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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II

Our Unyielding Stand

Our stand is unyielding. For we stand on hard facts and fully integrated honesty. We stand on Neo-Tech. Our iron-grip stand will make those master neocheaters who previously moved the world with their strident stands (e.g., Hitler, Lenin, Mao) seem as equivocating as stock-market forecasters. For, our stand is based on hard facts and integrated honesty. Their stands were based on nothing more than mystical notions and dishonest non sequiturs.

Who do you think will be victorious? Who do you think will topple from their stand? What side do you choose? Your choice or anyone's choice will never affect our stand. But your choice will profoundly affect your career and happiness for the rest of your life.

Listen Carefully

Listen? Do you hear the sound of taps. Distant taps are sounding. For whom do you think they sound?


Frank R. Wallace

Editor's Note

[After receiving this second letter, attorney Bill Terry fled from his client without notification...and without returning or accounting for the advance fees he received. Although there are some honest legal professionals, most attorneys today are white-collar-hoax quislings who depend on value-attacking neocheaters for their low-effort, high-prestige existence. I & O needs no white-collar-hoax attorneys, for focusing on the point is all that counts. BP]

Editor's Note

[Because of his seemingly omnipotent position, most people, including neocheating politicians, "respectfully" fear such men as Lawrence Gibbs, the Commissioner of the November-3rd organization at the time of this letter. But the Neo-Tech Center has identified the profound difference between value producers and value destroyers. I & O understands where values come from. Those at I & O understand the difference between earned power and usurped power. Once armed with this knowledge, men such as Lawrence Gibbs appear as they really are: Ineffective, impotent, immature clowns orchestrating a "circus" of value destruction on a grand scale. But the immutable fact remains: Lawrence Gibbs does not produce a single value for anyone, anywhere. For those reasons, the Neo-Tech Center did not hesitate and moved swiftly with the following document, ensnaring Mr. Gibbs, along with his crumbling empire, within the Neo-Tech Matrix. BP]

Dear Mr. Gibbs:

Why We Cannot Lose

After reading this document and attorney letters A and B, you will better understand who we are and what we are doing. Those two letters starkly reveal the legal non sequitur on which the November-3rd organization depends for survival. But that non sequitur has been cracked and is now unraveling.

You only recently came from the productive, private sector to take charge of the November-3rd organization. Therefore, you are not responsible for its past, destructive nature. And before November 3rd, perhaps you never saw beyond the illusions crafted over the years by that behemoth. Those illusions are designed not only to conceal its criminal nature, but to conceal its growing ineffectiveness in collecting revenues. For without Neo-Tech, you nor anyone could see beyond those illusions. You could never realize the value-destroying nature of the November-3rd organization with its ostensible purpose of collecting revenues. But its real purpose is to gain unearned power and livelihoods through deception, force, and coercion.

Thus, the November-3rd agents of force not only harm all value producers, but harm our government and country. Yet, your basic innocence leaves you in a unique position to make a major contribution to our country and ultimately to the world for all future generations: From your position, you can orchestrate the replacement of the November-3rd bureaucracy with an honest system that produces rather than destroys values. ...The forthcoming Seven Neo-Tech Waves, will specifically effect that replacement to benefit everyone including you, your organization, and our government. Yet, you are in a unique position to speed that replacement. What an historic contribution you can make by quickly dumping the value-destroying hierarchy responsible for the crimes of November 3rd.

Yes, you can speed the replacement of that unwholesome, unhappy system which is doomed by its own dishonesties and destructiveness. You can replace the entire November-3rd empire with a clean, honest system that effectively serves our country. ...In any case, the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will eventually achieve that goal with or without anyone's help.

We Will Never Play Their Game

Since our first communication on November 13th, we openly revealed our position, actions, and plans to you. Our openness contradicted the advice and demands from all attorneys involved in the historic November-3rd attacks and pillagings. For all those attorneys know only how to play the same familiar game under the same comfortable terms promoted by the November-3rd bureaucracy. The legal terms of those attorneys, therefore, become equated with making the innocent appear guilty and the guilty appear legitimate. Indeed, those terms invert facts and justice.

But we deal on different terms. We deal on the highest-leverage terms. We deal only on honest, fully integrated terms. We take all actions, civil and criminal, onward to mass markets, to juries of peers, and finally to the supreme judge: the rational mind. ...Our terms will always be unwelcomed by those who live through guns and fists. ...Our terms are invincible.

Indeed, on their terms, the agents of force have the resources, funds, and guns. But, on our terms, we have the knowledge, competence, and leverage. For we are an indestructible microcosm with everything to gain. They are a rickety macrocosm with everything to lose. Once integrated, the facts will demonstrate that with Neo-Tech the value producers cannot lose and the value destroyers cannot win.

In the future, success will elude lawyers who cling to those dishonest, "easy life" terms. Indeed, those lawyers will ultimately fail unless they too understand the significance of November 3rd. For to deliver competitive values to clients, attorneys will begin abandoning those familiar, comfortable terms promoted by their adversaries. Those who do not abandon such terms will become uncompetitive and crumble along with the mystics and neocheaters.

Also, many attorneys, however well intended, are too entrenched, afraid, uninformed, dependent, or languid to exert the disciplined effort needed to think hard and consistently -- to fully integrate facts with honesty. Instead, they simply act on a pro-forma basis -- on previously established terms. For those terms are built on comfortably familiar illusions, conveniently and temptingly provided by the mystics and neocheaters for the past 2000 years. Indeed, those terms offer attorneys and judges seemingly respectable lives with minimal effort. Their incomes grow through manipulations of legalities that hold integrated facts and honesty as incidental or irrelevant.

Producers of values, by contrast, live and succeed through honestly integrated thought, consistent discipline, and hard effort. Indeed, only by exercising those disciplines can they succeed and prosper. But, as pointed out in Attorney Letter B, those attorneys and judges who automatically or unknowingly operate on the same terms as professional mystics and neocheaters can achieve only illusions of success. For their non-sequitur terms cannot hold integrated facts and honesty as primary or even relevant. Instead, they must hold facts and honesty as secondary to aggrandizement obtained the easy, comfortable way -- the non-sequitur way offered by the value destroyers.

The terms, premises, and approaches offered by professional mystics and neocheaters must, therefore, be rejected. For, such approaches can bring only net losses and harm to the public and society. Indeed, with Neo-Tech, those false terms and premises are always rejected. And once rejected, they have no influence and make little, long-range difference. For, with Neo-Tech, every harmful act inflicted on the innocent producer boomerangs back to undercut the guilty perpetrator. Indeed, we cannot lose or be hurt in the long term. We, not they, stand on unmovable ground. And against unyielding Neo-Tech, their legal non sequitur will unravel. They will begin losing in every courtroom and in every public forum.

Most important, we hold the power, knowledge, and ability to collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. The public will do the rest: With the collapse of mysticism, the public will bury the neocheaters. Moreover, with their every action matched against fully integrated honesty, professional mystics and neocheaters will sink deeper into the Neo-Tech matrix until they are gone forever.

Their Game Is Over

After 2000 years of living off a hoax, everything has suddenly changed for professional mystics and neocheaters: With the development of Neo-Tech, mysticism is finished. And without mysticism, the neocheaters cannot survive. Indeed, Neo-Tech is already undermining mysticism around the world. And, ironically, our quickest success requires that those neocheaters engage us. For we can succeed more dramatically and quickly through counteractions that boomerang each destructive act straight back at the perpetrator. Thus, our bodies and property are here exposed and waiting. We are ready to use the Seven Neo-Tech Waves to wash away the deceptions and dishonesties of all who aggress innocent value producers.

What about neocheaters who do not aggress us? We will eventually find and eliminate each of them, although more gradually. ...After 2000 years, all neocheaters are now entangled in their own trap. For those who choose to remain neocheaters, no escape is possible. But for those who choose to become value producers, all life, prosperity, and happiness are available.

This is our message to mystics and neocheaters who live by usurping and destroying values produced by others: No matter how mighty and powerful the value destroyers may seem, we know their power is usurped, illusionary, and based on nothing earned or real. We know they live by destroying values, not by producing values. Beneath their bluffs and deceptions, they are uncompetitive, weak, impotent. Indeed, only we the producers of values hold genuine power. We are ready anytime, anywhere. We are waiting to escalate their every aggression -- before the public, in the media, in the courts. We will put our Neo-Tech lens on their every action. That integrating lens will magnify and then focus all their actions into pinpoint rays aimed straight back at the perpetrators. Those laser-like rays will burn holes through their hearts and souls.

We are unafraid of neocheaters. For Neo-Tech leaves them impotent -- every last one of them. And all working men and women around the world will stand to cheer as the neocheaters sink unloved and unwanted from this world forever.

The Seven Neo-Tech Waves will specifically solve the seeming dilemma of how to replace the November-3rd empire. That solution will, of course, immediately benefit all value producers and our country. But that solution will also benefit the November-3rd agents themselves in discovering the sunlit world of earned prosperity and abiding happiness.


Frank R. Wallace

Editor's Note

[In early 1989, Mr. Gibbs resigned from his position as Commissioner of the November-3rd organization and returned to a private law practice. BP]

Editor's Note

[With the powerful identification of the Legal Hoax, I & O easily began luring every attorney it encountered into the Neo-Tech matrix. The following letter was sent to the November-3rd Prosecuting Attorney at that time, Jeffrey B. Setness. BP]

Dear Mr. Setness:


I & O Publishing Company is the first organization in history to successfully introduce a comprehensive philosophical system into the competitive marketplace. That system is based on productive effort and fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech).

Despite our growing success at the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center, we all live modestly, year after year, building the assets needed to accomplish our single goal of collapsing mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters. Yet, as you already know, our two office safes were cracked and our assets pillaged by November-3rd agents of force. Those assets included the fund owned by our RIBI registrants for establishing our neurological-research project in Zurich.

But as identified in this document, unlike all other victims of the November-3rd organization, we cannot be victimized. Of course, they have the guns. So they can pillage us again and again. Yet, with all their funds, prosecutors, judges, jails, and guns, they can never stop us from ending their destructions. For, as identified in an earlier document, every act of aggression inflicted upon us by the value destroyers propels us forward -- toward our single-minded goal. Indeed, collapsing the hoax of mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters is our only business, our only goal. And, by nature, achieving that goal requires confrontations with mystics and neocheaters. Thus, the greater the confrontation, the greater our advance.

One November-3rd person who came to us with good intentions later wrote: "You will have to spend vast sums of money defending yourselves." ...Not so. We do not have to spend any of our precious funds, much less vast sums, defending our innocence. Instead, we advance by using our minds, pens, and integrations of the arts to prosecute the guilty for every crime visited upon us. ...Indeed, we always profit by using the Neo-Tech matrix to boomerang every aggression inflicted upon us straight back at the entrapped perpetrators.

Your Responsibility
Property Return and Hospital-Bill Payment

Reason and justice dictate that all our property usurped during the November-3rd attack must be returned in full, immediately -- all our writings, books, manuscripts, research notes, files, computer equipment, disks, phone indexes, personal diaries, childhood stamp collections, love notes, valentine cards, sentimental jewelry, gifts, research funds, savings, along with unfilled orders and money belonging to the innocent public in many foreign countries. Also, the hospital bill for our editor still must be paid by those who beat, kicked, and injured him. ...In any case, the crimes inflicted on that gentle, innocent editor will never be forgotten. We will never stop prosecuting those who inflict criminal brutality upon the good and innocent. With ever increasing skill and intensity, we will prosecute those criminals until the sickness of mysticism and neocheating is cured forever.

The previous Attorney Letters A and B explain:

You fully know that you and your office are not acting on facts integrated with honesty. Thus, you and your office are among the guilty of this waterloo event. As a result, you and all others responsible for November 3rd will be among history's most scorned criminals as the waterloo for mysticism and all its neocheaters unfolds and moves toward eternal prosecution.

The November-3rd Information Package provides for the first time in history the facts in context and fully integrated with honesty. You or anyone reading this package will quickly grasp the irrational, destructive nature of November 3rd. Thus, with this document, your office can acquit itself of the value destroyers by denouncing their immoral, illegal actions and immediately returning intact all property stolen from us. If not, you and your collaborators will forever be responsible and prosecuted for the crimes, brutalities, thefts, and destructions of November 3rd.

Before receiving this value package, you perhaps had no way of knowing the flawed, self-entrapping investigation by the November-3rd agents of force. Moreover, without this value package, you had no way to know the nature of our work, the extent of the November-3rd evil, or how the Neo- Tech matrix entraps and entangles all neocheaters through their own dishonesties and usurpations. But now, because of November 3rd, you and everyone else will forever know how to rectify the neocheaters upside down world of dishonesty and destruction. You will forever know the irrefutable facts:

(a) the November-3rd victims are the innocent value producers, and
(b) the November-3rd pillagers are the guilty value destroyers.

Thus, we the innocent cannot accept partial returns of our usurped property from them, the guilty, the criminals, through their fake "legal" machinations. And we will never negotiate with neocheaters. Only two choices are open: (1) Return immediately all property stolen from us -- we the innocent owners. Or, (2) keep all the booty and accept full responsibility for the historical, moral, and legal consequences of November 3rd.

You should realize from the November-3rd Value Package that all stolen property will eventually be returned to us, regardless of anyone's current intentions, decisions, or actions. Thus, you should also diligently investigate, locate, and return the additional amounts of personal savings, Christmas gifts, and intimate love letters that were grabbed by agents of force but not listed in their November-3rd seizing records. ...Your agents of force titled "Criminal Investigators" routinely committing felony crimes -- what doublespeak, what dishonesty, what irony.


Frank R. Wallace

Editor's Note

[Prosecuting Attorney Jeffrey B. Setness chose to remove himself from the case shortly after receiving I & O's literature. BP]

Editor's Note

[What follows is the second document sent to the November-3rd Commissioner, Lawrence Gibbs. BP]

Dear Mr. Gibbs:


The November-3rd documents were not meant for the public. Only the artistic, emotionally based, Seven Neo-Tech Waves are being designed for the public. For they have the power to generate the highly leveraged feelings needed to purge the decades of guilt, intimidation, and fear inculcated into the public by the system you inherited. Once released from those illusionary chains of guilt and intimidation, the public will quickly identify and forever reject those who live by usurpation and destruction.

Yet, ironically, the heart-and-soul drama of the Seven Waves requires aggression inflicted upon the value producers by the value destroyers. In that way, each of the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will become powerfully dramatic and unforgettable. And then, as those waves integrate together, they will not only purge all November-3rd activities from this planet, but will forever eliminate mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.

But, we can help your organization convert unhappiness into happiness. For, with Neo-Tech, we can convert the unwholesome, value-destroying system you inherited into a healthy, value-producing system you can create. ...You thereby, can avoid becoming the villain of November 3rd. Instead, you can become marked in history as a savior of honest government.

More than anyone in the guns-and-fists empire, you are in a unique position to become a hero in the events that are unfolding. Yet, regardless of what you or anyone else does, those events will continue unfolding until mysticism collapses worldwide and its symbiotic neocheaters are eliminated. Nothing can stop Neo-Tech.

We at the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center will continue developing the forthcoming Neo-Tech Waves. Those seven waves will build an emotional and competitive tidal wave that will wash away the value-destroying system of November 3rd with a value-producing system based on fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech).

With this document in your hands, you have a unique opportunity. You can be forever recorded in history not as a dark figure among an evil empire, but as a sparkling hero among all value producers. Yes, you can become a golden knight in collapsing mysticism and eliminating neocheating around the world.


Frank R. Wallace

Editor's Note

[After November 3rd, I & O no longer waited for value destroyers to come after it. For November 3rd had proven that in order to meet its goal, I & O must become the hunter. The neocheaters must be hunted down and exposed as the value destroyers they are -- all of them. The neocheater-hunt concept was intensified and injected into the Neo-Tech formula. The following document was sent to the then Secretary of Treasury, James A. Baker, III. One by one, all neocheaters, from the bottom to the top, are being drawn into the inescapable Neo-Tech matrix. Once entrapped, no value destroyer can escape the power of fully integrated honesty. BP]

Dear Mr. Baker:

As Secretary of Treasury, you are ultimately responsible for the shrouded crimes of November 3rd. And with justice now emerging, the curtain rises on those crimes. So, today, you must learn about the Guns-and-Fists Empire under your domain and responsibility. But first, you must know who was aborn on that historic November 3rd:

An Atlas Who Never Shrugs
A Titan Who Holds All Honest Power
A Hercules Who Topples All Value-Destroying Hoaxes

That young Atlas, that young Titan, that young Hercules grows bigger and stronger every day, every hour as the entanglement moves from --

Commissioner Gibbs to Secretary Baker

You have the opportunity to explicitly choose your position in history. For, the choice Commissioner Gibbs once had now passes to you. ...Or will this opportunity slip by you too and pass into other realms?

Golden Opportunity

On understanding the nature of November 3rd, your life will change forever. Moreover, the changes will be more dramatic and rapid than you or anyone could have predicted. No, you will not have any control over the coming collapse of mysticism and neocheating. But, yes, you will have full control over your historic role in that collapse. For, you will have the choice to become among the most admired men in America. Indeed, you could become a most visible hero in collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. That collapse will eliminate all value destroyers not only throughout the Treasury Department but throughout all governments and businesses around the world.

Or you can choose to remain the commander of the single most destructive force in America. ...Will you keep marching with November 3rd toward an ignominious demise -- toward being laughed out of existence? Or will you rise to exist forever among the titans of history?

Life or Death Choice

Will you grasp what is happening? Will you recognize this waterloo event for all professional value destroyers? Will you recognize this momentous human evolvement from uncompetitive, mystically based consciousness to super-competitive, Neo-Tech based thinking? Will you seize this nonpareil opportunity? Will you conquer mysticism with fully integrated honesty? Will you choose to become one of history's most dramatic heroes? Will you become one of the happiest, most powerful, most honest persons on earth?

Or will you choose not to see, not to understand, not to act? Will you fail on this supreme responsibility -- this supreme opportunity? Will the image of your face harden forever on the illustrated Hierarchy of Guilt epitaph? Will you become the most guilty of all value destroyers? Will you continue being responsible for those uncompetitive forces that destroy life, happiness, and love? ...On receiving this November-3rd Information Package, you are now forever within the Neo-Tech matrix. Thus, you now must choose between a death-oriented neocheating future or a life-oriented Neo-Tech future.

Burial of the Guns-and-Fists Empire

Come, ride atop the coming Neo-Tech Waves. For, they will forever wash away the value-destroying world of mystics and neocheaters. ...Do not surrender your precious life to those uncompetitive losers. For, through the spreading Neo-Tech matrix, they will be scorned out of existence, buried, and forgotten forever.


Frank R. Wallace

Editor's Note

[The following document was delivered to the Personnel Director for the November-3rd Agents of Force after it was discovered that nearly all the agents involved in the November-3rd attack upon I & O had been transferred out of the state. ...All those transferred were sent and received Neo-Tech literature before they left while some of the agents continue to receive NT literature to this day. BP]

Where Did They Go?

and four other guns-and-fists value destroyers are now supposedly missing from the November-3rd organization in Las Vegas. Where did they go?

November-3rd mail clerk, Mr. Sol Auerbach, an honest, innocent soul among a nest of value destroyers, returned the Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #6 sent to the above November-3rd agents of force. (The 83 other November-3rd value destroyers now entangled in the Neo-Tech matrix did receive that Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #6.) Sol informed us those seven missing persons were no longer in Las Vegas. He then referred us to you for their forwarding addresses. Subsequently, you, the November-3rd personnel director, followed orders not to assist us, not to assist the people who were helping you and your organization become happy value producers rather than anxiety-ridden value destroyers. You would provide no forwarding addresses to us, the purgers of value-destroying mysticism. ..."Against Federal Law", you prevaricated to us.

Why So Dishonest?

Why is the essence of the November-3rd organization so closed, secretive, deceptive, dishonest, destructive? The enclosed 496-page, November-3rd Information Package poignantly answers that question. Read that package. For you too are now enmeshed in the Neo-Tech matrix.

Yes, every professional mystic, value destroyer, and agent of force will become entangled in the Neo-Tech matrix. And all such value destroyers will increasingly stumble with stooped shoulders drooping lower, with bowed heads turning gray, with tortured faces scowling with envy and guilt.

No matter where each value destroyer goes or hides, none will escape the coming Neo-Tech waves. For those Seven Waves will forever wash away the deceiver, the usurper, the immature, the value destroyer...forever wash away the White-Collar Hoax.

The Door Swings Open

Come, enter the sunlit world of Neo-Tech. For, the door swings open with the Lifetime Value Package benevolently offered to you.


Frank R. Wallace

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