The letters in Volume I demonstrate the Neo-Tech formula to eliminate accusations, threats, and attacks from mystics, neocheaters, and other dishonest, destructive people. Those letters provided the stepping stones to prepare I & O to trap the most powerful master neocheating force in the free world. I & O needed those early letters -- those stepping stones -- to properly trap the November-3rd behemoth. Those early letters were, in essence, I & O's training ground for the ultimate battle.
From time to time, while conducting normal business, I & O was forced to confront some of the less threatening value destroyers. I & O soon discovered the Neo-Tech formula. This formula, developed and honed into an effective weapon over the years, increasingly left value-destroying neocheaters stunned and impotent. Retreat into silence was their only reaction. The Neo-Tech formula silenced those kindergarten neocheaters -- the same neocheaters who harass, drain, and destroy other innocent value producers every day. And that 100% effectiveness continues to this day. Although the formula has not changed, its intensity and effectiveness constantly increase toward the Ultimate Battle. That formula intensifies into an unbeatable weapon.
You, the value producer, must study and learn those stepping stones to silence the neocheaters who impede you, drain you...potentially destroy you. Without the Neo-Tech formula, they will drain you until the day you die. But now you can silence their attacks and halt their destructions.
I & O is now moving into the Ultimate Battle against the most destructive neocheating agencies in the western world. I & O has now become the hunter. The "target" list has been drafted. More neocheating targets are added each month. Each action is designed to pull the master neocheating behemoth into the Neo-Tech matrix from which no escape is possible.
The violent, force-backed big-game agencies command enormous unearned power -- guns-and-fists power. Never before have those agencies confronted Neo-Tech. The Ultimate Battle has begun. The Neo-Tech pens will conquer the neocheaters' guns. Through the Neo-Tech pens, the collapse of the 2000-year hoax of mysticism has begun.
The following pages show Neo-Tech engaging the big-game neocheaters such as the IRS, INS, FDA, FTC, INTERPOL, and others. In future literature, you will see the outcome as the seven Neo-Tech waves wash away mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters. BP
Before November 3, 1986, I & O Publishing Company was aware that these same values threatened the traditional power structures. For, these values exposed the bogus livelihoods of all value destroyers. I & O knew that if the company was to succeed, the traditional power structures would eventually have to be met face-to-face somewhere on a future battlefield. For those reasons, I & O began carefully planning for the day when good and evil would clash head on, sending forth the watershed event of mankind.
After ten years, the trap was finally sprung. A pack of armed agents of force from the United States Government descended upon the value-producing offices of I & O Publishing Company. Although the attack was expected, the sudden brute force, violence, smashing fists, and total voidance of due process and blatant violation of the legal "a" points did surprise the coterie of young writers and researchers at I & O. For example, Kenneth Clark, I & O's gentle children-and-games editor, was immediately beaten to the ground and kicked in the ribs. Writers and researchers were pushed, shoved, and physically intimidated. Young female workers were jeered at with suggestive remarks.
But Neo-Tech gained strength from that attack. The child of I & O was buried on November 3rd. But in its place arose a titan -- a business titan that cannot be touched again. For on November 4th, while the workers busily spent the day putting the I & O offices back into working order, the company launched itself into a new jihad-like dimension. On that same day, Dr. Frank R. Wallace made the prediction that the events of November 3rd would accelerate the realization of Neo-Tech's ultimate goal by a decade. ...The following section shows why. BP]
At 12:24 pm, November 3rd, the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center was the only organization on earth with the knowledge and ability to collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. At that moment, our offices were beehives of energetic, competent, young men and women producing priceless values for society, for everyone. Moreover, the Neo-Tech Center was in the midst of producing perhaps the most important series of papers since Einstein's four famous Zurich papers published in 1905. Further, several key papers were in preparation as the centerpiece of the Second Neo-Tech World Summit scheduled less than two weeks later, on November 15th.
Up to that moment of 12:24 p.m., the Neo-Tech Center, not Disneyland, was the happiest place on earth.
At 12:25 p.m., November 3rd, sixteen armed agents struck our writing, research, and publishing facilities. Without warning or provocation, they promptly established "respect" by punching, beating to the ground, kicking, and hospitalizing our children-and-games editor, Ken Clark. They then destroyed a business that took eighteen years of intense concentration and long daily hours of disciplined labor to build: Values that took 18 years of heroic effort to build were destroyed in a few hours by agents of force laughingly plying their trade. The torture of witnessing that deliberate, mindless destruction of such precious values was almost unbearable. ...Every writer and researcher became sick watching their intellectual works being barbarically destroyed.
After ten hours of intense ravishment, those sixteen agents dutifully followed their rule book in concealing their destruction: They neatly, expertly straightened the surface appearance of each room, took photographs to give the appearance of "orderliness and legitimacy", and then left. But they left with our files, manuscripts, writings in progress, research notes and records, checkbooks, book orders, book payments, cash, credit cards, vouchers, invoices, phone indexes, software, programs, word-processing disks, even back-up disks, operation manuals, computer, printer. With grinning glee, they "fixed them good"...they took everything needed to continue
The agents of force left well satisfied. Their day of destruction was professionally done, well camouflaged -- the prime requisite of neocheating. For they had halted our writing and publishing activities and carried away our irreplaceable literary work. Without a care or backward glance, they left behind a neatly bombed-out shell of what hours before had been a happy, beautifully managed, intensely busy publishing house turning out values everyday for others, society, the world. ...Now only quiet air wafts through the ruins.
Our writers, editors, and managers epitomize the essence of honesty, competence, and effort. Yet, those agents had in ten hours demolished a publishing house that took eighteen years of excruciating personal effort, cost, and discipline to build. Moreover, they sacked literary work in progress and trashed scholarly work constructed over the past ten years. ...They even took from home drawers, read, and then carried away intimate diaries and love letters for no healthy reason.
But history will mark November 3rd not as a black day, but as a dawning of a new era. For that day marks the watershed event of civilization -- a day during which mysticism and neocheating began shriveling, began dying in the spotlight of fully integrated honesty: Neo-Tech.
The false power of all neocheaters is now on an irreversible downtrack. ...The neocheaters are now caught in the Neo-Tech matrix. The more aggressively they act, the quicker they sink into the quagmire of their own dishonesties.
Moreover, it is we who are honest, innocent, hard-working. It is we with clean, clear, competent minds. It is we who have dedicated ourselves to producing values for others and society. Indeed, we put much more into society than we take. We and producers like us support all society. We and producers like us must no longer support those who live by hurting others and draining values. ...Consider the following quote from "Voluntary Servitude" by Entienne de la Boetie in the sixteenth century:
"The oppressor has nothing more than the power you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired enough eyes to spy upon you if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you with if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they are not your own? How does he have any power over you except through you? How would he dare assault you if he had not the cooperation from you."
We will never supply that cooperation. We will never aid or abet that destruction. As with their unprovoked beating and kicking of our benevolent editor, Ken Clark, the neocheaters will have to spy on us with their own eyes, beat us with their own arms, trample us with their own feet. For, when all is done by them alone, their actions will become obvious to the world -- forever throughout history.
What will happen if that cooperation is withdrawn? Again la Boetie provides the key:
"Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed. I do not ask that you place hands upon the tyrant to topple him over, but simply that you support him no longer; then you will behold him, like a great colossus whose pedestal has been pulled away, fall of his own weight and break in pieces."
But why do some people choose to live by destroying rather than producing values? Because, with little effort, destroying provides illusions of power. Destroying takes little discipline, thought, or control. Attacking, destroying, or tearing down values is much easier and quicker than creating, producing, or building values. We took 18 years to build I & O, the agents of force took ten hours to tear down I & O. ...Yes, they can live without much discipline or competence by systematically usurping or destroying values. But purposely destroying values built by others is the most malevolent act in any society. While purposely producing values for others is the most benevolent act in any society.
All the armies of agents backed by false notions, guns, and fists can never match the power of a single individual backed by facts, integrated honesty, and a pen. For agents of force hold no genuine power. That is why deception, force, guns, and coercion are essential to their livelihoods.
We, the producers hold the power, not they the destroyers. We are gentle, unafraid, caring individuals who know the producer's quintessential value to society. We also know that agents of force can get their needed illusions of power only by usurping or destroying values produced by others. And all such agents of force, singly or collectively, produce not even a single value that adds prosperity and happiness to others or society. No, they cannot produce even a single value that we produce for others steadily, daily, for everyone, for society.
Despite the agents' comprehensive efforts to stop our work, they failed. Over the coming months, our research and writing efforts will grow and intensify in entirely new directions, especially in the direction of art and music. Our work will be dramatically different, preciously valuable, and profoundly historic. Our next development will blossom from the next harmful act inflicted upon us. That will be the dawning of something wonderful and valuable for all, including the agents of force, to behold.
To prepare for those future events, read the appended reports:
Before Neo-Tech, no one had the facts or tools to integrate the nature of neocheating, its irrationality, its destructiveness. Before Neo-Tech, no one could even identify neocheating. And without Neo-Tech, no one could ever realize that November 3rd had nothing to do with taxes.
But with Neo-Tech, anyone can realize that such tax collection activity is only a decoy -- a means to an end. And that end is stark, simple, provable -- to live through usurped power. That means living by neocheating -- living by destroying rather than producing values -- living by guns and fists.
Over the coming months, we will demonstrate with increasing drama the triumph of the value producers over the value destroyers. Also we will identify how the November 3rd-bureaucracy works even to destroy the collection of taxes. Indeed, the more criminally destructive the actions become, the less percentage revenues are collected, the greater become the agents' usurpations of unearned power. That is why revenues not involving such dishonesty and force (e.g., sales, excise, property taxes) are collected more efficiently, less destructively, and with fewer problems. ...The more dishonest and violent the enforcers become, the more the tax system breaks down, eventually losing its effectiveness and credibility with everyone.
Because Neo-Tech will collapse mysticism and emasculate neocheaters, you and your colleagues will have a unique opportunity to emerge with the benefits of Neo-Tech. And we will help you, the agents of force. For we know most of those trapped in mystical or neocheating careers of destruction seek a second chance when exposed to Neo-Tech. So, pay close attention to what is happening, what is being said, written, and produced. Most important, cooperate fully and honestly with our people. Different people will be contacting you and others during the forthcoming Neo-Tech Waves.
We are honest, innocent producers of values with nothing to defend. Our energies will be directed toward pursuing the guilty, the neocheaters -- relentlessly, uncompromisingly. As philosophical investigators, we will uproot all neocheaters, hold them in full view, and never release them until they whither away. Within the steel-webbed matrix of Neo-Tech, we will eventually enmesh every neocheater who harms the innocent producer.
Our sole job, our sole focus, our sole goal is to cure the disease of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters. So, of course, we will never support mystics or neocheaters by abetting their crimes in any way. ...Today, the carefully planned, sixteen years of incubation, seed spreading, and root building is complete. The ground is fertilized. Now the seeds are sprouting. The harvest will soon begin.
Today, the drums beat softly. Individuals keep gathering into quietly marching armies. Tomorrow, "November 3rd" will become the command to open fire. The trial will prosecute the guilty, not the innocent. ...No neocheater has genuine strength. None can stand against Neo-Tech. Each will be swamped by the mounting waves of Neo-Tech strength and power. Justice and happiness will finally reign throughout the world.
Just one unrelated issue that is beside the point: Even a cursory examination of the business, research-funds, and personal accounting books demonstrates that no one owes a penny to the government. Instead, the government owes both business and personal refunds. But again, taxes and refunds are beside the point. The only point is value producers versus value destroyers -- honesty versus dishonesty -- Neo-Tech people versus November-3rd people. And that point applies not just to the agents of force, but to everyone in the November-3rd bureaucracy who lives by usurping power and destroying values. As we will vividly demonstrate in our subsequent documents, all those responsible for the November-3rd destructions have the same natures and objectives. Indeed, taxes are not and never have been the issue. The only issue is usurping power and living off the value producers without earning, without producing, without detection.
But why would anyone attack the research, editing, and publishing facilities of innocent value producers? Why did the November-3rd people try to crush the development, publishing, and distribution of Neo-Tech? Consider Vladimir Lenin's Moscow speech delivered in 1920:
"Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?"
Still, if those agents had prepared properly, they would have never walked into the November-3rd trap. Now other events far more important than our innocence and their guilt will unfold in the coming waves. And the denouement will spectacularly benefit everyone. Even the agents of force, their mentally ill informant, and their guilty superiors will benefit by getting another chance at life and happiness as their mechanisms for neocheating unravel and fall apart.
Sincerely, Frank R. Wallace |
Editor's Note
[After the November-3rd attack, the principals of the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center met with several traditionally respected attorneys. Those meetings resulted in several historic identifications that quickly led to the identification of the Legal Hoax: The legal profession is a colossal support-structure for the value destroyers in government. With the following document, those once perceived protectors of value producers are finally exposed as the lazy, incompetent usurpers of earned values they have always been. Those in the legal profession who feed off of value producers are now also caught within the expanding Neo-Tech Matrix. BP]
Dear Mr. Terry:
At this time, you and the November-3rd people have little understanding of our position and strength. I will not fully develop that understanding in this letter. For that understanding will manifest itself with the forthcoming Seven Neo-Tech Waves. The first wave will come to fruition in subsequent legal proceedings and marketing programs. Then each successive Neo-Tech wave will, in turn, propel November 3rd around the world with hard facts, fully integrated honesty, the live arts, and the fine arts. ...But this letter will define the ground on which we stand, why we fully control our situation, and why we cannot lose no matter what anyone does, including the agents of force with all their guns, money, judges, and prosecutors.
Because of the unmovable ground upon which we stand with our work, our research, and our publishing activities, nothing can compromise or alter our position. We are unmovable by the dishonest, the lazy, the incompetent, the demagogue, the usurper. For our position is inviolate, unchangeable, factual, provable. And from that unmovable position, we will move the world.
You stated that the agents of force will take a simplistic approach to harm us. Not so. Their approach is merely a manipulated illusion of simplicity to give the appearance of legitimacy. But the structure beneath their approach is a complex maze of distorted notions, unprovable assertions, and dishonest non sequiturs. That structure is designed to perpetuate and expand their unearned power and bogus livelihoods. By contrast, our approach is simple, clean, honest. Furthermore, our approach is unbeatable and provable:
First, the provable facts...
About Them
They are destroyers of values
They are lazy and incompetent
They deal with others on the basis of usurpation and force
They harm others
They live by usurping values from others
They drain values from others
They consume values: they take much more than they give
They are unfair and unjust
They violate the privacy, lives, and property of others
They hate life, envy love, and strive for unearned power
They are dishonest
They are bad
They are guilty
That is who they are
That is who we are
All can be proven with facts integrated with honesty
And that tells all. Nothing else counts
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