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Pax Neo-Tech

Pax Neo-Tech

Scene 1

Are You Ready?

Start by Looking Back

Defending free speech in the nineteenth century, the English historian and champion of liberty, Lord Acton, identified how individualistic ideas most vehemently opposed by the Establishment became the enduring ideas of the future. He points to the Greek-philosopher Socrates and then to the historical-humanist Jesus. They were not political or religious leaders. They were sublime teachers. Both advanced ideas of the individual over the Establishment. ... Thus, a threatened Establishment executed both men for impiety, though neither had harmed anyone nor infringed anyone's natural rights.

Indeed, a mob-unleashing Establishment executed Socrates and Jesus for their pro-individual/anti-establishment ideas. Today, however, Pax Neo-Tech flips their intangible illusions in imagined-or-ethereal realms into tangible benefits in a real world here on planet Earth. ...Pax Neo-Tech works through Neo-Tech. But, how does Neo-Tech work?

Neo-Tech is a wealth-creating dynamic as implied in the preceding Prelude and Overture ... and demonstrated throughout this Opus. To understand how Neo-Tech works -- how it flips the unreal into the real, how it flips losses into profits -- start by going back four centuries:

During the early 1580s, in the back of a classroom at the University of Pisa, sat a young student, hands folded behind his head. He had discovered a new-dimension thinking process. As usual, he sat quietly smiling at the professors. Trapped in their special-interest closed boundaries, those professors feared that student. He knew less than those "learned" authorities. Yet, with ever-wider integrations combined with fully-integrated honesty, he outflanked them. ...His name was Galileo Galilei.

To grasp the power and danger of non-biased, wide-scope integrations combined with fully-integrated honesty, go back 150 years before Galileo to one of the most heroic figures in history -- an illiterate, 17-year-old peasant girl: Joan of Arc. With a pure-and-unobstructed vision of freeing France from the conquering English, she outflanked and then overcame every seemingly-insurmountable obstacle. She outflanked each who blocked her way toward commanding an army. Starting with the lowest-level local officials, she persuaded everyone up through the ranks, through the nobility and military, to the Dauphin himself -- the would-be King of France. Persuaded by her unflinching vision and charismatic power, the Dauphin granted Joan command of an outnumbered-and-demoralized French army to break the critical siege of Orléans. ...Inspiring her troops into fervent frenzies, she broke that siege in 1429, driving back the overwhelmingly-superior English army in one of the most-unlikely military victories in history.

Her stunning victory at Orléans was followed by decisive victories in three subsequent battles. In each battle, her military strategy was impeccably-flawless and her use of artillery was uncannily-precise.

How were such military achievements possible by an illiterate peasant girl with zero experience or knowledge of military tactics and artillery physics? Her near-flawless strategy came from wide-scope integrations that outflanked all others who were thinking in narrow-scope traditional ways.

Joan was captured in 1430, imprisoned, and then put through a showcase, five-month trial by a fearfully-envious Catholic Church. The judges convicted her of heresy and sorcery. They then had her publicly burned alive in the marketplace at Rouen. ... Joan defeated England, saved France, and had the Dauphin Charles VII crowned King when she was 18 years old. The authorities feared her power. Thus, the Church in collusion with both English and French politicians killed her when she was 19 years old.

Now, back to Galileo. His wide-scope thinking rendered his professors' knowledge, words, and writings obsolete. Those academic authorities knew that; he knew that. Thus, sinking into denial about Galileo's newly-uncovered knowledge, they pointedly avoided him and his facts. Fifty years later, "learned" authority Pope Urban VIII would prosecute Galileo in the Inquisitions for obsoleting Catholic-church dogma already undermined by Thomas Aquinas. ... What happened later? Those obsoleted authorities faded from history. Joan of Arc and Galileo prevailed in history.

Today, four centuries later, new-dimension thinking dynamics rise from Neo-Tech. Those Joan-of-Arc/Galilean dynamics yield ever-wider integrations combined with fully-integrated honesty that renders "learned" authorities" obsolete.


Politics, religion, and philosophy rise from truths manipulated into illusions. Neo-Tech sweeps away those illusions. For example, consider the greatest delusion foisted by politicians -- "I'm compassionate. I have a heart. I'm going to use government to help the little guy". Neo-Tech exposes them as neocheaters. As explained later in this first scene, neocheaters are camouflaged criminals who usurp unearned livelihoods by stealing and then redistributing wealth earned by others. From such hidden thefts, neocheaters glean unearned money, power, and praise.

Existing on parasitism, those neocheaters have the coldest hearts and ultimately impoverish the "little guy". They are frauds who make illicit gains by feigning compassion. Such neocheaters include crusading to-save-just-one-life-is-worth-it politicians, lawyers, clergymen, academics, journalists. They are not only hypocritical mountebanks, but they are hidden killers of innocent people. For every life they claim to help or save, they are responsible for the degradations and killings of countless innocent lives via corrupt political laws, destructive bureaucratic regulations, and propagating lethal dishonesties.

Neocheating elites cause untold human sufferings and hidden deaths. Such parasites bring costs-of-living increases and decreasing standards-of-living to everyone. Their cold-hearted parasitisms bring impoverishments, starvations, and deaths -- especially to the world's poorest populations.

Smug, comfortably-ensconced, sound-good parasitical elites relentlessly sow sufferings and deprivations worldwide. Over their 2500-year history, those self-righteous neocheaters usurped their illicit livelihoods by harming and killing billions of innocent people -- many billions upon billions more than the open killings by wars, tyrants, and terrorists.

Who will win Earth's final war? Each side now has the means to vanquish the other: "Evil" has the means to vanquish good via political/religious/arbitrary laws combined with life-annihilating, bio/chemical/nuclear detonations. "Good" has the means to vanquish evil via business/scientific/universal laws combined with life-enhancing neothinking explained later in this first scene.

While no one knows who will win this war of two worlds, one question is answerable: What can win that war? Pax Neo-Tech can. What is Pax Neo-Tech about? It is not about good over evil. Instead, it is about sublimating dishonesty in honest people, irrationality in rational people, injustice in just people. As one reader identified, "Pax Neo-Tech is about trusting oneself to abandon dishonesties, irrationalities, and injustices." ... Pax Neo-Tech works by undermining beliefs and faiths in bogus authorities such as politicians, celebrities, God, Allah, popes, bishops, priests, ayatollahs, imams, mullahs... and their Scriptures, Bibles, Hadiths, and Qur'ans. 

As did Socrates, Jesus, Joan of Arc, and Galileo, Neo-Tech threatens bogus authorities. It leaves them with no future regardless how great their seeming authority or power. Neo-Tech leaves them with no Homeric timê, Greek kleos, or Roman dignatas -- no honor, glory, or dignity. Neo-Tech shrinks them toward null points -- toward vanishing points.

Yes, indeed, Neo-Tech shrinks (1) ignorance and superstition, (2) orthodoxy and fundamentalism, (3) hatred and intolerance. Neo-Tech withers away the diseases of mysticism, irrationality, and dishonesty. Neo-Tech subverts the sociopathic duet of religion and politics. For, that duet sickens and then kills conscious life.  The lethal sufferings spawned by that duet have no place or meaning in any future civilization of freedom, health, and prosperity.

Discovering Earth's Anticivilization

During a publishing meeting in May 1992, a Neo-Tech author stipulated that the survival and flourishing of mankind requires propagating a single understanding among the populace. That understanding is this: Politics and religion never yield rationally-vital civilizations. Instead, they yield irrationally-lethal anticivilizations. For 2500 years, camouflaged criminals called neocheaters have conjured up and perpetuated anticivilizations that deliver decline and ultimate death to everyone. ... Anticivilizations are unnatural and bizarre. They spiritually impoverish and then physically kill everyone.

Such an understanding brings the corollary understanding that free business, science, and art yield open-ended prosperity, non-aging health, and romantic happiness. With Pax Neo-Tech, business and science increasingly nullifies politics and religion -- today's anticivilization -- point by competitive point.

Life in Earth's Anticivilization

At that same meeting, the Neo-Tech author outlined three major values in recognizing and then integrating the fact that essentially every conscious Earthling today lives in a 2500-year-old anticivilization built on a political/religious matrix of dishonesties and irrationalities. Those three values are:

  1. A person gains a calm-and-benevolent acceptance of the fact that since about 500 BC, humans had no choice but to live, suffer, and die in a bizarrely-unnatural world -- in a politically-and-religiously ravaged anticivilization.
  2. A person dramatically increases his or her toleration, understanding, and ability to function beneficently, prosperously, and happily in an anticivilization.
  3. That person can then profit from essentially any positive or negative situation arising from an anticivilization. How? By harnessing Neo-Tech's fully-integrated honesty with wide-scope rationalities that undermine and then profitably exploit anticivilization deceptions. Such exploitations are processes of "creative destruction" within today's dishonest-and-irrational political/religious anticivilization needed to build an honest-and-rational business/science/art civilization on Earth as described throughout Pax Neo-Tech.

Vanishing Earth's Anticivilization

That author further explained how profitably replacing Earth's political/religious anticivilization with a universal business/science civilization requires the following three changes:

1. Changed Views

Earthlings live not in a civilization. They live in an anticivilization in which decline and death await every citizen. No one can dispute that fact. Neo-Tech, however, profitably flips dead-end political/religious views into open-end business/science views.

2. Changed Psychologies

America's founding fathers gained their wisdom not from arguing philosophy, preaching religion, or manipulating politics but from understanding secular natural law and factual historical knowledge back to classical Rome and Greece. America's founders implicitly sought to sweep away the harmful psychologies flowing from religion, politics, and philosophy -- sweep away with natural law, the lessons of history, and common sense.

Today, the first change required is neither political nor philosophical, but is psychological in evolving a universal civilization. With that psychological change, one feels neither hostile toward the anticivilization "evils" of politics, religion, or philosophy ... nor resentful about today's necessity of living in an anticivilization. Instead, one first learns to understand an anticivilization, then to profit from it, and finally to nullify it. ... Realize that a political/religious anticivilization and a business/science civilization are two separate entities with characteristics and laws as different as street fighting and composing symphonies.

3. Changed Thinking

The power of consciousness comes not from today's circular-analog thinking, but from tomorrow's linear-digital neothinking. In 1981, Neo-Tech identified neothinking as a mystic-free/forward-moving digital process. The most-profitable form of neothinking today is bubble-control thinking. It involves viewing every segment of human knowledge and action on planet Earth as encapsulated in a 2500-year-old bubble of irrationality, mysticism, and criminality. Scene 3 shows how outside-the-bubble views yield perspectives that profitably outcompete those living within that bubble.

How did that bubble of irrationality start? In fifth-century BC Greece, the populist-demagogue Pericles developed the art of hiding criminalities. He manipulated voters into supporting his security-ruining Peloponnesian wars and economy-ruining Parthenon projects. He fraudulently garnered unearned power and glory in the name of Athens.

In the seventh-century AD, religious-demagogue Muhammad manipulated that bubble. He jelled the art of transferring criminalities into a long-range format. Emulating the cross-carrying Christian conqueror, Constantine the Great, Muhammad murderously conquered and then brutally plundered populations into submission. He fraudulently garnered unearned power and riches in the name of his conjured-up Allah.

In the late twentieth century, political-demagogue Clinton climaxed the art of manipulating that bubble. He entrapped the populace into accepting dishonesty across every facet of life. Unlike Pericles and Muhammad, however, Clinton pursued no grand, mass-murdering vision. Instead, he would sink long-range America for nothing more than garnering power and titillation in the name of himself.


Upon grasping Pax Neo-Tech through the eight explanations below, a person can induce many hundreds, if not thousands, of profit-generating bullets from the Neo-Tech literature. That person can then choose and pick -- cherry pick -- just the right bullets to create and then rule almost any situation to his or her profitable advantage as illustrated in Coda #3.


1. Neo-Tech is the universal dynamic of conscious life. It is fully integrated honesty, uncompromised rationality, and wide-scope accounting.

2. Mysticism is the dishonesty disease that creates problems where none exists. Mysticism is the stupidity disease that has no redeeming values. Mysticism lethally blights human consciousness.

Mystical beliefs and activities are attempts to escape objective reality -- attempts to escape from the terror of an anti-law/anti-justice "civilization" -- an anticivilization. Going back in time, mysticism is the remnant of the ancient bicameral mind -- the hallucinating non-conscious mind. In the 1980s, Neo-Tech literature expanded, generalized, and then harnessed the bicameral-mind theories of the late Princeton University scholar, Julian Jaynes, concerning the origins of both consciousness and mysticism.

Neo-Tech identifies mysticism as the number-one enemy of human life -- the number-one disease of the conscious mind -- the number-one global plague to be cured. Mysticism is (1) the self-delusion that non-reality is real, (2) the immaturity of acting upon nothing as if it were something, (3) the seminal source of irrational behavior and criminal destructiveness.

Mysticism yields criminal envy. It yields the mass murder of value creators by value destroyers as happened on September 11, 2001. Mysticism destroys life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. ... The disease of mysticism will end conscious life on Earth if not cured.

3. Neocheaters are camouflaged outlaws who manipulate mysticisms -- mysticisms they have embedded and re-embedded throughout the populace for 2500 years. With cynically-hidden force and fraud, neocheaters use mysticism to glean power by keeping world populations entrapped in endless cycles of ignorance, destruction, and death. Neocheaters are found in nearly every quarter of life. The most-common and widely-harmful neocheaters, however, are political-and-religious leaders acting through insidiously-clever criminal minds. ... Neocheaters are not new. Rather, they are hidden criminals newly discovered by Neo-Tech.

4. Neocheating arose from hidden criminal techniques discovered and harnessed twenty-five centuries ago by smoothly-lying, vote-capturing Pericles. Most self-serving politicos today promote him as a heroically-great statesman. With a silver tongue, he used sophistic rhetoric to maximize citizen involvement with government and politics. Then, through an unbridled democracy, lovable-cad Pericles usurped power and exercised corruptions via popular support on scales unknown to past kings and tyrants. ...Pericles escaped pending criminal indictments by dying in 429BC from the plague. He, followed by his protégé nephew -- glamorous-traitor Alcibiades -- ended the Golden Age of Greece. Alcibiades was, however, indicted and paid for his crimes against Athenian citizens.

Neocheating peaked 2500 years later with the smoothly-lying, vote-buying Clinton who ended the Golden Age of America. Most self-serving politicos today promote him as a wonderfully-compassionate benefactor. With a silver tongue, he used sophistic rhetoric to maximize votes from the parasitical classes. Then, through a feculent democracy, lovable-cad Clinton usurped power and exercised corruptions via tax-purchased votes on scales unknown to past presidents. ...Clinton was impeached but escaped conviction via his supreme political guile used to sink a badly-misguided, religious-right prosecution.


Among today's most destructive neocheaters are politician-buying, class-action/tort lawyers. They drain billions from the economy and society while ravaging entire industries, businesses, and professions. Consider their egregious $200-billion asbestos tort swindle rife with perjury and fraud. Those tort-lawyer crimes unjustly destroy great companies while devastating their employees, retirees, and investors. ...Such lawyers plunder America's productive capital, investment funds, and retirement funds. As modern-day pirates, they pillage and destroy. They drain America's vitality by turning daring entrepreneurs into fearful conformists.

On the other side of class-action/tort lawyers are criminal defense lawyers. Among the important protectors of individual rights against government injustice are the Oscar-Goodman-type "mob" lawyers. By aggressively defending society's most heinous criminals, those wrongly-criticized lawyers protect everyone's individual-and-constitutional rights against prosecutorial abuses. Bypassing misguided popular opinion, those lawyers make governments and prosecutors honestly prove their charges within both the law and the constitution while building an important body of common-law protections.


Next, consider the now-flagging industrial union leaders who gain wealth and power by corruption and force. They demagogically lead workers into despising and then attacking their employers as enemies. Harnessing dishonest government laws -- force-backed political laws -- those union leaders usurp power at everyone else's expense. Backed by those politically-coerced laws that allow illicit force, such union leaders undermine the very businesses that most-effectively develop, maintain, and advance the livelihoods of their employees.

Thus, such union leaders dupe their members into becoming less competitive, less desirable, and less secure. Then, through non-racist, pan-national business justice, those duped union workers increasingly lose their security and jobs to more-competitive, more-deserving workers globally -- to the net benefit of all economies and human well-being.

Gone today are the original trade unions and their leaders such as Samuel Gompers who genuinely advanced the well-being of laborers and craftsmen without damaging and often benefiting their employers. Thus, anti-business unions today are losing their power as they shrink toward irrelevance. ...Yet, rapidly rising today in virulent power are socialistic public-service unions that drive governments into increasingly costly, inefficient, and ineffective services from their non-privatized subway-and-bus systems to non-privatized trash collections.

Most heinous, however, are the major teacher unions that gain power through their politically-manipulated government laws and regulations that degrade education and damage children. Those union teachers generally leave children poorly educated while stifling their futures, especially among the least-privileged, most-needy children. Equally heinous are today's tenured marxist/fascist professors who inculcate formative youth with anti-free-thought/politically-correct dishonesties. Such malicious "educators" corrupt the minds and warp the souls of America's most-gifted, most-privileged youth.

By contrast, the most effective sources of education today come not from teacher unions, public schools, universities, or governments but from free markets -- from profitable business dynamics. Two examples are the Internet brain extenders, and Another example is the Teaching Company, which markets a wide variety of lectures by outstanding, honest-minded university professors in widely diverse areas of knowledge. Neo-Tech readers are encouraged to visit and order educational products from its website

Often the most valuable lectures are from those professors and subjects about whom or which the listener has the most bias against, the least interest in, and/or the least knowledge about. Continuous creativity, achievements, and prosperity depend on ever-expanding education -- both self-taught and formal. ...Neo-Tech harnesses the supreme value of honest-and-rational education.


Finally, consider the 1990s-spawned business neocheaters who destroyed major companies through accounting machinations. They criminally gleaned obscene pay along with unearned bonuses and stock options. They gleaned those riches for what? For bankrupting their companies while wiping out shareholder equity via new-era, business pathologies. Such ersatz businesspeople abetted by their complicit lawyers and accountants operated not as hard-working business executives but rather as easy-route political manipulators.  With political bribes throughout the 1990s, they scammed billions from investors while damaging or ruining the lives of innocent employees, retirees, and investors by the millions.

The greatest damage inflicted by the 1990s-spawned CEO outlaws is the witch-hunt they ignited toward honest but aggressive businesses, creative managements, and daring entrepreneurs. Consider, for example, mega-value-creator Martha Stewart. She was shattered via bogus insider-trading accusations driven by sanctimoniously-dishonest politicians and politically-ambitious prosecutors. Also, consider one of the greatest value creators of the 20th century, General Electric CEO Jack Welch. The media enviously savaged him for what he honestly, justly earned. He earned every penny of his compensation. In fact, he deservedly earned much more than he was ever paid.

Recognize the difference: Stewart-and-Welch-type business CEOs create and build great values for investors, employees, and society. By contrast, Enron-and-WorldCom-type political CEOs loot and destroy great values belonging to investors, employees, and society.

5. Neothinking: Pax Neo-Tech changes how one thinks and acts. That changed thinking -- that new genre of thinking -- is called neothinking, which means digital freethinking used to profitably predict the future through the laws of nature. ...Neothinking harnesses honest, wide-scope universal thinking to profitably outflank dishonest, narrow-scope anticivilization thinking.

Wide-scope Galilean/Joan-of-Arc type neothinking captures and assembles widely-scattered puzzle pieces to reveal the predictive power woven throughout natural events. Consider another type of new-color neothinking: Vincent van Gogh's swirling dot-and-dash yellow flurries that outreach and outflank other artists in emotionally revealing the warm loveliness of nature. Also, consider Jackson Pollock's far-reaching, spontaneous drip-paintings creating gorgeous soul-revealing fractal patterns that outflank other artists by activating the beauty and order hidden in nature's seeming chaos. Thus, today, each painting of van Gogh and Pollock commands many millions of dollars.

Neothinking comes not from man's automaton animal brain. Instead, it comes from the natural use of man's volitional conscious mind. Wide-scope neothinking embraces germane facts available only from beyond biases and agendas -- new facts that allow clairvoyant visions of the future. ...As Socrates implied, Go wherever the facts lead.

By contrast, narrow-scope anticivilization thinking is unnatural -- not a natural part of conscious thinking as explained in Aria #3, Liberating our Quantum Consciousness. Such anticivilization thinking leaves people trapped in closed bubbles of manipulated truths and dishonesties. Thus entrapped, they never know what is actually happening outside their non-reality bubbles. ...As Plato implied: They are trapped in their shadowy caves.

In other words, with the wide-scope neothinking of a Galileo or Joan of Arc, one can escape his or her anticivilization trap to out-predict, outflank, and thus outcompete those entrapped within their own narrow, biased slices of life. For, in crucial aspects of life, such entrapped thinking becomes dishonest, impotent, or erroneous... or all three, sometimes grossly so.

One example of such grossly-erroneous thinking glares from the common acceptance of progressive taxes -- force-backed redistributions of earned income and capital (versus non-force consumption taxes). Without destructive income taxes, capital-gains taxes, and irrational government regulations, prosperity would expand without limits. In such a free-enterprise boom, sales-tax revenues would also expand without limits, allowing the consumption-tax percentage against the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to continually shrink as the percentage of improper-and-unnecessary government spending declines toward zero.

Consider also how replacing the onerous filing of income taxes with a simple sales tax would bring debt-liquidating prosperity to prevent an otherwise inevitable real-estate-bubble collapse and a forced debt-liquidation recession or depression. ... Percentage-wise, the working classes would benefit the most by eliminating all income taxation on individuals and businesses. For, income taxation destroys the future -- destroys job-and-wealth-creating earnings, savings, investments, capital, entrepreneurial opportunities, and the most-precious commodity -- time.

Ultimately, only competitively earned income continually improves both short-range and long-range human life. Only competitively earned income provides net-productive investment capital. Only competitively earned income generates net advances in prosperity, business, jobs, education, well-being, health, science, art, and romantic happiness.


Escaping the anticivilization requires discovering the whole spectrum of conscious life. In an anticivilization, people seldom consider facts beyond their personal closed-agenda 'realities' and closed-thinking biases. Trapped inside their own bubbles, they are blown here and there by the winds of political, religious, and philosophical manipulations. Without wide-scope thinking, they become servants to neocheaters while drifting about not knowing where they are or where they are going.

6. Total Victory = Infinite Justice = Infinite Riches: The word "infinite" is not real or graspable in physical reality. Yet, "infinite" becomes real and graspable from mathematical perspectives in terms such as infinite series and infinite sum. Similarly, "infinite" becomes real and graspable from Neo-Tech perspectives in terms such as infinite justice and infinite riches. For, by applying Neo-Tech to a universal civilization, both infinite justice and infinite riches become the necessary metaphors for first understanding and then achieving forever-young, forever-prosperous, forever-happy lives.

7. Create -- Outcompete -- Flourish: During the course of a conscious mind engaging Pax Neo-Tech, the brain's circuitry reconfigures into a mind that can create an ever-more prosperous, healthy, and romantic life. After perusing each page in numerical order, the reader experiences a final integration -- a gestalt-like epiphany that illuminates the entire Neo-Tech spectrum to reveal the endless riches, youthful health, and exciting romance available to conscious life right now, right here on planet Earth.

8. Nature's Quintessential Secret -- Cassandra's Secret: Conscious life yields eternal wealth, health, and romance. ... Pax Neo-Tech unlocks that secret by sweeping away 2500 years of politics, religion, and philosophy.

Are you ready to start sweeping?

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