Wildly Cheering
Judge George, Prosecutor Damm, Director Withers
about defendant
Dr. Frank R. Wallace, #26061-048
Federal Prison Camp Nellis, Area II
Nellis AFB, NV 89191
Wide-Scope Accountability
This message is an ongoing proposal first outlined in Dr. Wallace's April 30, 1991 letter to each of you. Why continue to present this proposal for wide-scope accountability of jobs and individuals in government and business? Today, all traditional accounting is done within boundaried islands or rationalized contexts. Wide-scope accounting jumps beyond self-serving boundaries to the widest context. Thus, accountability shifts from serving potentially harmful agendas to producing objective values for others and society. ...As shown in this message, the working class will wildly cheer wide-scope accountability and its benefits.
As previous correspondence demonstrated, once certain readily available information is gathered for any individual or job, wide-scope accounting is simple and definitive: An individual or job is either objectively valuable or harmful to the working class, the economy, and society.
Also, as previous correspondence demonstrated, often net values are made to appear harmful and net destructions are made to appear beneficial. Wide-scope accounting slices through the illusions and islands of rationalization to immediately reveal the net value or disvalue of anyone in business government, or the professions.
Examples of jobs or careers that wide-scope accounting would promptly demonstrate as harmful to the working class, the economy, and society include: uncompetitive, white-collar-hoax business executives, such as the grandson of Henry Ford, who harmfully ride off productive value structures built by predecessors; politicians such as John V. Lindsay, the destructive mayor of New York City 1966-1974; harmful bureaucrats such as found throughout agencies as the EPA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, SEC, and their armed agents of force as described in Supporting Document #2 of the defendant's April 30, 1991 proposal; judges and prosecutors as Kimba Woods and Rudolph Giuliani who pursue heinous ego "justice" while dismissing objective justice; academe such as John Dewey, the destroyer of American education; religious leaders such as the hypocritical egalitarian Pope John Paul, the bane of competitive businesspeople and women's rights. ...None of those careers could have survived wide-scope accountability.
Seven phases are planned in America and abroad to permanently cure the disease of manipulated illusions and eliminate the parasitical-elite class. The first entanglement phase is complete with the sentencing of the defendant to jail. The second phase or wave begins with worldwide propoundment of wide-scope accountability. With this message, we all have an opportunity to accelerate the end of manipulated illusions and the parasite class by advancing wide scope accountability in government and business. ...Wake up, espouse wide-scope accounting, and contribute to this historic revolution!
Your triumvirate has succeeded in sentencing the defendant to jail. But whose goal is served? Where to from here? For no one can stop the defendant's eventual goal of applying wide-scope accounting to every job in order to eliminate the leech class. And no matter what harm anyone inflicts upon the defendant, the final facts remain: The accused is innocent. Moreover the accused can publicly provide documentation of his innocence -- his Golden-Helmet tax records showing full payment of taxes for the indictment years. As communicated both publicly and privately since 1986, the defendant has offered those records to any cooperative element in the IRS. In fact during May 15-31, 1987, the IRS with key in hand refused to pick up those records available only a few blocks from its offices Why?
In early 1987, the IRS discovered this case was not about taxes. Moreover, in April 1991, the IRS formally abated to zero all tax assessments, penalties, and interest against the defendant as shown in Exhibits A, B, and C of the April 30th proposal. But, minutes before the sentencing in May, 1991 Director Withers tried to nullify in a fake and panicky manner those tax abatements. Still, during the sentencing, the public discovered this case was not about taxes: The federal prosecutor publicly spoke for the United States government in stating that this case was about punishing a man for his ideas and writings -- for his "threat" to the status quo.
Today, we all stand alone, responsible for our actions. Sooner or later, through wide-scope accounting and the working-class revolution, we all shall experience the consequences of our actions.
The accusers hit the pinnacle of their illusionary power with their kangaroo'd jury verdict. Now, the guilty accusers have no more props on which to appear powerful. They are left holding only a moribund bag of usurped power, guns, jails, and ego-driven "justice". From this point onward, all they can do with their puerile weapons is to become increasingly entangled in an ostracism matrix. ...But armed with his mind and an unyielding goal, the defendant will grow ever stronger in implementing wide scope accounting worldwide.
Regardless of what those gun-backed people inflict on the defendant over the coming months and years, the facts, history, and objective justice will increasingly elevate him -- moving him steadily upward toward meeting his responsibility of curing mankind's worst disease through wide-scope accounting -- curing the disease of manipulated illusions, which has let the parasite class exploit the working class for 2000 years.
The following information will help sincere elements in the IRS, the Federal Court System, and the Justice Department to come forward and accept the proposal of April 30, 1991. Even the judge and prosecutor can redeem themselves by abandoning their manipulated illusions of ego "justice" to practice objective justice. For, they can still come forward to help implement that April-30th proposal and initiate wide-scope accounting throughout government and business. That accountability, in turn, will eliminate the manipulated illusions supporting all bogus jobs and harmful livelihoods.
The trial is over. The sentencing is over. Each participant has acted on his own volition. Thus, each is now accountable for his own actions, now and forever into the future. And, that clearly defined accountability is a key element needed for wide-scope accounting of individuals and their jobs. Such accountability will inevitability come not only to the IRS, but to the courts, legislatures, and big businesses.
Without ever knowing the word Neo-Tech or understanding fully integrated honesty, everyone exposed to Neo-Tech moves in one direction or another. A person will gain honesty and its advantages because of the competitive pressures inherent in the dynamics of integrated honesty. Or a person will lose honesty in trying to keep the Neo-Tech dynamics from revealing his upside down world in which he has staked his self-esteem and livelihood. Such a person will harm, destroy, even kill others if the means are available, to keep his "unsinkable" Titanic world from sinking. But, after colliding with fully integrated honesty, all the flotation compartments are ripped open below the waterline. ...The inevitable is only a matter of time.
In this case, the judge moved in an honest direction after colliding with Neo-Tech, the prosecutor moved in the other direction:
In a mumbling, difficult-to-hear tone talking at times through his hand hiding his mouth, Judge Lloyd D. George addressed the defendant without directly looking at him "In my judgment, I think of you as an unrepentant tax cheat." The judge made that statement even though direct IRS accounting statements before him showed that the IRS through Fresno, not Las Vegas, was trying to correct the errors inflicted on the defendant. Yet, the IRS in Las Vegas not only tried to nullify that correction of errors, but tried to compound its harmful actions toward the defendant.
The judge must have sensed that a person cannot be an unrepentant tax cheat if he has legally paid his taxes, albeit anonymously. ...Of course, the judge must sentence off the jury's verdict. But, now he has two discoveries of new evidence before him, including the April 30, 1991 proposal document. ...Perhaps, he senses his pronouncement of judgment may someday return to haunt everyone in this case. Thus, he cannot pronounce judgment with confidence or his usual self-righteousness.
The judge had before him the defendant's April 30, 1991 proposal of cooperation, which offers all the defendant's tax payment records for the indictment years. When asked if he, the judge, had read that proposal, his essential response was that only the defendant could understand his own writings. But could the facts be the opposite? Why do hundreds of thousands of people around the world, including marginally educated working-class people as well as school-age youth, precisely understand the defendant's writings?
But the judge is accurate in one sense: Most of the highly educated, professionally elite will claim they do not understand Neo-Tech literature. But the reason for that claim is that they understand all too well. Then they immediately stop reading so they do not have to understand further. For, very quickly, they sense the fundamental threat to their entire, upside-down world of manipulated illusions -- the world in which their rationalizations, livelihoods, and egos depend. Neo-Tech is the greatest possible threat to their 2000-year-old world of manipulated illusions.
By contrast, Neo-Tech is no threat to most young people, artistic people, and working-class people. Thus, they can grasp the benefits of deception-free, fully integrated honesty without threatening any life-justifying rationalizations. They can grasp the enormous benefits available to them in ending today's hoax of manipulated illusions And ending that hoax means curing the disease of deception through wide-scope accountability of people and jobs.
Before long, the second Neo-Tech wave will reach America. A worldwide youth, artist, and proletariat revolution driven by Neo-Tech will present its first public glimmers in the United States. As with all aspects of fully integrated honesty, nothing can stop that peaceful revolution, which will eventually demand wide-scope accounting everywhere. That accounting, in turn, will break those manipulated illusions that have harmed everyone for the past 2000 years. ...Breaking those illusions will cure the disease of deception to greatly benefit everyone, even those professional value destroyers who today depend on manipulated illusions for their self-esteems and false livelihoods.
Judge George: Go back to that April 30th proposal. Temporarily set aside defensive reactions. Read the entire document. Once those defensive feelings are set aside, that proposal and its three supporting documents are easy to read and understand. The defendant would, if he had some way, offer a double-your-money-back guarantee that you will greatly and permanently benefit from reading with understanding that entire April 30th document. Perhaps you have already made a turn toward honesty as identified later in this letter. But, if you do not read and understand that April 30th document, the defendant will also guarantee that someday you will say to yourself over and over "shame on me".
When you understand, when you finally stop to examine the undistorted facts as so clearly integrated in that April 30th document, you will come with regret in your heart. But, you need not be distressed. For at that moment, you will also begin discovering the insuperable rewards inherent in fully integrated honesty. Then you will unite with others in bringing worldwide victory over purposeful deception -- the source of all preventable harm and diseases.
With that victory -- with the elimination of manipulated illusions -- the defendant's work will be complete and his responsibility met. His writing and publishing activities will cease. He will return to his essence, his life as a research scientist. He will then be able to peacefully pursue biochemical research and all its open-ended potentials in a happy, prosperous world -- a deception free world of fully integrated honesty.
Prosecutor Damm forever made publicly explicit and clear that this case and sentencing of the defendant is not about taxes. Indeed, the IRS has known since 1987 that this case is not about taxes. And had the judge pursued objective justice with the honesty oath rather than ego justice with the truth oath during the trial, he along with the jury would have discovered that all taxes were paid by the defendant through various legal names and tax I.D. numbers.
That miscarriage aside, the judge would have learned how those taxes were paid and why they were paid through various legal names had he read the defendant's April 30th proposal sent to him. And now, certainly the judge knows this case is not about taxes by simply observing the prosecution's presentence machinations moments before the sentencing -- machinations designed to nullify the IRS's own accounting records the reflect the defendant's innocence.
But beyond all of the above, the judge and everyone else now have proof this case is not about taxes. That proof comes from the prosecutor's own publicly pronounced words: Without even mentioning taxes, Prosecutor Damm first tries to discredit the defendant by introducing into evidence three examples that supposedly contradict the defendant's philosophy, ideas, and writings. That ploy backfires as the defendant demonstrates that the examples not only never contradict the integrated honesty of Neo-Tech, but each example illustrates and reinforces the defendant's consistent effort to identify and implement fully integrated honesty in all areas.
Next, Prosecutor Damm points out that the defendant espouses his ideas through his literature. The defendant's espoused ideas are, by the way, nothing more than objectively perceiving reality through integrated honesty. That idea contrasts to subjectively creating "realities" through manipulated deceptions or mind-created illusions. The prosecutor then states that the defendant is a "very dangerous and destructive element of society" because of his ideas and writings. The prosecutor goes on "I don't feel he will ever change" -- meaning the defendant will never compromise his principles.
Now, not because of taxes, but because of the defendant's ideas and literature, the prosecutor asks the judge for a harsh sentence. In addition, he asks the judge to make a public example of the defendant by adding punitive time in prison because of the defendant's writings and the uncommitted unspecified "crimes" others might commit someday because of the defendant's ideas and books.
The prosecutor is, of course, asking the judge for essentially a life sentence because of the ideas and writings of the 58-year old defendant. And, as shown below, if the law were available, that same prosecutor would certainly be asking for the death sentence because of the defendant's writings. Indeed, the defendant's writings are a threat to the world of ego-driven "justice" on which the prosecutor's self-esteem, incontinent desires, and unprincipled livelihood depend. Thus, by pushing totalitarian ego "justice" that squelches freedom of expression and eventually leads to legalized murder, people like Prosecutor Damm are not only the most dangerous people in a civilized society, but ultimately become the most evil.
With embarrassing disappointment, the defendant must now publicly admit the errors in those posttrial writings that positively characterized Prosecutor Damm: Yes, Damm properly filled his duty in vigorously pursuing his case against the defendant. And, except for using a paid perjurer as a key witness, he prosecuted the case in a responsible manner. But then, through his horrifically dishonest sentencing behaviors and gratuitously malignant sentencing statements, Damm's character suddenly shrunk to something captured in one word -- disgust.
But the judge, to his credit and despite his condemnable trial performance, showed a glimmering capacity for objective justice when he unhesitantly and totally ignored the' prosecutor's evil pleadings. In that most crucial area of justice, despite the defendant's blunt, no-appeasement criticisms of George's trial performance, Judge George admirably set aside resentment to demonstrate objective justice. George's performance contrasted to federal judges with Damm's mentality -- judges such as Kimba Woods and John M. Walker. Jr. of the New York District Court.
Among the escalating get-tough laws is a newly enacted federal law that calls for the execution of drug kingpins if anyone associated with them commits murder, regardless if the kingpin is involved or responsible. On May 15, 1991, the Associated Press reported that a drug kingpin was convicted and sentenced to death in Alabama under that new guilt-by-association law. After the death sentence was pronounced, that kingpin stood up in court and simply stated he was not guilty of that murder. No one disagreed. For, he will be executed not for murder. He will be executed because he knew someone who independently committed murder. ...With people like Damm, that concept of execution "justice" can unfold into nightmarish, Orwellian dimensions.
Of course, the actual murderer, not the kingpin, should be convicted and executed. Also, the kingpin should be convicted of any crime he actually did commit. But, the public duped by manipulated illusions will support the execution of that kingpin. The prosecutor will be a hero and perhaps run for political office or get a federal judgeship. But the duped public will not grasp the meaning of a man being executed not for a crime committed, but for guilt by association.
Without Neo-Tech, almost everyone will stand and cheer that execution of an unpopular kingpin who was not convicted of murder. Without Neo-Tech, the public would never see that on May 24, 1991 a federal prosecutor tried to jail essentially for life a 58-year-old scientist and writer deemed a dangerous and destructive element of society because of his writings. ...From jailing a person essentially for life because of his writings, to execution of a person because of his writings, is indeed only a small step in today's America with people of Prosecutor Damm's mentality infesting our government.
No, the defendant will never change, compromise, or stop. Sick elements growing in our government are backed with guns, fists, unlimited money, unprincipled prosecutors, and ego-driven "justice". But the defendant is backed with pens, principled writers, worldwide literature distribution, and objective justice. ...No, the defendant wild never change, compromise, or stop. To stop him, ego justice must kill him. But that is too late. For, killing him would only fertilize Neo-Tech to speed the cure of the dishonesty-and-destruction disease of manipulated illusions and deceptions.
Yes, it is too late for ego-driven "justice" to survive. Neo-Tech is now seeded in eleven languages and 156 countries worldwide. The Neo-Tech dynamics already got Ceausescu and Honecker; it almost got Deng and Li Peng and will get them next time; it got most of Eastern Europe; it is getting the USSR, Albania, and Ethiopia; it will eventually get Burma and Cuba.
And, most important, Neo-Tech will eventually push a wide-scope accounting wedge throughout government and big business to cure the exploitation disease of manipulated illusions and eliminate the leech class forever. ...Neo-Tech will protect and rejuvenate America into a Golden Era of eternal peace, happiness, and prosperity.
Dear Judge George,
I want to express my appreciation for the quality of your recent legal writings, especially your July 21, 1994 ten-page order, CV-S-93-0889-LDG-(LRL). The fact that you ruled negatively is not important. What is important is thoughtful, thorough work from the bench. Likewise, quality, well-researched motions, responses, and briefs from the Justice Department are also important to our goals. Indeed, the quality of the government's work in the criminal area has markedly improved since the second trial, including its latest brief and response. I appreciate those improvements. ...But, the government's work in the civil area remains careless and misleading.
High-quality, adversary responses from the court and the prosecution enhance the interactions of Zon with the government. Not much can be done with perfunctory or low quality responses. But, high-quality responses provide the challenging, direct experiences needed to develop the understandings of subjective, political-agenda law versus objective, humanist law...as well as the understandings of ego "justice" versus legal justice.
Your most recent ruling will let us focus our civil-suit appeal on (1) your missed the-point of the Fifth-Amendment, due-process issue, and (2) your missed the-point of the First-Amendment free-expression/religious issue.
Discovery in civil suit CV-S-93-0889 would reveal that the plaintiff was illegally shipped in chains from Nellis to Boron prison camp solely as an inhibiting punishment for his initiating a Habeas Corpus action.[ 88 ] That due-process right to Habeas Corpus action concerned the blocking by prison officials of the all-important prisoner's first-amendment right of political expression to the outside world.
A final point about your most recent ruling: Throughout that ruling you deprecate the religious nature of Neo-Tech and Zon by always putting the word "religion" in quotes. That injection of subjective deprecation into public records is misguided as time will demonstrate. Consider the attached page 85 of Cassandra's Secret written in prison and published in 1992 concerning the religious and governmental nature of Neo-Tech and Zon. ...On understanding Neo-Tech and Zon, one discovers it rejects the harmful aspects of Christian religions and supports the rational aspects of Jewish, Mormon, and Buddhist religions.
Perhaps this letter and our forthcoming appellant actions will help advance your understandings of Neo-Tech and Zon. Your role in advancing the Golden Helmet and Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) into the courts is appreciated.
[ 88 ] Government officials throughout the system then fell into automatic lying modes to cover that illegal act...culminating many months after that crime in the conjured up story that the plaintiff was a threat to the United States Air Force base at Nellis!
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