I am Going to Generate
for you
Millions of Dollars
My name is Barbie Diamond. I am both a lover of men and an emasculator of wealth-destroying "authorities". I discovered the source of limitless wealth -- millions of dollars in the first year. I discovered how to exchange my boring, stagnant existence for a life of boundless excitement and wealth. ...I can now disclose the discovery that generated millions of dollars in new wealth from the hidden laws of nature.
While reading early parts of a manuscript titled Outcompete God and Government, I met an ordinary-appearing person. But, he was not a citizen of Earth's civilization. He was a citizen of an all-powerful civilization that flourishes through ever-expanding wealth generation. He had powers beyond what citizens of Earth's anti-wealth civilization could imagine.
A UFO had landed? An alien from space? A supernatural being? Or other such mystical wonder? No, nothing mystical or supernatural. Yet, in Earth's primitive civilization, the powers of Zon seemed infinite. Still, he was starkly in the here and now, standing before me, gaining wealth and love from all within his realm.
I asked questions: From where did you come? What can you do for me? How can I gain your power, your benevolent magnetism, your sexual aura? As if he had read Ayn Rand's Virtue of Selfishness and Atlas Shrugged, he was not offended by my selfish questions. He openly gave me answers:
Zon was born on planet Earth. At five years of age, he escaped Earth's civilization designed for everyone to lose -- to decline, fail, and ultimately die. Yet, as a child, he experienced the laws of the Universe -- laws to be obeyed in order to be commanded. ...Zon never lost his universal power -- a power greater than held by any adult on Earth. But, not until many years later did he fully reveal that power.
He told me that a rare, perhaps one-in-a-trillion combination of ordinary circumstances let him, as an ordinary person, escape Earth's anticivilization. He then returned to construct a map for ordinary people like me to discover the wealth-driven Civilization of the Universe. Today, I am using that map to avoid the illusions of this anti-wealth civilization with its politician/lawyer-like dishonesties. Today, I lead a new life of undreamt wealth, ever expanding excitement, and enriching romantic love.
The Origins of Raging Riches
Zon explained that as children become conscious, starting perhaps around two years of age, they automatically become citizens of the Universe with omnipotent yet unlearned powers over life, nature, and existence. But, tragically, before they realize those powers, young children are helplessly, relentlessly, remorselessly dragged into Earth's irrational, anti-wealth civilization. Despite the tragedy of children, Earth's civilization began advancing about 3000 years ago when man's bicameral animal mind discovered his consciousness human mind. ...With that discovery, man's automatic nonconscious mind jumped into a volitional conscious mind.
Half a millennium after that jump, at the height of the great Ancient-Greek Civilization, man's new conscious mind became infected with dishonesties, mysticisms, and irrationalities. Such brain maladies are wealth-blocking diseases analogous to the immune-blocking diseases of AIDS and cancer. Those wealth-blocking maladies ultimately bring a fatal condition known as Plato's disease. Named after its originator, Plato's disease undermines the mind's defenses against wealth-destroying "authorities", mystical religions, force-backed rulers, lawyer-like dishonesties, and envious parasites. ...From 350 B.C., Plato-infected minds could not harness the hidden laws of nature that generate limitless wealth.
Millions of Dollars in Guiltless Wealth
Until Zonpower was revealed in the mid 1990s, everyone on Earth was embedded in a dead-end, anti-wealth civilization. Each person's thinking process was corrupted by parasitical elites who manipulated government, religion, law, education, journalism, entertainment, and big business. Thus, everyone on planet Earth suffered incalculable losses that led to aging, decline, failure, and ultimate death.
At last, I am free from this anti-wealth civilization that is marching our world into a deflationary-collapse followed by an inflationary depression -- and then war. At last, I have a new life of everlasting wealth and happiness. At last, I can generate millions of dollars in new wealth each year through a magical secret -- the quintessential secret of the Universe. ...That secret rises from a hidden manuscript titled, Outcompete God and Government.
P.S.: Zon was who I am; Zon is whom I'm becoming.
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