Finger-Snapping Commands
Money, Power, Sex
Gates, Clinton, Trump -- Stand Aside
I am Going to Flood this World
Money, Power, and Romantic Love
My name is Frank R. Wallace. I know the richest, most powerful person on Earth. Few on this planet know even a fraction of his wealth and power. Living two lives -- one visible to others, the other invisible -- he circulates among the populace in disguise. He controls the forces of nature with finger-snapping commands. He is powered by a magical secret -- a quintessential secret. ...That secret was partially known to twenty people throughout recorded history. Only he knew the full secret -- the quintessential secret.
By the third grade, that person gained everything he wanted from his parents, classmates, and teachers. From the world around him, he got what he desired -- quickly, easily. Moreover, he made everyone happy about his gains. ...Who was he? What was his power? What was his secret?
That person changed my life. He turned my world right side up. On learning his secret, riches flowed to me from spigots opened wide. ...Below are my experiences of reaping money, power, and romantic love.
Smarter than Einstein, Richer than Rockefeller
I am a professional scientist. I hold a Ph.D. in inorganic and analytical chemistry from the University of Iowa. For ten years, I worked as a Senior Research Chemist at the world-renowned Brandywine and Chestnut-Run Laboratories of the largest chemical company in the world -- E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
In 1972, my life focus shifted from chemical research to cutting-edge physics and beyond -- beyond Einstein's theory of relativity, beyond quantum mechanics, beyond string theories, beyond human cloning, beyond space and time. I realized an undiscovered, untapped Rockefeller-wealth principle lies beneath the uncanny laws of modern physics. I discovered how to make riches swamp my life. I discovered how to exploit the wealth secrets buried within the theories of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Erwin Schrödinger, and Hugh Everett.
Raging Riches from Uncanny Laws
Indeed, known laws of modern physics allow one to alter the flow of time for any event -- speeding up time for certain events, slowing time for other events. Imagine what that means for gambling bets, business moves, regaining lost loves, finding new loves. Known laws also allow one to shape the dimensions of space and time by tunneling through seven previously unknown dimensions discovered in modern string/membrane theories. Imagine what that means for gathering rapid wealth from never before discovered sources. Known laws allow human beings to exist as both visible and invisible, exist simultaneously as dead and alive. Imagine what that means for secretly learning everything about others, for hypnotically overcoming disease, aging, death. Known laws allow entire universes filled with intelligent life to thrive within Gravity Units beneath the detection of the most powerful microscopes. Imagine what that means for mining riches from undiscovered realms of existence. And, greatest of all, known laws allow the continuous creation of countless parallel universes in which one can live a new-and-separate life at each quantum state of every subatomic particle. Imagine what that means for living the exact life one wants while forever leaving behind every bad or negative aspect of one's life.
Wealth at the Snap of my Fingers
Harnessing those deep, hidden laws of physics surrounding me is what gripped my every thought since resigning from Du Pont in April 1972. For the next 25 years, I quietly pursued my quest -- 25 years of successes while riding close to the edge of the ultimate discovery. Twenty-five years until the "miracle" happened. That happened when my unknown other self strode forth to let me acquire whatever I needed -- to acquire whatever wealth and love I desired at the snap of my fingers!
Piecing Together a Magical Puzzle
I knew from Einstein that the laws of physics always worked identically for everyone throughout the Universe. Those laws worked the same for me on Earth as well as for the most advanced intelligence in existence. ...Talk about gaining advantages over everyone on Earth! By knowing the magical secret of harnessing those natural laws, I could acquire the same power held by the most advanced beings in the Universe. By knowing the existence of parallel universes, I could resolve the seeming paradoxes woven throughout the deep mysteries of space, time, and quantum mechanics to release a never-ending flow of riches.
My task was clear: Piece together the puzzle. Thus, piece by piece, I put together the knowledge for harnessing the natural laws of physics into easily usable forms -- formats from which to garner whatever I needed, now and forever.
Previously I achieved wealth, power, and romantic love through my knowledge of Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty. Through Neo-Tech, I already held competitive advantages over everyone with whom I dealt. In fact, since acquiring Neo-Tech, I always thought that I had more power and wealth than I could want or use. Yet, I was wrong. That earlier power was nothing at all like the easy-flowing, finger-snapping riches flowing from the laws of physics. ...I learned the secret from a man called Zon.
Who was that man? On peeling back his disguises, he seemed at first like an all-powerful alien from another world with powers never before dreamed on planet Earth. Later I discovered that Zon was from this world. He simply was not from this civilization. He was an ordinary person with the same intellectual, physical, and psychological nature as I and everyone else. His only difference was that he possessed a magic secret -- the quintessential secret of the Universe. That secret was known to no one else on Earth, but was known to every super intelligence throughout the Universe. Zon captured that secret as a child in the third grade. Ever since that moment, he quietly possessed more power on this planet than held by Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Jesus, Napoleon, and J. P. Morgan combined.
My spine-tingling experiences with Zon are detailed in a manuscript titled Outcompete God and Government. My final encounter with him resulted in a holistic grasping of his secret. The new-color dazzle of that secret has blinded everyone on Earth for 3000 years. That blindness has kept Earthlings from tapping the universal power of Zon. The effect of my capturing his power was breathtaking. I quickly became richer, more sexually attractive, and happier than I ever dreamed possible while previously using only Neo-Tech.
I had used Neo-Tech to rise from the depths of bankruptcy, health problems, depression, and romantic unhappiness. But, now, with my acquiring of Zon's quintessential secret, I took the biggest, easiest, happiest jump in my life -- a jump into a bonanza of money, exciting adventures, and joyful romance.
Below is a quote from the Introduction of that hidden manuscript, Outcompete God and Government:
"Converting Your Fears and Dangers
Guilt-Free Money, Power, Romantic Love
Planet Earth's Greatest Discovery
After 2300 Years
Zonpower Descends upon Earth
to provide ordinary people with
Omnipotent Power
Limitless Wealth"
My Journey toward Zonpower
I called him Zon. I never knew his real name. Was he born or created? Did he have a childhood -- a past? In 1976, he was first perceived as a shadowy man on Earth. He was disguised as a quiet, half-visible, Clark-Kentish man with no outstanding features or obvious powers. Recently discovered documents revealed his past as an ever-changing array of entities, ranging from a never-lose, high-stake "gambler" to an invisible, futuristic Illuminati with knowledge beyond Earth.
What was the omnipotence emanating from Zon's aura? I began discovering those answers on July 4, 1976, the day the first Neo-Tech manuscript was published under the title Psychuous Sex. But, I remained silent for two decades, revealing only oblique hints of Zon. Today, however, cyberspace has vanished the religious-and-government threats against my health and wealth. Thus, I am finally free to disclose a hidden document revealing the power of Zon -- a power called Zonpower.
In 1976, Zon first became recognizable in human terms. He then came increasingly into focus each year until 1986. On November 6, 1986, for the first time, I saw Zon not only as a universal power but as a real person here on Earth. He was a real person striding freely, parting the fog surrounding this planet. In late 1996, Zon came into sharp enough focus to decode recently discovered documents dating back to 300 B.C. and even earlier to Homer...and later the Bible itself, which, incredibly, reveals Jesus as a money/love atheist using Zonpower!
Discovering Zonpower
On November 3, 1986, sixteen gun-wielding agents were directed by parasitical-elite interests to violently destroy my publishing company (I & O) and its research institute (RIBI) dedicated to off-shore, human-cloning research twelve years before Dr. Richard Seed announced his plans for human cloning. Yes, those agents were ordered to destroy I & O's research directed toward outcompeting God and Government. Three days later, Zon appeared in person. He was no longer a metaphor. He was a real person -- a flesh-and-blood man who quietly traversed planet Earth. From that day forth, he showed me how to acquire wealth, power, and love in any situation from any location on Earth, no matter what God or Government did.
In 1992, Zon offered to teach me his universal powers. He warned me that his words and methods would at first appear so strange, so exotic, that Zonpower would seem mystical, unbelievable, yet orgiastically exciting. ...Soon, I realized that Zonpower was not mystical at all, but was the natural dynamics used throughout the Universe by super intelligence. Those on planet Earth simply had not yet discovered Zonpower. Yet, once discovered, it is surprisingly easy to understand and use.
Quickly I learned the deepest phenomenon in the Universe: By intertwining Neo-Tech with Zonpower, I could travel beyond any gold-medal Olympian, beyond any President or King, beyond any Nobel Laureate, beyond any Casanova, beyond any Orpheus with a lyre. ...Yes, I now put Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump into short pants.
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