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Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volume II
Editor's Note
[Soon after sending out the INS letters, several phone calls were received at the Southern Nevada offices of I & O Publishing Company. As incredible as it seemed, the caller claimed to be an international spy, code-named "Tetramicro". Among other bizarre stories, he also claimed that a top secret, classified file was recently opened on I & O Publishing Company and was being maintained by the London office of INTERPOL (the international police force). After some investigating, the once absurd story was verified as factual. The shock waves from nullifying the November-3rd and INS organizations were traveling quickly around the globe, ricochetting through every government agency that drains value producers.
The value destroyers know that their game is up. Their immature ways are finished. Their cover has been exposed. Their attempts to appear honest, needed, and important are over. The cops-and-robbers secrecy, the dishonesty, the little men hiding behind big guns are finally exposed for what they really are: Impotent, uncompetitive clowns and pip squeaks. The key to their bogus livelihoods is finally exposed for all the world to see. Their blatant value destruction is now obvious to all. November 3rd proved to the world that Neo-Tech is untouchable, unstoppable. And now other similar neocheating organizations are desperately clamoring to find a way to stop Neo-Tech -- to crush or cripple I & O before it is too late. For they know that their time is running out. What follows is the Guns and Fists document sent to Richard C. Stiener, Chief of INTERPOL as well as all those on the expanding Guns and Fists mailing list. BP]
The Previous Guns-and-Fists Newsletter (#7) featured the indictments of --
- the INS: Indicted for its racist-based, Himmler-inspired destruction of non-Anglo-Saxon jobs and families.
- the Justice Department: Indicted for its envy-based, Giuliani-inspired destruction of productive businessmen and businesses.
- the White-Collar-Hoax Professionals (most lawyers, professors, journalists) and destructive business quislings (certain bankers and CEOs): Indicted for their surrogate crimes of destruction. Those people are the most culpable and unredeemable of value destroyers. Why? Because they turn assets earned by others into deadly destructions. How? By providing the credibility and ultimately the money needed to support those who live through value destruction. But why support value destroyers? Because, through their destructions, white-collar-hoax people can prosper without exerting the hard competitive efforts needed to produce honest values for society.
This Guns-and-Fists Newsletter (#8) features the indictment of the International Police Force, INTERPOL, through the analogous indictments of --
- The November-3rd Empire: Indicted for camouflaged murders, assaults, and thefts masquerading as a "service" to the nation. Such criminal behaviors inspire escalating violence and value destruction through government force and deception.
- The FDA: Indicted for illegal regulations that undermine the health and eventually the life of everyone.
- The DEA: Indicted for illegal regulation of "morals" by criminal force. That irrational regulation by force creates an ever greater bogus-job/destructive-power empire at the cost of ever greater drug problems while delivering ever greater profits for organized crime, ever greater gang violence, ever greater drug markets, and ever greater drug pushing, especially to young people and children. ...The ghouls are not the drug-free, clear-thinking drug lords. But rather the ghouls are the nicotine/alcohol-addicted, power-crazed Bennett-like drug czars and their bogus-job enforcers. For their totalitarian, gun-backed actions create the highly profitable empires for those drug lords.
Next Guns-and-Fists Newsletter (#9) will feature further indictments of --
- the Treasury and Justice Departments: Indicted for illegally usurping unearned power and bogus livelihoods. Indicted for illegal controls over money, investments, and business that cause ever greater market distortions, disruptions, crashes...and eventually a ruined economy.
With those indictments, the competitive pressures from Neo-Tech bantam companies around the world will collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and banish forever its symbiotic neocheaters.
"In Alaska, as horrified news photographers took pictures, November-3rd agents of force smashed in the windows of a Volkswagen and dragged a young couple through the shattered glass, dumping them bruised and bleeding on the sidewalk." ...Those indicted agents along with all other such agents of force must now answer for their crimes.

I & O Publishing Company
Document Delivered to Richard C. Steiner,
International Police Force -- INTERPOL -- How Silly
INTERPOL, England: a file on I & O Publishing Company
Start with an honest, hard-working local policeman, then a prevaricating detective, then a mystery-man code named "Tetramicro", then mystery phone calls, mystery names, mystery letters, automatic lying, big-shot swaggering, macho guns, shh -- so secret, so James Bond, little boys making problems where none exist, usurping jobs where none are earned and none belong, strutting with self-importance where only clowns and pip-squeaks dwell. ...No wonder they cannot compete in honest business -- or hold a woman in romantic love.
Clowns and Pip-Squeaks -- How Unnecessary
To summarize: Swarming all over today's value producers are effete clowns and pip-squeaks dishonestly seeking unearned glory, power, and livelihoods. Backed by guns and fists, those fake-work people are hindering, harming, and stopping real work done by real people -- real work, hard work needed for everyone's happiness, well-being, and survival. ...Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) is going to end that destructive nonsense forever.
The Games They Play -- How Silly
Oh, the immature cops-and-robbers games they play -- right up to the highest levels of contrived government power. How they drain the time and assets of honest value producers. But I & O Publishing Company will end that drain forever. How? Consider that I & O is unique to all value producers in history. How? Professional value destroyers cannot drain I & O's time or assets. For all destructive actions directed at I & O are the exact actions needed to develop commercial products for collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters. ...Engaging and eliminating value destroyers is I & O's sole business and goal.
Wasting Time and Taxpayers' Money
Why is INTERPOL or anyone else wasting time and taxpayers' money on investigating I & O Publishing Company and its work? What an unnecessary consumption of time and money. For, enclosed is the latest Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #7 and the 496-page, November-3rd Information Package. That literature tells everything about I & O Publishing Company: its work, its methods, its purpose, its goals. ...Ironically, that literature will eventually save the agents of force millions of dollars in investigative expenses in their futile attempts to halt the spread of Neo-Tech.
I & O Publishing Company The Most Subversive Organization in History
Enemy #1 to All Professional Mystics and Neocheaters[ 20 ]
Subversion by deception, force, guns, bombs? No, those are the tools of value destroyers. We are value producers. Our tools are hard work, integrated honesty, neothink minds, and computer keyboards. ...Yes, I & O Publishing Company and its worldwide network of phantom-bantam companies are quietly, totally subversive. Indeed, everyone associated with I & O has a quiet but jihad-like dedication to the single goal of subverting and then collapsing the entire 2000-year hoax of mysticism in order to eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters.
What About Subverting the DEA?
Put this letter and Information Package in INTERPOL's files. What else do you want to know about I & O Publishing Company? Do you want to know about our work to eliminate problems where none need exist -- such as the government-made drug problem and the destructive Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)? Yes, we will eliminate the hidden, bogus-career, power-usurping agendas behind all anti-drug laws. That means eliminating all enforcement of those irrational laws.
As with the repeal of prohibition, abolition of the DEA will immediately drive drug prices down to free-market, cigarette-and-liquor levels. That price collapse will wipe out the profits needed by drug barons, organized crime, drug gangs, drug pushers to conduct their evil businesses. Thus, abolition of the DEA will immediately, drastically shrink the underground drug business and markets to eliminate nearly all drug-related crime, violence, and expansion of drug markets (drug pushing), especially to the youth and children markets.
What About Subverting the FDA?
And what about I & O's international RIBI research? What about RIBI research on I-ness transfer and super-rapid human cloning? What about RIBI research on preserving living human heads by body amputation from terminally ill patients for subsequent healthy-body replacement? What would the FDA and its prosecutors say about such unapproved, "illegal" research? What will the FDA do when a living head with robotic body parts appears regularly in television ads as the CEO of a Neo-Tech bantam company marketing its living-head services? And in a few years when you or a loved one is about to die? Who will you turn to? The government? The prosecutors? The FDA? The church? Your feelings? Or, will you turn to I & O Publishing Company and its RIBI Research Center?
Notice to the FDA
The following two research projects are now being pursued:
- Super-rapid human cloning and nanotechnology body creation.
- Indefinitely sustaining a healthy, conscious human head with its terminally afflicted body being amputated.[ 21 ] That value-producing, conscious head would be every bit a conscious-functioning human being -- no different in the living world from the paraplegic. But the conscious head would have the quantum advantage of being free of a dying or useless body. ...That fully conscious person will be the CEO of the RIBI-marketing, bantam company. A young, vibrant AIDS victim will be among the earliest patients to obviate death through this RIBI product developed in a clandestine Latin-American hospital.
Why Do November-3rd-Type Hoaxes Exist?
For what purpose do November-3rd-backed organizations really exist? The single, secret purpose of all value-destroying organizations or empires is to provide a growing source of unearned power, bogus careers, and fake jobs. For whom? For the value destroyers. For those whose seemingly respectable lives are rooted in that mystic/neocheating/look-good, white-collar hoax of laziness, dishonesty and, value destruction. The 496-page Guns-and-Fists Information Package irrefutably reveals the secret purpose and hidden agenda of all such value-destroying organizations -- the usurpation of unearned power and bogus livelihoods.
They Will Scream:
"I & O Wants Drugs and Decapitations!"
Yes, let those value-destroying organizations and their media collaborators attack us, physically and verbally. Let them fire their dishonest, out-of-context distortions and upside-down non sequiturs at I & O Publishing Company. For we are unlike all their past targets throughout history. Indeed, until Neo-Tech, their dishonest attacks have always harmed, drained, crippled, or destroyed value producers. But for us, those attacks are our strength, our ammunition, our business, our goal. Indeed, we will turn back each such attack tenfold, a hundredfold through Neo-Tech live arts and the coming Seven Neo-Tech Waves. ...Their attacks will be the source of their demise.
So come get us. We are waiting. We are waiting with our clean intentions, our honest Neo-Tech/Neothink minds, our computer keyboards, our live-arts spectrum, our bantam companies around the world, our extended hand to help everyone, including you, discover happiness and romantic love.
With Their Obsolete Weapons, The Value Destroyers Are Finished
What else do you want to know? Just ask. I & O and its associates will give frank answers. For they are clean, innocent value producers. I & O associates will, by nature, freely share all knowledge with other value producers. Yet, I & O associates will never respond, cooperate, or yield a scintilla to professional value destroyers toting their weapons of deceit, guns, fists, subpoenas, summonses, judges, prosecutors, blood, and jails. For, those tired age-old weapons are now obsolete and impotent against Neo-Tech/Neothink. Yet, those are the only weapons the value destroyers can ever muster. Thus, after surviving 2000 years by wielding those weapons and manipulating the dishonesties of mysticism, all professional value destroyers are finished.
I & O Will Always Benefit You and Your Organization
No one ever needs to fear I & O Publishing Company. For, I & O can only produce values for others, including you. Moreover, everyone associated with I & O is unafraid of any person or organization that exists through value destruction -- no matter how big or destructive an illusion that person or organization has foisted upon the public. Indeed, I & O's entire business is to integrate all such persons and organizations into the Neo-Tech matrix. Once integrated into the matrix, value destroyers will either destroy themselves or become value producers.
[ 20 ]
Professional mystics and neocheaters: They are the clergy, all politicians, the white-collar-hoax business quislings, most lawyers and media journalists -- all who usurp a living from the value producers through net value destruction.
[ 21 ]
The conscious, living head is infinitely superior to a cryonically preserved nonconscious, nonliving head from which retrieval of I-ness consciousness is impossible. Moreover, the conscious head is living with only a temporary handicap, fully correctable as human cloning or nanotechnology body replacement becomes available.
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