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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume I

CAD Letter #8

John Flint
I & O Publishing

Re: Mark Blaydes, File #15936

Dear Mr. Flint:

According to our records this case has yet to be resolved. I am including a copy of the case file, including the last communication we received from Mr. Blaydes. Please resolve this matter as soon as possible and respond to this memo within ten (10) days of its receipt.

Mr. Flint's response:
Date: 4/30/89

Please take three minutes to read over our previous correspondence before consuming fifteen minutes of taxpayers dollars writing an improper request and mailing it to us...opening up another hour or so of future time to read, act on, and file our redundant response. We already answered this and will not continue answering a money-wasting endless regression when the answer was previously clear. No, we will not consume our time and taxpayers' dollars because of your inadequate procedures. Moreover, we will not participate in potential consumer scams that the Consumer Affairs tends to support. It is clear and obvious how this person can get his refund -- so why doesn't he? A lot of people are ripping off honest business, and we will not support such dishonesty. Thank you.

Mark Hamilton

P.S. The Nevada Consumer Affairs needs our next book called "The DTC Method: Discipline, Thought and then Control". The book focuses on accountability, something nonexistent in your place of work.

Editor's Note:

[Yet another example of competant Neo-Tech vs. the incompetent bureaucrats at the Nevada CAD. BP]

Dodaro Letter

May 15, 1989

Dear Mr. Dodaro,

Why are you creating problems where none exist? We have sent four requests for a credit card number so that we can issue you a refund. Not once did you reply rationally and simply provide your number. Instead you continue to attack us with your irrational and uncalled for threats. Not until May 15th did you finally provide us with the data we needed, and a refund was promptly issued.

You should be out producing values instead of attacking honest value producers. You should have read Neo-Tech.


Margot Scott,
Neo-Tech Value Producer

Editor's Note:

[Simply telling it like it is with fully integrated honesty. BP]

Gazette Probe Letter

May 20, 1989

Mr. Ray Doucet
Editor, Gazette Probe
Place d'Armes
P. O. Box 366
Montreal, P.Q. H2Y 3R8


Dear Mr. Doucet,

Thank you for informing us of Ms. Brimo's complaint. In November, 1988, we received Ms. Brimo's returned manuscript set. A form letter was sent to her requesting a photo copy of her cancelled check and offering her the opportunity to swap for a different product. (We require proof of cancelled checks as we are often hit with bad collections after the refund is made.) Ms. Brimo was informed in that letter that as soon as she provided the needed information, a refund would be promptly issued. Ms. Brimo never responded to our letter.

Unfortunately, had Ms. Brimo contacted us with her original complaint -- shipment of an incomplete set -- the entire return/refund would have been prevented. Ms. Brimo did receive her entire product (for we received the entire product back from her.) Few customers confuse their shipment as an incomplete set in which case we respond with the enclosed notice (see blue post card).

We have always kept good, detailed records of all our customers. It is too bad Ms. Brimo chose to return a valuable product out of her frustration and miscommunication. Since we are beyond the "safety" period for bounced checks, we have issued Ms. Brimo a refund without a photo copy of her cancelled check.


Cheryl Thomas
Customer Service

Editor's Note:

[Mistakes do occur at the Neo-Tech Center. Unfortunately, Ms. Brimo missed the value of Neo-Tech because of a simple breakdown in communication. It is rare occurrences like these that worry the workers at I & O. For they can't help but wonder: How much did Ms. Brimo really lose? BP]

Brimo Letter

May 23, 1989

Dear Ms. Brimo,

Enclosed you will find a refund check for $67.50 US for your returned Neo-Tech manuscripts. (The $2.45 postage and handling charge is non-refundable.) Please take the time to read our letter answering your complaint placed with the Gazette Probe.

We wish you would have taken the time to contact us directly with your complaint. It would have saved you and others considerable time and aggravation. I & O Publishing has been in business for over 21 years. We are a legitimate business run by hard-working, honest individuals. We have always treated our customers fairly and with promptness. We do not understand why you jumped to the conclusion that I & O is a "scam". In the future, out of fairness, please put in a little more thought to see the wider picture before attacking or accusing innocent value producers.


Cheryl Thomas

Cunningham Letter

May 23, 1989

Jatona Cunningham
State Office Tower
30 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43266


Dear Ms. Cunningham,

Never, in our 21 years of business, have we had such a non-thinking, time-wasting complaint sent to us. We are at a complete loss as to what you expect us to answer. Ms. Bekevich mailed you a photocopy of our mailing brochure. What is her complaint? There is no problem here to be dealt with, period.

Did you find any legitimate problem or complaint from Ms. Bekevich, or was this mailed to us for a fishing expedition at the expense of taxpayers' dollars?

We are in the business of uprooting bureaucrats using their "respectable" positions to immorally boost their own false livelihoods -- from Rudolph Giuliani's self-serving threats to use RICO against honest businessmen such as Micheal Milken, to attorney generals on self-serving fishing expeditions.


Cheryl Thomas

Editor's Note:

[Sometimes the non-thinking nature of government bureaucracies are beyond the comprehension of hard-working, business-minded Neo-Tech people. BP]

CAD Letter #9

May 29, 1989

Mr. Ronald G. Shutt
Consumer Affairs Division
2601 E. Sahara, Suite 247
Las Vegas, NV 89104


Dear Mr. Shutt,

Thank you for notifying us of Mr. Dodaro's complaint. We have been corresponding to him for quite some time now.

Upon receipt of his returned product, we sent Mr. Dodaro the usual letter requesting his credit card number so that we could promptly issue him credit. (For the customer's protection, we do not keep their credit-card numbers on file). Instead of providing us with his credit card number, Mr. Dodaro wrote back to us with irrational demands and threats attacking our company. We continued to write on four separate occasions requesting his credit card number -- see enclosed file card on Mr. Dodaro. Not once did Mr. Dodaro provide us with his credit card number, but continued his unjust threats in repeated letters to us.

Not until after our fourth request did Mr. Dodaro provide us with the needed information. A credit was promptly issued to his account and a receipt was mailed to him.

I would like to ask you, Mr. Shutt, who protects the innocent producer of values such as those who make up our company, from value-attacking, time-wasting "consumers" such as Mr. Dodaro? Not only did we receive five irrational letters from Mr. Dodaro personally, but he continued on his attack binge by placing complaints with the Better Business Bureau, the Postal Inspector, and Consumer Affairs. Each separate case requiring wasted time to answer those attacks. As you can clearly see recorded in our records, we contacted Mr. Dodaro a fifth time informing him his account was credited and yet he goes on neurotically wasting the time of honest, productive people. In his latest letter Mr. Dodaro claims to be issuing formal complaints to the Attorney General's office and each publication that carries our advertising.

I will await to hear your solution for protection against dishonest people, such as Mr. Dodaro, who try to harm businesses. Please contact me through the address provided below.


Cheryl Thomas
Customer Service

Editor's Note:

[After consuming much time and effort, Mr. Dodaro finally supplied I & O with the information requested from him in their first correspondence. If he had done so in the beginning all that effort and time could have gone elsewhere -- perhaps to something that would have produced a value. The CAD should be protecting businesses from such time-wasting irrational behavior, instead of promoting dishonest consumers who harm businesses. BP]

CAD Letter #10

DATE: 6/9/89
TO: Brax
FROM: Eric Savage

I found out about the Consumer Affairs calling Drew to come into Las Vegas. Drew cannot consume his time this way unless it is established that the Consumer Affairs and Ronald Shutt plan to re-establish a benevolent, helpful relationship as in years past prior to the current administration.

1. Please call Mr. Shutt to have him explain the matter to you so we can determine if we can have a value producer like Drew use his time in an organization like the current Consumer Affairs Division.

2. If it is the same hostile destructive attitude of bureaucrats with bogus jobs, then do not consume any of your time with them. If they have an honest, legitimate complaint, then let them state it without being so sly and secretive -- without them playing their "big-shot" bureaucratic games. Tell them just simply to be honest and straightforward. Just have them state the problem. For we always want to and will fairly correct any problem.

If they choose to keep playing their games, let them come after the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center in any way they wish. (Except we still want to find out from them if any customer has a problem so we may research it and correct it.) We are ready for and welcome any move they make. Please review pages 280 to 290 and page 462 in the Neo-Tech Bible that identifies their bogus, destructive nature at the expense of all honest value producers and tax payers.

You can also suggest to them to team up with the following federal bureaucracies: the Nov-3rd organization, INS, FDA, SEC, Interpol, the U.S. Justice Department (Washington D.C. and New York City Divisions), for they are mounting actions to block the publication and distribution of Neo-Tech.

3. As always, the only The Point is: Who is the value producer, who is the value destroyer.

Editor's Note:

[Oftentimes, the best approach to take when faced with having to deal with value destroyers and their agencies is to simply refuse to do business with them until they become either productive or try to solve problems where they do exist, instead of creating problems where they do not exist. BP

CAD Letter #11

DATE: 8/12/89

TO: Drew Ellis
FROM: Franco Meono

RE: Concerning your memo about the Nevada CAD (Customer Affairs Division)

1. Yes, you should see if they have a legitimate customer problem that we may be unaware of so we can rectify it.

2. No, you should not deal with them if they project the same destructive approach typified by Ms. Compton's past immature power-trip behavior.

3. Below is a first draft clip demonstrating the link between China and all CAD-like bureaucracies.

Secretly, every destructive bureaucrat in America rejoiced and breathed relief when the tanks in Tiananmen square crushed to death innocent children and then murdered with machine guns thousands of brave students who were rising against the destructive bureaucracy of China. Of course, that mass murder psychologically emboldened the bureaucrats at the Nevada CAD to new heights of arrogance, fake power, and anger against Neo-Tech, which is rising against every destructive bureaucrat in America.

But there is a profound difference between the hapless students in China and Neo-Tech: Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty, has an integrated philosophical base that can never be pushed back or suppressed. Every move against Neo-Tech, including guns, fists, and jails, accelerates its goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism to eliminate all destructive jobs and bogus livelihoods throughout various bureaucracies. So let them come with all their arrogant value destroyers -- we and every net value producer in this world are waiting to bring them to eventual justice.

Any edit suggestions on this rough-draft clip will be appreciated. Also, integrate this clip into the Neo-Tech Penis Collapse section on pages 499-500 and in NL #2-8.

Thank you.

Editor's Note:

[The above I & O inter-company correspondence and an enclosed Guns and Fists newsletter was the result of the bloody massacre that occurred at the student-led anti-government demonstrations at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, during the summer of 1989. BP]

CAD Letter #12

DATE: 8/12/89

TO: Mr. Ronald Shutt, Nevada Consumer Affairs Division
FROM: Drew Ellis, I & O Publishing

Mr. Shutt:

Last Friday, your office arranged that you would call me today at 9:00 A.M. I had gotten the enclosed memo from Mr. Eric Savage last Friday and had to cover it with you to determine if I would be permitted to see you today at 11:00 A. M. Of course, you did not follow through and call me. So, I called Ms. Gray at 10:00 A.M. today to tell her there could be no meeting until you and I talked.

The arrogant response of Ms. Gray* today prevented me from communicating with you. If you wish, you may phone my writing office, and I guarantee that no one at the value producing Neo-Tech Center will treat any caller with the rudeness and arrogance that is the apparent modus operandi of bureaucracies such as the Consumer Affairs Division.

cc: Compton, Struve, McKay

*Ms. Gray's nasty behavior was in stark contrast to the courteous businesslike behavior of your secretary, Susan. Perhaps the Nevada CAD could be a helpful entity as in previous years with a nonmystical management attitude as reflected by Susan.

Editor's Note:

[Constantly reminding the personnel at value-destroying agencies of their unhappiness and overall incompetence is not only part of I & O's job, but also succeeds in planting Neo-Tech seeds of genuine guilt and self-doubt in the value destroyers and their assistants. BP]

CAD Letter #13

August 17, 1989

Mr. Ronald G. Shutt, Chief of Enforcement
The Nevada Consumer Affairs Division (CAD)
2601 East Sahara Avenue. Suite 247
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104

Dear Mr. Shutt:


We are returning unanswered your correspondence of August 2nd. No, we will not comply with your demands. As we informed you and Ms. Compton previously, we will not support your bogus jobs by giving credence to your asinine actions. Obviously, again, your computer-generated letter and rubber-stamped signature demonstrate your slothful lack of integration with your job -- your total lack of integration with the letters you receive and the letters you send out. Blindly you continue consuming taxpayers' money while wasting the precious time of honest value producers. Why? The bureaucratic troika of laziness, arrogance, and incompetence has actually become the survival mechanism for Ms. Compton and her bogus-job CAD fiefdom. Thus, to rationalize your jobs, you must crank out those computer-generated letters that malevolently drain time and values from others.

Just look at the enclosed material. Obviously you never looked at that material before sending it out with your signature. Nothing in that material has anything to do with a consumer much less a consumer problem*. In fact, everyone involved with this gratuitous belligerence toward Neo-Tech is a professional value destroyer. Thus, no one involved could be our customer or reader. Why? Because we refuse to deal with professional value destroyers.

The belligerence is based entirely on our atheistic, anti-mystical, anti-neocheating literature. ...Why is the fraudulent Nevada CAD exposing those out-of-state fakes to the Neo-Tech Matrix? Of course, you speed our goal by helping us integrate more fraudulent value destroyers into the Ostracism Matrix. And eventually the Neo-Tech Matrix will eliminate the bogus jobs held by you, Ms. Compton, and all other value destroyers.

What a Joke

Here is a triangle of destructive clowns stumbling together in a drunken tango trying to stop the Neo-Tech Matrix. But that Matrix is unstoppable. Moreover, it is already subverting mysticism and its neocheating hoaxes in 151 countries. ...Now look at that clownish trio: (l) an effete fop who has been a professional neocheater during his entire career -- United States Senator Daniel P. Moynihan: (2) a silly but malignant-minded mystic nun from one of the most virulently destructive organizations on planet Earth for the past 1500 years -- the Roman Catholic Church; and (3) the epitome of bureaucratic ineptitude and laziness -- the Nevada Consumer Affairs Division backed by a yahoo governor.

What a joke. What jolly material for future "Mysticism Collapse!" literature and "Penis Collapse!" newsletters.


Barbie Diamond
Reader Services

Clown CC:
Unhappy-Camper Shari B. Compton
Yahoo Robert J. Miller
Foppish Daniel P. Moynihan
Dominican-Sister Jeanette Redmond
Other CC:
Brian McKay
Larry Struve
G-&-F newsletter file
MC! ostracism file

P.S. I & O Publishing Company welcomes and solicits any corrections or edit suggestions concerning the above document for future publication and the enclosed page 400 from volume 1 of Pincer #1. Thank you.

Editor's Note:

[Notice how the writer is using controlled emotion for dramatic effect -- actually getting under the skin of those targeted by her letter. This letter was developed later into a powerful Guns and Fists newsletter. BP]

BBB Letter #3

November 29, 1989
(Certified Mail #P-138-570-6~5)

Mr. Paul Nutter, Director
Ms. Dora Conway, Operations Manager
Better Business Bureau
10200 E. Sahara
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Dear Mr. Nutter and Ms. Conway:

I was disappointed with your attitudes about the BBB's recent harmful actions toward I & O Publishing. Neither of you reflected concern about traducing our reputation. Neither offered an apology for associating I & O with Naziism with at least one of our customers. Neither offered a remedy for unfairly turning Neo-Tech over to Postal Inspectors --implying a malevolent desire to harm us.

Enclosed is an article (next page) for our next Guns-and Fists Newsletter. We welcome your comments and edits. I hope you appreciate this document as helpful and valuable for the BBB. We offer this information with good will and constructive intentions. For, you can use it to boost the value of you, your staff, and the BBB to society.


John Flint

Editor's Note:

[The above letter was written after I & O learned that someone at the local office of the BBB had told a potential customer inquiring about Neo-Tech that Neo-Tech had something to do with Neo-Naziism(!!). The situation was rectified in the following two letters. BP]

BBB Letter #4

November 30, 1989

Mr. Paul Nutter, Director
Ms. Dora Conway, Operations Manager
Better Business Bureau
10200 E. Sahara Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89104

Dear Mr. Nutter and Ms. Conway:

The enclosed letter and article were written before I received your November 28th retraction letter to the postal inspector in San Bruno. We do recognize your initiative to partly remedy the attempts by the BBB to harm I & O Publishing. Thus, I have removed the article from the next Guns-and-Fists Newsletter.

However, the article still applies. I am sending it to you knowing that the information can be helpful and beneficial to you and the BBB. ...No one would benefit with the BBB and its personnel ending up in Clownsville with the CAD.

Thank You,

John Flint

BBB Letter #5

Is the Better Business Bureau Succumbing
to the
Professional Value Destroyers?

To: The Director of the Better Business Bureau:

In regards to our phone call, enclosed is the material we discussed. Recently, BBB personnel took the following two actions:

1. unjustly slandered the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center by associating I & O Publishing Company with totalitarianism (Naziism or Communism) when the BBB clearly knows that we represent the antithesis of all such value destroyers,

2. malevolently turned Neo-Tech over to government authorities without notifying us, without first obtaining the facts on a hostile belligerent who was never even our customer or never lost one penny to I & O or Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty).

Do those spiteful acts arise from laziness and incompetence? Or do those spiteful acts arise from virulence toward our radical, no-compromise actions and wipe-out philosophy against the white-collar hoax and other bogus livelihoods?

To prevent similar problems in the future, BBB personnel should be trained in value-integrated ethics and honest-oriented fairness. They should also be better informed about our ideal-oriented publishing company of jihad writers and radical editors; our cleaner-than-American-Express business operations, our intransigent principles, and our single-minded goal of collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters.

The BBB should know that dishonest and mystical people, especially "born agains", are threatened by an Antichrist Neo-Tech moving toward Armageddon. Many of those mystics and neocheaters try to systematically attack and harm I & O through consumer groups and government authorities. They want Neo-Tech out of business. But the BBB should also know that I & O is not afraid of or influenced by anyone's hostility, the media, or any government value destroyer. Today, no matter what threats, guns, and fists are used to menace I & 0, no one can stop Neo-Tech from spreading around the world to eventually wipe out neocheaters and eliminate bogus livelihoods.

As you know, we consider the tax-funded CAD fiefdom a fraudulent scam with destructive motives. Yet, until now, we have supported the BBB as a privately-funded legitimate organization with constructive motives.

Still, BBB management must remain vigilant to avoid unfair, unknowledgeable, or blind bureaucratic actions harmful to honest consumers and value producers alike. Otherwise, the BBB could travel the same route as the CAD in becoming a net destructive organization of bogus livelihoods.

Your responsibility is to protect the future of the Better Business Bureau by assuring it operates as a value-producing entity. To accomplish that end, you must prevent future such problems. You must foster business-like cooperation with honest value producers. Why? To effectively serve and protect both consumers and businesses. How? By identifying and subverting professional value destroyers among consumers, white-collar hoax executives, and destructive bureaucrats.


(A letter to Leona Helmsley from Neo-Tech Publishing in January 1990)

Remembering Life

First, I want you to read the attached "Life Capture" and "Love Capture" articles by Mark Hamilton in his book titled Neo-Tech Business Control. Those two articles will move you to a new perspective about you, your life, your husband, and the son you tragically lost.

Valuing Time

Next, I want to express my appreciation for your business-mind reaction to our correspondence. Because of your integrations as a hard-driving business woman, you know the meaning of time for both you and us as value producers.

Value Destruction: Who Is Guilty

I want to tell you that with Neo-Tech you have the shield to protect yourself, your husband, and your assets from all value destroyers. Do not let them make you feel guilty. You are not guilty! You are an innocent value producer. Be strong! Do not let them see any weakness. Show your powerful attitude. You represent the real woman's liberation in America and around the world. Make them feel guilty all the time, because they are guilty. Make them feel ridiculous for tormenting great value producers with their pip-squeak incompetence and resentful unhappiness. Let their envious souls flagellate themselves. Do not show them any suffering or fear because that is what they want. With Neo-Tech, you have the power to step on them at any time. Let them know that! Let them feel that!

Value Production: Who Has Real Power?

Read Neo-Tech Cosmic Power. Then you can feel and use your power. You will not lose your time by understanding the Neo-Tech Advantages. You will rise victoriously, laughing them out of existence through Neo-Tech.

Do not let them kill you and your husband. Instead you can systematically vanquish them with your strength harnessed through Neo-Tech. I invite you to integrate Neo-Tech into your productive existence, along with all the values you have built. Only with Neo-Tech can you protect what you have built during your productive life. Do not let your properties fall apart because of undeserved guilt. Your belligerents are nothing. For value destroyers are nothing. Value destroyers survive by making successful people like you suffer and die from unearned guilt cleverly laid on the greatest, the most aggressive, the most virtuous value producers. ...You cannot let that happen, because you now have Neo-Tech Cosmic Power as your lawyer to protect you from those professional values destroyers and salaried murderers.

Indeed, reality shows. Because of your aggressively productive life, you look young, beautiful, alive in all your appearances. Neo-Tech can forever preserve your productivity, innocence, spirit, and beauty.

Neo-Tech Protects the Value Producers

With your own value producing power combined with Neo-Tech, you can indeed become one of the most important women in the world. The Helmsley inquisition is an evil has no real power. You have the power! Do not lose it! Use it, now! Use it consistently! Never stop using it! ...Do not feel alone. Neo-Tech is always with you.

Quebec Consumer Protection Letter

January 3, 1990

Quebec Consumer Protection Office
Mr. Gilles Moreau, President
Ms. Jocelyn Paul, Attorney
5199, rue Sherbrooke Est, Bureau 2360
Montreal, Quebec H1T 3X1

Dear Mr. Moreau:

(Your reference 8946048.002)
and around the world

1. Last week you sent us six form-letter pages of gibberish: four in English, two in French. What was that time-consuming, swirling mess of words all about? What were those printed form letters that you so lazily, routinely, mindlessly roll out to innocent, value-producing business people? Each of those form letters so arrogantly rolled out caused great damage and consternation to each hard-working business person receiving them. Some will be so severely burdened, they will be needlessly driven from business. ...So What! You say filled with false importance.

Those bureaucratic form letters were ordering innocent value producers to come to you, the professional value destroyers. Why? To beg permission to produce values for you, for consumers, and for society. Imagine the tax-paying public supporting such a scam. In addition, you demanded payment of up to $75,000 to support your value destructions. What was the purpose of your gratuitous, destructive actions? The only purpose was to provide you with false importance and a bogus livelihood under the guise of "consumer protection". ...What a fake, what a fraud. Indeed, you are the consumer fraud however well disguised behind your government aegis.

2. We have a single goal: Collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters. Nothing takes precedence over our single-focus goal. We seek to cure mankind's most destructive scourge -- mysticism. For mysticism is the dishonesty disease, the death disease. ...And we are achieving our goal -- rapidly. We are protecting net value producers from the hordes of parasites living off those producers worldwide with the singular purpose of driving them out of their bogus livelihoods and then laughing them out of existence.

3. We never let professional value destroyers buy our literature at any price under any conditions. That policy is clearly specified in our literature (such as the attached) and in our brochures. Mr. Larivee obviously obtained and used our documents falsely. We do not deal with such people anywhere in the world, including Quebec. Instead, Neo-Tech will be coming after professional value destroyers, both in and out of government in Quebec and worldwide. Beyond the United States, Neo-Tech has already entangled government neocheaters in various countries, worldwide. The most visible results of Neo-Tech are in Eastern Europe culminating in the suicides of East German bureaucrats and the execution of master bureaucrat Ceausescu.

So, let us get some action going in Quebec. For Quebec is a hotbed of professional value destroyers woven throughout its government. Yes, let us get you and your bogus bureaucracy plugged into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix. Also let us start plugging into the Matrix other professional value destroyers in Quebec who constantly drain and hurt the innocent value producers as well as the consumers throughout the province. Show us your next move. Test your value destruction against the value production of Neo-Tech.

Payment Due for Your Value Destructions

Enclosed are additional documents that demonstrate the fraud of tax-supported consumer-affairs bureaucracies as well as those working in such bureaucracies. All of you are ripping off bogus livelihoods from taxpayers through value destruction. Neo-Tech justice will not only prosecute every professional value destroyer, but will ultimately make each of them repay their victims. To start paying for your damages, enclosed is an invoice for $700 US. That invoice covers the irreplaceable time of our value producers wasted by your value destroyers. We expect payment within 30 days to avoid collection action. ...Later you will be billed for damages inflicted upon the other innocent value producers harmed by you and your bureaucracy.

Check Our Files

Check our files at both the FBI and INTERPOL. Neo-Tech will end the bogus careers of professional value destroyers everywhere, including Quebec.


John Flint
Editor in Chief

Editor's Note:

[No response was ever received from the "Consumer Protection Office" in Quebec. BP]

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