With the November-3rd organization left frozen and impotent after trying to liquidate Neo-Tech, an even more destructive agency was summoned to finish the job of destroying I & O. The racist-backed Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) set their sights on the workers at the Neo-Tech Center. They carefully drew up a plan for all those "damned foreigners" at I & O. They hoped to finish the job begun by the November-3rd organization by deporting all those spics, limeys, wops, frogs, niggers, and gooks working to disseminate Neo-Tech values around the world.
The value destruction and viciousness of the INS was soon identified and placed at even a higher level than that of the November-3rd organization. Quite simply, the sole purpose of the INS with its all encompassing guns-and-fists power is to usurp low-effort jobs and unearned power through racist-backed ravishments of innocent, value-producing foreigners. The INS bureaucracy exists through camouflaged attacks upon honest lives, innocent families, and value-producing jobs of mainly non-Anglo-Saxon aliens, oftentimes fleeing for their lives from oppressive, murderous government regimes. The INS depends entirely on force, threats, guns, handcuffs, jails, deportations, and racism to carry out its destructions. And the INS needs those destructions to cloak their dishonest nature -- to build their bogus jobs -- to secure their bogus livelihoods -- to survive as a pointless entity.
In essence, the INS is a hoax designed to build and maintain a guns-and-fists empire by transferring false power and usurped livelihoods to dishonesty, lazy, uncompetitive people. This hoax is perpetuated by destroying honest, hard-working, competitive value producers, all in the name of "national protection". They claim to protect our jobs, our children, our businesses, our quality of life. They claim to protect our pure white American race from being "poisoned" by an inferior culture. This modus operandi has powered many value-destroying regimes of the past. This modus operandi is now exposed for all the world to witness. Before the INS could organize itself for a wide-scale attack upon the workers at the Neo-Tech Center, I & O instead took the offensive against the INS! Soon the INS found themselves being trapped in the Neo-Tech matrix. The following entanglement document was sent to the INS.
I & O will not stop with the November-3rd organization, INS, or any other major or minor neocheater. For each confrontation initiated against I & O -- each attack launched by the value destroyers -- only strengthens I & O and weakens the value destroyers.
I & O's business is now to hunt down and expose value destroyers wherever they hide. Soon, they will be forced to confront their destructive livelihoods, make restitutions, and then become competitive value producers. The only alternative is to be laughed out of existence or self-destruct. Either way, the hunt will continue as I & O hones in on its final goal.
In order to make biological immortality a reality in our lifetime, the value-destroyers in the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) must also be exposed. They stand in the way of fully integrated honesty and mankind's most important purpose: To preserve human life so that all can pursue an eternity of prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. As the "hit-list" continues to grow with each passing day, no value-destroying agency will be left untouched by the power of fully integrated honesty. The following documents were sent to the INS and to the FDA. No response was ever received. BP]
Spanish philosophical investigator, Ms. Rosa María Meoño innocently hired a white-collar-hoax lawyer who hand in hand with the government neocheaters feed off innocent value producers to survive through the legal machinations that support the entire INS hoax. Bleeding hard-earned money from Ms. Meoño, that lawyer ineptly, fruitlessly pursued her "missing" green-card-status file. All that costly, time-wasting activity occurred after the routine completion of her interview with the INS four months before. Those fruitless pursuits, however, did uncover a black-hole, bureaucratic quagmire in which the INS hierarchy seemed too indolent to adjudicate the simple legal rights of value-producing people. But that seeming appearance is purposely created as a sham facade. For the hidden yet only function of such bureaucracies is to intentionally create problems where none exist in order to justify hierarchies of bogus jobs. In turn, those hierarchies must constantly expand their destructions in order to protect and expand their illicit bureaucracies of bogus jobs. For added support and unearned power, those hierarchies also provide "nothingness" livelihoods to hoards of dishonest, lazy, vacuous lawyers. ...As Neo-Tech demonstrates, no other purpose of such hierarchies, bureaucracies, and lawyers exist, except to support and expand bogus livelihoods and destructive jobs.
Yes, a few front-line INS agents try to deliver values and seem dedicated to helping others. Indeed, a few of those people sincerely tried to help the victims of their own bureaucracy. But experiences with higher-ranking INS personnel yield only clownish arrogance and evil destructiveness:
Consider the following documented and recorded experiences: Ms. Rosa Maria Meoño is a highly competent Spanish scholar and businesswoman. She is also innocently naive and strikingly attractive. Honestly and openly she entered the INS offices to apply for green-card status to work in the United States and abroad as a Spanish-language, philosophical investigator and research writer. Indeed, her combined conceptual skills and special knowledge of Latin-American culture, psychology, and philosophy are unique, unmatched, and badly needed by all Latin-American societies and developing nations. Yet, once inside the INS offices, that outstanding value producer was arrogantly threatened with jail, handcuffs, and then sportily cajoled by two male officers. But that was only the beginning:
Ms. Meoño was then sexually assaulted by one officer during a hidden body-squeezing fingerprinting session. Later, outside the federal building, she was again sexually assaulted when that same officer "romantically" squeezed her body while she was in his life-threatening custody. He then intimidated her with provocative questions about her private life as he held unilateral life-and-death control over her immigration status.
To fulfill her international business responsibilities, Ms. Meoño is urgently needed for traveling throughout Latin America and Spain. Indeed, her knowledge underpins I & O's Latin-American drive to collapse mysticism and eliminate neocheating in developing nations. ...Every day that passes, the harm and damage caused by the INS mounts.
INS management continues to conceal their responsibility for that sexual assault by destructively trying to cripple Ms. Meoño's career. Thus, we must now convert those damages and losses into profits and advantages. We must now convert their sexual assault and destructive actions into mystic-collapsing literature while permanently entangling the INS and its personnel into the Neo-Tech matrix. ...The competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech business will then forever eliminate all such abusive jobs and destructive livelihoods.
Because of Neo-Tech, value destroyers will increasingly become powerless against value producers. How is that? As demonstrated in the November-3rd Information Package, even professional value destroyers cannot stop or even hurt I & O Publishing Company. For, each destruction inflicted upon I & O Publishing Company boomerangs back tenfold, a hundredfold to undermine the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic value destroyers. Indeed, their Keystone-Cops' incompetence, arrogant immaturities, malevolent actions, sexual assaults, even physical beatings backed by guns, handcuffs, and jails only speed I & O toward its goal of ending all bogus jobs and livelihoods of professional value destroyers. For, each harmful act inflicted on I & O by those value destroyers provides gasoline to fuel their own destruction.
Today, I & O Publishing Company, a fire-driven coterie of writers and editors, are releasing a flood of lifetime values around the world. To produce that river of values flowing forever into the future, those writers and editors must integrate their personal lives with their work -- sixteen hours a day, seven days a week. No group of people on Earth works harder, more intensely, with greater dedication to reach mankind's most important goal: Indeed, all efforts of those writers and editors are directed toward that single goal. And that goal is the curing of the death-and-destruction disease -- the 3000-year-old disease of mysticism from which all professional value destroyers fashion their bogus livelihoods and fake jobs.
One woman at I & O provides that river of values to 240-million Hispanics around the world. But now that flow of life-giving values is blocked. By whom? By the INS. For what reason? To generate bogus jobs for those who survive by ravishing careers, families, and lives of innocent value producers.
Under what guise do they ravish careers, families, and lives? Under the guise of "protecting" jobs, ostensibly for white Anglo-Saxons. But lifting that guise, one discovers an ugly racism that feeds the INS value destroyers and protects their bogus livelihoods. ...Consider the following example:
On February 25th, as on every day, Ms. Meoño worked until midnight. At six AM, she was back at her desk working intensely to meet her responsibilities to the Spanish-speaking world. At ten AM, the INS halted her crucial work: They mandated that she appear at their offices to plead for "permission" to implement her years of hard work and planning. That "permission" is called "parole" by the INS -- a pejorative designed to control the value producers by enveloping them in an aura of guilt and criminality. ...But whose criminality? Because of previous sexual assaults at the INS offices, Ms. Meoño was accompanied by a black-belt body guard hired by I & O Publishing Company to protect her body from again being criminally violated by an INS officer.
Because of the intense time pressures in meeting her responsibilities, Ms. Meoño ate neither breakfast nor lunch. Arriving at her appointed time, she was informed that the INS Director Roy Hendricks with whom she was to meet would not arrive until eleven AM. At noon, Ms. Meoño was informed that the INS Director had left for lunch. Her crucially valuable time was being painfully, criminally dissipated.
One hour later, at 1:00PM, she and her body guard were further informed that the INS Director was taking an extra 45 minutes for lunch, which extended into still another hour. At 2:45PM, after destroying three hours and forty-five minutes of irreplaceable time, the INS director returned from lunch. Then, in approximately two minutes, from behind closed doors, without facing Ms. Meoño, Director Hendricks wrote one word with his pen. The petition was then returned to Ms. Meoño. That single word scrawled across the document read -- Denied[ 19 ]. Beneath that word was the INS Director's signature. ...He is a white Anglo-Saxon. She is a dark Latina.
That one word arbitrarily scrawled across a piece of paper abruptly denied Ms. Meoño access to her career and threatened life-enhancing values to 240-million people. Ms. Meoño immediately asked to face the person who denied her the most basic of all moral rights -- the right to support one's own self and family by producing values for others. ...She was informed that INS Director Hendricks had left for the day.
The INS Director's schedule for that day: Arrive at 11AM, leave for a three-hour lunch, return for several minutes to cripple the supreme effort of producing values for 240-million Hispanics worldwide, and then elope into a spring-like Friday afternoon.
Yes, that INS Director arrived two hours late, took nearly three hours for lunch, wrote one word to criminally block the progress of a mighty value producer, then left for the day. Yes, that Friday afternoon was warm and sunny -- ideal for golf, drinking, or sexual escapades in the legal brothels of Nevada.
THE FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) Definitive Cancer and AIDS Cures Require Elimination of the FDA |
Under the Neo-Tech microscope, seven facts come into focus:
[ 19 ] That one-word document of destruction is displayed at the Kenneth A. Clark Guns-and-Fists Memorial Museum in Southern Nevada.
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