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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II
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Sharon T Harris
-- A --
- ABA, see American Bar Association
- Abed, Julian 239
- Academe, 35, 181, 313, 331, 430, 437, 443
- 445, 545, 558, 601
- bicameral mind and, 506
- criminal minds and, 278
- indictment of 198
- mysticism and, 557
- as Neo-Tech targets, 313
- relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174
- Accounting, 427
- wide scope, see Wide-scope accountability
- Achievement, 429
- Achilles, 507
- Acupuncture, 510
- Advanced civilizations, 181
- Advanced Concepts of Poker, 75, 519-521, 591
- Advertising campaign, 318
- Africa, 358, 361, 364
- Agamemnon, 507
- Agents of force, 6, 9, 574, see also
- Neocheaters; Value destroyers; specific people
- bogus livelihoods of, 657
- disappearance of, 29
- invitation to, 115-116, 137-138
- mysticism and, 519
- newsletters for, see Guns-and-Fists Newsletters
- notice to, 384
- professional, 29
- as unredeemable, 292
- Aggressiveness, 284
- Aging, 320, 321, 370, 405, 423, 517
- AIDS, 201
- AIDS cures, 145, 196, 318, 320, 321, 370,
- 442, 588
- Albania, 403, 522, 605
- Alcohol, 347
- Alexandria Library, 6
- Alia, Ramiz, 340, 403
- "Alternative, The", 282
- Altruism 216, 313, 316
- American Bar Association (ABA), 469
- American Express, 226, 417
- American Indians, 509
- American Revolution, 570
- Amoral generalizations, 365
- Analog models, 498, 507
- Anarchy, 158, 335, 417
- Ancient people, 505
- Anticivilization, 574
- Antidiscrimination laws, 362, 364
- Anti-drug laws 201, 491, see also War on drugs
- Anti-Semitism, 481-482, 546-547
- Antitrust laws, 15, 571
- Aphrodisiacs, 320, 321
- A point, 3, 11-12, 16, 17, 18, 35, 92-94,
- 104, 143, 144, 192, 385, 386, 387, 388,
- 391, 456-457, 458, 460-461, 466, 490,
- 491, 556, 557, 561, 585
- flaws of, 572
- in Goldberg epistle, 377
- Helmsley and, 380, 563-564
- honesty and 438, 445
- Honesty Motion and 450, 451, 452,
- 456-457, 458-464, 567, 569, 570, 572
- invalidity of, 491
- as noncontextual, 491
- Ostracism Matrix and, 262
- regulations and, 386
- subversion of justice and, 460-461
- Wallace trial and, 454, 582
- Appellate justice role, 571-572
- Aquinas, Thomas, 523
- Argentina, 574
- Aristos Syndrome, 240
- Aristotle, 123, 276, 352, 523, 569, 571
- Armageddon, 177, 179, 330
- Arrogance, 226, 229, 232
- Art, 6, 9, 12, 15, 57, 74, 89, 98, 101, 102,
- 110, 111, 150
- emotions of, 54
- live, see Live arts
- Art Matrix, 212
- Asia, 471, 533, see also specific countries
- Asia Minor, 497, 498
- Assembly lines, 60, 141
- Asset seizure, 346
- Assyria, 497, 505
- Astrology, 216, 506, 509, 510
- Astrophysics, 77
- Atheists, 549
- Atlas, 27
- Attorney Letter A, 9-13, 24, 92, 104, 208
- Attorney Letter B, 14-19, 21, 24, 92, 104, 208
- Attorneys, see Lawyers
- Audio hallucinations, 505
- Auerbach, Sol, 29
- Australian seminars, 510, 511
- false, 512
- self-appointed, 597
- Automatic dishonesty, 416-417
- Automobiles, 59-60
- Ayatollahs, 509, see also specific people
- Aykroyd Dan, 550
-- B --
- Babylonia, 122, 497, 505
- Baird, Ms., 586-587
- Baker, James A., Jr., 339, 529
- Baker, James A., III, 27-28, 333
- Banbury, Archie, 29, 106, 333, 492
- Bank of Delaware, 298
- Bankers, 36, 123, 126, 198
- Bankruptcy, 501, 519, 536-537
- Banks, 501
- Bank secrecy, 346
- Bantam companies, 154, 155, 169-170, 180,
- 181, 198, 201, 202, 221, 377, 385, 396
- 491, see also specific companies
- competitive pressures from, 414-433
- discrimination by, 320
- dishonest lawyers and, 469
- earning right to trade with, 470
- finding of, 446
- happiness as ultimate product of, 403-408
- Ostracism/Veneration Matrix listings
- available to, 472-474
- prosperity of, 378
- unleashing of, 386
- as untouchable 544
- value producers from, 247
- Barnes, James, 227
- Barry, Marion, 346
- Battle plan for Ultimate Battle, 170-171
- BBB, see Better Business Bureau
- Beethoven, 588
- Behaviorism, 510
- Bennett, William J., 198, 268, 349, 394, 440
- 491, 522
- Berlin Wall, 349, 533-534, 541
- Better Business Bureau (BBB), 233, 330
- Bible
- Holy, 212, 214, 505, 509, 510
- Neo-Tech, 212, 214, 239, 242, 255, 259 281, 296, 309
- Bicameral mind, 68, 110, 122, 139, 142,
- 165, 177, 179, 181, 379, 497, 498, 505,
- 538, 540
- activation of, 511
- breakdown of, 508-509
- conflict between conscious mind and, 509
- integrated thinking and, 354-355
- religion and, 506
- in today's world, 509-511
- Bicameral thinking, 507
- Big Lies, 416, 460
- Big-picture puzzles, 516
- Billboards see Neo-Tech billboards
- Bill collections, 535-537
- Bill of Rights, 348, 569, see also specific
- Amendments
- Bilzerian, Paul, 396
- Biogenetic research, 196
- Biological immortality, 13, 77, 78, 113, 165,
- 192, 295, 423
- flawed logic as blocking, 371
- how to achieve, 372-375
- integrated thinking and, 355
- time and, 171
- "Bitch Rhymes with Rich", 331
- Black businesspeople, 242
- Black communities, 358
- Black-and-White Publishing Company, 320, 385
- Blame, 359
- "Blood and Jails", 189
- Blue-collar workers, see Working class
- Body amputation, 201
- Body creation, 201
- Boesky, 259
- Boetie, Entienne de la, 5
- Bond market, 256
- Born agains, 509, 510
- Botany's discotheque, 191
- Botticelli, 588
- Bourgeois mysticism, 274-295
- collapse of, 302-304
- on local level, 297, 302-304
- Brady, Nicholas, 466, 489
- Brain, 435, 443, 518, 558
- left hemisphere of, 164, 510
- right hemisphere of, 164, 505, 510
- transfer of, 373
- volitional self-organization of, 371-375
- Brandywine Laboratories, 516, 575, 591
- Bravery, 479
- Brazil, 419, 574
- Breeden, Richard, 339
- Bryan, Richard H., 226, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234
- Bunker Hill, 190
- Bureaucracies, 18, 368, 415, 474, 475, 545,
- see also Bureaucrats specific bureaucracies
- corruption in, 501, 543
- criminal minds in, 327
- economic control by, 533, 539
- identification of corrupt elements within, 501
- neocheaters removed from, 423
- "protection", 174, 175-177, 231, 241,
- see also specific bureaucracies
- religious, 519
- stupidities of, 384
- Bureaucrats, 17-18, 35, 174, 181, 331, 436,
- 443, 445, 558, 597, 601,
- see also Bureaucracies: specific people
- criminal minds of, 278, 279, 280
- identification of, 501
- military against, 391
- mysticism and, 519
- notice to, 385, 387, 483
- prosecution of, 454-455
- as sissies, 479-480
- as soul mates, 388, 462
- in triangle of evil, 311
- Burgess, Richard A., 238
- Burma, 307, 415, 605
- Bush, George, 268, 311, 312-313, 349, 397, 446, 466, 489, 542
- Business
- agents of force becoming a value to, 384
- Big Lies about, 416
- cancerous growths ripped by, 414-433
- competitive pressure of, 353
- corruption ill, 453
- criminalization of, 466
- decriminalization of, 465, 466, 467-468
- dishonesty in, 239-240
- dynamics of, 414-433
- ending of unjust attacks on, 474
- fully integrated, 355-356
- integrated thinking and, 350, 352
- minds of, see Business minds
- negative images of, 366
- Neothink in, 140
- omnipotence in, 162- l63
- people in, see Businesspeople
- propaganda against, 437-438
- quislings in, see Business quislings
- racism in, 239-240, 365
- racism driven out by, 360, 363
- worst in, 239-240
- Business-government scams, 289-293
- "Businessmen vs. Neocheaters", 431
- Business minds, 315, 401,
- see also Cosmic minds
- criminal minds vs., 57, 395, 437, 444
- defined, 35, 437, 444, 445
- levels of value production by, 65
- money and, 437, 558
- neocheating elimination by, 437
- Business parties, 317
- Businesspeople, 18, 89, 512
- black, 242
- fake, 36
- as heroes, 434-435
- Hispanic, 242
- IRS attacks on, 535
- "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440
- as working-class servants, 598-599
- Business quislings, 35, 122-124, 189, 275,
- 399, 437, 445, 558, 588, 597,
- see also White-Collar Hoaxes; White-Collar-Hoax quislings
- identification of, 259
- indictment of, 198, 261-264
- Neo-Tech justice and, 130
- Ostracism Matrix trapping of, 257, 259
- proclamations on, 125-130
- restitution to be paid by, 262
- Business terrorists, 257, 261
- Business Titans, 27, 37, 247, 248
- Business vacations, 317
- Business weekends, 317
- Byrd, Richard E., 540
-- C --
- CADs, see Consumer Affairs Divisions
- Caicos Islands, 591
- Caligula, 434, 443
- Cambodia, 359
- Canada, 411, 419
- Cancer cures, 87, 145, 196, 318, 319, 320
- 321, 370, 442, ,575, 576, 588
- CAP, see Consistent aerobic program
- "Capture Supra Happiness", 413
- Card cheater analogy , 75-76
- Carelessness, 469
- Carnegie, Andrew, 141, 245, 276, 427, 430,
- 463, 563, 588, 598
- Case law, 569
- Cassandra's Secret, 574
- Castro, Fidel, 311, 340, 349, 450, 566, 585
- Category IX neocheaters, 331
- Catholic Church, 280, 283, 314, 328, 416,
- 509, 518
- Cavemen, 426
- CBS, 390, 413, 416, 484, 547
- Ceausescu, Nicolae, 268, 269, 312, 314, 329
- 333, 337, 340, 349, 376, 378, 384, 386
- 387, 388, 391, 450, 457, 458, 462, 522
- 528, 540, 562, 566, 597, 605
- Cedar City, Utah, 360, 362
- CEI, see Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Celebration, 406, 408, 426, 429, 432, 433
- Cell/body rejuvenation, 373
- Cellular degeneration, 423
- Cervantes, 526
- Chamberlain, 493
- Chants, 510
- Character-development, 426
- Chestnut Run Laboratories, 575, 591
- "Childhood Capture", 413, 418-424
- China, 172, 307, 335, 349, 403, 411, 450
- 458, 540, 562, 566, 585
- literature of, 509
- Neo-Tech reawakening of, 312
- reawakening of, 312
- Tiananmen Square in, 302-304, 305, 306, 312
- tyrants from, 311
- Choice, 143-144, 381, 589
- Chopin, 588
- Chrisinger, John, 229
- Christianity, 509, 510
- Christian Science, 510
- Churches, 509, 510, 512, see also Clergy
- Religion
- Circle of happiness, 306
- Civilization, 61, 181, 582
- Civilization of the Universe, 574
- Civil law, 571
- Civil rights leaders, 358, 360, 361, 362-363
- 364, 366, 367, see also specific people
- Civil torts, 569
- Civil War, 244, 245
- Clark, Kenneth A., 3, 4, 5, 14, 77, 103, 137,
- 298, 410, 527
- description of beating of, 4, 53, 103-104,
- 137-138, 377, 409, 527, 592
- epitaph for-, 235
- hospital bills of, 23-25
- museum in honor of, see Kenneth A, Clark
- Memorial Museum
- testimonial of, 90-91
- Clark County jail, 409
- Class-action suits, 410
- Clergy, 35, 89, 331, 437, 443, 445, 558, 601,
- see also Churches; Religion
- bicameral mind and, 511
- criminal minds in, 278, 281, 282, 283
- relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174
- Clichés, 511
- Cloning, 196, 201, 215, 371
- Clowns, 297-304, 327-328
- Clownsville, 124, 266, 267, 330
- CNN, 528
- Cocaine, 347
- Coleman, Thomas P., 131, 466, 488, 489, 521
- Colgate, 428
- Collectivism, 316, 518
- Collector items, 189-190, 415, 470
- Common law, 569
- Communism, 386
- Communist Party, 595
- Competence, 9, 99, 113, 145, 401
- Competition, 125, 139, 221, 276, 295, 314
- cosmic power and, 34
- decriminalization of, 434, 442
- of future, 12-13
- against God concept, 166, 214
- against Holy Bible, 214
- Neo-Tech, I 29
- regulations against, 351
- as unstoppable, 170
- in value production, 70
- Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), 175
- Competitive survival pressures, 354-355
- Compton, Shari B., 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 328
- Computer chips, 162
- Concrete thinking, 507
- Confessions, 484-485, 548
- Confidence, 380
- Confrontation, 276, 333, 415, 523, 526
- Congress, 267, 368, 397, 475, 534, 545, 570
- Congressional Notices, 440
- Conscious mind, 68, 139, 142, 498,
- see also Consciousness breakaway of, 379
- conflict between bicameral mind and, 505
- creation of, 179
- dishonesty and shrinking of, 436
- integrated thinking and, 354
- metaphor as powerful tool of, 499
- mysticism as fatal disease of, 165, 189, 293, 435, 498-499, 518
- mysticism and shrinking of, 436
- shrinking of, 436
- Conscious mysticism, 163
- Consciousness, 179, 374, 498,
- see also Conscious mind beauty of, 433
- beginning of, 499
- as controlling element of existence, 373
- cosmic, 162
- defined, 506-508
- development of, 505-506, 508-509
- expansion of, 139, 507
- gratification of, 431-432
- higher, 1 62
- I-ness transfer of, 196, 201
- invention of, 506, 507, 508
- metaphors and, 507
- nature of, 431, 595
- Neothink and, 139
- power of, 440
- responsibility of, 440
- rise of, 122
- transfer of, 196, 373
- understanding of, 506-508
- "Consciousness: The End of False Authority", 503, 505-512
- Conscious thinking, 507, 511
- Conscription, 244, 245
- Consistent aerobic program (CAP), 379
- Consumer advocate frauds, 125, 158, 251, 252-255, 271, 335,
- see also specific people
- Consumer Affairs Divisions (CADs), 158, 172, 253, 263, 328, 381, 417
- in Nevada, 224, 225, 226-235
- in Quebec, 329-330
- in triangle of evil, 308
- Consumers, 158, 330, 335, 381, 384
- Context, 35, 491, 556, 558, 563-564, 567
- Contextual honesty, 451
- Contextual justice, 448
- Continuum-consciousness transfer, 373
- Control dynamics, 436
- Conyers, Congressman, 268
- Copper Helmet, 491, 531-532, 534
- Correa, Elizeu Alves, 270
- Corrigan, Ryan T., 29, 98, 102, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 135, 151
- Corruption, 468
- in bureaucracies, 501, 543
- in business, 453
- curing of, 465
- defined, 466
- dynamic process of, 464-465
- in government, 453, 468
- in IRS, 528 of justice, 463, 464-465, 563-564
- removal of process of, 464 source of, 523-524
- Cortinas, Gilberto A., 238
- Corwin, John W., 381
- Cosmic consciousness, 162
- Cosmic minds, 158, 178-182, 306, 307, 338, 341, 378, 471,
- see also Business minds acceleration of, 387
- biological immortality and, 373
- catalyst to, 307
- defined, 35, 307
- development of, 184
- discovery of, 31, 425
- door to world of, 403-408,
- emergence of, 178, 179
- evolution of, 181
- experiencing of, 184
- gateway to, 307
- I-ness and, 375
- mystic mind vs., 183
- rising of, 317
- significance of, 178
- worldwide catalyst to, 307
- Cosmic power, 31, 32, 34, 37, 178
- "Cosmic Power", 363, 470
- "Cosmic Power Now!", 395, 471
- Cosmic World, 378, 401
- Cosmos, 373
- Costa Rica, 115, 594
- Cota, Jesse A., 106, 107, 110, 117, 131, 135
- 150, 151, 376, 377, 379, 492, 529, 543
- Courts, 92, 154, 548-549
- see also Justice; Law;
- Legal system complicity by, 547-548
- epistemological process in, 452-453
- Honesty Motion and, 451
- moral basis of, 451
- Neo-Tech in, 378
- non sequiturs in, 15-19
- Cowardness, 483, 484
- Crawford, Dennis E., 376, 377, 379, 466, 469, 488, 489
- Crime, 145, 153, 259, see also Criminals;
- specific types fake, 258, 259
- hiding of, 173-174
- of Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 231
- partners in, 368, 475
- of "protection" bureaucracies, 231
- victimless, 1 7
- Crime and Punishment, 35, 56, 262, 277, 279, 437, 445, 558
- "Criminal Investigators", 25
- "Criminal Mind", 273
- Criminal minds, 155, 158, 160, 265, 558
- beckoning of, 259
- in bureaucracies, 327
- business minds vs., 57, 395, 437, 444
- case study of, 277
- defined, 35, 277, 278, 437, 444, 445
- as disease, 282
- Dostoyevski's analysis of, 56-57
- of drug dealers, 364
- dumping of, 274-295
- elimination of, 282
- essence of, 172
- exposing of, 279-280
- family and, 281-283
- friendship and, 281-283
- functioning of, 277
- in government, 327-328
- indulging in, 278
- inside of, 287
- institutionalization of, 279
- love and, 281-283
- money and, 437, 558
- mystic eaters in, 287, 288
- nature of, 277
- Neo-Tech indictment of, 409-411
- Neo-Tech justice vs., 383
- permeation of, 281-283
- prosecution of, 454-455
- in religion, 327-328
- results of, 279
- smalltime, 289-293
- spotting of, 274-295
- support system for, 285
- value production as replacement for, 365
- white-collar hoax and, 129
- Criminal nature of mystics and neocheaters, 56-57, 67, 96
- Criminals, 280-281, 382, see also Crime;
- Criminal minds Crossroads, 1 79
- Crown Publishing, 519-520
- Cruelty, 518
- Cryonics, 201, 336, 371, 372, 375, 511
- Cuba, 307, 450, 566, 605
- Cults, 509, 510
- Cuneiform writings, 507
- Czechoslovakia, 337
-- D --
- Damm, J. Gregory, 467, 489, 493, 585, 586
- horrific turn by, 603-604
- message to, 601-605
- Dark Ages, 86, 443, 452, 569
- Da Vinci, Leonardo, 123, 588
- DEA, see Drug Enforcement Agency
- Death, 316
- boring route to, 384
- causeless, 517-518
- cause of, 442
- "Childhood Capture" and, 420-424
- choice of over life, 284-285
- curing of, 319, 320, 321, 423, 588
- essence of, 372
- from FDA, 196-197
- finality of, 375, 404-408
- INS and, 205-221
- life after, 371-375
- route to, 384
- tragedy of, 422
- unintegrated pleasures as cause of, 316-317
- Death Hoax, 318, 319
- Deception, 66, 152-153, 317, 549, 593, 596-597, 598,
- see also Mysticism
- curing of, 597, 603
- self-, 589
- Decker, Dwayne, 455
- Deja vu, 510
- Delphi oracle, 509, 518
- Demagogues, 158, 335, 481, 518, 547
- see also specific people
- DeMayorga, Christina, 289, 477, 480, 483
- Demise of the Democracy, 244
- Demons, 509, 510
- Deng Xiaoping, 311, 340, 349, 540, 605
- Deprivation disease metaphor, 519-520
- Destruction hierarchy, 331
- Destructive nature of mystics and neocheaters, 55, 67, 96
- Development, 43, 65
- Dewey, John, 601
- Diamond, Barbie, 47, 191, 220, 293, 324, 326, 328, 345, 403, 454, 464
- Dictators, 89, see also specific people
- Dingell, 267, 271
- Direct-mail campaign of I & O, 336
- Discipline, 70, 344
- Discipline, Thought, and Control (DTC) method, 284, 285, 375, 379, 433
- Discrimination laws against, 362, 364 by Neo-Tech, 254, 320, 343-344, 345
- "Disgruntled-employee" suits, 17
- Dishonesty, 29, 144, 153, 165, 202, 425, 469, 519, 558
- automatic, 416-417
- in business, 239-240
- consequences of, 435, 443
- curing of, 320, 435-437, 443, 444
- defined, 435, 443
- fading of, 295
- honesty vs., 461
- of INS, 238
- integrated, 444
- legal profession subversion by, 468
- of Marx, 594
- of Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 226, 229, 233
- reason for, 443
- rejection of, 263
- shrinking of conscious mind by, 436
- understanding of, 443
- unintegrated, 444
- Diviners, 509
- Divorce, 517
- Dobre, Jon, 585, 586-587
- Dole, Robert, 440, 466, 489, 491, 522, 536
- Don Quixote, 526
- Dostoyevsky, 35, 56, 57, 262, 277, 278, 279 437, 445, 558
- Douglas, William O., 586
- Draft, 244, 245
- Drexel Burnham Lambert, 256, 258, 261-264, 271, 275, 394, 395, 396
- Drug dealers, 364
- Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 182, 198, 216, 231,
- 266, 300, 337, 347, 348, 349, 394,
- also War on Drugs
- corruption in, 501, 543
- elimination of, 201
- "I'm cool" myth and, 364
- "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440
- power drunkards of, 268
- subversion of, 201
- waiting for move from, 220
- Drug laws, 201, 491, see also War on drugs
- Drug legalization, 349
- Drug problems, 268
- Drugs, 317
- Drug war, 201, 336, 346-348, 349, 491
- DTC, see Discipline, Thought, and Control
- Due process, 344, 537
- DuPont, Eleuthere Irenee, 588
- DuPont Company, 1, 516, 519, 524, 575, 576, 591
- Dyslexia l, 575
-- E --
- Europe, 329, 333, 335, 337, 340, 343,
- 349, 380, 382, 386, 387, 399, 434,
- 436, 443, 450, 455, 465, 467, 493,
- 528, 533, 566, 599, 605,
- see also specific countries
- IRS vs., 541
- Ultimate Battle in, 471
- East Germany, 540
- Economic collapse, 501
- Economic problems in America, 532-534, 539
- Edison, Thomas, 42, 59, 67, 245, 463, 563
- Edwards, Mr., 241
- EEC, see Energy, effort, and consistency
- E. F. Hutton & Company, 98, 99, 100
- Ego, 511
- Ego "justice", 550-554, 582, 583, 596, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605
- elimination of, 584-586
- Golden Helmet and, 584
- Egypt, 497, 505
- Einstein, Albert, 4, 6, 40, 44, 45, 131, 140, 146, 373, 588
- Election campaigns, 278
- Electrical potential, 375
- Electric light bulb, 59, 67-60
- Ellis, Drew, 70
- Embry, Dorothy, 104
- Emotions, 85, 88-89, 556, 557, 558,
- see also Feelings
- of arts, 54
- defined, 557
- Neo-Tech integrated with, 54
- Energy, 373, 374
- Energy, effort, and consistency (EEC), 379
- England, 241, 419, 569
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 216, 264, 266, 271, 337, 474, 486, 601
- corruption in, 501, 543
- irrationality of, 268
- "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440
- Envy, 259, 284, 361, 362, 425, 481, 484, 518, 546, 547
- EPA, see Environmental Protection Agency
- Epistemology, 77
- Equador, 574
- Eric Flame, 524
- ESP, 510
- Ethics, 259
- Ethiopia, 605
- European colonialism, 358
- Evil, 64, 549, 555
- collapse of instruments of, 297
- conversion of to good, 583
- end of, 311
- in government, 391
- greatest, 145- 146
- of INS, 341
- triangle of, 129-130, 306, 308, 309, 311-312
- vanishing of, 295
- Evolution, 363-364, 506, 508
- Excise taxes, 7
- Executive Meetings, 116, 380
- Existence celebration of, 433
- consciousness as controlling element of, 37
- fundamental moral behavior underlying, 595-596
- Existentialism, 589
- Exorcisms, 510
- External authority, 350, 351-352, 356-367, 506,
- 507, 509, 510, 511
-- F --
- Facts, 19, 88-89
- Failure, 350
- FAIR, 340
- Faith, 416, 510, 511
- Family, 281-283
- Famine elimination, 145
- Fascism, 511
- Fatness, 317, 344
- FDA, see Food and Drug Administration
- Fear, 20, 440
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 220, 240, 330, 347
- Federal Income Taxation of /Individuals, 244
- Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 2, 216, 264, 318, 336, 474, 486, 601
- challenge to, 381-383
- corruption in, 543
- death hoax and, 319
- violations notice to, 320
- waiting for move from, 220
- "Federal Utility Company" bill collection
- analogy, 535-537
- Feelings, 35, 511, 518, 557, 558, see also Emotions
- Festival for alien value producers, 211
- Fiduciary Lists, 320
- Fifth Amendment, 15, 432, 568
- Fifty questions for collapse of mysticism, 302-304
- "Fight Back", 251
- FIH, see Fully integrated, honest
- Final integrations, 438, 445
- Final War, 177
- Financial-accounting meetings, 298
- Financial crimes, 17
- Fine arts, 9, 12
- Finn, John, 412, 474, 483
- Firestone, Harvey, 245, 430, 438
- First Amendment, 14, 77, 394, 409, 446, 492, 493, 530, 538, 544
- Honesty Motion and, 449, 565, 567, 568, 57
- Fitness, 317, 344
- Flag of Neo-Tech, 135, 190
- Flame, Eric, 284
- Flint, John, 31, 77, 178, 227, 229, 230,
- 256, 273, 285, 293, 325, 376, 410,
- 441, 443, 471, 494
- attempt at silencing, 387-388
- Foley Federal Building, 250
- Fonda, Jane, 331
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 2, 8,
- 172, 182, 192, 212, 216, 225, 241,
- 266, 271, 318, 337, 386, 394, 409, 474, 486, 545
- cancer cures and, 575, 576
- cancerous growths in, 415
- corruption in, 501, 543
- criminal minds and, 280, 281, 292
- death caused by, 196-197
- death hoax and, 319
- economic control by, 533
- elimination of, 196-197, 201
- fall of, 370
- indictment of, 198
- mass murder by, 196-197, 267
- neocheaters removed from, 423
- Neo-Tech matrix trapping of, 196-197
- "Neo-Tech Wedge" newsletter and, 442
- notice to, 201
- "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440
- subversion of, 201
- violations notice to, 320
- waiting for move from, 220
- world rejection of, 197
- Food gorging, 344
- Force, 173, 317, 363, 442
- Ford, Henry, 12, 42, 59, 141, 245, 355, 357,
- 428, 430, 588, 598, 601
- Ford Motor Company, 59-60
- Fourth Amendment, 14, 77
- Fragma justice or law, see A point
- France, 4 19
- Frankenstein, Dr., 214, 215, 217, 265-272, 465
- Franklin, Benjamin, 429
- Franklin Mint, 226
- Fraud, 173, 229, 233, 234, 253, 308
- Free choice, 233
- Freedom
- of action, 363
- of belief, 568
- of choice, 589
- of expression, 409, 449, 493, 530, 538, 543, 544, 565, 567
- press, 8, 363, 409, 493, 530, 538, 543, 544, 598
- of speech, 8, 258
- of thought, 363
- Free markets, 233
- Free society, 363
- Friendship, 281-283
- FTC, see Federal Trade Commission
- Fuhrers, 509, see also specific people
- Fully integrated, honest (FIH) man, 379
- Fully integrated honesty, see Neo-Tech
- Future, 547, 559-581
- competition of, 12-13
- concepts needed for, 556, 558
- definitions needed for, 556, 558
- Golden World of, see Golden World
- justice for, 559-572
- world of: see Golden World
-- G --
- Galileo, 449, 550, 565, 588
- Gambling, 317
- Gaming Commission, 324
- Gandhi, Mohandas, 13
- Gandhian strength, 217
- Garrison, William Lloyd, 244
- Geneen, Harold, 245
- Generalizations, see also specific types
- amoral, 365
- defined, 361
- insurance-company-like, 359
- racism vs., 359-360
- value-protecting, 358-367
- General Motors, 103, 415, 428
- Geocentric view, 159-160
- George, Lloyd D., 569, 583
- message to, 601-605
- turn toward honesty by, 602-603
- ace letter to, 584-587
- Germany, 172, 329, 333, 335, 337, 347, 419, 481, 519, 522, 528, 540, 544, 546, 566, 597
- Gibbs, Lawrence B., 20-23, 26, 27, 131, 132, 333, 339, 340, 492, 529
- Gillette, 428, 429
- Giuliani, Rudolph, 279, 283, 300, 314, 463, 522, 563-564, 585, 601
- Glossolalia, 509
- God concept, 164, 166-167, 214, 216, 268, 372, 506
- Gods, 506
- Goldberg, Fred T., 298, 299, 300, 336, 339 387, 410, 466, 488, 489, 545
- epistle to, 376-379
- Goldberg Illegality, 588
- Golden Era, 605
- Golden Helmet, 494, 515, 526-527, 532, 533,
- 542, 544, 545, 557, 574, 585
- defined, 526
- ego "justice" and, 584
- forming of, 584
- IRS offered in 1987, 530-531
- protective purpose of, 537-538
- role of, 531
- Ultimate Battle and, 529-531
- unlocking of, 529
- wide-scope accountability and, 601-602
- Golden opening, 52
- Golden World, 170, 496, 497, 499-500, 504, 516,
- 538, 559, 561, 573, 576, 589, 593, 600
- maps to, 515-557, 573-581
- letters in response to, 579-581
- Wallace's discovery of, 573, 575-581
- Gonzalez, Maria, 488
- Good, 391, 583
- Goodman, Oscar, 14
- Goodrich, Hubert J., 102, 103, 104,
- 105, 106, 107, 109, 135, 151, 215,
- 217, 298, 333, 376, 377, 409, 410, 488, 492
- change in appearance of, 108, 138
- invitations to, 115-116, 298
- Jungle Bitch letter to, 298-300, 379-380
- letters to, 298-300, 336, 379-380
- Goodrich Illegality, 588
- Gorbachev, 415
- Goring, Hermann, 343, 344, 378
- Gould, Jay, 243-245, 284, 331, 351, 355, 427, 428, 430
- Government, 279, 512, see also Bureaucracies; Politicians
- bankruptcy of, 501
- bicameral mind and, 511
- Big Lies about, 416
- cancerous growths from, 414-433
- corruption in, 453, 468
- criminal minds in, 281, 327-328
- defined, 486
- destructiveness of, 352
- good and evil elements of, 391
- irrationality of, 352
- Nothingness Drain and, 352
- purpose of, 542
- state vs., 483, 486, 570
- value producers in, 391, 491
- Government-business gangs, 289-293
- Grand-master neocheaters, 66
- Grates, Marc, 222, 223, 272
- Gravity, 117
- Gravity-based information storage and retrieval system, 117
- Griffin, Slade, 219
- Grugel, 210
- Guatemala, 594
- Guiliani, Rudolph, 256, 257, 266, 268, 269, 271
- Guilt, 10, 16, 33, 72, 74-75, 93, 203, 260, 454, 509
- ancient people's failure to experience, 50
- bicameral mind and, 511
- false, 575
- Hierarchy of, 28, 38, 149, 235, 246, 466-467, 487, 489-494
- of innocence and, 18
- unearned, 549
- Guilt manipulators, 362
- Guns-and-Fists Information Package, see
- November-3rd Information Package
- Guns-and-Fists Manifesto, 121-124
- Guns-and-Fists Museum, see Kenneth A.
- Clark Memorial Museum
- Guns-and-Fists Newsletters, 212, 256, 391, 487, 574
- production of, 236
Volume I - Number 2, 189-191
- Number 3, 159
- Number 4, 159-161
- Number 6, 193-196, 342-343
- Number 7, 198, 200
- Number 8, 198-202, 226, 229
- Number 9, 198
- Number 10, 343
- Number 11, 225-235, 240
- Number 12A, 237
Volume 2 - Number 2, 252-255
- Number 3A, 257
- Number 6, 265-272
- Number 7, 274-295
Volume 3 - Number 5, 337-389, 376-379
- Number 7, 393
- Number 8, 393
- Number 9, 393
- Number 10, 403-408
- Number 12, 413, 414-433, 439
"Guns-and-Fists" T-shirts, 138, 190 - Guns vs. pens, 5-6
- Gurus, 506
-- H --
- Habeas corpus, 582, 584, 585-587
- Habits, 511
- Halloween Party, 191
- Hallucinations, 505
- Hamilton, Mark, 43, 140, 170, 282, 350, 352, 355, 356, 385, 404, 413, 418,
- 442 448, 451-452, 545, 575, 594
- phone call to Dad from, 423-424
- Hamilton Poll, 546
- Happiness, 34, 70, 90, 158, 167, 184, 368, 396, 475, 557, 4312
- achievement of, 408
- capturing of, 345
- carefree, 418
- circle of, 306
- delivery of, 319
- destruction of, 283
- eternal, 295
- Franklin's observation about, 429
- Golden World of, 496
- INS and, 207
- integrated blocks of, 315
- integrated pleasures as source of, 317
- last call for, 339-345
- lifelong, 432-433
- losses of, 517
- as natural condition, 477
- nature of, 316, 317
- Neo-Tech/business, 315
- permanent, 573
- reservoir of, 426
- rightness of, 403
- as self-wrought, 339
- source of, 316
- super, 406, 407
- supra, 425-433
- Treasure Map and, 495-502
- as ultimate product of bantam companies, 403-408
- unhappiness vs., 315
- value production and, 70
- "Happiness Capture", 404-408
- Happiness director, 100, 101
- Harlem, 359, 362
- Hawking, 373
- Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), 440, 474, 501, 543
- Health fads, 511
- Heart disease cures, 87, 321, 370
- Hector, 507
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 449-450, 546, 566
- Helen, 507
- Heliocentric view, 159-160
- Helko, Martin, 150
- Helmsley, Leona, 245, 295, 325, 331, 332, 333,
- 334, 380-381, 385, 386, 388, 394, 395,
- 396, 403, 457, 468, 484, 547
- destructions inflicted on, 463, 563-564
- Honesty Motion and, 562
- letter to, 336, 381, 390, 391, 395
- Hendricks, Roy, 195, 210, 333, 341, 342, 343, 344
- Henshaw, Roy T., 410, 466, 469, 488, 489
- Henshaw Illegality, 588
- Heraclitus, 373
- Hercules, 27, 148
- Hereafter, 371-375
- Herko, Robert, 104, 106
- Heroes, 61, 310, 434-435
- HEW, see Health, Education and Welfare
- Hierarchy of destruction, 331
- Hierarchy of Guilt, 28, 38, 149, 235, 246, 466-467, 487, 489-494
- Hierarchy of hypocrisy, 331
- Hieroglyphics, 507
- Hiertatic writings, 507
- Higher consciousness, 162
- "Higher" power, 511
- High schools, 313
- Hill, J.J., 588, 598
- Himmler, Heinrich, 343
- Himmler/Goring Master Race, 344
- Hines, 587
- Hispanic businesspeople, 242
- History of the Jews, The, 484, 546
- Hitler, Adolph, 15, 19, 66, 85-86, 118, 125, 135,
- 280, 311, 314, 339, 349, 361, 434, 443,
- 449, 481, 519, 522, 534, 546, 557, 566
- Hoaxes, see also specific types
- of racism, 358-367
- White-Collar, see White-Collar Hoaxes
- Holiday Inn, 428
- Holocaust, 481, 540, 546
- Holy Bible, 212, 214, 505, 509, 510
- Homilies, 511
- Honda, Soichiro, 381
- Honda Motor Company, 381
- Honecker, Eric, 340, 349, 534, 540, 597, 605
- Honesty, 21, 142, 144, 317, 556
- aggressive, 332
- of authentic man, 479
- contextual, 451
- defined, 35, 438, 445, 458, 558, 561, 562
- dishonesty vs., 461
- dynamic process of, 457, 561, 567
- fully integrated see Neo-Tech
- in IRS, 526
- in law, 451
- in military, 391
- mysticism vs., 540
- process of, 516
- rediscovery of, 583
- shutting down of, 519
- truth vs., 449, 450, 456-458, 462, 463, 491, 556,
- 558, 561, 562-563, 567, 572
- Honesty Motion, 439, 441, 447-453, 456-466,
- 556-557, 559, 561-564, see also
- Honesty oath
- appeal of denial of, 449-453, 565-572
- background of, 569-570
- denial of, 450
- appeal of, 449-453, 565-572
- reason for, 565
- details of, 457-458, 562-563, 569-572
- essence of, 566-567
- history of, 569
- implementation of, 570-572
- invalid premises and, 566
- justice assured through, 560
- nature of, 450, 566-567
- need for, 567
- Ninth Circuit Federal District Court
- consideration of, 564
- summary of, 456-457, 561-562, 568
- truth vs. honesty and, 562-563
- as turnkey motion, 462, 464, 466, 562-563
- as unstoppable, 570
- validity of, 450-451, 452, 567
- Honesty oath, 451, 456, 462, 463, 465, 466,
- 552, 556, 559, 561-564, 568,
- 569, 582, 603, see also Honesty Motion
- Hong Kong, 455
- Horowitz, David, 251, 252-255, 271
- Hospital bills, 23-25
- Hotel Aristos, 239-240
- Housewives, 440
- Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 409, 415, 440, 474, 501, 543
- How to Incorporate Without a Lawyer for Under $50, 520
- HUD, see Housing and Urban Development
- Hughes, Howard, 245
- Human cloning, 196, 201, 215, 371
- Human head preservation, 201, 215, 267, 37:
- Human nature, 276, 596-597
- Humanoids, 558
- Hungary, 307, 337
- Hunting, 349
- Hussein, Saddam, 450, 519, 540, 542, 566, 585
- Hypnosis, 510, 511
- Hypocrisy, 331, 368, 475, 583, 594
- Hysteria, 346-348
-- I --
- IBM, 85-89, 121
- I ching, 510
- Ideas, 43, 61-63, 65
- Idols, 506, 509
- Iliad, 505, 507, 509
- Illuminate, 574
- Illusions, 10, 20, 33, 556, 563-564
- of life after death, 371-375
- manipulations of, 596, 597, 599-600
- of mysticism, 33, 35
- of power, 6
- Imaginations, 556, 557
- "I'm cool" myth, 364
- Immigrants, 366 Immigration, 363
- Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) 2, 172,
- 182, 197, 225, 236, 239, 264, 266,
- 275, 337, 376, 385, 386, 574, 601
- clownish performances by, 270
- corruption in, 501, 543
- criminal minds and, 280, 292
- critique of, 204
- death and, 205-221
- dumping of, 343
- economic control by, 533
- essence of, 192, 207
- expansion of, 342
- functions of, 467
- grasping paws of, 267
- as hoax, 206
- indictment of, 198
- I & O files held try, 240-241
- I & O personnel vs., 192
- jobs at, 210, 211
- Jungle Bitch letter to, 298-300
- Kenneth A Clark Memorial Museum visited by, 238
- "Last Call for Life and Happiness" to, 339-345
- legal system and, 207
- memo to, 238-239
- Meono files held by, 240-241
- Neo-Tech matrix trapping of, 192, 193-197, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 215-216, 339-345
- NEO-Tech/Neothink collapse of, 207-210
- "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440
- power of, 208, 210
- purpose of, 206-207
- racism of, 194, 204, 206, 210, 211, 214, 216, 217,
- 238, 242, 270, 271, 342, 343-344, 467
- racist, most virulent, 363-364
- self-destruction of, 206-220
- sexual assault by officer of, 193, 194, 205, 206,
- 208, 211, 218, 219, 267, 340, 467
- as Socratic target, 467
- sole purpose of, 206-207
- source of power of, 208
- squeezing hands of, 267
- survival of, 342
- as target, 193-196
- time destruction by, 342, 343
- value destruction by, 204, 205-221
- viciousness of, 270
- Immortality
- biological, see Biological immortality
- essence of, 371, 372
- route to, 375
- Impotence, 67, 70, 341
- Income tax, 244, 245, 540
- Incompetence, 47, 67, 296, 469
- of consumer affairs agencies, 226, 232, 263
- of Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 226, 232
- value destruction and, 99
- "In-Context, The-Point-Law", 490
- India literature, 509
- Individual responsibility, 233, 234, 241, 253, 269, 282-283, 358-359, 381
- Individual rights, 93, 363, 397, 437, 445, 459, 558
- Individual supremacy, 353
- Industrial Philosophy Center, 270
- Industrial Revolution, 427, 519
- Ineptness, 108
- I-ness, 196, 201, 336, 371-375
- Influenza cures, 442
- Informant for November-3rd attack, 214, 215, 299, 376, 377, 379, 490, 583
- Information storage and retrieval system, 117
- Injustice, 442, 454, 456-466
- Innocence, 10, 16, 72, 74-75, 203, 260, 345 454, 549
- naiveté of, 75-76
- presumption of, 346
- reversing of guilt and, 18
- "Innocent Value Producer" T-shirts, 138
- Inquisitions, 15, 432, 519, 548, 568
- Inquisition trial of Galileo, 449, 565
- INS, see Immigration and Naturalization Service
- Insider trading, 256, 258, 259, 322
- Institute of Cognitive Infomatics, 78
- Insurance companies, 501
- Insurance-company-like generalizations, 359
- Integra justice or law, see The point
- Integrated pleasures, 317
- Integrated thinking, 350-357
- avoidance of, 352-353, 356, 357
- biological immortality and, 355
- competitive survival pressures and, 354-355
- defined, 35, 558 as end of neocheating, 435-436
- resistance to, 354
- Integration, 511
- defined, 556-558
- final, 438, 445
- of Honesty Motion, 452
- mysticism's blocking of, 425-433, 436, 442, 500, 545, 556-558
- Neothink, 427-429
- of Neothink with Neo-Tech, 33
- of philosophy, psychology and physiology, 379
- widest, 275
- Integration matrix, 34
- Integrity, 380, 457
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 2, 20, 216, 280,
- 336, 376, 386, 409, 411, 458, 463, 466, 467,
- 486, 513, 523, 524, 525, 530, 545, 601, 602,
- 603, 604, 574
- also November-3rd attack; Taxes
- agent's plan to resign from, 530
- auditors at, 540-541
- cancerous growths in, 415
- cooperation with, 491-492, 493-494
- corruption in, 501, 528
- Criminal-Investigation Divisions of, 534, 535, 536, 537, 540-541, 545
- destructive effects of, 540-541
- driving wedge between good and bad
- within, 492, 541
- Eastern Europe vs., 541
- economic control by, 533, 539
- formal complaint against, 488-494
- Golden Helmet offered to in 1987, 530-531
- good vs. bad within, 492, 526, 538, 541
- honesty in, 526
- I & O cooperation with, 493-494, 545
- job-terminator units for employees of, 588
- "Last Call for Life and Happiness" to, 339-345
- Marxism and, 455
- minds of commissioners of, 535-537
- mysticism and, 540-541
- Neo-Tech matrix trapping of, 339-345
- noncooperation with individuals in, 526, 527
- police-state elements in, 487, 533-534, 537-538
- "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440
- real purpose of, 20
- "reforms" of, 534
- restructuring of, 411, 494
- in self-exposure traps, 542, 543
- valid functions of, 467
- violence by, see November-3rd attack
- Wallace's noncooperation with individuals in, 526, 527
- International Verdict, 477-480
- INTERPOL, 2, 197, 197-202, 198, 220, 225, 330
- Intimidation, 460
- Introspection, 498, 507, 509
- Introspective thinking, 355
- Invalid premises, 449, 566
- I & O Publishing Company, 2, 3, 6, 13, 19,
- 20, 23, 32, 33, 34, 37, 156, 160, 190, 197,
- 214, 492, 528, 542, 543, 576, 579, 592
- also Neo-Tech
- advertising of, 366
- attempt to destroy, 146
- attempt at silencing, 387-388
- bantam companies of, see Bantam companies
- beginning of, 1
- benefits offered by, 202
- billboards of, see Neo-Tech billboards
- cancer cure of, 320
- claims of as understatements, 254
- classified file on, 197, 200
- cooperation with IRS from, 493-494, 545
- customer problem resolution by, 226
- customer service of, 417
- description of, 531
- destruction of as impossible, 555
- direct-mail campaign of, 336
- discrimination by, 254, 320, 343-344, 345
- earning right to trade with, 470
- Executive Meetings of, 116, 380
- as fire driven, 160, 194
- First Amendment rights of, 538, 543
- goal of, 194, 200, 212, 224, 252, 255, 491, 513, 531, 544
- history of, 544-545
- Horowitz' letter to, 252-255
- as hunter, 27
- IBM to be surpassed by, 85-89
- Industrial Philosophy Center of, 270
- INS vs., 192, 341
- INTERPOL file on, 197, 200
- letter to Helmsley from, 3332
- life-wasting acts recorded by, 341-342
- mailing list of, 30
- media questions to, 390, 392
- as most successful business in world, 85-89
- non sequiturs at, 202
- November-3rd attack on, see November 3rd attack
- phantom-bantam companies of, see Bantam companies
- poisoning of files of, 240-241
- purpose of, 85, 206, 453, 521
- rejection of by traditional businesses 365, 366
- reward offered by, 207
- slandering of, 413
- stock subscription of, 319, 322-323
- strength of, 365, 366
- as subversive, 200-202
- unregistered stock subscription of, 319, 322-323
- working class and, 598
- X-Factor and, 163
- Iran, 540
- Iraq, 450, 519, 540, 566
- Iridium Medal Award for Business, Heroism and Achievement, 381
- Irony, 78
- Irrationality, 317, 352, 411, 454, 518, 545
- Irrational laws, 464
- IRS, see Internal Revenue Service
- Islamism, 518
- Israel, 546
- "It's not my fault" rationalization, 358
- Ivory soap, 428
-- J --
- Jackson, Jesse, 280, 343, 367, 416, 522
- Japan, 519, 547
- Jaynes, Julian, 354, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 512
- Jefferson, Thomas, 570, 598
- Jesus, 550
- Jewish people, 361, 481-482, 484-485, 544, 546, 596, 597
- Jigsaw-puzzle metaphor, 499-500
- Job creation, 60-61
- Job-terminator units, 588
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 522
- Johnson, Paul, 484, 546
- Johnson, Wallace E., 428
- Johnson & Gibbs, 340
- Jokes, 297-304
- Jones, Jim, 540
- Jonestown, 509, 540
- Joseph, Fred, 256, 268
- Journalists, 35, 181, 331, 333, 395, 436, 437, 443, 445, 558, 597
- see also Media
- bicameral mind and, 506
- criminal minds of, 283
- indictment of, 198
- Juarez-Quinonez, Hector, 208-209
- Judges, 154, 558, 559, 597, 601,
- see also specific people
- accountability of, 454
- identification of, 501
- mystic-free, 550-554
- mystic-plagued, 550-554
- notice to, 483
- Judicial opposites, 550-554
- Judicial system, see Courts; Judges; Legal system
- Jujitsu trap, 262
- Jungle Bitch, 115, 135, 138, 150, 211, 215, 298,
- see also Mono, Rosa Maria
- letter to Goodrich from, 298-300, 379-380
- letter to Helmsley from 391, 395
- in Strap letter, 341
- tribute to Neo-Tech man from, 379-380
- Jungle-Bitch Memorial, 211, 212, 213
- Junk bonds, 256
- Jury trials, 346
- Justice, 121, 243-245, 262, 332, 438, 454, 489
- also Courts; Law; Legal system
- from all angles, 562-563
- a point, see A point
- assurance of through Honesty Motion, 560
- contextual, 448
- corruption of, 463, 464-465, 563-564
- corruption-free, 491
- corruption of, 463, 464-465, 563-564
- defined, 93, 459
- discrimination for, 343-344
- dynamics of, 292
- ego, see Ego "justice"
- foundation of, 550
- fragma, see A point
- for future, 559-572
- guarantee of, 572
- through heart and soul, 477
- honest, 259
- Honesty Motion for,
- see Honesty Motion
- incorruptible, 463, 563-564
- individual rights and, 93, 459
- integra, see The point
- inversions of, 245
- most significant advance in, 464-466
- mystic-free, 559
- Neo-Tech, 83-84, 130, 158, 335, 380, 381 383, 492
- Neo-Tech delivery of, 380
- Neo-Tech discrimination for, 343-344
- no escape from, 314
- objective, see Objective justice
- subversion of, 16-17, 458, 460-461
- the point, see The point
- unstoppable, 333
- Justice Department, 212, 246, 266, 267, 271 319, 463, 563, 602
- beckoning of, 259
- business terrorist of, 257
- criminal minds and, 281
- indictment of, 198
- as Neo-Tech target, 258
- waiting for move from, 220
- "Just Say No Program", 347
-- K --
- K, Ms., see Ms. K
- Kant, Immanuel, 66, 313, 450, 546, 566
- Kenneth A. Clark Foundation, 190
- Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Foundation, 210, 267, 290, 299,
- 300, 306, 319, 320, 321, 322, 403, 410, 412, 454, 464, 560
- discrimination by, 320
- Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Museum, 189, 190, 214, 232, 238, 252, 263, 270, 290, 310, 380
- Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Shrine, 133, 189
- Kern, Allen, 72, 560
- Keynesian philosophy, 313
- Keystone Cops, 118, 208
- KGB, 533
- Khomeini, Ayatollah, 280, 286, 311, 449, 540, 557, 566
- "Kicking All Criminal Minds Off Planet Earth through Neo-Tech Ostracism", 254
- Kimura, Yasuhiko, 113, 114
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., 522
- King John, 569
- Klein, M., 245
- Knowledge, 117, 166, 556, 558
- certainty of, 500
- as contextual, 35, 491
- speed-of-light acceleration of, 114
- understanding of, 499
- Koppel, Ted, 254, 333
- Koran, 449, 566
- Krantz, Sheldon, 586
- Kroc, Ray, 141, 245, 428, 598
- Ku Klux Klan, 242
- Kuwait, 542
-- L --
- Labor unions, 599
- Language, 426, 497, 505, 507
- Larivee, Mr., 329
- Las Vegas Sun, 489
- Latin America, 116, 193-194, 201
- Laugh-box documents, 368, 475
- Law, 15, 18,
- see also Courts; Justice: Legal system; specific types
- a point, see A point
- arbitrary, 533, 548
- case, 569
- civil, 571
- common, 569
- corruptible, 463
- dishonest, 259
- fake, 259, 311
- fragma, see A point
- honesty in, 451
- Honesty Motion and, see Honesty Motion
- incorruptible, 463, 466, 467
- integra, see The point
- irrational, 464
- manipulation of, 568
- neocheaters and, 18
- noncontextual, 491
- non sequiturs in, 92
- objective, see Objective law
- political-agenda law, 574
- subjective, 582
- the point, see The point
- tort, 15, 17, 569, 571
- "Law of Corrections and Prisoner Rights, The", 586
- Lawyers, 17, 18, 36, 123, 126, 241, 331, 437, 443, 445, 558, 559, 597
- see also Legal profession
- bicameral mind and, 506
- criminal minds of, 278
- dumping of dishonest, 468-469
- ending of destruction by, 395-396
- indictment of, 198
- Neo-Tech vs., 395
- notice to, 387
- as politicians, 469
- relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174
- as white-collar-hoax quislings, 19
- Laziness, 165, 202, 341, 425, 435, 437, 440, 444, 558
- curing of, 320
- legal profession subversion by, 468
- of Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 232
- rejection of, 263
- Leaders, 506
- Leavitt, Lawrence R., 449
- Left hemisphere of brain, 164, 510
- Legal Hoax, 9
- Legal profession,
- see Judges: Lawyers; Legal system: Prosecutors
- Legal system, 9, 14, 15, 16, 92-94, 154,
- see also Courts: Justice: Lawyers
- corruption of, 453, 460
- dishonest, 207
- Honesty Motion for,
- see Honesty Motion
- neocheaters in, 458-459
- non sequiturs used by, 14, 20
- subversion of, 468
- Lendt, D.L., 244
- Lenin, Vladimir, 8, 19, 123, 179, 280, 286, 311, 519, 522, 523, 557
- "Level-playing-field" propaganda, 259, 284
- L. Faire Associates, Inc., 227, 229, 320
- Liberator, The, 244
- Libertarianism, 352, 353
- Liberty destruction, 346-347, 348
- Library at Alexandria, 6
- Library of Congress, 391
- Life
- celebration of, 426
- destruction of, 343
- essence of, 372, 516
- eternal value of, 420
- exciting route to, 384
- integrated pleasures as source of, 317
- last call for, 339-345
- as precious, 345, 405-406
- purpose of, 408
- route to, 384
- as sensational, 419, 423
- sense of, 421
- shortness of, 404-408
- source of, 425
- value of, 425-426
- values as source of, 425
- "Life, Business, and Happiness Forever", 27
- Life after death, 371-375
- Life and Legend of Jay Gould, The, 245
- Lifetime Value Package, 29
- Lifetime Value Package, The, 527
- Light bulb, 59, 67-60
- Lincoln, Abraham, 66, 243-245, 283, 427
- Lindsay, John V., 601
- Li Peng, 311, 314, 403, 605
- Literature matrix, 212
- Litigation, 17
- Little-Soldier newsbox, 409, 412, 544
- Litz, M., 586
- Live arts, 9, 12, 15, 57, 74, 89, 102, 110, 111, 150, 152, 170, 189, 202,
- see also specific productions
- INS and, 211
- Neo-Tech rights and, 255
- "Live For Success", 366
- Living-brain transfer, 373
- Living-head concept, 201, 215, 267, 373
- Local police, 391, 537, 542
- Locke, John, 523
- Loitering With Intent, 57
- Long, Huey, 522
- Long-Wave article, 373
- Lorenzo, Frank, 245, 331
- Love, 332, 557, 558
- celebration through, 406-407
- criminal minds and, 281-283
- eternal value of, 420
- omnipotence in, 162-163
- romantic, see Romantic love
- as self-wrought, 339
- Love story, 215
- Lovelace, Richard, 574
- Lumpur, Kuala, 385
-- M --
- Maariv, 546
- MacLaine, Shirley, 518
- Mafia, 104, 537
- Magna Charta, 462, 464-466, 569, 582
- Malicious nature of mystics and neocheaters 55-56, 67, 96
- Malpractice, 1 7
- Man vs. authentic man, 477-480
- Mandarin Chinese Neo-Tech, 146
- Manipulation, 281, 282
- through guilt, 362
- of illusions, 596, 597, 599-600
- of law, 568
- of mysticism in others, 519, 555, 557
- by neocheaters, 34
- Man's Choice, 524
- Man's nature, 276, 596-597
- Mao Tse-tung, 15, 19, 123, 125, 179, 244, 311, 314, 511, 534
- Maps
- to Golden World, 515-557, 573-581
- letters in response to, 579-581
- Treasure, 487, 495-502, 594
- Marijuana, 347
- Marketing, 43, 59-60, 65, 117
- mass, 43, 59-60, 65, 117, 440
- Marx, Karl, 125, 386, 455, 511, 519, 594-596, 598, 599, 600
- Massachusetts, 415
- Mass destruction, 66
- Mass marketing, 43, 59-60, 65, 117, 440
- Mass murder, 89, 175, 196-197, 267, 292, 31 1, 481
- Mass production, 60
- Master neocheaters, 36, 333, 522
- Master-Race ideas, 519, 522
- Matrices, see Neo-Tech matrices
- Matter, 373, 374
- Maximum values, 434
- McDonald's, 428
- McGee, Thomas, 587
- McGrew, Frank, 516
- McKay, Brian, 229
- McNery, Gene, 339
- McNulty, J.K., 244
- Media, 158, 181, 331, 333, 334, 368, 436, 475, 484, 512, 545, 588, 597
- see also Journalists: specific types
- accountability of, 454
- attacks on U.S. Postal Service from, 391
- bicameral mind and, 506
- cancerous growths from, 414-433
- criminal minds in, 278, 281, 282, 283
- ending of destruction by, 395-396
- envy fomented by, 547
- mysticism and, 557
- Neo-Tech Matrix trapping of, 392
- Neo-Tech policy on answering questions
- from, 390, 392, 414-433
- Nothingness Drain and, 352
- power lust of, 485
- refusal to deal with, 390, 392, 414-433
- relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174
- value producers covered by, 427
- Medical fads, 511
- Medieval Period, 569
- Mediocre minds, 40
- Meditation, 511
- Mediterranean civilizations, 498
- Mediums, 509
- Meier, Peter, 78
- Mein Kampf, 449, 566
- Meono, Franco, 275
- Meono, Rosa Maria, 81, 193, 194, 195, 205, 208,
- 209, 211, 214, 217, 219, 395
- see also Jungle Bitch
- INS files on, 240-241
- letter to Goodrich from, 298-300
- portrait of, 218
- sexual assault against,
- see Sexual assault by INS
- in Strapp letter, 340, 341, 342, 343
- Mesopotamia, 122, 497, 505
- Metaphor, 499, 507
- for deprivation disease, 519-520
- jigsaw-puzzle, 499-500
- poker as, 520-522
- Metaphysics, 511
- Mexico, 594
- Michelangelo, 588
- Middle-class workers, 126, 127
- Middle East, 499, 546
- Military, 391
- Military draft, 244, 245
- Milken, Michael, 245, 256, 284, 295, 334,
- 350, 355, 356, 357, 385, 386, 394, 395,
- 396, 403, 463, 468, 484, 547, 563
- Miller, Robert J., 328
- Milton, John, 583
- Minami Development Corporation, 393, 394, 399
- Mind control, 511
- Mind-created reality, 35, 450, 513, 518, 515,
- 526, 538, 542, 547, 549, 550, 556, 557, 558,
- 563-564, 566, 567, 575, 576
- Mind-integrated reality, 450, 566, 567
- Minds
- bicameral, see Bicameral mind
- business, see Business minds
- computer chip compared to, 162
- conscious, see Conscious mind
- cosmic, see Cosmic minds
- criminal, see Criminal minds
- of IRS Commissioners, 535-537
- mediocre, 40
- mystical, 122, 179, 183, 315
- mystic-blocked, 436
- mystic-free, 162-168, 436, 440, 476, 513
- Neo-Tech, 33, 558
- Neo-Tech/Neothink, 139, 162-163, 164, 165
- parasitical-elite, 558
- power of, 162
- spiritual, 162
- subconscious, 162
- subliminal, 162
- unconscious, 505, 508
- working-class, 558
- Mind tricks, 575, 576
- Minority advantage, 360-361
- Minority disadvantage, 365-367
- Minority incentive programs, 367
- Mirror test, 153
- Missing link, 506, 508
- Model T, 59
- Modesty, 380
- Molestation, 15
- Molestation nature of mystics and neocheaters, 56, 67, 96
- Molloy, John T., 366
- Money, 3, 35, 185, 354, 437, 445, 558
- Morality, 259, 363
- Moreau, Gilles, 329
- Mormons, 549, 596
- Moscow speech of Lenin, 8
- Moses, 509
- "Most Important Money, Power, Romantic Love Discovery Since The Industrial Revolution", 438
- Motivation, 426-427, 433
- "Mouth responsibility" concept, 413, 416-417
- Moving Wedge, 541, 545
- Moynihan, Daniel P., 328
- Mozart, 100, 588
- Ms. K, 214, 215, 299, 376, 377, 379, 490, 58:
- Murder, 173, 349
- by bureaucracies, 175
- indictment for, 334
- as irredeemable, 344
- mass, 89, 175, 196-197, 267, 292, 311, 481
- piecemeal, 171- 172
- of value producers, 403
- Murderers, 292
- Muscular dystrophy cures, 588
- Museum of Natural History, 191
- Music, 6, 12, 510
- Muslims, 179, 449, 566
- Mystical minds, 122, 179, 183, 315
- Mystic-blocked mind, 436
- Mystic eaters, 287, 288
- Mystic-free judges, 550-554
- Mystic-free justice, 559
- Mystic-free mind, 162-168, 436, 440, 476, 513
- Mysticism, 18, 32, 35, 100, 143, 158, 245, 293, 442, 576,
- see also Deception Mystics: Plato
- abandonment of, 358-359
- bicameral mind and, 498, 511
- blindness caused by, 549
- bourgeois, see Bourgeois mysticism
- cause of, 425
collapse of, 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21-22, 23, 27, 37, 43, 58, 60, 78-79, 148, 155, 161, 369 - acceleration of, 387
- announcement of, 338
- definitions needed in, 14
- directing of, 338
- fifty questions for, 302-304
- historic role of, 271
- I-ness and, 375
- INS help with, 212
- Latin-American drive for, 193-194
- Neo-Tech army in, 79
- Neo-Tech matrix and, 157
- Pincer Movement #1 and, 129
- prediction of, 380
- as unstoppable, 111
X-Factor and, 163 - competition and, 34
- conscious, 163
consequences of, 521-522 - curing of, 320, 321, 401, 500, 501, 513, 544, 549
- confrontation in, 526
- Golden Helmet and, 529
- by least likely, 597-598
- Neo-Tech in, 558
- responsibility for, 545, 555, 576
- Wallace's imprisonment and, 555
- Wallace's time devoted to, 519-520
- wide-scope accountability in, 602, 603
- defined, 14, 35, 76, 185, 425, 435, 443, 444, 518, 556-558, 558
- dismissal of, 68
- editing of, 164
- elimination of, 274-295, 512
- Honesty Motion and, 453
- responsibility for, 576
eradication of symptoms of, 189 - essence of, 35, 558
- fall of, 314
- as fatal disease of conscious mind, 165, 189, 293, 435, 498-499, 518
- fifty questions for collapse of, 302-304
- fog of, 122
- foundation for understanding of, 503
- foundations of, 295
- freedom from, 512
- Golden World and, 575
- hoax of, 13
- honesty vs., 540
- illusions of, 33, 35
- I-ness destruction of, 375
- institutionalization of, 519, 523
- integrated thinking and, 356
- as integration-blocking, 425-433, 436, 442 500, 545, 556-558
- last line of defense of, 165
- limitations caused by, 501
- manipulation of in others, 519, 555, 557
- on national level, 557
- as neocheating tool, 435
- Neothink and, 140-141
- Neothink competition with, 139
- as nothing, 373-375
- poker as metaphor in study of, 520-522
- prime symptom of, 359
- problems caused by, 501
- purging of, 164
- racism and, 343, 358-359
- regression into, 511
- rejection of, 416, 425-433
- removal of, 3
- responsibility for, 539
- responsibility for exposure of, 540
- root cause of, 425
- shrinking of conscious mind by, 436
- as sole means of survival for value destroyers, 268
- source of, 435, 443
- subconscious, 163, 164
- subversion of, 275-276
- as suicide, 519 superstructure of, 163
- as tool of neocheating, 444
- understanding of, 503
- Wallace's understanding of, 518-522
- world-wide, 557
- "Mysticism Collapse!" report, 275
- Mystic-plagued judges, 550-554
- Mystics, see also Mysticism; Value destroyers
- confrontations with, 23
- criminal nature of, 56-57, 67, 96
- death of, 166-167 defined, 185
- destructive nature of, 55, 67, 96
- elimination of, 143
- end results experienced by, 67
- hunting and trapping of, 169-185
- impotence of, 67, 70
- incompetence of, 67
- I & O Publishing as #1 enemy of, 200-202
- levels of destruction by, 66
- malicious nature of, 55-56, 67, 96
- message to, 22
- molestation nature of, 56, 67, 96
- natures of, 55-58, 67, 96
- Neothink and, 139
professional, 22, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36 - end results experienced by, 67
- hunting and trapping of, 169-185
- natures of, 55-58
- relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174
relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174 - self-destruction of, 67
- unhappiness of, 67
-- N --
Nader, Ralph, 125, 158, 271, 314, 416 Nanotechnology, 179, 196, 201, 373, 423 NASA, see National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 428 National defense, 537, 542 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 175 National Writers' Club Award, 503 "Nature Conquered", 74 Nature of man, 276, 596-597 Nazi Germany, 172, 519, 597 Naziism, 344, 347, 361, 362, 364, 481, 519, 522, 542, 546, 597 IRS compared to, 537 "Neanderthal Soul Mates", 257 Nellis Federal Prison Camp, 586-587 Nelson, Alan C., 210, 298, 333, 339, 340 Neocheaters, 10, 12, 89, 520, 545, 556, 557 see also Neocheating; Value destroyers areas dominated by, 557 camouflaged, 87 categories of, 331 category IX, 331 collapse of, 16, 22, 155, 163, 194, 271 Latin-American drive for, 194 X-Factor and, 163 confrontations with, 23 consumers and, 158 criminal nature of, 56-57, 67, 96 death of, 166-167 defined, 185, 427, 443, 458, 516, 519, 522, 558 description of, 522 destructive nature of, 55, 67, 96 discovery of, 576 dismissal of, 68 elimination of, 23, 31, 36, 91, 129, 143, 522-523 face-to-face action required for, 522-523 Pincer Movement #2 and, 129 end results experienced by, 67 exposure of, 27 face-to-face action required for elimination of, 522-523 fall of, 275-276 false guilt planted by, 575 formula for power of, 85-88 grand-master, 66 historical, 141 historic role of collapse of, 271 hunting of, 27, 169-185, 225, 252-255, 310 identification of, 437, 519 impotence of, 67, 70 incompetence of, 67 integrated thinking and, 357 I & O Publishing as #1 enemy of, 200-202 Latin-American drive for collapse of, 194 law and, 18 levels of destruction by, 66, 331 malicious nature of, 55-56, 67, 96 manipulation by, 34 master, 36, 333, 522 message to, 22 molestation nature of, 56, 67, 96 mysticism and, 519 natures of, 55-58, 67, 96 Neo-Tech rights and, 136 Neothink and, 139 Penis Collapser and, 294 Pincer Movement #2 and elimination of, 125 power of, 32, 36, 85-88 power seized by, 522 professional, 22, 33, 34 - end results experienced by, 67
- hunting of 169-185, 310
- identification of, 437
- natures of, 55-58
- prosecution of, 310
- relative-destruction rating for, 173, 17
- trapping of, 169-185
prosecution of, 310 rejection of, 15, 21 relative-destruction rating for, 173, 174 self-destruction of, 67 shrewdest, 17-18 silencing of, 2 smalltime, 289-293 subversion of, 297 support system for, 295 techniques used by, 558 trapping of, 169-185, 225, 252-255, 523-524 truth as weapon used by, 438 unhappiness of, 67 wealth of, 32 why people become, 436-437 X-Factor and collapse of, 163 Neocheating, 18, 143, 158, 316, see also Neocheaters antidote to, 521-522, see also Neo-Tech collapse of, 8, 12, 13, 14, 27, 37, 157 curing of, 320, 321 Dark Ages and, 86 defined, 14, 35, 76, 122, 136, 176, 185, 434-435, 443-444, 558 in developing nations, 194 discovery of dynamics of, 521-522 dynamics of, 414, 521-522 elimination of, 7, 43, 58, 437 essence of, 15, 35, 558 exposure of, 85 hoax of, 34 Honesty Motion and, 460 identification of, 435, 444 illusory world of, 33 integrated thinking as end of, 435-436 most destructive activities of, 18 mysticism as source of, 518 mysticism as tool of, 435, 444 Neothink and, 140-141 Neothink competition with, 139 by "protection" bureaucracies, 176 requisites of, 4 spotlight on, 82 survival mechanisms for, 16 techniques of, 35, 435, 444 in triangle of evil, 308 Wallace's understanding of, 521 Neocheating, 521-522 Neocheating/Neothink system, 167-168 Neocheating neurosis, 72-76 Neo-Tech, 6, 12, 18, 43, 58, 93, 574, 575 academe as targets of, 313 accelerating spread of, 453 acceleration of goals of, 3 added value by, 12 as aphrodisiac, 320, 321 as avenger of injustices, 333 avoidance of, 440 basis of, 435 beginning of, 2-3, 31 Chinese editions of, 312 competition of, 129 cosmic seeds of, 182 in courts, 378 criminal minds destroyed by, 281 defined, 14, 35, 76, 123, 169, 185, 269, 312, 383, 425, 435, 444, 516, 522, 558 description of, 9-10 development of, 13 discovery of, 1 discrimination by, 254, 320, 343-344, 345 dishonest laws rectified by, 456-466 dynamics of, 337, 340, 387, 414, 431, 454-455, 491, 528, 533, 605 in Eastern Europe, see Eastern Europe emotions integrated with, 54 essence of, 35, 416, 558 598-599 foundation of, 314 future targets of, 258 gateway to world of, 312 goal of, 7, 11, 23, 27, 58, 83, 293, 330, 345, 391 acceleration of, 3 Golden World of, see Golden World as greatest goal of civilization, 212 helping hand of, 417 implications of, 511-512 indictments from, 334, 409-411 INS evil and, 341 integration of values by, 425 introduction of, 23 as Jewish race protector, 481-482, 484-485 Kimura's treatise on, 113, 114 lawyers vs., 395 light bulb and, 59, 67-69 literature production and distribution system development of, 544 mass-circulation booklet about, 434 mass marketing of, 60 murder indictment from, 334 Neothink integrated with, 33 private mode of, 403, 415 public mode of, 403, 415 purpose of, 269 requirement of, 529 results of, 329 revolution and, 12-13 rise of, 275-276, 368, 370, 475 shift to, 68 slandering of, 413 Spanish, 242, 594 Spanish-language, 81 stopping of publication of, 409 strength of, 523 structure of, 275 subversions of, 275-276 Third Eye and, 483 ticket to, 37 UK distribution of, 241 at universities, 313 as unstoppable, 146-147, 160, 180, 219, 237, 276, 330, 333, 555 and, 60, 63 world of tomorrow of, see Golden World world-wide, 275, 378, 399, 453, 491, 495, 605 as youth-rejuvenating aphrodisiac, 320, 321 Neo-Tech I-V, 471 Neo-Tech III, 503 Neo-Tech IV, 524 Neo-Tech Advantage #31, 178 Neo-Tech Advantage #99, 372 Neo-Tech Advantages, 33, 34, 471, 577-579 Neo-Tech anthem, 113 Neo-Tech Archives, 309 Neo-Tech army, 79, 80, 84, 170, 328, 412 Neo-Tech bantam companies, see Bantam companies Neo-Tech Bible, 212, 214, 239, 242, 255, 259, 281, 296, 309 Neo-Tech billboards, 336, 337, 390, 393, 394, 397, 398, 399, 402, 409, 446, 493, 530, 538, 543, 593 on CBS, 416 most dangerous, 544 Neo-Tech Bridge, 222, 295 "Neo-Tech and Business", 84 "Neo-Tech Business Control", 339 Neo-Tech/business happiness, 315 "Neo-Tech and Business vs. Mysticism and Neocheating", 6 Neo-Tech Business System, 373, see also Pincer Movement #2 Neo-Tech Business Titans, 27, 37, 247, 248 Neo-Tech Center Laboratory, 379 Neo-Tech Centers, 72, 75, 102, 116, 129, 137, 326, 393, see also specific types Neo-Tech collector items, 189-190, 415, 470 Neo-Tech Concept #31, 170 Neo-Tech Control, 126 "Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control", 350, 352, 355, 356, 357, see also Pincer Movement #2 Neo-Tech Cosmic Business-Control Manual, 385 "Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Power", 365 Neo-Tech cosmic minds, see Cosmic minds Neo-Tech cosmic power, see Cosmic power "Neo-Tech Cosmic Power", 353, 357, 372, 373, 403, 427, 470, 471, see also Pincer Movement #1 "Neo-Tech Cosmic Power Now!", 395, 471 Neo-Tech Discovery, 70, 85, 87, 90, 135, 212, 279, 314, 359, 425, 426, 432, 495, 512 Neo-Tech Fine Arts, 222, 223, 272 Neo-Tech flag, 135, 190 Neo-Tech Idea System, 373, see also Pincer Movement #1 Neo-Tech Information Package, see Neo-Tech Discovery Neo-Tech International, 320 Neo-Tech Jungle Bitch, see Jungle Bitch Neo-Tech justice, 83-84, 130, 153, 335, 381, 383, 492 Neo-Tech laugh-box documents, 368, 475 Neo-Tech Live Arts, 103, 110, 119, 123, 301, 320 Neo-Tech Man The, 587 Neo-Tech man tribute, 379-380 Neo-Tech matrices, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 37, 43, 78, 101, 119, 149, 151, 157, 158, 202, 236, 273, 312, 334, 402, 531, 557, 594, also specific types Abed trapped by, 239-240 art, 212 business quislings in, 129 business thief trapped by, 241 clowns stumble into, 327 criminal minds and, 280 description of, 592-593 entanglements into, 83 expansion of, 212 FDA trapped by, 196-197, 318 FTC trapped by, 318 Golden World and, 573 helping hand of, 417 Horowitz trapped by, 252-255 as inescapable, 403-408 INS trapped by, 192, 193-197, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 215-216 Integration, 34 INTERPOL trapped by, 197-202 justice and, 332 literature, 212 media trapped by, 392 music, 212 Neo-Tech rights and, 136 Nevada Consumer Affairs Division and, 225 Ostracism, see Ostracism Matrix Ostracism/Praise, 586 Ostracism/Veneration, 470, 472-474 Pro trapped by, 240-241 smalltime criminal minds trapped by, 289-293 spreading of, 122-123, 295 as unescapable, 255 as unstoppable, 327 use of, 24 Value destroyer entanglement in, 147 Neo-Tech mind, 33, 558 Neo-Tech Museum, see Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Museum Neo-Tech/Neothink, 3, 33, 43, 60, 65, 66, 102, 190 competitive advantages of, 153 fundamental work on, 77 INS collapse by, 207-210 power of, 141-142 taking over by, 142-143 Neo-Tech/Neothink Matrix, 3, 113, 141, 314 Neo-Tech/Neothink mind, 139, 162-163, 164, 165 Neo-Tech Ostracism Board, 322 Neo-Tech Penis Collapsers, 294, 295, 297-304, 326, 368, 379, 475 "Neo-Tech Philosophy", 273 Neo-Tech Pincer, 576, 579, see also Pincer movements Neo-Tech Pincer #2, 524, see also Pincer Movement #2 Neo-Tech Pincer Movements, see Pincer Movements Neo-Tech power, 31, 32, see also Cosmic power Neo-Tech Powerhouse Workshop Manual, 471 Neo-Tech Press, 273, 291, 293, 302, 340, 399 Neo-Tech Protection Kit, 157 Neo-Tech Psychuous Concepts, 47, 70-71, 275-276, 379, 521, 523, 592 Neo-Tech quiz, 389 Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia, 523 Neo-Tech Report magazine, 439, 559, 561-572 Neo-Tech Research, 417 Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers, 4, 9, 10, 20, 23, 26, 55, 95, 100, 102, 137, 146, 153, 191, 192, 211, 214, 216, 313, 320, 380, 527 as IRS competitors, 588 Meono protected by, 219 records for attacking, 310 subpoena to Nevada Consumer Affairs Division from, 229-235 value production levels by, 63-66 X-Factor and, 163 Neo-Tech rights, 136, 255 Neo-Tech schools, 89 Neo-Tech self-exposure traps, 515-516, 523, 524 525 526 528 Neo-Tech subpoena, 226-235 Neo-Tech Timeline Wall Chart and Instruction Book, 271, 275 Neo-Tech "Trial Brochure", 403, 415 Neo-Tech Waves, 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 22, 28, 29, 54, 57, 78, 111, 113, 117, 118, 124, 131, 160, 174, 202, 238, 340, 396, 412, 485, 549 also specific waves beginning of, 310 business quislings and, 130 commercial launching of, 212, 214, 271 criminal minds and, 281 decriminalization of business and, 468 defined, 147 design of, 26 drama of, 26 economics required for, 190 first, 69, 83, 102, 118, 119, 126, 152, 181, 189, 225, 491 - announcement of, 476-477
- commercialization of November 3rd and, 190
identification of, 476-477 launching of, see launching of, below Gibbs and, 132 historic role of, 271 INS and, 341, 343 international, 467, 468 launching of, 13, 154, 155, 157, 298, 300, 314 - announcement of, 476-477
- commercial, 212, 214, 271
- manual for, 385
- notice of, 412
- preparations for, 225
- public confrontation for, 333
- Wallace imprisonment and, 446
- Wallace trial and, 411
launching pad for, 119 manual for launching, 385 psychuous-pleasure, 47 public and, 26 Romantic-Love, 150 second, 215 subversion by, 295 supra power and, 164-165 "TAPS" as precursor to, 95, 96, 119 third, 117, 215 triggering of, 154, 271 Ultimate Battle and, 147 Wallace imprisonment and, 446 Wallace trial and, 411, 454-455 Neo-Tech Wedge, 391, 531, 541, 545 "Neo-Tech Wedge" newsletter, 439, 441-453, 454-455, 470 Neo-Tech World Summits, 3, 86, 95, 152, 298 Neo-Tech youth, 307 Neothink, 33, 43, 60, 65, 66, 102, 149, 471, 512 advantages of, 436 arrival of, 139-149 in business, 140 competition of, 139 defined, 35, 139, 139-140, 436, 444, 558 discovery of, 31 domination of universe by, 444 fundamental work on, 77 mysticism and, 140-141 neocheating and, 140-141 understandings and, 143-144 unfolding of discoveries of, 78 Neothink integration, 427-429 Neothink Integration Spiral, 199 Neothink matrices, 78 Neurological-research project, Zurich, 23, 56 Neurosis, 72-76 Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 224, 225, 226-235 Newmark, Sy, 232 Newspaper advertisement, 413 Newsweek, 331, 333, 396, 463, 484, 547, 564 New Testament, 510 Newton, Isaac, 373, 588 New York Consumer Protection Bureau, 381 New York Daily, 333 New York Live Arts, 74, 75, 78, 126, 238 New York Times, 258 NHTSA, see National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Nicholas, Ted, 520 Nigerian Neo-Tech, 146 Nihilism, 500 Njegomir, Dan, 208 Nobel Peace Prize, 74, 388, 462 Noble nature of man, 276 No-choice situations, 344 Nock, Albert Jay, 486, 542, 570 Noncontextual law, 491 Noninte rated thinking, 353 Non sequiturs, 15, 18, 66, 77, 85, 143, 202, 45 consumer agencies and, 253 in courts, 15-19 defined, 14, 459 exposure of, 86 Honesty Motion and, 460 INS and, 206 in law, 92 legal profession use of, 14, 20 of Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 23 in regulations, 292 Noriega, 349, 540 Northwestern University, 340 Nothing But Trouble, 550 Nothingness Drain, 352-357 November-3rd attack, 1, 2, 3, 8, 16, 20 also Internal Revenue Service(IRS) agents of force of, see Agents of force business quisling role in, 125-130 commercialization of, 117, 1 90 defined, 458 description of, 4, 53, 103-104, 137-138, 377, 409, 527, 592 disarming legal weapon of, 92-94 Golden Helmet and, 529 historic significance of, 83-84 hospital bills from, 23-25 informant for, 214, 215, 299, 376, 377 379, 490, 583 justice subversion and, 16-17 legal approach to, 10 levels of value destruction by, 64 light bulb and, 67 memorabilia from, 190 newsletters on, see Guns-and-Fists Newsletters opening document to people of, 4-5 people of, 145 - court system and, 92-94
- crimes of, 14-15
- evils of, 145-146
- memo to, 81-82
- premises of, 14-15
- purpose of, 144
- summons to, 98-101, 102-114
- transfer of, 29
prosecuting attorney of, 23-25 purpose of, 388 responsibility for, 132 second anniversary of, 235, 236 as unexpected, 527-528, 543, 592 victims of, 24, 145 victory over, 64 voices of agents in, 95 words of agents in, 104 November-3rd Document, The, 546 November-3rd Grand Event, 113, 115, 152 November-3rd Information Package, 24, 29, 90, 99-100, 108, 111, 129, 131, 152, 189, 194, 200, 202, 212, 217 manuscript values for, 189-190 November-3rd Involvement Report, 117-120, 132, 148-149 November-3rd Newsletter The, 545, 574 November-3rd Production, 77-79, 81, 89, see also "Rhapsody of November 3rd" November-3rd Value Package, 151 Nuclear-Decision Threshold, 170, 178, 179 Nuclear energy, 179 Nuclear weapons, 512 Nutritional health fads 511 -- O --
Oaths, see Honesty oath: Truth oath Obesity, 317, 344 Objective justice, 448, 457, 461, 465, 490, 549, 550-554, 561, 562, 583, 603, 605 also Objective law Honesty Motion and, 572 need for, 567 standard of, 582 Objective law, 16, 17, 259, 451, 459, 460, 461, 463, 466, 485, 549, see also Objective justice as cornerstone of civilization, 582 foundation of, 584 Honesty Motion and, 569, 572 need for, 582 as root of prosperity 584 587 as uncorruptible, 582 Objective reality, 450, 596 Objectivism, 88, 352, 353 Occult, 518 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 216, 264, 266, 268, 271, 440, 474, 501, 543, 601 Ochoa, Mr., 270 "Ode to a Guns-and-Fists Summons", 301 Odyssey, 505, 509 O'Grady, John. 516, 556 Old Testament, 505, 509 O'Leary, William, 133, 409, 530 Omnificent power, 166 Omnipotence, 162- 163 One-liners, 511 "Operation Clean Sweep", 346 Oracle at Delphi, 509, 518 Oracles, 509 Order, 335 Orientals, 366 Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, The, 354, 505 OSHA, see Occupational Safety and Health Administration Ostracism, 130, 158, 254, 275, 456-466, 527, 536, 584, 585, 592, see also Ostracism Matrix as responsibility, 539 working class and, 598-599 Ostracism-Justice Court, 377 Ostracism Matrix, 30, 181, 199, 230, 257-260, 368, 409, 475, 542, 557, 602 clowns stumble into, 327 data base of, 410 death hoax and, 319 DEA trapped in, 268 "Dun-and-Bradstreet" function of, 339 INS trapped by, 339-345 IRS trapped by, 339-345 as life and death matter, 339 in Quebec, 329 reminder to those caught in, 333 SEC trapped by, 339-345 twelve steps toward, 381-383 value destruction rating of, 257 Ostracism-Matrix Bantam Company of Nevada, 387 Ostracism/Praise Matrix, 586 "Ostracism of Value Destroyers", 253, 254 Ostracism/Veneration Matrix, 470, 472-474 Ouija boards, 509 -- P --
Panama, 349, 397, 540, 542 Pan American Airlines, 428 Pandora's Box, 102-114, 111 Panic, 124 Paradise Regained, 583 Paraguay, 574 Parasitical elites, 1, 558, 588, 593, 594, 597, 59 Park Service, 391 Past, 503-512 Path of least resistance, 282, 355, 364 Peabody, Kidder, 258 Piecemeal murder, 171-172 Penis Collapsers, 294, 295, 297-304, 326, 368, 379, 475 Pens vs. guns, 5-6 Peo, Ralph, 590, 591 Perception, 507, 511 Peters, Brett, 1, 54, 67, 236, 296, 309, 318, 392, 393 Peyote, 509 Phantom-bantam companies, see Bantam companies Philosophy, 77, 379 Phoenician merchants, 430 Physical fitness, 317, 344 Physiology, 379 Pickens, T. Boone, 126, 245, 256, 350, 356, 357, 598 Pieta, 6 Pincer A, 297 Pincer B, 297 Pincer Movement #1, 13, 69, 129, 132, 157, 180, 275-276, 314, 328, 458-464, see also "Neo-Tech Cosmic Power" drug war and, 349 INS and, 342 Pincer Movement #2, 13, 69, 129, 132, 140, 157, 170, 180, 275-276, 314, 328, see also "Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control" Pincer Movement # 4, 477 Pincer Movements, 11, 82, 477, 573, see also specific movements Pip-squeaks, 297-304 Platinum Helmet 494, 531-532, 545 Plato, 32, 33, 66, 245, 266, 267, 283, 285, 295, 313, 316, 317, 332, 339, 340, 341, 374, 378, 385, 386, 391, 408, 461, 471, 597, 599, also Mysticism end of world of, 600 Honesty Motion and, 449-450, 566 instructions from, 498-499 Naziism and, 546 poetry and, 510 Plea bargaining 259, 548, 571 Pleasure, 316 integrated, 317 psychuous, 47, 70-71, 275-276 unintegrated, 316-317 Poetry, 510 Poker book see Advanced Concepts of Poker Poker as metaphor, 520-522 Police forces, 391, 537, 542 Police state, 348, 487, 533-534, 537-538, 542 Politicians, 18, 35, 173, 174, 331, 437, 443, 445, 464-465, 512, 597, 601, see also Government bicameral mind and, 506, 511 driving of out of office, 440 lawyers as, 469 mysticism and, 519 notice to, 385 ostracism of, 456-466 power-seeking, 519 prosecution of, 454-455 in triangle of evil, 311 Politicians and Bureaucrats on Trial, 582, 594 "Politicians on Trial" newsletter, 439, 440, 455, 462, 477 Pol Pot, 210, 31 1, 434, 443 Pope John Paul, 268, 601 Popes, 280, 283, 314, 328, 416, 509, 518, see also specific people Portugal, 116 Positive thinking, 162 Postal Inspectors, 240 Postal Service, 391 Post-trial notes of Wallace, 542-545 Poverty, 518, 521 Power, 3, 113, 167 capturing of, 32, 34, 36 civil rights leaders as seekers of, 362-363 of consciousness, 440 cosmic, 31, 32, 34, 37, 178 earned, 5, 88-89, 252 false, 85, 284, 436 formula for, 85-88 gaining of, 500 genuine, 6, 310, 440 "higher", 511 illusionary, 22 illusions of, 6 of INS, 208, 210 integrated thinking as essence of, 350-357 loss of, 497-498 mind, 162 of neocheaters, 32, 85-88 neocheater seizing of, 522 Neo-Tech, 31, 32, see also Cosmic power of Neo-Tech/Neothink, 141-142 omnificent, 166 regulations and, 259 of responsibility, 442 sexual, 71 sources of, 5, 208 supra, 162- 168 ticket to, 37 two systems of, 167-168 unbeatable, 1 42 unearned, 7, 17, 22, 196, 378, 542 usurped, 22, 85, 92, 117 of value destroyers, 34 Powerhouse Workshop Manual, 31, 32, 33 Pragmatism, 216 Prayers, 508 Prehistory, 426 Premises, 14-15, 449, 566 Prescott, William, 190 Present, 513-557 Presidential campaign of Hamilton, 448 Presidential campaigns, 278 Press freedom, 8, 363, 409, 493, 530, 538, 543, 544, 598 Presumption of innocence, 346 Principle, 466- 467 489 Privacy rights, 258, 346 Pro, Philip M., 240 Process of honesty, 516 Proctor and Gamble, 428 Privacy rights, 258, 346 Pro, Philip M., 240 Process of honesty, 516 Proctor and Gamble, 428 Production, 43, 65, see also Value production Product liability, 15, 17 Prohibition, 201, 231 "Pro-lifers", 268 Promiscuous sex, 317 Property rights, 437, 445, 558 Property taxes, 7 Prophets, 509 Prosecutors, 18, 154, 331, 388, 484-485, 528, 548, 597, 601, also specific people accountability of, 454 Honesty Motion and, 572, 582 notice to, 387 Prosperity, 90, 285, 335, 368, 396, 475 capturing of, 36 genuine, 440 Golden World of, 496 INS and, 207 as natural condition, 477 objective law as root of, 584-587 ticket to, 37 Treasure Map and, 495-502 Protection, 542, 544 self-, 233, 234, 241, 381, 395 of value producers see under Value of values, 358-367 "Protection" bureaucracies, 174, 175-177, 231, 241, see also specific bureaucracies Pseudonyms, 526 Pseudoscientific doctrines, 510 Psychiatrists, 506 Psychologists, 506 Psychology, 379 Psychoses, 509 Psychuous, 185, 521, 523, 592 Psychuous pleasures, 70-71 "Psychuous Pleasures", 275-276 Psychuous-pleasure wave, 47 Public terminator units, 582 Pusillanimous Lily, 150-151 -- Q --
Quantum mechanics, 374 Quebec value destroyers, 329-330 Quixote Don, 526 -- R --
Racism, 547 in business, 239-240, 365 business' driving out of, 360, 363 defined, 361 ending of, 549 example of, 361 generalizations vs., 359-360 Himmler/Goring, 343 hoax of, 358-367 of INS, 194, 204, 206, 210, 211, 214, 216, 217, 238, 242, 270, 271, 342, 343-344, 467 as most virulent, 363-364 mysticism and, 343, 358-359, 518 against Orientals, 366 reality and, 361 self-esteem and, 362 Railroads, 245, 351 Rather, Dan, 254, 283, 333, 416 Rational actions, 317 Rationality, 411, 454 Rationalizations, 35, 277, 278, 282, 283, 445 518, 540, 556, 558 "it's not my fault", 358 path of least resistance, 364 Rational mind, 21 "Ravishing Einstein", 77-79 Reagan, Nancy, 347 Reagan, Ronald, 38, 39, 246, 248, 280, 283, 574 Reality, 435, 444, 511 acceptance of, 359 creation of, 518 evasion of, 440 identification of 5 I 18 objective, 450, 596 racism and, 361 wider realms of, 45 Recession, 519 Red China, 172 Redford, Robert, 111 Reference Encyclopedia, 523 Relaciones Romantico Sexuales, 477 Relative-Destruction Ratings, 173 Reliability, 556 Religion, 372, 416, 436, 511, 518, 601, see also Churches; Clergy bicameral mind and, 506, 509 criminal minds in, 327-328 invention of, 508 mysticism and, 557 Religious bureaucracies, 519 Religious dupes, 384 Renaissance, 432, 452, 519, 569 Republic, The, 386 Research Institute for Biological Immortality (RIBI), 14-15, 23, 56, 77, 95, 111, 121, 527 confiscation of funds of, 410, 492 FDA and, 201 scholars of, 191 Research and Writing Centers, see Neo-Tech Research and Writing Centers Responsibility, 23-25, 358-359, 415, 442, 508, 524, 562, 570 of ancient people, 505 assuming of, 511 of authentic man, 479, 480 of consciousness, 440 full, 511 individual, 233, 234, 241, 253, 269, 282-283, 358-359, 381 most important, 555 "mouth", 413, 416-417 for mysticism, 539 for mysticism curing, 545, 555, 576 for mysticism exposure, 540 noncooperation as, 527 ostracism as, 539 power of, 442 resistance to, 511 self-, 233, 234, 241, 253, 269, 282-283, 332, 381, 416, 511 Restitution, 130, 158, 262, 477 Reverse evolution, 363-364 Review-Journal, 208 Revolution, 1, 12-13, 589-600 Reynolds, Moe, 103, 104, 106, 110 "Rhapsody of November 3rd", 95-97, see also November-3rd Production RIBI, see Research Institute for Biological Immortality RICO, 259, 266, 267, 271, 279, 281, 300, 484, 491, 548 Right hemisphere of brain, 164, 505, 510 Rights, see also specific types First Amendment, see First Amendment individual, 93, 363, 397, 437, 445, 459, 558 Neo-Tech, 136, 255 privacy, 258, 346 property, 437, 445, 558 Robespierre, 434, 443 Rockefeller, John D., 245, 331, 428, 588 Rogers, Gary, 104, 107, 110, 112, 298, 342, 493, 494, 529 Roman Empire, 430 Romania, 268, 271, 307, 333, 337, 388, 389 391, 396, 424, 450, 462, 522, 528, 540, 541, 566 Romanian Army, 391 Romano, Benito, 300, 319 Romantic love, 3, 34, 70, 71, 90, 317, 379, 477 also Love genuine, 440 as grandest reward of life, 345 Helmsley and, 332, 334, 380 sources of, 345 ticket to, 37 Romantic-Love Wave, 150 Rostenkowski, Dan, 522 Rothbard, Murray N., 258 Rousseau, 450, 566 Ruder, David, 267, 271, 339, 340 Rulers, 506, see also specific people Runnymede, England, 569 Russia, 359, 450, 452, 465, 468, 519, 522, Russian television advertisements, 415, 419 -- S --
Sadness, 404-405 Safe deposit key, 112 Saints, 509 Salem witch hunts, 15, 331, 334, 59 Sales taxes, 7 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 589 "Satanic" literature, 384 Savage, Eric, 1, 175, 273, 277, 336, 350, 358, 413, 425, 448, 452, 455, 458, 540-541 Savings-and-loan institutions, 501 Scientology, 510 Scheid, Jeff, 208 Scheming women, 478 Schizophrenics, 506, 507, 509, 510 Schubert, 100 "Science" churches, 510 Scientisms, 510 Seances, 509 SEC, see Securities & Exchange Commission "Secret of Non Sequiturs, The", 85 Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), 182, 212, 216, 241, 257, 259, 260, 264, 267, 337, 386, 396, 474, 486, 545, 601 beckoning of, 259 corruption in, 501, 543 criminal minds and, 280, 281 death hoax and, 319 economic control by, 533 Honesty Motion and, 571 "Last Call for Life and Happiness" to, 339-345 Neo-Tech matrix trapping of, 339-345 as Neo-Tech target, 258 "Politicians on Trial" newsletter and, 440 violations notice to, 322 waiting for move from, 220 Self-choice, 381 Self-chosen afflictions, 344 Self-deception, 589 Self-defense, 542 Self-destruction, 67 Self-discipline, 344 Self-esteem, 362, 426 Self-exposure traps, 515-516, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 528, 538, 550, 555 IRS harmful elements trapped in, 542, 543 Self-organization of brain, 371-375 Self-protection, 233, 234, 241, 381, 395 Self-responsibility, 233, 234, 241, 253, 269, 282-283, 358-359, 381, 416, 511 Self-visualization, 507 Sena, Grace, 209, 210, 214 Senate, 327, 328 Sense of life, 421 Sense of self, 371, 511, see also 1-ness Sensitivity training, 510-51 1 Setness, Jeffrey B., 23-25 Seven Neo-Tech Waves, see Neo-Tech Waves Sexual assault by INS, 193, 194, 205, 206, 208, 211, 218, 219, 267, 340, 467 Sexual competence of value producers, 47, 135 Sexual incompetence of value destroyers, 47, 135 Sexual potency, 480 Sexual power, 71 Shiites, 179, 449, 566 Sibyls, 509 "Silence, the Ultimate Protector of Individual Rights", 432 Silver Helmet, 494, 531-532 Sister Elizabeth Holey, 328 Sixth Amendment, 568 "60 Minutes", 253 Skinheads, 362, 364 Slavery, 244 Sloan, Alfred, 141, 428 Slogans, 511 "Smashing The White-Collar Hoax", 118-119 Snelson, Robert, 586 Socialism, 417, 511 Social needs, 451, 567 Social Security, 501 Society for Individual Liberty, 258 Socrates, 373, 456-464, 523, 550, 555, 582 Socratic self-exposure traps, 515-516, 523, 550 Socratic Trial, 454-455, 466 first, 454, 515, 530 INS, 467 second, see Wallace, Frank R., trial of Songs, 510 Sony, Yoko, 211 South Africa, 271 Soviet Union, 172, 258, 359, 486, 499, 542, 595, 605 Spain, 116 Spanish Inquisition, 519 Spark, Muriel, 57 Speech, 510 Speech freedom, 8, 258 Speed-of light acceleration of knowledge, 114 Spencer, Herbert, 523 Spiritual mind, 162 "Spotting and Dumping the Criminal Mind", 359 Spray, Nancy, 232 SS troops, 280, 481 St. Augustine, 450, 566 Stagnation, 350 Stalin, Joseph, 15, 135, 244, 311, 349, 434, Star Chambers, 548, 568 Stasi agents of force, 533, 534, 540 State vs. government, 483, 486, 570 Statutory law 569 Steiger, Janet D., 336, 381 Steiner Richard C., 197, 200 Stern David 464, 467, 470 Stewart, Glade, 207 Stock subscription of I & O, 319, 322-323 Strapp Arthur, 238, 270, 336, 339, 376, 377 fattening of, 344 letter to, 340 345 Strength, 480 Streuve, Larry, 229 Strip searching, 347 Studhalter, Steven E., 29 Stupidness, 518 Stupidness disease, 436, 442, 518, 557, see also Mysticism Sub-atomic particles, 373 Subconscious feelings, 165 Subconscious mind, 162 Subconscious mysticism, 163, 164 Subjective law, 532 Subjective perceptions, 507 Subliminal mind, 162 Subpoena from Neo-Tech to Nevada Consumer Affairs Division, 226-235 Success, 285, 357, 426-427, 550 Suffering, 442 Suicide, 341, 509, 519 Sundering Wedge, 531 Super conductivity, 179 Super-wide integrations, 162 Supra happiness, 425-433 Supra power 162-168 Supra success, 357 Supremacy of individual, 353 "Supreme Constitution The", 93, 459 Supreme Court, 550, 586 Supreme value, 171-172 "Surpassing Einstein's Ultimate Goal", 6, 140 Swartz, George, 590 Switzerland, 536 Synergy, 426 -- T --
"TAPS", 95, 96, 98, 100, 119, see also November-3rd Production "Target" list, 2 Tarot cards, 509 Taxes, 7, 11, 18, 112, 409, 494, see also Internal Revenue Service (IRS) anonymous payment of, 526, 602 Copper Helmet and, 491, 531-532, 534 criminalization of collection of, 492, 535-538 evasion of, 535 excise, 7 Golden Helmet and, see Golden Helmet income, 244, 245, 540 noncriminalized, 411 overpayment of, 524, 582, 601 Platinum Helmet and, 494, 531-532, 545 property, 7 reason for, 588 sales, 7 Silver Helmet and, 494, 531-532 time lost in minimization of, 524-525 Wallace's overpayment, 524, 582, 601 Taxpayer Formal Protest April 9, 1990, 488 Tedrick, 587 Telegraphic communication system, 245 Terminally ill patient's, 201 Terminator units, 532, 588 Terrorism, 536 Terry, William, 9-13 Tetramiere, 197, 200 The point, 11-12, 16, 17, 18, 35, 64, 92-94, 96, 104, 143, 144, 159, 192, 217, 334, 385, 386, 393, 438, 456-457, 458, 460-461, 464-466, 491, 556, 557, 561 application of, 556 criminal mind and, 278 in Goldberg epistle, 377 Helmsley and, 563-564 honesty and, 438, 445 Honesty Motion and, 450, 451, 456-457, 458-464, 567, 570, 572 as incorruptible, 557, 563-564 as most significant advance in justice, 464-466 as new concept of law, 582 as noncontradictory, 570 as only point, 191 Ostracism Matrix and, 259, 261, 262, 343, 382 subversion of justice and, 460-461 summons and, 98-99 Wallace trial and, 454, 582 Thinking in analog models, 498 bicameral, 507 concrete, 507 conscious, 507, 511 integrated, see Integrated thinking introspective, 355 nonintegrated, 353 positive, 162 wishful, 371 Third eye, 480, 483 Third Reich, 415 Thompson, Carol, 586 Thornburgh, Richard, 522 Tiananmen Square, 302-304, 305, 306, 312 Time, 171-172, 263, 342, 343, 524-525 Time-destroying bureaucrats, 171-172 Titanic, 528 Titans, 27, 37, 247, 248 Tkach, William, 233, 234 Tobacco, 347 Tojo, 519 Toronto, Ontario, 360 Tort law, 15, 17, 569, 571 Torture, 484-485, 548 TPA, 175 Trade, 259, 470, 508 Transcontinental railroad system, 245 Transylvania, 391 "Trap Clue #3", 86 Treasure Map, 487, 495-502, 594 Treasury Department, 27, 198, 220 "Trial Brochure", 403, 415, 447, 470 Triangle of evil, 306, 308, 309, 311-313 Trilateralist system, 85 Trilogy 2000, 585 Trio of clowns, 327-328 Trippe, Juan, 428 Tropicana Island, 115 True believers, 416 Trump, Donald, 356 Truth, 438, 585 defined, 35, 445, 457, 558, 561, 562 honesty vs., 449, 450, 456-458, 462, 463, 491, 556, 558, 561, 562-563, 567, 572 Truth oath, 451, 456, 462, 463, 491, 552, 559, 563-564, 568, 569, 582, 603 T-shirts, 138, 190 Tucker, Preston, 350, 533 Tucker Torpedo, 533 Turning point, 57-58, 189 Tyranny, 539 -- U --
Uganda, 359 Ultimate Battle, 1, 2, 33, 34, 36, 151, 152, 169-185, 437-438, 441, 442, 443-446, 471, 487, 528, 545 also War of Two Worlds in Asia, 471 battle plan for, 170-171 beginning of, 169-171, 221, 236, 238, 249, 250 in Eastern Europe, 471 Golden Helmet in, 529-531 readiness for, 155 ringside seat to, 37 time and, 171-172 waiting for, 220 winning of, 147 Ultimate-Battle Manuscript, 133-134 Unconscious minds, 505, 508 Understanding, 143-144, 499 Unhappiness, 67, 315, 316-317 Unintegrated pleasures, 316-317 Unions, 599 Universal computer, 117 University of Iowa, 516, 613 Unregistered stock subscription of I & O, 319, 322-323 Upanishadic writings, 509 Upside-down discovery, 592 U.S. Congress, 267, 368, 397, 475, 534, 542 U.S. Congressional Notices, 440 U.S. Constitution, 537, 569, 570, 582, see also Bill of Rights; specific amendments U.S. Park Service, 391 U.S. Postal Inspectors, 240 U.S. Postal Service, 391 U.S. Senate, 327, 328 U.S. Supreme Court, 550, 586 "Utility Company" bill collection analogy, 535-537 -- V --
Vaile, Victor E., 227 Value destroyers, 10, 12, 24, 574 also Neocheaters Value destruction: specific people aggression by, 26 automatic lying as hallmark of, 416-418 criminal nature of, 56-67, 67, 96 defined, 35, 437, 445 demands by, 399 destructive nature of, 55, 67, 96 difference between value producers and, 20 dumping of, 221, 245 elimination of, 148, 202, 254 - confrontation in, 526
- face-to-face action required for, 522-523
- Neo-Tech Waves and, 403-408
- world-wide, 329-330
ending of support by value producers for, 12 essence of, 172 face-to-face action required for elimination of, 522-523 falling of, 138 Government as support-structure for, 9 Helmsley surrenders to, 332 hidden soul of, 312-313 Honesty Motion and prosecution of, 582 hopelessness of, 219-220 hunting of, 33, 192, 264, 310, 471 identification of, 191, 252, 259, 261, 262, 377-378, 385, 437, 438, 445, 454, 461, 519, 561, 582 see also The point impotence of, 67, 70, 341 incompetence of, 47, 67, 135 indictment of, 198, 210-211 at INS, 210 as jokes, 314 justice for, 334 laughing out of existence, 331 levels of destruction by, 331 Lincoln as, 243-245 livelihoods of, 3 local level, 225 losing try, 21 mailing list of, 30 malicious nature of, 55-56, 67, 96 molestation nature of, 56, 67, 96 most guilty of, 468-469 murder by, 349 mysticism and, 519 natures of, 55-58, 67, 96, 311, 417 Neo-Tech matrix entanglement of, 147 Neo-Tech products not available to, 254, 320, 343-344, 345, 384 net, 58 noncooperation with, 526, 527 notice to, 286, 314, 483 ostracism of, 253, 254, 456-466, 592 personal-level, 225 pictures of, 246 as possible value producers, 470 professional, 29, 33, 34, 434, 520 - automatic lying as hallmark of, 416-418
- as crime partners, 368, 475
- defined, 437, 445
- demands by, 399
- elimination of, 202
- confrontation in, 526
- face-to-face action required for, 522-523
- Neo-Tech Waves and, 403-408
- face-to-face action required for elimination of, 522-523
- hidden soul of, 312-313
- hunting of, 310, 471
- identification of, 437, 519
- impotence of, 341
- indictment of, 198
- most guilty of, 468-469
- murder by, 349
- mysticism and, 519
- nature of, 67
- Neo-Tech products not available to, 254, 320, 345
- notice to, 286, 314, 483
- ostracism of, 456-466, 592
- prosecution of, 310
- suicide of, 341
- support for, 274-295, 377-378, 461
- survival of, 557
- trapping of, 523-524
- unveiling of, 386
- warning label to, 268
- web of evil spun by, 549
prosecution of, 217, 310, 387-388, 582 in Quebec, 329-330 restitution to be paid by, 158, 262, 477 romantic love and, 109 self-destruction of, 67, 206-220 sexual incompetence of, 47, 135 small-time, 416-417 sole means of survival of, 268 state level, 225 subversion of, 330 suicide of, 341 support for, 274-295, 377-378, 461 survival of, 417, 557 taps for, 219 the point and, 159 trapping of, 523-524 Ultimate Battle between value producers and, see Ultimate Battle of, 123-124 unhappiness of, 67 as unnecessary, 150 unveiling of, 386 value producers vs., 8, 15, 20, 43, 58, 109, 324, 326-332, 437, 445, see also Ultimate Battle value producers fooled by, 160-161, 194 vanquishing of, 262 Wallace's noncooperation with, 526, 527 warning label to, 268 web of evil spun by, 549 why people become, 436-437 Value destruction, 59-66, 110, 117, 118, 202 317,see also Neocheating; Value destroyers accountability for, 410-411 criminal, 173-174 criminal mind and, 283 ending of, 549 by force and fraud, 173-174 incompetence and, 99 ineptness and, 108 of INS, 204, 205-221 levels of, 43, 63-66, 257, 331 origin of, 316 payment due for, 329-330 as prime evil, 64 racism and, 361-362 ratings on, 472-474 reasons for, 6 reports on, 472-474 squashing of closed systems of, 386 Value-oriented women, 478 Value producers, 5, 9, 10, 12, 24, 123-124, see also Value production; specific people achievements of, 426-427, 429 aggression against, 26 assault on 298-300 attacks oil, 546 from bantam companies, 247 booting out of, 363-364 class action suits by, 410 competence of, 145 as comrades, 598 constitutional amendment to protect, 474 as consumers, 158 criminal minds and, 279 defined, 35, 437, 445, 558 difference between value destroyers and, 20 draining of, 443 dumping of value destroyers by, 221 ending of support for value destroyers by, 13 envious attacks on, 481 exploitation of, 290 false image of, 84, 93 Gould as, 243-245 in government, 391, 491 government-business gang exploitation of, 290 historical, 141 honoring of, 242 identification of, 191, 252, 259, 261, 262 377-378, 385, 438, 445, 454, 461, 561, 582, see also The point indictment of those who hurt, 210-211 INS attacks against, 205 jailing of, 15, 385 legal profession and, 9 litigations against, 17 murder of, 403 net, 58, 470 ostracism by, 130 personal lives of, 426-427 pictures of, 247 professional, 42, 437, 445 prosecution of, 15 protection of, 217, 334, 385-386, 482 - constitutional amendment for, 474, 544
- Honesty Motion and, 582
- Neo-Tech and, 546-549
romantic love and, 109 sacrifice of, 261-264 sexual competence of, 47, 135 strength of, 480 success of, 285 The point, 159 time of, 263 Ultimate Battle between value destroyers and, see Ultimate Battle unearned guilt of, 549 value destroyer fooling of, 160-161, 194 value destroyer prosecution by, 387-388 value destroyers vs., 8, 15, 20, 43, 58, 109, 324, 326-332, 437, 445 see also Ultimate Battle value destroyers' becoming, 470 winning by, 21 Value production, 59-66, 317, 431, 477, see also Value producers competence and, 99 competitive, 70 criminalization of, 465, 466, 481 criminal minds replaced by, 365 denial of, 195 dismantling of, 468 efficiency of, 145 happiness and, 70 increase in, 432-433 INS and, 207 by Jewish people, 481 levels of, 43, 63-66 as man's noble nature, 276 as prime good, 64 public perception about, 65 Value-protecting generalizations, 358-367 Values, 59-66, 113, 335 competitive production of, 70 crimes against, 121 destroyers of, see Value destroyers destruction of, see Value destruction draining of, 313 earned, 70, 78, 88-89 elevation of, 63 evolved, 425 false elevation of, 64 hierarchy of, 63 highest, 59-61 intangible, 432 inversion of, 485, 549 life soaring, 431 loss of, 500 lowest, 61-63 maximum, 434 momentum of, 429-430 nature of, 63 network of opportunity-generating, 433 opportunity-generating, 433 origins of, 63 producers of, see Value producers production of, see Value production protection of, 358-367 psychuous pleasures and, 70 racism attacks on, 358-367 romantic love and, 70 source of, 310 as source of life, 425 supreme, 171- 172 trading of, 470 unearned, 78 unlimited, 167 usurped, 149 usurped, 78, 85 Vanderbilt, 588 Vatican, 280, 283, 314, 328, 416, 509, 518 "Ventajas Psychuous" ("Psychuous Pleasures"), 275-276 Victimless crimes, 17 Victory, 502 "Victory Assured", 132 Violence, 442 Virginia House of Delegates, 540 Virtue, 332 Viruses, 442 Volitional self-organization of brain, 371-376 Voluntarist, The, 574 Voluntarism, 352, 353 "Voluntary Servitude", 5 Voodooism, 518 -- W --
Wade, Bennett L., 376, 377, 379 "Waiting Waves, The", 301 Walker, John M., Jr., 334, 457, 458, 484, 547, 562, 563-564, 604 Wallace, Frank R., 8, 29, 75, 77, 78, 86, 91 93, 1 17, 321, 336, 353, 363, 425, 426, 427, 449, 459, 487, 488, 495, 502, 503-505, 515, 557, 574 arrest of, 402, 409, 530, 544, 586 beginning of career of, 516 biographical information on, 516, 544-545 589-594 career accomplishments of, 516, 517, 575 576 confiscation of property of, 409-411 divorce of, 517 final work of, 32, 34 First Amendment rights of, 538, 543, 544 future plans of, 603 goal of, 513 Golden Helmet and, 515, 526-527, 529-531, 532, 533, 542, 544, 545 Golden World of, see Golden World history of, 516, 544-545, 589-594 Honesty Motion by, see Honesty Motion imprisonment of, 403-408, 409-411, 446, 493, 525-527, 530, 532, 539, 543, 560 - letter written during, 555
- message regarding, 601-605
- reason for, 544
letter to Baker from, 27-28 letter to Gibbs from, 20-23, 26 letter to Judge George from, 584 587 letter to Setness from, 23-25 letter to Terry from, 9-13, 14-19 long-range strategy of, 524-527 marriage of, 517 mysticism understood by, 518-522 objective law axiom discovered by, 582 overpayment of taxes by, 524, 538, 582, 601, 602 overturn of conviction of, 582, 584 path to untapped power of, 590-594 poker book written by, 519-521 post-trial notes of, 542-545 poverty years of, 521 predictions of, 3 presentence statement of, 583 as prosecutor, 415, 440 resentencing of, 583 resignation from DuPont, 519 sadness of, 517 sentencing of, 583, 601, 604 simulation of trial of, 513 slandering of, 413 starting of I & O by, I taxes paid by, 524, 538, 582, 601, 602 time and, 524-525 Treasure Map delivered by, 495-502 trial of, 411, 489, 490, 491, 492, 513, 526, 531, 539, 545, 550-554 Honesty Motion in, see Honesty Motion - judge in, 550-554
- letter to prosecutor and judge at, 545
- simulation of, 513
- world of tomorrow discovered by, see Golden World
Wallace, Mike, 253, 333 Wall Street Journal, 256, 458, 562 Ward, Frank S., 86 Ward, Wallace H., 104, 105, 106, 107, 113, 49 War on drugs, 201, 336, 346-348, 349, 491 Warner Books, 520 Wars, 18, 428, 508, 557 curing of, 442 elimination of, 145 mysticism and, 518, 519 prevention of, 501 state and, 486, 542 War of Two Worlds, 31, 169-185, 221, 236, 250, 334, 378, see also Ultimate Battle beginning of, 249 betting on, 324 contestants for, 182-183 "War of Two Worlds" report, 253 Watner, Carl, 431, 432 Watts, 359, 362 Wealth capturing of, 32, 34 integrated thinking as essence of, 350-357 unearned, 289, 292 of value destroyers, 34 Weimar Germany, 546 Welfare programs, 367 Welfare recipients, 283 Western Europe, 462, see also specific countries Western Vault Company, 112, 298, 529 "What is Neo-Tech" newspaper advertisement, 413, 434-438 White, Robert, 209, 219 White-Collar Hoaxes, 29, 170, 202 also Business quislings collapse of 256, 261, 295 defined, 365 ending of, 140, 274-295 explanation of, 350 foundation of, 154, 155 indictment of, 261-264 INS and, 207-208 insider trading and, 258 middle-class value producers sold out to, 313 Nothingness Drain and, 352 notice to, 286 racism and, 365 in triangle of evil, 308 White-Collar-Hoax quislings, 129-130, 15 189, 239, 331, 382, 597, 601 also Business quislings criminal minds of, 279 destruction of, 155 indictment of, 198 lawyers and, 19 nature of, 259 relative-destruction rating for, 173 "Why Neo-Tech Succeeds When All Other Philosophical Ideas Fail", 353 "Why We Never Talk to Dishonest Media People, White-Collar-Hoax Business Quislings,or Government Value Destroyers", 254 Wide-scope accountability, 513, 545, 559, 582, 584, 585, 588 effects of, 601 Golden Helmet and, 601-602 implementation of, 602 worldwide implementation of, 602 "Wilding", 359, 362 Wishful thinking, 371 Witch hunts, 15, 331, 334, 597 Withers, Robert E., 409, 466, 488, 489, 54 593, 601-605 Withers Illegality, 588 Wollstein, Jarret B., 346 Woods, Kimba, 484, 522, 547, 601, 604 Worker's revolution, 589-600 Working class, 126, 127, 440, 594-596 defined, 596 Helmets and, 532 mysticism cured by, 597-600 "Neo-Tech Wedge" newsletter reviewed by, 455 wide-scope accountability and, 601 Working-class mind, 558 World of tomorrow, see Golden World World War 11, 522 Worry as unnecessary, 440 -- X --
X-Factor, I 63 Xiaoping, 450 566 -- Y --
Yang Shangkun, 311 YESCO, see Young Electric Sign Company Young, P.J., 586 Young Electric Sign Company, 393, 399, Youth-rejuvenating aphrodisiacs, 320, 321 Yugoslavian Neo-Tech, 146 -- Z --
"Zero Tolerance", 346 Zon, 574 protocols, 574 Zurich neurological-research project, 23, 56
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