Psychuous (SIGH-kyu-uhs) is a new word describing integrations that combine the activities of the mind, body, and emotions to achieve rational pleasure, happiness, and love. Psychuous pleasures (or psychuous sex) is a self-love, self-interest approach to personal well-being and romantic love. The psychuous concepts harness the total integrated human potential for pleasure, happiness, and prosperity. That in turn, allows the cessation of conflict among the mind, body, emotions by reconciling philosophy, psychology, and physiology.
The word sensuous is normally associated with the five physical senses. Expanding "sensuous" into the new meaning of psychuous captures the essence of pleasure by including the most potent dimension - the pleasurable gratification of the human mind. The conscious mind is the ultimate organ for experiencing pleasures, including sexual pleasures. The mind integrates all pleasures with everything that a person is, does, and thinks. The mind is the portion of the organism that offers unlimited pleasure and happiness. This gratification includes the harmonious agreement of a person's love life with that person's material, philosophical, and emotional wellbeing. While the five physical senses are important to experiencing pleasure via temporarily stimulating various sense receptors of the body, the depth and intensity of pleasure lies within the conscious mind - to the extent that a person has developed a psychuous mind.
Sensuosity is a variable depending on the total psychology of each individual. But psychuosity is a consistent value based on the nature of man and woman. Psychuosity always has the same meaning and is always the most powerful of life's values.
Sensuous behavior can increase psychuous pleasures. But since psychuous pleasures involve the whole person in both sexual and nonsexual experiences, those pleasures are not dependent on sensuous behavior.
The requirements for psychuous pleasures depend on human biological needs - on human material, physical, psychological, emotional, and intellectual needs. Since biological needs change only with the process of evolution, the requirements for psychuous pleasures will not basically change for as long as human beings exist. Those requirements are:
The development of physical awareness is needed to integrate the body, emotions, and intellect into a harmonious being. No separation or dichotomy exist between the mind and body - by nature, they always function as an integrated whole.
The development of self-esteem is needed to feel worthy of pleasure, love, happiness, and life itself.
The development of an efficient, rational mind is needed to produce desirable, traceable values required for quality survival.
Three types of love exist: 1. romantic love, 2. friendship and family love (includes all personal, nonsexual love), and 3. intellectual love, i.e. love of Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Chopin, etc.
Contrary to popular myth love is not beyond understanding. Love can be exactly defined and clearly understood. Psychuosity encompasses romantic love, which means the integration of the mind and body between a man and a woman. That integration includes the emotional/intellectual reflection and development of values between that man and woman. Such a complex relationship requires planned, rational thought by each partner. Romantic love is one of life's most important and practical achievements - a major source of growing, long-range happiness.
Yet romantic love is often projected as blind, silly, mindless, irrational, immature, transitory and impractical. But the opposite is true. Romantic love involves an emotional, intellectual, and sexual involvement with another person. And romantic love offers the deepest of all human happiness and the greatest of all human pleasures. Romantic love is the most important and valuable of all human relationships. The experience of psychuous sex within romantic love is the most powerful and direct confirmation of each individuals values and self-worth.
All emotions fluctuate. Even the strongest romantic love will wax and wane. At times, even the most ardent lovers can feel dislike or no love for each other. But within an upward fluctuating pattern, romantic love can constantly be renewed and rebuilt to increasingly higher levels.
Sense of life (one's fundamental view of life) is an integral part of everyone's subconscious philosophical position and psychology. Every person has a fundamental view or a sense of life. Although usually existing on a subconscious level, a person's sense of life, influences all long-range actions. Sense of life falls into two opposite categories. One category is a self-interest, benevolent, pro-individual sense of life that is characterized by 1) genuine admiration of human achievement as the highest value and 2) confidence in the potency of the human mind to know reality and guide one to prosperity, happiness, and love. The other category is a mystically irrational, anti-individual sense of life that is characterized by 1) a belief that non man made values (e.g., nature, the universe) are superior to man made values and 2) a belief that the human mind is impotent to know reality.
Most productive people subconsciously hold a self-love, pro-individual sense of life, but outwardly they acknowledge or express various selfless views deemed virtuous and moral. A major step toward personal happiness is to break free from those put downs by discovering and acknowledging the moral rightness of one's own rationally selfish, pro-individual sense of life that always benefits self, others, and society to the maximum. Selflessness is an anti-human characteristic that is destructive to everyone's well-being and happiness.
Personal happiness is the purpose and goal of human life. One function of Neo-Tech Pleasures is to demonstrate that a consistent requirement for long-range happiness and psychuous pleasures does exist. Human beings must meet specific needs to function at their best, i.e., to function as the living organism is designed to function. Filling these needs produces happiness, pleasure, and prosperity.
The requirement for happiness is genuine self-esteem, a requirement that can be attained by all human beings who earn self-sufficiency by producing desirable and traceable values...this requires rational thought, hard work, and constant effort. Furthermore, human beings have both a physical and psychological need to pursue long-range values and demanding goals....By nature, a prosperous, happy life is an active, challenging life.
The essence of conscious life is control - the ability to control one's affairs, surroundings, and future. A person in control is happy and will prosper. A person out of control is unhappy and will fail.
A person sets up prosperity and earns happiness from within. Happiness depends on inner self-esteem, which is a product of a person's life and choices. Happiness is a deeply personal, inner matter. No one can judge another person's happiness by outward appearances alone.
Happiness is a psychological state of knowing that oneself is dealing effectively with reality and morally satisfying his or her nature. The goal of human life is happiness, which is earned by making rational choices to satisfy one's material, physiological, psychological, and emotional needs.
Productivity and self-esteem feed on each other. They are not, however, in a cause-and-effect relationship. The cause is character development; the effect is both productivity and self-esteem. And that effect delivers prosperity and happiness.
The emotions of pleasure, joy, well-being, and happiness have interrelated features, but each is a separate experience with unique characteristics and requirements. For example, one can be happy without experiencing pleasure, and one can experience temporary pleasure without being happy. Enjoyment is induced by taking the time and thought to step back and consciously reflect upon the emotional rewards of pleasure, well-being, and happiness. To fully experience enjoyment, individuals must identify and reject unearned guilt and external pressures foisted on them. See Table 1.
Positive Emotion | Emotional Time span | Emotional Basis | Emotional Dominance | Occurrence | Distinguishing Characteristics |
| Shortest | | | | | | | | | | | | | Longest | Feeling Psychologically Good
Feeling | Physical- Psychological
Philosophical | Intermittent
Steady | *Reaction to specific conditions *Body-emotion orientation *Intermittent nature *Does not require rationality and self-esteem
*Reaction to general conditions *Mind-emotion oriented *Consistent nature *Requires rationality and self-esteem |
*Joy or pleasure are often mistakenly equated to well-being or happiness But well-being and happiness are long-range, broad based emotions that are quite different in nature than the shorter-range and intermittent emotions of joy and pleasure Because these emotions come from different sources and have different natures, their meanings should not be confused or interchanged These differences, however, do not diminish the value and the importance of joy and pleasure, which are valuable and needed experiences in every person's life and can in part contribute to the emotions of well-being and happiness.
**Joy and pleasure are shorter-range emotions that do not always require the rationality and self-esteem that are required for the emotions of well-being and happiness Also, joy and pleasure can be experienced in various ways by unhappy people as well as by happy people However, joy and pleasure based on rational actions and experienced by happy people generally occur with much greater frequency and intensity.
Nearly everyone desires satisfaction from life, or at least an excuse for one's failure to achieve satisfaction. However, few people achieve satisfaction. The main reasons for disappointments, and failures are lack of knowledge and self-esteem.
Many cliches about happiness sound right and click into peoples minds as packages of truths. But those cliches are generally misleading, false, or destructive. For example, one popular notion developed by Freud, Marcuse, Reich, and others suggests that sex dominates human life. As pervasive and as important as sex is, such an all-inclusive orientation around sex is simply not true. Life is oriented around the quality survival and well-being of the living organism - not around sex. Still, sex and love are key tools in the control of self and others.
Survival is the fundamental human physical need. And self-esteem is the fundamental human psychological need. A person's life is oriented around those two physical and psychological needs.
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