nature's last attempt to preserve the dying meaningless sub-existence of it's virus like humanoids being under the antidote effect of ZONPOWER.

And I shall be perpetually thankful to you.

Stefan J. R-3835

I think every person has some doubt about religion and governments, but accepts it because "it is supposed to be like that".

After reading Neo-Tech I-V I have to say that those question-marks, and many more have been made so clear and in such an easy way.

After my first reading of the Neo-Tech package, I can already "filter" out certain people around me, and I'm starting, immediately to read it a second time.

But the best thing so far is in the way you lose all your guilt-feelings in all areas of life.

Many thanks.

Stepan K., 499080-10

My majors at Duke are Pre-Med and Computer Science. I want to earn an M.D. and Ph. D. degree in Neuroscience, and become a Neurosurgeon. I am concerned about the damage in medicine done by Clinton's Health Care and increasing government regulation/socialization. If necessary, I will work towards collapsing mysticism in medicine -- not only to secure my happiness in my career, but for the rest of society. I want to research Biological Immortality, and am eager to network with any individual with like goals. I also want to network with others in the realm of business -- I need to amass the funds to support my research projects.

I have implemented Neo-Tech concepts in every facet of my life...from the DTC to exercising daily, to a liberating, incredible romantic love relationship, to competence in studies and business ventures and beyond. By applying the Neo-Tech concepts consistently, I have attained a future career potential, and a level of happiness -- completely unbeknownst to those around me.

On the other hand, the intensity of happiness and life I have experienced makes the Plato world that much more unbearable and...with each step I take into Neo-Tech, the more painful becomes the realization of the world as it is now, with many problems, and much work to be done. I still default the flounder at times, and would like the push of like-minded people to catapult me into success and beyond.

I have set as my life goal the attainment of Biological Immortality through medicine and business.

Stefan K. P1-03

Three months ago I received the incredibly powerful Neo-Tech Cosmic Power. Since then there has been revolutionary results in my personal life, mental capacities, happiness, well being, health, all areas of life. I am still in the process of integrating Neo-Tech into my life and shall continue integrating and growing forever. My happiness, excitement, and passion for life have escalated to heights I have never before imagined. What's even more wonderful is that I achieved this with the power of my own mind. Never again will anyone tell me what's best for me. Mystics and neocheaters stand no chance against me.

Thank you for your time and effort, with my regards to your noblest of efforts.

Steve and Mimi F. R-2626

The Neo-Tech Discovery is the most interesting, informative and mind-opening book I have ever read. Each chance I get I try to read and understand a little more. I'm so excited about the new/true way of thinking -- I read it aloud to my husband and we discuss so many topics now. It was much easier for him because he basically thinks Neo-Tech already. Now we have so much more to discuss (not argue) together. We find each other great companions -- thanks to Neo-Tech.

Steve B., 595210-7

The Neo-Tech information is priceless. So far, and I am yet to become fully integrated, I have gone from earning at the poverty level to my current $90,000 per year. ...In less than three years! Wow!!

My appearance has been reversed. I am 45 but everyone thinks I am 30 or 32...until we start to talk. One elderly Japanese man said, "You appear as a youth yet you have the wisdom of an ancient. How old are you really? 80, 90?" People consider me a genius, I tell them I am only an integrated Neo-Tech conceptualizer.

Because my need for sleep has fallen to 3 or 4 hours, I have more time to read. Therefore, I am currently working on two Ph.D.s in different fields.

Steve G. C-315

I was, at first, shocked and amazed but the more I read the more my eyes were opened. Neo-Tech is worth thousands of dollars to any individual. I have spent a lot of money in the past on books that were just garbage and because of this I was reluctant to buy Neo-Tech. I took the chance and changed my whole outlook on life as a result.

I know I will have to read Neo-Tech again and again before I fully understand everything contained within the concepts.

Frank Wallace, and everyone in I & O have put together a marvelous package. I look forward to Neo-Think and works on music, sport, etc. The world is looking good again!

Glenn M. C-316

Congratulations on your excellent work. Most impressive.!

Steve L. CTE-5008

Before I discovered Neo-Tech, life seemed hopeless. I come from a long line of poor, mystic choked, defeated, but strong people. From an early age I realized that if I was ever to amount to anything, I would have to do it myself. There was never anyone who would, or could help me. I was exploited in many ways by Neo-cheaters and mystics, in fact, I almost gave up on life. Neo-Tech transformed me from grim hopelessness, to being a realistic, value producing individual with a meaningful life to live.

I have risen from the ashes. I am determined to succeed at life.

Steven A. N, P1-01

For the past three years I have been intensely studying human development, success, physiological powers of the subconscious mind and anything dealing with pure honesty that will improve the quality of life forever. I've read or heard at least 300 books or tapes but nothing has had more of an impact on me than Neo-Tech. It seems to me with Neo-Tech you have a formula that cannot be beat. There is nothing more important to me than Neo-Tech concepts. I will forever live by them and yearn for more. With fully integrated honesty I have no doubt there will be a collapse of all mysticism, which will move us to the tips of the universe. I am extremely excited for this opportunity for grand knowledge. I have set a goal for myself to become a Neo-Tech writer and educator. I want to see the extinction of all mystics and neocheaters. I see no where that a Neo-Tech perspective could not be learned and put into effect.

Steven H.. R-6033

Have abandoned my belief in God, which prior to Neo-Tech would have been unthinkable. Am beginning to enjoy the benefits of self-responsibility, self determination, and rational thought. Realize now that biological immortality is both possible and desirable. Although it takes time for my goals to be realized, I can foresee my future and prosperity. Man's greatest gift to himself and society -- the honest, rational, productive individual.

Steven P. 795140-2

Neo-Tech is my manual of life, I can't thank you enough. I am going to read it again and again, it is the greatest. I have completely rejected mysticism in myself, I tore my bible to shreds and put it where it belongs -- in the trash, for that is what it is, trash. I look forward to a world free of mysticism, altruism, and neocheaters. You are absolutely correct, biological immortality can and will be achieved. I am only 28 years of age, and I am so grateful for this manuscript, again, thank you so very much.

Susanne C. C-300

Having recently finished my first reading of Neo-Tech II, I'm starting over lest I miss a single important thought.

I can only say how very angry I am (in a healthy way) in allowing myself to be usurped by others when, in my mind, I always knew the realities as you so eloquently and intelligently pointed out.

Because I do have (and always have had) a high regard for human consciousness -- specifically others, it is a wonderful feeling to now guiltlessly include myself. A thin but powerful obstructive line to be sure. Such a small price to pay for `peace' an prosperity.

Sylvester H. NT-14

I'm only on advantage #70 of the first reading on Neo-Tech II but I couldn't hold off until I read the package once or even twice before letting you know my appreciation for such deep-gut, belief-abolishing material. Now that I'm sanded down to reality, I'm hoping that after reading the Neo-Tech package two to three times and acquiring the Encyclopedia and Neo-Think I will gain unbeatable power over every professional mystic and neocheater that touches my life.

Sylvia S. J-166, AUSTRALIA

Truly fascinating! I started reading the Instructions at lunch-time, had a quick look at the last chapters of volume I, and then skipped here and there through volume II, and it was all I could do to put it down until I could resume it later on that evening. When I did settle down to study it properly, at about 6:30 p.m., eight hours fled by, and I would have still been reading if my eyes hadn't been burning! I staggered off to bed at about 3 a.m. with my mind full of new insights, and more knowledge about who I am than I have ever acquired at one sitting.

Again, I can't wait to get stuck into volume II again! It's like taking a handful of pep-pills! I must confess that some of the concepts are almost scary, and I'm not sure that I agree with all of them in total. I'm not even sure that I even want to be the kind of "Neo-Tech" person that Dr. Wallace describes. But that, in my eyes, only goes to show how much fear and self-denigration have been bred into me over the 50 years of my life. It is said that "you can't teach an old dog now tricks," (one of the many ancient catch-phrases that most of us have accepted as "true", which Dr. Wallace warns against), but he has just taught me to think of myself as a human being, who can and will be taught a few new tricks, and to stop identifying myself as that "old dog". Hell, I don't even like dogs!

I was interested to find out whether I was suffering from "Growth Death", convinced that I was, but was most pleasantly surprised, on going through the check-list of Growth-Death indicators, to find that I am positively flourishing in the Growth department. Then I had to go at the sentence-completion techniques, very interesting indeed. I never dreamed I had so many repressed emotions! It was like a voyage of discovery, reading over my completion's to those sentences. I was almost asleep when I did those, but the answers I got awakened me I was too tired to think up "dishonest" completion's, and really did put down the first thing that my mind came up with.

I have always admired people who controlled their emotions, and have always thought less of myself for being unable, at times, to keep mine in check, but Dr. Wallace, in one simple sentence: "Emotions are neither good nor bad", has caused me to see the whole emotional side of myself in a completely new light.

That really amazes me is that I had never seen the simplicity of that concept, even by accident, in all these years. It is just like being separated from almost the whole of self-understanding by a wall of thinnest tissue-paper for years, and then suddenly realizing that the wall is there, and is the only obstacle to all I have been seeking. More than that, on the other side of that wall are riches not only of self-understanding, but of hundreds of other kinds which I am only now about to discover. The wall has dissolved, in a few minutes of those fateful 8 hours between Sept. 26th and 27th, and I'm about to live my life among the riches it has concealed.

Years ago, I read Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead", "Atlas Shrugged", and "The Virtue of Selfishness", which contains some essays by Nathaniel Branden if I remember correctly. Rand's philosophy of Rational Self-Interest had quite a profound effect on my ways of thinking, which I suppose must have influenced more of my subsequent activity than I realized. But, having been made aware of an alternative to the lifestyle of guilt, altruism, irrational values, etc., which is thrust upon most of us before we have learned to think for ourselves, I was no more able to use it than a sheep could use a knitting-machine. I wasn't even as integrated with myself as the sheep. I wasn't even using the wool on my own back, as it were, until someone came and shore it off. I was consistently being shorn of everything, by people I really had no time for, and instead of cooling me down, it was getting me increasingly over-heated. And still I couldn't find the key to applying what I had learned during my adult years. Now I think I have found it, in Neo-Tech. It is simply that Dr. Wallace has explored much further, and explained his findings in much greater depth, than those audacious and brave pioneers of Rational Self-Interest, and coupled it with the exposure and analysis of Neocheating.

I always suspected that all those "Positive Thinking", "Transactional Analysis", "Pulling Your Own Strings" books were lacking in something: now I know they are lacking in practically everything, at least everything that I was searching for. Thank you, Dr. Wallace.

Tammy L. R-1735

Since discovering Neo-Tech I've truly begun to realize my own potential to do whatever I really want to. I now have a better perspective on life and people. Now I know better what to believe in, what to know and what I still need to learn.

Teremaru M. R-2238, NEW ZEALAND

I loved and greatly enjoyed the Neo-Tech package. It made me fully aware of the truth about Neo-cheaters that existed, and defined what true productive work is. The knowledge in the Neo-Tech package fills a hole in my life I didn't realize I had. There are many areas of life which only the Neo-Tech package recognizes and acknowledges and relays this information to those who desire the truth. Thank you for allowing me to be one.

Terry P. C-13

I did some investment counseling for my father last month. Considering liquidity, yield, safety, and risk my father's investments will quadruple in five years. My decision was based on some of the Neo-Tech data along with other information. I am the sole heir of that money. It is reassuring to know that I will be a millionaire someday. Now, my father is studying some of the Neo-Tech data. He's pleased and I am pleased.

Terry P. R-2245

Since I read Neo-Tech my purposes in life became very clear. And I am very happy realizing them. As a result, I have a great deal of confidence and "guts".

I am sure that Neo-Tech will be regarded as a "Classic" in history because it honestly addresses the issues that are most important to the human individual.

I am having a ball.

Thomas F. R-607

I am overawed with this masterpiece. Finally a treatise on modern philosophy is complete with no loose ends, consistently logical, rational, and with examples illustrating all possible viewpoints.

Thomas W. C-52

Having been raised a Roman Catholic I never had even thought of questioning my religion. As a matter of fact, I never talked about it with other people, I just took it for granted that that was the way it was. My background in computer science has trained me to think rationally and logically but I never thought to apply it to my own life.

Todd R-8374

Before I read Neo-Tech, my life felt like a dead-end. Now it feels like a new beginning. I have just begun to clear my mind of the 20 years of garbage piled by Neo-cheaters and Mystics.

Tom G. R-6550

I realize now how I have let others make me feel guilty so they can have their own way. I now analyze everything I see on television and in the movies and read as to Neo-Tech, neocheating, and mysticism.

I especially enjoyed the ideas on romantic love and have stopped being so shy and will put myself into more situations to meet potential partners. Mouth responsibility also impressed me. I have put myself down humorously for quite sometime now due to lack of self-esteem, but realize now that only hurt my self-esteem more.

Tom H., 595102-3

Dear Neo-Tech,

Battles have already been won and no shots were fired. The victory is ours and they don't even know it. If I may be of assistance please write.

Toney R., 590260-9

I am a current Zonpower / Neo-Tech owner and it has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined! I can't even count how many experiences I've had that promised me a better life, more self esteem, success, etc. But all the books, tapes, seminars, sermons, prayer and therapy failed miserably to deliver. I was basically the world's "doormat", and believe me, there was an endless supply of people, from bosses to lovers, more than willing to walk all over me.

The book literally blew my mind. I think I experienced every possible human emotion while reading it, from rage to ecstasy. It basically stripped me clean of every value, philosophy, ethic and doctrine I had previously held so sacred and taught me how to rebuild my value system from the ground up.

After the second time thorough, people started noticing a change in me. No longer did people take advantage of me. People who previously wouldn't have given me time of day started taking an interest in me and actually wanted to be a friend. My boss kept saying things like "what has happened to you?". Almost overnight, I could easily make rational decisions where I had once been so wishy washy. People who once had intimidated me were now being intimidated BY me (I actually found myself having to back off sometimes). I did manage to stay with my wife for a few months and I couldn't believe how she started responding to me, especially in bed. Unfortunately, she couldn't handle not being the "boss" anymore. Plus, our value systems drifted too far apart (she is a committed fundamentalist Christian).

Although I feel I haven't even scratched the surface to what lies in store for me, I already feel that Neo-Tech has been a priceless treasure to me. I'm alone now, but I do not feel lonely at all. I am looking forward to a totally awesome future in the years to come.

Tony M, 9351-4

About a month ago, I received the Zonpower product, therefore I'd like to give you my feedback.

After receiving that product, my initial reaction was a deep disappointment. Although I technically understood what was written in the Zonpower booklet, I had expected something more earth-shattering in regard to your announcement in the advertising brochure.

Now, a month later I am beginning to see the bigger picture and the subtle connections. The whole issue of mysticism and how it effects our life became more clear to me.

The only factor which can prohibit a success is stale thinking and mysticism. For instance, the notion of singularity still prevents all scientists to get out of that dead-end-street. Or the mystical belief in talents can prevent someone to venture into a career or sport because he thinks that one needs a talent in order to be successful. These forms of mysticism can be vanquished easily because all that is needed is to identify the mystical error. Furthermore, there is generally not much emotionality involved. It is simply a false belief.

Now, back to Zonpower. I sense that the power of this product lies in separating the reader from the Plato world -- that means cutting away its emotional influence.

The Plato world then gradually loses its power, especially its emotional power. Then the reader can confront his personal mysticism with less resistance and less pain.

Tony S., 595102-13

Dear Friends,

I think I am still in that drop jawed eyes rolled back state of awe. As most of your readers commented, it truly is a shocking experience to go from the obscure (mysticism) to reality (Neo-Tech life)! The answers to many of life's questions seem to just fall into place, like logic!!


T. R., 493250-3

Neo-Tech was first introduced to me by a close friend. At that time I was still living with my oppressive husband and I did not have any sort of self esteem. I thought all of our material problems were my fault. Then I began reading Neo-Tech and I realized that the things that he was doing was his way of controlling my thoughts and actions.

Now, after a few short weeks, I am living on my own, living a guiltless life. My two small children are much happier also. My three year old son doesn't have to watch his father beating his mother.

I have just started a career in restaurant management and for the first time I feel like my life is worth something. I know that I can accomplish anything I choose to pursue. Thank you for your insight and wisdom. I admire your work and your accomplishments. I look forward to reading more of your publications especially the Neo-Tech Protection Kit. I feel I need to protect my children from all neocheaters and mystics. Thank you!.

Tracy H. R-3658

Neo-Tech claims to be much. It is all that it claims to be, and more. In style, Neo-Tech is accessible to the unsophisticated producer, but it also gives ample opportunity for rejection by those prone to find any excuse to ignore meaning. The Neo-Tech message cannot simply be read, it must be achieved. Read for content, apply what you learn, and a life of guilt-free happiness will be yours. I know; for such is mine.

Utt N. R-628

I have never enjoyed my life more than when Neothink allowed me to replace the false values I had with real values, which in turn enabled the first positive production of my memory. And more importantly, it bridged the gap in my marriage. As a result, I was a productive partner and better parent. Fulfillment of positive, productive goals brings all else into focus.

Victor a. R-2797

Thank you, Dr. Wallace!


Victor O. C-1025, Chile

I have read Neo-Tech and for me it is the most extraordinary and wonderful discovery, incomparable with anything else. To me, it is the best event of my life. Neo-Tech gave me back my freedom and independence. I have back my self-confidence and self-esteem.

Neo-Tech made me more strong to confront the reality of life. Now, I am free of the disgusting mysticism which made me lose 30 years of my precious life, and perhaps my entire life had I not found Neo-Tech in time to wake up.

Victor T. R-2026, ENGLAND

Astonishing. Has made me re-examine my views on accepted dogma. Has opened the door to a whole new way of thinking.

Vivian B., 3901-C1

My new Zonpower/Neo-Tech Manual has brought a nice dawning to my world. There just aren't words to describe it. Dr. Wallace certainly is a precious and beautiful human being. Would love to meet and embrace him and let him know my warm feelings towards such a super human being.

It hurts me terribly to think how the honest and decent human beings have been treated and taken advantage of all these years. Animals don't even treat one another this way. The power hungry ones can't even be called people -- for they aren't human. I now hope to live forever so I can share the beautiful, free, and loving world to come -- when all the parasites are squashed like leeches from our backs. What a beautiful world we all could be living in today if there were more people like Dr. Wallace. Susan, do you think I could purchase some of the small Zon 2000 books to sell to my factory friends?

Wallace K. W. R-6410

I have read numerous books on growth over many years. None have inspired me to the heights that Neo-Tech I-V have done. I had mixed emotions until my second reading and then something took place -- like a new awakening -- I can honestly say, it has given me hope. Not only for myself, but for my fellow-man!

It seemed a little strange at first, that I would be taking a 180 degree about face in my thinking. But as time passes, I can now say that I totally agree with Dr. Frank R. Wallace, John Flint and all of the writing and thinking that takes place at the I & O Publishing Company.

Like all good things, we always wonder what took so long in it coming about. As it unfolds, I wondered why I didn't think along these lines years ago. It all seems so basic, and yet, so earth shaking.

To summarize, I wish to thank all of those who took part and are taking part in this great cause. I believe we will see a worldwide change within several years. I definitely want to be part of it.

Walter M., 499080-14

When I first received my Neo-Tech in July of 92, I was both pleased and upset because I too counted myself as a lazy, mystical person and I was looking for a magical answer. I worked very hard to accept that I was in control of a plain, boring, ground zero existence that took discipline to produce results everyday of my mortal life. But, this way produced more growth and results that I had known before.

Now after reading Cassandra's Secret I'm spinning again , because there are new and truly exotic concepts we are working.

Warren H., 595210-2


Wayne S. C-4999

I must somehow express some of the most profound changes I have experienced since first encountering Neo-Tech seven months ago. Though there is so much to impart, words seem hardly adequate to the task. I find myself thinking in terms of gratitude most heartfelt for what Dr. Wallace and I & O have given me through Neo-Tech.

Of all the benefits I have gained from Neo-Tech, the one that comes most immediately to mind is FREEDOM.

Thank you for showing me the way to freedom from sugar, caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol. Thank you for giving me the strength to achieve freedom from the cocaine, marijuana, L.S.D. and other drugs I have used constantly to hide behind for over thirteen years.

Thank you for freeing me from the vices of religion and politics. Thank you for helping me to repair the effects of damage inflicted upon me as a child mentally, physically and emotionally. Thank you for granting me freedom and immunity from the purveyors of gratuitous guilt, who are dismayed at my growing self-confidence, self-assuredness and independence, and would have me return to my worrying, dependent, subservient former self.

Thank you for freedom from erroneous definition of words like altruism, selfishness, and pride.

Thank you for the twenty-five pounds of muscle I have gained, so far, as a result of a diet and exercise program I had the freedom and guts to implement once my thinking had been corrected by Neo-Tech.

Thank you for the freedom of being self employed, which Neo-Tech gave me the nerve to do. There are no more limitations on my financial future.

Thank you for the freedom of the truly psychuous romantic love relationship I am enjoying with my wife, who married me four weeks before I encountered Neo-Tech and is quite pleased that I'm not the same man she married. The happiness and security of our marriage, which is a profound source of energy for me, wouldn't have stood a chance without Neo-Tech and would have been as doomed as my first marriage.

Thank you for what has probably had the most profound effect of all on me, freedom from the prospect of an inevitably early death. The R.I.B.I. is a source of hope and inspiration, not only for myself, but for the world. It's very existence is a reason to live a healthy, happy, prosperous life for all free people.

To all the mystics and neocheaters out there, (of whom I am now free, thanks to Neo-Tech) stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

To those who would be free from the chains of others or chains forged themselves, Neo-Tech IS THE HAMMER TO BREAK THOSE CHAINS.

If there is ever anything I can do, anywhere, anytime at all for Neo-Tech, I & O, R.I.B.I., or Dr. Wallace personally, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Wayne S. R6344

If I could say everything I wanted to about Neo-Tech, then I would have to write a book.

All I can say here is that without Neo-Tech I would never have discovered the truth about the way we think or the way we live, worse, I would have died.

You need Neo-Tech. We all need Neo-Tech.

Wayne W. CTE-5005

I'm 39 years old and all those years I have been raised in the church and sang with a gospel group and did a lot of solo singing. It was all second nature to me. The idea that I could be convinced it was all a hoax is blowing my mind.

Wilbur V. R-8000

After reading Neo-Tech I-V, and after much re-reading and study, I have come to the conclusion this is the answer to most of the world's problems. I definitely intend to further improve my life by using Neo-Tech to guide my future decisions.

I want to express my gratitude to all the individuals, who have contributed in the development of the Neo-Tech way of life.

William D. C-1905

Please add my name to your long list of satisfied buyers of Neo-Tech I-V. There is little I can say that has not been said by many others about the dawning of awareness and evolutionary growth in understanding afforded by the Neo-Tech Discovery.

I never was one to smile much. I was serious in my efforts to make mysticism work for me. Now, however, when dealing with neocheaters I find myself smiling at them as I listen to their prattle. They recognize my knowing smile and "cut the crap" without my saying much of anything It always works best with the master Neocheaters, thus, making them the easiest to stop. The poor deluded mystics require a word or two. However, with those little fish I usually just write them off as nothing to be concerned about.

My income has increased 50% since receiving Neo-Tech I-V three months ago but the greatest benefit has been the salvaging of my self esteem. I was ready to promote and market a "success system" that I believed in which was a mixture of logic and mysticism (as most of them are). However, when I realized the dishonesty involved, I scrapped the program rather than profit financially from promoting something that would harm others. Instead, I turned to the marketing of a simple product that provides real value and found the financial success that had eluded me for almost three decades of effort.

William L., 595210-15

Fully realizing that most "Get-rich quick" scams are utterly worthless in that their value, dubious as it might be, has already been sucked dry before being offered to the general public, I still wait and watch for something different and fresh. Well, my waiting has finally paid off! I ordered the ZON manuscript on speculation just to find out what Dr. Wallace had to say, but assumed that I'd have to send it back like so many others before it. However, the ZON manuscript is a jewel of wisdom and is not something that I'd care to part with! In fact, I've placed it in my safe where it will be available to me should I ever forget its mighty lessons or become swayed by Platonistic philosophy.

I expected that the ZON material would be a battle plan aimed at acquiring wealth, but was pleased to discover that it was not such a plan at all. In actuality, the ZON discovery is a KEY. I read the total manuscript over three evenings and was delighted! I realize that the ZON manuscript separates individuals who live by their conscious minds from those who live by their bicameral minds. The difference between the two is as profound as the difference between Cro-Magnon man and his extinct brother the Neanderthal. The bicameral person hasn't a chance to survive in a world Neo-thinkers! Why has this important knowledge not taught in the world's institutions of higher learning? Could it be that they wouldn't care to have this crucial concept become common knowledge? Could it be that the wolves prefer to keep their sheep ignorant? Are they practicing what you might call herd management themselves? After all, they do push Platonistic philosophy...

Odd, that I, as all fairly successful practitioners have to some extent applied these principles over the years without fully realizing the magnitude of what I was doing. What distresses me is the that I also left so much laying upon the table due to bicameral bleed-throughs. Believe me, this will cease to occur in the future. Like most collegiate types, I was aware of the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, but never gave them a second thought or considered their effects upon myself and others. I do now! I had also read Ayn Rand and was exhilarated by her concepts, but considered them fiction, never applying those concepts to my business. I do now!

William O. R-8005

Neo-Tech is the ultimate mind expanding intellectual writing of the twentieth century. At first it shocks the reader, especially those entrenched with mysticism. Those who seek the truth overcome and begin the mind healing process. It is true that the mind is a powerful self-healer as Dr. Wallace claims.

I have had the Neo-Tech manuscripts now for just over a year. My life has been profoundly affected in a most positive and healthy way. My thinking processes have become quite clear and many emotional mysteries of my past have become solved due to many hours of introspecting. Religion (Catholicism) is no longer a part of my life or thinking nor are any other forms of mysticism.

As a result of my new found acute awareness of Neo-Tech and the mind's power of consciousness, I have made some profound observances in myself as well as many others. I sense and am aware that there are many stratified layers of consciousness or conscious functioning between bicameral animalism and stark awareness of absolute reality. I suspect that for some humans (maybe all) there are limitations to how high one's thinking may experience along the stratification. I am also beginning to see, for myself at least, that I am capable of experiencing many of these "levels" of consciousness in the same day and even from moment to moment. The world functions within split levels of consciousness.

My awareness of reality and my ability to think clearly and take guiltless steps in directing my life have soared beyond my wildest expectations. If anyone thinks for one moment that human personalities and character cannot change, they surely haven't yet experienced a Neo-Tech person. A day does not go by without my thoughts turning to Neo-Tech. Each day I heal more and grow stronger. My thoughts, observations, experiences, and conscious awareness are now reaching beyond the bounds of the Neo-Tech Discovery.

William S. R-2443

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" -- the church says it but Neo-Tech did it! 58 years of guilt about sex and money GONE! Married 36 years -- nine children -- now enjoying and delighting in sex with NO GUILT. Started business in basement 21 years ago and built it into a 5 million manufacturing Corp. -- 90 employees inside -- 1400 Sales Reps outside -- now for the first time really proud and guiltless of my success! I am now the man that I always wanted to be!

William W. R-7607

Most people, that my eyes see, choose to spend their lives "somewhere, over the rainbow" searching for emerald cities and easy handouts. Sometimes, they even try the "ends of the rainbow" for pots of gold, lottery miracles and mostly other peoples values.

I choose to be "somewhere, under the rainbow", on a path towards its center where Neo-Tech, RIBI, The Research and Writing Center, I & O Publishing Company and all conscious, benevolent and reality oriented people are.

Yorick P. G. CTE-5009

I hope the following will prove useful to other Neo-Techers, as levers and gearing toward a deeper understanding of Neo-Tech.

I am a laborer and was shocked at the amount of mysticism that I was stuffed up with. A very good way I found of finding and dissolving my laziness was through physical work; because we get a physical feedback (pain) when we push our conscious effort to the borders of our "can-be-bothered" mind-area, our own mysticism and laziness is easy to find. To dissolve it we press into this "no-go" area. At the end of this exercise we can see how well we really did by our "reality-gauge" e.g. No. of bricks moved per time.

I have started to use pain as a measure for actions. "Pain" is healthy, we all have growing pains, pains when we stretch. Nobody can lift a load without the accompanying proportional price/balance in pain-effort. I have found the more selfish I am, the healthier I feel; "niceness" leads to a draining of energy and a dissolution of the self.

Since Neo-Tech I have become a better employee, by realizing that I am part of the business and therefore `subject' to its principles: profitability, efficiency, responsibility, etc. The boss is no longer the flesh-devouring, blood-sucking, baby-eating pain the she was, but a highly rational, concentrated worker, whose prime objective is the business. (but it still doesn't stop us throwing her in the pond occasionally.)

I have also given up fiction and fantasy, in the form of TV, cinema, rock music, etc. The concentration and attitude necessary to indulge in these is opposed to the one that we need to achieve things in the real world.

Everyday I pull the factors of concentration, self consciousness, reason, persistence and education, to cut through the laziness, mysticism, comfort, apathy cycle. Everyday I expand my "can-be-bothered" mind area. I still suffer from mysticism (sometimes in the form of physical symptoms -- dizziness, faints, lethargy, insecurity). Once Neo-Tech has momentum it is impossible to stop; its inertia is made by the inspired conscious efforts we do put in, when not swamped by our mysticism.

Finally, I would like to say to the still unconfident: Jump! Learn to be selfish, learn to take pain, jump now, not later NOW! Even if you haven't pulled the full integration, you have to jump or die, for the Neo-Tech age is upon us; it is our own decision to reap the profits, or dissolve into oblivion.

Remember this: When man has reached the stars and achieved things beyond your wildest dreams, the Neo-Techers of today will be there.

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