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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II
Their Illusions Will Be Rejected By Everyone
In their world of non sequiturs and illusions, neocheaters must dishonestly manipulate their approaches to life, society, law. With false notions, they make the innocent appear guilty and the guilty appear innocent. That is why their legal approaches to November 3rd and elsewhere will through Neo-Tech be rejected by every value producer. Moreover, once exposed, their illusions that invert justice will never again be supported by the public. And finally, our position, once presented, can never be refuted by them or anyone else.
Only one approach to life is practical and beneficial -- a consistently rational approach based on hard facts and fully integrated honesty. ...The innocent must never again answer to the guilty. Rather, the innocent must take the responsibility to prosecute the guilty.
In short, attorneys are not needed to defend us -- we, the value producers. Instead, attorneys are needed to prosecute them -- they, the value destroyers. For our job at the Neo-Tech Center is to identify, expose, and then publicly prosecute those who usurp values, aggress the producer, and harm society. But in a broader, more important sense, our responsibility is to collapse the hoax of mysticism. For collapsing mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters will deliver abiding prosperity and happiness to all honest, productive people.
November 3rd is the golden opportunity to trigger the collapse of that hoax. For we can sharply focus all forthcoming actions directed against us through the Neo-Tech lens. And with hard facts fully integrated with honesty, that focusing lens will burn holes through their illusions. Then, triggered by the aggressions against us, the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will start rolling toward the sickest, most vulnerable neocheating colossus: the November-3rd empire. Each successive Neo-Tech wave will wash away that highly visible, once seemingly omnipotent colossus. Then with that colossus crumbling under its own dishonesties and destructions, all value producers will awaken, stand, and march atop that moribund organization.
Now, apply that opportunity to the legal arena: On becoming increasingly entangled in the Neo-Tech matrix, each of their "legal" points will become obviously irrelevant, not even worthy of discussion.
They Have Everything To Lose
Through decades of planned intimidation, that highly visible colossus has inculcated guilt, fear, even hatred into all honest, value producers. But through the Seven Neo-Tech Waves, all those value producers will experience a release from that false guilt and fear piled on them for decades. Indeed, that rickety, force-backed colossus of false guilt and fear serves our goal. For, that colossus is the most highly leveraged fulcrum for collapsing the hoax of mysticism. Thus, November 3rd is the target of the Neo-Tech Pincer Movements. ...We must not miss this opportunity. We need future aggressions by the November-3rd behemoth to provide the public forum and legal targets for our Seven Neo-Tech Waves. Then that behemoth, a trillion-dollar Goliath, will lose everything to us, an inviolate, unyielding David. ...They have the funds and guns. We have the knowledge and pens.
We Have Everything To Gain
Had we allowed ourselves to be drawn into the traditional approach, we, as you know, would eventually win on all their legal points. Moreover, we have clear legal grounds for counteractions. For, they act impulsively, violently, and illegally. They acted solely on the emotionalisms of a mentally ill, vindictively jealous woman without any investigation of her veracity or stability. And as indicated in our November 3rd manuscripts and proven in the forthcoming Neo-Tech waves, we not only owe no taxes, but overpayment refunds are due us. Indeed, we are innocent of any wrongdoing, morally or legally.
But winning on their terms would not advance our goals. For any dealing on their terms would only validate their license to continue usurping power and destroying values. Moreover, our winning on their terms would free them from their trap. ...And that would be no victory for us.
Merely acceding to their terms gives them a victory -- lets them continue with impunity their machinations of damaging lives, harming producers, and draining society. Thus, dealing in any way on their terms would (a) undermine our golden opportunity to collapse the hoax of mysticism and (b) release that destructive colossus from its trap. ...No, we will not let that happen. For this grand entrapment will greatly accelerate the collapse of mysticism and the elimination of neocheating. And since 1980, collapsing the hoax of mysticism and neocheating has been our sole goal. Until achieved, we will never cease
pursuing that single goal with bulldog tenacity.
A Trillion-Dollar-Per-Year Colossus
Operating on Fake "A" Points
Will Lose Everything to a Coterie of Neo-Tech Writers
Ceaselessly Articulating "The" Point
As our attorney, you must grasp the following:
- We are innocent producers of values who, unlike them, have done nothing wrong -- legally or morally. We are clean and good. We need no defense. But, being the developers of Neo-Tech, we have the responsibility to prosecute the guilty: the neocheaters -- the destroyers of values. We will never deal on their dishonest terms. We will never cooperate, discuss, or deal in any way with their 2000-year-old, dishonest tactics of manipulating illusions and inverting justice. ...No, never again will the guilty prosecute the innocent.
- We, not they, hold the power. We cannot lose. And they cannot win no matter what actions they take. For the more they aggress us, the more entangled they become in the Neo-Tech matrix. And the more entangled they become, the quicker we achieve our goal.
- We know exactly who we are, exactly who we are dealing with, and exactly what to do. We know with laser precision how to integrate the forthcoming actions by that evil colossus. Moreover, we know how to profitably cast all the facts, irony, and drama of November 3rd not only into legal formats but into live-art, musical, literary, and fine-art formats. Indeed, those commercial formats will eventually grip the hearts, minds, and souls of all value producers, worldwide. And their reactions will collapse mysticism and eliminate its neocheaters.
The Great Legal Opportunity
If you (a) grasp who we are, our earned power, what we are doing and (b) think you could contribute to our collapsing of mysticism, then we could use your services: We would provide you with specific instructions for handling each forthcoming action. For we know exactly what to do and how to achieve our goal. But we do need a competent attorney to coordinate certain legal technicalities of their future actions with our counteractions. Also, we need to coordinate their future actions with the forthcoming Neo-Tech waves. ...Consider this report thoughtfully. Then let us know within the next few days if you can provide the technical legal work we require.
Becoming the Premier Competitor of the Future
As the effectiveness of the forthcoming Seven Neo-Tech Waves manifests itself, the tool of fully integrated honesty will eliminate mysticism and neocheating in all areas of law. Indeed, with Neo-Tech, any attorney and his law firm would possess the most powerful of all legal tools. Moreover, history will immortalize the attorney who triggers the coming collapse of mysticism and neocheating in the courts. And as the hoax of mysticism and neocheating collapses in the courts, Neo-Tech (i.e., fully integrated honesty) will become increasingly necessary to compete in law and every other profession.
One final perspective: By using Neo-Tech, any professional practice, especially law, will capture the best, most productive clients. Why? Because of the values added by Neo-Tech. ...The added value caused by Henry Ford's production line, for example, drove America to wheels. To compete and survive, all other major auto manufacturers quickly had to adopt Ford's mass-production techniques. Today, the added value caused by Neo-Tech will drive everyone into a society free of mysticism and neocheating. To survive in that society, every value producer will have to dump mysticism and its neocheaters by utilizing the advantages of Neo-Tech in order to remain competitive.
In other words, people are driven to added values. Thus, the intelligent lawyer can corner his or her market by capturing the supreme added values of Neo-Tech. Indeed, through Neo-Tech, a revolution is occurring that will carry individuals far beyond all mystic-tainted competition. For the trap of mysticism and neocheating will leave dishonest people uncompetitive and clownish in all areas of personal life, working life, the professions, government, law, and business.
Most important, on launching the Seven Neo-Tech Waves, millions of value producers will increasingly feel their natural emotion to stop supporting value destroyers. At that point, Neo-Tech will show those producers how to specifically purge all value destroyers from their personal lives and homes, from their working lives and businesses, and, yes, from their courtrooms and governments.
With Neo-Tech, the value destroyers are increasingly rendered impotent in every interaction from the bedroom to the boardroom, from the living room to the courtroom.
That coming demise of value destroyers is illustrated by the following evolution.
The Evolving Demise of
Mysticism and Neocheating
The hoax of mysticism successfully manipulated for 2000 years by value-destroying neocheaters --> I & O discovers the hoax --> I & O develops Neo-Tech --> Neo-Tech articulates the hoax into clear understandings for the public --> I & O sets the trap --> The November-3rd behemoth steps into the trap --> I & O initiates the collapse of mysticism with Pincer Movement #1 (hard facts fully integrated with honesty) and with Pincer Movement #2 (hard efforts fully integrated with competitive business) --> I & O distributes the atheistic Neo-Tech Bible to millions of value producers worldwide --> value producers withdraw their support from mystics and neocheaters --> with the seven Neo-Tech Waves, the hoax of mysticism collapses --> with mysticism collapsed and without the support of the value producers, all neocheaters either perish or become value producers --> human life flourishes via competitive production of values for others and society --> happy,
prosperous life for all, forever.
This letter is written with goodwill. But, we will never compromise our position. ...A half century ago, one uncompromising man, Mohandas Gandhi, collapsed the British Empire in Asia. Today, one uncompromising publisher is collapsing mysticism worldwide and ending neocheating forever.
Frank R. Wallace |
Editor's Note
[After receiving this first letter, Attorney William Terry hid from his client. BP]
Editor's Note
[With the following document, the trap slammed shut on Mr. Terry. Soon all dishonest sectors of the legal profession will be trapped in the Neo-Tech Matrix as well. BP]
Dear Mr. Terry:
I recognize that until recently, you and Oscar Goodman were partners in one of the most publicized law firms in America. But the following definitions are necessary to understand a new legal direction you must both take to succeed in the future:
Definitions Needed To Succeed in a World
That Rejects Mysticism and Neocheating
Non Sequitur is the Latin phrase for "it does not follow logically from anything previously said". Neocheaters use non sequiturs to link a non value to a value or a value to a non value. They dishonestly manipulate non sequiturs to create illusions that are opposite to integrated facts. Today, that use of non sequiturs increasingly dominates the legal profession throughout the United States.
Mysticism is the promotion of false (dishonest) notions to create problems where none exist. And that is the essence of much of today's legal profession.
Neocheating is the undetectable usurpation of money and values through clever manipulations of dishonest non sequiturs and mystical notions. Increasingly, lawyers today survive through neocheating.
Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech is the most powerful of all legal tools.
Operating on Their Premises
Since November 3rd, you have operated on the same terms as those promoted by the November-3rd people who by your own descriptions
- Ransacked our homes and writing offices. (Felony theft and vandalism. Violation of the Fourth Amendment)
- Abused verbally and physically our young writers and associates, including the unprovoked beating and kicking that hospitalized our children's editor, Ken Clark. (Criminal assault)
- Took and destroyed writings and intellectual works of the past decade. Deliberately disrupted our publishing activities. Refused to return or destroyed the only copies of original manuscripts and other intellectual work, even after holding them for months, even after your unauthorized filing of motions. Those game-playing motions, in turn, only underscore our original instructions to file no motions or initiate no actions on their terms. Only through uncompromising Neo-Tech will we respond to actions initiated against us. (Intellectual crimes. Neanderthal behavior. Violation of the First and Fourth Amendments)
- Stole with guns and criminal safecrackers the research fund belonging to over 3000 RIBI registrants. They also snatched a lifetime of hard-earned personal savings that were not even listed in their seizing records. Those savings accumulated through years of hard, productive work were in minutes grabbed or pocketed by giggling agents of force who never earned a penny of that money. (Criminal theft)
- Read and confiscated personal, intimate diaries, love letters, love notes. (Violation of privacy, human decency, and the Fifth Amendment)
- Molested our younger, male and female, research-and-writing associates. Also, maliciously tried to disrupt a happy love relationship within the Neo-Tech Center. (Neurotic molestation, sexual perversions, envious maliciousness.)
Their Premises are Based on Non Sequiturs
Observe the inversion of facts and justice arising from their terms: They, the guilty value destroyers, must justify their criminal actions by making us, the innocent value producers, appear guilty on their terms. But their terms are rooted in their own usurpations and destructions.[ 1 ] Yet, nearly every attorney routinely deals with such value destroyers on their terms. And what about each attorney who accept their inverted facts, mystical illusions, clever non sequiturs, and deceitful rationalizations? Each of those attorneys lives by dismissing justice, dumping honesty, and undermining the legal profession.
The Use of Non Sequiturs in the Courts
The non sequitur being orchestrated by those responsible for November 3rd is extracted from obviously valid and specific laws. And such laws applied to highly visible, clear-cut criminal cases such as murder, assault, theft, burglary are obviously valid and objective. But that validity and objectivity depend on being integrated with honesty and justice, free of manipulation by
mystics and neocheaters.
When a valid legal system is used, however, to enforce non sequiturs in order to protect value destroyers, that valuable system turns into a destructive weapon. And that weapon lets master neocheaters continue their pernicious actions without challenge or even suspicion. Indeed, that is the essence of neocheating: Without suspicion, the bad and guilty make themselves appear as the good and innocent, while making the good and innocent appear as the bad and guilty.
Throughout history, millions of innocent value producers have been prosecuted, jailed, and executed through valid legal systems used out of context as a giant non sequitur by professional mystics and neocheaters. Such was the "justice" of the:
- Inquisitions.
- Witch trials.
- Hitler, Stalin, Mao regimes.
- Certain antitrust prosecutions in which the incompetent make the competent appear guilty.
- Current attacks on innocent, "deep pocket" value producers through the tort system and product liability non sequiturs.
- The November-3rd attack in which the value destroyers tried to make the value producers appear guilty.
Neo-Tech has identified that non-sequitur legal ploy. The shell has been cracked and stripped away. And now, through the advent of November 3rd, Neo-Tech will unravel that giant non sequitur for all the world to see and understand. With that non sequitur unraveled, the survival mechanisms for all neocheating systems will fall apart. All such destructive approaches will then cease to exist. ...In our hand, we have an epic opportunity to collapse mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic neocheaters everywhere and forever.
Three Steps For Subverting Justice
The November-3rd organization lives and grows by its gradual, long-term subversion of justice through a valid legal system used as a three-step non sequitur:
- Take obviously valid, objective laws or legal principles and apply them out of context to invalid, destructive premises or actions.
- Insist that everyone focus on and follow an out-of-context legal point. Like the big lie, with constant promulgation, that non sequitur increasingly seems valid and reasonable to a gullible public. With such non sequiturs being pressed by neocheaters, most attorneys and judges conveniently begin accepting them as real and valid. But how could the legal profession be so easily corrupted? That deceptive trap works because the non-sequitur approach makes the job of every attorney and judge seem easier, less demanding, less risky, more powerful, more profitable. But all those non-sequitur advantages, major or minor, occur at the expense of the value producers, society, and eventually lawyers themselves. For benefits from such "advantages" are illusionary. And living on illusions is always destructive to others and undermining to one's own competence, self-esteem, and happiness.
- Intimidate everyone into sticking to a non sequitur or an out-of-context legal point. Then everyone eventually comes to believe the false point is the real point, however erroneous. By having everyone stick to that false point, the neocheaters successfully avoid dealing with the real point -- the point based on facts and fully integrated honesty. Moreover, most attorneys who take the bait and live off "easy" mechanical non sequiturs subvert their minds to become little more than well camouflaged yahoos or airheads. With mouths hanging open, they lose their abilities to sustain concentration and to conceptually integrate facts with reality.
How do those steps apply to November 3rd?
- Over the decades, the November-3rd people have accumulated a well-organized arsenal of seemingly valid, objective, well-defined points of law. They then aggressively apply those points out of context, as non sequiturs, to justify and support their destructive actions.
- Next, they, in conjunction with the prosecutors, judges, and even defense attorneys, expect everyone to stick to those dishonest non-sequitur points of law.
- Then, presto, by keeping everyone focused on their non sequitur a point, the point disappears. Thus, few ever see the point. Now, with most of the legal profession operating on those false premises, neocheaters can with impunity continue their usurpations of power and values. For everyone is busy sticking to the mind-blinding a point without regard to integrated facts, honesty, justice, guilt, or innocence. ...But dishonest, destructive guilt versus honest, productive innocence is and always will be the point and the only point of objective law and justice.
Without Neo-Tech, They Win
As you know, we can at any time prove we owe no taxes and have done nothing wrong or illegal. But winning or losing court cases makes little or no difference to the November-3rd value destroyers or to other neocheaters. For they need only to have the public focus on their non-sequitur legal point. In that way, they deceive everyone into believing their machinations are somehow honest, legal, and valid. Thus, having everyone deal on their terms seemingly validates and justifies their destructive careers to them, their families, their peers, and the public. They are then free to continue their deceptions, usurpations, and destructions without detection or challenge. ...Neo-Tech will
end that 2000-year hoax.
Again, we can win on all legal points on their terms. But winning on their terms would (1) miss the point, (2) compromise our effectiveness, and (3) continue denying society the fully integrated facts needed to collapse mysticism. ...Indeed, we would lose this golden opportunity to unravel that entire non-sequitur legal approach. And that unraveling will greatly accelerate our collapsing the hoax of mysticism and eliminating neocheating -- which is our only goal.
With Neo-Tech, They Lose
We now have identified their destructive yet vulnerable approach. But what exactly is our approach? This is our approach: Let them stand on their out-of-context legal point -- on any non sequitur legal point they wish. We will stand unyieldingly, intransigently on the point. ...What point do you think will break and crumble for all the world to see? Their a point based on unintegrated, dishonest non sequiturs? Or our the point based on contextual facts fully integrated with honesty?
A Point versus The Point
In summary: By twisting valid legal systems with non sequiturs, neocheaters protect their parasitical livelihoods and expand their unearned power. They do that by deceiving or intimidating others into sticking to a non sequitur point plucked from that legal system. Thus, they can obscure the point rooted in contextual facts and integrated honesty. Now, by using a point to obscure the point, the November-3rd bureaucracy can use the legal system to expand their power and usurp values with impunity until confronted with Neo-Tech.
The Shrewdest Neocheaters Are Not
Among The Bureaucrats
Examples of lawyers manipulating non-sequitur points include much of today's tort and other litigations targeted at the most successful value producers. Those producers are targets of envy and money extraction solely because they are successful. Other examples include the irrational "product-liability" and "disgruntled-employee" suits designed to extract money from innocent, deep-pocket producers.
Similar injustices occur in much of the recent malpractice area and in all of the victimless financial and regulatory "crime" areas. In those areas, neocheaters aggressively use non sequiturs to execute legal shams that extract values from the most successful and effective value producers. Those shams are conjured up by force-backed officials, prosecutors, and attorneys seeking "easy", nonproductive livelihoods perked with unearned power and respect.
One of the Seven Neo-Tech Waves focuses with emotional intensity on the most hidden, most subtle, and perhaps most destructive of all neocheating activities: While inherently an honest and valuable profession, law offers boundless opportunities for neocheaters to drain values from value producers and society. Attorneys easily succumb to that low-effort, non-sequitur route to power and prosperity. In succumbing, they deteriorate into a life of camouflaged laziness and incompetence. Thus, attorneys are increasingly trapping themselves in their own laziness and self-induced incompetence. But being artfully dishonest and sufficiently shrewd, they can keep usurping respectable-appearing, prosperous livelihoods without detection -- until confronted with Neo-Tech.
Reversing Guilt and Innocence
Such lazy, dishonest attorneys flood into politics and flock around government with their finely honed expertise at making problems where none exist. In that way, they easily extract livelihoods from the value producers. Indeed, they create their own "respectable" positions to avoid detection. To most, they appear as respectable professionals. For they make themselves appear as valuable intermediaries in legal conflicts. Such conflicts, however, are often their own creations of problems where none exist -- their own creations of rights and wrongs conjured up without regard to facts, honesty, or justice. But through Neo-Tech, those attorneys loom as nothing more than well-hidden neocheaters living on values usurped from others. ...Yes, they are among the guilty. Thus, Neo-Tech will henceforth expose them with fully integrated honesty.
By contrast, most business people are basically hard working, honest, innocent. Such value producers are not interested in ripping off others or in neocheating, non sequiturs, mysticism, wars, politics, bureaucratisms, or any other problem-creating, value-destroying activity. Instead, they are interested in producing values for others more effectively, more efficiently. ...Yes, they are among the innocent. Thus, Neo-Tech will henceforth protect them with fully integrated honesty.
Back to November 3rd
Beneath all non-sequitur approaches for usurping livelihoods lies a dishonest core. That core in the case of November 3rd has nothing to do with taxes but everything to do with laziness -- with living through unearned power and usurped values. Yet, by using the non sequitur, that dishonest core is well hidden to make the neocheater's life seem honest, legitimate, respectable. Moreover, through non sequiturs, the agents of force, the attorneys, the judges, the prosecutors, and the prosecuted can all publicly appear to be
engaged in valid legal actions and court proceedings.
Indeed, everyone can appear to be pursuing a valid legal approach by sticking to a non-sequitur legal point. That way, everyone misses the point and the neocheaters continue their destructions and usurpations with impunity.
With public ignorance and acceptance of their non-sequitur legal points, those neocheaters easily camouflage their dishonest nature and destructive actions as they have for 2000 years. ...But, today, with Neo-Tech, their camouflage is gone. Their hoax is finished.
[ 1 ]
When their inversions of justice are integrated through Neo-Tech and expressed through the live arts, an emotional explosion occurs. That explosion is the chain-reaction release of repressed guilt, fear, and hatred driven for decades into the value producers by the November-3rd value destroyers. Furthermore, the uncompromising rejection of the neocheater's non-sequitur terms provides the fuel to drive Neo-Tech around the world.
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