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Becoming an Irresistibly Sexy Man

by Maria
(Translation from Spanish to English)

Fully integrated honesty is the first knowledge that integrates science with philosophy, psychology, and physiology together because there cannot be a separation among facts, mind, and body. When a man understands the point at which everything has to link together, he will feel a powerful difference in his life. If he, as a man, wants to achieve prosperity, happiness, and romantic love, he must strive for fully integrated honesty. Honesty is intrinsic to man's nature. Honesty is in a man's body, heart, and soul. A tragedy occurs whenever a hard-working man dies without knowing that fully integrated honesty is a part of his own nature. For a man who goes through life without striving for fully integrated honesty will never experience full life.

When the man strives for fully integrated honesty, he gains all the characteristics that make a man a "real man" -- an irresistibly sexy man. His strength will become unique. He can become a wealthy man as a lover, a husband, a father, a brother, a friend, a boss, a business man . The most powerful characteristics in a man are honesty and modesty. Honesty and modesty let the man do what he likes to do in order to have prosperity, happiness and romantic love throughout his life. His soul will never die. He will remain as good thoughts in the memory of whoever has the opportunity to know him. He will be a "Sexy Man" -- forever!

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Fully integrated honesty is the base of real life. When a man becomes aware of what it is to be a fully integrated honesty person, he will become a happy man who will work tirelessly and effectively for money, power and romantic love. He becomes that powerful man by applying discipline, thought, and control to his productive life. At the same time, he will make the necessary effort to use that energy with consistency to become a free man -- to benefit himself and others. A man with fully integrated honesty, can carry his work ethic over into his personal life as well. He will learn how to maintain his own fitness and health by running or doing other exercises regularly within a consistent aerobic program that will improve his health and happiness. He avoids caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. The result is that the man practicing fully integrated honesty becomes an "irresistibly sexy man".

When a man gains fully integrated honesty, he will feel like he made the biggest discovery in history for himself. To be a man with fully integrated honesty is to have the world's most powerful knowledge, which will change the way that man sees everything around him. The man with fully integrated honesty will see the world course going in his direction for his and everyone's benefit. A man with fully integrated honesty sees life from a different prospective. He has better judgment about people, ideas, and actions. Moreover, he can understand human errors with an open mind and compassion. Despite his position or level of education, a man with fully integrated honesty will control his life. A fully integrated honesty man cannot be manipulated from any organization, individual, or group of people. If a man struggles for fully integrated honesty, he will identify all dishonest people in all areas of life. ...This world will bring the promised land to the fully integrated honesty man. For, that man will gain limitless wealth, power, and romantic love -- forever.


from the
Jungles of Costa Rica

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