THE NEO-TECH/NEOTHINK MIND VS. THE MYSTICAL/NEOCHEATING MIND Hunting and Trapping Neocheaters for Sport and Profit: The Hunt Continues... |
Self-Proclaimed Business Adversary DAVID HOROWITZ You Are Misusing the U.S. Mail System Mr. Horowitz, you and your associates are misusing the U.S. mail system by sending guilt-implying, poison-pen letters. To increase your intimidation and coercion powers, you dishonestly send those poison-pen letters to government officials and their agents of force. Evidence? Your letter of November 17th to I & O Publishing Company. Laced with insincere politeness, that November-17th letter tries to blacken an innocent value-producing company. Without presenting a scintilla of wrongdoing, without presenting a single problem or complaint, your letter implicitly makes honest business people appear as some sort of criminals violating some sort of laws. Then, based on nothing, your letter implicitly threatens to summon the agents of force. And finally, you gratuitously send copies of that guilt-projecting missive to various postal inspectors. ...You used that poison-pen letter to cast suspicion on a clean, honest company -- a company that has provided benevolent values to individuals and society for twenty years. That November-17th letter is now on display in the Guns-and-Fists Museum near Las Vegas, Nevada.
This time, Mr. Horowitz, you tried to mug the wrong people with your cowardly, destructive methods. Previously, no innocent person or company knew how to deal with such bully-boy attacks and envy-based dishonesties from the media. Now, however, you and your associates have stepped into a trap. For the first time, you face a company that knows how to deal with destructive media bullies, wimpish business quislings, and dishonest yahoo muckrakers disguised as respectable journalists. The sole goal of our company is to cure the dishonesty disease -- the disease of mysticism. In turn, curing mysticism will eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters who live through bogus jobs. How will Neo-Tech eliminate those neocheaters and their bogus jobs? The dynamics of Neo-Tech integrated with business competition will extirpate all mystical illusions and hoaxes while showing the world:
Neo-Tech will prove the following assertion: You and your associates are value destroyers with criminal minds as defined on the Definitions page of the enclosed report titled "Ostracism of Value Destroyers". Moreover, with a fight-business-the-enemy format, your television show becomes a giant consumer fraud. For, you make your living by appearing to benefit consumers while always harming them. Proof of that assertion? Read the next two sections below plus pages 5-16 of the enclosed "War of Two Worlds" report.
As a self-appointed business adversary, you harm all consumers. How? By undermining their self-responsibility incentives and eroding their self-protection mechanisms as also described on pages 5-16 of the "War of Two Worlds" report. But, that harm is multiplied many fold through your malevolent motives and strategies to attack and destroy the relationship between consumers and their only real friend and benefactor -- the competitive value producer. Self-appointed adversaries of business benefit no one. Instead, they are an enemy to everyone. For they operate through guile and dishonesty. And they serve only to drive a poisonous wedge between the consumer and the producer. Such business adversaries eventually destroy all values. How? By tearing asunder the benevolent, happy, life-lifting dynamics between the consumer and the value producers from whom all values flow. ...You are guilty of raining cynicism and distortion for many years on the consuming public. The result of your fight-business-the-enemy national television show is higher-priced, less-competitive products. But more important is the diminished enjoyment of life resulting from your undermining the naturally happy relationship between the consumer and the producer.
Mr. Horowitz, you and your associates know deep in your own minds the crime you commit weekly across the nation. Yes, you combine the worst elements of subtly destructive shows as Mike Wallace's "60 Minutes" and subtly fraudulent organizations as tax-supported consumer-affair bureaucracies. Then you deceptively weave into your format some bona-fide frauds occurring in business as well as inject some non-sequitur situations to hypocritically show a specious "fairness and objectivity". Indeed, your insincere format is only a cover for hiding your motive and means of survival. For you survive through envy-based attacks on value producers. ...The essence of your work is to attack first and then undermine the only moral force in existence -- competitive value production. If not stopped, that constant attack and undermining of competitive values would eventually devour the well being and happiness of everyone. For that unrelenting assault and injustice by professional mystics and neocheaters in the media, politics, and academe intimidate or numb people into increasingly abandoning their own sense of fairness and justice. ...That shrinking sense of justice, in turn, would eventually lead civilization into another dark age.
Will the victimized public and its value producers ever stop those destructive neocheating forces epitomized by you, by the even more clever Dan Rathers, and by the most clever Ted Koppels? No, those innocent victims will never stop you. But they do not need to, for Neo-Tech is going to do the job for them. How? Through the dynamics of business competition. Indeed, Neo-Tech has started that job and is now quietly subverting professional mystics, neocheaters, and business quislings in 140 countries. ...Neo-Tech will gradually, increasingly, irreversibly, relentlessly obliterate all fake jobs. And then honest, hard-working value producers will finally laugh the remaining neocheaters out of existence.
No, we never deal with professional mystics, neocheaters, or other value destroyers on their terms. Why? Read again the Definitions page of the enclosed Ostracism report. Next, in that same report, read the Policy Statement titled "Why We Never Talk to Dishonest Media People, White-Collar-Hoax Business Quislings, or Government Value Destroyers". Policy item #9 in that statement explains why the enclosed Neo-Tech Bible will never be given or sold at any price to known value destroyers. Thus, we are only lending you the mystic-busting, Neo-Tech Bible in order to:
The Neo-Tech Bible is not yours to keep. We ask you to return this volume within 30 days. Attached is a $20 money order to cover expenses for returning our property to the address checked on our letterhead.[ 30 ]
How will Neo-Tech end your bogus livelihood? First read the Business-Quisling Proclamation in the Neo-Tech Bible. Next read the article, "Kicking All Criminal Minds Off Planet Earth through Neo-Tech Ostracism". You will then realize that to survive in the future you must forever abandon your destructive livelihood. Instead, you must become a competitive value producer. You must also pay restitution for your past damages in order to live free, without guilt and ostracism, in the coming Neo-Tech business world.
Yes, through Neo-Tech, all criminal minds will be kicked off planet Earth. That includes you, Mr. Horowitz, along with your colluding associates and media soul mates. Once in the Neo-Tech matrix, no value destroyer can escape without becoming a competitive value producer. For, Neo-Tech is relentless, intransigent, implacable. You and all others who live destructively by draining the value producer will either perish as a value destroyer or will decide to exert the honest effort needed to become a competitive value producer.
Read your Neo-Tech Rights on page 148 of the enclosed Neo-Tech Bible. Then respond within 15 days to this letter. Give us any suggestions, corrections, or disputes you may have. We will fairly assess any notations or suggestions for edits, errors, additions, or deletions. For we always strive to produce the most valuable, honest, and accurate literature ever published. Lack of response from you will signify your acceptance and approval of this and all related documents for commercial publication and live-art productions by I & O Publishing Company.
Let us meet publicly. Let us meet on your own television show. Let the public learn who is the real consumer fraud. Let the public see who is the value producer and who is the value destroyer. We are waiting. If you do not come after us, we will go after you.
Our sole goal and responsibility is to cure the disease of mysticism and eliminate its virus-like neocheaters. For that disease and its symbiotic neocheaters have caused untold suffering and death to all human beings for 2000 years. Are you or any of your associates sincere about leaving the dark mystical world of systematic value destruction? If so, we can help you enter the sunlit Neo-Tech world of competitive value production -- a world of unlimited life, prosperity, power, happiness, and romantic love.
[ 29 ] What will happen as we learn to fully express the values of Neo-Tech in the international marketplace? Nearly every literate person on Earth will acquire and use Neo-Tech to gain the unbeatable, competitive advantages available from exorcising mysticism and neocheating from one's life.
[ 30 ] The Neo-Tech Bible was never returned and the $20 for its return was kept.
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